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tv   Today  NBC  March 27, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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highway 37, 121, not a lot of lanes there. one less because of a crash and crash activity. both directions do slow, but the rest of the approach looks just fine for contra costa county. the "today" show is coming up in just moments. we also continue "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms right now. you can join us live at 8:00 this morning. are you dealing with spring allergies? a doctor joins us live with more on the aggravators which might be making your symptoms even worse. >> he's just getting choked up. it's okay. >> thank you. >> look, that's what's happening here on "today in the bay." stick around. much more ahead on the "today" good wednesday morning. we are getting a clearer good wednesday morning. we are clear getting a clearer picture. >> the search for answers is just beginning.
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it is march 27th. this is "today." >> breaking overnight, rescue efforts, now a recovery mission after that horrifying bridge collapse in baltimore. >> at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. >> divers back in the water this morning searching for the six construction workers that fell into that chilly harbor. many other lives spared after a last-second mayday call from the ship while tens of thousands of commuters in one of the nation's busiest ports face an aftermath that could last for years. >> this will be a major and protracted impact to supply chains. >> straight ahead, live coverage from the scene, and we will go one-on-one with the governor of maryland. supreme court showdown. >> women's health matters! women's health matters!
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>> the fate of the commonly used abortion pill in the fate's of the highest court. what the justices signalled during that high-stakes hearing. new fall-out. donald trump hit with a gag order. we'll have the very latest. countdown to paris. olympic preparations in overdrive. a major focus, security. this morning a first-hand look at a sprint to the finish with the opening ceremony just months away. ozempic babies. women highlights an unintended result of the popular drugs for weight loss, pregnancy. >> it may have been a shock and not at all in our plans, but we're open to it. >> inside the surprise baby boom and what's behind it. all that, plus striking it rich. a winner overnight in the $1.1 billion mega millions drawing. just ahead, where that one lucky ticket was sold. and move over fries. here come the doughnuts. the new deal bringing two icons
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together, mcdonald's and krispy kreme and people are already loving it. today, march 27th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." the search for answers after the collapse of baltimore's key bridge. >> we have a live look at the scene where divers just re-entered the water. that barge still tangled in all that twisted steel. no word yesterday on how long until it's removed. >> overnight the search for survivors ended. the search to find the six construction workers is now being called a recovery by the coast guard. >> there is a new theory emerging over what caused that cargo ship to slam into the bridge and new concerns about the major supply chain and commuter issues that will
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unfold. >> we've got complete coverage this morning, including a live interview with the governor of maryland. new details of the construction workers just coming in. let's get started with nbc's senior national correspondent tom llamas who is there. tom, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. it is a new day here at the port of baltimore and a new mission. the coast guard fears the six members of that construction crew were either killed during the collapse or drowned because they have not been able to locate them. they say that water is too cold for anyone to survive. this morning, we are already hearing from family members of those victims and new reports of a complete and total blackout of that cargo vessel that caused this crash. this morning divers are expected back in the water, searching after that cargo ship crashed into the francis scott key
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bridge, causing its shocking collapse. as authorities look for answers, "the wall street journal" citing people familiar with the probe say they are looking at contaminated fuel, among other leads, and whether or not it played a role in the giant ship losing power and losing control. officials announcing overnight the search and rescue operation for six missing construction workers is now a recovery mission. >> at this point, we do not believe we will find any of these individuals still alive. >> the wife of a construction worker telling telemundo he was working on the bridge at the time and she has not heard anything about his whereabouts. hosting a gender reveal of a
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grandchild just this month. the mexican embassy in the u.s. saying the construction workers included people from mexico, guatemala and el salvador. a live stream capturing the nightmarish moments of the collision. at 1:24 a.m. you can see the ship's lights turn off. they came on a minute later as dark smoke started billowing. two minutes later, the ship collides with the bridge. we flew overhead witnessing the full scope of the destruction. as we get closer, you are struck by how this bridge that appears to be sturdy can now look like this, all of it gone or wrapped around the cargo vessel that crashed into it. the vessel dolly was headed to sri lanka. the ship's operator says all crew members have been accounted for and that it's cooperating with the investigation. the crew aboard the ship sending
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a mayday call just before striking the bridge. >> hold all traffic on the key bridge. there is a ship approaching that just lost their steering. >> reporter: that signal giving authorities just enough time to close the bridge to traffic, likely saving lives. shawn jackson actually loaded up the ship that crashed into the bridge. did you notice anything strange yesterday? >> no, i did not. just a regular day. you know? i would have never thought in a million years that would have happened. >> reporter: as for the missing, the coast guard says they have not located the people that likely lost their lives in this disaster. they are up against bad odds, plus that bridge debris that could injure them or bridge their diving gear. hoda? >> i'll grab it, tom. thank you very much. the impact is beginning to be felt. not only is it a major disruption for tens of thousands of commuters, this could really create supply chain chaos for the entire country. tom costello is picking up that part of the story. hey, tom. good morning. >> reporter: yeah.
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let's underscore what you just said, right? the trouble is just beginning here on the east coast and extending out to the midwest. it will likely take some time for the port of baltimore to reopen. it will take a lot of work to get all of that wreckage out. we may be talking weeks or so to reopen the port. but as for actually rebuilding the bridge and therefore the consequences and the effects across the entire system, we would be talking years. here in baltimore, the massive cleanup effort hasn't even started yet. local commuters and the nation's critical supply chain must now adjust for what could be an extremely lengthy and costly effort to return to normal. >> the path to normalcy will not be easy. it will not be quick. it will not be inexpensive. but we will rebuild together. >> reporter: the busy port of baltimore almost entirely cutoff
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blocked by a large portion on the fallen francis scott key bridge. after that overnight collision involving a massive cargo ship. the ninth busiest in the nation. baltimore's port handled more than $80 billion of international cargo last year. located in the heart of the mid atlantic, baltimore is the closest east coast port to the midwest. with a day's dive to a third of the entire country's population. it is also the nation's top port in terms of handling farm and construction machinery. and cars and trucks with nearly 850,000 vehicles passing through last year. >> there is no question that this will be a major and protracted impact to supply chains. >> reporter: the key bridge spanning just a mile and a half of the 51 mile plus baltimore beltway still a vital local artery carrying more than 11 million vehicles last year. >> drivers in this area are going to feel the impact pretty
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quickly here. >> reporter: that include nearly 4,900 truckdrivers every day. many of them use the bridge because of size and restrictions, barring hazardous materials from going through the city's two main express tunnels. >> there will be major disruptions to trucking on the east coast. >> reporter: experts say it is unlikely we will see a massive supply chain backup like the one experienced during the pandemic. the reason for that is really interesting. apparently the supply chain, according to the experts we talked to, has gotten a lot more resilient during the pandemic. we're unlikely to see the huge backups that we saw especially off the west coast during that pandemic. that said, we have ships already anchored out into the sea because they can't get into the port. by the way, if you have not heard the news, some cruise lines are already moving operations out of baltimore, down to norfolk because they simply cannot move in and out of this port. you guys, back to you. >> all right.
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tom costello back to us in baltimore. tom, thanks. >> we are joined by the mayor of baltimore. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> unfortunately, we learned it is now a recovery mission for the six souls on that bridge and have presumably passed in those cold waters. have you learned more about them? have you been able to speak to their families at all? >> i have. i had a chance to spend time with their families yesterday. in addition to people who simply just went to work yesterday to work on potholes, they had no idea that that -- that them going to work was going to turn to a deadly occurrence. but, you know, when i had a chance to speak with their families and pray with and more every possible resource towards a search and their families, they just
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reminded me of who they were as people. they were fathers. they were sons. they were husbands. they were people who their families relied on. and, so, the commitment i made to the families was we would put every possible research to a search and rescue mission. now i will make sure we will bring every possible resource to bring a sense of closure to these families. >> governor, there was a mayday call that happened and 90 seconds later, police were able to stop traffic to that bridge, which i would say is heroic. they probably saved countless lives. learning about the construction workers on the bridge, were they given any warning? was there any attempt to get them off the bridge? >> there was. and, you know, the thing that we saw, especially for these first responders who moved to move people who were there on the bridge and be able to stop the traffic flow, this was true heroism. when we say we're maryland tough and baltimore strong, whoever exemplifies that we're first responders. we were able to get cars off the bridge and move cars off the
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bridge, they saved countless lives that night. >> were they able to warn the construction workers on the bridge? >> yeah. so the early indications that we have was that they were able to both start setting up notifications to people there and also being able to keep the cars from coming on the bridge. >> it's such a tragedy that unfolded in seconds, minutes, as we well know. have you learned anything more, governor about what would have caused this cargo ship to suffer this catastrophic failure and lose power and careen out of control? >> well, we're still learning the details. we still have a thorough but the consequences, the economic consequences, they cannot be overstated and not
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just for the state o investigation that will take place to figure out both what led up to the power outage and also what happened in the aftermath. and you're absolutely right. when you are looking at a cargo ship of that size and moving at that speed, it was going to be difficult for any infrastructure to be able to take on that blunt level of impact. but the consequences, the economic consequences, they cannot be overstated. and not just for the state of maryland. we're talking about what that means for the entire country. we're talking about a port that brings on more cars, more light trucks, more agricultural equipment than any other port in the country. this is not going to just impact maryland. we're talking about farmers in kentucky, auto dealers in michigan who will all deal with the consequences of this. we're the largest port for foreign cargo. over 51 million tons of foreign cargo every single -- comes through the port of baltimore. so this is going to have enormous economic impacts, and it is the reason we're so focused on making sure we get this done right and get it done quickly. >> speaking of, we only have a few seconds left, but do you have any realistic estimate about how long it will take to rebuild? >> this is going to be a complicated effort because we're still dealing with mangled metal underwater. it is a dangerous situation for these first responders who are
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literally in the water right now as we speak. so this is going to be complicated. it is going to be long. and we know that we are going to need the support of everybody onboard to be able to get it to completion, but we are going to get this done. >> all right. the governor of maryland, thank you for your time this morning, sir. of course, we will continue to follow the latest developments from the scene throughout the morning. >> yeah, indeed. all right. turning now to the latest flash point in the battle over reproductive rights. the supreme court heard oral arguments on restricting access to a commonly used abortion pill. it could have a wide-ranging impact on women across the country. laura jarett was in the room when it happened. were you struck by the fact that even the conservative justices in this case were not convinced? >> not at all convince. touchin of abortion at all, which makes it so interesting. they don't have to because they seem most concerned the group of
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advocates most against abortion, the doctors, don't have the standing t i think they will reject the effort of reducing access to the pill. they don't have to because they say most concerned that the group of advocates who are against abortion, the doctors don't have the standing to sue. what does that mean? they don't have the legal right because they haven't been harmed. these are not doctors that prescribe mifepristone. these are not doctors that want to prescribe mifepristone. they say we're in the emergency room, and we might see side effects. for the justices on the court, even the conservatives, that is not enough. that does not show harm. i think that's how they will dismiss this case. >> that's interesting because it's technical grounds. not that it's not important, but it doesn't reach the issue to the right to abortion in this country. >> yeah. but they will be knee deep in this issue. they said they were getting out of the business of abortion when they overturned roe v. wade two years ago. next month, actually, they will hear another case about idaho's near total abortion ban and how that conflicts with a law, federal law right now that still exists. so there are still these tension points that we see coming up.
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>> craig joining us now. what's going on? good morning. >> good morning to you. good morning to you as well. donald trump facing some new legal challenges this morning as he plans a return to a campaign trail. in an exclusive interview with nbc news, his daughter-in-law is weighing in on how donations to the trump campaign will be used. nbc's garrett haake covers the trump campaign. joins us now from washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yeah. this campaign has been nearly impossible to separate donald trump's legal issues from his political campaign. but in our interview, the rnc chair says she's hoping to do just that in an effort to move the party passed 2020 and focus on defeating joe biden in this election. this morning donald trump facing new limits on what he can say about the historic hush money case that will make him the first former president ever to
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face criminal trial. the judge slapping mr. trump with a pretrial gag order that bars him from making public statements about potential witnesses, court staff or jurors. the former president can still direct his anger, as he often does on social media, at the judge and d.a. alvin brag. a trump spokesperson calling the order unconstitutional. >> this is a pure case of voter intimidation and election interference, and it shouldn't be allowed to happen. >> reporter: the newly installed rnc co-chair, laura trump, the wife of his son, eric, says the party has to stay focused on november and embrace. >> we have to encourage republican voters to do things like vote early, trust mail-in voting. we could have a big lead as we head into election day. >> reporter: laura trump saying the party will not fund mr. trump's legal costs directly. the donors could opt out of a
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system that is designed to have a portion pay some of the trump legal bills. what do you tell people sending money to the rnc that it is more important to pay the legal bills of a billionaire than help elect republicans in pennsylvania? >> anyone that doesn't want to contribute to that very small amount of money is able to opt out of that. >> reporter: with abortion back in the spotlight with the case before the supreme court, mr. trump has mused federally about a federal abortion ban. though, laura trump says the rnc won't weigh in before november. donald trump has talked about a 15 or 16-week ban recently. would you advise him to stay out of it? >> if you asked him now, i think he would say he agrees with allowing the states to decide. >> reporter: nbc news announced on tuesday it would be parting ways with the party's former chairwoman who had been hired as a contributor by the network. p attacking th overnight the former president trump attacking nbc for the hiring and firing of mcdaniel. >> all right. garrett, thank you. 7:19, guys.
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how about a look of the weather. mr. roker, what do you got? >> good morning to you. heavy showers and thunderstorms coming in to the panhandle of florida. we have flood watches there along the outer banks as this cold front makes its way to the east coast. rain developing here in new york, northeast later today. heavy rain from florida into virginia. tomorrow that low moves up the coast, soaking rain from philadelphia up into boston so we could have localized flooding, ponding on the roads. the heaviest rain will be down along the north and south carolina coastlines. upwards of five inches of rain. a little less as we move to the northeast, but still some significant rain fall here as well. that's what's going on. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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you see what i did there? wow, she's going to town on this. delectables squeeze up. ♪ deliciously de-lick-able delectables ♪ good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are starting out with some clouds, and soon we'll see some rain, first in the north bay. but much of the rest of the bay area may not see the rain until this evening. so we are going to have a lot more changes on the way. a partly cloudy day tomorrow, and temperatures stay cool into the weekend with some rain, with a new storm system arriving on friday. we'll even be watching for a chance of thunderstorms on saturday. and that's your latest weather. guys? >> thank you. al, still ahead, that collapse in baltimore sharpening the focus on america's aging
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infrastructure now being raised again and the safe guard that and that's your latest weather. guys? >> thank you. al, still ahead, that collapse in baltimore sharpening the focus on america's aging infrastructure now being raised again and the safeguard that experts want to see on every bridge. plus, an exclusive bird's eye view of paris where the opening ceremony of the olympics less than four months away. keir simmons will show us how the city is preparing and what's athletes and fans arure all the e
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impact of those wildly popular drugs for weight loss. >> yeah. they're calling it the ozempic baby effect. women taking the medication and getting pregnant even if they struggled with infertility or are using birth control. we will tell their stories, and also have a doctor here to answer questions. but, first, your local news and weather. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron. i'm honored.
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looking good, danny. we've got subs to make, though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us this wednesday march 27th, for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur.
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♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] good wednesday morning to you. it is 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia. here's today's top stories and there's a new chief in town in
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oakland. >> reporter: later this morning, oakland mayor sheng thao will introduce the incoming police chief for the oakland police department, floyd mitchell, who comes to the bay area with over 30 years of law enforcement experience, his most recent job four years of chief of police in lubbock, texas. prior to that he was the chief of police in temple, texas, and prior to that 25 years with the kansas city, missouri, police department. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco. a tug of war at city hall and caught in the middle, a measure about housing and zoning. the city's board of supervisors overturned a veto from mayor london breed on a down-zoning measure for the city's historic neighborhoods. the mayor calls this a set back for critical new housing projects, while board member aaron peskin calls it a political move. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. we are certainly seeing a lot more clouds coming in and it's going to be a slightly cooler day.
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but rain still to the north of us and it will be arriving in the north bay later on this morning. a look at the timeline between 10:00 to 11:00, we see the rain moving into northern sonoma county, and the north bay will be the target of that rain throughout at least the early afternoon, and then this evening rain moves through the rest of the bay area. >> thank you very much. if you're dealing with spring allergies, on our streaming newscast at 8:00, we're going to talk to a doctor about aggravators that may make your symptoms worse. join us at 8:00 a.m. on roku, amazon fire and other streaming platforms along with our website. scan the
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i think it's no coincidence i have enjoyed the best years of my career with kylie by my side. every accolade i every received
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has come with her in my life. >> that was, of course, jason kelce praising his wife. it was an emotional retirement speech he gave earlier this month. we are happy to announce that we will get a chance to speak with kylie. she's coming next week on "today". >> cannot wait to see her. she will be here on monday, taking part on a special live event that will shine a light on autism awareness. so we are looking forward to catching up with her. >> looking forward to that. meanwhile, we start to start this half hour with more on that bridge collapse in baltimore. an incident that is putting a new spotlight on the state of infrastructure in this country. >> nbc's ryan nobles is there with more on that story for us. >> reporter: hey, guys. that it was a unique and catastrophic event, it is raising new questions about america's
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good morning. it took just seconds for the key bridge to collapse yesterday. while everyone does agree that it was a unique and catastrophic event, it is raising new questions about america's aging roads and bridges. years ago gone in seconds. what happened in baltimore was shocking, but it was a freak accident. and according to transportation secretary pete buttigieg, not a sign of a bigger problem. how in this country? >> this is a unique circumstance. i do not know of a bridge that has been constructed to withstand a direct impact from a vessel of this size. >> the bridge really did not stand a chance because of the size of the load. >> reporter: it was fully up to code. in 2021, the federal highway inspection found the bridge was in fair condition. still, experts say it was built at a time when shipping vessels
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were much smaller. and engineering could not imagine an accident like the one that happened this week. in 2021, the ceo of synergy marine group told bloomberg, quote, traffic on the seas is different from what it was ten years ago. we need to look at how the port infrastructure needs to change, how ships transit. some bridges already have barriers to protect their support structures. experts telling nbc news these protection systems should be installed at every bridge. but america's infrastructure is getting more and more attention. in 2007, the collapse of the i35 bridge in minnesota killed 13 bridges were in poor condition. experts believe the tragedy, while incredibly people. unlike baltimore, federal investigators said a design error led to its collapse.
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and just last year, major fires caused the partial collapse of interstate 95 in philadelphia. in 2023, the federal highway administration found 42,000 bridges were in poor condition. experts believe the tragedy, while incredibly unique, offers an opportunity. >> i think that this was a call to action. >> well, ryan, leaders have vowed to rebuild as soon as possible. realistically, it is not going to be a quick effort as we just heard from the governor last hour. what are experts saying in terms of this? >> reporter: yeah, savannah. there is no doubt this is going to be a major effort. keep in mind that nearly 50 years ago, it took five years to build the key bridge. experts say the best case scenario this time around is it would take 18 months or even two years for the bridge to be back open. >> ryan, thank you very much. just ahead here, the plans to bring a pivotal moment in the life of bruce springsteen to the big screen and the emmy-winning star who could help step into the boss' shoes. >> first, keir is here checking on the olympic preps. >> reporter: >> what a way to see the eiffel tower from the air. we will take you over paris to show you the security measures
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7:36 am
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keir simmons was just in paris. he flew here. he's here in our studio. >> great to be with you in new york. even better to be with you in a few months' time in paris. it is impossible to describe how incredible these games will be because paris will be part of the games. that will mean a massive security operation. get this, a million background checks. perhaps the best way to show you is from the air. when the spectacular olympic opening ceremony gets underway on the seine this summer, this may be the best seat. nbc was given exclusive access on how they are keeping athletes and spectators safe. including from the air. it's a bird's-eye view of an impressive open olympics in the heart of this impressive city. under the eiffel tower, there will be beach volleyball, as world famous landmarks become sports venues like fencing and taekwondo and archery. the heart of paris hosting so many olympic events officials
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say the security operation will itself make history. >> there will be 45 thousand security personnel across paris. including these guys. the helicopter unit of the military police say they are able to reach anywhere in paris any time. >> we could take off in five minutes, 24 hours, and we're able to offer two to three helicopters whenever it's needed. >> reporter: ahead of the opening ceremony with 10,000 athletes and 300,000 spectators, officials say they will search and secure every neighboring rooftop and on one of those rooftops, an anti-drone squad.
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they use a radar gun to neutralize illegal drones. this week france raising its security alert level following the moscow terror attack, but protecting the paris olympic games has been years in the planning. >> we will continue to defend the values of our country and to welcome the world. >> reporter: on the front line, too, four and a half year old belgium shepherd trained to both search and attack if there is a threat. he's a beautiful dog. so will he maybe get a chance to watch some olympic sport? we'll be working, he says. >> so we're performing a 360 around the village. >> reporter: the helicopter team promises we won't see them, but they will have eyes everywhere in the city of light. >> so that people who are coming in paris can feel safe. >> boy, we're so excited about this, keir. we're really excited about the
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opening ceremony. we have heard bits and pieces. what's in store for that. >> 95 boats. that is why they are taking security so seriously. they are adjust things. so they cut the number of spectators by half. now it will be ticketed. and president macron announced 400 more soldiers to protect the games. how about that helicopter ride, right? >> very cool. >> just incredible. >> does it come with rose'? i just know because i took a flight over parties. >> the best way to get around paris, just for your information, is by bike. so i can buy you bikes. >> we want a bicycle for two. >> please don't do that. please don't do that. that's -- >> fine, a bicycle for three. >> don't forget roker. we'll go for four. internet. >> or our backs, we'll see. >> i'm actually bringing my folding bike. >> this is going to break the internet. >> or our backs, we'll see.
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thank you, keir. mr. roker? >> all right. let's take a look for our friends out west. it will be a mess for the next 72 to further out, 96 hours. we have storm number one bringing heavy showers and thunderstorms along the coast. all the way from the northwest. we're looking at heavy rain, 1 to 2 inches. up to two feet of snow in the sierra, and then we have storm number two out there. this one is going to be coming in friday through sunday bringing heavy rain, isolated, severe storms, and we could be looking at mud and rockslides, a good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are seeing that rain approaching from the north, and we will see much more of that activity in the north bay throughout a longer part of our day. so we're going to see this starting to develop around 10:00 to 11:00, and then the rest of
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the bay area south of the golden gate bridge most likely won't see rain until later this evening. we are going to see more rain in the forecas weather. guys? >> thanks, al. coming up, a popular topic around here, sleep, impacting the nightly habits on your health. plus, hoda has a morning boost just ahead after this. (host 1) so when did alice pick him up? (alice) dave was supposed to get him. (dave) i thought he's driving himself. (partygoer 1) what? (partygoer 2) you volunteered to pick him up. (dave) i don't think that... (partygoer 3) so can i eat some of this sandwich? (host 2) i got this. (vo) and 2% cash back on what you need... (luis) thank you! (vo) like a ride share. (crowd) surprise! (partygoer 4) dave was supposed to pick you up. (vo) the wells fargo active cash® credit card. that's real life ready.
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♪ i'd do anything ♪ ♪♪ at petsmart you can save up to 20% on your dog's first groom with the salon welcome package. so they can be by your side for all the moments that matter. petsmart. anything for pets. barista: lavender latte for sam! petsmart. daughter: mmm! mom: ooh, i like that!
7:47 am
my hair was thinning all around my hairline. my dermatologist recommended nutrafol. it's 100 % drug—free and clinically tested. my hair is longer, thicker. nutrafol is life—changing for me. get growing at in 10 years, lisa schneider will have an amazing second act. thanks to career reskilling courses from aarp. to help make sure her income lives as long as she does. the younger you are, the more you need aarp. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) frizz. dryness. breakage. new dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask with peptide complex. fortifies hair bonds
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at a molecular level. helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute. keep living. we'll keep repairing. every year, we give our fine lindt chocolate a very special shape. ♪♪ surprise! grandma! make easter moments magical with the gold bunny from lindt. nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos. he said camzyos works by targeting what's causing my obstructive hcm. so he prescribed it and i'm really glad he did. camzyos is used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hcm.
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camzyos may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. camzyos may cause serious side effects, including heart failure that can lead to death. a risk that's increased if you develop a serious infection or irregular heartbeat or when taking certain other medicines. so do not stop, start or change medicines or the dose without telling your healthcare provider. you must have echocardiograms before and during treatment. seek help if you experience new or worsening symptoms of heart failure. because of this risk, camzyos is only available through a restricted program. before taking camzyos, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including current or planned pregnancy. today with camzyos, i don't lose my breath as often. my symptoms have improved, helping me go from expecting less to experiencing more. my name is mike. and this is my camzyos moment. call your cardiologist today and see if a camzyos moment may be in your future too.
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just in time. it is our favorite part of the morning, the boost. >> let's do it, guys. i love this video so much. a heart warming gesture getting a lot of attention on social media. so it happened on the field. so there was a torrential rainstorm. watch as the red bulls forward takes off his jacket and puts it on the young boy in front of him, a moment that kid will not forget. you know what they say, acts of kindness are contagious. down the line it went. the next player in line did the same thing and one by one, they took off their raincoats and put them on the kids there. the young kids escort the players on the field before the match. the red bulls captioned a video of that moment by saying, you're not crying, we're crying. >> that's great. thanks, hoda. coming up, guys, you know our sweet 16 bracket is down to final four. we have the big final four announcement. i heard there was a big upset in the east. i don't want to give it away,
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but we'll find out. first a quick check of your local news and weather. >> destined for greatness. >> yeah. ♪♪ something very special may happen. surprise! grandma! [ laughing ] make easter moments magical with the gold bunny from lindt. hi. hey. nice to meet you. (♪♪) you're so amazing. (♪♪) lay's wavy potato chips are made for dipping. so, you'll spill less dip and break fewer chips. which almost everyone will love. ♪(“don't you forget about me”)♪ sorry, frank. made for dipping. lay's wavy. stay golden.
7:52 am
rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
7:53 am
students... students of any age, from anywhere. using our technology to power different ways of learning. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪ why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. (geri) i smoked, and i have copd. my children are really worried. my tip is, send your kids a text. it may be the last time that you do. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now.
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can the flavor of a slow cooked smoked sausage for free help, be so gloriously delicious that the sight of its sizzling makes your tastebuds weep? if it's hillshire farm, oh, hill yeah.™ ♪♪ grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. ♪♪
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the idea... is to um... where am i going? whoa! did usher forget how to skate? alright. okay. (♪♪) [thud] (♪♪) i meant to do this. (♪♪) when you put in the effort, but it starts to frizz... you skipped a step. tresemmé silk serum. use before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair that frizz can't beat. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. every march, jersey mike's turns money from subs into charitable donations. and march 27th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales from every sub are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron. i'm honored. looking good, danny. we've got subs to make, though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us this wednesday march 27th, for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above.
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good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. happening now, monterey county getting set to open a new assistance center for people who lost everything during the flooding in pajaro last year. that's when heavy storms triggered a levee break and submerged many neighborhoods south of watsonville.
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the new center will allow impacted people who live there and businesses to apply for state assistance, amounting to a total of about $10 million in aid. the center will be open today through april 27th. residents should make sure to bring proof of identity and proof of residency. let's get a look at that forecast. beautiful start to today in san francisco, kari. but rain is coming. >> we do have some rain coming in, and we are starting out with the sun trying to break through those clouds. but the clouds will continue to move in today and rain moving in from north to south as we go into the afternoon. we're also entering into a very active storm pattern over the next few days, so we are starting out with some light showers in the north bay that gets heavier as it continues to move into the rest of the bay area later on tonight. we'll be tracking this, and also looking ahead to our easter weekend forecast. we'll have that update coming up. >> thank you. if you're dealing with spring allergies, on our newscast at 8:00, we're talking to a doctor about aggravators that may make your symptoms
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worse. join us in minutes on roku, amazon fire, and other streaming platforms, along with our
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>> hoy son las 8 en punto. coming up, recovery mission. new details on that bridge collapse in baltimore. >> at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still
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alive. >> as the investigation into how it happened moves forward. we're on the scene with the latest developments. plus, sleep impact. new research out this morning on how long you sleep can affect blood pressure. what you need to know and how to reduce your risk. then, weight, what? a look at the unexpected impact from those popular weight loss drugs. women taking the medicine and getting pregnant, even if they are struggling with infertility or take birth control. >> it may have been a shock and not at all in our plans, but we're open to it. >> the details straight ahead. and who is the boss? is the star of "the bear" -- >> we're firing 76 beefs, 34 chickens, okay? >> -- taking on a new role as bruce springsteen? bruce springsteen? we have the latest. today, march 27th, 2024. from silver spring,
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maryland, here for our 15th we have the latest. that's coming up in "popstart." today, march 27th, 2024. from silver spring, maryland, here for our 15th birthday. >> sisters' trip from san francisco. >> it's his first spring break. >> kindergarten! >> visiting from morristown, tennessee. >> kansas city, missouri. >> florida. >> from green bay, wisconsin. >> good morning to our grandmas. >> watching in minnesota. >> on a mother-daughter trip. >> for my 18th birthday. >> hi to my sister. >> and my husband kyle. >> in missouri. >> today is my 50th! >> good morning, savannah and hoda. >> we're coming from miami. >> because we're turning 10! >> double digits! good morning, everybody. what a great crowd out there. and the sun is starting to peek out here in the northeast.
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good morning. nice to have you along on a wednesday morning. >> we have to track down those little girls. >> little girls are our people. the recovery mission is underway this morning after that devastating bridge collapse in baltimore. divers are back in the water at this hour searching for the six construction workers who fell into the river. nbc's senior national correspondent tom llamas is in baltimore for us with the details. >> reporter: good morning again. we have received some breaking news just moments ago. the ntsb has recovered the ship's voyage data recorder. this is one of the first steps for investigators to figure out how and why that massive cargo vessel last power causing the river boat pilots that were operating it to lose complete control, setting off this crash. this morning divers back in the water searching after that cargo shocking collapse. and this morning, nbc news learning the ntsb has located the ship's voyage
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ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge, causing its shocking collapse. and this morning, nbc news learning the ntsb has located the ship's voyage data recorder, similar to a plane's black box, it should help investigators find answers to what went wrong on the dolly causing that deadly crash. officials announcing overnight the search and rescue operation for six missing construction workers is now a recovery mission. maryland governor wes moore speaking to hoda and savannah this morning. >> they had no idea that them going to work was going to turn to a deadly occurrence. they were fathers. they were sons. they were husbands. they were people who their families relied on. >> the wife of a construction worker telling our sister station telemundo he was working on the bridge at the time, and she has not heard anything about his whereabouts. the vessel identified as the single container ship was headed to sri lanka. all crew members have been accounted for and that it's cooperating with the
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investigation. the crew aboard the ship sending a mayday call just before striking the bridge. that signal giving authorities just enough time to close the bridge to traffic, likely saving lives. and savannah, one thing we do want to point out as we start to warn those who likely lost their lives here, this accident happened in one of the worst possible areas, right? just yards from that bridge. but it also happened at 1:30 in the morning. if that ship would have lost power right now or even earlier around 7:00 at the peak of commuting times, so many more lives. the whole country will come together to help baltimore get through this, but this would have been so much worse. >> thank you so much. american journalist evan gershkovich was back in a moscow courtroom. the judge ordered him to remain >> and it's been a year, as you
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point out. did you ever think it would last this long? >> well, we are very much aware of the case. we knew that it's going to in jail until at least late but still had hopes that it will be sooner. and a year, it's -- it should be brought to some kind of resolution. and we'd like them to keep working as hard as they can and do whatever it takes to bring evan home. >> it has been hard. it's been all four seasons there. he spent his birthday and all the holidays. we want him back as soon as possible. >> so heart-breaking. gershkovich and his employer deny the allegations and the u.s. declared him to be wrongfully detained.
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it looks like the links between lack of sleep and high blood pressure and hypertension. we're joined by dr. natalie azar. we talk a lot about sleep around here because of lack of it, typically. but the top line take-away is from this particular study. >> yeah. in this study, they were specifically looking at how long you sleep and whether that could potentially increase your risk for high blood pressure. indeed they found that individuals that slept less than 7 hours a night had a 7% increase of high blood pressure. if you slept less than 5 hours a night, that increased to 11%. obviously it is important to say this is not cause and effect. >> sure. >> this is just an association. but i think it reinforces how they don't speculate why. there is a couple different reasons maybe. women who have high blood
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pressure during pregnancy or gestational diabetes. but what's important sleep is in our cardiovascular health. >> and there were particular risk groups? >> yes. the association was stronger in women than in men. they don't speculate why. there is a couple different reasons maybe. women who have high blood pressure during pregnancy or gestational diabetes. but what's interesting is the risk didn't increase in age. we often think of high blood pressure increasing with age. it was anybody under 60. the risk was there. >> a lot of people worked these kind of tricky jobs during the week but figure on the weekends they will sleep in on the weekend and make up for it. will that reverse the effects? >> i will never tell my patients not to sleep in on the weekend, but i think it is wrong to think that if you acquire all this sleep debt through the week and then just sleep in on the weekend that you are reversing all of that. a regular sleep schedule is so important. it is so important for what's called your circadian rhythm. but, again, it is okay to sleep in a little bit but never ever, ever think that you are going to get away with it. i always feel so bad when we speak to you guys in the morning.
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>> and then you tell us we can't sleep in on the weekend? good-bye, mr. natalie. >> a couple of pearls for people. i think the take-aways here are get your blood pressure checked. obviously it is an important thing. make heart healthy choices and try to stick to a regular sleep weight schedule. you heard it here first. the excitement has been building for several weeks now. we finally have a winner, a mega millions ticket winning ticket was sold in new jersey. here are the winning numbers. 7, 11, 22, 39, 38. the mega ball is 4. this is the fifth largest jackpot in mega millions history. of course, we don't know who won that prize yet and we may never know because in new jersey lottery winners are allowed to stay anonymous. if the person chooses the one-time cash payment option it is worth $537 million. people say you are supposed to take the lump sum. >> are you taking note of all of our crew members?
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>> i haven't seen gerard. if you have not had breakfast yet this morning, we think this will make you hungry. mcdonald's is adding a brand-new item to its menu. the fast food giant is planning to sell krispy kreme doughnuts at its restaurants nationwide by the end of 2026. roker just poked his head out. the rollout will start later this year, but it will take two and a half years as krispy kreme more than doubles its distribution. mcdonald's says customers don't have to worry about the 11:00 a.m. breakfast cutoff anymore because doughnuts sell all day long. >> it's worth it. >> yes! >> you know what they need to do? they need to make a krispy kreme mcmuffin with egg and sausage. >> do you know who brings in krispy kremes every friday? this guy right here. >> mike thinks he brings krispy kremes every single day. >> i am the krispy kreme fairy.
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>> there is no better doughnut. coming up, carson has a packed "popstart" this morning, including big casting news that fans of ted lasso will love. >> all right. and an unexpected side effect from women taking those weight loss drugs, surprise pregnancy. but, first, these messages. wher. [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] ♪♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors.
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this is the final vote. we'll finally know which egg is loved most reese's or cadbury. choose one. (♪♪) -i choose both. -(gasps) celebrate easter with reese's and cadbury. (ethan) i remember seeing the menthol cigarette ads talking about how they were fresh and soothing. here's my tip. smoking any type of cigarette can cause a stroke. and there's nothing soothing about that. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. hmmm. ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ so good, i got you ♪ woah, dad. just gettin' back into my routine. ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve
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overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. we're back at 8:13 with a new phenomenon tied to those
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we're back at 8:13 with a new phenomenon tied to those increasingly popular drugs for weight loss. >> yes. some women taking them that have struggled with getting pregnant or taking birth control, well, they're getting pregnant. >> good morning. >> good morning, hoda and savannah. we know these drugs can help you lose weight and regulate your blood sugar. and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by 20%. now some women are revealing an unintended consequence. it is the talk of social media. >> i'm pretty sure ozempic got me pregnant. >> reporter: women sharing their stories about new weight loss drugs like ozempic or wegovy -- >> i stopped the medication at three weeks when i found out i was pregnant. >> reporter: despite infertility issues or birth control, they're getting pregnant. >> i got pregnant on a gop-1. yes, i was taking semaglutide also known as ozempic. >> it was very welcomed. it may have been a shock and not in our plans, but we're open to it.
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>> reporter: the 32-year-old mother of two struggled with infertility, including two miss carriages and a stillbirth. last december deb turned to ozempic to lose pounds. deb, were you warned these weight loss drugs could increase fertility? >> no, i was honestly unaware until after i found out i was pregnant. >> reporter: this fertility specialist has followed this baby boom online. you are not surprised by any of this? >> i'm not. for anyone that understands the interplay between body weight and ovulation, who know that balance and infertility, it is not surprising. >> reporter: because of the role obesity can play in infertility. how can these weight loss al ba. if you lose the weight and you start ovulating, that can make you more fertile.
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>> reporter: the phenomenon now tracked by medications lead to an unexpected pregnancy? >> excess weight can influence the hormonal balance. if you lose the weight and you start ovulating, that can make you more fertile. >> reporter: the phenomenon now tracked by novo nordisk. it has a pregnancy regular industry to help health care providers better understand the safety of wegovy and other weight loss medications during pregnancy. and in statements to nbc news, both novo nordisk and eli lilly point out these drugs may cause fetal harm. users are told to discontinue the drugs. but not all these drugs are the same. mounjaro can impact the effectiveness of birth control pills. >> these medications work by slowing the movement of food through your gut, and that can lead to a lower absorption of the medications that you take orally, like birth control pills. >> reporter: do they need to use a second form of contraception if they don't want to get pregnant? >> yes.
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>> reporter: there are warnings these drugs can make birth control pills less effective. they also warn that taking these drugs while pregnant could harm the unborn child. savannah and hoda? >> thank you. dr. tara narula is here with us now. are you surprised to see these results? >> i think it is really interesting we're talking about this because so many people don't know. there are two things going on. we know through research and clinical data that being obese, over weight or having syndromes like pcos can influence fertility. you are potentially regulating the menstrual cycle and improving fertility. i think the second issue is you are changing the potential oral absorption of contraceptive pills.e amounts of your birth control pills, which can cause a pregnancy that may be not
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so you may not be getting as effective amounts of your birth control pills, which can cause a pregnancy that may be not intended and also some of these drugs cause vomiting and diarrhea and that decreases the a absorption. >> there are people that are struggling with infertility that are thinking for themselves maybe after seeing this, wow, if i use this, do you think it will increase my chances of having a baby. what's the message there? >> the message is not this is a fertility drug women should be asking for. when women are obese or have these metabolic syndromes, we know that obesity can be linked. so, for example, if a woman was younger and was obese, she may talk to her doctor about getting on these drugs for a period of time to reduce her weight and stopping for two months before a planned pregnancy. that's really what's recommended. >> if you find yourself pregnant and you are taking those drugs, you should stop taking them immediately, correct? >> yes. these have not been studied on pregnant women, so we have no human data. we have animal data that suggests there can be
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miscarriage, birth defects and growth issues. if you are taking it to stop two months in advance because you need that washout period, we'll have some clinical data, but not for another 5, 6, 7 years. >> what if you are on ozempic and you do not want to get pregnant and you are on birth control, is there anything you can do? >> drugs say on their label this may decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills. it is whether or not for women that may be getting these drugs without a doctor to understand they may be at increased risk of getting pregnant. the label says this on mounjaro barrier methods or noncontraceptive methods for the time they are on those drugs. >> okay. thank you, dr. narula. >> always good to have a backup plan, all right. for today we've got a lot of we plan, all right. for today we've got a lot of weather especially along the southeast.
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chilly and breezy in the mid-section of the country. sunshine through the southwest. but we have a western washout developing in the pacific northwest. that's what's going around the counontr good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to see a lot of clouds today and some scattered showers developing. most of the activity this afternoon into the evening, with our temperatures inland in the low 60s. we will take a break with a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow, with a new storm system arriving on friday, and there may be a chance of isolated thunderstorms in our saturday forecast as the rain continues. rain tapers off by easter sunday and temperatures warm up for early next that's your latest weather. best time of the morning! >> lots to get to. we will start with jeremy allen white. the new project is asking if "the bear" star was born to run. a new feature set to take place during the making of the boss's
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82 album nebraska. can you see that? >> can he sing? >> probably. what can't jeremy do? >> i know, right. >> well, we will find out. we don't know if this will happen, but we like the idea of it. he is busy playing not the boss, but the bear. they are shooting in chicago. they are expected to return to television in june. next up kristen stewart, the latest celebrity to join "day drinking" with seth. craig and i have this, but it is not a segment. >> it's not. >> after they down a few colorful concoctions, they read a little script. here's how that went after drinking. >> you don't tell me about macaroni. i invented macaroni. what?macaroni and now someone is trying to >> again, you invented macaroni and now someone is trying to explain it to you and you're mad about it.
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come on, kristen! >> you don't tell me about macaroni, man. i invented macaroni. >> take it back! >> don't tell me about macaroni, bro. i invented macaroni. >> i think i'm done. >> oh, my god. how much did they drink? >> definitely day drinking. >> a lot going on there. >> yeah, really. next up, matt damon and chris hemsworth have been ong t. matt damon making a buddies for a long time. matt damon making a cameo in two of the thor movies. >> we're here to take you on to planet asgard. >> it is not a planet, my sons. it is people. it is you. and now it is time for me to pass on to the spirit realm. >> well, now they have come to life. on social media, shared this snap of the pair at a recent
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tattoo session. it is a nice moment there where thor is holding his buddy's hand. the wives are there having a laugh in the background. i'm not sure what the tattoo is. >> did they get matching tattoos? >> i'm not sure. next up, this dynamic duo is officially growing. >> take me with you. >> coin flip? >> get out of here. >> wait. this is my office. >> it took you longer than it should have. >> talking about "shrinking" enough? >> not enough. >> it's a fantastic show. >> now it will get better because next season ted lasso star brett goldstein is joining the show. he worked behind the scenes on season 1. he's co-creator and ep of the siegele and harrison show. if you haven't seen it, you should check it out. of course, alongside jason
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siegel and harrison ford. season 2 is currently in production. >> harrison is a revolution. his comedy is just a whole thing. >> funny. it is such a great show. >> yeah, it is a great show. next up, it is wednesday, hoda. do you know what that means? a brand-new episode of "making space." best-selling author, public speaker and harvard professor -- he wasn't my professor at harvard. oh, i didn't go. arthur brooks who shared this advice on happiness. >> for me, it is like sometimes you do get to choose happiness or unhappiness. you get to choose your path. >> your path, the way you want to feel. that's famous psychology called the as if principal. act the way you want to be. you can fool your brain. your brain says i will act happy when i feel happy. it turns out if you act happy, then you will feel happy. >> that's what we call on the streets, fake it until you make it.
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>> by the way, he wrote the book with oprah. he also hood book called "from strength." it was one of my favorite episodes. this guy was killing it. like i didn't want it to end. when it was over, i was like, why is it over? i want to go back and listen to it. >> i can't wait to listen to it. he's a guru. he's huge. >> yeah, check it out. so good. >> "making space" with hoda, check that out. there are new podcasts released every wednesday. quickly, we have to wrap it up. finally our sweet 16 bracket in honor of march madness after two rounds. let's take a look at the tasty treats where they're at in the semis. cookie versus candy bar, chocolate chip cookies came out on top. sorry, snickers. too bad. down south, what a blowout. ice cream froze out gummy bears. do you know how many points ice cream had? 245 points. let's take a look out of the
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west coast. cake crushing doughnuts. >> it's cake and cookies. >> finally, the candy counter, fudge beat out swedish fish. here you go. chocolate chip, ice cream, cake and fudge. this is leading up to -- if you have chocolate chip and ice cream, you have chipwich. >> it's very good. >> there can only be one winner, though. >> cake and fudge, remember fudgy the whale from caramel? i will look that up tonight. we'll see how it goes, though. cast some votes. >> >> >> whatever. >> t>> good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. expect tsunami sirens to blair along the northern coast today as part of an emergency test. parts of sonoma county will join
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mendocino, humboldt and del norte counties in a test system from 11:00 a.m. to noon. people can expect a test message sent from the national weather service. the emergency alert system will also interrupt tv and radio. sirens will go off along the coast for three minutes. let's get a look at the forecast. kari hall, how are things looking? >> we'll see the approach of a storm system that will be in and out quickly, first affecting the north bay with scattered showers, and that could move in as early as 10:00 to 11:00 this morning. then the rest of the bay area not seeing much in the bay of wet weather until later on this afternoon into the evening. rain picks up during the overnight hours south of the golden gate bridge and there may be lingering showers tomorrow. we will see activity tapering off as we are going to have off and on rain into the weekend. >> thanks, kari. we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes. see you back here then.
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this is a hazmat situation.
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clear the building now! >> announcer: "chicago fire," new tonight on nbc and peacock. ♪ oh, welcome back! welcome back! happy birthday! it's 8:30. it's a wednesday morning. it is fri-yeah eve eve. >> did you hear what he just said? today is friday eve eve. >> you promised that we were going to see the 10-year-olds. >> who is celebrating double digits? >> hi, girls! >> are you guys 10? >> yes. >> you guys are cute. >> where are you from? >> miami. birthday, cuties. >> all right. coming up, guys -- >> i know. this is my friend camie from
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>> welcome! >> happy you came. it is good to see you. >> happy birthday, cuties. >> all right. coming up, guys -- >> i know. this is my friend camie from indiana. isn't she a doll. >> 18. >> way to go, girl. so many birthdays. all right. coming up, we have chef alejandro ramos here helping us shine a light on some amazing women-owned businesses in the food and drink world as we celebrate women's history month. >> love that. plus, we have a style expert melissa garcia here to share her favorite fashion items for spring. target has a collab, a collab, al, with diane von fürstenberg. >> can't wait for that. so exciting, that news there. also, looking to eat healthy by a little advanced meal planning. we're asking vanessa to help create a special guide just for us. you are going to want to see what vanessa comes up with. >> what's great about it is she gives you the whole shopping list and everything you need. >> we will help you better understand your metabolism, what
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it does for your health and weight loss. we have all the answers coming up in the third hour. all right. how about an answer to the weather? >> well, let's take a look and show you your weekend ahead. friday nice day in the east, some snow in the new england. rain and snow out west. saturday rain and snow around the great lakes. flood risk in california. a beauty of a day on saturday down through the gulf. sunday, sunday, easter sunday, sunny skies in the east. we have spring warm through the south and the lower mississippi river valley. but out west, a bit of a a mess. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. so we are starting out with a few clouds, some peeks of sunshine and temperatures around 50 degrees, but we are getting ready for rain in the north bay. it starts out with light showers before lunchtime then we
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continue to see waves of rain moving through. slowly it works its way through the rest of the bay area into the evening. later tonight, off and on showers then we are going to see more waves of and that happens to be your latest weather. >> hoda! >> there is so much swag. come here. come here. this lady brought us all new orleans bags. what's your name? >> hi! happy birthday, joey. our 45, yeah! >> all right. we are. coming up, we're celebrating women's history month. alejandro ramos is shining a light on female-owned businesses shaking up the world of food and drink. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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all right. welcome back. march is women's history month, and this morning we are shining a light on innovative and inspiring female founders making waves in the food and drink industry. they are crafting incredible flavors and carving out their very own paths. here with us to introduce them is alejandro ramos. alejandro, good to see you. i love that you are shining a light on these women and businesses. >> these are incredible women and they have incredible stories, and it's a privilege t. so i love this. this is the founder who grew up in ecuador, came to the u.s.,
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went t be able to share them. >> we should point out everything that we're seeing on this table is healthy and delicious as well. >> exactly. it's healthy. it's got great stories. it is lovely. >> let's start with fresh bellies. >> all right. so i love this. this is the founder who grew up in ecuador, came to the u.s., went to college here, had a career in marketing. she was vp of marketing for the nba. >> wow. >> when she started her family, she wanted to go back to her roots. her father was an entrepreneur, banana farmer and she wanted to celebrate the bold latin flavors with these snacks great for the kids. they're freeze-dried fruits. >> by the way, they're delicious. these are definitely go-tos. if you love a good salad dressing, i love this. >> dress it up. i love this story. this is a true family story. when she was growing up, her dad was diagnosed with diabetes. went fully from scratch and started making these salad dressings that her brother was like, this is a business. she set out to prove him right or wrong. she started making them with friends. then she started selling them at
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the farmer's market. this summer they will be nationwide. >> stop it. >> it is like the perfect dress that you can dress it up. it works at all times. you know these days all i can do is give the kids frozen fish sticks. >> if you are counting carbs, if you have diabetes or whatever, one gram of carbs in there. >> okay. take me to baloo. >> this is another wonderful story. they were friends at the university of pennsylvania, reconnected as adults. after years of works in the commercial real estate industry, they decided to turn their focus on wellness and on mental health. they founded this. it is a sparkling water infused with things that make you feel good. >> tasty. >> super tasty, great flavors. >> i love the name of this, partake. >> yes. denise was inspired by her daughter's allergies and wanted to create cookies that had that allergins. she also makes waffle mixes.
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it's really expanded. what i love about her, she started by selling her engagement ring. and then she became the nostalgic flavor. these are free of the major allergins. she also makes waffle mixes. it's really expanded. what i love about her, she started by selling her engagement ring. >> wait. what? >> yes. and then she became the first black woman to raise more than $1 million for her company. >> can i tell you i'm so happy you are spotlighting these women. you know when you put everything on the line and it pays off. >> absolutely. >> what is this, copper cow coffee? >> yes. so the founder inspired by her vietnamese heritage was working at the world bank as an analyst and she wanted to find a way to better the supply chain for coffee, created this. this is all vietnamese coffee, incredible flavors. a lot of flavored coffee has artificial flavors. she uses the cinnamon sticks, the vanilla bean. this is her favorite flavor. >> so how do you make it? do you just pour water over it? >> you can get the coffee beans or ground coffee. all you do is boil the tea kettle and take it to go. it is a nice to go coffee pot.
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>> and our last one. >> last but certainly not least. better sours. they are both from hawaii but also from iranian heritage. >> wow. >> so they combined those tropical fruits, the sour flavorings. they don't have coatings. they are made from sour fruits. they are so delicious. these are fantastic. >> so it is like a healthy sour patch kid, and it's really good. >> yeah. it is about getting people excited about natural real flavors, which are just as delicious. >> alejandro, every single one of these business people is amazing. savannah, over to you. >> thank you so much. coming up next, we have melissa here with affordable designer dresses, stylish sandals and much more. much more. but, first,
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fashion items, including a brand-new target exclusive from iconic designer diane von fürstenberg. you can scan the qr code to add everything to your cart. just one click. these designer collabs fly off the shelf. are they still available? >> they really go quick. diane von furstenberg, these are so beautiful. they come in a ton of different sizes, color ways. if you can feel it, this is actually like a nice lightweight sweater material. it works great if you have graduation parties, bridal showers this morning, great for work. grab these while you can if your size is still available because these will really fly and they're machine washable, which is incredible.
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>> you can wear them with a heel or a flat. and these sandals look like a designer knock-off or they call it a dupe now. >> we were just saying we love flats because our heels kind of rip our feet apart. >> yes. >> these are beautiful. online reviews, women are saying how comfortable they are. they have a memory foam foot bed. really nice. they're beautiful. you can wear them dressed down with jeans or a tank top or dress them up. >> interesting. this is almost like a denim. it's really cute. >> i love the denim. silver is always fun. there is a great variety of color ways you can choose from. and just $19.99, you can't beat these prices. >> let's talk about this tank top. this is really pretty. it is a mock turtleneck. i'm choking in my dress today. >> i know a lot of women get 'r
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turtleneck. it is great because we see it as concerned with turtlenecks. we all need these essential layers in our closet. this is -- they're ribbed turtlenecks. it is great because we see it as more of a scoop neck. this is a little more sophisticated, i feel. it feels more tailored. i love that you can wear a regular bra because your bra straps won't show. what's great about this, 8% spandex, a ton of stretch. only $10. a ton of colors. >> $10? >> it would be pretty under a blazer or something for work. >> exactly, perfect right now under a blazer. as it gets warm, you can wear it on its own. >> now, cargo pants, are they back? >> i feel like they have been back for some time and now they're just here. these are great. they're great for travel. they're comfortable. my personal favorite about these is there is no buttons, no straps, no zippers. >> i love elastic waistbands. >> who doesn't? they have the utility pocket on the side. you can use them.
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tons of sizing, lots of colors. you can dress these up or down with a flat sandal. >> you can do a monochrome look with these lavenders. >> you are speaking my language because it is my thing. i love that idea. put it with a heel also and dress it up for night. >> i love the jewels, these little accessories. what are these? >> we want to pick something dainty. there is two different styles. these are 14 karat gold dipped. if you are allergic to jewelry, these are hypoallergenic. you can wear them with necklaces you already have. dainty, pretty beautiful and just $18. you can't beat the prices. >> and finally these bags which are different and cute. >> i love the silhouette of these bags. i feel like they're beautiful, modern, structured. rap. you can remove the strap. if you wanted to take this sort of out at night, you can just
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hold your little bag. on the side at night, it comes with spring color >> do you think they're cross body. >> yes. it has a nice, wide strap. you can remove the strap. if you wanted to take this sort of out at night, you can just hold your little bag. on the side at night, it comes with spring color waves. >> and textures, i like the textures. >> yeah. i love the pretty lattice and butter milk is one of the colors of the spring. really on trend. just $20, a really fun bag. >> melissa, this was fun. scan the qr code or go to today does earn a commission from purchases made this segment which solely features products sold at target. >> didn't know jewelry allergy is a thing, but thank you, savannah. >> it is. >> we have a five-day meal plan with the shopping you can do ahead of time. you will eat healthier. you might save some money, might save some me. but, first, tith charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. welcome ba welcome back. this morning on "start today,"
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we're helping you meal plan or do it like a pro. i know it is tempting to order in every night or cook your own meals. that could have big payoffs but it could hurt your wallet and your health. if you are ready to start, now is the perfect time. scan the qr code below. vanessa rissetto is here. we have brought in the absolute expert to help us with a great meal plan and the shopping list that goes along with it. >> yeah. >> let's just start with like how does -- does it start sunday night and you are thinking about your week and it is literally just every week? >> i don't believe in meal prep. that's more meal prep. i believe in meal plans. >> that's a good distinction. >> we're going to look on sunday and make the same salad and the same containers and eat that all week. that's just like no one is going to do that, no one wants to do that. schedule. decide where to have the lunch out and the dinner out. from there, you will plan.
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make sure you have proteins and vegetables and starches easily accessible. some things we might premake so when we come home late we're not looking at the fridge going, there is nothing here, i will just order a pizza. >> for some foodies, some of the fun is that meal spontaneity. if you have thought about it and you have the categories there, you can figure out in the i will make a salmon salad. >> that's right. except i always make sure i have this emergency protein, whatever that looks like. so salmon, chicken. >> what are these, essentials? >> yeah, these are essentials. we will do mediterranean focused food. this is six grams of complete protein per serving. if you are vegan, vegetarian, this is a good way to have a good amount of protein without an animal source. great, i did that. >> you could snack on them or make a crust for a protein. >> you can have them with maybe like an orange in the shell. that's a fun thing to do.
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we also have beans here. and then different flavor things, right? so we will have bell peppers and lemon. we will have feta. we have tomatoes, garlic because garlic goes in every single thing i like and then shallots. then i have fresh vegetables like salad and eggplant, et cetera. you could put that in the microwave and oven. >> i remember last time you were talking about fruits and vegetables and how people think they're too expensive. you can go to the dollar store and still that's an option. you could do that and should do that. >> also, if you have fruits and vegetables that are going back, you can put them in the freezer in a plastic bag and keep using them. >> for the proteins, do you buy a massive amount of chicken? is that what you like to do? >> i like to buy them individually wrapped. so you can go to a grocery store and see the chicken is in a bigger bag but it's already individual.
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so, again, we're minimizing waste. same thing with salmon. some people are weirded out by fish the next day, so it is easy to get the steaks you want for this particular moment. and these recipes are quick and simple, so you can just make them. >> if i cook one steak for lunch, i cook a new one the next day. >> defrost it in cold water for 20 minutes and slap on some olive oil and pistachios and then 18 minutes. >> these are vegetarian forward, these are mediterranean forward. these are really simple. here we have a veggie bowl here, right? hummus is our protein. also quinoa, eggplant. if you want to add another protein, you can add salmon. here same we have another grain bowl and we added pistachios on top and sweet potatoes. it is still vegetarian forward. then we have chicken, super simple. this is an italian lemon chicken with arugula. so simple. you can grill a bunch of chicken the night before and pull it in your fridge and pull it out. >> i love these bowls.
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they're like a bowl and a plate together. >> really deep and fun. this is my favorite salmon recipe. we will crush up pistachios, do garlic, olive oil, mustard. put the salmon and pistachios and bake it 350 for 18 minutes. >> these are delicious. >> super easy. >> what about the idea of getting ahead as it pertains to kids, for parents. >> yeah. i always say like ask the kids to go grocery shopping with you. what do you like? let's pick out the snacks? let's pick out the protein? what was something we had last week that was exciting and then bring them into the kitchen and give them a job. they can break apart kale, massage kale and rinse the beans.
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simple things like that get you more involved. >> they can massage kale, but they can't eat it. you can find her meal planning guide by scanning that qr code or check out it is all right there for you. we've got the recipes. we've got the shopping list, the food, the ideas. thanks, vanessa. we appreciate it. check that out. we will take a pwrbreak, and we back after your local news and messages.
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good morning, it is 8:56. later today, oakland will get a chance to meet its new chief. floyd mitchell is a veteran of the u.s. air force and has more than 30 years of experience in law enforcement including 25 years with the kansas city police department. he was chief of police in lubbock in texas. he has a clear certain requirement including the test before he can actually take over as chief. the oakland mayor says that process is underway and mitchell should be officially taking over the position in late april or early may. happening now, a news conference set
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boycotting opening day. the action oakland a's fans are
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taking in response to the team's relocation to vegas. plus, a new fire training center opening in the south bay.
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," search for answers. recovery efforts in baltimore after that cargo ship hit the busy key bridge. now the investigation i


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