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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  March 27, 2024 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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right now at 11, oakland is welcoming a new police chief ahead, the addressees expected
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to give, and the tough road that lies ahead. good morning, thanks for joining us, i marcus washington. we begin with breaking news, a new contender in the race for governor, san francisco native and longtime official betty yee after pledging to run in the past, served as state comptroller under governor newsom and jerry brown, she's facing several colleagues in 2026 including lieutenant governor eleni gridlock's, tony thurman, and longtime state lawmaker toni atkins, her announcement comes as gavin newsom is facing another recall effort, the group rescued california got the go-ahead yesterday from the secretary of state to begin gathering signatures, this is the same group that failed to recall newsom in 2020 wine. they are accusing the governor
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of leading the state into a budget deficit as well as other issues like homelessness and crime. to qualify, they will need more than one .3 million valid signature. newson called this another wasteful recall, now for other top stories, in two hours, oakland will meet the city's new police chief, they will introduce him to the public, there already a lot of opinions and expectations as the city has been struggling to deal with high -- crime. the chief really has a tough job ahead. >> the oakland police department is under federal oversight because of the wider scandal from over 20 years ago, the department has been unfortunately revolving door of police chiefs. 12 chiefs over the past two decades, incoming chief floyd mitchell is a veteran of the u.s. air force, has within 30 years of experience in law enforcement including 25 years
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with the kansas city missouri police department. he was chief of police in texas for four years. nbc spoke to the president about the love it professional police association over the phone, the union's relationship like any other had its up and downs. mitchell resigned as chief last september, her reason was never disclosed. the department did come under fire over a band of 911 calls under his tenure. criticism over his leadership, with more than 50% of respondents felt mitchell was out of touch with the needs of their departments. we spoke with pastor robert beaman who worked with chief mitchell when he was chief of police in temple, texas. the department's chapel man at the time says mitchell had a positive impact as temples first black chief of police. >> he goes out into the community and if he did the same thing he did here, go to the community leaders, visit each area of the city and just
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talk to them. i guarantee you they will see a viewpoint or at least give them a chance to prove himself. he is the real deal in oakland. >> mitchell said that he was looking forward to working with residents, business, city leadership, and members of police to build a stronger and safely oakland. he wants to clear state requirements including a test, the mayor says that process is underway. mitchell's appointment follows more than a year of no permanent chief after mayor sheng thao fire chief armstrong weeks before the department completes its federal oversight program after 20 years. it still under that oversight, oakland mayor sheng thao will introduce incoming police chief floyd mitchell during a news conference at 1:00 this afternoon. bob riddell, nbc bay area news. just coming into our news room, a teen is recovering after an overnight shooting in
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berkeley that happened shortly after 11 last night, the boy was hit in the thigh after multiple shots were fired on bonar st, taken to a children's hospital, the shooting happened in the city councilman terry taplin, he got to ask this morning saying berkeley leaders no longer have the luxury to ignore crime. my heart is with the young man who was injured and with the impacted neighbors. he says he will be in touch with the police chief about the next steps, no arrests have been made. >> baltimore, the community is reeling following the francis scott key bridge collapse, six workers are still missing to >> the cargo ships, it lost power ramming into that bridge overnight, the rescue mission turned into recovery operation. the dive teams are now searching for lack waters using sonar just to find any signs of those men. >> you will not see lights,
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they will not help because of all the particulates, they will just be reflected back at you. sonar will come up. >> the divers essentially cannot see anything. >> they will work by feel with her hands once we get on that target. >> a cruise found an important element that would tell them why the dally lost power ramming into baltimore's key bridge, alice barr has details from baltimore. there are so many questions about this tragedy should have happened, the head of the national transportation safety board says there is now one key clue that has been recovered, the black box essentially from onboard that massive cargo ship is now in the hands of ntsb investigators that should contain a lot of information about what was going on with the ship when it lost power, lost propulsion, and was unable to steer away from that support
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pillar on the francis scott key bridge colliding with it and sending the bridge tumbling down. we have learned that there was a made a call that one out from the ship that allowed first responders on the scene to shut down the key bridge on either end so there were no cars passing over. there was the construction crew, road workers out there working on the surface of the road. two of the eight construction workers that initially plunged into the water were rescued. we have now learned that it is no longer a search and rescue effort, it's now a recovery mission for the remaining six people who have yet to be found. maryland's governor spoke to their family members and said that they are loved, fathers, sons, brothers. here's what he promised to their families. >> now that we have transitioned to the recover knee -- recovery phase, i will devote every single resource to make sure you receive closure.
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>> it will take years to rebuild the key bridge, president biden is promising the federal government will pay for it all but in the meantime, there will be a lot of disruptions to transportation and to commerce. the very busy port of baltimore is completely shut down and there is no timeline for when it could reopen in baltimore, alice barr, nbc news. the man convicted of attacking nancy pelosi's husband wants a new trial years before david apap is back in court, he could spend 50 years for breaking into the pelosi home and striking paul pelosi in the head, his civil rights were violated during the trial so they want a new one, sergio quintana is in new york in our evening newscast, keep in mind he's also facing trial on state charges for the same attack.
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>> a tug-of-war at san francisco's city hall -- new housing caught in the middle after the mayor vetoed a measure to limit size of certain projects as nbc bay area reports, supervisors basically put their foot down. >> reporter: supervisors who support this legislation say they are not anti-housing . they did overturn the mayor's veto in a vote of 8-3 which means the measure will put certain limits on high-rise projects. that's for limits on the height and scale of housing development. in the northeast waterfront support districting green, the legislation is the response to a proposed for a project on samson street. the older buildings in this
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area need to be preserved. in her initial veto, the mayor argued it would return her critical new -- deter critical housing projects. the mayor is in a battle to retain her post and president peskin previously suggesting he may be ready to enter the race. he called the veto a political move while the mayor released a statement that reads our current housing shortage is the result of decades of bad policy decisions and inaction, it will take years of consistent and relentless work to make necessary change to get more housing built. housing is a huge topic in the san francisco, this will not be the end to this conversation or others as more pop up -- in san francisco, ginger conejero saab. the biden administration is shining a light on a business on the east bay to highlight the president's commitment to clean energy , jobs, and
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organize labor. acting u.s. secretary of labor julie sue tore the gilling bus factory, gilling is one of the largest manufacturers of transit bus in the country including buses that run on battery, and electric. 45 communities brought their buses using money from the 2021 bipartisan in the structure investment and jobs act. >> it requires a lot of partners coming to the table to do this, it's not something the private sector needs to do, that's why investments are key, if there is not one clean answer to it, the fact that all the pieces are coming together to make that happen. we are seeing a transition. just after half of its workforce as part of a union. >> breaking news, a deadly officer involved shooting is under investigation in pacifica, this is new video in from the scene, francisco boulevard is closed between claire don and lakeside, the
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suspect is dead. no word if any lawns forstmann have been hurt, police are acting people -- asking people to stay away as the investigation continues. 11 minutes after the hour, we want to take a live look outside overlooking the east bay in walnut creek, carrie has been tracking changes in our forecast. >> i've been watching that walnut creek camera, we may have rain starting to develop, we have seen it on storm ranger as we take a look at our mobile doppler radar, green starting to pop up in the form of light rain, hit or miss moving through parts of the east bay as well as the north bay as you are getting ready to head out for lunch, you may need the windshield wipers and maybe a hood on that jacket as we start to see things change very quickly but it is light rain, we are not seen this yet having a big impact, some of the heavier rain stillwell to the north and the system will be dropping again.
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there's a major system developing behind that, keeping our weather and settled into the weekend but a look at our hour by hour forecast does show rain developing through the next several hours and getting heavier this evening, we will be watching that potential getting more measurable rain and we will talk about the changes ahead for the easter holiday weekend, more on that in our hour by hour forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> going up in smoke, for 20 in san francisco will look a lot different this year, the annual event suddenly canceled while ahead, we will tell you about the event now set to replace it. >> spring is upon us and pollen is in the air, one expert told us about things that can make allergy symptoms even worse, we will be right back.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy.
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ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. just into our news room, six men behind bars this mid- day all suspected of a gang and
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motivated assault in san jose, police arrested the suspects about a week ago resulting in the recovery a several illegal weapons, drugs, and tens of thousands of dollars in cash, the assault happened last october at a business on centered road, the victim was injured but is expected to be okay. >> electric car companies doing a price war. >> we have seen tesla lower its prices over and over, now pfister seems like it's going all in. >> it may have to, marcus. the company is in enormous trouble, it's stock will be listed on the new york stock exchange and it's concerned about running out of money, it's also pause manufacture of new cars and is cutting the price of its $61,000 ocean extreme car practically in half , $37,000. kids lowest-priced car drops to 24,000, you mentioned price cuts at tesla, those are a few thousand every time, fiscal
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years cuts are just enormous, tesla meantime offering free trials on its fsd full self driving cars, it's already sold so if you have it capable tesla, you will be able to turn it on, tesla hopes if you like it, you will keep it and pay them $12,000 for a door 200 bucks a month, fsd is not really full self driving no matter what they want to call it. in fact, tesla's about to go to court to defend itself in a lawsuit but by a man who was killed by 2018 in mountain view on 101 after a self driving tesla steered itself into a barrier. the driver who worked as an engineer and apple was playing a video game instead of driving according to federal investigators, this lawsuit does not claim he's not at fault, the lawsuit is essentially saying tesla convinced in his car fsd would drive itself, and clearly it doesn't. >> interesting to note, thank you.
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in the east bay, there is a march highlighting families vulnerable to evictions and displacement, they started a rally at 9:30 this morning on east 14th street, this comes after about 60,000 renters in the eden area were left out of the just cause ordinance, this is a measure to protect low- income families from addictions in alameda county, they are frustrated that they are not receiving these protections. >> semper cisco appears to be ready to trade pot for volleyball. >> it's all going to change a lot of things for 420 and those plans people have, yesterday may have heard organizers announcing the cancellation of the 420 event and sprints -- san francisco golden gate park, they say they cannot afford properly staffing that event, the annual gathering draws thousands of people on april 20th. at the same time, the rec and parks department is announcing plans to hold what it calls the first piece, love, and volo
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day. it's a sports activity online network, some are wondering if marijuana supporters will show up anyway. the city says there will not be any music or cannabis booths. >> identity theft is on the rise according to the irs, last year was the second highest year of identity theft in history, with tax season, there are steps you can take to protect information, google technology experts say you should use to step back -- password verification to add another layer of protection while logging into anything, use face or finger recognition to make your passwords specific to you. to keep up with software updates as well, at the end of the day, the best thing you can do is just ignore possible scams. >> as the internet and industry has been around for longer, people are figuring out more ways to find loopholes. the best way you can protect yourself is really just to make sure of anything sets off alarm bells, don't engage. if you get
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an email address from someone reporting to be your local library, a favorite store, your bank but something lets off, don't open that email. >> children are vulnerable to online scams, experts say you can go to safety for more tips to protect yourself and your kids. you might have noticed the spring allergy season is here according to the cdc, one in four adults experience seasonal allergies and there are tips you can keep in mind to help prevent those symptoms. it's take a look at some of the most common symptoms, talking about itchy, watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing. even nasal drip, there on your screen, it's showing you all the things that might make those allergies worse, talking about things with contact lenses where the pollen can get trapped behind, houseplants, medications, alcohol can make those symptoms worse as well as
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indoor pool which is not ventilated. certain fragrances candles to aerosol, experts say not to be afraid to talk about your struggles with allergies. >> it can be confusing, is it allergies or a viral infection, and bacterial infection, having that trusted input and talking about when you are experiencing things that seem to be provoking or relieving, then talking about what options are available over-the-counter and when you may need to go to an allergist to get more in-depth support. >> you may have been wondering, experts to say allergies can be developed over time. taking the proper precautions will benefit anyone in the long run. >> in the meantime, we have this rain which leads to blooms and all the allergies. it does temporarily wash away the allergens out of the air. it only last for a couple days and then the pollen is all back. the good thing is we do have more rounds of rain coming in if you suffer from allergies
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and we are getting some of those scattered showers on the way as we get into the next few hours. this is a live look outside in san francisco, mostly cloudy and rainy continuing to roll in north to south as we go throughout the day, this will be a fairly weak storm in and out quickly with a stronger storm friday that continues into the weekend, even a chance of isolated thunderstorms and for the sierra, heavy snow into the weekend so we will get to that. let's take a look at storm ranger, our doppler radar we have parked. you can see there is already some light splotches of green here and there for parts of the north bay into the east bay, even extending into the peninsula, this is light rain you may encounter as you head out for lunch driving around the bay area, spotty sprinkle starting to develop as the clouds are rolling in within the last hour increasing even over the south bay, the storm system itself as well to the north of us and will continue to move closer into this
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evening as we take it hour by hour, we are seeing widespread rain picking up around eight to 9:00 tonight, look at the timeline around midnight with that rain hitting the east bay into the peninsula, and by early tomorrow morning, we see some of it taper off but there's lingering showers and then not much of a break before the next storm system comes in on friday that will continue off and on throughout the weekend, we will see these two storm systems coming in with a bigger impact for weekend plans , we can get some showers even at 5:00 on saturday evening and it does like -- look like there could be a break for most of the day on easter but the potential of at least some spotty showers will continue into sunday evening. over all with these two storm systems, we are looking at for most of us about an inch possibly an inch and a half along the coastline than a half- inch for many of the inland valleys while the sierra will
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get some heavy snow possibly a foot and a half to two, possibly 3 feet for upper elevations. connective storm pattern with us and watching out for the chance of thunderstorms saturday, things start to taper off on sunday but look at next week if you are ready for some warmer weather, we have to hold on a few more days, we have low to mid 70s, san francisco will have a cool and at times wet weekend so we will be tracking that with the latest every morning, laura, marcus. happening now, expect tsunami style runs along the coastline as part of an emergency test, parts of sonoma county will join humble, and almonte counties testing morning systems right now until noon, people can also expect a test message sent from the national weather service, the emergency alert system will interrupt television and radio. simons will go off along the coast for three minutes. >> a new addition to san francisco's ghiradelli square, moreon the
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly.
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every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company. >> a southern california seafood spot is coming to san francisco and opens today. >> hello. this wednesday, 11:00 a.m. >> the oyster company is the
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newest addition, they are best known for lobster rolls, other fan favorites, oysters, seafood tower, clam chowder and is also expected to have a san francisco exclusive dish or a few of them. yum for some of us. >> i will get ice cream. let's check the forecast though, take our umbrellas to the city. for lunch time, it seems like for most of us, the rain is holding off for later this evening, the rain ramps up and we track that through tomorrow morning. >> it would just be me eating there, you're allergic and then they are a vegan. well -- all right. well -- all right. have a
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