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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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and district attorney investigators have been here since this morning trying to piece together how one shooting led to the other. this is what it looks like around 8:00 a.m., after police and chp officers responded to a report from a man who said that he had been shot by his mother, inside their apartment home, on francisco boulevard, near highway 1. a man living nearby says he was driving his daughter to school, when he saw about four or five officers surrounding the vehicle. >> the white suv, pulled over, and they were right in front of us, and the suv started to make a u-turn while the police had him there, they were trying to get away, i guess. then, five or six shots, and then the suv just drifted into the curb. looked like they had killed the driver. >> they look like they were shooting into the car? >> it looked like they shot out
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the driver side window. >> reporter: police say they called out before the responded. neighbors who heard the commotion later saw the man who told police his mom had shot him. >> i just saw them take one person, he had no shirt on. i don't know if he was hurt or not. and then, the ambulance took off shortly after they took him, sirens went off. >> reporter: police say that man was treated at the hospital and is in stable condition. the man, who says he saw the shooting, was also thinking more about what could have happened. >> when you drive away, it hits you, you know, any of those bullets could have, you know, killed your kid >> again, police are still investigating. thursday, the district attorneys office will take over to conduct an independent investigation, as it is with any officer involved shooting. in pacifica, robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, robert. now to the weather, rain is moving into the bay area,
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outside, let's take a live look at san francisco, san jose, oakland, dark and stormy clouds put, our store manger is working hard at this hour, in the san bruno mountain, tracking incoming rain. jeff ranieri is also tracking it. what is the latest time ryan timeline? >> two rounds of rain for the next couple of days but this first one, right now, with the storm front, is actually just off to the north. all the activity we are seeing over the past couple of hours, and right now, is out ahead of that main storm front we are looking at here. we have two zones we are seeing right now, over the north bay and one of the south bay. let's track this, and we have that rain over the coastline, we will continue that rain right through fairfax, 5:22, marin would at 5:31, rain over the crismatt, moving more inland at 5:32 tonight. what we are going to see happen is that this continues to develop off, more slowly
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through 10:00 p.m. tonight, peninsula and east bay then we get to the south bay later after that. all in all, that rain is coming back tonight. rain chance on friday, that looks to hold more in the way of wind. 15 to 35 mile per hour gusts. sierra snow will be over a foot, even some thunderstorm chances on easter weekend, that rain chances da. i have more looks at all of this wet weather to get you through that easter weekend, i will have that coming up in about 18 minutes. >> thank you. stay on top of weather in the neighborhood by downloading our free nbc bay area app. point your smart phone at the qr code on the left side of your screen, that'll take you right to our at. he has arrived in oakland, the new police chief. the formally introduced chief floyd mitchell this afternoon, he laid out his chief priorities. we are in oakland with more. it is my honor to introduce to you, our new top police
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officer, chief boyd mitchell. >> reporter: the 30 year law- enforcement veteran is taking center stage in oakland. incoming chief, mitchell says he will take a proactive, data- driven and committee focused approach to address the needs of the city. >> my approach begins with strong community engagement and collaboration. >> reporter: it is a welcomed announcement, as oakland works to attract more people to the town. >> we are welcoming visitors from all over the world, i know safety and security is key for any destination, so this is a great day for oakland. >> reporter: mitchell spent 25 years in his hometown as a kansas city police officer, before leading both the temple and let it police departments. he resigned lustful amidst criticism of abandoned 911 calls and dispatch issues, a failure, he says, he owns.'s but i was listening to informal medication changes opposed to listening to boots on the ground in that particular
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situation, and, in my new situation here, i want to make sure that there are direct lines of medication. >> reporter: crime decreased in both cities when he was police chief. near sheng thao highlighted his record, community engagement, and improvements to the cities cease-fire strategy as reasons why she believes he is ready for the job. >> is a smart crimefighter who delivers results. and that is what i demand. as your mayor, i demand results. >> reporter: in his first 100 days on the job, mitchell says he focuses on getting to know staff, leadership, community, and addressing major issues facing oakland, including getting out from under more than 20 years of federal oversight. >> and addressing those small things to help us get better, and help us blend the violent crime issue with in oakland, but then also, to work toward those issues, satisfying the needs of the federal monitors.
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>> we want to see him at the table with us, hearing from us, meeting with us, understanding what strategies have worked, what strategies have not worked and understanding that he gets the investment and resources that we need to get it done. >> reporter: after 12 chiefs in the past 20 years, mitchell says he is committed to oakland. >> i am not done policing. i love public service. >> reporter: achievement was excited to start by early may, in oakland, selena jones, nbc bay area news. facing backlash once again, the alameda county district attorney with another high- profile case. the former sheriff's deputy accused of killing a married woman in dublin, the family protested outside the alameda courthouse in dublin, the former sheriff deputy, devin williams, is accused of killing maria and her husband in their dublin home. williams and maria, allegedly, were romantically involved, before he killed the couple. there is word da pamela price
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is dropping the enhanced charges, which means, instead of a life sentence without parole, he could be eligible for parole, if convicted. today, maria's sister gave a prepared statement from her attorney. >> he showed them no mercy, he should not be shown any, either. >> they will live this death for the rest of their lives. he should be off the streets for the rest of his life. >> the das office got back to us about the case, they did not rightly say whether or not enhancements were being dropped in the case, but price pointed out, if convicted, williams faces 50 years to life in prison. the man convicted of attacking nancy pelosi's husband, once any trial lawyers for david papp were in court today, he was convicted for breaking into the policy home and striking paul pelosi in the head with a hammer. today, the judge ruled he will not be granted a new federal trial, sentencing has been pushed back to may 22nd, now.
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he is also facing state trial for the same attack. now to the collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore. it happened on a massive cargo ship slamming into it yesterday. authorities found two bodies today and are looking for for others. this as it was to getters try to figure out what exactly happened, and why. >> reporter: late today, a somber wreckage of the bridge. divers working in incredibly dangerous and difficult conditions, twisted metal, severed cables, jagged boulders of rock and concrete, in the pitch black depths of the patapsco river authorities believe for more victims are still missing, perhaps buried under the rubble. >> divers are no longer able to safely operate around. we have exhausted all search efforts, in the areas around
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this wreckage. >> reporter: as investigators expand their search to understand how and why the fully loaded container ship slammed into the center support column of the bridge. we now know the ntsb has recovered the shipper data recorder and is beginning interviews with the ships crew members and witnesses. portable the ntsb says will be a long and detailed investigation, followed by the difficult process, clearing away the debris. jay gray, nbc news, baltimore. u.s. secretary of labor visited the east bay today, during the bus factor in livermore this morning. killing is one of the largest manufactures of buses in the country, a variety of buses including those that run on electric and hybrid powers. last year, gillick bought 45 buses using money from bidens of the structure bill. >> in a, lot of partners coming
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to the table to do this, it's not just something the private sector needs to do, and again, if there is not one clean answer to it, i think the fact that all the pieces are coming together, to make this happen, we are seeing a transition. >> the secretary says today's visit helps highlight the side and administer nation's commitment to clean energy jobs. just 24 hours after a new york judge laced a gag order on former president trump, he has already attacked the judge and his daughter. the gag order stems from trans- hush money case. he is accused of falsifying business records, to pay off adult film star stormy daniels. the judge issued a gag order yesterday after the jump repeatedly attacked those involved in the case on social media. delimited gag order bars him from publicly talking about witnesses, jurors, and lawyers in his case. but it does not mention the judge or his family members. today, he took to truth social, to call the judge a hater. he also attacked the judges daughter. mr. trump says the gag order
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deprived him of his right to free speech. streptococcus under fire once again. the federal trade commission is investigating its data and security practices but the agency is looking into whether tiktok violated federal law. tiktok denies the people in china have access to the data of u.s. users, but the ftc is looking into whether this is true. it also think tiktok may have collected the personal information of children under the age of 13 without their parents consent. if the ftc decides to sue tiktok, it would then refer the case to the justice department. this all comes of the senate is currently reviewing a bill which could then tiktok in the u.s. still had, once again, open for play. historic tennis courts in san francisco once graced by arthur ashe. welcoming people in the committee, the special ceremony that just a place. survey areas new professional women soccer team is ready for its home opener.
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how the team is preparing for the big match. the latest on the rain tonight,
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new beginning for some old tennis courts in the bayview hunters point neighborhood of san francisco. that have been restored to their original condition. those courts opened nearly 40 years ago, with the help of tennis legend, arthur ashe. >> reporter: they look as good as new. these courts, right next to the girls and boys club in hunters point had fallen into disrepair, until about five months ago. >> the first two courts you are seeing here, or rough. >> reporter: with a playable? >> no, they weren't. >> reporter: they have been restored to the condition they were in when the facility was first opened in 1987. 37 years ago, the legendary arthur ashe was here to open these courts, and now that they have been rehabilitated, they will be dedicated in his name. those who are here with ashe, say he's plain was inspirational. that is mike skinner, the
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founder of easton's advantage. >> the two things that i remember most about him was how incredible arthur was, with everyone, especially the kids, and they really paid attention to him. >> reporter: getting these reports repaired and resurfaced was not easy. it took five years to get the funding, and permissions needed to do it. >> this is our first project in hunters point, and we are excited to get to this point, because a lot of people forget about this part of the city. we haven't. permit three mayors attended the event, and organizers of the rehab project say former mayor brown was integral in getting funding for the original courts, and guiding the rehab project for seven cisco's bureaucracy. now that it is done, skinner says he has the goal of getting 50 neighborhood kids to be a part of their tennis and economics program, and next year, he gets for 100. and seven cisco, nbc bay area news.
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>> the bay area new women's soccer team is three days out from its first-ever home game. getting ready to host the houston dash. the team has one on the road this season ahead of the home opener. ricky defender says she is excited to finally play a pro game in the bay area. >> is really nice to be back at close to home, that is also nice to see my family all the time but i love it. i think that it has been amazing. the weather here -- is a great place to play soccer, is a great place to be, so i wouldn't have it any other way. >> the team is excepting a sold- out crowd with 18,000 fans but the first 5000 to get into the stadium will take home an inaugural pin. strengthening wnba team in the bay area will not play until next year but they are already getting plenty of interest from fans. wnba golden state already has 5000 deposits for season tickets. the deposits give fans first access to buying tickets for
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the season. golden state is an affiliate of the warriors, and has become the nba's for suspension team since 2008. they are set to play next year, recorded in oakland and they will be playing the game such as center. >> that is so exciting. >> i know, all these great teams coming to the bay area. let's talk about our weather, you can see the clouds are here, and the rain is moving in. >> i know a lot of fans plans have plans for the upcoming weekend, we will get you all squared away on that, and show you exactly what you can expect to get you ready. moving outside right now, to our satellite and radar picture, we have a lot happening, here, but i think the really big headline tonight is that we are tracking this cold front, just off to the north. everything that we have been seeing so far is just kind of pre-storm activity, some on- again off-again showers, mainly light to moderate rainfall, but this will basically squeak down through the bay area tonight and eventually all areas will see that rainfall pick up. right now, the two zones we are
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looking at here, one to the north bay and one in the south bay, let's get you over here to the north bay, this area, here, over novato, we are seeing showers pick up on that corridor through 5:27 tonight. down to the south bay, we have seen some showers in downtown san jose, but now, all of that is pushing towards morgan hill, we will hold onto that rainfall through 5:41 tonight but let me show you that storm front but here it is, 9:00, still mainly centered over san francisco for some of those moderate with a few heavy pockets, then this gradually moves to the east bay peninsula by 10:00 p.m., it will take some time, but by 11:30 at night, we should be starting to see that also increase towards san jose and throughout the south bay. for tomorrow morning's commute here, this is the good part about it, the head out on that commute in the morning and there is so much traffic, like always, it is nice to see the bulk of that storm system. there will be a mix for us of some sun and clouds, chance of
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a body of shower. looks like we could hold onto a few spotty showers, right into tomorrow afternoon, but it is not expected to be anything big. rainfall totals on this one, trace amounts, about a quarter inch for most of us. northbay, still looking at about 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch. rainfall totals into easter weekend in a second, but let's look at tomorrow morning's forecast. we are back down again to the 40s, here. 48 in the south bay, we have that chill starting, invigorating out the door, probably ready for warmer temperatures. i know i'm kind of in that boat. 49, here at seven cisco, east bay at 47, daytime highs for tomorrow, looking like this across the bay area. down in the south bay, 62 in san jose, 60 at morgan hill, let's move it over to concord, 60 in oakland, pretty similar here through the peninsula, 67 in daly city, 67 in palo alto. 67 in downtown sentences go and across the north bay, 54 into your leg, 59 in novato.
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>> rain chances through friday, saturday and sunday, we will all come from this upper level of low pressure, it is dragging its feet, taking time moving down the coastline, that is why those chances linger into easter sunday. rainfall on friday, 1/4 to 1/2 inch, could be some of the higher totals to the santa cruz mountains, and down towards morgan hill. on saturday, most areas with trace amounts to a quarter inch, we are seeing a bit of that yellow pop-up maunakea the top your, that would be about half an inch with higher elevations but lower elevations, not much on saturday, and for easter sunday, trace amounts, not much on easter sunday, but we are still watching that chance to see if we can get some isolated thunder storms. visit for saturday and sunday, some spotty understand chances, monday, tuesday, wednesday, we are drying out, i have got us 274, next tuesday, that will be really nice once you get here,
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and you know, i don't think too many easter bunny plans on sunday are going to get ruined by the weather we have coming in. >> rain or shine, the bunny has to help around. >> you got that right. >> thanks, jeff. coming up, members only, the changes that could be coming to your neighborhood coming to your neighborhood cosco when it comes to
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer
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as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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big changes coming to the cosco food court, not to the iconic $1.50 hotdog. shopping at cosco has always required an annual membership, but the food court has traditionally been open to the public. in an interview with axios, cosco's outgoing cfo says, that has caused problems with overcrowding at some locations.
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so, now, some food courts will require membership, starting april 8th. the impacted stores have started posting signs, noting the upcoming change. >> marcus, finish the date higher as stossel snapped losing values. strong gains from merck after the drug developer developed an approval for high blood pressure treatment. the s&p up 45, notching a win at closing the tech heavy nasdaq gained 85 points. drivers in new york city will soon be clocked with $15 toll to drive on the city's busiest streets. this is the first american city to approve a congestion pricing program. the goal is to reduce traffic, and the extent to raise up to $1 billion annually for transit improvement. most drivers will be charged a $15 daily fee to drive into midtown and lower manhattan.
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but, trucks can be charged up to $36, depending on the size. taxi drivers will also be charged a much smaller $1.25 fee, while uber and lyft will add $2.30 or charges. however, roadblocks remain, with issues that could delay limitation. support continues to come in from across the country. the unique way
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moving show of support after the bridge collapse in baltimore, the minnesota department of transportation lit up one of its bridges in solidarity. this is the i-35 west bridge in downtown minneapolis, tonight lit up in red black and yellow. those are the colors of the state of maryland. for many, the accident just today brought back memories of a tragic bridge accident in minneapolis more than 16 years ago. in that tragedy, a bridge suddenly collapsed into the mississippi river. the state rebuilt that bridge. president biden has promised to rebuild the bridge in baltimore. don't forget, you can watch our newscast 24 seven on roku and other streaming platforms.
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roger has more on what is coming up next at 5:30. san jose police tonight have arrested six men for gang- related activities. what the officers took off the streets. trying to get a handle on artificial intelligence, the steps san jose is taking to make sure governments use it responsibly. weight loss drugs like those epic have become externally popular for people looking to lose some pounds. the negative impacts that are rising from this new trend. a beating in san jose turned into a statewide manhunt. estee pd announced the arrest of six alleged gang member throughout california. there suspected of committing a crime at a south bay bar, but are connected to a much larger operation. in:has the details. >> reporter: police say lisa six men were arrested in simultaneous s.w.t.


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