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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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i'm raj mathai. next on nbc bay area news tonight, the dark side of the ozempic craze. it's causing drug shortages for diabetics and questionable products on the black market. we investigate. also, oakland's new police chief has arrived for duty. >> my approach begins with strong community engagement and collaboration. >> what he is vowing to do to
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resurrect the city, and what he asked officials about oakland's checkered past. plus, san jose using artificial intelligence to track potholes and homeless encampments. mayor mahan in studio with us. and play ball on the eve of opening day. we're joined by the a's' history-making play-by-play announcer. >> good evening. this is nbc bay area news tonight. i'm raj mathai. mayor matt mahan and jenny cavnar will join us in just a few minutes. but we want to start with our weather. our microclimate forecast. the rain is here. the storm moving across the bay area as we speak. it's also prompted a storm warning in the sierra. that rain has been kind of off and on throughout the day. this is one of our looks and our live cams in san francisco. it's just kind of soupy and misty and wintry out there, even though it's spring. and check this out. fresh snow in the sierra. a lot of it.
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this camera atop the summit at the mount rose ski resort. let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. you said it was coming, and there it is, jeff. what are you seeing? >> a hard turn after a little bit of sunshine here as we went through yesterday's forecast. and right now on the satellite radar picture, we are seeing the edge of the storm front just to the north of the bay area. that's why things are starting to pick up right now. a close view of storm ranger. so some of those rain pockets as we put a track on it. this zone here from novato down to fairfax moving off to the north and east. it will get rain in vallejo through 7:41. cordelia 7:49. and rain continuing towards dublin, eventually back here towards livermore. we have rainfall with us here tonight. i think overall, it will stay with us all the way through 11:30, eventually making it down to the south bay. and then we should start to see that storm system move out as we head through tomorrow morning's forecast. but here is the thing. we've got a second round arriving as we head into friday's forecast.
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that one would have a little bit more in the way of wind, 15 to 35 miles per hour with a thunderstorm chance. sierra snow over 2 feet, and we'll keep some easter weekend rain chances. i'll show you how much we'll see on easter weekend. i've got that forecast coming up later the show. >> we'll see you shortly. stay on top of the weather in your neighborhood any time by downloading our free nbc bay area app. it's a great resource. just point your phone camera right there at the qr code on your screen. it's on the left side of your screen. it will take you right to our app again. it's a great resource. some other headlines that we're watching tonight, oakland's new police chief is finally here. it's been a long and controversial road just to get to this point. the city has been without a chief for more than a year. >> it is my honor to introduce you, our new top police officer, chief floyd mitchell. >> there you go. oakland mere tao announcing mitchell in a ceremony at city
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hall. mitchell most recently led the police department in lubbock, texas. he is credited with bringing crime down there, violent crime down, but he resigned in lubbock last fall after criticism over lubbock's 911 response times. mitchell vowed to spend his first 100 days on the job getting to know the community, addressing major safety issues facing oakland, including rising crime. >> my approach is high visibility, responsible proactive policing that is procedurally just, data-driven, and grounded in evidence-based tragedies that addressed our most difficult issues. >> and here's going to be the question moving forward. is he in a position to succeed in oakland police has had 12 police chiefs, 12 in the past 20 years. during his interview process in the last several months, mitchell actually asked about this. he asked about the revolving door of police chiefs. he says the city leaders want to change that he is expected to start in early may.
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well, the gap is widening, and the clock is ticking. the battle to replace congresswoman anna eshoo-in the house of representatives. joe simitian is now leading by five votes. that's actually up from two votes last night. this was district 16 in san mateo and santa clara counties. you see former san jose mayor sam liccardo far left of the screen. he already clinched the top spot. so either simitian or evan low will advance to the november election along with liccardo. again, simitian leading by five votes right now. and they're still counting. and starting today, san mateo county is allowing members of both campaigns to view copies of the ballots tallied so far. simitian confirms he had a small team of observers on hand there today. official results won't be certified until april 12th. at that point, either campaign could call for a recount. well, tonight our investigative unit examines the ozempic craze. it's become a tug-of-war really between people using it to lose
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weight and diabetics who desperately need the drug. there is a huge demand for ozempic and similar drugs, and it's also fueling a black market. our investigation started with the call from a patient, carlos. he is a diabetic and just had triple bypass surgery. he uses a similar drug to ozempic, which controls his blood sugar. but he hasn't been able to get his prescriptions filled for months. >> do you feel patients like yourself are being overlooked? >> yes, i definitely feel that way. that people don't really care about people with diabetes. they just care about their own self, about losing weight. >> joining us now is candice nguyen, our investigative reporter on this piece. ozempic and these drugs have been around for a while. why a shortage now? why now? >> doctors, including a stanford expert tell me they believe the shortage coincides with the recent hollywood awards season. >> so the academy awards and so forth, the golden globes? we see all these actresses?
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>> you've got these celebrities going on the red carpet, going on talk shows, showing off their weight loss, crediting at times ozempic and mounjaro. then everyday folks you and me seeing that, going to their doctors, sometimes asking for it legitimately for obesity and diabetes. but i'll tell you this, raj. this is all adding to the shortage. the manufacturers know this. three days before the oscars, mounjaro's manufacturer put out a commercial and an open letter to investigators saying our drug mounjaro is meant for medical diseases, not for cosmetic weight loss. >> not sure if that's really working. what lengths are people going to get their hands on the drugs? i don't think it's that easy. you can call up your doctor, i want to look better and lose weight? >> you cannot get it from your doctor. finding it on facebook, going on random online sites before i got here, i googled ozempic, buy it online. $100. these sites are were not hard to find. but remember, you don't know what you're going to get. but i also wanted to put up this picture here the doctor from
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stanford showed me. this picture, that is going to come up in just a second. there we go. i know it's a little small. but this is a picture her friend took at an airport in cabo. this is a drug store. if you look at the top there, american brands, ozempic at the top. right across the border advertising it to americans traveling there. and it was half the cost here. but it's not meeting the standards that we have here in the u.s. >> so there are fakes out there. there is a black market and there are fakes. how do we know we're getting a fake? does it say or are you taking a gamble? >> bottom line, if you're not getting a prescription, if you're not going to a pharmacy, you don't know what you're going to get. and you can also get online what's called compounded ozempic and mounjaro. it's mixed with something else. but doctors warn, again, if you're not going through a licensed health care provider, that could be contaminated with bacteria. in one case, they found the product bought online was nothing more than sugar and alcohol. and you don't want to be injecting that. >> it's like what we see on the
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streets of san francisco or any of our streets with drugs being mixed together. >> especially when it's getting really popular. >> i know you have more at 11:00 with some bay area patients that needs these drugs. >>s they carlos. he has been trying to get the drug for months. not only is he a diabetes patient, but weeks ago he had triple bypass heart surgery, and he is someone, when he doesn't get his prescriptions, his life could be on the line. he shares his story. >> candice, thank you. we'll see you at 11:00. moving on, san jose is opening artificial intelligence can help spot some big problems in the city. san jose's testing a pilot program that may help track things like pothole, graffiti, and homeless encampments. the pilot involves using this city-owned car. you see it right there, mounted with a camera. you see that camera? the car is driven around san jose while the camera records. the data is then sent to ai companies. joining us now is san jose mayor matt mahan. mr. mayor, nice to have you back in the studio.
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you're always doing something interesting in san jose. this one jumps out to me. using artificial intelligence to track potholes, graffiti and homeless camps. we have a car driving around your town with a person behind the wheel. and with cameras on it. am i getting that right? >> that's right. working with four different companies, because we're having them compete to see which technology is best. but we have city vehicles driving over every mile of every road every week. we might as well use sensors to identify where potholes are performing, where there is graffiti. you mentioned encampments. we're really focused on lived in vehicles. >> to rvs on the side of the road? >> exactly. rvs that are out there, we're very compassionate. this is not about punishing anyone. but we have a mandate from the federal government pursuant to the clean air act to make sure people aren't dumping biowaste in our waterways. we want to know where the vehicles are, provide services and try to help people transition into housing. >> so the cars are going around town, collecting the data via
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video camera. and you send it to these companies. and then what? what do these companies do? >> before we do that, we take out any faces so there is no people who can be identified. >> if i'm washing my car or something like that. >> that's right. anybody. and we also remove license plates. so we don't want any personally identifying information. but we then send to it the companies. they run it through their algorithms, tell us what they can learn. the goal here is to make our service delivery more efficient. we have a 311 service. tens of thousands of residents call us every year to say i ran over a pothole or there is graffiti in my neighborhood or illegal dumping or whatever it might be. we ought to be able to identify those things up front and deploy city teams to provide services faster and really proactively. >> and at some point pick one of these ai companies and give them the contract to give you the data? >> this is still a pilot. we're in a learning phase. we're testing. we're experimenting. we're trying to figure out what applications are most scaleable where the highest accuracy.
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but once we figure that out, we want to deploy it citywide so that we can be faster and more efficient. >> big news for you guys last night in your city. the city council i think unanimously passed something -- is it fair to say rooted in san jose kind of a program? so if i can't afford my rent, i get kicked out. you're saving some spots in my district where i live that are affordable and i can rent again. so i'm not just flushed out of the town? >> that's right. this is another innovation coming out of eastside san jose. a few years ago we funded an affordable housing project. the neighborhood was all for it. we voted to tax ourselves to build it. the neighbors said yes to more neighbors, more traffic, a new development. and then no one in the neighborhood ended up getting any of that affordable housing. >> it's a gentrification issue. >> that's right. if you are low income in san jose, at risk of displacement, and your neighborhood is saying yes to new affordable housing, at least a portion of those units should be set aside for a local preference. now to do this, we had to go to
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sacramento and essentially clarify through state law that this was not discriminatory, that we could have a local preference to keep our community together, to keep families together. you know how disruptive it is for kids to be pulled out of the school system mid year because their parents have to move to modesto because they can't afford the rent. we want to reduce that displacement. to do it, though, we have to innovate our policies. that's the idea here. >> so if i get flushed out of my house or condo, then i can go to the city and say i want to apply though this building over here. >> better yet, prior to being displaced, we want to get you on a waiting list saying if a more affordable unit comes along in san jose you want the stay in the community. and as those become available, we'll reach out to you and try to get you into the queue so that you have some preference on those units. we're very happy to tax ourselves to build more affordable housing in san jose. but we can't solve the problem for the whole state. we need other cities and towns to do their part. we need sarajevans who have
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increased their own taxes to see the benefits. >> final part interview. the part of your job you don't like? >> i just wish we could move faster. we face a lot of constraints in government, especially in terms of the different levels of government and who is responsible for what. i would like to see more coordination, more focus, more accountability for ending street homelessness, making our communities safer. i'm always frustrated with the speed. but we're doing what we can in san jose to accelerate our efforts. >> thanks for coming in to the studio. >> thanks for having me. up next, an uh-oh moment. e. the a's are making history. we're talking to jenny cavnar on the eve of opening day. enllo to j
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welcome back to nbc bay area news tonight. this started out all wrong for the warriors tonight. draymond green was ejected, which of course triggers all sorts of memories and all sorts of warnings. take a listen. >> the officials are kind of letting him speak and say his piece. >> he's gone. he just got ejected. >> yep, he is gone. ejected just four minutes into this game. the warriors in orlando. he got a technical, argued with the ref, and very quickly thrown out after another technical. he can't be doing this, but the
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warriors pulled through. they beat the magic 101-93. another crucial victory as they fight for a play-off spot. well, we are on the eve of opening day for the a's and giants. and it's not just the negative headlines with the athletics. aside from their bitter divorce with oakland, the team is making history with their new play-by-play announcer. she made national headlines as we documented last month when she was named the first primary first play by play announcer in major league baseball. pretty cool here. she has a couple of preseason games under her belt already, but tomorrow it's the real deal when the a's host the guardians at the coliseum. joining us now is jenny cavnar. jenny, thanks for being with us. you're a pro, but even pros get nervous or excited. are you nervous or excited for tomorrow night? >> i think i'm more excited. i mean, it's opening day. in will be my 18th season covering major league baseball. and every single year about this time, it feels like the night
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before school. maybe that's bad energy. more like the night before christmas or something exciting. i mean, baseball season to me is the beginning of the year. really kind of opens 162-game adventure, and the ups and downs, the emotions, the excitement. what these young players are going to do for the oakland a's. it all sits in front of us. i think it's more excitement than nerves, but of course it's good nervous energy too. >> oh, good, you're getting phone calls. >> okay, i'm getting nervous. you come out here from colorado, and tomorrow's game is at the oakland coliseum. but i think i see oracle park behind you. you got the right stadium for tomorrow? >> i know, i know. i'm stay manage the city for right now. so, yes, i'll make it over to the town, don't you worry. i'll get there. i'm so excited. it's going to be a great day, and embarking on a new adventure. >> what's the reception been like moving you and your family here and the community, within the baseball community, and just from other women in the community as well? >> yeah, it's been so positive,
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raj. i've been so blessed for this opportunity, and i feel like i've been welcomed with open arms in oakland. i know this is a very passionate fan base, and everyone that i have run into in person has been very kind so far. the organization has welcomed me in. and so you're talking about, again, just a lot of young players who have an exciting season in front of them. and to be able to document that, document that growth of these players and this organization is going to be so great. and it's a really fun chance for my family. i'm from colorado, born and raised. but my husband is from stockton, born and raised. so my in-laws still live here. it will be our kids a chance to be around those grandparents a lot more, and of course my parents helping out back home. we're making it a full family affair throughout the course of the summer. >> we're on this ride with you. do you have any hesitation taking this job, knowing the drama and some telephone bad blood surrounding this organization? >> you know, i don't. i think it is a challenge this year, there is no doubt about it. there is no home yet to be
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determined next year, and of course the pending move to las vegas. i saw this a lot. my husband a huge oakland raiders fan. was a oakland raiders fan. now a las vegas raiders fan. i saw the emotion from him during that course of time. i feel like i understand a little bit. this is an organization that has a depth, a history that dates back to the early 1900s. we're talking about the 124th opening day coming up tomorrow for the athletics. i just think when you look at the history and all the things that come with, that it's exciting to me. it's exciting to be a part of baseball history. >> is a challenge going to be balancing that broadcast, talking about the great excitement on the field of this revamped roster and trying to build, but also addressing the fans' concerns? >> yeah, of course. i think our job as a broadcaster, my job being hired as a play by play broadcaster is to stay focused on the action on the field. and i would really be doing a disservice to some of these young players if we didn't keep them in mind. again, you saw a lot of these
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players debut last year. some of them will be making their major league debuts this year. i think for a team that's this young, that's added a little bit more experience, you want to keep the focus on the players and who is wearing the uniform now inside the organization. so really, my focus and my job from first pitch to last pitch. and i know with dallas braden, we're going have a lot of fun talking baseball. we're going to have a lot of fun each and every day, and i hope that fans can feel that when they're watching us 59 home. >> we feel your excitement, and you seem very genuine. all the best to you. by the way, you brought up dallas braden. does anything live in that beard? i covered him many years. >> isn't that great? i've known dallas forever. i remember fresh-faced dallas. and now i get to see that beard. i have not dug through there yet, but i'll keep you posted if anything flies out there throughout the course of the season. >> let me know. we'll book that on nbc as well. good luck to you. we'll certainly be watching tomorrow night and through the season. jenny cavnar, best of luck. >> thank you. let's move on now. take you back outside. a live look at
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welcome back. jeff is back with us. my son's playing a high school baseball game right now on the peninsula. they're still playing. >> that's good. we made the cutoff here. so we do have some rain that's coming in right now. the bulk of it is across the north bay, seeing more of that build to the coast. let me show you more about what's happening with this rainfall as we head through tonight. and things will be picking up
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here across the east bay and peninsula as we head into 9:00, 10:00, also 11:00 this evening, with some heavier downpours at times. and then we'll see all of this, at least the bugg of it move out by tomorrow morning. we'll just be left with a slight chance of a spotty shower as we head through the morning and the afternoon. so we'll start it off with temperatures here in the 40s. and talk about a chilly day here for march. 57 in santa rosa. 61 martinez. low 60s for the south bay. now more rain chances will be back with us friday, saturday and sunday. from this storm system, it's going to slowly move down the coastline here into easter weekend. so totals on friday. we'd be in for another quarter to possibly 3/4 of an inch on saturday overall, a quarter inch here, some of the higher elevations in yellow. could get up to a half inch. and then on easter sunday, right now it doesn't look like a whole lot. just trace amounts to a tenth of an inch. on the seven-day forecast, we will have that next round friday. and then this weekend is scattered thunderstorm chances.
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i think we'll still be able to get through easter and any kind of egg hunts anyone has happening. and then by next week, raj, look at that, 70s and sun. >> that's beautiful. the easter bunny and the parents out there certainly applaud you. >>eah it looks like we're going make it through. > coming up tonight in prime-time here on nbc bay area, it's chica wednesday. chicago med at 8:00. fire at 9:00, and chicago pd at 10:00. and then of course we are back for our 11:00 news live and local. that's going do it for us here at 7:00. for inch here at nbc bay area, including our managing editor keith berry, thanks for joining us. we hope you enjoy your evening.
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tonight on access hollywood. wait until you hear diddy's response response to the raids on his


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