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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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right now 11:00, using live cameras across the bay area. the first storm of a one-two punch coming our way, a heavy dose of snow, i look at this, like september or january, along interstate 80, highway 50, slow going at certain points, you just have to be safe if you are heading to the sierra. >> let's go to our chief meteorologist. here we go again. >> that's right. coming in pretty quickly. across the bay area. storm front itself is right now over the peninsula and east bay, let's track some of this right now near the bay, some rain moving towards richmond, 1140, another round of some moderate in a few heavier
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pockets at 11:07 pm, and through 11:33 pm, and now start to see some spotty showers make it into the south bay. the storm front will not -- continue to move to the south and overnight, and the east bay, into the south bay, overall tomorrow, what did you see, just a spotty chance, second round on friday, wins the 35 thunderstorms, eastern weekend, holding onto the rain chance. the pure snow, i want you to see the totals from tomorrow, through sunday, 33 inches caulking veil, 22 tahoe in kirkwood, if a look at the bay area easter weekend, coming up in 15 minutes.>> make sure to check in with the morning team, at 5 am we will be back.
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caught in the crossfire, shot outside of his home in barkley, with his mom, steps away, she is speaking out, recovering from last night shooting, pete reports, it's prompting a city councilmember to speak out about the crime plaguing his community. >> he knows. >> the mother of a shooting victim in barkley in disbelief after her son was shot leaving their home on tuesday night, for safety purposes she doesn't want to reveal the identity but grabbing a bite to eat with family members, when he opened the door, gunshots on especially fired in his direction, hitting in the leg. >> until i heard my sons reaming and i said i'm hit, my leg. >> according to barkley pd, total crime is down 16% compared to this time last
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year, following the shooting, representing the district where the shooting took place posted the message, saying barkley leaders no longer have the luxury to ignore crime, he said more than half of the shootings and the city took place in the district, addressing gun violence, it's a top priority. >> pretty strong to the family and the neighbors, and the committee at large. >> back home from the hospital recovering from his injuries, other family members are concerned about the impact the shooting will have on the community.>> >> you come outside. and you know >> the shooting is still an investigation, as they continue to search for suspects, doing their best to stay strong. >> maintaining safety and make sure is okay, he can focus and making sure he is not
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traumatized. >> nbc barrier bay area news. >> after a lot of conflict -- controversy, the city has a new police chief. >> our new top police officer. boyd mitchell. >> the oakland mayor introducing him today. recently leading the police department in lubbock texas, credited with bringing down violent crime but resigned after criticism over the 911 response time. he vows to send the -- spend the first 100 days getting to know the community and addressing safety issues including rising crying. >> my approaches high visibility, responsible collective policing, just, data- driven and grounded in evidence- based strategies that address the most difficult issues.>> is
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is acted to start by early may. >> a seventh correctional officer tied to and east bay women's prison, the keim lumley, sexually abusing five inmates at the federal correctional institute. he pleaded guilty in september, since 2021, at least 20 -- 20 people have been accused of sexually abusing female inmates, a special master was appointed to oversee the prison, and they rated the prison and the warden was ousted. bay area native and former ceo of fdx, sam bateman freed will be sentenced tomorrow. accused of masterminding a multibillion-dollar fraud that caused the collapse of the ftx crypto currency exchange, found guilty on several charges last november, facing up to 50 years
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in prison, is expected to appeal the conviction and sentence as well. >> still searching for answers after the horrific bridge collapse in baltimore, the ntsb of the cargo ship that slammed into the francis scott key bridge, investigators are examining the data recorders into inside for what happened in the moments leading up to the crash. and the bodies of two missing workers have been recovered from the scene. the search and recovery effort is now a salvage operation, >> they were found inside a pickup truck at the bottom of the patapsco river and recovery efforts seven put on hold due to the danger posed by the wreckage. >> multiple alarms were recorded on the bridge audio. >> reporter: ntsb investigators spent hours aboard the ship today providing a readout of
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the terrifying fight leading up to the collision. and retrieved from the ships voyage container or vdr, they may have saved dozens of lives. >> two units do to construction of the bridge, one on each side of the bridge, and traffic on the bridge. >> moments later there was this. >> 39 seconds they reported down, and the coast guard. >> aboard the dolly, aboard hazardous materials. >> some of the containers were breached, we have seen a sheer and the waterway. >> the federal government pledging to rebuild the bridge. >> we will be here with you until everything is rebuilt
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stronger than ever. >> terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. a west point cadet has died, 20-year-old haven morris died while on leave in florida, fort lauderdale police say he was last seen on saturday night, body seen and found in a river, investigators have ruled his death an accidental drowning. >> from santa clara county, the planting quarry and cupertino, it is also facing more than 2000 environmental violations, prompting a lot of concerns from neighbors. more on the closure and what will happen to the land.>> tonight and cupertino, the future of the lehigh cement plant in quarry, a plant representing several oversight agents is, with questions for the community. >> the supervisor, had just a
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midian said it will not reopen, more than 2000 violations, the county has received a number of claims from nearby residents and the company has been find millions of dollars for alleged violations, including the discharging of wastewater in the creek. >> we now have a clear commitment that the plants not only close but stay close permanently, and the activity will come to an end. we will begin to see the restoration of the sites.>> reporter: one of the next steps is a confirmation from the parent company and receiving public input. the most shocking parts of tonight, a timeline that this could change. >> sinking a hole in the ground, for century more, a long time to fill a backup.>> reporter: not just years or decades. >> 600 truck trips per day over about a 30 year period.
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>> would you say that warmer time? >> 600 trips per day or about 30 years. >> it will cause concern with things like traffic but all that will be debated and resolved in the next couple of years. and cupertino, nbc bay area news. super tuesday was a few weeks ago but we have a supertight race for congress, under the microscope now, san mateo county has invited the campaigns of joe simitian and evan lowe to see the tally so much now, joe simitian is leading by five votes up by two votes last night, replacing anna ashooh, in san mateo and santa clara counties, sam liccardo has clinched the top spot so either evan lowe or joe
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simitian will advance, the results will be certified until april 12, at that point i campaign to call for a recount. is enough to meet state requirements. city council approved the plan for year-round emergency soldiers to open up on el camino, they're only allowed to operate in industrial areas, last night the city council approved a plan to change th zoning laws to allow shelters and some residential areas is well under the new plan, there parts of el camino riel without a permit, he said the area was picked because as transportation and employment opportunities for people to get back. >> >> doesn't have as many services, buses and places to eat, el camino was identified as a place that would be really much better for an emergency shelter because those services
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and access to good transportation are all there. >> the plan will also help the city reach the requirements by march 31, 2339 says the city is required to zone for emerging shelters in the el camino riel, a precise plan by the end of the month. and the entire precise plan, it remains unclear. >> and regional medical center denise san jose, the hospital decision to close the trauma center, it made the announcement last month, they are holding the protest, the next closest trauma units are valley med, a miles away or stanford, nurses say the minutes and miles matter for patients facing severe trauma. says she stroke and heart attack, it will continue to evaluate and treat those patients, but transfer them if they need a higher level of
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care. in a statement today regional says it's downsizing the level ii trauma center, due to low patient volumes and adding 20 beds with emergency departments. it is still determining when the changes will go into effect. back in 60 seconds, have you thought about trying ozempic for weight loss? there is a dark side, what you need to know before you get your hands on it. less than four minutes into the game, draymond green ejected, we will show you tonight's drama at the warriors game. you consider rain on storm ranger, how much wewill se e
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the latest weight loss trend with a powerful hollywood influence but there are negative side effects to the ozempic craze that are necessarily medical but possibly harmful.
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>> what you should know about it before you asked your doctor her about the drug.>> drugs like ozempic have been around for years treating diabetes but doctors tell me the recent award season hollywood waitlist has caused not just a dangerous prescription shortage we reported on but also black market. >> it just happens to be my shot day. >> the last 10 months i have lost almost 70 pounds. >> tiktok to the red carpet. >> for 25 years making fun of my weight was nationals or>> reporter: a recent oprah special. >> the ozempic tri-zone. a new class of weight loss has skyrocketed, leading to high demand. putting diabetes patients like carlos at very high risk. >> for the last two months i've
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been trying to get the prescription, and out of it.>> isn't just trying to manage his diabetes, he is also recovering from triple by hat -- bypass heart surgery. >> is being overlooked? >> definitely feel that way.>> people really care but people with diabetes care about their own self above losing weight. >> a lot of patients have been going to the same struggle. >> the chief of the endocrine clinic, she says her patients with diabetes have caught her frantically, a number ending up in the emergency room with high blood sugar levels because they were not able to get the prescription. >> it is not an uncommon scenario. >> who is in charge of prioritizing medicines to make sure it goes to those a goes for medical reason versus those
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who want it for aesthetic weight loss? >> it's in prescribers but even then, they bite on the black market. >> is a black market?>> buying in on facebook, buying various medications, and going for example mexico, and cabo san lucas. >> a drugstore inside the airport just last month. >> some people up and using medicine. >> earlier this month, three days before the oscars, the manufacturer, lilly can't release this open letter saying it stands against the use of medicine for cosmetic weight loss. it's meant for the treatment of serious diseases. but the fda has also improved it for chronic weight management.
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they say to the everyday person this feels like messaging. like him. >> i heard you there, can you give me some, and it's like she's crazy, for people who have diabetes, not to lose weight>> treating obesity with meds can help help with a host of other medical issues. but critical you go through a licensed healthcare provider, find alternatives. warning about counterfeit or compounded weight loss drugs, it's combined with something else. according to the manufacturer, a compounded product was nothing more than sugar alcohol. with the investigative unit, nbc bay area news. >> just be careful what you're trying to get. for sure. let's look at the weather, the rain is officially come back.>> are wanting even more
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rain or sun?>> i think i know were going. >> eventually warmer weather, over the wayne fall, storm ranger, it is moving to these bay and the peninsula, two zones, moving over the bay, in to hayward, picking up the rainfall in pleasanton, we haven't seen a whole lot in the south bay but gradually going to work your way, more details in the microclimate forecast, as we had the thursday, close is the weekend, 1:00 in the morning, sing and move off towards the south, towards these bay, south a, 1 am, the book that moves out, the bulk of it tomorrow morning, mix of sun and clouds in the spotty shower, is but a chance for
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shower as we rolled through the afternoon, totals are not expected to be high. back to the 40s, through the peninsula, south bay 48, 40s and low 50s for these bay san francisco these bay. hang on with me, even colder, parts of the north bay only staying the 50s for highs. that's it, 57 in santa rosa, low 60s for these bay and south bay, 50 near san francisco, 56 in half moon bay. spotty shower tomorrow, here we go, more rain coming in friday and saturday, and basically slowly moving down the coastline. bring the possibility, let's go to the totals, the most rainfall, half to three quarters of most the bay area, the bull's-eye, getting in an
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inch, maybe a little more, the total decree somewhere saturday, a quarter inch for the lower elevations, evidence, not so much for ederson that's my easter sunday, tapering off, ten-day forecast by next week, tuesday and wednesday, a lot of sunshine coming in with that. okay on easter sunday, is but a chance for thunderstorms, looks like that would be mid day or afternoon, easter egg hunt in the morning, be okay there on easter sunday. >> perfect for the kids.>> excellent. >> i don't know. >> we will take it. [ laughter ]>> [ laughter ] >> up next, the scuffle over a stanley cup that landed the bay area in the whole lot of trouble. at a target in the
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boycotting opening day. the action oakland a's fans are taking in response to the team's relocation to vegas. plus, a new fire training center opening in the south bay. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out.
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and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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a couple is been arrested, and dramatic fashion from starbucks, out of the target,
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and cupertino. and cataline. refused to sell them not to breezed out of the way, and tried to take a stanley cup, the sheriff department later were able to him down, identify them as kevin torres crews and dimming is vera arrested yesterday. paddle boarding, and los gatos, at least for now, the lake has been drained. the water district is making repairs to the dam built in the 19 30s. the district smallest reservoir, water released is now flowing into a creek downstream which is going to be -- recharging upon. once again next week with water from the near reservoir.
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente,
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a lot of drama lawyers
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tonight. involving draymond green. stephan curry not have a draymond usual screwed. not the locker room. and orlando, into the game, and technical and profane language you and he was done. and so valuable. and he 99 situation. they beat the magic 101-93, and 10 games left in the regular season. happy new year almost, opening-day baseball, jackson san diego, the oakland a's and the coliseum against the
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guardians. at stanford, the new men's basketball coach in tears. talking about attending sun.>> not hard to cry but had the opportunity, and and more resources. and and thankful. >> cosmetic man taking the job access to the auti doctors sm norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron.
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. some extraordinary bay area women were honored tonight, the recharge group held the inaugural iconic women awards in san francisco. it celebrates black women who make a significant impact to their industry. all 28 women were honored, including singer-songwriter and the oakland native. >> i love that it's women's month, we get to be celebrated, and especially women of color in the bay area, it's fi


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