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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  March 28, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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made l hello, i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today is thursday, march 28, 2024. heartbreak in baltimore. the city only beginning to come to terms with the catastrophic bridge collapse. two bodies have been recovered
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from the water. now growing concerns about some of the materials on that ship. stabbing rampage, four are dead after a man stabbed multiple people in rockford, illinois. what we know about the victims and suspect now in custody. and the buck stops here. have you noticed dollar store items are costing you more? what is driving up the prices and how you can save. and must see tv, a man says he got a second chance at life thanks to a story we ran here a year ago. the surgery that saved his life. we begin with the baltimore community trying to heal after the deadly bridge collapse. a salvage mission is under way to remove the wreckage from the water. the search for victims has been suspended now until the salvage process is over because it is simply too dangerous for divers. the bodies of two of the six people who fell into the water
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were recovered yesterday. today the baltimore orioles are honoring the victims and first responders during their opening day game. jay gray is in baltimore for us. let's start with the investigation. we heard from maryland's governor earlier. what is he saying about next steps? >> reporter: yeah, and we can tell you that ntsb investigators for the second day are on board the ship, i'm told they are spending a lot of time in the engine room. as you meet remember, there was a heavy black smoke coming from the back of the ship, it had lost power and propulsion right before impact, so as the investigation continues, the governor of maryland today stressing that this is going to continue to be a joint effort and that it is going to take some time here. >> government is working hand in hand with industry to investigate the area, to clear the wreck, and to move the ship.
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this work is not going to take hours. this work is not going to take days. this work is not going to take weeks. we have a very long road ahead of us. >> reporter: very difficult as well. and look as you talked about coming into this, divers are not in the water anymore, because it is not safe enough. they do intend to recover the four missing victims probably during the salvage effort. >> and i know the wife of one of those is sharing her news. what did she say? >> reporter: yeah, it is interesting. the wife of julio, somehow miles per hour miraculously survived, he doesn't know how to swim and eight in all that were on the bridge at the time were on a break.swim and eight in all tha
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on the bridge at the time were on a break. inside their vehicles. two were found inside their pickup truck and sonar skates indicates that the four may still be in their vehicles but wrapped in the debris.kates indicates that the four may still be in their vehicles but wrapped in the debris.ates indicates that the four may still be in their vehicles but wrapped in the debris.tes indicates that the four may still be in their vehicles but wrapped in the indicates that the four may still be in their vehicles but wrapped in the debris.s indicates that the four may still be in their vehicles but wrapped in the debris. indicates that the four may still be in their vehicles but wrapped in the debris. her brother-in-law recovered but her nephew still missing. >> and so the ntsb says there are hard materials on the cargo ship. is there any danger to the public there? >> reporter: well, what we've been told is that 56 containers which equals about 764 tons of hazardous material, most corrosives or flammables, it does include some lithium ion batteries, there are some containers that have been breached, some that have fallen into the water. what we're being told, that there is a light sheen on the water and that they are investigating that. but it doesn't appear to have any impact or any threat,
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provide any threat for the public right now. none of this water is used in any of the drinking systems or any of the other systems in the area. so they have got that contained and they are continuing to look at that very closely. >> a little bit of good news there. jay gray, thank you. four people are dead and seven others are hurt after what is being called a random and senseless act of violence that stunned illinois city. the youngest victim is a 15-year-old girl. and shaquille brewster is joining me now. rockford police gave an update earlier. what have we learned? >> reporter: we learned really horrifying new details not just about what happened, but about the impact this is having on the community. such a strong impact that the grief counselors brought in by the city had to be reinforced. they had to bring in more people because of the need being felt in rockford. the stabbings happened around 1:15 local time yesterday, it happened at five different
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locations including inside several homes where four people in total were killed. and we've learned the names of those who were lost. 63-year-old romo in a schubach, a 23-year-old who police say the suspect knew, and 49-year-old jay larsen who was a veteran postal worker, and then 15-year-old jenna newcomb who is being called a hero. listen to what we heard. >> jenna's mom wants the community to know that jenna died saving her sister. and her friend. and protecting them from further harm. >> reporter: also seven others wounded including a police officer, someone who is being described as a good samaritan.
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an someone still in the hospital and currently intubated. >> it all sounds so random. what do we know about the suspect? >> reporter: he is 22-year-old christian soto. and we got a note that he was denied pretrial release until the next hearing. he is facing serious charges so not surprising including the four counts of first-degree murder, seven counts of attempted first degree murder and two counts of home invasion. and one of our colleagues got in contact with his mother who said she was shocked by this, that he is not someone who appeared to be aggressive in any sense in the past. and i'll tell you that shock is something that you are hearing completed from many people in that community. >> shaquille brewster, thank you so much. the man behind a failed crypto currency exchange is now set to spend the next 25 years behind bars. sam bankman-fried was sentenced late this morning for his role
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in that multibillion dollar fraud scheme. sbf as people call him was accused of stealing 8 build from customers and lying to investors. prosecutors were seek zing up to 50 years. so brian cheung is joining us. what did we hear today? >> this marks the end if you will for the time being to the long saga after the collapse in 2022 of the cryptocurrency exchange fts. the prosecutors in the case had wanted to get him with 40 to 50 years in prison. their argument is many lost millions of dollars in some cases, whereas his defending council tried to push for 6 1/2 years. so 25 is kind of in the middle. judge kaplan said he found the arguments from the defense to be misleading and speculative. and some of the things that
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defense were trying to argue is for example that they could recuperate the money and that it won't be as bad for consumers because they would ultimately get their money back and they were trying to paint the picture of sam as kind of a socially awkward depressed person that wouldn't be able to handle a long sentence. clearly 25 years though, very substantial and that is what he faces. >> a lot more than the 6 they asked for. in their argument for that reduced prison sentence, i know his lawyers said there is a chance that some people could actually see some money back. which is one of the big questions here. anybody who got harmed going to get their money back? >> and there are separate proceedings happening in a court in delaware where a bankruptcy administrator put in place after the company collapsed in 2022 trying to make the effort to basically plug the $10 billion hole. $8 billion of it customers losing money and then another $2 billion of fraud. so they are trying to find all the money. the question is can get it all dollar for dollar. that is not the case right now, but it steams like there is some
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optimism that those who have legitimate claims again according to this court in delaware should be able to made hole. but how long is an open question. >> brian cheung, thank you so much. and time for the cnbc money minute. robo taxis could be heading to the big apple and an unexpected deal for two major sports teams. steve kovach is joining me. >> yeah, let's start with noork. mayor adams announced that the city is opening prmgt applications to test autonomous cars. but companies need prior experience testing in urban environments to get approval and there must be a safety driver in the car at all times. and ice cube is offering caitlin clark a reported $5 millions to play ten games in his big three league. the hip hop mogul confirmed the offer while responding to a tmz story on x calling it an
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historic offer. but he said that he was still waiting for the answer from caitlin clark. and the nation's capital is holding on to hoops and hockey. local officials in virginia end ed negotiations to bring wizards. and mayor bowser announced a deal that would keep the teams in washington until at least 2050. back over to you. >> and that is a big deal in washington. i used to live there. big deal. steve, thank you so much. and still to come, play ball. it is opening day for major league baseball, the changes to the game that all fans need to know about. plus march madness outrage, one woman's basketball team one woman's basketball team harassed with ♪♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra,
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an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. depend keeps you drier than ever, so you can say yes to more than ever. yes-s-s! yes. yes! (mixed shouts, laughter) no. depend. the only thing stronger than us is you. dad, i got a huge barbeque wing stain. this bottle says i need to pretreat. that stuff has way more water. a little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. nice! more money for nights at the...library. right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold
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plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at
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a split screen moment as the presidents look ahead to november. president biden is holding a star-studded fundraiser at radio city music hole. barack obama and bill lit are clinton are expected to attend. and former president trump attended the wake of a new york city police officer who died in the line of duty monday.memoli .
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>> reporter: and this is a a high ticket event and we're told that it is sold out. $250 is the chooeps ticket just to get yourself into the room tonight. and there are tickets as high as half million dollars. that gets you not just into see the event but also to get a photo with the two former presidents and sitting president taken by annie leibovitz. and there will be entertainment like lizzo and mindy kaling, queen latifah. so a lot in store tonight. to say nothing of the conversation that will be happening. and organizers say this has been in the works for months. they hope to send the message especially to democrats that this party is fully behind president biden. and by going down memory lane,
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of course talking about what is at stake in the election and what in the future if biden wins a second term. >> and president trump is drawing attention to crime here in new york. what are we hearing as he attends that wake? >> reporter: the republicans say they are the party of law and order and some talking about defunding the police and president biden saying he doesn't agree with that, but former president trump trying to showcase his support for law enforcement by attending this memorial service for the officer killed in the line of duty. let's listen to what he had to say. >> such a horrible thing. it is happening all too often.
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we won't let it happen. the diller family will never be the same. you can never be the same. and we have to stop it. we have to stop it, we have to get back to law and order, we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working. this is happening too often. >> reporter: the white house press secretary saying president biden did call the mayor of new york to express his condolences to the new york police department on the loss. >> mike memoli, thank you so much. imagine standing on the street minding your own business and suddenly you are punched in the face. that is happening in new york city. women say they are being attacked entirely at random, but their descriptions of the assaults are quite similar. here is stephanie gosk.
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>> reporter: it is striking how similar the stories are. the stories are hair rogue. >> i was literally just walking and a man came up and punched me in the face. oh, my god, it hurt so bad. >> reporter: this college student says that she was just leaving class in manhattan. >> so i just got punched in the face walking home. he hit me right on my cheek bone. this doesn't hurt as bad as the concussion does. >> reporter: she says she didn't see it coming. >> you have the black eye, but emotionally, how are you feeling? >> it has been really hard. i think that it hits me in waves. a lot of crying because it was really, really scary. >> reporter: the nypd confirms it is looking into at least four similar cases like the one shared on social media. in one of them a 40-year-old man is arrested and charged with assault. >> i was punched in the head in new york city in times square.
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>> reporter: but police have not linked the cases. in recent days dozens of accounts of alleged assaults have popped up online. nbc news has not verified all the videos. the troubling stories surfacing at the same time there is a rash of violent crime on the city's busy subways. in response the national guard has been brought into search bags and 1,000 additional nypd officers are now riding the trains too. but the mayor pushing back on the idea that crime is rampant in this city. and expressing concerns that social media is stoking fears. >> i know a city out of control because i visit some of them in this country. this is not one of them. >> reporter: 77% of americans believe crime is on the rise according to a gallup poll. misdemeanor assault up 10% from this time last year in new york city, but in most places the fbi says violent crime is down. >> i'm really scared to go back to school. i've been delaying it as long as possible. but i'll have to go back eventually.
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>> she says one reason she's sharing her story, she wants women to be vigilant and more aware of their surroundings and hopefully prevent more women from getting hurt. >> a good lesson for all of us. thank you. and coming up the alarms rise of gambling among teen ages. what can be done. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait.
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treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. oh, here comes the bread guy. ugh, don't you ever get sick of bread? -how dare you? -come on. if you saved nearly $750 like this, imagine what we could splurge on. oh, like sourdough. no, the good stuff, like blueberries. -uh, and strawberries? -exactly. raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, elderberries, boysenberries... okay, we don't need to name all the berries. ...goji berries, halle berry. -i'm just kidding. -mm-hmm. but i love her. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds, to spend on whatever you dream up. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1?
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ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a life-threatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save.
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this is "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." i'm janelle wang. sam bankman-fried has been sentenced to 25 years. the judge said he committed obstruction of justice and witness tampering while mounting his defense. prosecutors sought 50 years. his legal team argued for 6 1/2 years. he was convicted on seven criminal counts in november. opening day in oakland might be the last opening day ever. that's what a's fans are fearing as the baseball season opens today. they seem to have one foot out the door. bob redell joins us from the stadium with more. >> reporter: two fan groups are asking fans to stay inside the parking lot during tonight's home opener.
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they don't want fans in the ballpark. they want them to participate in a block party protest in the parking lot against the a's move to las vegas. the group has created a website called the summer of boycott to channel our collective frustration into positive action. this is to let the billionaire team owner know they want the team to stay in oakland. >> the a's belong in oakland. the fans deserve this team. the fans have built up and created the mystique around the a's. we deserve better. we're hoping eventually somehow mlb will step in and do a quiet payoff of fisher. everything to date hasn't proven that to be the case. >> reporter: in the past, the a's have opened up the parking lot four to six hours before the home opener to let the fan ms. to tailgate. yesterday, the team released a statement that they will not be opening the gates to the parking
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lot tonight until two hours before game time, which will be just after 5:00. it's not clear if this is in response to tonight's planned boycott. the east bay times reports this could cause serious traffic problems in lines of cars backs up on 880. if you are coming to the game, keep in mind, there's a concert taking place next door at 8:00 at the oakland arena, which is on the same site as the coliseum. with regard to the a's move to vegas, next tuesday the tropicana hotel, which has been a sin city landmark for a number of years, will be shut down, eventually demolished for the a's new $1.5 billion stadium. they hope to move into the ballpark in 2028. the team is committed to play here at the coliseum through this season, but not clear where they will go in the years while that stadium is being built. first pitch tonight, 7:07 against the cleveland guardians here at the oakland coliseum. bob redell, nbc bay area news.
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>> thanks. the home opener airs on nbc sports california. coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. the rain is here to stay. here is kari hall. as we look at our forecast for today, most of us are getting a break from the rain. there's the chance of a spotty shower. tomorrow, more widespread rain and gusty winds. that continues into the weekend. on easter, a chance of rain. for the most of the bay area getting a break from the activity, we are looking at temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s. up to 60 in san mateo, 59 in san francisco. livermore, we are only going to see a high of 59 degrees. jacket weather all the way. it gets cooler for tomorrow with that widespread rain coming in. we are also looking at some cool temperatures on saturday. it will be slightly milder as we get some breaks in the rain. we will look at our seven day forecast in 30 minutes. >> thanks.
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california lawmakers are taking steps to push for safety reforms to school zones. traffic sdenlt accidents are thr one cause for death for children in the state. they include lowering speed limits in school zones to 20 miles per hour at 7:00 to 10:00 a.m., to 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., the greatest possibility for risk. the announcement was made in the campbell union elementary school district this morning, just blocks from where an 8-year-old was killed in 2022 while walking to school. a charter high school in east san jose is closing for good. since the pandemic, enrollment has been decreased by 30%. earlier this month, the school board at cpc alum rock high voted on the closure. 200 students will have to 200 students will have to sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn.
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with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) rsv can severely affect
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the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
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would the of the bottom of the other. here are some headlines about israel has asked the white house to reschedule a high level meeting over military plans in gaza's southern city of rafah. benjamin netanyahu abruptly called the meeting off earlier this week after the u.s. allowed its ceasefire resolution to pass. the white house says ir netanyahu's office to schedule a
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new date. long time connecticut senator and vice presidential nominee joe lieberman has died according to a statement from his family, he passed after suffering complications from a fall. he served in the senate from 1989 to 2013. during that time, he also made history as al gore's running mate in 2000 becoming the first jewish american nominated on a major party ticket. the funeral will be held friday. he was 82 years old. beyonce getting ready to drop her new country album tomorrow. and she is giving the beehive plenty to buzz about, she shared the cowboy carter track list on social media yesterday. it appeared to hint at a possible cover of dolly parton's iconic song jolene and nod to linda martell. the alum also expected to feature collaborations with a handful of stars including post
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malone and miley cyrus. fans can listen for themselves tonight at midnight. there is growing outrage over an alleged incident of racism aimed at a women's basketball team in the march madness tournament. the university of utah's women's team say they faced racial threats near their hotel in idaho. and here is correspondent dana griffin. >> racism is real. and it happens. and it is awful. >> reporter: what was supposed to be a thrilling start to the ncaa tournament turned a shocking racist experience for the utah women's basketball team as they walked from their hotel to a nearby restaurant. >> the vehicle drove by and several racial slurs were yelled by occupants. >> reporter: the team made up of black, white and latina athletes
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was staying 35 minutes from the arena. and surveillance video shows the team inside the restaurant and later leaving. but not the actual incident. after dinner it happened again koortd to the police report the drivers of two trucks revved their engines and yelled the "n" word. the coach addressed the incident. >> for our players and staff to not feel safe in an ncaa tournament environment, it is messed up. >> reporter: the ncaa and gonzaga helped the team move to a new hotel as a safety precaution. >> to the young women who endured racial slurs while visiting, i offer my most sincere apology. >> reporter: a press conference monday to denounce the hate cut short. after a man the mayor described as a no white supremacist interrupted. the area has a long history of racial conflict, the latest a
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new stain many locals want no part of. >> it is not who we are. it is not what we want to restaurant. >> reporter: dana griffin, nbc news. with major league baseball in full swing today and college basketball's march madness under way, millions are expected to wager money on the games including teenagers. and experts say they are noticing an alarms trend, more and more young people placing bets online. and joining me now to explain is valerie castro. i know that you spoke to teens about what they are seeing and hearing in their circles. >> and they say this is becoming ubiquitous especially when it comes to the fantasy league apps. you only have to be 18 to play. and the teens say they feel like gambling has become normalized and when you watch on any sporting event, it is not hard to see why. the ads are everywhere. >> mgm is for everyone that loves sports betting. >> reporter: march madness mania now a sports betting craze with
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americans estimated to legally wager more than $2.7 billion on the college basketball tournament. but with sports betting legal in 38 states and d.c. and more apps than ever making it easy to sign up, critics worry putting money on a game is going too far. >> it is normalized at such a young age that we're seeing high schoolers get hooked. >> reporter: rodman said he learned the hard way as an avid philadelphia sports fan. >> there were wins, but never a win that was satisfactory enough to say, okay, that is enough. that all culminated in the last day i gambled and in that 12 hours i created six months worth of debt. >> reporter: and approximately 60% of high school aged adolescents report having gambled for money in the past year. >> they don't think about the consequences. >> reporter: gary with gamblers anonymous says members keep getting younger.
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>> prior to online gambling to have somebody come in at around 24 was a rarity. but now we're getting in as people as young as 16. >> reporter: some using social apps and two online leagues. and gaming that aren't as regulated as traditional sports betting, in most cases you only have to be 18 to sign up. but experts say that digitally savvy kids can easily get around the restrictions. we tried out an app called fliff i was able to sign up easily without even having to prove my age. 18. create account. you use virtual currency to play. so it is not considered true gambling. >> you are using in-game currency. not technically real money, but you buy the in-game currency. >> reporter: in a statement fliff says they could not make a purchase until they verify the
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identity but it allows people who have an opinion on sport to do so without spending anymore. it is not considered sports betting because they consider it a game of skill and not chae. how much money are people losing? >> though four leagues and all 20 and they don't win any. so they lose 80 right like that. >> reporter: and they are concerned that the trend is now the norm. >> i feel like it is getting worse. >> can we place the bet on march madness? >> reporter: and using social media and his experience to help other young people avoid the risks and seek treatment. >> some people say this is grooming or training young people into gambling. do you agree? >> i do. if we're constantly being shown something as glamorous and profitable, we'll believe it.
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no one showing you why you shouldn't place it. >> reporter: a losing bet in the wrong hands. and experts say early intervention is key and parents should be talking about the consequences of gambling with their children in the same way that they would talk about consequences of drugs or alcohol. >> valerie, thank you so much. and as we mentioned, today is opening day for major league baseball. and hope springs eternal for the 30 teams and their loyal fans. my mother-in-law a devoted chicago cubs fan. this is her today. the biggest names are set to square off in marquee match-ups all afternoon and into the evening as they chase a championship. and morgan chesky is joining us from globe life field in arlington, texas home of the reigning world champions -- well, world series champions. sorry. the texas rarngs. rangers. hi, a couple have postponed
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their games because of the weather, but what do we expect today? >> reporter: yeah, let's talk about all of it. some fans are disappointed because the bravers and phillies and mets won't have baseball. they have been postponed to rain. they will be picked up tomorrow. but for fans of everyone else, baseball is back. no offense to your mother-in-law, but a lot of fans are hoping to see the champs start off with a win. the big world series banner expecting to be coming down here within a few short hours. i spoke to their manager the other day and he said he wants his team to soak up every second. he has won four world series so he knows the moments are precious. but when the season does kick off, it might look a shade different than it did last season because we saw the
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polarizing pitch clock come into play. and we had a tweak to that rule for 2024. so if there is nobody on base, pitchers have 15 seconds to deliver the pitch. if there is someone on base, they now only have 18 seconds. i know two seconds may not sound like a lot, but they are trying to compress the game as much as possible while keeping true to the baseball roots. and when i talk to fan, i said are any of these new rules taking away from the enjoyment and they said absolutely not, if anything it helps them enjoy it even more because they have a chance to get home or not sit in the sun for hours on end during a long summer game. and another change,mound visits cut from five to four. but the same old baseball and everyone is excited. >> i married into a cubs family so i'll have to say go cubbies. morgan chesky, thank you. and we all know a dollar doesn't go as far as it used to, but now that is even the case at the dollar store.
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dollar tree says it is upping its prices again, that means some items will cost as much as 7 bucks. and here is our business correspondent christine romans on what is driving the change. . >> everything is a dollar so everybody is happy. >> reporter: call it the dollar-ish store. true dollar prices are a thing of the past. and even family dollar will are closing some stores. and shoppers are complaining about the higher prices. >> at this point i'm so sick of everything. change the name. wealthy tree. fortune tree. >> reporter: and in a call with investors last week, the company said to expect a $5 bag of dog food next to $1.25 bag of pet
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treats. a combination of inflation and influx of higher income customers who can better afford it. >> why are people making $100,000 shopping at a dollar store? >> because there is a lot of price pressures that are impacting consumers. they are going out to buy goods and services and looking for places to cut. >> reporter: it has been a few years since things were actually a dollar at the dollar store after a 35 years in 2021 dollar minimum became $1.25. and now over 300 items could raise unto $7. and trader joes raising single banana prices from 19 to 23 cents. and what about the 1.50 costco hot dog and soda combo? prove of membership may be
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required. >> and once you have the consumer in the door, they are going to make the purchase. >> reporter: more than a pretty penny for many cash strapped families. when it comes to deciding between a trip to the grocery store or dollar store, canned goods might be cheaper at a regular grocery store. but for items like wipes or diapers, a dollar store may be a better bet. >>nd much more news ari
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now an nbc exclusive. we report a lot on life saving innovations here. and about a year ago, we aired a story about a ground breaking new treatment for lung cancer. and it turns out a man in california was watching and he says that story saved his life. as a pulmonologist based in california, dr. gibbon has seen his share of lung disease, but he never expected to be diagnosed with cancer himself. >> i developed a cough. i lost weight. i went to get a ct scan and i was in a state of shock that i had advanced stage lung cancer. >> reporter: gary's doctors at ucla tried everything, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation, but it wasn't
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working. he was in the icu when his wife got a call from gary's doctor. >> he started like sadly and terribly. and i was like i heard it and that was just it. it was something like there is nothing, you know -- we've exhausted all our options. >> reporter: but in that darkest hour, gary remembered a story she had shown him. about a year ago i reported on two lung cancer patients who had had a ground breaking double lung transplant at northwestern medicine in chicago. the doctor puts the patients on full heart/lung bypass while carefully removing both at once and two moved in. how much difference do you think it made that you happened to see that piece? >> it was 100% everything. >> reporter: what would have happened if you hadn't seen it? >> he would be dead. i'm not joking.
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>> reporter: gary asked his l.a. doctors to contact northwestern. he was air lifted to chicago. gary's cancer treatments had damaged his lungs and liver. gary would need not just a double lung transplant, but a deliver transplant too. >> we had the technology and skillset. this patient needed it. we were the only place that could do it. >> reporter: and chief of transplant surgery focused on the liver working side by side with director of the thoracic center. were you confident going in? >> there is always a little bit of risk. so we felt like there was a pretty high probability that it would work, but certainly we recognized that there were certain risks involved. >> reporter: risks like keeping the donated liver alive for 17
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hours in a box while the doctor replaced gary's lungs. >> we used a machine where we put the liver on the machine and it pumped through normal temperature blood and it is actually working in this box. and this liver is just functioning on the side of the room. >> reporter: the surgery was a success. >> he was sleeping after surgery and i could see his chest going up and down. and i was like oh, my god, i haven't seen that in months. i hadn't seen him breathing. >> reporter: six months post surgery, gary is now cancer free. >> one of the choices i made right up front was that i said i'm going to spread the word about this. as soon as i came out of surgery and i was able to talk properly, i'm like i'm going to talk about this wherever i can. >> because you want to help the next person. >> yes.
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>> northwestern medicine says it is the first time in the u.s. that they know of that the triple transplant has been done on someone with advanced lung cancer and they hope to inspire other patients to ask questions and look for trials or treemgts at other hospitals because doctors in one region don't always know what is happening in other parts of country. and one way to do that, visit clinical nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. (psst! psst!) ahhh!
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with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. [♪♪] did you know, many moisturizers only hydrate your skin? for advanced science that visibly repairs signs of aging... try olay regenerist micro-sculpting cream. it delivers 10 benefits in every jar for younger-looking skin, visibly firming, lifting, and smoothing wrinkles. olay regenerist penetrates the skin's surface, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level for continuous improvement. to visibly repair signs of aging, try olay regenerist. this has been medifacts for olay. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. ♪ upbeat music ♪ asthma.
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it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year. fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra, the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks. if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help.
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we want to tell you about a very interesting story a driver who could barely see over the steering will shocked this chp officer in orville. nine-year-old boy made it a half a mile before being pulled over yesterday morning. and when being pulled over he actually backed into the chp cruiser. damage once done, no one was hurt when the officer asked little barry where he was going he said i'm just try to get to school. the mother was in the bathroom when he took the keys. he apologized and no charges are being felt watch out for spring snow if you're heading to lake tahoe for easter weekend. this morning chain controls were in effect along 80. those have since been reduced, but still chain controls are going
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on on highway 50 heading to south lake tahoe after some heavy snow fell. this is video of 80 earlier today. road conditions are quickly changing for drivers. snow covered roads and low visibility forcing many behind the wheel to slow down. >> so far it has been fine up until we started climbing through 80. once we started hitting the snow it got real bad. >> go slow, take your time. when they say chains don't wait. just put the chains on prince. there is going to be more snow, because another storm is moving in. the wet weather is here. let's get a check of our forecast with meteorologist cary hall. we are going to see a mixed bag of whether into our easter weekend. probably not ideal with all of the outdoor activities that are planned over the next few days. but we are going to have a chance of rain, possibly some thunderstorms and gusty wind. temperatures will only reach into the upper 50s to low 60s but also another chance of rain on easter sunday. mainly during the afternoon,
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but then we get warmer temperatures and sunshine through the middle of next week . it's going to be so pleasant to see highs in the low 70s. san francisco will also have a cool weekend with upper 50s come off and on rain. even on sunday we will have a slight chance of showers, but then a drier trend in the forecast through the middle of xt weneek
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welcome back. the big perk of a car pulling in the bay area is getting to use most toll lanes for free. one carpool or is it in charged. he keeps getting charged. she contact the consumer investigator chris's team for help.>> reporter: us all in pleasanton wrote us. she racked up $255 for 40 trips on the 680 sonoma express
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lanes. winch expected all of the strips to be free. she said she disputed the charges, but the toll authority wouldn't reverse them. us all asked us for help. the toll authority pointed to her windshield. it blocks her fast track transmitter. >> i feel like a lot of people might be going to the same problem of getting charged and maybe not noticing they're getting charged with nation a be. >> reporter: it turns out this impacts many cars. tonight at 5:30 we will help you figure out if your windshield is costing you extra tolls. if you have a consumer complaint here is the fast lane to share with us. scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. i will see you again tonight at 5:30. okay. opening day, the giants taking on the padres in about 20 minutes from now on nbc sports bay area. look at some of the key additions, including foer cy young winner, blake snow, korean big stt ian hooley, and onetime world series mvp anthony: this making you uncomfortable?
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ask your doctor about caplyta. i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. ured. these people almost murdered me. i was terrified. a mother just fighting for her child-- yeah. kate snow: that's universal. craig melvin: she survived a harrowing ordeal in one of the most dangerous places on earth. amanda lindhout: tonight, they have brought me out to kill me.


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