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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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meteorologist jeff ranieri. easter weekend is here and it is coming down pretty hard. >> hard to commute. you know what i'm talking about, so much water coming up, wind chill wipers on full blast. the storm system is rotating here offshore. counterclockwise spin slowly moving down the coastline to the weekend which is why we see these on-again off-again rain chances. these are eliminate totals, redwood city .36 and san jose at .22. look at the scan of storm ranger. rainfall coming down, but the worst on the 101 corridor from morgan hill to gilroy, the orange and red returns with the heaviest the radar can pick up. not advised to be on the roadways between morgan hill and gilroy right now. i think we will keep heavy rainfall through 5:25 at least
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tonight. moving off to the north in san jose we have scattered rainfall moving in now. not as heavy as earlier. same situation for them is insula and the east bay. light to moderate rain with so much water it seems like heavy rainfall if you're headed out. taking you to the north bay with spotty rain from santa rosa through petaluma. through tonight we keep scattered rain and thunderstorms in the mix with the same thing this weekend. on and off rain with wind gusts 15 to 35 and thunderstorms and small hail to the weekend. sierra snow of 4 to 8 inches. back with more looks at your easter forecast in about nine minutes and the full weekend r on in the show. >> the latest storm with dangerous wind. robert handa joins us from san jose where people are dodging
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wind gusts and raindrops. where you are does not look too bad. >> reporter: you heard him say on-again off-again and we are finally seeing a lull in the storm that did take a while to develop and took a lot of people by surprise. they knew the rain was coming but they did not realize the wind would be so powerful. >> the high wind swept in first come hours before rain showing up. large trees swaying as the latest storm made its way into the bay area. by the afternoon the rain begins picking up strength. at times hitting areas including the south bay really hard. so the storm is finally here, but at this point, the wind is worse than the rain. >> even for me it is hard to walk around. the wind takes me with it.
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i'm kind of walking around with a closed umbrella because the wind is worse than the rain. >> during the slowing this ministry has been passing out goods, it takes quite a bit of rain to make the water overflow into the encampments, but the relentless wind provides more immediate danger. >> trees fall. people get hit with unforeseen elements in the storm. they have tarps and tents and stuff they need. when you are living outside it is very unpredictable. the weather is unpredictable. >> the storm is a welcome sight to the santa clara valley water district, it has been a while since the last significant storm so ground can still take a lot of rain without a great risk for flooding. >> if you live in a flood zone, know your risk. be prepared for any possibility and we have sandbag locations.
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people can go get sandbags. >> reporter: i'm sure by now people are more prepared for the rain after watching it come down so hard today. they do know that the rain is also going on and off as well as starting to saturate the ground. live from san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. it is off and on and the next few hours will be busy. get out your phone and scan the qr code on the left side of your screen which will take you to the app where you can stay on top of the weather. you can download our app for free. they asked for it for years, now it is here. hundreds of security cameras coming to east bay freeways and the streets of oakland. the governor made the announcement as an effort to boost public safety. now, some of these cameras were promised and many in the community say that it cannot come soon enough. >> josi ortiz owns this on
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fruitville avenue, he has seen how cameras can attract criminals in the act. he has installed his own cameras. >> there are no cameras around here that can read the license plates. >> ortiz is part of a group of business owners threatening to withhold city tax payments until the city is safer. glad to hear the governor's promising 480 cameras in oakland and the east bay to reduce crime. he is also questioning why action is being taken now. >> suddenly you have 480 cameras. who will benefit from that? why now? it should of been put in place a long time ago. >> 290 cameras will be installed throughout oakland with 10 additionally on the on and off ramps.
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not all of these cameras are new. the city confirms 300 oakland cameras are the same cameras promised from october by the mayor. >> every technology tool that we can use to support police, to partner through chp, to increase respond time that's what's needed. >> hundreds of cameras were promised in 2022, while they have been installed many will not be fully operational until mid april. one councilmember says the technology is long overdue. >> for the politics, it is campaign time. i will promise you the world. he's got to deliver. election time is coming up. >> in a statement the mayor announced the network will help stop crime and hold more suspects accountable. not everyone agrees this is the solution. the anti-police terror project believe the money would be better spent in violence prevention. >> why don't we make sure the
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things that are working right now in the city are not torn apart? due to the budget crisis. >> footage from the cameras will be stored up to 28 days with installation beginning in the next 30 days but it will take months to complete. from oakland, velena jones, nbc bay area news. an investigation of a fight at a south bay park. officers responded to a report of a fight involving armed suspects and when they arrived officer spotted several young people running from the park. police arrested two of them had a gun and a machete knife. investigators learned a man arrived to a nearby hospital with gunshot wounds and another shooting victim at a separate hospital. both are expected to be okay. the two groups may have known each other and this does not appear to be a random incident. a daring rescue attempt in the north bay captured on video. yesterday a boat crashed into
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the rocky shoreline along point raise, the coast guard could see someone inside who cannot get into the cabin so they had to call aerial assistance from neighboring sonoma county the sheriff's office helicopter drop in two first responders and as the waves tilted the boat the pair managed to get inside. but the person inside was already dead, they looked -- lifted the body out using the helicopter. an investigation is underway. the largest crane on the eastern seaboard has arrived in baltimore to help clear the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge. reopening the port is a priority to get commerce moving to the region and into the rest of the country. alice barr is in washington with more on the impact at the port closure and how long a massive recovery operation may take. >> a monumental task in baltimore calling for a mammoth sized crane now in place to
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start lifting the collapsed key bridge piece by piece. >> the work is very unforgiving and planning has to be done in extreme detail. >> tom costello traveling with the army corps of engineers for a closer look at the wreckage that crews including dive teams underwater will begin cutting up to remove. navigating razor sharp edges and dark waters to completely clear the channel into the port of baltimore and hopefully recover the bodies of four still missing construction workers. seen on dash cam video working on the bridge just hours before the cargo ship collision that sent the bridge crashing down. today an event honoring these six lives lost while calling for protections for immigrants. that are doing essential work as the baltimore community binds together around family suffering an unimaginable loss.
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across town a fundraiser for the 8000 port workers whose livelihoods are locked down. >> this human tragedy was also an economic catastrophe. >> maryland lawmakers are working on emergency aid for the workers, but the true fix is reopening the port. there is no official timeline, outside engineers say that it could take at least a month to clear the debris. president biden promising to visit baltimore next week. he has already authorized an initial $60 million to pay for recovery work. just the beginning of a long and costly road to rebuild. maryland governor is proposing a permanent state scholarship for the survivors of those who died in the bridge collapse. part of a mission to honor their memory. from washington, alice barr, nbc news. coming up, a ceremony to commemorate the uss harvey milk
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interrupted by activists that are protesting the war in gaza. the arrest that were made. a potential game changer in dealing with one of the deadliest forms of cancer. what researchers have uncovered. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri tracking the rain tonight and keeping close tabs on easter weekend. we are coming in with a window of dry weather just in time. look at the forecast a mix of sun and clouds easter morning, but it will be chilly with 40s and 50s and then thunder storm chances return by 2:00. if you have any easter egg hunts planned for easter sunday morning, it looks excellent. coming up we will look at the
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police stepped in after an unusual protest outside of a navy ship, the new feeling and supply vessel is about to leave
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san francisco for virginia, but today the protesters chained themselves to the vessel as part of an ongoing call for a cease-fire in the israeli hamas conflict. >> today at least eight demonstrators managed to make their way onto the peer and to the gangway of the uss harvey milk. we watched as police try to keep them from getting on the ship. protest organizers planted the event as part of a ongoing call for a cease-fire in the no six- month war between israel and hamas. >> the security council passed a cease-fire resolution for the first time without any veto. they have vetoed the cease-fire resolutions until now. we believe it is a direct impact caused by people of conscious. >> organizers chose the ship because they heard reports it was headed to the middle east and house speaker nancy pelosi would be here.
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the ceremony had already wrapped up and nancy pelosi had already left the scene as demonstrators were able to get to the ship. on board the ship pelosi addressed issues from protesters, noting that president biden has been pushing for a cease-fire and for funding for humanitarian aid to people in gaza. she rebuked reports that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be invited by the republican speaker of the house, mike johnson to address congress. >> netanyahu will not have the agreement of house democrats. it would be disgraceful. >> according to the crew, this ship is not headed to the middle east, it is going to its new home for in virginia. it will not be entering service for about two years. the special senate today was intended to celebrate her namesake. the supervisor was a naval
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officer before coming to san francisco. his former aide says this vessel will carry on a legacy of hope. >> this ship is going to places that have huge discrimination against lesbian andpeople. to see the name on the side of the ship, i think it gives hope to us and it will give hope to the world. >> the ship is scheduled to leave tomorrow, there is no word on if protesters will face charges. a major medical breakthrough in the battle against one of the world's deadliest cancers. researchers from south alabama have identified a protein that could be a game changer for early detection of pancreatic cancer. it is called tom 22. it is important because pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect in early stages and by the time symptoms show up it is often too late.
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researchers say pancreatic cancer needs tom 22 to progress and when you block the protein the cancer cannot grow. knowing this can be useful for diagnosis and for the development of new therapy. >> when we block the door biologically the cancer cells cannot. >> researchers say they're working to collect more tissue samples and analyze the impact that tom 22 has on pancreatic cancer cells. quite the medical breakthrough. now let's get a check of the weather which is coming down, especially in the south bay. >> downpours make it hard to travel. we have storm ranger up and scanning. i want to show you the worst of the rainfall. we will pinpoint it. the other thing i want you to notice is that we are out of the worst of it for tonight over the north bay peninsula and east bay. right here in the south bay we have a yellow and orange cells
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that are developing and that's where we have the heavy rain bands. not advised to be out on the road, especially from morgan hill to gilroy. so much water coming up on the roadways, it is really slick and dangerous. let's put a track on this. hanging on to heavy rain in morgan hill by 5:32. down through gilroy through 6:06 tonight. as we move here to the north over the east bay and the peninsula. it is breaking up but there is so much water on the roadways it will seem like heavy rain. be careful and keep distance between you and the car in front of you. to the north bay it is spotty from santa rosa to petaluma down through novato. this is what we see happening. this system continues to linger more to the south through easter sunday. it's going to spiral in these
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bands of rainfall with a thunderstorm chance keeping us cold to round out the end of march as we are headed through tomorrow into easter sunday. the timeline tonight continues with scattered thunder storm chances. isolated heavy downpours at times even though the main storm front is moving to the south. i think we will get into that tomorrow. as we show you low pressure moving to the south, spinning up bands of rain into 7:00 in the morning with heavy downpours and scattered under storms here into the afternoon. in case you missed the forecast. the great part of what's going on this weekend is right now we should be dry on easter morning, 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00. if you have easter plans outside it is going to be chilly. we will have clouds with a few sun breaks, but no rainfall for easter sunday morning. through the afternoon we have a chance of more thunderstorms
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popping up on sunday afternoon. rainfall totals up to half of an inch. we will likely be on the higher total near the coastline and santa cruz mountains. and then for easter sunday just trace amounts up to 1/10 inch. so, for tomorrow the other thing to watch out for near the sierra is additional snowfall of 4 to 8 inches. and then snow tapers off i sunday. as we are headed into tomorrow morning, we begin cold at 45 in the tri-valley. east bay 46 and the north a 44 with daytime highs likely jacket weather all day long, 62 in napa. 61 in oakland, 63 in san jose. easter sunday morning great for the easter egg hunts at 6:00 through 8:00 even into 10:00. by 12:00 into 2:00 p.m. we have a chance of thunderstorms. look at the payoff, sunshine monday and tuesday even into wednesday and we are back in
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the 70s. all in all for people going to church or family celebrations on sunday morning, at least we have a window in the morning where it will be nice for everybody to get together. coming up we remember the amazing life of trailblazing actor louis gossett junior who passed away today. the gacy that le
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some countries in latin america and the caribbean are sounding the alarm over a rise in then gave fever, a bite from an infected mosquito can cause the fever, this week will double countries were hit hard
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and puerto rico declared a public health emergency. the pan-american health organization say there have been 3.5 million cases of the fever this year and the number is rising. most cases appear between february and may and mosquitoes thrive this time of year due to the warm and humid climate in the area. to avoid the virus use mosquito repellent and cover your arms and legs. the movie armorer convicted in the deadly shooting on the set of alec baldwin's movie rust will not get a new trial. she was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter earlier this month. in 2021 a prop gun held by the actor went off on set with the bullet hitting and killing the cinematographer. director and bay area native was also injured. attorneys petition for a new trial based on what he said was confusing jury instructions. today the judge denied the request. sentencing will happen next
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month, she faces 18 months behind bars. famous actor louis gossett junior has died, he died early this morning in santa monica. the first black man to win a best supporting actor oscar and an emmy award-winning the oscar and a golden globe for his work in an officer and gentlemen. he took home a emmy for the groundbreaking 1977 miniseries roots. he was 87 years old. a deer blasting into a bank and is not and is not
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever,
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chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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quite the surprise for a bank in texas today. they thought a robber broke in but it turns out it was a little more natural. a deer crashing through the front door of the bank, the front windows. the bank is located in central texas. the manager said employees heard the bang and watched as the panicked deer tried to get out. police arrived, they called animal control which helped the deer find its exit. the deer appeared to be frightened, but not hurt. nobody in the bank was hurt either. you can watch our newscast 24 72
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on roku and other streaming platforms. >> we have a busy night to wrap up the work week. sunnyvale police chief telling his officer's side of the story after they shot and killed a man. why he says they have -- had no choice. start trouble for tesla, the drop in business that has investors concerned. pg&e with a $1 billion bill that the utility says it cannot really pay. we investigate why that is following multiple recent rate hikes and a record profit year. the news at 5:30 starts now. thank you for joining us. >> 60s after an officer shot and killed a man in sunnyvale, the city police chief answering questions and releasing new video. tonight the family of the


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