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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5PM  NBC  March 31, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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devastating losses on this business trying to recover from a break in today, and how small businesses are rallying together. clear skies, but some showers still in store for us. special easter appearances
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amid health concerns for the first time since his cancer diagnosis. king charles stepped up today. delivering an easter prayer after sitting out of good friday traditions. thank you for joining us. >> the begin in the east bay where small businesses in the community members came together for solidarity rally. >> in support of a safer oakland as they struggle with safety and other concerns.'s be met we were broken into this morning on my way to church. >> the front door was broken this morning. >> if we rushed right here we saw the glass. as you can see right here, on the inside. we went in the back and saw a lot of stuff gone. >> this is video from the security cameras. >> a complete violation.
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they took a full thing of clothes and even used our suitcases for when we travel for pop-ups. >> being a business owner has been a struggle. >> we just want to be supported. we want people to know that we matter so we do not have to keep closing our businesses because of crime or because we are traumatized. we can no longer afford the rent. >> the small businesses have often been the ones to bear the brunt of the public safety issues. >> today those who supported unified and safer city came out for what they call a open solidarity rally. >> going after restaurants in the more that we come out the more our neighborhoods will be safe and we are asking them to meet us there and work together
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to make oakland a better place. >> recently he introduced the new incoming police chief and they laid out safety strategies. the governor announced more efforts to crack down on crime in the area and afore of the largest employers announced plans to add safety measures downtown. >> i hope that people pay attention and hear us and take action and do something. >> at businesses like this one they would like to see some change. >> we have invested so much in build such a strong brand that we want to be here. let's take a look at the weather right now. a live look as san jose and walnut creek. it was a beautiful easter sunday. however, we have more showers on the way. >> tracking the lingering rain that is sticking around, so where is it and when is it coming? >> right now we are looking at it from that walnut creek camera. there are a few more off to the east of san jose and to the west of morgan hill right now. there is a view right now on
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the radar. some help producing storms. lightning west of interstate 5. you can see how these are moving from north to south taking advantage of the peak heating of the day. cold air aloft playing out again today especially on the eastern flank. you can see it right there in brentwood. the movement on that continues to drop to the south. a few more across napa county. what is left of these showers will likely weaken as we head towards at sunset. repeating what we saw yesterday except without the widespread hail and runoff issues. possible to bring some rain accumulation across the east bay and north bay. overnight they will start to set the stage for a warming trend by tuesday. highs could climb in the mid to upper 70s, but the weather whiplash coming our way for the second half of the week. cooling temperatures.
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more rain and sierra snow. the timing on the next round of rain is coming up in 10 minutes. another night of illegal sideshows across the east bay. this video out of hercules just before 1:00 a.m. on franklin canyon road. you can see that intersection was blocked by hundreds of spectators. some scene lighting fireworks. around 1:30 more fireworks and dangerous doughnuts along this intersection. police showed up about 10 minutes later to break up the crowds. that is oakland right there. blocking the intersection of. this one lasted about 40 minutes before police broke it up. learning more about last night's deadly plane crash and the sierra. the sheriff corner will be handling the bodies found in the wreckage. a small plane went down in a wooded area last night. at least two people are confirmed dead although they
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are not yet being identified and it is not clear if they were the only two on the plane. first responders came to the scene to hold the area until investigators with the faa arrived . on the flight tracking system flight aware there was only one arrival due at the airport around the time of the crash that originated out of colorado. a crash these two people dead and three others injured just after 2:00 this morning. chp says a honda accord was driving the wrong way and crashed into a car head on causing both cars to flip over. the driver died. three passengers including a two-year-old girl and four-year- old boy were taken to the hospital. there conditions are not known tonight. the cause of the crashes under investigation. fast food workers in california are getting a raise to $20 per hour . the state law breezes the minimum wage for fast food workers from 16 per hour to 20. a major raise. the intention is to create a living wage for the workers and
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create jobs. owners are also warning of hiring freezes and higher prices because of the change. nurses will be hitting the picket line this week. expected to start on tuesday. it will involve nurses calling for increased staffing levels and improve security and better pay and benefits. they say essential services will continue during the strike but there may be impacts to primary care clinics. pope francis appeared on the balcony looking healthy and in good spirits this morning. delivering the easter sunday address amid ongoing concerns for his health. >> his prayer today he called for an immediate cease-fire in gaza and the release of all israeli hostages by hamas saying it is never made with weapons.
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the 87-year-old has been in poor health in recent weeks. forcing him to cancel engagements including the traditional good friday holiday. easter sunday appearance for king charles today as well after attending a church service. this was his first appearance at a public real event since his cancer diagnosis in february. he waved as he and the queen entered the chapel. while leaving he stopped to talk to people that gathered outside the church. he postponed all previous engagement since it was announced he was undergoing treatment for an unspecified form of cancer which was found after he underwent a procedure for an enlarged prostate. coming up. a big chunk of roadway falls into the ocean shutting down highway one. the efforts to get stranded tourists around that closure. easter sunday around the bay. how one church major that the
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hunts were more accessible for children with special needs. he was supposed to be the next buster posey, but now joey bart is moving on. details are ahead. another afternoon and evening of watching scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms around the coastal mountains off to the east near the diablo range. how much more of this can we expect as we head into the new week? week? a closer look when we come back. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf
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in monterey county they are setting up convoys to help tourists around a road slip. this portion fell into the ocean during yesterday's storm. it happened near the rocky creek bridge on highway one. it was closed to just south of the state park while they address the damage. chp says engineers determined today that travel is safe in the remaining northbound lane under close supervision. 11 drivers through the closure they say it will continue for the next several days through the slip out area. no word yet on how long the closure can last. eight church is working to make sure every child gets a chance to take part in easter egg hunts. they held two separate easter
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egg hunts today. both designed to be sensory friendly. each had a smaller group of people and reduced noise meant to help make sure the hunt was easy for kids with special needs. >> holidays are so special for kids, but there are many kids that get shut out from being able to experience things like this because they can't handle crowds or the noise level, so we really wanted to put something on that would be able to include all kids and give them a great easter experience. >> needless to say the easter bunny made an appearance at the two hunts down there. there is the man. let's get outside now. a live look at san jose. dry outside. just looks like all of the easter egg hunts went off without a hitch. >> we have some clearing skies though. we just passed the peak
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heating of the day. from the mountains to the east of us we still have some storms moving from north to south be we will show you that on the doppler radar in a moment. first is to go to some of the sunshine you are seeing right now in san jose. not too bad for easter sunday. looking off to the east southward as we are seeing the showers on the radar. let's take you over to walnut creek. there are showers nearby. 65 degrees and cool out there. 57 degrees. is strong seabreeze into san francisco. a cool finish to the easter sunday with numbers right now in the mid-fifth these. the three-day rain totals going back to the same system that dropped down from the bay area through friday until today. you can see the biggest rain totals. right here in the santa cruz mountains. even san jose got over half an inch over the last three days. the totals are still going up
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in the mountains. not too far away from there you can see how these showers are moving from north to south. mandy over the mountains, but a little something right there. of those thunderstorms off to the west of interstate 5. some pretty good downpours right there. some lightning reported there earlier. some movement also trucking along the eastern side of the range. if you pop up showers here. say movement. you can see the dropping to the south with low pressure moving through southern california. what is left of these showers as is sets. we began to see the atmosphere stabilize again and clear skies taking us into that monday forecast. hlb start to tomorrow. dress in layers as we move forward towards the afternoon. 70s are starting to return to the forecast. look in san jose. as we take a look at the tuesday likely to be the warmest day of the week.
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mid to upper 70s. a good day to get outside, but get ready for some weather whiplash as they start to drop on wednesday. watch what happens on thursday. high temperatures in the upper 50s. we are back into winter mode when it comes to this temperatures because we will have a cold storm system dropping in through wednesday. during the day on thursday rain on the increase again, and look at that snow. may be as low as 4 to 5000 feet. that is the thursday to friday weather system. as we head into next weekend i know saturday is trending a little bit drier and then another system drops in as we head into sunday. next week and looks like showers. saturday could end up being the dryer day. stay tuned. before we get there kind of a teaser of some warm temperatures for inland areas. getting some 70s tomorrow. mid to upper 70s on tuesday. almost a 20 degree temperature reversal on thursday into friday, so back into winter and then spring.
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>> you better enjoy the sunshine. up next. solar eclipse perhaps as people in the path of totality are getting ready for the big event. new york prisons are treating it as a security risk. we will explain. a live look at the white house. families are gathering today for easter. the white house was preparing for the easter egg roll. 40,000 people expected to attend. our broker will be live to preview the festivities. preview the festivities. we willbe back ♪♪in♪ on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments, are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system, you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3. manage your diabetes with more confidence... and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. talk to your provider or visit
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cleanup continues in baltimore after the deadly bridge collapse. teams of engineers began the process of lifting the first a section from the collapse to bridge yesterday. one of the first goals is to get a smaller auxiliary chip channel open so that tugboats and other small barges can move freely. the also want to stabilize the site so that they can resume searching for the missing workers who are presumed dead. they believe there are still four people missing and presumed dead. ship traffic remains a suspended. this port handles more cars and farm equipment than any other u.s. facility. the disruption is impacting thousands of workers and commuters and also expected to affect consumers that will fuel
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the impact through shipping delays. we talked to a biting campaign cochair about congressional funding for the collapsed bridge. >> do you think that congress will ultimately wind up approving more funding for baltimore? >> i certainly hope so. the fact of the matter is all of us will take our turns needing this kind of assistance. >> for the white house so far
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they have approved a $60 million in immediate aid. he promised they will pay the full cost to rebuild. and apples police are investigating a shooting that left seven teenagers injured. it happened last night around 11:00 outside a mall in downtown indianapolis. all of the seven victims are between the ages of 12 and 17. they were all taken to the hospital and are expected to survive. >> we have a situation in which young people are resolving conflict with firearms, and has to stop. >> the believe there was more than one firearm involved in the shooting. no arrests have been made. anticipation is building for the solar eclipse, but it's safe to say inmates at prisons won't be viewing the event. the state department of corrections announced they are treating it like a security risk. visitations will end early at 2:00 in the afternoon. a systemwide lockdown will be in place as a safety precaution. they are in the path of totality for the eclipse meaning it will give fairly dark as the moon
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he was the highest draft pick by the giants, and he is no longer with the team as of today. joe we barked designated for assignment today meaning he is free to sign with any other team at. they needed a spot on the roster to bring up dalton jeffries. that did not work out. he was taken second overall in 2018. another first-round catcher took over last season. he is the starter. they gave murphy a two-year deal to serve as his backup. he posted his he wishes his
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teammates well. we are five days away from the giants home opener. this season there is a whole new flavor. >> announcing a new food and beverage partnership. he could not wait. he had the very tough job of trying out all the new menu items. >> baseball season is finally here. oracle park has gotten some serious upgrades. a rocking new sound system. high-tech lighting. it totally remodeled team store. when i go to the ballpark the thing i care most about is the food. the giants have a brand-new food partner this year called diamond 58. they will have some tasty food options. they assured us that the fan favorites are back and better than ever. they invited all of the news media here for a taste, and boy do we love free food. >> that is the bacon cheeseburger? perfectly melted cheese.
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that is a good burger. i think i need another bite of that. can i get a napkin? veggie sausage. that has the perfect amount of mustard on it. this is the food that needs no introduction. the world-famous garlic fries. miles and miles of garlic fries as far as the eyes can see. that is what a giants game is all about. >> let's try the garlic fries. oh my goodness. i must be really hungry because everything here tastes really good. the garlic fries are amazing. do you want some? i think it is time for dessert. it is a little baseball mitt made on a waffle iron. that is amazing. what are you sprinkling in there?>> oreos. >> it is served in a little batting helmet with data waffle mix on top of the ice cream . the oreo is down in the bottom.
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this is a very involved dessert that takes three people to make all working tirelessly. this is the line just to taste one. amazing. it has orange and black and giants colored sprinkles on it. look at that. you can see the oreo baked into the glove. i think i'm going to have to take a bite of the glove first. this tastes like a world series win right here. it is going to be a good season. >> it sounds like there is nothing he didn't like. >> the is an all-star eater. >> and there are so many different dishes. you can watch his full story on our website, we will be back in a moment .
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big wheels in the san francisco hills. the rays is back. it happened on the vermont street. every easter sunday they gather to raise their own big wheels. they put on really cool costumes. tonight, 70 million americans facing down severe weather threats sweeping coast to coast. the massive rainmaker pounding the west, roads flooded. >> this is nuts! oh, my god, this is so bad. >> this car swept away. drivers rescued. parts of the pacific coast highway collapsing, tourists stranded and the storm is now churning east. new video as the cleanup event


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