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tv   Early Today  NBC  April 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am PDT

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rescue, recovery, and now cleanup in baltimore. it has been one week since the shocking and deadly bridge collapse. we're live with the latest progress being made this morning. plus, severe weather alerts across the country. millions under threat this morning after a weekend of dangerous rain out west. the system is now moving east. our weather team is tracking
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what you can expect. the gelden arches will have to pay more to workers in the golden state. california is raising wages for fast food workers. but it could bump up the price of your favorite fries. march is over, but the madness continues. we're breaking down the wildest plays as we gear up for the final four. and the las vegas aces have a unique halftime show. these guys dancing out their dreams. you will see the high rollers in action. it is monday, april 1st. "early today" starts right now. good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm jessica layton. we begin this morning in baltimore and the recovery effort following that deadly bridge disaster. cranes and other special equipment have now arrived to begin the long process of clearing the channel. nbc's brie jackson joins us now live. brie, what more do we know about the progress that is being made in public right now. >> good morning, jessica. so over the weekend, we saw the
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first section of twisted steel pulled from the water. seven floating cranes have arrived, including one that is able to lift a thousand tons. overnight, officials announced that they are preparing to establish a temporary channel near the bridge for what they call commercially essential vessels to get through. the governor also says as soon as conditions are safe for divers, they will continue looking for the four construction workers who are missing. the biden administration announced $60 million in emergency funds to help baltimore rebuild, but they say this is only a down payment. president biden promised that the federal government will cover the entire cost. now some republicans have pushed back. but maryland's governor wes moore says this is not a favor for baltimore. it is something that is important for the entire country. >> understand what this means to all the other workers and all the other small businesses all around the country. this is not just impacting maryland. this is impacting the farm
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worker in kentucky because the largest producer, the largest port for agricultural equipment is the port of baltimore. this is impacting the auto dealer in ohio because the largest port for new cars, for heavy trucks is the port of baltimore. >> reporter: and president biden told reporters that he plans to visit baltimore this week. jessica? >> all right, brie, thank you. meanwhile, there was another scare in oklahoma. the left side of a barge hit the pillar of a bridge over the arkansas river, causing it to shut down briefly. engineers inspected the bridge and say the damage was superficial, and they found it safe to reopen. the coast guard is leading an investigation into exactly what happened. police in indiana are investigating a shooting that left several minors there injured. on saturday night, seven people ages 12 to 17 were shot outside a mall in downtown indianapolis. police say one victim is still
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in critical condition. the other six are stable. city authorities expressed regret that the situation ended in such violence. >> once again, we have a situation in which young people are resolving conflict with firearms, and it has to stop. >> no arrests have been made yet, but detectives have begun an aggravated assault investigation. it is that city's third shooting in just three weekends. a major deadline coming up today in florida with an impact on election day. the state supreme court is set to rule on whether to allow two controversial ballot initiatives to go forward in november. one will ask floridians to decide whether to legalize recreational marijuana for adults over 21. the other would let voters decide on protecting abortion access up until viability. that's about 24 weeks. simply, the state justices are also expected to rule soon on florida's current 15-week abortion ban.
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journalists in gaza are accusing israel of targeting them directly in air strikes on hospital grounds yesterday. nbc news foreign correspondent meagan fitzgerald has the very latest on the israel-hamas war >> reporter: tonight, more bloodshed in gaza. israel believed to have hit tents outside al aqsa hospital killing and injuring a number of people including journalists according to gaza health officials. "i fell to the ground," this journalist tells nbc news, "and saw my leg was swollen. we were in a journalists tent. why did they target us?" the israeli military issuing this statement, calling the attacks a precision strike meant to minimize harm to uninvolved civilians, saying the idf and isa struck an operational islamic jihad command center positioned in the courtyard of the al aqsa hospital. "there is no victory without entering rafah," israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu saying the operation in rafah has been approved and will move forward, a move the biden administration has called a red line. while in israel a new and fierce wave of protests. thousands taking to the streets in tel aviv and across the country for a second day in a row. calling for prime minister netanyahu to resign. >> go, sign this deal. get the hostages back. there are measures that should have been taken and they didn't take them. >> reporter: protesters gathering tonight, warning they're not going home until the hostages are back. meagan fitzgerald, nbc news. well, the annual white house easter egg roll is later today. president biden and the first lady both expected to be there. it follows a series of easter sunday events across the country. st. patrick's cathedral in new york city held a vibrant easter mass service, while others took to the streets of manhattan for
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an easter parade and a bonnet festival. and for those on the west coast, snow did not stop people from. cog out to an easter egg hunt in california. well, speaking of, turning to severe weather that walloped the west coast, the storm system is now marching its way east, putting millions under alerts this morning. here is nbc's jesse kirsch. >> oh my god! this is the 101. >> reporter: in southern california, nearly 2 inches of rain falling in just one hour. >> oh, my god, this is so bad. >> twila douglas filming this video yesterday alongside her husband scott on highway 101 in santa barbara county. severe flooding temporarily shutting down the highway in both directions. >> it was surreal. i had never been in water like that. i was really worried. >> oh, oh, god, look at this poor car. >> reporter: some drivers left stranded. officials say eight people were rescued and one driver was treated for hypothermia. the heavy rains washing out part
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of highway 1. a nearby lodge opening its doors for stranded visitors. charmaine was escorted out of the area this afternoon. >> it's a total roller coaster because we went in one moment thinking that we had to start rationing our energy bars to being told we could leave. >> dangerous wet roads in orange county causing this car to spin out and crash into a ditch, according to local reports. >> the possibility that you could start to see some flooding here. >> reporter: millions tonight under flood alerts across california. >> oh, that was a bright one. >> reporter: take a look at this video, appearing to show a plane getting struck by lightning near san jose. and farther north, this is debris from a plane crash overnight that left two people dead according to airport officials. the cause has not been determined though it was snowing in the area. the ntsb is investigating. more than 2 feet of snow fell this weekend in part of the sierra nevadas. the storm is racing across the
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rockies as the eastern half of the country braces for storms. >> and our thanks to jesse kirsch for that report. and for more on where those storms are heading now, let's bring back nbc meteorologist violeta yas. violeta, good morning. those pictures from out west are just wild. >> yeah. it was a crazy weekend with flooding and snow, as you saw. but now our attention shifts into the middle and also eastern portion of the country with 38 million people at risk for severe weather, especially later today and into this evening. we have the possibility for not only tornadoes, but also damaging winds and hail with even the possibility for nocturnal tornadoes which are particularly dangerous. so from right around fort smith, up into indiana as well. we'll see the storm system allow the thunderstorms to intensify. you can see them starting to blossom here just west of dallas. and then that line really comes
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together and pushes east into the day for tomorrow. so for tomorrow, that threat shifts into places like tennessee and the ohio river valley. heavy downpours could also lead to localized flooding on top of that threat for severe weather. by wednesday, notice we get another storm system to develop on the back side of this, or rather offshore here, and we'll see the potential for some snow here, even across the interior northeast. so i know the calendar says spring. but perhapa bit on the chilly se interior northeast with highs staying into the 40s. and that's a look at the weather in your region. jessica, sending it back over to you. >> all right, violeta, thank you. that powerball jackpot that we always talk about is on the rise again. the price swelled to $975
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million over the weekend after no tickets matched all six numbers. if there is a winner, they would get the fifth largest prize in powerball history. the last power play jackpot was won on january 1st for $842.4 million by a ticket in michigan. the next drawing is tonight. coming up, march madness living up to the name. the big upsets on the road to the final four. but first, news on california's new minimum wage. always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. -we're done. -what about these? looks right. nooo... nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper. (smelling)
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ew. gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. the golden state is giving past food work areas raise, bumping their minimum wage to $20 an hour. california's wage increase guess into effect today. and while it is a boost to workers' bottom lines, companies say there could be financial consequences too. david noriega explains why. >> reporter: starting monday, a pay boost for more than half a million californians. good news for lizette aguilar,
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who after 17 years working for mcdonald's still has trouble making ends meet. we ask her how she feels. "eager," she says for that first bigger paycheck. it will help with bills and maybe she'll get something special for her 9-year-old son marcos. california's new law sets a $20 an hour minimum wage for fast food workers up from the current $16. most workers affected are women of color. >> this is a big deal. $20 an hour. >> reporter: one of the biggest questions is how will this affect consumers, especially in a state where everything is already very expensive and a lot of people have a hard time affording basics like housing and food. mcdonald's, starbucks, chipotle and other major chains have said publicly they intend to raise prices, but by how much? some economists anticipate about 5%. others as little as 2%. >> for a $5 mac that would be a dime. ten cents. people notice it, but i don't
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think they'll change their behavior. >> reporter: critics say the wage increase will accelerate trends that hurt workers, like replacing cashiers with electronic kiosks. some pizza franchise owners have already announced layoffs of in-house drivers switching to third-party delivery apps instead and there's no question the rise in labor costs will put pressure franchise owners like carry harper howie whose family owns 21 mcdonald's in the los angeles area. >> we will, of course, as everyone else is, have to increase prices in some way, shape, or form. and what people don't understand is they say oh, it doesn't matter. mcdonald's and taco bell, they're just big corporations. we are family businesses. >> reporter: some fast food customers say even if they do pay more, it's a price worth paying. >> i'm okay with it because it feels like everything else is going up. it's about time wages go up. >> reporter: david noriega, nbc news, los angeles. spring break season is in full swing. over the weekend, tsa reported
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that thursday was its tenth busiest day ever with agents screening 2.79 million passengers. back in early march, the tsa predicted 2024 travel volumes would be about 6% above the same time period last year. if you're still heading home from the easter weekend, tsa says, you guessed it, get to the airport early. still to come here on "early today," the final four goes from busting brackets to breaking the banks. and what happens in vegas stays in vegas, as long as you get there first. new details on the a's shaky stadium situation, right after this. [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required.
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they are 5 of 23 in the second half. burns left open. nice and easy. burns, the drop. burns, another for dj burns! >> he is so good. dj burns jr. turning it up on
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sunday. the big man dropping 29 points in 11th seed nc state's elite 8 matchup against the fourth seed duke. the underdog wolfpack scoring the upset against their inner state rivals to make their first final four since 1983. now they'll take on zach edey and the top seeded purdue team next saturday who took care of busy against tennessee earlier. the final four will wrap up with alabama taking on the seemingly unstoppable uconn huskies with nothing less than a spot in the national championship game on the line. and the duke coach, and i think fans will agree, said that's the most disjointed his team has looked all season. >> it's always a little strange when the bluebloods, duke aren't it in. however, it's nice to get some other teams. >> i agree. it may surprise you at this that a seat at the final four may not break the bank if you're okay with just watching the men. according to resale company vivid seat, ticket prices for the women's final four are 47% more expensive than those for
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the men's tournament. the vendor lists the cheapest ticket for the women's games at $343 while the lowest priced seats for the men clock in at $233. the women's final four tips off friday in cleveland. the last two spots will go to the victors of tonight's games between uconn and usc and lsu versus iowa. i have loved watching the women's tournament. we talked about the caitlin clark effect. >> yes. >> it's great seeing such an interest in the game. >> and i'll be tired tomorrow because i'll be watching those tonight. it's plan b for the oakland arizona. espn reporting saturday the city of oakland will present the mlb's athletics with an offer to extend the team's lease at the oakland coliseum for the next five years. the 2024 season was intended to be the a's last at their home of 50-plus years while the mlb approved the a's move to las vegas last fall, the new stadium not expected to be completed until 2028 which could leave the
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team in limbo until then. the two sides are set to meet on tuesday. when we come back, the tides ma be turning for tipping culture. and you'll want to tune in w may be impacted by at&t's massive data breach. stay with us. can't filter out . so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks
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doesn't just quiet coughs, it treats coughs caused by excess mucus at the source and controls them for 12 hours. it's comeback season. stubborn chest congestion? try mucinex 12 hour. we are back with what you need to know "early today." at&t says it's investigating a data breach after finding personal information of more than 7 million current customers and more than 65 million former account hold owners the dark web. the company said the breach happened two weeks ago and that it hasn't had a material impact on its operations. according to the irs, more than a billion dollars in federal tax refunds remains unclaimed from 2020. if you forgot to file then, you have until may 17th to claim your refund. tipping culture has become more prevalent, including what's being called guilt tipping, when payments prompt customers to leave tips. multiple surveys show more
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people experiencing tip fatigue, and they're starting to give less. and it's april fool's day. but instead of a frank, krispy kreme has a deal. if you buy a dozen donuts, you can get another for just $4.01. we'll be back after this. wowwww... this charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth, i'm starting to get tearied away! ahhh, thank you mr. smooth bear. designed with smooth tear edges, charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. mmmmm. huh? mom, you ok in there? i'm tear-ific! enjoy the go with charmin. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry.
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to 50 years with my best friend. [sfx: gasp] [sfx: spilling sound] nooo... aya... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper. . now a story about never giving up on your dreams. the wnba's las vegas aces have a unique dance squad call the high rollers. no professional dance experience is needed. it is open to men and women. all performers must be over the age of 50 and fabulous. and for some, cheering on their aces is more than a performance. it's a second chance. nbc's gadi schwartz reports.
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>> after a historic run the wnba's las vegas aces are on a roll. >> back-to-back champion! >> but those moves on the court just part of what makes a team fan favorites. ♪ ♪ >> their high rollers dance squad has been electrifying audiences for two years. >> all of them, men and women over age 50 and fabulous. justice tualoa is the dance team's director. >> we wanted to have something different and we thought giving a second chance to people who were later on in life and wanted to give them a second opportunity at living a dream. >> hi there! >> reporter: bigger and better than ever, the squad just held season 3 tryouts. hundreds showed up, professionals and amateurs alike.
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including christine robbins who is a former sheriff's deputy and now a first-time grandmother. what does this mean having a dream later on in life and following it? >> you would have told me 30 years ago i'd be dancing for a women's pro basketball team i would say yeah, you're crazy. ♪ >> reporter: christine made the squad along with lisa hank, who also spent her career in law enforcement. ♪ >> reporter: this is your idea of retirement, huh? >> this is our idea of retirement. >> reporter: both excited to cheer their lady aces on to a third championship. ♪ >> it really is awesome to be at this stage of my life and have my children and my grandchildren see me do what i love to do. my youngest daughter, she's videotaping us perform, and i heard her scream, "go, mom, go!" >> go mom!
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>> reporter: and you heard that pride in her voice on that video? >> yes. and that was everything. >> reporter: everything to these dancers now inspiring fans across generations. >> one, two, three! >> high rollers! >> dancing their way through the big dance. that is so cool. thanks for watching "early today." i'm jessica layton. we hope you is a great monday, and stay on your toes. beware of those april fool jokes today.'s
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this morning, millions of americans starting the month of april under a severe weather threat. powerful storms ripping through texas and oklahoma overnight as a massive rainmaker leaves roads out west under water. our weather team is tracking the danger as it now sweeps east. the first steps toward rebuilding in baltimore.


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