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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 1, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, april 1st, 2024. back at the table after a cancelled meeting last week, white house and israeli officials speak ahead of a possible invasion of rafah, it
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comes as we get our first look inside a hospital in gaza following a two-week raid. up to the voters? florida supreme court has hours left to did whether or not abortion will be on the november ballot, how a ruling could impact access to abortion across the state. fast cash, starting today minimum wage is going up for half a million fast food workers in california, what it could mean for the price of your food and why not everyone is loving it. and ready for tipoff, why it's being considered one of the most highly anticipated games in women's tournament history. not just that game, both games tonight are going to be stellar. wishing you a good easter monday and a happy april. we're going to begin this hour with a series of big developments if israel/hamas war. >> israel's military said it's
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withdrawn all troops from gaza's main hospital, a two-week-long raid of the failsy. . they're meeting virtually today to discuss an alternative to the ground invasion of rafah. >> meanwhile inside israel, prime minister netanyahu is facing anti-war protests. the united states is sending more bombs and weapons to israel while it tries to negotiate a cease-fire at the same time. joining us now is josh lederman, courtney kube and mike memoli. thank you all for being here. josh, there are a lot of moving parts here already and now we're learning about an ek mroex at the iranian consulate in syria, what do we know about that? >> this appears to be the latest israeli assassination of a top
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iranian revolutionary guard official. according to official state media among those killed was a top irg, adviser in syria who was responsible for covert operation there is and in lebanon. the ambassador has appeared on tv from inside the embassy saying that it was israeli fighter jets that killed between five and seven people. the israeli government is not commenting, but this certainly going to increase fears about yet another possibility of escalation that could see this shadow war between israel and iran taking place for many months now. >> josh, let's shift quickly to gaza, what is the israeli military saying about ening that hospital raid? >> reporter: they say this is a vindication of their strategy, the war cabinet said that not a
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single gaza civilian was killed during this two-week siege but officials in gaza say that's propostrous, some 200 bodies littered across the hospital's grounds with so much them badly decomposed, they're saying this was essentially a massacre by israel. cleared back in november of hamas, apparently they were able to regroup there and some ongoing questions about israel's military strategy going forward. >> mike, u.s. and israel typically close allies, cancelled meeting signaled growing tensions. what did we hear about today's meeting. >> reporter: the goal for the biden administration is to have an in-depth conversation with their sraeli counterparts about their strategy for dismantling hamas without going into rafah.
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an in-person last week, the israeli prime minister calling his delegation back in protest of the u.s. not vetoing a resolution from the u.n. we did here from the white house press secretary earlier about the u.s.'s goal heading into that. >> if they're going to move forward with a military operation we have to have this conversation, we have to understand how they're going to move forward. i hit the's important that it happened as quickly as we did even though it's virtual. >> reporter: secretary of state blinken was participating in as well as national security adviser jake sullivan. president biden wasn't expected to join in that virtual conversation. >> courtney, what do we know for the pentagon about these new rounds of military equipment, bombs being sent to israel. >> reporter: pretty scent steady
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stream from the u.s. to israel, these bombs, the civilians they are 2,000-pound and 500-pound bombs. now, these are what we would commonly call dumb bombs which means they're not guided. the u.s. has provided conversion kits, those are kits that can make a dumb bomb smart or more precision guided. turn these bombs, make them precision guided before they would use them. the real key here, these 2,000-pound bombs these are enormous explosives. these are the kind of bombs that can take out an entire block in gaza and they come as there has more and more talk about whether the biden administration is going to put any conditions on
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weapons going forward as they watch the potential for a ground invasion of rafah. still no talk on putting conditions on the weapons the u.s. has been providing. >> josh, we've seen unrest here in the united states from the war but also inside of israel, how significant are these latest rounds of protests? >> reporter: well, they're potentially the most significant outburst of israeli opposition to prime minister netanyahu since the war started, while he had gotten some leeway at the beginning of this war to pursue his own strategy, that patience is running out, nearly six months now, and israelis say that netanyahu is prioritizing the military's goals over bringing home those hostages, which they see as really the top priority at this point. but netanyahu said he's not
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going to change strategy, he says that military pressure on hamas is the most effective strategy to bring about. police in dallas are reportedly searching for nfl wide receiver rashee rice, a member of the super bowl-winning kansas city chiefs, this multivehicle pileup happened on a dallas highway, you can see the video here, on saturday it happened, police reportedly believe that a corvette involved in the wreck might be registered or leased to him. all the occupants of that vehicle appeared to have fled the scene. priscilla thompson joins us now from dallas, what do we know about what happened there in the wreck and rice's potential involvement? >> reporter: yeah, so police here not saying whether rice was actually involved in that accident but the dallas morning news is reporting that they do
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believe those cars may have been registered or leased to him so they're looking to speak to him and what police are sharing is exactly what happened on saturday, they say there was a lamborghini and a corvette speeding down the freeway, both lost control, one slammed into median and the other spun out. six cars were involved in this collision. two people treated on the scene. two people were taken to the hospital. the other big piece of news here is there video and police say the occupants of the two vehicles responsible appeared to leave the scene without asking if anyone need medical help. they're asking the public's help identifying the people seen in those videos. >> yeah the bystander in that video said, where are you going? and they keep going. any response from rice the chiefs, the nfl.
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>> reporter: we reached out to the nfl and to rice and the chiefs and we haven't heard back from any of those folks, but we did get a reaction -- or hear a reaction from hear earlier today talking to a radio station in kansas city, he said they're waiting for the facts to be revealed. once they have that information, they do intend to get to the bottom of it and to take action accordingly. kate. >> priscilla, thank you. time now for today's money minute. big change coming to microsoft teams. >> new survey asked the question has tipping gotten out of control. that's right, microsoft will start selling its teams app and office software separately worldwide, six months after it hit unbundleded the products in europe to avoid antitrust fine. the european commission has been investigating microsoft since
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slack filed a complaint four years ago. at&t is investigating a massive data leak last month that exposed the data of 73 million current and past customers, including personal information like names and social security numbers. tipping culture, well, may have hit its tipping point. more than three in four people think tipping is out of control. and nearly 80% of people want automatic service charges to be ban zbld that's a talker. tipflation. >> i'm a 20% guy. that's it. >> even if the person didn't actually like do anything, you're coming to the counter and
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picking up. no, not if it's going to the counter and picking up. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, speaking of paying for things, paying for gridlock, the first u.s. city to introduce congestion prices. drivers may pay more to get into big apple. half a million fast food workers are getting a big pay raise today, but does it mean raise today, but does it mean prices will go before u my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days.
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a huge change goes into effect today for fast food workers in state of california. >> the minimum wage for staff at major chains will now be $20 an hour at least thanks to a new law, it's a big deal for more than 5,000 people who work at fast food chains in state of california. >> here to explain nbc news correspondent liz kreutz joins us from los angeles. what are workers telling you about the difference this will make? >> reporter: it depends on who you ask certainly for the vast majority of these fast food workers this is really big day they've been waiting for and working for, these big corporations they're making billions of dollars should be able to pay a living wage and that's why they're asking for
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$20 across the board and what makes this so unique, the first time here in southern california that you have an industry-specific minimum wage. go to mcdonald's, those workers are getting paid to $20. mom and pop shop across the street doesn't have to pay that. but for the most part, people are really happy about this who are going to get this raise at the same time i talked to a former pizza hut delivery driver who said he was laid off because of this increase in wages. he said pizza hut late last year said they were going to lay off their delivery drivers and outsource it to doordash and other delivery companies. >> this is affects the big chains. what will it mean for the
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restaurants and could we see costs passed on to customers? >> lot of chains have come out and mcdomgd's, starbucks, have come out and said essentially they're advising their franchisee to raise costs. we're hearing from economists maybe about 3%, like 30 cents, franchise owners say they're concerned about this, people don't realize that yes they're part of the big franchise but they're a mom and pop shop with slim margins as well. here's what one mom had to say. >> experience loss of profit and savings. our plan for now is not to make up for those losses by cutting jobs, laying people off, cutting jobs. what people don't understand, oh, it doesn't matter, mcdonald's taco bell, they're corporations. we are family businesses.
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we're not corporate brand mcdonald's. >> reporter: i asked an economist, there's no such thing as a free lunch does that apply here? absolutely. it has to come from somewhere. the countdown is on in florida where the state supreme court has just hours left to decide whether abortion will be on the ballot there in november, if the question makes it on the ballot and gets 60% of the vote it will protect abortion access up to 24 weeks undoing the current state ban. marissa, how did this potential ballot measure end up before the state supreme court and what exactly is at stake here in. >> reporter: i'll start first how it got in front of supreme court's eyes, grassroots level push by abortion rights
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activists. they got over a million signatures. and under florida law the supreme court can review the language and so what we've seen is, in this case, the florida attorney general who's a republican has been arguing that the language is vague and confusing to voters, specifically referring to the language surrounding, quote, viability and in this context viability being somewhere around 24 weeks, so that kind of language is what the florida supreme court is deciding and what they have been reviewing to make their decision on whether or not this can appear on the ballot to begin with, we're expecting to get a decision on that this evening some time in the next hour. but here's the thing, this isn't the only ruling we're expecting from the florida supreme court, there's a separate ruling that's deciding whether or not the current 15-week abortion ban is constitutional, if they decide that it is, then that would
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automatically trigger a six-week abortion ban 30 days later, we could see a world where florida goes from a 15-week abortion to a six-week abortion ban they could then undo in november if and only if the florida supreme court decides that abortion can be on the ballot, a lot we're all waiting to find out. >> marissa, thank you. coming up, march madness, one of tonight's matchup is one one of tonight's matchup is one of the if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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welcome to the fast forward on nbc news daily. some fast food workers across the state are getting a significant pay raise starting today and it could impact your next trip through the drive through. barbara is in livermore with the story. >> reporter: restaurants like mcdonald's, starbucks, chipotle and other, they have said they do intend to raise their prices as a result of this new minimum wage that goes into effect today for fast food workers. dr. reich, a labor economist from cal who just spoke at a virtual news conference says these restaurants could raise prices by 2 to 5%. so that means a $5 burger if it was going up 2% could go up the equivalent of a dime. starting today, the state is mandating a new $20 an hour
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minimum wage at chains with at least 60 locations nationwide. so mcdonald's, pizza hut, kfc, subway. according to federal data, this will affect more than 500,000 fast food workers here in california who until today, averaged around $16.60 an hour. this new $20 minimum wage amount to a 20.5% pay raise. there are exceptions to the new rule. the state has said that restaurants that produce bread but not if the dough is premade elsewhere. restaurants inside a grocery store as well as theme parks and other locations. during this morning's conference, we heard from a mcdonald's worker in los angeles who was appointed by the governor. here's what she said. >> we are in this fight because workers are worth more and our families deserve better than poverty wages.
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even though we are the engine of a billion dollar industry, too many of us struggle to keep up with rent, our bills and the rising cost of working. >> as an owner or employer, you have to have coverage to pay them. if you cannot, you have to shut your doors. or they're going to lose hours. >> reporter: that was the owner of a round table who was concerned about what the new minimum wage could do to his business. employees who think they should be paid this new minimum wage but are not have the option to file a claim through the state's labor commissioner. nbc bay area news. >> thank you, bob. a washout closed highway 1 near big sur. palo alto could be adding a new major bike lane. a man is dead after a crash last night in san swroes. police say the man was walking when he was hit and officers closed saratoga briefly. it's not clear what led up to the crash. the driver did stay and
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cooperate with the investigation. palo alto city council considering the removal of parking on el camino. it is facing criticism from some who say the proposal does not address the speeding. city council will discuss during tonight's meeting at 5:30. in monterey county, authorities are telling drivers to avoid highway 1. it happened saturday. the collapse is near rocky creek bridge about 17 miles south of monterey. chp, cal trans escorting people to their homes. all state parks in big sur are now closed. anyone with a camping reservation will receive a full refund and there will be some convoys going through today at 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. that's going to last for a few
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days. the sunshine is out and the rain is gone for now. hi, kari. >> after a stormy weekend, rain is rolling away from the bay area and we'll have a couple of days of a break from any rain chances in the forecast. so we are looking good with sunshine and temperatures warming up reaching into the low 70s in much of the east bay into the trivalley as well as the north bay. from napa to sonoma valleys, we'll be in the low 70s today. really nice and also very comfortable for the middle of the afternoon. it gets warmer tomorrow with fairfield and san jose up to 77 degrees with upper 60s for the peninsula into san francisco, but then a cooldown coming in on wednesday then we will see that rain coming in shortly there after. we'll take a look at our seven-day forecast in 30 minutes. to get more news, just go to to get more news, just go to our
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bottom of the hour now here are so much stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." the trial of man charged with killing wife. his girlfriend lori vallow was found guilty of murdering two of her children.
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daybell has pleaded not guilty to charges. check out this terrifying moment caught on camera, a man walking into a store in oregon and then seconds later this giant concrete saw blade careens toward him. he was able to make it inside safely. only moments before that blade lodged itself into the side of the building. reportedly belonged to a construction company working nearby. and a few april showers couldn't put a damper on the white house easter egg roll on the south lawn. each year kids line up to roll their eggs to the finish line with wooden spoons. this year's theme was egg-ucation. . in spirit the annual event dates back to 1878. >> i'm egg-ucation. the support of baltimore
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taking a huge step toward fully reopening. >> for essential boats to navigate around the wreckage. crews began the salvage operation this weekend cutting down mangled steel and removing portions of the bridge piece by piece. president biden is planning to see the damage for himself friday according to white house. >> gary, maryland's governor gave an update a short time ago, what did he say. >> reporter: ongoing briefing as we speak, the big headline is that pathway the army corps of engineers has worked through the weekend to make and allow for vehicles to get through the channel on an emergency basis, not going to be the exports and imports of the port actually getting through this. the boats and ships involved in the fixing and removal of the wreckage and the fixing of the bridge to get out there and be able to do their work safely, part of the very slow and
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methodical process we've seen since tuesday. >> let's not forget that we're coming out holiday weekend. but for the men and women of this operation, the work did not stop, surveying the area, on environmental monitoring, the work did not stop on developing better imagery of the wreckage. >> reporter: the other part of this that we saw over the weekend the priorities the biden administration is putting on getting this bridge back up and running. we saw secretary pete buttigieg on the sunday's shows, of money being put up there to$1 billion. >> the size of this bridge, raining all day in baltimore, how has that complicated the
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salvage in. >> reporter: on friday 30-mile-an-hour gusts prevented them from getting under water to find the four boies there. divers can't see two feet in front of them according to the governor. in indianapolis, police say at least seven children and teenagers were hurt after being shot outside a mall saturday night. >> all of the victims were between the ages of 12 and 17 years old according to our nbc news affiliate in indianapolis the city's third shooting in three weekends. maura joins us now, what do we know about the conditions of those victims right now and do police have any leads on a possible suspect or motive here? >> reporter: guys n just the last hour or so we did learn police have made arrests, two juveniles who resisted cooperating with police, we heard them from on this update,
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do these two specific individuals have any connection to this? >> police officers couldn't confirm or deny that. but they're reviewing the surveillance video. more from the deputy police from over the weekend, where she had an interesting message for parents, different how we typically cover mass shootings. >> once again, juveniles resolving conflict with firearms. if you don't know where your 12-year-old is, i think that should be a priority for you. >> reporter: the call out for responsibility to parents stood out in covering this story you're aware the victims, 12 to 17, seven are all in stable condition and police say luckily
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nothing appears to be life-threatening as of this moment. >> it's relevant you hear the police saying there watch where your children. >> reporter: we cover so mass shootings rarely do they involve teenagers -- i understand why police take accountability, make sure you know where your kids are. maybe we need to put a curfew in places for kids and teernls over the weekend. the mayor released a statement kind of echoing what we heard from the deputy chief, let me be clear a 12-year-old child has no business being out late in night without parental or adult supervision. they highlighted they're investing $100 million into their violence reduction
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strategy. >> all right, maura, thank you so much. we're following breaking news out of south carolina, convicted murderer and former attorney alex murdaugh has been sentenced to 40 years in federal prison. >> he's now been ordered to pay more than $8 million back to the clients that he stole money from, the latest chapter in the years-long legal saga for alex murdaugh. nbc news legal analyst danny cevallos. prosecutors were recommending 22 years on these financial charges, he gets 40, is there a message in there that they're trying to send? >> the message is from the judge, prosecutors asking for 22 and the judge gives 40, the judge is sending a very clear message that he thinks it's more serious than the prosecutors in
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charge of saying how serious the crime is, it's relatively rare for the judge to go above the guidelines like that, the statistics show they're more likely to go below guidelines, the judge maybe goes in between or goes a little bit below, so the fact that the judge went above what the judge was asking for, it sends a message. >> murdaugh is serving two life sentences, what do you think the strategy is here to fight all of these cases in. >> when you're in prison, you have nothing else to do every day except to think all of the different things to get out. even if you're murdaugh several of them in both state and federal court the odds are virtually nil that you'll get out of prison but when you're locked up 24 hours a day and you
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have nothing else to think about that's what you think about. let's talk sports now, it may be april but march madness is still marching on, we're getting close to the end. >> the men's final four team are locked in, same thing will happen with the women tonight featuring a matchup one of the most highly anticipated ever in women's college basketball. sam brock has all the details. >> reporter: the wolfpack incinerated the duke blue devils. >> 11 seed making this happen right now. >> reporter: the wolf pack by far the lowest ranked squad still standing with purdue, alabama and uconn also dancing into next weekend amidst the huskies historically dominated run. >> how often do you see a 28-0 run? >> reporter: fueled by our ultra
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superstitious head coach wearing the same suit, shirt and shoes for every game. the one-man wrecking crew in the paint, is playing for more than just basketball. his mom, stacy, passed away from breast cancer almost exactly six years ago. and he's honoring her now with sweet posts and sensational play. >> i just try to live her name through the game. >> reporter: uconn will take on an alabama team that just secured its first-ever berth to the final four. >> step back three. >> reporter: while purdue's zach edey, who just became the first player since oscar robinson. he had a never give-up message for so many players. >> there were so many coaches that looked over me. >> reporter: on the women's side, no one is looking past nc state now. >> cleveland, you better get ready. the wolf pack is coming.
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>> reporter: as they join undefeated south carolina in the final four. >> coach staley, your average margin of victory all year long was like 26 points per game. >> i like confetti. >> reporter: while tonight there is a serious showdown brewing. a rematch between two of the biggest stars of the game, lsu's angel reese and iowa's caitlin clark. >> we'll be ready to go. it will be great for our game. we couldn't be more excited. >> so, sam, the final four ticket price difference for the men's and women's tournament this year is pretty impressive, right. >> reporter: it is. we saw signs that this was coming weeks ago but now it's a reality. the average all-sessions pass to go to women's final four is $475. i should say the average entry level ticket on the men's side is like 65 bucks. the disparity is huge. controversy going on back in portland the three-point line for the women's game between nc
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state and texas weren't the same distance, the coaches had to confirm that we'll play this game. that hasn't happened on the men's side. maybe the treatment is not the same. back to you guys. >> sam tracking it all for us, thanks. coming up sky-high rent. we'll tell you why people are getting ected fromvi
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the number of people being forced out of their homes has skyrocketed. new data shows that in the last 12 months alone more than a million evictions have been filed by landlords. valerie castro reports. >> i do love this town. >> reporter: for 75-year-old katherine weaver the small town of aberdeen, washington, has always felt like home sweet home. that is, until she was forcibly removed from hers. >> they started hauling our stuff out and stacking it in the street. and people would come by and dig through it and take what they wanted. >> reporter: katherine said she and her daughter moved into an apartment a few years ago and quickly started having problems with the landlord. >> they jumped the rent some
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more. the cupboards and the drawers in the kitchen were off the rails. >> reporter: despite always paying her rent on time, they received an eviction notice. >> if they were going to tear it down why would they have been renting it the same day we got the eviction papers. >> there's a lot of pressure on some of these houses for landlords to evict people to raise the prices. >> reporter: her case reflects a rising trend in the u.s. with pandemic-era eviction mother tore yum programs no gone, some are dramatically higher than pre-pandemic levels, in some cases over 50% higher. >> housing costs are increasing but wages aren't increasing. >> reporter: it's not just tenant landlords are also feeling the pinch. ten ants can pay their rent
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forcing them to take drastic steps as evictions. he's had to start the e eviction process in the past two years. >> i have to take money from another property to put it into this one, it's emotionally stressful because i still have to meet my obligations, still do repairs, still pay the mortgage and my personal bills. >> reporter: but for both landlords and tenants evictions are taking a human toll. >> sump a hurtful experience. that i don't want to go through it again. >> reporter: valerie castro, nbc news. new york city set to become the first city in the united states to have congestion pricing a fee for driving into high-traffic areas, the goal is to end gridlock and help the environment. as george solis reports, the
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plan has a lot of people fuming. >> reporter: the only thing some new yorkers wret more than its infamous traffic. the new plan to ease it. where do you stand if. >> where do i stand personally? i'm against it. >> reporter: new york making history to greenlight congestion pricing. this or that? the plan to charge most motorists $15 to drive into midtown and lower manhattan. it will encourage some people to take public transportation or carpool decreasing traffic by 17% just give it a chance. >> e yes, i think so. >> reporter: the city desperately needs it. the average speed in midtown just over 4 miles per hour. for context the average person walks at 3 miles per hour. toll readers are already in place. a pedestrian's best friend or
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commuter's worst nightmare. a former traffic commissioner said, yes -- >> every city has implemented has kept it in because it's been successful. >> reporter: in london on the books for more than 20 years track congestion has been reduced by 30%. singapore saw a 20% drop immediately after it implemented 50 years ago. >> reporter: boston city council has called for hearings to introduce congestion pricing. in los angeles, a congestion pricing proposal to reduce traffic and pay for the 2028 olympics. back in new york city, the opposition is strong. new jersey governor and others suing.
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>> i think it's a money grab. their cost of food is rising. the cost of everyday life is rising. really not fair to put this burden on the back of working-class new yorkers. >> reporter: each city is different. >> this is a pretty imperfect system, the city will have to make adjustments as time goes on. >> reporter: the road to solve congestion could have more twists and turns ahead. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles.
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welcome back to the fast forward on nbc news daily. the city of millbrae is pushing back against a project to convert a hotel into housing. community members gathered in front of the la quinta inn to voice their concerns. using state funds from project home key to convert the hotel into a home for the homeless. the city filed a lawsuit against the county a few months ago and says the county didn't follow the correct procedures to buy the site. city leaders say they're worried about safety. >> the reality is if we lose this hotel, it is going to hurt financially to the tune of about three quarters of a million dollars and for a little 3.2 square mile town that's only
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zoned 11% of its land for commercial, that hurts. >> a hearing is set for this wednesday. santa clara valley healthcare is preparing for a system wide nursing strike expected to last three days starting tomorrow. nurses are picketing at valley medical and st. louis regional in gilroy. they're calling for increases to staffing, pay, benefits, security. santa clara valley healthcare says the strike will not affect patient care. >> clearly, it's very disruptive to our typical patient services so we feel as though we have made the maximum effort to insure that our services can continue for the community who we care for. >> the county says it spent $20 million to cover the strike and it's bringing in more than 1,000 contracted nurses. some appointments have been rescheduled. enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, the rain is coming back.
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kari hall has our forecast. >> we are going to have a great start to the week with warmer temperatures and sunshine and then we'll go back to winter as we approach the end of the week. cooler air coming in, off and on rain and gusty winds. take a look at our thursday and friday forecast. upper 50s in the morning starting out to upper 30s to low 40s. as you make weekend plans, it's going to be in the low 60s and mostly cloudy. in san francisco, we're going from highed in the mid-60s to the upper 50s with off and on rain. it looks like the rain clears out in time for the weekend. highs extending into the upper 50s for the end of the weekend. >>
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turning to our climate in
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crisis, a professor is investigating whether fog is des appearing from california's coastline. dan fernandes is using what he calls fog catchers. the goal is to understand whether climate change is impacting the water cycle and how fog contributes to it. >> we're unsure of what the impacts of climate change are going to be on many things including on fog. some studies indicate that fog has seen a reduction as a result of climate change. my own studies aren't long enough to be able to say that. i've seen periods of greater fog and periods of lesser fog in the last 12 years. >> here's another part of the puzzle. parts of the bay area saw more fog during record breaking temperatures across the globe last year. this experiment is part of an upcoming documentary. it airs on earth day, april 22nd, at 11:00 a.m. and our sister station, telemundo 48 will air it. that does it for this edition of the fast forward. get all the day's news on our website. website. have a great
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an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. i'm andrea canning, and this is man: there was a party.bc. there was a uk football player that had been shot. he's killed on his birthday. and i was like, it's who? that can't happen. why him? andrea canning: no one saw a thing. it's at night. it's dark. nobody knows where the bullet comes from. nothing is making it any easier. if you don't have a motive, it's hard to know which direction to go.


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