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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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reaching new heights. the real estate market is heating up. the latest numbers showing how difficult it is to make it in the bay. good afternoon. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30.
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we have housing prices for you. we will take a look at that. we also talked to realtors and homebuyers. we are also tracking other stories on this monday, including& nurses in the south bay. how a strike could impact you. a possible deal to keep the a's in oakland. we will show you. and the new video reigniting public safety concerns in san francisco. why that attack has many people worried. let's go ahead with new numbers on how hard it is. as we enter spring, it is a sellers market, especially in santa clara county, where the average home is selling for more than it did a year ago. let's bring in scott beckman. >> numbers are looking a lot higher.
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now in the south bay where we've seen high housing prices, you can see 1.8 million is the median housing price for the whole county. that is a 20% jump from this time last year. in san francisco it is about 1.6 million and that is a jump of 9% from this time last year. you and i have talked about how we are starting to see more inventory, but it has only made those sitting on the sidelines who are waiting to buy all the hungrier. they are jumping in large numbers and we see a lot of overbetting.>> this has come cut like you said, we talked about for a while. it was not a sellers market. now, is it safe to say is it a sellers market? >> prices are high. and those who are willing to sell, and you were right, they were not willing to sell because they maybe had a 3% mortgage. if you sold and bought somewhere else, you were looking at 7.5.
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but the numbers are two attractive. 1.8 million for an average in silicon valley. we are starting to see sellers say i'm going to cash in and we are going up her home on the market, and realtors say they are getting 10 to 20 bidders at a time. open houses are crowded again because there's all this demand by potential buyers. and now, they say we cash in the stock options and get a home.>> back to that situation. obviously, it's not that great when it comes to the people trying to buy a home.>> and that is why it's never good if you want something that you have to compete for against so many other people, and that's why we see it as a sellers market. the sellers are getting 10 to 20% more than they put their houses on the market for. imagine that pressure if you are someone who wants to buy
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home. not only are you dealing with high prices and high mortgage rates, you deal with inflation, and also a competitive situation that is bidding up the original price. it is really difficult. we need a lot more inventory before things can even out and prices can go down. we've seen that happen but not lately. >> thank you for that update. in the meantime a city is pushing back to convert a local hotel into housing. the county entered into a contract to purchase a la quinta inn. the plan was to convert it to housing for the homeless. the city has sued the county to stop the sale. so the county did not follow the correct procedures and city leaders and community members gathered outside the la quinta
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inn to say they are worried about safety and how this project could affect the community.>> the reality is, if we lose this hotel, it is going to hurt financially to the tune of about three quarters of $1 million. and for a small town that is only zoned 11% of its land for commercial cut that hurts. >> the hearing for the lawsuit is set for wednesday. santa clara valley healthcare is planning for a nurses strike. it is expected to last three days starting tomorrow. picket lines will be at all three county hospitals. in san jose, in gilroy, and valley medical center. nurses across 13 county medical clinics are expected to strike. they are calling for increases to staffing, benefits, pay, and security. the county said they are hopeful they will return to the bargaining table and get a sustainable contract for both sides.
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major meetings tomorrow for the city of oakland. officials are ready to offer the oakland a's a five-year extension to stay beyond the 2024 season. but it will cost them. the multi-year deal comes with a -- under the proposal they can opt out after three years, but they would still have to pay the full amount. the city is also asking for the athletics to sell the 50% ownership to the coliseum complex and asking for major league baseball to create a path for them to get a future expansion team using the same colors and they or to help facilitate the sale to local ownership. fans are not convinced this will actually work.>> even with them selecting one out of the
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three cut the terms are irrelevant. i think sacramento is a serious thing that could happen. i believe the contract -- i don't think they will take any of the terms. they can offer them to play for free and i think they still want to get out of oakland. >> the team is also looking at other locations to bridge the gap until las vegas is ready and that includes sacramento and salt lake city. now to safety concerns in san francisco. new video of an attack in the mission district has people upset. they say it is proof that the city is moving problems from one street to another. let's bring in sergio quintana. >> reporter: it is difficult to watch. this happened saturday afternoon
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before 5:00 p.m. let's check out this video. you can see there is a woman sitting on the sidewalk. another woman is straddling her and a third is watching. there is a struggle going on between the two women on the sidewalk. at one point the woman gets up and kicks the woman on the sidewalk in the head. i did manage to talk to the woman who is the victim in this. she does not want to be identified. she said she was in her van taking a nap when she woke up to see two women looking into her window. 12 one woman tried to open the van and she confronted them and that is when they pounced on her. after the attack she said she was standing in the street and a man who she said she thought was a walked over to her and began harassing her and she remembers it as these ladies
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are sexy and beautiful and have the right to do whatever they want in this neighborhood. the police were called. they have made an arrest in the situation. a 24-year-old woman has been arrested for aggravated assault. >> it was really hard to watch that video. i know you got a chance to speak with the woman who took that video. what is your take on this? >> reporter: she heard the argument and took -- she started recording. she is one of several neighbors who are concerned about what they say is a movement of workers in a different neighborhood moving over to their street in the mission district. over the last few years there are people who have been complaining about what they say was an increase in workers in that neighborhood. they have successfully had the city block off portions of that street, and over the last several months residence on the street say they have been
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getting that traffic instead. they've been complaining about the traffic and they say there is activity on the street at all hours of the evening. now they are concerned about this video surfacing that the signals a different stage in the situation. they say they are planning a lawsuit against san francisco for what they believe is a lack of enforcement of the laws in this particular neighborhood. we will have all of that coming up on nbc bay area news at 6:00. >> we will see your full story at 6:00 p.m. another united flight had to be diverted over the weekend. this time it was taking off from frankfurt, germany, when one of the bathrooms started overflowing into the cabin. this was about two hours into the flight. it circled over the north sea for going back to germany.
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passengers were provided hotels and rebooked the next day. this is the latest in a series of incidents with united airplanes. last week the faa announced they are increasing oversight of the airline. get ready for a long commute. thousands of drivers may soon be losing access to the carpool lane because the cleaner vehicle stickers are set to expire in september 2025. sticker program began in 1999 as an incentive. a spokesperson told the chronicle he believes it's unlikely that congress will authorize an extension. one week from today, the total eclipse will be taking our attention.
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nasa has other plans. and sending drones to deliver key medical materials. we speak with the company to get much-needed supplies to your doorstep. before we go to the break, we want to know what story you would like to see later. you still have time to vote for one of these. consumers push back against guilt tipping, airline asks pilots to take time off, or the easter
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the palo alto city council is considering removing parking to make way for bike lanes. this would happen on el camino we all. they hope to make the roads safer but they are facing criticism. it does not address high speeds on the road.
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caltrans as if this proposal does not go through, they will work on other plans. it is spring break for a lot of kids. officials are warning people to stay away from this part of highway one. a full closure is now in place. this is just north of the famous bixby bridge. they are allowing vehicles through the northbound lane with supervision, but those convoys could be canceled with rain coming in later this week. and estimated 1600 people were trapped. millions of americans will look up one week from today but only with protective glasses.
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scientists will be focused on the sky for a unique opportunity to study the sun. and nasa will send two specially outfitted airplanes with instruments on board for experiments. our national climate reporter went to johnson space center for an early look at the research labs in the sky. four nasa mechanics are making final checks on one of the two planes that will chase the eclipse to study the sun. this pilot will never forget his first time flying through an eclipse. but we had eye protection on like everybody else on the ground. once it went to totality, i could not see anything. i realized i had to take off my visor. it was pretty fantastic. >> reporter: nasa uses this airplane for experiments because it is tried and true. it has been around since the
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1950s, but it can also fly at 60,000 feet above any clouds and the atmosphere will not get in the way these experiments. >> it's hard to measure the son because the atmosphere absorbs the light. >> reporter: he's a solar astrophysicist. they will focus on the sun's atmosphere. the corona. but when i did this in 2017 this was a crazy idea. we did not know if it was going to work. we got amazing data. you could see it coming down off of the live satellite feed, and we are using a new instrument that can get us a richer set of data, a richer set of observations. >> reporter: won gold is to learn why the corona is million degrees hotter than the surface of the sun. the other is how solar wind can
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impact satellites and power grids. that is one of five experiments aboard these two planes that will have about six minutes to seize this rare opportunity.>> it is a lot of pressure. so we don't take things lightly. people put their lives work into this. won a total solar eclipse is like perfect. it is exactly the right size in the sky to block out the disk of the sun but not much more. we have been studying the sun for a long time. within the next few months hospital in boston will start to use drones to deliver medical care to patients at home. they expect the program to launch in june with drones bringing medicine and lab works to people store steps.
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we are not aware of this happening with hospitals here just yet, but an attorney in colorado is trying to change that. they are trying to get faa approval. it could still be a number of years out.>> when people realize that these drone delivery's can truly save lives, blood transfusions, for example, i think there will be a greater push when the public becomes more aware of the benefits. and a bigger push to adapt this technology as fast as possible. >> rwanda has used this technique to distribute blood for the past few years. now turning to the weather. what a wonderful way to start the work week. >> why can't we get this on the weekend?
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gorgeous conditions outside. we have the warmest day the week coming up tomorrow. you may want to close your eyes at the bottom of the screen. let's enjoy what we have outside right now. temperatures in the 70s around the bay area. you see number steres 74 in sunnyvale. cooler around the interbay. what we have is a summerlike pattern. clouds and fog spreading in lynn. and we will see summer temperatures setting up tomorrow. we quickly warm to the 60s. midafternoon low to mid 60s in san jose. and temperatures in the mid to upper 70s.
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watch this big drop in temperatures. wednesday in the 60s. watch what happens on thursday. in the low to mid 50s and that will take us into friday. and we have a winter like pattern setting up on thursday. snow levels will drop 3 to 4000 feet as we approach the upcoming weekend. stay tuned and we will have the full forecast coming up today at 5:00 p.m.>> a winterlike pattern? what's going on? we are now working on the 5:00 p.m. news. >> oakland international airport is requesting a name change that sfo does not like. they said it will help clarify
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the airports location and bring in more travelers. sfo disagrees and said it will cause confusion. we will have more on the new proposed name and the backlash. fast food workers officially went up to $20 per hour. some restaurant say they have to raise menu prices. there is a lot happening on this monday. this monday. still tocome ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ here it is. the top trending story as voted by you. do you ever feel guilty for not tipping enough? apparently, you're not alone. three out of four americans believe that tipping has gotten out of control. and more than half thing businesses are replacing salaries with customer tips. 80% believe automatic service
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charges should be banned. as a result it seems some people are starting to tip less. this system reports that in the fourth quarter of 2023 tipping decreased at quick service restaurants compared to five years ago. as always, i will post the other stories on my instagram. the powerball jackpot is getting bigger. it is now up to $1 billion. this is not an april fools' day joke. if you have been following, you know that nobody won saturday night. tonight top prize is the fifth largest in powerball history. you can always watch us whenever you want. we are streaming our newscast all the time on roku and other streaming platforms. you can watch live newscasts and more of our content.
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thank you for joining us.
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right now, what is in a name? for oakland international airport a possible change that sfo is not happy about. why they are pushing back. also, some fast food workers and restaurants are having to pay their employees at least $20 an hour. does it mean higher menu prices? it depends on which restaurant. and the new pathway open as crews continue to remove the collapsed bridge in baltimore. thank you for joining me on this monday. in an attempt to boost business and air travel, oakland
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international airport is looking at changing its name. they want the new name to start with san francisco calling it san francisco bay oakland international airport. tom jensen set it is raising concerns with passengers. >> we wanted to get a fair sample of people. we talked to passengers at both the airports and they had the same expression when we told them. >> reporter: more than 20 million passengers come in annually. they say a name change comes with some concerns. the proposed name, san francisco bay oakland international airport.>> it would be confusing. >> i would probably figure it out. >> reporter: oakland international is used by more than 5 million passengers each year. >> just keep it the same.
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wear even a younger person said oakland international should rethink the name change and keep it simple.>> it might be confusing. we are not in san francisco. >> reporter: the port of oakland has said the name change would help better reflect the regional location of the east bay airport. management at sfo said they are deeply concerned.>> we are worried this will cause confusion for customers. >> reporter: senator scott wiener said it should not be cutting and pasting san francisco international airport into its name. >> we talked to other airlines and a lot of the people we are talking to have a similar reaction. that is, let's accurately represent the region that each airport is serving. >> reporter: oakland sent a written statement say it is pro- oakland and pro-jobs and it is located on the san francisco


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