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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 2, 2024 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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right now at 11:00, thousands of nurses take to the picket lines in the south bay, and we are live with what they are demanding, the impact on patient care and santa clara county's brand-new response. thanks so much for joining us for our mid-day newscast. i'm chris sanchez.
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happening now, nurses who work for santa clara valley health care are on day one of a planned three-day strike. nbc bay area joins us from the picket line. ginger, the nurses say they need and want better pay and working conditions. >> reporter: that is correct. and they are making their demands loud and clear, chris. you can also hear much of what it's been like this morning. nurses on strike, cars honking showing their support. 3,700 nurses are striking today, tomorrow and thursday at dozens of locations here in the south bay. patient care will be disrupted as it is here at valley medical center. this is what it's looked like again for most of the morning. in just moments we are expecting to hear from the county executive james william and board of supervisors about what we're hoping to be the latest on negotiations. there will be a representative
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from santa clara valley health care. we are waiting for that. picketing outside valley medical began early this morning. valley medical along with o'connor hospital and saint luis hospital are also participating in this strike. the vice president of the nurses' union says they understand the strike is impactful, but says it must be done. >> it is important the nurses have been put in this situation because the county could have done things months ago to keep the county safe. the nurses have had to make this bold move. it is unfortunate the county put the patients in the middle, but we need to do what's right. >> reporter: the issues at the heart of this strike are staffing, pay, benefits and security. nurses here say understaffing is a major problem and that puts lives and licenses on the line. valley medical says their proposed terms are generous,
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including a 10.5% increase. >> we feel as though we have made the maximum effort. >> reporter: they also say they have prepared for disruptions by contracting a thousand nurses to fill in and spending roughly $20 million to address the impact. >> it is really crucial that we continue to provide these services to our patients. we're also at a level one trauma center, so it is crucial we continue to be available for patients who rely on us for that trauma-related care. >> reporter: now, if you are a patient and have an upcoming appointment, if that needs to be moved or, you know, rescheduled, somehow postponed, you will be contacted individually, chris. we will continue to monitor developments on this story, on this side as well as the county's response and bring you the latest on air and online at >> thank you, ginger. we are following a situation in napa county.
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we now know that the three victims are male. but the sheriffs department says they may not all be adult. all three remain in the hospital. two people were taken in for questioning, but as of yet, we don't know if they have been arrested. well, this is supposed to be the a's last season at the oakland coliseum. but with no vegas stadium yet, the a's could ask the city of oakland if they could stay put just a little bit longer. nbc bay area's bob redell joins us from the bay area. the two sides are talking about a lease extension. >> reporter: correct, chris. i did just hear back from the oakland a's within the past hour who did issue a short, brief, to the point statement. we will put it up on your screen here. they say we appreciate oakland's engagement and also we are far apart on the terms needed to agree on an extension. we're talking about an extension of lease of the coliseum. we're waiting to hear back from the city of oakland.
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we know both sides are supposed to meet today about a possible five-year lease extension on the coliseum. the a's lease is expiring this season, but they will need a place to play until 2028 when the team will eventually move to las vegas. you are looking at a video of a recent game in the stadium where a few fans are showing up in response to the team's move out of oakland. the city proposed this five-year, $97 million lease extension. the team would be able to opt out of the deal in 2028 after three years, but would still owe the city the full amount of the contract. as you just heard the oakland a's saying they are so far apart on those terms. but with little fan support so far this season, a former a's executive we spoke with believes the team should look elsewhere. >> if you are going to extend that lease for three years, four years, five years in a ghost town, that is one of the worst marketing plans for major league
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baseball that you could ever consider. >> it's a lame duck situation. i don't know. i'm just going to keep coming to games until something is decided. >> reporter: the a's are also looking at temporarily relocating to places such as salt lake city or sacramento. the city of oakland is asking major league baseball to create a path for oakland to get an expansion team or help them with the sale of the a's to local ownership. now, this is new video, newer video, i should say, into our news room into las vegas where overnight, you can see the tropicana hotel and casino. workers there for bringing out casino equipment after the casino shut down there at 3:00 this morning. all resort guests must be checked out at noon today. if my understanding is correct, it is probably noon already in las vegas. so they should be getting out of the hotel right now. the tropicana, which has been a
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landmark in sin city, will be demolished to make way for the a's $1.5 billion ballpark. reporting live, bob redell. >> thank you, bob. san francisco supervisors are green lighting a plan to put more speed cameras in the city. today the city supervisors will vote on how to implement the project and whether they should lead the construction project. governor gavin newsom signed a bill allowing six cities to install those cameras. in addition to san francisco, oakland and san jose can do that. in all, there will be 33 cameras across san francisco. in other city council news, they may restrict megaphones near planned parenthood on oak park boulevard. you might remember the city created a buffer zone around the facility so protesters could not get within a certain distance of the building. this proposal would amend that ordinance. planned parenthood says the megaphones disrupt patients and
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staff. and now let's take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge, and that's the kind of picture you need when you are making a postcard. but in the spring, sometimes it looks like that. sometimes it doesn't. >> yeah. you know, it is nice when people come in and they're enjoying the sunshine and the warm weather. but when things start to shift, they're like, oh, what happened. >> let me buy that san francisco sweatshirt. >> right. you will need a hoodie in a couple of days and an umbrella. look at the changes. this is the last day with temperatures well above normal. you start to see clouds coming in tomorrow. it gets windy and it will be cooler. the rain holds off until thursday. that's when we will see showers, rain and thunderstorms as well as sierra snow. looking at where we are right now, we're in the upper 60s in san jose. it is in the mid-60s for the east bay and low 60s through the peninsula. we had some fog keeping those temperatures down, but we're still headed for the low 70s with mid to upper 70s for the
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inland areas. we will talk about the changes ahead coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you, kerry. 240 tons of food and other aid will not reach gaza because 7 aid workers, including one american, were killed by an air strike. the crew is monitoring the investigation into how this happened and why. >> good morning. when you look at the vehicle the aid workers were riding in, the damage is striking. a direct hit from the air through the logo of the world central kitchen bringing food and supplies to refugees. take a look. 7 people killed. the organization says the convoy was hit after it left a warehouse and that the world food kitchen had been coordinating its movements with the israeli military. prime minister netanyahu acknowledging his country conducted the strike saying it was a, quote, tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting people in the gaza strip. here is an idf spokesman.
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>> we are committed to examining operations thoroughly and trance participantly. >> all of this comes a day after israeli officials met with american officials virtually to discuss the war and the possible israeli attack on the palestinian city of rafah, down here. israel started its invasion from the north, forcing many refugees south and rafah as far as they can go. egypt is not letting them cross the border. the original meeting scheduled in person was canceled by the israelis after the u.s. abstained from a vote in the un demanding a cease-fire by abstaining. the u.s. allowed that vote to be approved. back to you. well, tesla shares are falling after a report showed tesla delivered 8.5% fewer cars than last year. they made fewer. the company also has an earnings call coming up in just three
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weeks. marin county could soon have a few park and supervisors will vote on whether to buy the 157-acre golf course from the trust for public land. but don't expect a playground or sports courts, pickleball courts, other amenities because the plan is to put the headquarters on the site and revert the rest of the course to a natural space. raising alarms. ahead on this mid-day news, we break down a new report showing a sharp spike in anti-muslim hate across the country and the reason leaders are calling it the worst wave of hate they have seen in 30 years. plus, actor angie harmon suffering a personal tragedy. she says it was all at the hands of an instacart driver. how the company is now responding.
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new at 11:00, angie harmon's family says that one of their dogs was shot and killed over the weekend by an instacart driver. the "law and order" alum says a driver shot the dog after delivering to their area. the driver claims the dog attacked him. instacart says it has suspended the driver, but no criminal charges have been filed. bart is revealing new insights revealing its break financial future. the rail system will face a budget deficit over the next four fiscal years. the projections come as bart is expected to run out of state and federal emergency assistance funds. the next fiscal year, the agency faces a $26 million deficit that increases to nearly $349 million as a shortfall for the following fiscal year, which begins in 2026. and that money is projected to officially run out the safety
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net. all of this comes as bart continues to face challenges amid shrinking ridership. new at 11:00, a new report shows the biggest surge in anti-muslim biggest try in 30 years. the report is on american-islamic relations or care. it details 8,000 complaints of hate crimes, education or employment discrimination and requests for asylum. more than 3,500 of those were reported just after the war in the middle east began in october. this is just the most recent wave of islam phobia and adds two other waves came after trump announced the ban on people coming from muslim countries and when the policy was put into effect in 2016. >> every one of these is a human experience, and it all points to one very simple conclusion. islamphobia is baked into american society.
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it had to exist in the u.s. prior to october because what october shows us is a switch was flipped, and it was back on. >> meantime, students at uc davis are joining a lawsuit against the school saying the school failed to protect them from anti-semitic harassment. the suit will be filed by the non-profit stand with us center for legal justice. some california lawmakers want to give you the right to ignore texts from work after hours. san francisco assemblyman matt haney is behind the right to disconnection legislation. it would allow workers to ignore e-mails and texts after hours with the exception of emergencies or scheduling calls. opponents argue the bill is really too vague and doesn't apply to all of the different professions. california, though, would be the first state in the nation to have a law like this if it passes. stay tuned. turning now to an effort to help san francisco school district teachers make it in the
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bay, there is a lottery to limit a housing complex. it is set to open this fall on 143rd avenue. the city and the school district are teaming up to take applications for the peopl that will eventually live there. it is open to any of the city's 10,000 public school employees, so not just teachers. the first round of applications closes on tuesday, april 23rd. hundreds of tourists and locals are still being impacted by the partial collapse of highway 1 that happens saturday afternoon in monterrey county near big sur, and it happened right in the middle of some really heavy rain. the road was forced to close, leaving drivers with no way out. crews on sunday set up convoys where they were escorting drivers through the area. many people have been able to pass through. though, tourists are still feeling the impact. >> we went on google maps, and
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we thought google maps would know the road closures and stuff, but it apparently did not. we just learned about the slide. >> more rain could disrupt the convoys in the coming days. heavy shors and possible thunderstorms a expected to begin thursday night. net's take a look at the sierra. this is aiv look at palace aids tahoe. and the department of resources is conducting a snow survey nearby. governor newsom is watching that snow pack. the surveys serve as an indicator for future water supply. this one is the fourth of the year, and experts say it is the most important one because the april survey is considered the peak of the seasonal snow pack. the last survey was in february. it reported about 18 inches. kerry, we have seen these surveys where they just put that stick right into the dirt, so this is a good sign. >> this is a really good sign.
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and it looks like as of now it is right where it should be in terms of what's normal. and they're measuring the water content of that snow, which is very important, something that you can't tell just by sticking a ruler in there. but it is very beautiful to see now that we do have a clear sky. this is a look at the current temperature and that live view of lake tahoe right now at this hour. so we will see what they get, but we also have our automatic surveys, and it gives us an idea of how much snow we have there. we're doing the best in the northern sierra at 119% of the normal amount of snow. it provides a third of our water storage as the snow melt comes down the hills and melts in the springtime and fills up our reservoir. we'll be watching out for that. our temperatures are starting to warm up after a chilly morning. we're at 67 degrees. it is in the low 60s elsewhere, but beautiful sunshine does
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continue. then we turn our attention to the next system coming in. you can see the long line of clouds and all of that extending off the coast and farther out into the pacific. that's going to be coming in starting tomorrow with more clouds. but then the rain holds off to thursday. temperatures today in the low to mid-70s. 75 in freemont, 77 in san jose and 77 in the north bay. but we will be even cooler tomorrow thanks to more clouds coming in. and it is going to be breezy with the cold front arriving. but then look at thursday's temperature. such a huge change compared to what we will see today. so as you have been looking at the bottom of the screen, the seven-day forecast shows that with the rain will also come along with colder temperatures, and we will see that on thursday into friday. rain arrives by about 9:00 to 10:00 on thursday morning, continuing to become more widespread as we go throughout the day.
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chilly temperatures and off and on rain friday as well. most of us will see rain fall totals anywhere from a half an inch of rain fall up to three-quarters of an inch for the north bay. this weekend looks pretty unsettled with some cold temperatures. a slight chance of rain. but we are going to see a reinforcing shot of cool air starting to dip down from sunday into monday. let me show you napa and our 10-day forecast and how things will change over the next few days. it is going to be a cool weekend, but thursday's high 49 degrees. yes, this is spring, and we're talking about a big blast of winter coming our way. we do make recovery for next week as we are going to see the temperatures start to warm up. but a chilly weekend coming our way, so we better enjoy the nice sunshine that we will see for today. mid-70s because it will be a while before we see weather like that again. >> i mean, we expected it this spring. >> by the way, april is world
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autism awareness month. today is autism awareness day. and the whole month is dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding people with autism and families, too. according to the cdc, in 1 in 44 children in the u.s. has autism. this includes 1 in 27 boys and 1 in 116 girls. autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain that we don't fully understand. this can affect how people behave and communicate, interact and learn. and it can make people feel a little different from other people. this hits really close to home. you know my nephew has autism. we have talked about this a lot. >> yeah. we don't like to say disability, it is just differently abled. >> yeah, that's what my nephew says. >> if you have been following my story. i have a 7-year-old and 12-year-old on different ends of the autism spectrum disorder.
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people with autism may be advanced in conversational skills like my 12-year-old son. where by 7-year-old daughter may be nonverbal. some people may need a lot of help in their daily lives while others can live and work with little support. my daughter has stomach issues which caused her to stop eating a few years ago. you were so help and asked, how is she doing? i'm happy to see she is doing so much better. she does require a feeding tube in her belly for those times that she's not eating a lot. and her development is making leaps and bounds thanks to the therapy she gets three hours a day five days a week. the bay area has such a big area of support during those really difficult times and also offering up resources. if you are a caregiver or if you know someone who may be on the spectrum, be sure to reach out to that community for some guidance. your pediatrician is always a
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good source for getting that initial diagnosis and then also, you know, pointing you towards where to go from there. so that's the few pictures. >> i love them. it can feel very isolating, and you have been so giving in your experience. i think it makes people feel less alone. >> yeah. i think, you know, in the beginning i was a little hesitant to share some of those things, but once i did i found that so many people want to help. so it really helps me to get that information, use that and then share what i know. >> yeah. i have learned so much from my sister and so many different things from you, too. i had no idea about the stomach issue, the feeding issues. >> they're common, yeah. >> with my nephew we just thought he was picky. we didn't know he was part of the spectrum. >> if your child doesn't want to eat, don't force him or her to eat. there may be some other issues. >> thank you for always sharing with us and empowering us.
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happening now, heart is coming to the bay area. the band announced additional dates on their royal flush tour kicking off later this month. they will perform at the chase center in september. ticket sales start
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another day, another lotto drawing without a jackp
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winner. that wins the power ball jackpot is worth $1.09 billion. the number is on your screen in case you want to check for smaller prizes. the cash value in the prize on wednesday is worth more than $527 million. the overall odds 1 in 292. >> wa-wa. we have the same odds. >> give me your $2 and then on lotto day i will give it back to you and you will think you won. thanks for joining us.
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♪♪ right now on "california live." >> it is an ancient japanese artform and i'm going to explain what it is and how to use it in your every day life. and then we're learning all about caviar. how it is made and harvested and how it is becoming more accessible. and then "dancing with the stars" alum gleb


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