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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 2, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, tuesday, april 2nd, 204. packing a punch, golf ball-sized hail, blizzard-like conditions, even tornadoes, severe and
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dangerous weather is threatening millions today. aid workers killed. seven members of an international food charity killed by an israeli air strike the growing international outrage and what it means for millions of palestinians. dueling decisions, florida's supreme court hands down a pair of abortion rulings. what it means for florida women and beyond. and bill of health, could medicare raise your monthly premiums to cover some of those expensive weight loss drugs for patients, what you need to know even if you don't take those drugs. welcome, everyone. and good to be with you today. we're wearing blue for world autism day. >>. but we begin this hour with powerful storms impacting tens of millions of people across the
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country. >> we're getting a new look at so much the damage in the mitd west and central plains, reported tornadoes and golf ball sized hail have left a path of destruction. >> heavy gusts are sweeping through indiana. >> gravel in my head. glass in my head. whatever, there's still mud behind my ears. it's almost overstimulation of senses. >> all of this is just the beginning. >> the same storm system is now headed east and it could be bringing ebb more twisters, flooding and blizzard conditions. meteorologist michelle grossman is tracking it all. let's begin with morgan chesky in tulsa, oklahoma, you've been traveling through different parts of that state today, getting look at damage in
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oklahoma, what are you seeing and hearing from people who live there. >> reporter: lot of apprehension across the entire state of oklahoma last night because a majority was under a warning. we had a chance to visit hard-hate barnesdall, oklahoma, a twister struck under cover of darkness. >> i seen lambs and it sounded like a train. i've never been so scared in my whole life? >> really? >> yes, and i'm 75 years old. very little scares me. >> reporter: everyone was accounted for in that town and no injuries across this entire state, very good news there.
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everyone we spoke to, very quick to credit meteorologist for giving them a lot of leeway ahead of this storm's path, it poses a tornado threat as it make its way to the northeast, the governor of ohio recorrectly declaring a state of emergency there ahead of this massive system. bringing a lot of rain here to the northeast some snow. depending on where you are you could be facing a different threat and that's why it's incredibly important to pay attention to your forecast, guys. >> all right, thank you, morgan. meteorologist michelle grossman, this was just the first round, more storms in. >> yeah, we're looking at a serious situation this evening into the overnight hours, the potential for a long-tracking tornado, violent tornadoes that could bring damaging winds, hail once again, and torrential downpours, really heavy rain
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where you see those darker colors, is where we're seeing those downpours. we'll see this activity ramp up over the next several hours. 57 million americans at rick for a long-tracking tornadoes especially where you see this red area, including columbus, lexington, winds gusting up to 70 miles per hour. that's today. tomorrow, this moves off to the east, mid-atlantic, carolinas into the southeast from raleigh to charleston, that severe weather goes down a bit. everything's on the table. winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour. damaging hail not as large as today. we're also looking at a lot of moisture and rainfall. 41 million under flood watches. >> michelle grossman and morgan chesky, thank you. growing international anger today over an israeli air strike that killed seven aid workers in gaza.
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one is a dual american/canadian citizen. the group is now pausing operations on the ground. world central kitchen founder chef andres says he's heartbroken, the white house said president biden spoke with the chef today to share his condolences and is, quote, outraged at what happened. >> by saying we're outraged you can fairly characterize that as condemning the strike itself. no one wants to see this kind of violence happen to aid workers. >> netanyahu said the strike was unintentional. josh lederman joins me now, what else are we hearing from world central kitchen and from the israeli government in. >> reporter: kate, president biden is not the only world leader to reach out to chef andres today, we've just learned that president herzog of israel also phoned jose andres and apologized for this strike,
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which goes further than that statement from prime minister netanyahu making clear that israel is owning up. the president of israel communicating to jose andres that israel does intend to try to get to the bottom of this with full investigation. white house says a preliminary investigation by the israelis has already concluded and is working its way up the chain of command. jose andres is saying israel needs to stop this indiscriminant killing. so there's a lot of concern right now for how aid groups will be able to continue to operate in gaza. >> as you say, some are already stopping their services, too, i also want to z you about an air strike that happened at the iranian consulate in syria, two
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u.s. officials tell the nbc news the biden administration communicated directly with iran afterward, what do we know about that conversation. >> reporter: very little other than it's extraordinarily rare for the u.s. these days to communicate directly with iran, likely it was through some diplomatic message, but the fact that the u.s. felt they had to reach out directly to the iranians is a signal how concern the u.s. is, the white house making clear they had no involvement in this strike. >> josh, thank you so much. the united airlines is asking pilots to take a break from flying the company won't be paying for their time off. because boeing is experiencing production delays and can't send new planes. tom costello covers aviation, joins us now, tom, i imagine boeing has a response to this, what is boeing and the pilots
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saying in. >> reporter: boeing is not talking, actually, but united tells nbc news it's offering the pilots this voluntarily time off program in may because it hasn't received new planes from boeing, planes it needs going into the busy summer season. united has forced to reduce its pilot flight hours, and that the airline will likely offer similar time off to pilots over the summer maybe extending into the fall as well, it's all about supply and demand. big demand, limited supply of planes. united is expected to receive 43 boeing 737 max 8. also expected an order of 34 max 9s now down to just 19. the impact of a manufacturing delays will affect other airline fleets we expect. united is just one airline pausing pilot hiring this spring
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after a hiring push following the pandemic. >> tom, to your point this massive ripple effect, we're coming up on busy summer travel season, so what impact could this have on flights? >> it's too early to tell whether united and other airlines will have to trim back their schedules ever so slightly, because quite simply you build out your schedules, you build your schedules early in the year based on what you expect in terms of how many planes you'll have and how many pilots you'll have, well they're not getting the planes they expected and now they're having to cut back on pilots, it's possible that so much the routes they hoped to fly simply won't be flyable given their shortage of planes. google is set to destroy billions of data records. >> costco is getting into the weight loss industry. steve joins us now. hey, steve. google said yesterday it plans to destroy billions of
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data records on the web browsing history of its users to settle a lawsuit related to the incognito privacy setting, accused google of misleading users of how it tracked people when they were in that mode. in addition to destroying that data google will update its disclosures about the information it collects costco will offer a weight loss program through its medical partner according to usa today. starting right now the service will be available to members through its partner sesame. the expansion comes after the wholesale club began offering low-cost visits through sesame last fall. california could give the right to ignore work calls afterhours, protect the work/life balance with some exceptions while the state could be the first in the u.s. to legally, quote, disconnect it will join other countries that have similar laws, such as
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france and australia. that wouldn't work in the news business. >> probably not. but i love the idea don't have to answer any of those e-mail and interesting. >> steve, thank you coming up, an iconic las vegas hotel folds. . the billion-dollar project in the works to replace it. plus the harrowing rescue in northern california, caught on camera. >> don't let go, man, don't let go. okay. >> how search crews managed to >> how search crews managed to save a man c i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to.
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in oklahoma, a city council member with ties to white supremacist groups is facing increased scrutiny and a recall election now, republican gregg believins, voters will decide whether he should stay in office or if his opponent also a republican should replace him. i know you've been covering this for a while, remind us how this community got to this point and what's at stake. >> reporter: hi, kate. yeah, this has been going on in enid, oklahoma, for over a year
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now. judge blevins was elected in 2023, most people in this district didn't know was that he had a really long storied history with white supremacist organizations, so once that information came out a progressive group of enidites came together and formed a social justice committee, they knocked on doors and showed people their evidence and they got enough signatures to launch a recall. voters inside this polling place are deciding on whether he should be removed. >> what are you hearing from members of the community there. >> reporter: we've talked a lot of people at this polling place and around town and we're hearing lots of different things, blevi in, s has his supporters, people who say he made a mistake and he should get a second chance and we should move on. most people i've been talking to
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today they came out to vote today to send a message that hate has no home here, we shouldn't have a person involved with white nationalist in their city council. they're embarrassed for their city that they very much love. a lot of them have come out and said, just as much to us. >> thank you so much. florida supreme court has cleared the way for a six-week abortion ban to take in effect just 30 days but voters will have the chance to change that in november. how, well, the court also ruled that a constitutional amendment which would allow abortion access up to 24 weeks of pregnancy will appear on the ballot, under the new six-week ban florida will have one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. rehema ellis joins us now, following this one for us, can you break down the court's ruling here?
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>> reporter: for sure, the court was responding to a challenge to a ban on abortion down to 15 weeks, that governor desantis had signed some several months ago in in fact in 2022 as you point out into the lead-in to me it said it would allow per the 15-week abortion ban, uphold that ban but in the interim the court said it would allow the six-week abortion ban to go into effect, complicating it even more, the court said that it would make way for the question of abortion to go to the voters and that it would be on the ballot this coming november. it's a heavy bar for the voters who want to maintain abortion because, the decision will require 60% of the voters if you will to approve that referendum. >> rehema, i'm reminded i was on
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the ground when the dobbs decision broke in florida and one of the biggest concerns for activists that florida was considered some somewhat of a safe haven when it came to abortion access, a woman in that region seeking an abortion, what's the situation now. >> reporter: many reporting that the situation is not good and that this six-week ban which goes into effect in 30 days it's going to make it very difficult for women in the area to get an abortion. listen to what some women on both sides. >> i think the government needs to stay out of it. i've got a daughter, so i want, you know, also i'm her advocate and now she's of age to vote, too. >> i believe every woman should have a choice but i also do think there's a certain point where it becomes an issue. >> i don't think they should have abortion at all. i think people should have more morals. >> it's an interesting point here that even on both sides of
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the issue some are happy that it's go inning to go to the voters but others who don't like the voters may have an opportunity to decide this. >> great reporting, rehema ellis, thank you. coming up, a bias test kept thousands of black patients from getting a kidney transplant, how that is finally changing and why it took so long. you're watching "nbc news daily." we're also streaming free 24/7 right here on nbc news now, 24/7 right here on nbc news now, watch us wherever sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults.
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good tuesday, everyone. welcome to "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." i'm janelle wang. arrests have been made following a triple shooting in napa county. it happened yesterday. the sheriff's department says it started as an altercation and escalated into gunfire. no word on the conditions of the three people. no bystanders were hurt. they arrested two suspects, an 18-year-old and a minor. both are being held without bail. workers who work for santa valley health care are on day one of their three-day strike. ginger conejero saab joins us from the picket lines in san jose. >> reporter: around 3,700 nurses are striking today, tomorrow and thursday at dozens of locations
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in the south bay. patient care at those locations as well as here at valley medical will be disrupted. picketing outside valley medical began early this morning. valley medical along with o'connor hospital and st. louise hospital are participating in this strike. the vice president of the nurse union says they understand it's impactful, but she says it must be done. >> it's unfortunate that the nurses have been put in this situation, because the county could have done things months ago to keep everybody safe. the nurses have had to make this bold move. it's unfortunate that the county has put the patients in the middle. but we need to do what's right. >> reporter: the issues at the heart are staffing, pay, benefits and security. nurses here say understaffing is a major problem and that puts lives and licenses on the line. valley medical says their terms are generous, including a 10.5%
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pay increase. >> we feel as though we have made the maximum effort. >> reporter: they say they have prepared for disruptions by contracting 1,000 nurses to fill in and spending $20 million to address the impact. >> it's crucial that we continue to provide those services to our patients. we are a level i trauma center. it's crewel that -- it's crucial we are available. >> reporter: if your appointment will be rescheduled, you will be con taktsed individually. . we will monitor this at let's talk about the weather. enjoy it today. it's another sunny day. here is kari hall with our forecast. >> it's going to be a nice day across the bay area. look at our south bay high
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temperatures. east san jose, reaching a high of 76 degrees. 77 in downtown san jose. fremont, 75 there with mid 70s in martinez. a high of 71 in redwood city many it's comfortable with mid 60s along the coastline. 66 in the mission district. outer sunset in the mid 60s. santa rosa 71. this will be the last day of temperatures like this. we will talk about the changes and when rain comes back in our seven day forecast, that's in 30 minutes. >> thank you. we could soon find out if this will be the last season for the a's at the coliseum. fans responding to the team's move. we know they are supposed to meet today about a possible
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five-year lease extension. the lease is expiring at the end of the season. they will need a place to stay until 2028 when the team moves to vegas. the city proposed a five-year $97 million lease extension. the team would be able to opt out in 2028 after three years but would owe the city the full amount of the contract. >> if you are going to extend that lease for three years, four years or five years, in a ghost town, that is one of the worst marketing plans for major league baseball that you could ever consider. >> lame duck situation. i don't know. i'm going to keep coming to games until something is decided. >> they did just release a statement today. they say, we appreciate oakland's engagement and we are far apart on the terms needed to agree on an extension. they are waiting to hear back from oakland again. they are looking at salt lake city or sacramento. oakland is asking major league baseball to create a path for the city to get an
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parodontax, the gum experts. bottom of the hour now, here are some of is the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." the state of oregon has officially recriminalized the possession of small amount of drugs the new bill ends the first in the nation experiment with drug de-criminalization, the law had the support of most oregon voters the new law
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includes ways for treatments to be offered. iconic las vegas landmark closing its doors for the last time the tropicana hotel and casino closed its doors today, it will be demolished to make room for las vegas's first major league baseball stadium. the proposed $1.5 billion stadium the home of the oakland athletics who will relocate to vegas. check this out, dramatic video of a man rescued by helicopter in the bay area, it happened near the battery alex der trail. the man was clinging to the side trying to not to fall into the ocean below, thankfully rescue crews were able to grab and lift him to safety. >> that's pretty incredible. health policy experts are warning that medicare prices could be rising soon all because of a popular weight loss drug
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wegovy. weg on ovy's not only popular but expensive with a price tag of around $1300 a month. drive up monthly premiums for adults who rely on medicare. so, this move from medicare it sounds like a good thing because they're going to cover wegovy and just wegovy, why might it affect everyone. >> policy experts are closely watching what happens right now that medicare is covering this drug, several million people are expected to qualify, the drug is extremely expensive and to make up for that added costs insurance companies are going to have to make changes to their part b plans, pushing up
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premiums for everyone on those plans not just people who are prescribed these drugs but everyone on part d. we don't know when this will happen. i've been told that this could happen likely in 2026. so, as you know people on medicare are often retired, have limited income, only a small bump in premiums could have a big impact. >> part of president biden's inflation reduction act, could the government step in and make drugs like wegovy negotiate to make them cheaper for people in. >> that's possible. the active ingredient could up for medicare negotiations as early as next year but it would take a while. if those negotiations happen next year those rates likely won't go into effect until 2027. in the meantime senators like
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bernie sanders have been calling on them to lower the price. it might be a little bit before we see lower prices. >> okay, thank you. hospitals are scramling to adjust after a long used kidney test has been exposedses a having been racially bias zbld doctors learned the test was overestimating the kidney health of black patients. according to the nih black americans are four times more likely to be diagnosed with kidney failure than white americans. how patients and doctors are responding. >> it's time. i'm in the hospital getting ready for my transplant. >> reporter: when this student finally got the call that she would receive a kidney transplant in july she was overjoyed.
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evans was first diagnosed with chronic kidney disease when she was just 17 years old and was put on the transplant list in 2019. she thought she was years away from being matched with a donor until a letter from her hospital came in the mail last year explaining she would have been added to transplant list in 2015, that a racially biased test was to blame. what went through your mind when you got that letter? >> i was outraged. no one really knew that this was going on, it was really jarring and shocking. >> reporter: evans is one of thousands black patients prioritized for transplants as a result of a national. the new rule instituted in 2022 instructs hospitals to stop using the test that overestimated how well black people's kidneys were functioning.
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>> a big study when the black participants in this research studies, kidney function were look at, but for some reason they had slightly higher amount of kidney function for the blood test. instead of investigating sort of why that might be the conclusion was it was based on race. >> that flawed test meaning thousands of patients were put on the transplant list years later, a potentially deadly wait. >> for some people those extra years waiting actually contribute to their either being too sick to get a transplant or their premature death. >> reporter: patients have been bumped up on the list with the average patient getting transplants one to two years sooner than expected. but for evans who calls herself a reluctant kidney advocate is too tight is not over. >> i think it represents hope.
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it represents reconciling in a lot of ways. i also see the fight is not over yet. there are thousands of black americans that are still waiting for organ donations across the board. former president donald trump is back on the campaign trail today for the first time in weeks, he's spending the day in two galt battlegrounds states, michigan and wisconsin. nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard joins us now from green bay, wisconsin, vaughn, what's trump's messaging on the trail today? >> reporter: he's got two stops here today, one in michigan where he's currently taking part in roundtable of local officials and in grand rapids he's about to take to the podium at any moment where he plans to address 100 supporters.
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honing in on immigration, we've heard more severe rhetoric from him suggesting that the migrants coming into the u.s. are poisoning the blood of the united states. he intends to highlight individuals who have been killed in places like michigan by undocumented immigrants. listen, though, hear from a voter we just talked to in wisconsin, this is going to be his first stop of the 2024 cycle in wisconsin, a state that he lost by just over 10,000 votes, i want you to hear from this one particular voter. >> i don't ever remember having inflation like this in my life. it's tough. i have a lot of health issues from an antibiotic that i took four years ago. everything i use for supplements has tripled in price, so i mean, it's hard to keep up. >> reporter: this will be a rally for the former president tonight here in green bay, wisconsin, where we expect him to hit a myriad of topics. zinhle. >> always helpful to hear directly from those voters.
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vaughn, let's talk about the former president's legal issues, he's now posted the $175 million bond for his fraud case but some new developments in one of his other cases, right. >> reporter: right. that's the classified couples case, of course he has four pending criminal trials. the first one is slated to begin on april 15th in new york city related to that alleged scheme to cover up the hush-money payments to stormy daniels, but the other federal indictment that we're looking at, this classified documents case, and the judge has yet to rule on when that trial will actually begin, initially on paper it's supposed to be july here, but now at this point in time has bypassed actual issuing that state date. a backlog of other motions, we're looking at that potentially that classified documents trial not even beginning before november's election. >> vaughn covering it all for us, thank you. president biden may have already secured the 2024
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democratic nomination but in wisconsin, some young voters are still hoping that their ballot in today's primary will send a message. >> unhappy with the administration's response to the situation in gaza. joining us now to explain is maya egland, you traveled to the battleground state. what did they say? >> reporter: young wisconsin voters told me and the team they're frustrated with the u.s.'s response to the war in gaza, and that's why they've been organizing with the uninstructed vote movement wisconsin's term for uncommitted. we've seen several states cast uncommitted votes in the primaries, over 52,000 in colorado. 101,000 in michigan. all these numbers presenting a potential election threat and warning to the democratic party and president biden. take a look. >> wisconsinites have had enough. >> reporter: a palestinian american and the listen to
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wisconsin spokesperson, their campaign officially kicked off in milwaukee on march 19th. >> i think the democratic party has lost all legitimacy in our communities. >> reporter: the campaign's goal is to get at least 20,000 people in wisconsin to vote uninstructed. which means uncommitted or choosing no candidate. that number is roughly the same number of votes that won biden the state in the 2020 general in election. >> if in november we still don't have a cease-fire, i don't know what will be left in gaza, and that's our focus in this campaign. >> reporter: a march gallup poll found that 55% of americans disapprove of israel's military action in gaza. but that number is even higher at 63% when looking at just voters between the ages of 18 and 34. another young voter involved in the uninstructed movement is this 22-year-old. >> this campaign that's being run by young people. >> reporter: she has family in
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gaza and says organizing protest efforts in wisconsin allows her to feel empowered. >> joe biden has already won the democratic nomination. so this campaign is a way of sending message, not about him actually becoming president or not. it's a way for us to quantify this is how many people care about this issue, we're democrats, we're voting in the democratic primary, these are your constituents. your policy's alean ating them. >> so interesting to hear from those actual voters. how is biden campaign responding. >> reporter: we reached out to biden campaign for comment, saying, the president believes making your voice heard and participating in our democracy is fundamental to who we are as americans. he shares the goal for an end to the violence and a just lasting peace in the middle east. he's working tirelessly to that end. >> thank you. coming up, the challenges adults on the autism spectrum
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can face. but first, today's daily snapshot, all hail the queen. beyonce is having a big week, folks. just days after dropping her record-breaking album the star who presented the award is an innovator himself, stevie wonder. >> i hardly recognized him. >> i know.
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in today's daily health, today is world autism awareness day, we're highlighting the many difficulties adults on the face navigating life. >> as people age into adulthood there still can be challenges and quite frankly there about as many resources and services for adults with autism. i mentioned this issue, because i've done some reporting on this myself about what happens when young people leave the school setting now they're adults with autism. >> when you're a child or you're a parent of a child you have all these kind of services, not
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necessarily handed to you, but they're available. social skills groups, children's centers, you know, opportunities in the school, but then once you kind of get to be 18 or 22 or however depending on what state you're in, what's out there, what fits your need and what can you find. it's less about making sure the child has the individual support they need and more about families, individuals, parents, caregivers going out there and snatching and grabbing whatever they can get. >> needed support, being on the spectrum, what does that entail. >> so the spectrum, the definition of autism or the spectrum of autoschism is really wide, you can have individuals who do not communicate verbally or do not speak, have
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intellectually disability or individuals who need some extra support but are normal cognitively and can be in a mainstream classroom, and everybody in between. autism is an identity and something they embrace and they're proud of and other people feel it's more of a disability. trying to accommodate those different needs within the autism spectrum can be very challenging. >> on social media, some adults come out and say i just got diagnosed with autism. talk about that process. you know, if you're an adult and you haven't been diagnosed, where do you go. >> the first thing to remember is one thing, i see a lot of videos on tiktok that say you might have autism if you punch your teeth. autism is not just one thing, however, i encourage people to go online, to the autoschism
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science foundation and look at the common features of autism, anything from difficulties with the hidden agenda of social communication, right, not knowing how to hold a conversation, to sensory activities, so being hypersensitive to lights or sounds or even pain. so there's no one particular, you know, score chart to diagnose autautism. lot of parents are telling me the clinician said, have you considered yourself on the spectrum? so, really, what's needed for an accurate die mow sis is a meeting with a clinician who can ask you questions and other people in your life questions about how you interact in life. >> what sources are there for them but also for the community
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around them? >> so, absolutely. i would highly suggest that anyone who suspects that have an autism diagnosis get an in-person evaluation, please find someone who has experience diagnosing adults and also look online especially at the autism science foundation or other resources to find out how to accommodate them. hi, my name is damian clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all these plans include a healthy options allowance. a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter
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learn how abbvie could help you save. welcome back to "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." i'm janelle wang. they are putting up more speed cameras. the government nor signed a bill to allow six cities to installed cameras. that includes san francisco, oakland and san jose. in all, there will be 33 security crammers across san francisco. in other city council news, walnut creek may restrict amplifiers outside the planned parenthood. in 2022, the city created a buffer zone around the facility so protesters could not get within a certain distance of the building. this proposal would be an amendment to the ordinance. planned parenthood says the
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megaphones disrupt patients and staff. enjoy the sun. here is kari hall with our seven-day forecast. >> we will have the warmest day today in quite a while. highs into the mid 70s for the inland valley. it will be lower tomorrow with a mostly cloudy day. looking at rain rolling in on thursday, starting in the morning, continuing into friday as well. even the possibility of thunderstorms as our high temperatures only reach into the mid 50s. our overnight temperatures in the upper 30s. we are going to have a cool and at times a wet weekend. then we are also looking forward to a sky clearing in time for the solar eclipse which will be partial for the bay area. looking at san francisco, highs today in the mid 60s. it will be in the low 50s on thursday. >> thankso much. s
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nbc bay area responds to a viewer who has been waiting for a settlement check. he asked chris chmura's team for answers. >> vincent wrote us about a class action lawsuit settlement, specifically, the $725 million facebook privacy settlement. forbes estimates millions of people will get 30 bucks each. vincent said he applied more than a year ago. before the deadline. here is what he wrote us and said, i haven't heard back from anyone on the status. when will i receive a check? we checked with the law firm that's handling the settlement. the court approved the settlement in september but two parties objected. they want to appeal. now the firm says settlement payments cannot be distributed until the appeals are resolved. how long will that take? they said the time frame for resolving an appeal can vary widely. sorry, you gotta keep waiting for your 30 bucks. it's too late for others to join
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the suit. if you previously applied for a payment, you can watch for updates online. we will keep an eye out and when payments finally go out, we will alert you so you don't mistake yours for junk mail or spam. if you are missing money anywhere else, we would like to hear from you. scan the qr code on the screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> thank you so much, chris. in other news, california lawmakers want to give you the right to ignore work texts after hours. they want to disconnect. it would allows employees to ignore work emails or texts after hours. there are exceptions like for emergencies or scheduling. opponents argue it is vague and doesn't really apply to all professions. california would be the first state to have a law like this if passed. you can get all the local news and your local forecasts on news and your local forecasts on our website.
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