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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 3, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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we begin with breaking news this morning, overnight the chp issued an amber alert for a man accused of abducting a teenage girl. i'm kris sanchez. >> i'm ginger conejero saab. it now appears the girl is safe. >> bob redell joins us live from outside the chp office in dublin with what we know.
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this was an overnight story, bob. >> reporter: correct. good morning to you, kris and ginger. developing within the past hour and a half, we are trying to get more information from chp and oakland police, which is handling this case, but we know that just a little bit after 3:00 this morning -- the amber alert had been deactivated and the subject found. according to law enforcement just before 7:00 last night, a 22-year-old man named jeffrey gomez rivas allegedly abducted a 15-year-old named luz bonilla. the amber alert was issued in the east bay, the south bay, with a description of his car and a description that he was armed and dangerous. the chp tweeted the subject was found. we're still trying to get details on the circumstances surrounding this amber alert.
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reporting live outside dublin chp, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thanks a lot, bob. we will continue to bring you updates as they come into our newsroom. you can also download our free app or visit let's turn now to our forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect today. good morning, kari. >> good morning. and we're starting out with a clear sky for much of the bay area. it's also slightly warmer, thanks to our temperatures that are going to be coming down as we go throughout the day, more clouds moving in as the storm system arrives. we are dry today, but soon we'll see things change, colder temperatures and gusty winds along with the system. look at our highs for this afternoon compared to yesterday, many spots will be at least 10, maybe 12 to 15 degrees lower than yesterday afternoon. only up to 62 in dublin and 66 in santa rosa, san francisco, 59 degrees, with some low to mid-60s for the south bay.
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i'm tracking more change as we go through the weekend. mike, you've got a potential hazard near sfo. >> no reason for alarm, but we often hear about wires that may be hanging low. the winds are changing, but not a big deal. no sparks, no flames, but low hanging wires across 101 at broadway. that means a larger truck might be able to catch them. crews are heading out there just south of sfo. this is not impeding traffic to or from the airport. no fire, no sparks there. we're looking toward the east bay, and no traffic slowing at all heading toward the bay bridge. the eastshore freeway, the volume of traffic really pretty much what we would expect and no drama down here coming through berkeley and emeryville, coming out of richmond, a smooth flow from the north bay and smooth across the golden gate bridge as well. >> thank you. developing news, the death toll is rising after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked
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taiwan. these are live pictures from taiwan where you can see some of the damage and the rescue workers as well. at this point we know that nine people died, at least, and hundreds of other people are injured. dozens of buildings collapsed, trapping people inside, and this is taiwan's most powerful tremor in at least 25 years. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson is here with more on the destruction. we know that time is so critical in these moments. >> reporter: it certainly is. good morning, kris. so at last check, at least 820 people were injured and the numbers are expected to rise. the worst of the damage is in the eastern county near the epicenter of the quake. that's where officials said they were working to free 77 people who are trapped. the earthquake hit around 8:00 a.m. local time and it was felt across the entire island and it created a landslide and a tsunami that washed across the southern islands of japan.
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it also knocked out power for more than 91,000 households and was followed by a series of aftershocks. now, california seismologist dr. lucy jones also explains why the city of taipei also felt strong shaking. >> that's probably because taipei is sitting in a basin and has a big bowl of sediment, similar to what happened to the marina district, amplified shaking at a distance because of bad soil. >> reporter: taiwan is on the so-called ring of fire which circles the pacific basin, and is known for earthquakes. evacuation advisories and tsunami warnings have lifted in the philippines and parts of taiwan. taiwan's president this morning said that a disaster response center had been set up and the national army would provide support to local governments. back to you, kris.
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>> and it hits so close to home, especially when we hear the seismologist say that it was similar for us here in the bay area. thank you, brie. we're getting new video of the wreckage of the baltimore bridge which collapsed last week. check this out. these 3d images show the magnitude of the wreckage resting at the bottom of the river where the francis scott key bridge once stood. the u.s. navy released these pictures. they were taken with an underwater sonar tool that's being used to verbally guide divers in the water. divers face a difficult task because the water is very dark. president joe biden is planning to travel to baltimore this friday to see the damage. happening today, the case over berkeley's people's park is headed to the state supreme court in los angeles. uc berkeley, as you might know, wants to build student housing on the park property. opponents want to preserve the park. the court will review the appeal
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in a civil action lawsuit and it will investigate whether the school's environmental quality act takes into account the noise level of building more housing and whether the agency is required to revisit alternative locations for that proposed project. we also have a follow-up now, the man accused in the deadly stabbing of a san francisco tech executive will be back in court later today. momeni is accused of killing cash app founder bob lee one year ago tomorrow. the status hearing is scheduled for later this morning. last month, a judge ruled the case will be heard in san francisco, despite momeni's lawyers' request for a venue change. today marks day two of the nurses strike in the south bay. this is impacting three santa clara county hospitals, valley medical center, o'connor hospital and st. louise regional. the nurses union says the county hospital system is chronically understaffed.
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the county disputes the claims, saying nurses would only be assigned to sites where they are trained. they're also paid more when they cover a shift at an alternate site. the two sides expect to go back to the bargaining table after the strike ends. residents in big sur are bracing for more incoming rain and preparing to hunker down for a few days. the upcoming rain is canceling daily convoys out of the area later this week. the storm last week washed away part of highway 1, basically the only way in and out of that remote community. and for the past few days caltrans had been taking convoys, leading people over the slide area to get them to and from. but those trips are going to be canceled tomorrow and friday because there is more rain coming in. caltrans expects the convoys will pick up again on saturday. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the incoming rain, not just in that area, but for all of us as well. >> yeah, this does look like a fairly powerful system in terms
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of the high winds we'll see. the rain is not as big of an issue, but because the ground is already saturated, some additional rainfall could cause a few more problems with some of those slides. looking at the timeline of the rain, it starts out early tomorrow morning. we are going to also have a big drop in temperatures and some high winds as this cold front moves in. so the north bay seeing the rain first, and then it's just kind of hit or miss throughout the day. notice the change in colors as well. that is a wintery mix, changing to snow, and for the santa cruz summit and mount hamilton, some of our north bay mountains, we are going to see some snow coming in, and for this to be april and we're still talking about snow, we know that things are going to change drastically. there will also be a chance of some thunderstorms and small hail possible and the bay area mountains may see the snow down to about 2,000 to 3,000 feet in elevation. the sierra is also going to see some snow, anywhere from 6 to 12 inches. we'll talk more about that and
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look ahead to the weekend and another warm-up in our forecast in a few minutes. mike has been looking around finding you the lowest gas prices. >> we're looking toward the south bay to start. sunnyvale, a low of $4.48, not the lowest we've seen in recent weeks, great gas on north ma tilde avenue. $4.49 in concord on monument boulevard. in marin county, the highest price on this chart is $4.69 on sir francis drake. thank you all for sharing and i hope you get some tips on to the roadways, we are looking at a smooth drive but we have slowing out of the altamont. we also have a crash, should be on the shoulder, west 580, your commute direction right around grant line road. on the other side of the bay, the low hanging wires have been cleared from the chp report, no complications, no problems. there was never any sparking or any fire. they were just concerned. back to you. >> thanks a lot, mike.
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good prices as well. anticipation is building for one of the bay area's most popular festivals. still ahead, we'll show you when ticket sales start for outside lands, how much you can expect the pay and what moves you need to know. the security executives suggest you delete your outgoing next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron.
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good wednesday morning. right now at 5:13, we're taking a look at our day planner in saratoga. we are going to start with sunshine and cool temperatures, in the low 50s this morning, and headed for the mid-60s. it won't be as warm as yesterday, but at least the rain holds off and we'll have times of sunshine. we'll get a look at rain coming back and much colder temperatures in our microclimate forecast coming up. so far this week, it's been relatively light on the roadways, at least for the early morning commute. that's what we have right now. headlights heading south through fremont. you can see the pacific commons under the freeway shield heading past tesla. the nimitz moves well. good morning. very happy wednesday. we get more employment data this morning with the adp report, which gives us a bit of a sneak peek at friday's big labor department jobs report. shares in intel were lower after making its own factories and
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building was more expensive than planned. there's a push for silicon valley to create factories here in the u.s. shares of tesla under enormous pressure after the company missed expectations on manufacturing and deliveries of new cars. there are a lot of factors, from high interest rates to fading interest in evs, a lack of fresh updates to the tesla look, they're mostly the same as they've been in years. the always colorfully dressed tesla analyst dan ives spared no punches, saying the numbers for tesla were a disaster. he said, we view this as a seminal moment in the tesla story for musk to either turn it around and reverse the black eye first quarter performance. otherwise, darker days could clearly be ahead. jetblue says it will introduce peak pricing for passengers wanting to check bags. you already pay more at jetblue if you don't check your bag early. now the airline says it's going
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to charge an extra $5 for busy weeks like spring break or thanksgiving. really interesting statement out of an executive at visa, as we worry about artificial intelligence now able to copy people's voices. he told the san francisco business times people should think about deleting their outgoing voicemail so hackers don't have a sample of their voice. we've seen cases of hackers faking people's voices before. it happened to a tech founder in the south bay. an employee was fooled into thinking he was talking to his boss, his ceo, but it was an ai recording. ceos are particularly vulnerable to spoofing because there are so many examples of their voices online. here is jay giving a half an hour speech at a tech conference. it's on youtube, more than enough data for an ai to copy a voice. openai says they have the system to do perfect voices and they're
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not releasing it, at least not yet, because they don't know how people would use it. >> should we stop talking? >> yes, if you really wanted to, you've got hundreds of hours of examples of us speaking. >> hopefully they'll be, like, we have too much of your voice. >> you need a secret code with your family. >> that's true. that's crazy. >> thank you, scott. now, the dubs face the houston rockets tomorrow, but this morning they're celebrating a win against another texas team. last night the dubs played host to the dallas mavericks. the mavericks came into the game winners in nine of their last ten games. in the third quarter, the dubs went on a 17-5 run to take an 11-point lead. the mavericks made a late run, but the warriors kept them at bay, thanks to the great defense of draymond green. the warriors were able to pull the game out, thanks to andrew wiggins, who scored a team high of 23 points.
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the dubs securing that win 104-100. we'll see what happens against the rockets today. >> according to my husband, every game counts. thanks, coach. trending this morning, outside lands eager beaver ticket sales start later today. concertgoers can buy tickets to the annual san francisco music festival starting at 3:00 this afternoon. set your alarms. the concert dates are august 9th, 10th and 11th, but big mystery still, the lineup. prices for three-day admissions are as follows, general admission is $425. a new tier of tickets was added, general administration plus that cost $665, vip $965, and ultra vip, over $4,800. >> and you don't know the lineup
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yet. >> we're going to sing, we're way below that, but still. >> i'm waiting to see who is going to open for you guys. >> i wonder, if you are ultra vip, do you get to meet the performers? >> i think you get to be really close and you get access to a bathroom. that was critical. one of my girlfriends went to bottle rock and she's, like, i'm too old to not have access to bathrooms. >> right. they usually do a good job with the lineup. we'll see. the weather is going to be a big mystery still. >> not today. we know what's going to happen today. it's actually not too bad today. we're going to see more clouds coming in, but the temperatures will be a little bit cooler as a result of not all of that clear sunshine that we had. now, tomorrow we will have rain, wind and even a chance of thunderstorms, and that chance
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continues into friday as well. for the sierra, we have a winter weather advisory that begins tonight and continues through friday night, so heads up if you do plan on traveling there. as far as temperatures, once again, not too bad. we're in the mid-60s. novato up to 64, 64 in hayward and mountain view and upper 60s for san jose. it is still fairly comfortable, but we are going to see a mostly cloudy day. and then tomorrow we're only in the low to mid-50s, there is such a drastic drop in temperatures compared to the way we started the week. it's still going to be chilly and raining off and on on friday. but the rain gets here tomorrow morning at about 6:00 for the north bay, moving into san francisco before sunrise. and then the off and on showers throughout the day, hit or miss rain, but not raining the entire time. and then on saturday it looks like it clears out just in time, but it's still going to be a very cool day. and looking at how much rain we may see, it just really depends on where some of the heavier
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waves of showers move through, anywhere from a quarter inch of rainfall to close to an inch in some spots. we also talked about the low snow ahead. that means snow at lower elevations, which in some cases, in parts of the bay area, could mean the santa cruz summit, mount hamilton and the north bay mountains. this is on friday morning, we could see the cold air and that snow coating some of our bay area mountains. the sierra is going to have a decent amount of snow, but we are getting reinforcing shots of cold air. now that we're in the month of april and we were looking forward to some spring weather, we do have one more blast of winter before it starts to warm up. we'll see that warm-up happening next week. let's take a look at the changes in brentwood. we're going from highs in the upper 60s to only mid-50s, and then look at the rebound. by the end of next week, we're up to 80 degrees. we're on a roller coaster here, and that changes day by day, those temperatures going up and
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down. but it does look clear for our partial solar eclipse we'll see on monday. mike, things are looking pretty quiet right now? >> pretty quiet, meaning the volume is low for the volume of cars coming through the bay bridge toll plaza. we've seen this all week, lighter volume. think it has something to do with spring break and we'll probably see that around the bay over the next few weeks. this week san jose state is a big school that is off and a lot of drivers through the south bay are not hitting the road quite as early. the altamont pass, a little slowing. there is a crash, but it's on the shoulder. a big rig is involved so it's a distraction. smooth drive toward the tri-valley. no slowing yet for 101 north. back to you. >> thank you, mike. warmer weather is having an impact on our crops and farmworkers. next on "today in the bay," we cover the impacts of our climate cover the impacts of our climate in crisis ( ♪♪ )
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our sister station telemundo 48 is working on a climate change documentary produced by a team of journalists and meteorologists. >> ahead of its release we go into the fields of california to learn about how the warmer temperatures affect the workers. our telemundo correspondent reports. >> reporter: near los angeles, thousands of agricultural workers are at full speed in the early hours of the day.
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there, you find carmen. she's been working there for nearly 20 years. by 11:00 in the morning, she's on her way home to rest. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: she says last year she suffered a heat stroke. many of the workers don't speak english or spanish, they communicate in a native dialect. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: they have been dealing with warmer temperatures in these fields and they're providing programs to make sure the team is cared for. when it's too hot, they have to go home, and when it rains, they also lose hours of work. no extreme weather is good for the workers, nor the harvest. and according to noaa, during the beginning of 2023, powerful
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storms dumped 32 trillion gallons of rain and snow in california, reaching a record. in california, nbc. >> the story is part of an upcoming documentary called "our planet" and airs monday, april 22nd at 11:00 a.m. on our sister station. next, our top stories here on "today in the bay," including a crackdown on illegal sideshows and new measures east bay cities are taking to try to stop thi are taking to try to stop thi illegal acs ti with our new grocery outlet app,
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are.
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fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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breaking right now at 5:30, found safe. we're live with more on the amber alert issued overnight in the east bay and what we're learning about the kidnapping of a teenage girl. plus, a deadly and devastating earthquake rattles taiwan. there is a death toll rising and the search for survivors trapped in the rubble continues. we'll show you all the damage done. and back here in the bay area, we are bracing for more rain. here is a live look outside. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the upcoming wet weather. this is "today in the bay." thanks so much for joining us on this wednesday morning. you have a special blend in your coffee cup and on the set here. i'm kris sanchez in for laura garcia. >> and i'm ginger conejero saab in for marcus washington.
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we're going to start the day with a look at the forecast. kari is typing out that forecast. what's it looking like? >> we're starting with a few more clouds coming in and the clouds will linger throughout the day, keeping our temperatures slightly cooler. we'll also have some gusty winds picking up and a cold front coming in, but then a chance of rain, thunderstorms, and even some hail for tomorrow and continuing into friday. now, for the weekend, things will be clearing out, and still staying very chilly as we are going to see some calmer weather moving into the bay area. our temperatures today nothing like they were yesterday. we had mid to upper 70s in spots, we're dropping down at least 10 degrees, with san jose looking at a high of 68 degrees, 66 in martinez and napa, and 59 in san francisco. we are at least for today seeing the rain holding off, but tomorrow when it arrives it may pack a little punch for some of us. mike says as of now the commute is looking pretty
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smooth. >> it is. in fact, i was blocking the whole commute. we're looking at the eastshore freeway, westbound, with headlights still streaming nicely. still about the same volume as we saw 20 minutes ago. things are going to start to build. there will be a little slowing coming off the bridge as folks join with the commute out of the upper east shore. a little change for vallejo, west 37, right on schedule. same for highway 4. this happened yesterday but not monday. it was very light monday. we expect a lighter build overall. sfmta is still working on the f, market, and wharves lines. i'll have more coming up in just a few minutes. back to you. >> thanks a lot, mike. breaking overnight, a young girl is safe after an amber alert was issued. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us from outside the dublin chp office. there was an amber alert, now
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deactivated. what do you know about it? >> reporter: good morning to you, kris and ginger. chp tweeted this out just after 3:00 this morning, you see it on your screen. this is an image of the amber alert with the word "located" stamped on it and they had text accompanying the tweet that read the subject had been found. according to law enforcement, just before 7:00 last night, a 22-year-old man named jeffrey gomez rivas allegedly abducted a 16-year-old girl at 76th avenue and holly street in oakland. eventually an amber alert was issued on behalf of oakland police for here in the east bay, south bay, peninsula and sf with a description of the car. the chp has tweeted the subject was found and we're trying to get details on how this amber alert came to an end. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thanks, bob. >> we'll continue to bring the
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updates on the story both on air and online. our nbc bay area app is a great resource to have. it is free to download so you can get up to the minute weather alerts sent straight to your phone. developing, a powerful 7.4 earthquake rattled taiwan, you might have seen the alerts. we now know the death toll is up to at least nine people and more than 800 people are injured. the numbers are expected to rise because dozens of buildings have collapsed and many people are trapped inside. the damage is worse around the eastern county near the epicenter of the quake. buildings collapsed, hillsides collapsed, too. this is video of a landslide. the earthquake knocked out power for more than 91,000 households and was followed by a series of aftershocks. last night a flight from taipei landed in san francisco, immediately passengers checked their phone to say reach their loved ones back at home.
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>> what's your family telling you? >> they're trying to clean out everything, everything dropped down. >> how are they? >> okay. they are okay. >> scared. >> terrified, yeah. >> there were evacuation advisories beyond the area. tsunami warnings, also. but they have now been lift in the philippines and parts of taiwan. taiwan's president says a disaster response center was set up and the national army would provide support to local governments. happening today, millbrae is pushing back against a project to convert a local motel into housing and they're doing so in court. millbrae city leaders will make their argument against a proposal to convert a la quinta motel into affordable housing. this comes after san mateo county entered into a contract to buy the motel and it's all part of the state's home key initiative. but the city of millbrae says
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san mateo county did not follow the right procedures to buy the motel. a judge will hear arguments at 9:00 this morning. several east bay cities are dealing with illegal sideshows, including the city of antioch. now mayor lamar thorpe says they are taking measures to reduce sideshows in hot spots around the city. the tire streaks left behind from previous sideshows, you can still see them in the parking lot at the antioch boat launch. a sideshow incident at that location last year is prompting the city to add concrete barriers to try to prevent cars from entering the area in the first place from an adjacent parking lot. now there is another safety measure. they are going to replace the current boat ramp gate with an electric gate which will close the lot completely at 9:00 p.m. daily. >> they will be on timers and they will be much more firm than what we currently have. that will keep people away. >> thorpe says this is part of a
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larger plan to address sideshows in the city. there are also traffic barriers and sideshow hot spots other than that one on sand creek road as well. the mayor says the team of investigators are in place to try to find out when the sideshows are set to happen. and now a live look at the oakland coliseum where the a's might be playing their final season in the east bay. the team met with the city of oakland to discuss extending the lease at the coliseum yesterday, which would be until 2028 when the team's new ballpark in vegas is complete. both side say they are very far apart in negotiations. the city is asking $97 million in rent, which would actually cover five seasons. the a's countered with $17 million for two seasons. the a's would also have to sell their share of the coliseum complex, which is 50%, to the
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county if they reach a lease agreement. if the a's can't come to an agreement to stay in the coliseum, the team might move to sacramento, a temporary move to sutter health park has been floating around. there is a meeting to discuss the proposal later today. right now it is the home of the minor league team the sacramento river cats. the move would cost the a's $67 million in annual broadcast revenue. >> so much to follow there. the results are in. the california snowpack is measuring in at above average. the survey finds the snowpack has caught up to the historical average over the past two months. governor gavin newsom joined the department of water resources yesterday for the april snow survey in phillips. that's along highway 50 in el dorado county. we're going to turn to meteorologist kari hall now, who has been tracking snow levels. what are you seeing? >> it is so great to see these numbers that we have for a
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second year in a row. and it's even above normal for the northern sierra at 124% of its usual amount of that sierra snowpack. and they also found a good moisture content within that snow, which is good for our water storage. it's been so long since we had two years in a row with back-to-back average years of snowfall, not since 2010, 2011. so once again, it is nice that we are right at average at 111% of our normal amount of sierra snow. for years it was so hit or miss, and now two years in a row. and basically now anything extra that we get is a little bonus. we have another 7 to possibly 15 inches of snow as we approach the weekend, as this next storm system comes in. so i'm going to talk more about the impacts of this next storm system, how we could see some snow in the bay area. that's coming up in a few minutes. mike, you were saying the metering lights have been
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activated. >> they have, but lighter traffic means a later backup and a slower build. yesterday was an exception because there was something going on on the span, so they did slow the metering lights down yesterday. not today. here we go. folks are just pausing a bit as you're reaching the span, and into the city it's a little slower. that's typically when they do queue the metering lights. more build for highway 37, as well as into concord out of pittsburg and bay point, standard pattern. no problems or drama through walnut creek. over here, we're looking at 880, the coliseum, three of three games going on. today it's a matinee, 12:37 p.m. when the game is over, it may blend in with afternoon traffic and that may be a factor as you're passing by 880, folks joining in with your traffic as you're trying to get home. meanwhile, we have this continuing, highway 84, one-way traffic control. haven't been able to rebuild the
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roadway, so they still have traffic control there. we still have the disabled big rig on the shoulder without any additional problems, west 580 at north flynn road. back to you. >> thanks a lot, mike. tonight is your night to maybe strike it rich. >> maybe. >> ahead on "today in the bay," the billion dollar powerball jackpot up for grabs. plus, we've got musicians versus machines. the all new action hundreds of artists are taking to try to protect their work. in politics, president biden is speaking out about what happened in israel, saying he's outraged and heartbroken.
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good wednesday morning. it is now 5:43. let's check out palo alto. we start out cloudy this morning and temperatures in the mid-50s. we'll see those temperatures hold steady, at least through 9:00, and then slowly start to rise today, with some peeks of sunshine. it won't be nearly as warm as yesterday, and it gets colder tomorrow as rain comes in. i'll have more details on that in a few minutes. san jose should see more traffic and we do. here is 101 northbound just north of the interchange. we do see more cars, but don't see the slowing. i will show you how much more we have for that commute build.
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you may have forgotten, but the presidential primaries are still under way. >> scott mcgrew, california already voted. president biden, donald trump, they already have the nomination. >> people want a voice. the election continues. five states cast ballots yesterday in the 2024 presidential race. i don't think it's going to surprise anybody that joe biden won his primaries in all five states. donald trump won his primaries in the same state, wisconsin, connecticut, new york, delaware, rhode island. both men have surpassed the number of delegates they need to become nominees in november but haven't reached the nomination at the party convention yet, which is why we keep calling both of them presumptive nominees. some democrats voting uncommitted as a protest vote. republican voters making a statement by voting in some cases for nikki haley. she's no longer running, but she was still on the ballot and she
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did quite well yesterday, with about 10% of the overall vote. the big contest is in november, wisconsin will be a critical state. former president trump campaigning there yesterday, where he complained about the previous presidential election, insisting he, not biden, won wisconsin back in 2020. >> yeah, i get 3,000 votes in a good area for us and the other one gets zero. do you know who gets zero? me. do you think that's the real deal. you know, we won this state by a lot. and it came out that we won this state, actually. >> it did not. he did not win wisconsin. in washington, the white house gave us a readout of the phone call between president biden and chinese president xi jinping. this is video of them speaking in person last november. the talks were described as candid and constructive as they discussed the south china sea, trade, and china's support of russia. president biden also released a
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statement on the killing of seven aid workers by an israeli air strike. you see the hole punched by a bomb or missile on the direct hit on the logo of the world kitchen vehicle delivering food and supplies. israel says this was an accident, it's investigating. president biden pointing out this was not a standalone incident, criticizing israel's treatment of aid workers and civilians. america's top diplomat, the secretary of state, joining in praising those workers. >> these people are heroes, they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what humanity has to offer when the going really gets tough. they have to be protected. we shouldn't have a situation where people who were simply trying to help their fellow human beings are themselves at grave risk. >> and a republican lawmaker in
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the house has introduced a bill to rename dull et airport the donald trump airport. it has six co-sponsors. the airport was originally named after republican john foster dulles, under president eisenhower, who was a dog ed opponent of russian aggression during the cold war. it will have to pass through the senate and be signed by president biden. but i bring this up because we see politicians suggest things that are nearly impossible to pass. just yesterday, people were talking about that democratic proposal to turn student loan relief into law. good luck getting that through the house, ginger. >> something to watch, scott, definitely. thanks a lot. ai can lighten your workload, but if it's not done right, it can actually make you or your company look silly at the same time. new this morning, san francisco based just answer launched
5:49 am to add human intelligence to artificial intelligence. the site allows you to get human eyes on a chatgpt answer. experts like doctors, lawyers, vets, et cetera will see if the ai is right. the ceo says people can use chatgpt safely when there is no right or wrong answer like writing a poem, but there are areas where getting it wrong can be quite costly. >> we believe that people are getting misinformation from the tools. they're about 60% accurate, as most studies will tell you. worse than that, they act as if they're 100% confident. here is the answer to what you should do with your pet or your life or your car or your house or your job, and it's wrong 40% of the time, but they give you an answer as if they're 100% confident. >> you can check your chatgpt answers for free at or get pearl through the chatgpt
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plug-in store. that's dangerous. >> i'm glad you can check with human eyes. hundreds of artists are calling for ai developers to honor their creative rights. stevie wonder, billie eilish, just some of the 200 artists who are part of an open letter urging the initiative. it says ai is stealing their voices and likenesses and violating their rights. the letter comes from the artists rights alliance, an artist-led nonprofit, and it comes after tennessee became the first state to pass a law to protect artists from ai last month. advocates say it is to make sure that ai tools cannot replicate an artist's voice without consent. that seems pretty fair. >> i think so. trending this morning, your chance to be a billionaire is happening again. >> that's right. well, because there's almost $1.1 billion up for grabs in
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tonight's powerball drawing, a cash value of $527.3 million. your odds in winning are 1 in 292 million. monday night's winning numbers were 19, 24, 40, 42, 56, with the powerball number of 23. a handful of people won some of the smaller prizes. i don't shoot high, i just want some of the smaller prizes. >> just make your money back. >> well, a little more. >> i had all of those numbers at one point. >> not on the same ticket. >> but still -- >> you are the real winner. lots of numbers on your maps, kari. >> yeah, and they're going up and down. i mean, it is pretty wild here. we had a very warm start to the weekend, some of us were in the upper 70s yesterday and the day before. but we're starting out this morning at 50 degrees, and as we go throughout the day, you'll notice that it's cooler as a cold front approaches the bay
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area. first starting with some clouds, then rain and high winds. we are already going to see the wind picking up with our high temperature in the south bay up to about 68 degrees, not bad. it's about normal for this time of year and maybe even slightly more than normal. 62 in oakland, 64 in fremont. we'll see a high of 58 in daly city. in san francisco, it's going to be windy and those gusts kicking up over 20 miles per hour, with downtown san francisco looking at a high of 60 degrees. we'll see a temperature up to about 66 in napa over toward santa rosa. so we are going to see rain coming back. we don't need the umbrellas today. this is starting out at 7:00 tomorrow morning, before sunrise, we're already seeing rain coming through the north bay, the peninsula, and starting to make it into the east bay. as we go throughout the afternoon tomorrow, it's going to be very hit or miss, some breaks in the activity, and that
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even continues into friday as well. but what we're also noticing is that we're going to see some snow on some of our bay area peaks. and in those thunderstorms, some of those waves of rain, we could have thunderstorms, small hail will be possible. the sierra is going to see about 6 to 12 inches of additional snowfall. we're going to see about a half inch of rain, possibly closer to an inch in some spots, just depending on where some of the waves of heavier rain moves through. and for the weekend, there will be some breaks in the rain, but definitely cool, and then going into the end of the weekend, another shot of some cool temperatures and sierra snow. next week we start to warm up. let me show you santa rosa. look at our highs here, going from mid-60s today to only 49 degrees for tomorrow. that's a big drop in temperatures, with that rain off and on. but we do rebound going into next week, and it looks good at this point for that solar eclipse on monday, as temperatures warm up. mike, you were looking at
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the changing sensors. >> not as dramatic as the temperature change. we have this, typical build, typical time, no problems coming into the south bay. highway 9 still has that closure after that brief reopen. they had to close it again from storm damage. same for highway 84, one-way traffic control through niles. a typical build through 94 and nimitz. now the bay bridge, the metering lights have been on for a bit of time and we have this backup gradually building, but no unusual pattern. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, vallejo police are searching for a man wanted for a break-in and sexual assault. investigators say this man broke into a business on georgia street sunday morning, while a woman was inside. police say after the burglarizing, he restrained and sexually assaulted her. investigators say the victim does not know the man and they need help identifying him.
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anyone with information is asked to call vallejo police. and we are following breaking news just coming into our newsroom, a hit-and-run investigation is under way in san jose. we'll tell you the details that we know. plus, cracking down on autonomous vehicles, all new at 6:00, amid safety concerns, we talk about one bay area lawmaker pushing the state to get local governments to make decisions
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welcome back. turning to our climate in crisis, our sister station telemundo 48 is working on a climate change documentary produced by a team of journalists and meteorologists. ahead of this release, telemundo correspondent went into the fields of california to learn more about how warmer temperatures affect the workers. >> reporter: near los angeles and kern county, thousands of agricultural workers are at full speed in the early hours of the day. there, you find carmen. she's been working there for nearly 20 years. by 11:00 in the morning, she's
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on her way home to rest. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: she says last year she suffered a heat stroke. many of the workers don't speak english or spanish. they communicate in a native dialect. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: sanchez recognizes they have been dealing with warmer temperatures in these fields and provides programs to make sure his team is cared for. when it's too hot, they have to go home. and when it rains, they also lose hours of work. no extreme weather is good for the workers, nor the harvest. and according to noaa, during the beginning of 2023, powerful storms dumped 32 trillion gallons of rain and snow in california, reaching a record.
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>> that story is a part of our upcoming documentary called knew "our planet". nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. watch us on roku or other streaming platforms. coming up on 6:00 now, and breaking at 6:00, a teenage girl kidnapped in oakland. we now know she's safe this morning. we'll tell you the new details we know about the amber alert issued overnight. first it was up and down, then starting left and right for maybe a minute. >> buildings toppled and aftershocks still being felt. we're tracking the latest after a massive earthquake in taiwan.


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