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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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with their parents after that earthquake. most of us are well acquainted with the earth shaking but a 7.4 , those images out of taiwan have a lot of people wondering here what a quake of that size would do to the bay area. we spoke with quake experts about one of our most dangerous active hotlines and she joins us now from hayward. >> reporter: it does not take long to see the impacts of past earthquakes here with uneven pavement and cracks spread throughout the area. the neighborhood sits along the hayward fault line which experts say has a high likelihood of experiencing a major earthquake in the next 12 years. but are we prepared? >> the following is 100 feet down the hill. >> reporter: residents in hayward are not new to earthquakes or the promise of the big one that experts say is on the way. >> is redwood, really sturdy. >> reporter: this neighbor
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bolted her 100-year-old home to its foundation for reinforcement. she says taiwan's 7.4 quake serves as a reminder. >> we always have water, or, extra water, extra blankets. flashlights. >> what if an earthquake of that magnitude happened in the bay area? the seismologists says it is all about location. >> it would depend which fault it is on. >> it didn't do as much as i could have if it would have been closer to the areas. a 7.4 on the hayward fault is one of the worst disasters san francisco could be looking at. >> reporter: the hayward fault is considered one of the areas most dangerous faultlines, it is believed to have a high chance of a 6.7 magnitude or greater quake before 2036. in taiwan's case, yesterday's massive quake led buildings to collapse but it wasn't because they were not prepared. jones says postdate -- despite
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strict billing codes, engineering can only help so much. >> they have very good building codes but when the fault goes through the billing there is not much you can do. >> reporter: health the office of emergency services say they are prepared with advanced response plans, the shake a large pre-quake warning system and are working on automating systems that would do things like slow b.a.r.t. trains during an earthquake but caution residents need to stay prepared to do. >> the hardest thing to control in any disasters human behavior and so well first responders are ready and able to do that work, we do want the public to understand the critical role they play. >> reporter: a safety plan neighbors hope they will never have to use. >> i hope we never have to find out. >> reporter: velena jones, nbc bay area news. you know the old saying, every vote counts? it is true. after weeks of drama, the high- profile and big-money race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo has ended in a tie. assembly member evan low and
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supervisor joe simitian received the exact same number of votes on super tuesday which is our march primary. they were battling each other for second place to face former san jose mayor sam accardo in the november general election. this is amazing here, a tie. what happens now? >> more drama here in the heart of silicon valley after thousands of ballots are counted across two counties, it is a tie. that means there will be three names on november's ballot. we already knew former mayor sam liccardo was advancing at the top vote getter in the race for the second spot that has been such a back and forth nailbiter. evan low and joe simitian trading results and leads for the past two weeks, finally this afternoon both counties reporting all ballots had been counted in the two candidates are tied. >> people open their eyes to the election and see that their vote counts, every single one.
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you should vote in all the offices. we were finding some people were only voting for president or certain things. the local measures are just as important as the federal, the state, all the candidates. >> turnout, just 37% in santa clara county. they expect that number to go way up in november. >> what are the chances of a recount? it would be a valid attempt here. >> i would think the chances would be pretty slim. here is what happens in a district race, it is up to the candidate to ask for and pay for a recount. it really would not necessarily behoove either candidate to do that because it would cost a lot of money and what if they lose? at this point it looks like all three candidates will go forward in november. >> thank you. sure a portion of highway 1 down in monterey county is shut down for the next couple of days. we have been reporting on the story for a while. over the weekend, a landside damaged part of the highway near the rocky creek bridge. caltrans had been conducting convoys to help people get in
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and out of the area but the convoys have been paused for the incoming storm now. earlier today an evacuation warning was issued for the big sur community south of the slip out. people had until 4:00 p.m. , about two hours ago, to get out. now anyone who missed the deadline will have to stay put until the storm passes. we are keeping an eye on the rain heading to the bay area as well. jeff is with us now. >> this will put us back into january when it comes into our temperatures here across the bay area. right now look at the satellite and radar picture, the storm system itself is spinning right there. let's look at that loop around. at the center of the storm rose toward a style, cold blast of air. also rain fall coming back. let's get you a view and show you how temperatures are dropping appear to this time yesterday, down 14 in concord, 16 in livermore, 10 in san jose, putting a lot of the bay area in the 50s currently. as you roll through the
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forecast tonight, we are dry on storm ranger, a little moisture in the area. we will not see those rain chances get back with us until tomorrow morning's forecast. the rainfall gets here, we will see the facility of thunderstorms and small hail, low snow in our mountains between 2 to 3000 feet. sierra snow, 4 to 12 inches. more looks at this weather to get you through the next couple of days and here we can, coming up in about 15 minutes. here is a great resource, we made it easy for you to track the rain anywhere, point your phone's camera at the qr code you see on the left side of your screen. it'll take you right to our free nbc bay area app. if you already have our app, this will take you straight to our radar. a deadly hit and run is feeling calls for change in a south bay neighborhood. the crash happened early this morning after a driver blew through a stop sign. we spoke to people living in
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the san jose neighborhood about the hazards they face there. >> reporter: as police continue to investigate this deadly crash, people who live around that intersection say crashes and traffic problems are actually pretty common there. they say they are hoping city leaders are paying attention. several is san jose neighbors told us they woke up to a loud noise right outside their homes. >> 5:00 in the morning i heard a big crash. >> reporter: a black camaro was speeding northbound and did not stop at a stop sign on daniel maloney drive and slammed into a white nissan truck. the driver of that white truck was killed, police say the camaro was left at the scene but the driver took off. >> i see the black car this morning on the corner right there. >> reporter: hours later, they arrested a minor who they believed was driving that camaro. >> there is enough evidence collected to tie him to the vehicle. >> reporter: the force of this crash crushed eight stop sign which crews replaced. this intersection is a four-way stop and neighbors tell us something more needs to be done.
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>> they never paid attention for the stop sign. >> reporter: this map from 2017 to 2022 shows 19 collisions involving cars at this intersection. nine of those crashes involved a driver who failed to stop at a stop sign. this neighbor who has lived here for 3 decades since the frequent crashes are scary, especially considering there are schools close by. >> i feel very terrible. i wish they come to the traffic light. >> reporter: police are asking anyone with any information about this crash to contact detectives. nbc bay area news. >> any statement, the san jose mayor says the city will replace the four way stop at that intersection with a roundabout and construction is set to start next year. man's best friend as part of an innovative new plan to keep covid at bay. a pair of yellow labs demonstrated how they can
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detect the virus , it happened at park bridge rehabilitation and wellness center in alameda. the dogs have the capability of sniffing out the virus in humans. health leaders say the dogs are a proactive measure and an innovative way to prevent covid from spreading among high-risk populations like skilled nursing facilities. >> the dogs have been trained to identify volatile organic compound which is associated with covid-19. they are able to do 300 people in 30 minutes, which is a much faster way than doing antigen tests. they work closely with their trainers and if they identify covid they sit down, they do a second step with the trainers to make sure and we follow-up with the antigen test. >> reporter: the residents and staff who took part in today's tests were prescreened to make sure they weren't allergic or afraid of the dogs. no cases, no covid cases were
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found during the tests. i-a fight between san mateo county and the city of millbrae faced a judge today. last year, the county entered into the contract to buy the la quinta inn in millbrae. the plan is to use the state's project funds to convert it into housing for the homeless. however, the city of millbrae is suing the sale. it argues accounting is stupid of the project for a ballot vote . the judge heard arguments from both sides today but decided not to make a decision at this point. the county says no future court dates have been scheduled. the ceo of blackberry is facing legal trouble. lawsuit was filed saying he sexually harassed a woman at work. back then, he was the president of cyber security. the accuser described as a woman of color alleges that she faced retaliation and was wrongfully terminated. the suit goes on to state despite those obligations, barbara's board of directors promoted her to ceo.
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blackberry is known for making one of the world's most popular smartphones and has not commented on the suit but the website says the company is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. up next, we are getting answers about what happened in southern california after video cut streaks of fire falling from the sky. we are five days away from the big events. learning more about our sun by chasing this eclipse. we will explain. temperatures continue to drop, 62 in san jose with cloud cover increasing. we look at the rain forecast coming up in just a few minutes. we are tracking an uptick in avian flu cases, the risk to humans and its potential impact on your grocery bill. voters in one oklahoma town decide whether to remove a local councilman over his
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it is autism acceptance month and b.a.r.t. is highlighting the voices of local kits. take a listen. >> i love b.a.r.t. because it is fun looking out windows. please remember to keep our train clean and offer your seat to someone in need. >> that is bella, you may hear her voice and others over the loudspeaker at 35 different b.a.r.t. stations, it is part of the nationwide autism transit project. it allows kids on the autism spectrum to record the announcement. semel remind riders about rules, others will feature shutouts about why kids love b.a.r.t. the announcements will run every hour for the rest of april. b.a.r.t. first participated in this project last year. sure a big streak of light across the sky yesterday had a lot of people talking, wondering what it was. now we know. that trail of shimmering light was first seen around 2:00 yesterday morning over the west coast. a lot of sky watchers posted videos like this one out of l.a. it was also seen in the bay
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area, this video out of napa. you can see the streak of light right on the right-hand side of the screen. today u.s. command confirmed the latest from space debris from a tiny spacecraft. they say it reentered the earth's atmosphere over the pacific ocean. mystery solved. cities across the country are gearing up for the total solar eclipse. nasa is also getting ready to launch some experiments as the moon passes in between with sun and earth. the path of totality stretches from texas to maine. we are going to miss out a bit in terms of the total eclipse here. the luckiest viewers will see the full darkness and look at the sun's after atmosphere. nasa wants to influence -- understand how the sun influences our atmosphere, particularly the ionosphere. to do this they are launching rockets and chasing the eclipse with jets. >> we have a number of sounding rockets which means they go up and do not go into orbit, they
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come back down. they collect data for a little while. we also have a jet that is observing the corunna and chasing the eclipse so it makes the eclipse longer than if you were standing in one place. >> nasa's data is public so you can view it and study it. nasa expects the solar eclipse to last longer than the one we had back in 2017. the next solar eclipse, 20 years. >> maybe we will be alive. >> haven't thought of it like that. >> the eclipse will be visible in the bay area monday morning. make sure you have those special glasses if you plan to watch. if you want to know more like the best ways to take a boat out, go to our website, click the solar eclipse link . talking about this, you need some special glasses. >> sunglasses don't count because i can impact your vision. >> the special glasses have a marking on it. regular glasses are just not powerful enough.
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the special ones are about 1000 times darker than your regular glasses. it starts for us at 10:14 in the morning on monday, it will reach its maximum for us at 11:13. >> that is where we will become outside looking pick >> about 35% obscured, we will be able to see something out here. my bet for the best weather across the nation to see that total eclipse will be indianapolis. if you have the ability to go anywhere, indianapolis looks like it will have the best weather and also be in totality. moving into the microclimate forecast, we will take it into our storm system. who wants a trip back to january? it is in the cards as we go toward tomorrow's forecast. we have the storm system moving across california. not only chilly air, rain chances, even some thunderstorms with that rain as it arrives. moving into the timeline, i see it through tomorrow morning beginning first on the early
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commute over napa, sonoma counties, near the coastline. yellow and orange indicating heavier rainfall. it will quickly get over the spake of asaph and peninsula by 9:00 in the morning. then we are into the scattered on and off rain chances through tomorrow afternoon. tomorrow evening, then we continue to see that even into friday's forecasts, sporadic areas of downpours at times, evenson, ching in. look at the snow, could see across the santa cruz mountains, matt hamilton, may be a dusting for mount diablo with local snow levels at times between 2 to 3000 feet. rainfall totals tomorrow looks to be when we get in on the highest amounts, anywhere from about a quarter to a half inch. it is now projecting our forecast model here at a good section of the spake could be up to about a half inch along with the peninsula. as we have your friday's forecast, trace amounts to about 2/10 of an inch. not here but heading up to the sierra, anywhere from four
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inches to about a foot. kirkwood at 13 inches but noticed the snow starting as soon as auburn and placerville. low snow levels. moving into the chill for tomorrow morning, we are going down colder. 43 in the south bay. 41 in the tri-valley. low to mid 40s continues to the east bay, san francisco in the north bay. daytime highs for tomorrow, this is the kind of weather where i am showing you the daytime highs. it will be chilly tomorrow but you step out in it and you are going to say it was so cold, it will be that kind of a day. even though you're seeing 55 in san jose, in april, to get 55 you are just -- it is going to be too much i think for a lot of us. you want the warmer weather in here. 53 in vallejo tomorrow. 54 in palo alto. up to daly city, 50.
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san francisco, low to mid 50s from the marina to the mission. to the north bay, 49, 48 in clear lake, 52 in mill valley. how about the warmer weather? look at this, 70s back in by monday in san jose, there we go, heating it up. low 80s wednesday and thursday. 70s for the following weekend, also getting in on some 80s by next thursday in concord. seven day forecast, partial equips next monday starting at 10:14 in the morning. 55 to 80. if anyone is mad at me tomorrow for that forecast -- >> who would ever be mad at you? >> you better really like me by next wednesday, right? >> we are looking at where to get those glasses, by the way. walmart, target, amazon. >> i can order them. a lot of optical stores have them too. how do you know when chatgpt is wrong? the new app that adds some
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chatgpt is very helpful and very quick but is it always accurate? san francisco-based just answer launched to add human intelligence to artificial intelligence. the site lets you fact check chatgpt answers with help from experts like doctors and lawyers. people can use chatgpt safely
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when there is no right or wrong answer like writing a poem or speech. but there are areas where getting it wrong can be costly. >> there are about 60% accurate as most of these will tell you. but worse than that is that they act with 100% confidence. here's the answer to what you should do with your pet or your life or your car or your dog or your house or your job, and it is wrong 40% of the time. >> 60% accurate, that is it? you can check your chatgpt answers for free at or get perl through the chatgpt plug-in store. melinda gates is set to headline this year's graduation at stanford university. she's going to deliver her address during one of the commencement ceremonies this spring. she is the co-author of the bill and melinda gates foundation as well as the founder of pivotal ventures. the university says melinda gates was picked because she has dedicated her life to fighting disease and inequality. she is scheduled to speak on
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june 16th. sanford researchers are beaming with pride, after 20 years of work they announce they have finished building the most powerful astronomical camera in the world called the legacy survey of space and time camera. engineers say every three nights it will be able to take images of ever-changing southern night sky. the result, a 10 year time lapse of the universe that could lead to answers about the nature of dark energy and dark matter. they created the digital camera at the national accelerator lab originally known as the stanford linear accelerator center. it will be on display for two days next week before it heads to an observatory in chile. this is that time of year, the number of bay area restaurants and chefs nominated for the prestigious james beard awards is dwindling a bit but is still all good news. only four remain on the list of finalists announced today. it is down from 17 semifinalists in january. these chefs are finalists for
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the best chef in california award. pacific cocktail haven is up for best bar and the morris is up for best wine and beverage. boast of those places are located in san francisco. the winners will be announced this june in chicago. an adorable rescue in wine country. a grou business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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we have a vip rescue in the north bay. >> santa rosa firefighters got a call from a woman saying she heard ducklings peeping in a storm drain. about a block from the station, the crew checked out the drain, climbed in and they were able to get all the ducklings out. but mama duck, nowhere to be found. the woman who called the fire crew took the ducklings to the bird rescue center of sonoma county. tonight at 7:00, a long rumored challenger to san francisco mayor london breed is about to enter the race. the fiery response from mayor breed's campaign. waymo will start making driverless food deliveries. we will show you how it works . those stories and more coming up on our 7:00 news. up next, outrage after those aid workers with the world central kitchen were killed by israeli airstrikes while trying to bring food to palestinians. tonight, a celebrity chef is speaking out.
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lester holt joins us from new york right now. tonight, the most powerful earthquake to hit taiwan in 25 years, and now the race to rescue survivors. the dramatic images, bridges, and buildings shaking and swaying, some left tilted at extreme angles by the force of the deadly 7.4 magnitude quake. a rooftop pool rocking water, spilling down the side of the building. tremors causing massive landslides. first responders pulling people out alive, but dozens of workers trapped in mines. our team in the region tonight. also this evening, the major april nor'easter on the move. heavy rain, floods, and up to two feet of snow in the northeast. after that tornado outbreak across at least six states, thousands of flights impacted. passengers on a southwest flight injured by severe turbulence. the bodies of seven aid workers


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