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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  April 4, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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>> jimmy: my thanks to dwayne johnson, roman reigns, emma roberts, grupo frontera! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots, right there, from, philadelphia, pennsylvania. hey, roots. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody! thank you! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jerrod carmichael, host of msnbc's "11th hour," journalist stephanie ruhle,
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music from x ambassadors, featuring the 8g band with fred armisen. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. now if you don't mind, i'm going to get to the news. former president trump held a campaign event in michigan yesterday, and law enforcement officers stood behind him during his speech. i guess to make sure he didn't flee the country? [ laughter ] former president trump yesterday criticized president biden for proclaiming easter sunday as transgender day of visibility and said, quote, "such total disrespect to christians." and if you're going to disrespect christians, you might as well make some money off it. [ laughter ] at his rally yesterday in michigan, former president trump said, "i do great with the suburban housewives." in fact, he recently found out that was his most-viewed category. [ laughter ]
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that -- that's picture they used. [ light laughter ] a friend told me! former president trump's campaign is reportedly trying to host a fund-raiser in new york in an effort to one-up president biden's star-studded event last week at radio city. and so far, they've already booked major new york celebrities like the naked cowboy, pizza rat, and rudy, aka pasta rat. [ light laughter ] "business insider" published an article yesterday titled, "the unspoken rules about how to behave on a super yacht." rule number one, if you see this man, no, you didn't. [ laughter ] new york mayor eric adams today met with religious leaders on staten island, and he covered the whole spectrum from roman catholic to irish catholic. [ light laughter ] in honor of next week's total solar eclipse, krispy kreme will offer a glazed doughnut that is dipped with black chocolate icing and topped with sprinkles, buttercream frosting, and an
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oreo. and after a dozen of those, you'll also block out the sun. [ laughter ] a man in the cayman islands recently found a message in a bottle that was written in 2021, giving a unique insight into what life was like that year. [ laughter ] and finally, officials in kyle, texas, recently announced the city is attempting to set the guinness world record for the largest gathering of the people named kyle, which would overtake the current record holder, any dave matthews concert. [ laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody. we are off and running, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] we got a great show for you tonight. he is an emmy award-winning writer and comedian you know from "the carmichael show," his incredible stand-up special "rothaniel." his show "jerrod carmichael reality show" is out now on hbo and streams on max. jerrod carmichael is back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] so excited every time he joins us. she is the host of "the 11th
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hour with stephanie ruhle" which airs weeknights at 11:00 on msnbc. stephanie ruhle will be joining us. [ cheers and applause ] their album "townie" is out friday. x ambassadors are back on the show to perform for us. but before we get to all of our wonderful guests, donald trump held campaign events in wisconsin and michigan on tuesday, where he and his supporters once again tried to rewrite history by claiming americans were better off when trump was president. meanwhile, president biden faced yet another sizable protest vote over his handling of the handling of the war in gaza. for more on this it's time for "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: donald trump does not have a discernible policy agenda. the average voter would be hard pressed to identify a single thing he would do as president to make their lives better on any issue ranging from jobs to health care. even his position on immigration is incoherent. >> donald trump is back on the campaign trail tonight trying to rally support in two critical battleground states he lost in 2020. michigan and wisconsin. >> so far, it is, again, just
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been him doubling down on his anti-immigration rhetoric and promising these expansion of these hardline policies. >> if your constitutional rights have been violated, we will defend you. if you have illegal aliens invading your home, we will deport you. >> seth: wait. [ laughter ] if illegal aliens are invading my home, you'll deport me? [ light laughter ] so they get my home? do they get my show too? it wouldn't be the first time an immigrant has come here and stolen one of our late-night talk shows. yeah. [ laughter ] "last week tonight" that doesn't even make sense. speak english, dude. [ light laughter ] and then what happens to me? like where do i get deported? can i at least pick the country? oohh, can it an country where i'm already really good at the accent so i can blend in with the locals? like australia? ahem, ahem. [ australian accent ] aww, australian. that dingo drinking a fosters and playing a didgeridoo, crikey. [ laughter ]
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trump doesn't want to fix immigration, he just wants to scare people. as evidenced by the way he torpedoed a bipartisan border compromise while his aides draw up plans for mass deportations, raids, and detention camps. there's only one policy he seems absolutely clear on. >> when i win, you are all getting tax cuts, and you're getting a brand-new trump economic boom. and that's where we were headed. >> seth: oh, we were headed for an economic boom when you left office? he's doing that thing again where he pretends the last year of his presidency didn't happen. like a bill cosby biography that ends in 2014. [ laughter ] i can't believe i have to say this, but covid happened, and it was bad. the economy crashed and people were locked inside their homes. i did this show in an attic. and i remember because it's still my attic. i'll say to my kids, "hey, remember when daddy did a show up there?" and they say, "oh, we thought you just went up there to drink." and i say, "i went there for my job, not to drink." and they say, "we thought your job was drinking." [ laughter ]
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and i said, "based on what?" and they said, "rihanna, dua lipa and kelly clarkson." i say, "oh, yeah, yeah, yeah." [ light laughter ] yeah, that's fair. trump and his goons do this at all their rallies. they're in their softball interviews on fox news, they try to jedi mind trick into thinking the year 2020 never happened. here's arkansas governor and former trump press secretary sarah huckabee sanders on fox acting like none of that ever happened. >> this is a very clear contrast. you have one person who was a president that had a tremendous and successful record. and one that has a record of complete disaster. >> seth: i can't believe i'm saying this, but i agree with sarah huckabee sanders. we definitely had one of each of those presidents, you know? [ laughter ] unemployment has been at its lowest point in half a century under joe biden. manufacturing jobs are coming back. prescription drugs are cheaper. and billions in student loan debt has been wiped out. while donald trump deliberately undermined the covid response, tanked the economy, oversaw a massive crime spike, and forced us all to stay locked inside our homes while we watched "tiger king" on a loop and used
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pottery barn catalogs as toilet paper. but clearly that's what sanders was talking about. see, bipartisan compromise is possible when we set aside our blinders and look squarely at the facts. we can come together and really understand one another. oh [ bleep ]. she wasn't done talking, was she? >> president trump is winning because the contrast is clear. >> seth: guys, you got to show me the clip before the show! [ light laughter ] if you think things were better under trump, you're out of your mind. also, you probably had a great pandemic. she strikes me as the kind of person who always has two generators and a bunker full of toilet paper just ready to go. [ light laughter ] the point is life was obviously demonstrably worse under trump's presidency, but he and his allies think they can just pretend everything was fine. sometimes they do it by conveniently changing the time frame. normally a presidential candidate will ask if you're better off than you were four years ago. but last night, trump tried this little rhetorical trick. >> three years ago, we were a great nation. and we will soon be a great nation again. >> seth: yeah. if only we could have whoever
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was president three years ago. [ laughter ] "three years ago, we were all -- we were all --" [ applause ] "we were all so happy three years ago, i can't remember the details of why, but it felt as though a darkness had been lifted." [ laughter ] three years ago was april 2021, right? joe biden was in the white house. you were moping around your chintzy swamp castle full of plastic surgeons and their third wives looking paler than the boxes of classified documents you kept stuffed in your bathroom. even trump knows he can't say we were better off four years ago, so he tries to change it to three years ago. but the numbers don't work. he's like a kid in remedial math who gets the answer wrong just so he can spell funny words on his calculator. "okay, donald, what's 2024 minus 3? "all right, let's see here. 5, 3, 1, 8, 0, 0, 8. you're not going to believe this, i'm getting boobies again." [ laughter ] "i guess i have one of those beautiful minds." even trump and his gang of
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weirdos know things were demonstrably worse four years ago than they are now, and yet joe biden can't seem to pull away from trump in the polls thanks in part to frustration among biden's own voters over his handling of the war in gaza. tens of thousands of democratic voters have gone to polls in primaries to send biden the message that they want him to change course. >> in the key battleground of wisconsin, more than 47,000 democrat voters cast a ballot for "uninstructed" as part of the movement to protest the president's handling of the war in gaza. organizers doubled their goal of 20,000 votes, which represented biden's margin of victory over trump in that state four years ago. >> it's primary day in new york state, and thousands of registered democrats are believed to have left their ballots blank in protest of president biden's handling of the israel/hamas war. this protest vote movement began in michigan this year with more than 100,000 democratic voters checking the "uncommitted" box instead of voting for biden. new york state doesn't allow
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uncommitted votes in the primary nor write-in options. so a campaign encouraging voters to submit blank ballots gains traction. >> seth: do you know how angry someone has to be to leave their home, go to their local polling place, and wait in line just to submit a blank ballot? [ light laughter ] that's like driving to your newerest apple store, waiting in line all day for the new vision pro, and then when you get to the counter screaming, "i don't want these, i think these look stupid." [ laughter ] by the way, i don't want to say i agree. you ever seen a dork using one of these on the subway? they look like a french mime wearing a snorkel mask. [ light laughter ] except when they do this, it's not an invisible wall, they're playing wordle. [ laughter ] and by the way, the weather's been miserable in new york city this week. i got soaked yesterday on my way to the train after an umbrella was stolen by a rat. [ light laughter ] saw a guy step in one of those disgusting street puddles on the way to the train yesterday. he just sank all the way to the
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bottom. [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] can we look at that photo again? i'm -- i feel like that guy has smiling eyes. [ laughter ] i feel like that guy, like his kink is sinking in a street puddle. i feel like if we went to graphics right now, we're like, "show me the whole head," that guy's like this. [ light laughter ] also, can we go back to it one more time? like, i feel like it should have been on a curn where there maybe would be a bigger -- like, where -- so that's just a hole in new york city. [ laughter ] also, why is he not blurry and everyone in the background -- i don't think that really happened. [ laughter ] i think i just caught myself in a lie. [ laughter ] and yet voters still went to the polls to submit blank ballots. they are understandably upset
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biden keeps claiming he's frustrated with netanyahu's handling of the war while simultaneously sending weapons to support that war against the wishes of a majority of americans. back in february, biden said he hoped to see a cease-fire within days. and i remember him saying that because despite my best efforts, i was standing right [ bleep ] there. [ laughter ] that cease-fire did not happen when biden was asked again just a few days after that, he made it sound like there wasn't much he could do. >> do you expect a cease-fire is possible by monday, sir? >> hope springs eternal. i was on the telephone with people in the region. i'm still -- probably not by monday, but i'm hopeful. >> seth: what do you mean you're hopeful? you're the most powerful man in the world and you're talking about it like you're the manager of the new york mets. "i mean, i hope -- i hope we win a few games, but you know, if it keeps raining, we might not lose that many." [ light laughter ] you're the president. you can just say, no more funding. no more weapons. you call for a cease-fire. that's what a majority of americans want.
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including the tens of thousands of democrats who are registering protest votes in key battleground states. thousands of israelis also took to the streets this week to protest the netanyahu government and called for a cease-fire deal to free the hostages. as we said on the show before, there must be an immediate lasting cease-fire and the safe return of all hostages. that's the loud and clear message of these protest votes, and biden must listen, otherwise he's at risk of losing to someone whose presidency was a -- >> a complete disaster. >> seth: this has been "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we'll be right back with jerrod carmichael, everyone! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪
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♪♪ open talenti and raise the jar to gelato made from scratch. raise the jar to flavors from the world's finest ingredients. and now, from jars to bars. new talenti gelato and sorbetto mini bars. ♪♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also, so lucky, fred armisen is back with us this week. give it up for fred. [ cheers and applause ]
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and fred -- i'm always -- you know, i'm always just blown away by, you know, how many balls you can juggle on any given week. i mean, you're obviously incredibly successful professionally. as a musician, as an actor. and yet, i also know you're a foodie. i think you'd be the first person to say you're a foodie? >> fred: i'd be the first person to say, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> seth: and i heard you bragging backstage that you were -- you had a new food truck that's debuting next week that's unlike anything new york city's ever seen before? >> fred: i'm so happy about this. [ laughter ] so i've got this ice sculpture truck. >> seth: okay. >> fred: right? so instead of us making ice sculptures and showing off what we can do, it's just blocks of ice that we give to like the customer and we say, shave it all off and put it in the form of whatever food you want to eat. [ laughter ] you want burritos? you want tacos? you want hummus? here -- you know, here -- i mean, they're about this big. and, you know, here's a chisel.
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those are -- you know, we've got to get those back. [ laughter ] and have fun with it. enjoy your lunchtime. >> seth: no -- okay, so -- not to poke holes in it. but let's say i'm hungry for hummus. i feel like i'd want to go buy hummus, as opposed to buying a block of ice that, even if i carve into the shape of hummus, won't taste like hummus. >> fred: so that's exactly what you can do. so you come up to us, and we'll give you tips on how you do it, where you like -- you can shave off little pita bread and, you know, celery and carrots and -- >> seth: i think i understand this part, yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] but see, i feel like you're ignoring the part i said at the end, which is when it's done, it won't taste like the food i carved. >> fred: whatever you want to make. ice cream. [ laughter ] that's up to you. and that's the fun of it. >> seth: yeah. i -- it feels like you either know how to carve ice sculptures or you don't, you know what i mean? >> fred: right, yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: you must have to keep the truck very cold. >> fred: always. >> seth: okay. >> fred: we got to keep it real cold.
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because it's ice. ice is frozen. you know, that's how -- yeah. [ light laughter ] >> seth: i feel like you're trying to act like an expert on ice, but you're saying a thing everybody here knows. >> fred: well, you'd be surprised. [ laughter ] >> seth: what's it called? >> fred: we don't have a name for it yet. [ laughter ] >> seth: give it up for fred armisen, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is an emmy award-winning writer and comedian you know from "the carmichael show" and films such as "neighbors" and "poor things." new episodes of "jerrod carmichael reality show" air friday nights at 11:00 on hbo and stream on max. let's take a look. >> i'm eating. why you be quiet when i say not eating? >> oh, i mean, you know -- i don't think you really -- i don't know if you have like a real -- i think you would do it, i don't think you'd necessarily want to. i think -- i mean, that's nice and all, but -- you wanna see a picture of them? >> you got one of them? >> that's him out the shower the other day.
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[ laughter ] >> seth: please welcome back to the show our friend jerrod carmichael, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: welcome back. >> i'm happy to be here. this -- you make this very comfortable. >> seth: well i'm glad to have you here. >> it's the most comfortable version of an insane thing. [ laughter ] this is insane. i forget, like, oh [ bleep ] y'all are here. [ laughter ] fred is here, so it's a special day. hi, fred. >> fred: hi, how you doing? >> i was trying to think of names for the truck, but -- >> seth: i know, it's hard. a lot of times fred comes up with ideas that are very hard to put a name on. >> yeah.
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you know what was funny, i was watching the show like in the dressing room, it was on mute. and so i was guessing a lot of things. all i saw was a picture of clarence thomas, then i blinked, then i saw an oreo, and i was like, "oh, man. seth's really going for it tonight." [ laughter ] like, seth's really like -- i was like, wow. >> seth: based on that, we're going to have to start putting signs up in the green room that said "no blinking." [ light laughter ] >> yeah, yeah, i was like, i was like, man, i don't know where this oreo came from, but i can't wait to hear it. [ laughter ] >> seth: you have a very exciting announcement. you just finished watching "the sopranos" for the first time. >> yeah. you heard? >> seth: i heard. >> oh, yeah, yeah. >> seth: you have so much going on, it's very impressive that you fit it in. >> it's the greatest show -- i don't know if y'all watched, it's the greatest thing that's ever happened in the world. [ cheers and applause ] it's like -- >> seth: it's very exciting. >> yeah, give it up for "the sopranos." >> seth: isn't it exciting that you could wait that long. >> yeah. >> seth: many would think, i feel like i missed "the sopranos" train. but it is one of those shows you can go back and watch. >> it's like reality to me. it's like -- it's so -- because it's -- i think anything well
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done is like a documentary. >> seth: sure. >> so -- so like this is like a documentary of an italian family in new jersey. >> seth: yeah. >> and it's so rich and entertaining. it was really -- one season where steve buscemi was in it, and i was like, "man, i hope they kill him because he's taking me out of the documentary." like i know steve. [ laughter ] >> seth: oh you were like, i don't like when i see an actor -- >> yeah, yeah, yeah. like, no, get back to the dock. [ laughter ] i love "the sopranos." >> seth: now i have to ask, what -- so the ending, did you -- had the ending been spoiled for you? because i think that a lot of -- that's maybe one price you pay for watching it later. >> yeah, i remember my manager, lou anselmo, when i worked at a shoe store in north carolina, like 25 years ago, like, he was just like -- like just pissed off. >> seth: about the finale. >> about the ending. but i actually really loved it. i thought it was great. i thought -- i mean, this spoils nothing. it actually puts you in tony's shoes. the scene is so well done. i loved it. >> seth: so basically, for 25 years, all you knew about the finale is it made your manager, lou anselmo, mad?
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>> yeah, he was mad. he came back, he was like, "what the [ bleep ] was that?" [ laughter ] he was like mad. [ laughter ] >> seth: this is amazing because the last time you were here, we were talking about "rothaniel," which is an incredible stand-up special. very confessional, very raw, very, i don't know, authentic. and yet now you have a show which maybe even goes a little bit farther than "rothaniel." this -- "the jerrod reality show." tell us what made you think this was the next step in the progression of -- i guess honesty, right? >> yeah, yeah. well, i'm needy. [ laughter ] and i really want to be seen. and accepted. but also have a deep fear of that. so i made a reality show. [ laughter ] because it's the fastest way to like -- like i'm afraid of heights so i went skydiving. >> seth: uh-huh? >> and so i'm afraid of being seen, so i made a reality show. so, like, the clip that you saw, it's this episode i went on a road trip with my dad.
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and like my dad's from the south. and like he's got a gay son. whatever. you know, like -- in the -- in the episode, it's going to seem like elder abuse because my dad's old now. [ light laughter ] you're going to -- it's going to seem like i'm tony and my dad's uncle junior. but emotionally, he's tony and i'm a.j. >> seth: oh, i see, gotcha. good to remember. >> yeah. but i wanted him to meet my boyfriend. my boyfriend's going to get pissed when he sees this. like he never asked and like -- you know, they don't really talk about me being gay. so -- like i just showed him a picture of my boyfriend fresh out the shower. and like my dad's just like 65. he don't know what to do with that. [ laughter ] like he's just like looking. the whole episode is pretty fun. like it's -- more of that. >> seth: it does sound like elder abuse. >> yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> seth: because i wonder, like -- so you're -- you know, your dad is processing having a
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gay son, and you're like, "you want to see a picture of my boyfriend?" and, like, i feel like you probably have some pictures where he's not fresh out of the shower. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: so you make a choice there, right? >> that's what my boyfriend said. he was like of all -- i actually thumbed through like, just fully clothed -- i was like, "no, no, he's hot here." i'm gonna show you, like -- [ laughter ] i just want to show my dad why i fell in love. [ laughter ] >> seth: well, there you go. you were being honest. >> but i am needy. i do want to be seen. like -- like even with the show, what's been cool about showing something that's so, like -- such an x-ray, and like showing the true -- i hate the expression "warts and all," but i am showing really embarrassing, uncomfortable things in my life on the show. and it makes me feel confident because, like if i can show that, like -- there's nothing to hide. i have nothing to hide from anybody, ever, now. like out in the world. so i feel really happy with that. but it's hard. like week to week, like to have to like relive some of these moments. >> seth: well, you -- that's interesting you say that because you're not sitting in the edit, right?
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so -- >> no. >> seth: you're kind of -- when you see the episode, it's really for you maybe the -- only the second time you're seeing it. when you lived it, and then seeing how it cuts together? >> i stay out of the editing room. because i'll take out all the good stuff. >> seth: yeah. >> like i'll be really precious and go "i'll take out the things that make me look bad." but that -- the show wouldn't be good, you know what i mean? [ laughter ] >> seth: so it's interesting. you had an interesting sort of -- the vanity goes two ways. one, if you actually saw it, you'd cut it out. >> i'd cut it all out. >> seth: but you also want your show to be good, so you want to leave it in. who convinced you, like, don't go to the editing room? >> honestly, bill cosby. [ laughter ] it was -- it was advice i got from bill cosby. he said, "stay out of the editing room." >> seth: all right. >> he told me that, then i never talked to him again. [ laughter ] i think he went to jail or something, but whatever. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> seth: oh, man. i definitely wasn't expecting that one. [ laughter ] >> yeah, no, no. it was -- i didn't want to lie. but no, it's hard. because it's all the uncomfortable things.
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>> seth: yeah. >> it's really hard to say uncomfortable things, like now i'm like trying to warm up to this interview, i don't want to go over time, because these things are -- these things -- again, you make me feel comfortable. but, like, usually i want to say something, i'll say something inappropriate, you know. and like i'm trying to be appropriate here. >> seth: i mean, i feel like you crossed that rubicon. i think you can do whatever you want. >> well, honestly, i was -- i'll tell you a quick story. >> seth: okay, great. >> okay, because like i want to talk about sex all the time, and the show is a lot of sex, and the internet's responding in a way that's just like, oh my god, like i got, like -- somebody spit in my mouth, and like, people are just like jesus, it's a lot of the sex. and like i remember doing -- i did the last season of "ellen." y'all remember "ellen?" >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> of course you remember. it was the last season before she got mean too. >> seth: yep. >> it happened. the internet found out a 60-year-old lesbian wasn't always nice. [ laughter ] >> seth: they didn't know what to do with it. >> they didn't know what to do with that, like what? but i was so excited to do
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"ellen" because ellen meant a lot to me growing up. ellen came out at a really really difficult time. >> seth: she sure did. >> kind of like in the '90s and she lost everything. and then she fought back, got a new show, just like -- and my mom played her. and that was a form of acceptance. like my mom allowed ellen into the home. so i felt really excited going onto a show because i have so much admiration for her. and she's also an incredible comic and like really funny. so i was really, really excited. so i'm doing "ellen." and, you know, it's the studio audience, like this. and, like, you know, you're there. and i'm trying to be comfortable in the moment. and i'm talking to ellen. and it's mostly -- i'll give the abridged version. it's like, you know, blah, blah, blah, gay? the audience is like, "ah!" and ellen's like blah, blah, blah, yeah, i'm gay. the audience is like "yeah!" and everyone's just -- [ light laughter ] it's so warm and fuzzy, and like i'm feeling more and more comfortable. and i was like, again, being seen. like want to talk about things. and i was talking about being in therapy and how like i'm
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exploring a lot of things in therapy. and ellen was asking about my love life. and she asked if i was seeing anybody. and i thought it was a good time to make a joke. >> seth: uh-huh? [ laughter ] >> so i was like, you know, ellen, it's funny you mention that, because i actually recently realized in therapy that if a guy doesn't somehow remind me of my mom, i can't get [ bleep ]." [ laughter ] nothing. the audience went silent. the boom operator pulled the mic away from my face. i looked over to ellen for support, she was just like, jesus christ. [ laughter ] and then it got cut out of the show. >> seth: sure. >> yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] we'll see if it makes it in this, i don't know. >> seth: it will definitely make it. it is funny when i think about how many moms were in that "ellen" audience. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: a lot of the them were doing math. >> i realized it was 2:00 in the afternoon in burbank. and i was like, oh, this has no place. but it's hard to talk about. >> seth: well, it is -- i mean,
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i -- i have a real appreciation for you, because again, i'm -- that show for me is conversations i've never heard people having. >> yeah. >> seth: and i've always liked that about, you know -- from your sitcom to your specials to this. it's been an incredible progression of like how open you've been. so i really feel like a beneficiary of it. and i appreciate you in a way that burbank audience didn't. >> yeah. [ light laughter ] i hope y'all watch the show. it's -- >> seth: it's really something. really something. >> on fridays, we got seven more weeks of it. it's on hbo, the same channel as "the sopranos." >> seth: yeah, look at it. [ laughter ] call back. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, buddy. great to have you. that's jerrod carmichael, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "jerrod carmichael reality show" airs friday nights at 11:00 on hbo, streams on max. we'll be right back with stephanie ruhle. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: our next guest is the senior business analyst at nbc news and host of "the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle" which airs weeknights at 11:00 on msnbc. please welcome back to the show stephanie ruhle, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: welcome back. it's nice to see you. >> it's so nice to be here. you know, i had to travel, three
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flights in the elevator to get here. it was a real journey. >> seth: yeah, it's very nice for you to go all the way to the elevator bank to see us. it's so kind. >> excited to be here. >> seth: you know, you came to see us, but we talked in the past when you were on the show, your sons had no interest in coming? >> no, definitely not. >> seth: is it just that they think do not think there's anything you can do that will make you seem cool to them? >> i'm not cool. i'm not -- i'm not cool to them. you know, they're teenagers now. >> seth: sure. >> i have two sons and a daughter. and i guess i would describe myself as like the ultimate try hard. >> seth: okay. >> like i just want them -- i have no new friends. >> seth: uh-huh? >> i only have old friends and my kids and my job. and i just want these boys to want to be around me. >> seth: they can smell that, by the way. they're not -- yeah. [ light laughter ] >> okay, they smell my desperation so much that it's just like they keep challenging me. my oldest son, he loves the hip-hop, he loves rap -- >> seth: the very fact that you call it "the hip-hop" is a problem. >> "the hip-hop," right? [ laughter ] and so if you plan to go to any hip-hop music festival in the new york area and you look
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around the crowd, you're going to see my son and his friends, and then you're going to look down and say, like, is there a 48-year-old woman wearing a fanny pack, like plugged into a portal phone charger doing wordle? and it's me. >> seth: oh my god. [ light laughter ] >> it's me. because he's like, "oh, you know, we want to go see lil uzi and lil baby." >> seth: uh-huh? >> and i'm like, "yes, you can go -- with me!" >> seth: oh my god. [ laughter ] >> and they're like, what? >> seth: i can't believe they still go. >> and so i'm just -- and i -- they don't look at me. but i'm just -- i'm just hanging on for dear life. >> seth: we talked about, and you have a great opportunity to talk about our former president. he has some business dealings right now that i think are very maybe dense for those of us that don't understand the stock market. so he's got this new company and its current valuation, even though it's gone down a little bit the last few days, it's still billions of dollars. and truth social is not a good business. >> okay, we're talking about donald j. trump? >> seth: yeah, yeah, that one. >> what donald j. trump has done at this point is like the
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trumpiest thing trump could ever do, right? the last time you and i were talking, it's unbelievable. he can tell lie after lie, and it keeps on working for him. >> seth: yeah. >> so amidst -- he has hundreds of millions of dollars of -- of fines, of legal bills. he has charges against him. he's running for president. and amidst all that, he is now taken his social media company, and the only thing this company does. they have no tech innovations. they have no products. it's just him crazy posting. >> seth: yeah. >> they have now taken this company public. the ticker is djt, so like he is now a stock. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> and this thing is valued in the multibillions. right? like so it's valued at what macy's is, what harley-davidson -- but the crazy thing is the company loses tens of millions of dollars. they don't actually do anything. and so we're just waiting. some of the people who are buying the stock are those like hardcore trump lovers like
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buying a piece of him. >> seth: but isn't that enough? i guess we can all talk about how it's a bad business and how it doesn't make any money, but we know, whether he has enough hardcore supporters to win an election, he has enough hardcore supporters. and it seems like maybe for lack of any effort, he's going to make billions of dollars. >> he could, right? so that is like the potential ace in the hole here that you're like, "oh my gosh, he is the luckiest person in the world." however, when he goes to sell, it's not going to be like you or me selling. he will have to disclose it publicly. and when he does, they will come running. and people will sell ahead of him. now, the scary thing -- >> seth: how -- so this is -- again, i'm a layman here. how far before he sells does he have to disclose he has to sell? >> it's a short period of time, but it's public. >> seth: okay. >> and people are going to realize it. but the scary thing is, besides the hardcore trump lovers that are buying the sneakers and buying the bible and the trump ice -- >> seth: the sneakers are very good, i will say. [ laughter ] >> they are, totally. who wouldn't? >> seth: i've worn the same --
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my arches have never felt better and -- [ laughter ] i'm no fan of the man. the sneakers are very good. >> i mean, next time i'm at a lil uzi concert, i might be in them. >> seth: okay. [ light laughter ] >> but we don't know who's buying the stock. >> seth: right. >> right? and so we could be looking at people who are -- you know, buying huge lumps of donald j. trump and potentially currying favor with a person who could be the next president of the united states. like, that's scary. but the most absurd part of it, like the most trump part of it, the cofounders of the company, the two guys who brought him this idea. >> seth: free money, they just gave him free money. >> they're like, "yo, yo, yo, we've got an idea for you. we're going to take your social media posts, turn it into a company, and go public." and he's like, "yes!" do you know what he's doing to them right now? >> seth: i do know what he's doing. >> he's suing them! [ laughter ] he is suing them. he is saying, you didn't actually do enough for me, i'm going to sue you. >> seth: so they did everything, and he's getting 60 -- he basically owns 60% of the company. >> correct, correct. >> seth: and he's upset that he only has 60% of $6 billion.
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>> he's saying, "it's all me! what do you guys have anything for?" but you can't possibly feel bad for these two guys. because all you have to do is look at history. look at any person he's ever done business with. look at any person he's hired. look at anyone he contracted, look at anyone he chose to be his running mate when he was running for president. >> seth: yeah. >> and all those folks are standing alone, either in jail or without money in their pockets. so it's kind of like, hate the player -- hate the game, not the player. how did you not think this was going to happen? >> seth: also don't say that at a rap concert. >> i know, i know, i know, i know. [ laughter ] you know, my other son -- [ laughter ] -- wait, my other son went even worse. i'm desperate to hang out with my other son. so what he did was, "i'm really into fitness, mom." >> seth: okay. >> so guess what he decided the two of us were going to do? >> seth: what was that? >> we got a cold plunge. >> seth: you got a cold plunge? >> i have a cold plunge in my backyard. >> seth: okay. >> again, my husband is looking -- >> seth: seems like you were asking for it if you have it in your backyard. >> my husband is looking at me going, "what?" don't give to it me. you spend all your time with my daughter.
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who like, all you have to do is walk around sephora, a pink drink at starbucks, you're set. >> seth: got it. >> so my 15-year-old says, "i want to go for the cold plunge, mom." >> seth: uh-huh. >> and of course i'm like, we're going to do this thing together, we're going to get fit. first of all, i order it. i don't measure my front door. i can't get it in my house. >> seth: okay. >> okay? [ light laughter ] we have to create an elaborate pulley system, we're moving windows. i get this thing in my backyard, right? it's filled with ice. >> seth: uh-huh? >> i get in it. and my son looks at me and he's like, "great, i'm going to head back in." like -- so now i have this cold plunge that i'm regularly doing. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] >> in my backyard. every day. in the desperate hunt to hang out with my son. >> seth: and he's not even in it with you. >> no. he goes in it -- it's not like you go in -- i mean if i was in it with my 15-year-old, then we'd really have a problem. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> like how much do you like your kids? and he's just calling his brother like, "how much of a sucker is this broad?" [ laughter ] and the truth is, i -- a big one. >> seth: well, you know, as you once famously said, don't hate the game, hate the players of the game.
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[ laughter ] and the way they choose to play it. [ cheers and applause ] stephanie ruhle, everyone! "the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle" airs weeknights at 11:00 on msnbc. stick around, we'll be right back with a performance of x ambassadors. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to tango with tails on tails on tails? try lobster lover's dream while you can. it's one of ten next-level lobster creations. lobsterfest is ending soon, so hurry in.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: their north american tour kicks off this friday along with the release of their new album "townie." performing "no strings" please
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welcome back to the show x ambassadors. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ no strings to hold me down feeling so high we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ no strings to hold me now it's just me and you tonight we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ meet me at the thurston ave bridge sit around and watch the rich kids ♪ ♪ wonder how they got what they got dad was gone and mom had four jobs ♪ ♪ told me you were sick of living here all you wanna do is disappear ♪ ♪ watched you as you stared over the edge stick-and-poke tattoos on your wrist ♪ ♪ we don't care what anybody thinks of us living dangerous living reckless ♪ ♪ we don't care what anybody thinks of us just some wanderers
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never high enough oh ♪ ♪ no strings to hold me down feeling so high we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ no strings to hold me now it's just me and you tonight we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ ♪ we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ ♪ we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ parties in an old abandoned house skateboarding under grey clouds ♪ ♪ swore to god that i would make it out couple of us went a different route ♪ ♪ this town will suffocate ya first they love ya then they break ya ♪ ♪ driving 95 on 88 never going back upstate ♪
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♪ we don't care what anybody thinks of us living dangerous living reckless ♪ ♪ we don't care what anybody thinks of us just two wanderers never high enough oh ♪ ♪ no strings to hold me down feeling so high we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ no strings to hold me now it's just me and you tonight we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ ♪ we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪ ♪ we don't need wings to fly ♪ ♪
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♪ we don't need we don't need we don't need ♪ ♪ ♪ we don't need we don't need we don't need ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: x ambassadors, everyone. for dates, head to we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ engineered to minimize noise. and built for adventure. which can also be your own quiet cabin in the woods. the fully electric q8 e-tron.
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guess how much i originally paid for this fireplace? 23 bucks. materials and labor. just ignore him. you got bamboozled! chipotle's chicken al pastor is back. and it's fire on every level. fresh chicken hot off the grill, mixed with morita peppers, a splash of pineapple and fresh lime. it's where fire meets flavor. chipotle's chicken al pastor, the wait is over. (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready?
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ready to tango with tails on tails on tails? chipotle's chicken al pastor, try lobster lover's dream while you can. it's one of ten next-level lobster creations. lobsterfest is ending soon, so hurry in.
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms. subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more. available wherever you listen to podcasts. ♪
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