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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 4, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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right now at 5:00, an exact tie. the race to replace a
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congresswoman, the exact same amount of votes. what happens next. we break it down. doing play by play for the a's, at least when it comes to their stadium deal. it's kind of tough. we will tell you what happened in sacramento yesterday. plus a highly anticipated phone call. the high-stakes talk happening today between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. it comes after israel's strike killed a group of eight workers. good thursday morning. i am ginger conejero saab. i am marcus washington. let's start with meteorologist, kari hall. >> did you experience the drop in the temperature yesterday? it was pretty drastic. we can see most of the rain right off the coast as we speak.
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as we go throughout the morning, that will be rolling in. we see a couple spotty showers out there well ahead of what we are seeing with the heavier rain, the more widespread rain off the coastline. we can see it developing and moving closer over the past couple of hours, and as we widen out the view, that storm system is approaching, and that's what we are going to be watching out for. we are seeing much of the bay area getting in on wet weather, gusty winds and cold temperatures continue. it looks to taper off throughout the day but at any point we could see a wave of showers and thunderstorms moving through. i will be checking that for you. we see a little green, and that means damp roadways and maybe light mist or drizzle
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coming through. be ready for it. over here, the one crash on the grid is southbound 101 as you are heading towards the heller off-ramp. a crew just arrived on scene southbound. no slowing northbound through the area, just a little bit of slowing behind the altamont pass. all of the oakland a's games may be away games next season, at least away from the bay area. >> kris sanchez is in our news room this morning with more on the talks that could impact fans, kris, whether they are watching the game in person or on television. >> the a's are continuing the talks with sacramento, and there are few public details but that
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move could force the a's to rework the network radio personality, and he said in an announcement that an announcement is coming in the next day or two, and we have not been able to confirm that report because everybody has been tight-lipped about this. the move to sacramento could cost the a's the $67 million al year in broadcast revenue that they make unless they can rework that broadcast deal. the deal is gaining more urgency because of how far apart the a's are with the city of oakland on the lease extension on the coliseum. this is really far apart.
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the city wants $97 million, and the a's are offering $17 million. big gap. the city also says the team could leave after three years, and the a's southeast they only want to stay for two seasons, and it was a coincidence the sacramento meeting happened one day after the oakland meeting. that announcement may be coming today, maybe tomorrow, and could include news on a new team name. we are trying to confirm it all. the a's won't say anything until they are ready. ginger? >> we will be watching out for that. thank you, kris. president biden and prime minister netanyahu are expected to speak by phone later today, and this is after several world
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central kitchen workers were killed. nearly 200 humanitarian aid workers are among the innocent lives lost since the conflict began last year. this morning in taiwan, the report of another death, the death toll now, at least ten people. this, as team races to free people trapped in rubble. this comes after the 7.4 earthquake struck yesterday morning. 100 people still feared to be trapped in more than 1,000 were injured. a former bay area incident and her crew are in taiwan, and that reference in stronger than the destructive quake that hit the bay area back in 1989. >> initially it was pretty terrifying, because the rumbling
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was unlike anything i ever experienced, and i was in the big bay area earthquake. >> in the next few days, she says there are a lot of isolated communities in the surrounding area, and the emergency responders are concerned about the condition of the villages. officers now arrested a 39-year-old eric john in the death of baldwin. baldwin's body was found in the bushes near 980. one project will install solar panels over irrigation canals, and that will help the
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state to deliver more clean power and water. that virtual event is at noon. padilla and lee will tour the plant for the hydrogen hub. that tour starts at 10:00 this morning. turning to decision 2024, in an unprecedented race, it's a tie to replace eshoo. the top two from the primary election move on to the general election, and now there's an unofficial tie. the results have to be certified and then reported to the
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secretary of state later today. that tie could mean there will be three candidates on the ballot in november, or either low saw mitten have to request it. >> it means the person that gets more than anybody else means, and you are gambling a lot. >> ricardo got 20% of the vote, and the other two with 16%. it was a long list. they have not commented on the unofficial tie. let's take a live look out in mill valley, nice and dry for now. meteorologist, kari hall, has been monitoring what we can expect. that rain is coming today, right? >> yeah, we will see things
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changes over the next few hours, and we will take a live look outside in san francisco. we are expecting by later this week. the rain is very close by as we track it with storm ranger, and you can download the nbc bay area app so you can track it with me at home. we will talk about the changes coming up in that a few minutes, and mike has been tracking lower gas prices. >> yeah, we will start with the highest low at the top here, san mateo's best is in menlo park, $4.75 at quick stop. and then san leandro, the lowest is $4.65. that's on key garden straight and off of fairway drive.
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and then gas and stop on key road, very accessible in san josé, $4.63. i did talk about the east bay. see the highlighting there, and that's the road weather index. rain came through and so there could be damp roadways. the traffic is scattered nicely, so not a lot of traffic flow. the live camera at the richmond side of the bridge doesn't show wet roadways. that's just a note for service streets. one of your subscriptions is about to get more expensive? >> next on "today in the bay," the music streaming app raising its prices. >> and levi strauss looking for ar better way you shop. ar better way you shop. and then she got that dress with the extra money she saved
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy.
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i got to start using the app. good thursday morning. right now at 5:13, we are headed to the peninsula, and it's a chilly morning with light winds and rain will move in around 7:00 and getting heavier at 8:00. looking at the live look at the golden gate from sutro here.
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looks like it could be my imagination because of what kari is talking about with the changes, but traffic is moving smoothly. another person looking ahead is scott mcgrew. happy thursday to you. speaking of looking ahead, three down days in a row for the dow. amazon says it's cutting staff at its cloud services. bloomberg said apple is working on some kind of home robot but it's still early days, and investors not that impressed with the news. and tel aviv, everything that uses the global satellite after the israel government scrambles
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satellites over the area. the car companies warned it is running out of money and is offering huge discounts on the cars. fisker, the company simply has no idea what will happen next. interesting data out of san francisco's levi strauss on retail sales, and it says it sold almost as many jeans online as in stores. lots of department stores like macy's are shutting down as fewer and fewer people go to the store to shop, and that includes jeans. and then x users are giving blue
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checks, and mark hamill, he said please don't judge me for my blue check. blue checks used to be cool and now they are dorky, and they are like, yeah, i didn't do that, didn't pay for it, but you are getting it anyway. >> just making a statement. what that is, i don't know. >> i just checked mine, and there's no blue check. >> we are all over the number, the minimum requirement, but we may not have the verified followers, which are people that pay for blue checks. i think that's the magic. >> interesting stuff. >> thanks, scott. >> you bet. 5:17 right now. new this morning, spotify premium customers could see an increase on their bill, 1 to $2
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per month. the company also plans to release another subscription tier which will cost $11 and include everything the premium current account does, just without audio books. fortune 500 have the top list of companies to work for. number one is hilton, followed by cisco systems, and nvidia and american express. the top 500 rounded out with sin craw knee financial, and number 10 is comcast universal. >> we're number 10! we're number 10! >> that's wonderful. >> i agree. top ten weather days today?
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>> no, we were hoping for warmer weather and sunshine and it will be cool and raining, and you may hear claps of thunder. we could see that chance as well. even some hail on the upper mountains on elevations above 2,000 feet, expect the possibility of snow. for the weekend, looking calmer but not much warmer. we will have the warmer weather coming next week with 70s and 80s. we're matching right there, that scan. we are seeing the rain coming in and it will bring off and on showers, and south san josé moving over towards the hills, and you could turn on the wind shield wipers. the heavier stuff is off the coastline. we are seeing the system spinning as it rolls down the california coast throughout the day, and gusty winds as times as
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well. these are our high temperatures, not the morning temperatures. this is the high temperature for today, so we are not going to see it changing much from where we are right now. only up to 53 in dublin and 57 in san josé. we are also seeing showers, the heaviest stuff coming in the next few hours before noon, and then hit or miss activity into the evening, and then the same thing tomorrow. not raining the entire time, and you may have the rain that falls for 20 or 30 minutes and then it's done for the rest of the day. with all of that we could get half an inch of rainfall for today and into tomorrow, and gusty winds that could reach up to 40 miles per hour. for the sierra, we are looking at 4 to 12 inches of snow, and cool temperatures continue throughout the weekend as the storm system moves off towards the south and east. more cool air on sunday but quickly we start to see things rebounding as we go into next week. here's a look at the 7-day
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forecast. we have been talking about the partial solar eclipse we will see on monday. at least for the bay area, it will be clear here and our temperatures headed to 80 by next wednesday. such a drastic change as we go from a high of 54 in san francisco tomorrow, to a high of 70 next week. we will continue to follow that day by day. mike, you are saying the so far the commute looks smooth? >> yeah, a good and easy drive, an easy build to the commute, right on schedule and no metering lights or problems. the road weather index does indicate there was light rain or precipitation of some sort that reached the roadway, and so coming down through the altamont pass, no major issues. overnight, chp gave the warning that there's gusting winds.
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580, an easy flow of traffic right now out of contra costa county into alameda county. there's a crash on the shoulder here, and a little light rain, as kari talked about, having traveled through the south bay. >> thank you, mike. up next here on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> you might want to sweep your >> you might want to sweep your next vacation repb
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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a big change is coming to a vacation rental company. at the end of the month its banning indoor cameras. >> consumer investigator, chris chmura, shows us how to spot a rental camera. >> starting april 30th, airbnb is banning the use of indoor security cameras enlistings globally, and they will allow cameras outside except for around saunas. surveillance devices can't be used inside a property. one exception. smart speakers, they are allowed if disclosed. both companies demand hosts disclose them in their listings. that's the first place you should look for a security
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camera, in the listing. let the booking company know if you get an unsure answer, you may be able to get your money back. read reviews and figure out if it's going to do what you expect it to do. you can download an app like fing that will show you all the devices on the wi-fi network. you can take a house completely off-line so there's no streaming and you can shutdown and disconnect the router, and before you do that, talk to the host because the phone line or internet may need that access. if the camera is found, let the booking company know immediately to investigate. the top stories we are following here on "today in the bay," including computer
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confusion. the push for justice for a woman murdered by her ex-boyfriend in the east bay. ex-boyfriend in the east bay. the new documentary her family with our new grocery outlet app,
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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right now at 5:30, running for mayor. long-time san francisco
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supervisor, aaron petskin. it shows in all the footage that somebody needed help, and that's what why we want them to watch the documentary. >> a new quest for justice. a new documentary said to highlight one case. are they one step closer to leaving the bay area? new reports on the oakland a's potential temporary move to sacramento. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this thursday. i am marcus washington. i am ginger conejero saab. we will start with a look at the
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forecast. i know we have been talking about this, and meteorologist, kari hall, is giving us to what expect today. >> showers are getting heavier as we get into the main morning commute, as we get a look at storm ranger, it's showing the activity moving in from the coastline. we are also seeing showers passing through san josé, and that's also moving into the hills just above san josé and giving mount hamilton snow already this morning. morgan hill, that rain is just arriving and we are seeing scattered showers and potential thunderstorms as the system rolls down the coastline and we get the heavier downpours from 8:00 to 9:00 in parts of the bay area. while we continue to track this for you and the impacts this could have throughout the day, mike you have a view of the golden gate bridge and it's moving. >> it's moving, right. i am getting too emotional.
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look at the southbound 101, it's fine. there could be moisture in the air, and kari is talking about a system already starting to come through. and not a big deal, but maybe damp conditions in the east bay, and sweeping through the south bay. vasco, only 18 minutes from marsh creek out of contra costa county. back to you. >> thank you. the way to keep up with the incoming rain is to download the nbc bay area app, and you can get custom weather alerts sent straight to your phone. our storm team 4 ranger helps to show where that rain is. bob redell is joining us live, and bob you spoke with a father that tells us they would like to see investigators look into the suspect's mother?
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>> reporter: yes, nbc bay area, it was ginger that spoke with the father. yes, you are correct. alexis gabe's father believes her ex-boyfriend's mother may have helped her son in the murder. you might recall alexis gabe was murdered back in early 2022 after going to antioch to visit her ex-boyfriend, and in june of that year law enforcement shot and killed jones in washington state while trying to arrest him for her murder, and police took his mother into custody and requested her and found it was not enough to charge her in aiding her son. and now there's a new indication
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against the mother, and it will include surveillance footage that will prove his mother helped her son kill alexis. >> if they see -- if the network decides to rereel everything that was in the videos, ring footage, they will know that someone was involved, because it clearly shows in all of the footage that somebody was helping him. >> jones' mother did not respond to our request for comment. part of her remains were found in november of 2022, and other remains later in january of 2023. the new documentary about her
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murder, which the family did participate in, will air on april 24th on the discovery channel, and that network was going to delay this airing but changed its mind after people protested on social media. bob redell for "today in the bay." and the a's could be closer to playing ball in sacramento, and currently the team's lease at the oakland coliseum is set to expire at the end of the baseball season. and this park is home to the sacramento river cats, and that team says it does not plan to cut down on any of the home games, and the a's and the city have not officially announced any plans. kris sanchez is following the latest talks on this story. she will have a full report for us coming up in the next hour.
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and then yesterday afternoon a car crashed into atqueria, and it could have been caused by a road rage incident. the driver took off before police arrived. that car was found a few blocks away, and no arrests have been made. long-time supervisor and current board member, aaron peskin is running for san francisco mayor. >> i want to help san francisco on a positive note.
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>> in response, london breed's campaign manager released a fiery response. she says aaron peskin, if you could go into a laboratory and construct an r a individual design to destroy san francisco, he would be it. others running include a nonprofit executive, daniel laurie, and former san francisco mayor, mark farrell. 5:37 for you right now. four major league baseball parks use facial recognition instead of tickets for people to enter.
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>> you may be concerned about privacy, and that's a legit concern, and for some people that doesn't work. >> those are conflicting concerns, aren't they? doesn't work too well, doesn't work enough. there's lots of academic research showing facial recognition fails most with people are color, and as the computer misidentifies as a criminal, and that happens in communities of color. a road scholar, a researcher who delves into algorithms to figure out why ai struggles with faces like hers but has no problem with white faces, or she calls them pale and male.
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she is the author of a new book "unmasking ai." i got a chance to ask her a couple questions. >> there's a mask on the cover of the book. >> yeah, the mask was the starting for me, and i was a student at the mit media lab and i was working on an art installation, and it didn't consistently detect my face until i put on a white mask, and when i put that mask over my black skinned face, i was detected. >> she says one of the reasons ai struggles to recognize darker
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skin could be a database, as it has seen more white faces than black, and that sort of bias is prevalent in medication as well, and women are given treatments based on patients that look nothing like them. >> you put your hand under the water to turn it on, and i have to turn my hand over because it's lighter. >> i did not know that. last weekend a portion of highway 1 by the famous bridge collapsed. the evacuation warning is issued for the community south of that closure, but many south of the road are choosing to stay put. crews were laying down the
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asphalt and were doing that yesterday in case the road erodes during this storm. >> yeah, if you are going to big sur, you could hold off because it may not be easy to get in or out. >> it's not going to be clear and sunny all weekend anyway. there's no need to try and enjoy the coastline. we are going to kick it off tonight with the sharks game that starts at 7:30. it's going to be raining off and on. we are finding things indoors for you to do as we head into the weekend. it's also going to be chilly as the rain begins to taper off in some spots, and it's going to be gusty. make sure you are layered up for whatever you are planning to do. this is also earth month and celebrations are kicking off around the bay area, including in san josé on saturday, and it's from 10:00 to 1:00, and we will see temperatures at a chilly 52 degrees, and then we are headed for the upper 50s
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throughout the day with a mix of sun and clouds. on sunday we will have the holy festival happening in san ramon. also a cool day but we will have the rain holding off for this event as well. if you are planning to go to the sierra this weekend, this is a live look at palisades tahoe where there will be winter weather advisories in effect there, and there will be on and off snow, and then saturday things clear out and we will see rain moving through so cal, and l.a. will see rain for tomorrow. mike, you are looking at the richmond san rafael bridge? >> yeah, we start to see more volume and headlights. this is westbound across the richmond-san rafael bridge. the yellow arrows show the commute direction, and the green ones show us damp roads.
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and eastbound in the evening commute, no major issues if that's your route and timing. travel through the south bay, just a bit of rain but nothing major right now. no complications because of the light rain. we will continue to track that. there's still a crash on hillyard. some traveling to see the eclipse could be disappointed. why the reason the weather may not be cooperatingo much s
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. good thursday morning. it's 5:45 now. we are looking at storm ranger tracking rain coming in, and we are already seeing showers filling in for much of marin county and approaching san francisco. we already had a wave move through san josé. we will see more of the widespread rain in the next couple of hours, and we will have that timeline coming up in
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a few minutes. coming into san francisco and approaching the city is the cruise ship under the golden gate bridge. some folks left town for spring break, and others have it next week. there's a change in the traffic volume, and i see mist, and we will track that as well. today marks the third day of the nurses' strike in the east bay. valley medical center, o'connor and st. luis regional. the county's hospital system is chronically understaffed, the nurses say, but the county is disputing the claims. the two sides are expected to go back to the bargaining table after the strike ends. president joe biden will speak with israeli prime minister netanyahu about israel's attack on aid workers in gaza. >> seven people, including one american, were killed, and that
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was after they day livered tons of food that were starving in gaza. >> yeah, the car was targeted. the world, the united states, wanting to know why did that happen? did the israelis, perhaps, know what they were hitting or didn't? the charity says it was coordinating movements with the israeli military ahead of time. we know the cars were hit separately, and some got away and some were hit as they fled. the video you see looks like it took place in the same location, but one car was hit near the food warehouse and another half a mile away, and a third, a mile and a half beyond that. the two leaders will talk today. we don't expect the white house to release a transcript, but it usually provides a summary of what was discussed. president biden spoke about
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lowering americans' prescription drug prices, highlighting a new cap in insulin prices for seniors, and meeting with senator bernie sanders, who has been key in that effort. >> i am excited about this, and i am proud of what we have been able to do. i really am. bernie and i have been doing this work for a long time. i know we don't look it, but -- >> biden is younger than bernie sanders, and mitch mcconnell is going to serve out his term. and then the judge turned down attempt to delay the criminal trial, and the judge said the motion came too late. the crime came before trump was president, the hush-money
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payments came when trump was campaigning and not when he was president. trump was charged with covering up the payments, and it's not a crime to have an affair or give somebody money. the experts are saying the forecast won't be precise until a day or two before the eclipse, but cities under the path of that eclipse could see cloud cover. some of those cities will include, san antonio, texas, and little rock, arkansas, and 90% of the country will experience a partial eclipse. in the bay area, we will have special coverage beginning around 10:00 a.m. if you want to know more like the best ways to take pictures,
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go to click on the solar eclipse link, and that will be in the trending bar. >> i was just telling marcus, i know maybe less than five families who are traveling specifically to see the solar eclipse, not just the partial but the whole thing. it's a cool thing, you know. >> but are they going to where it's going to be cloudy? >> they didn't know if it was going to be cloudy when they made the plans, but they will go where it's going to be on the path and hopefully it's not going to be cloudy. >> you know who knows? >> who? >> really? >> i would have made my travel plans last-minute, maybe a week out, because that's when we can accurately see if there will be storms. if it's raining, what is the point of traveling that far? >> it's hard with the hotels, and they get booked up.
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>> well, you have 24 hours to cancel, so boom. >> you don't want to look directly at the sun, not even with sunglasses. we will have a 35% visibility. starting on monday at 10:14 in the morning, and 10:13 is when we have the maximum of the eclipse for the bay area, and that's only covering 35% of the sun, and then it ends around 12:15. it is an event that will last a couple hours, and it would be amazing to be somewhere where it's clear and in the path of totality. we have already had a wave move through the south bay producing snow on mount hamilton. yes, temperatures are that cold.
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we had a strong cold front that moved through yesterday evening, and we will not see temperatures rising much today. marin county with light rain to initially get things going. looking around the bay area with off and on wet weather coming in. some of the more widespread and heavy rain off the coast, and that will come in between 9:00 and -- between now and 9:00 a.m., and then the possibility of thunderstorms throughout the day. the places where we do see the thunderstorms, it will be hit or miss. we do see the activity ramping up to 6:00 to 7:00, and more snow on the bay area mountains into the day tomorrow. still some spotty showers out there, but not expecting it to be widespread. rainfall totals anywhere from a quarter to half an inch of rainfall, maybe slightly higher in a few spots. it will at times be windy. where we do see the thunderstorms, it could produce small hail.
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the sierra, about 4 to 12 inches of snow. once all of that clears out, we will see things staying cool for the weekend and then warming up very quickly next week. we will have clear visibility for the inland areas for the bay area. temperatures heating up through the middle of next week. we will be tracking all that for you. mike, you are saying the conditions are changing out there? >> yeah, i just showed you the shot at the richmond-ran raw fell bridge, and can you see there's a wet roadway here and so that's the issue. that will continue to be around the bay area, those changing conditions. not a major issue at the bay bridge, but we do have the metering lights on. there's that traveling across the bay. the arrows show you where there's a build for the east
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bay. the south bay shows wet roadways in some patches, and the first build easing up a little bit. there was a crash here on 101, and there are flares burning out here. north bay says the hack affected some buildings, and some have been trying to call the hospital since monday but have not been able to get through. all urgent care clinics are open, and all nonemergency surgeries have been reschedul. surgeries have been reschedul. there arede
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. ( ♪♪ )
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vacation rental company. at the end of the month, it's banning indoor cameras. >> consumer investigator reporter, chris chmura, shows us
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how to spot a rental camera. >> starting april 30th, airbnb is banning the use of indoor security cameras in listings globally. it says surveillance devices can't be used inside of a property. one exception, start speakers. they are allowed if they are disclosed. the first place you should look for a security camera is in the listing. if you get a cagey answer if you ask the host, let the booking company know. you may be able to get your money back. you could get a handheld detector, and before you do, read reviews and figure out if it's going to do what you expect it to do. you can download an app like
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fing. you can shutdown or disconnect the wi-fi router, and before you do that talk with the host because the security system or phone line might need that internet access. finally, say you find a camera that's not supposed to be in that property, let the booking company know so they can investigate. right now at 6:00, closing in on a deal. the a's, one step closer to securing a new temporary home outside of oakland. the new developments could take the team out of the bay area. i live here, and it's horrib.


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