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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 4, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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fing. you can shutdown or disconnect the wi-fi router, and before you do that talk with the host because the security system or phone line might need that internet access. finally, say you find a camera that's not supposed to be in that property, let the booking company know so they can investigate. right now at 6:00, closing in on a deal. the a's, one step closer to securing a new temporary home outside of oakland. the new developments could take the team out of the bay area. i live here, and it's horrible.
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fortunately, all my family are safe. >> the race continues to find survivors trapped under rubble in taiwan. the latest from the earthquake zone. rain is on track to hit the bay area today. just how heavy will it get? meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking the impact of the spring storm. this is "today in the bay." oh, yes, the rain is coming. today is thursday. i am marcus washington. i am ginger conejero saab. you said spring storm, and i don't usually hear those two words together. >> we need the grass growing, and we don't want the cold temperatures. that's what is making this storm so unusual. it's snowing on mount tam right
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now, and we are going to see a lot to moderate rain throughout the morning commute, and then as we take a look at san francisco it's covering much more of the city than it was just ten minutes ago and moving down the peninsula, closer to san mateo. we have already seen the showers passing by and raining in morgan hill and to gilroy. it's part of the system that brought in the cold temperatures we had yesterday, and all of those gusty winds. we will have a chance of thunderstorms going into this afternoon. mike, now you are seeing more slowing on the bay bridge? >> yeah, we are seeing a different traffic flow during the spring breaks around the bay. rain did travel through and it shows it crossing the
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richmond-san rafael bridge. walnut creek, no major problems. things are calming down on the roadways. the altamont pass, some slowing spots. the south bay did get rain as well. back to you. >> thank you. all of the oakland a's games may be away games next season, at least away from the bay area. >> the team is inching closer to a deal to play in sacramento. kris sanchez is in the news room with more on the talks where fans can watch the a's in person or on tv. >> yeah, the a's are in continuing talks with sacramento, and although there are few public details at this point, we can tell you the move would force the a's to rework the contract with nbc bay area
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sports. if you have been to a game at sky river, it's much smaller. it would cost the team more unless they can work out a different tv deal. irony here, the rivercats are the san francisco giants team. a meeting is coming today or tomorrow and -- i should say rivercats and fought sabre cats. the city wants $97 million, and the a's are offering $17
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million. that's a huge gap. the city says the team could leave after three years, and the a's say they only want to stay for two seasons. bob redell was asking questions about this part of the deal, and it was a coincidence the sacramento meeting happened one day after the oakland meeting, and it was just a scheduling deal. fans are not going to the games here either, and 13,000 seats were filled at the season opener, and that means about 50,000 seats were empty. >> i remember seeing that, kris. thank you so much. there have been so many twists and turns in this story, so if you don't want to miss updates, download the nbc bay area news app, so we can push alerts as the news comes in. officers have now arrested a 39-year-old eric john fredricks
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on the suspicion of murder. baldwin's body was found along i-80 in the bushes back in march. international news are reporting about the earthquake in taiwan. a former bay area resident, danielle chang, and her crew were in taiwan. for reference here, this earthquake is stronger than the destructive quake that hit the bay area back in 1989. >> initially it was pretty terrifying because the rumbling was unlike anything i ever experienced, and i was in the big bay area earthquake. >> so look, the next few days,
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danielle is set to travel to some of the worst hit areas of taiwan. she said there are a lot of isolated communities in the surrounding areas. emergency responders are concerned about the condition in those villages. president joe biden and prime minister netanyahu are expected to speak by phone later today. their talks after several kitchen aid workers were killed, and that has increased calls for a cease-fire in gaza. the nonprofit is seeking an independent investigation. netanyahu admits his forces are responsible for what he calls an unintended strike. happening today, governor newsom and president biden's administration are joining forces to highlight a solar over canal project.
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the project will install solar panels over the irrigation canals, and that will help the state deliver more clean power and water. that virtual event is at noon. also today, senator alex padilla and barbara lee will tour a port of oakland hydrogen projects. this comes after the lawmakers secured up to $1.2 billion for the hydrogen hub for the renewable and clean hydrogen across the state, and that tour starts at 10:00 this morning. now to decision 2024, and an unprecedented race as there's a tie for second place. this is in a race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. now we know former san josé mayor, sam liccardo, will be on
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the ballot, but simitian and low have been rallying for the second-place spot. now there's an unofficial tie. the results have to be certified and reported to the secretary of state today, and there could be three candidates on the ballot in november, or simitian or low can request a recount which they would have to pay for. >> they may consider splitting the cost. there's a lot to gain running with two instead of three. with two, you need the majority, and with three you need the plurality, and that means whoever with the most votes wins. >> it was a long list, and neither simitian nor low have commented on the unofficial tie. 6:09 for you now on the
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thursday morning. we are taking a live look from mill valley. that looks different than the shot last hour. those roads are looking slick. meteorologist, kari hall, has what we are expecting for today. rain is on the horizon. >> yeah, we will see most of it throwing throughout the morning and a possibility of thunderstorms this afternoon. most of marin county is covered with at least a light rain. it moving closer to santa rosa. we are seeing the rain moving into san francisco. we did have a quick-passing shower moving through san josé, and that's what we are looking at as we go throughout the morning into the afternoon, off and on rain. temperatures will be held down and it will be a chilly day, so bundle up as things are changing minute by minute. we will talk about the weekend forecast in a few minutes. >> looking at the reports from all of you on, we will start with the highest low,
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san mateo county's best in menlo park at the top is 4.75 at the quick stop on middlefield road. and then san leandro with 4.65, and that's on t garden street just off the freeway. san josé, 4.63 at gas and shop on mckee, a block away from highway 101. let's get out to the roadways, and let me label this for you. we are looking at the south bay, and there's green from the earlier rain. the pink and the right in the lower right side, that's where there's snow and ice in the hills, and mount hamilton included. the west commute with a build, and highlighting north of the golden gate bridge, the recent rain, you can see the slick roadway and that mist kicking up just like we saw up there in
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mill valley where ginger called that out. and then businesses in san francisco pulled out of union scare, but this morning a glimmer of hope. the new retailer set to join the shopping center. levi strauss noticed those stores leaving and it's changing the way they are selling jeans. the futures, three down days in a row, and then look at that. that's find out what is happening there. well, the san francisco symphony getting star power this summer. the egot winning performer set to share the stage. to share the stage. you want
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal.
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good thursday morning. right now at 6:14, we are taking a look at our day planner in berkeley. we are starting off with off and on rain, and one minutes raining and another minute sunny, and that's what we will see throughout the day. we will talk about what is coming up next week in a few minutes. the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights turned on over half an hour ago, and the backup showing up in the lanes and parking lot.
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rain is hovering around and kari is talking about the changes sweeping across the bay. happy thursday to you. we may get a winning day finally in the second quarter. three down days in a row, and you saw the futures. looks like it will open higher, and it appears because investors are tired of losing. amazon cutting some of its cloud services and employees there, and bloomberg says apple is working on a home robot, but it's still early, and investors not impressed with that news. the israeli government scrambled signals all over the city. israel and iran are rattling sabres and lots of different smart weapons find their targets with gps.
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and fisker is offering huge discounts on its cars, and it's not that fisker doesn't want to not deal with the financials. and then a lot of department stores like macy's have been shutting down locations as fewer and fewer people go to the mall to shop, and that includes for jeans. twitter users or x users are objecting after the company gave their accounts new blue checks against their will. blue checks used to show you were who you said you were. now they say you paid for a blue
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check. now 2,500 subscribers are more are going to get blue checked. one reporter said, what is up with the blue check? i didn't pay for it. luke skywalker, mark hamill, said do not judge me for the blue check. my dad used to be a blue check, and now they are just saying you are paying for a blue check, and they are extremely uncool. >> we were checking our accounts because we have more than 2,500 followers, and it has to be 2,500 blue check followers, and i don't have enough. >> but you still have blue eyes. >> i got them from my mom. >> you put them in.
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>> yeah. bvlgari moving into san francisco in union square. it's located right now at 200 stockton street but just signed the long-term lease location. the powerball jackpot is growing after nobody won last night's drawing. two lucky tickets in california did match five of the six numbers, and those tickets are worth nearly $2 million. since nobody won, the powerball jackpot on saturday is now more than a billion. it just keeps getting higher and higher and higher. >> it's a lot of money. also trending for you this morning, an egot winner is coming to san francisco. >> we're talking about the emmy,
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the grammar, the oscar and tony-award winning artist, john legend. ♪ ♪ all of me loves all of you ♪ ♪ >> yes, legend will be here for two nights performing with the san francisco symphony, and that show will be a re-imagining with some of his hits along with untold stories of his life and career. this is the first collaboration between legend and the san francisco symphony. the shows are july 23rd and 24th, and tickets go on sale on friday. i have been talking about going. >> i thought you were going to say with john legend. >> thanks, marcus. >> april fools'. you may think i am playing a
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joke on you with this weather, but -- >> we know you are not. >> yesterday the temperature dropped so fast when the winds picked up, that was the cold front. now we are getting the rain as we are closer to the center of the storm, so we are also going to have a chance of thunderstorms, and maybe even hail today, and that chance continues into tomorrow. then for the rest of the weekend it's going to be calmer, and the skies will clear. it's still going to be chilly, but we don't get warmer weather until next week with 70s and 80s ahead. such a drastic change. you will see it at the bottom of the screen with the 7-day forecast coming up, going from the mid-50s to lower 80s next week, so hold on for the wild roller coaster ride. the rain is coming in now, and it's been off and on but picking up for the north bay, and a steady light rain coming down on the richmond-san rafael bridge,
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and then into san francisco, and down to south city as well as san mateo. into the south bay, it's a hit or miss with some of the showers moving through. as of now, approaching san josé once again. this is a look at the wider view of the rain that is arriving and moving in from the coast and the center of the storm here that is spinning and just off to the west. as we see the rain picking up, there will be snow on some of our bay area hills, and that's the change in the colors there. it's so cold as you go up above 2,000 feet, cold enough for it to snow. we will see the chances into the day tomorrow, and then activity tapering off. as you notice, it's going to be so off and on, and at any point we could see rain passing, and our weather will be changing so much between today and tomorrow. looks a little drier for the weekend but only in the low 60s. mornings near 40 degrees, and that's going to be chilly. and in time for the partial solar eclipse we will see on monday, it will be warming up.
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by the middle of next week, we will hit 80 degrees inland while san francisco will see a high of 70. mike, you were watching for the wet roads? >> yeah, this could be because of the sudden change, and be careful and ease on the brakes if there's slippery conditions like this. the richmond side of the bridge getting across to san mateo. look at the green highlighting in the north bay, east bay and san francisco alike. we are looking at damp roadways throughout the south bay as well but no major problems. back to you. >> thank you, mike. 6:22 for you right now. a disturbing trend on the rise. marine mammals are being harassed by humans at increasing rates. we will talk about that new data revealing the spots where we are revealing the spots where we are seeing the worst here i she got that dress with the extra money she saved
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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officials are urging you to stay away from marine wildlife after a report found more people are disturbing animals. the marine mammal center overseas 600 miles of the coast, and in 2022 the center reported 153 cases, and that number went up by 25% last year to 203 cases. half of those in monterey and
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santa cruz county. the cases are mostly people getting too close to the animals, and sometimes officials say it can be much worse. >> we had an elephant seal named pop pop, and it was at cal beach in santa cruz county. we had somebody that was actually physically sitting on top of this elephant seal, a young elephant seal that was malnourished when our trained responders arrived. >> experts say you should give animals about 150 feet of space, especially if it notices you. >> good advice. the 2024 paris olympics are only a few months away, and l.a. city officials are already looking ahead to 2028. metro and elected leaders are announcing nearly $900 million in federal funding has been secured to support infrastructure projects ahead of the event. that money is courtesy of a
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congressional spending package signed into law by president biden. >> a lot to watch out for there. a lot to watch out ahead at 6:30, including a crowded race for mayor in san francisco, and it's getting even more crowded. the latest politician to jump in the race to dethrown mayor breed. breed. and theharp respo sns ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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right now at 6:30, rain is falling in parts of the bay area. the new concerns in big sur where a landslide caused highway 1 to collapse, and a warning for residents amid the storm. we definitely found some evidence that there was aiding and abetting happening. >> a renewed quest for justice. the actions of the family, and there are hopes a new documentary will shine a light on that murder case. and then facial recognition and racial equality. this is "today in the bay." good morning. i am ginger conejero saab in for laura garcia. i am marcus washington. we know that rain is coming down in parts of the bay area right now. i want to take a live look for you in the north bay. this is where we are starting to
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see some of the droplets there. can you see the wet ground there. it's expected to pick up more today as the day goes on. >> people in big sur are hunkering down until the storm passes. last week a portion of highway 1 by the famous pweubgsy bridge collapsed. hundreds south of the road are choosing to stay, and repair crews were laying down asphalt yesterday incase the road erodes further during this storm. >> it's already coming down here in the bay area, and what do we expect for today? let's turn to meteorologist, kari hall. it feels like winter. it's so chilly out there, and we won't see a significant warm-up today as the storm system drags down the cold air. we are seeing showers from the
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north bay into san francisco. we are expecting widespread and more intense rain to move in over the next couple of hours, and picking up for parts of the peninsula, and moving in from san mateo to half moon bay. this will impact us today and tomorrow, but the weekend is looking drier. i will have more on that as well as what to expect coming up in a few minutes. >> all right, kari. thanks. don't forget a great way to keep up with the incoming rain is by downloading the nbc bay area app, and you can personalize the alerts. new this morning, the family of an east bay woman murdered by her ex-boy friend is hoping a new documentary could bring
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justice for their daughter. we spoke with her family, and they said they would like to see investigators look into the suspect's mother. >> reporter: correct. ginger, alexis' family believes her ex-boyfriend's mother was involved in the murder. she was going to antioch to visit her boyfriend, and then he was shot and killed when officers were trying to arrest him for her murder. as can you see in the video, the family protested the decision outside the d.a.'s office. now they want their attorney to prevent a case against the
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mother to the district attorney after the documentary airs. >> we want people to see what we saw pretty much. that's all we want. because if they say, if the network decides to reveal everything that was in those videos, the ring footage, they will know that someone was involved because it clearly shows in all of the footage that somebody was helping him. >> jones' mother did not respond to our request for comment when we reported on her interview with the d.a.'s office years ago. this new documentary about her murder which her family did
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participate in will air april 24th on the investigation discover channel, and that network was going to delay the airing but changed its mind after many protested on their facebook page. the chronicle reporting the a's is closer to playing ball in west sacramento. it would be calling that ballpark their home. sutter health park is already home to the sacramento rivercats, and that seem says it does not plan to cut down on any home games. the a's and the city have not officially announced any plans. long-time supervisor and current board president, aaron
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peskins joining the race for mayor. he said his years of experience will serve the city well. >> i have a 24-year career of public service, bringing people together and moving san francisco forward. i have a ton of legislative experience, and i want to harness that to address the problems affecting san francisco on a positive note. >> mayor breed's re-election campaign manager release add fiery response to peskin's mayoral run. it says, aaron peskin is saw nom none with intimidation, obstruction and disfunction, literally the triple crown of moving san francisco backwards. if you can go into a laboratory and construct an individual designed to single-handily destroy san francisco, he would be the model. peskin enters a crowded field
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with nonprofit executive, daniel lurie, and mark farrell. four baseball parks use facial recognition instead of tickets for fans to enter. you may be concerned about privacy, and that's a legitimate concern, but scott mcgrew says if there's another worry, for some people it doesn't work. >> yeah, they are conflicting concerns, it works too well or doesn't work. there's research showing facial recognition fails especially hard with people of color, and particularly black women. it could be an inconvenience or a disaster, for instance, it could identify an innocent woman as a criminal, and that happens in communities of color.
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a road scholar, a researcher who delves into algorithms and tries to figure out why faces like hers are struggles for a computer but have no trouble with white faces, which she calls particularly pale and male. she advised president biden and others on this technology, and she's the author of a new book "unmasking ai." i got to ask her some questions. on the cover of the book, there's a mask. tell me the significance of the mask? >> the mask for me was my starting point for starting to ask our computers that are neutral, and i was working on a art installation that used tracking technology, and this did not tract my face until i
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put on a white mask, and after i put on that mask over my dark-skinned face, that mask was detected and when i took it off i was no longer detected, and i started asking about the computers that i assumed were neutral. >> one of the reason ai struggles to recognize darker skin, is because of the samples where it has seen more white faces than black. there's more research using men and women, and women are given more treatments based on patients that look nothing like them. >> interesting. 6:40 for you now. we are taking a live look across the bay area. there's san francisco, richmond, the richmond bridge and san
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josé. hello, bay area, good morning. it's going to be a wet and chilly weekend, and meteorologist, kari hall, will break it down for us. >> we're trying to find indoor things for you to do with the off and on showers, and the sharks game tonight starts out with showers. we are only in the low 50s with breezy winds. go into tonight, we're dropping down into the upper 40s by the end of that shark's game. looking at other things going on for earth month, we are celebrating this weekend in san josé. at 10:00, we will start off in the low 50s. make sure you are dressed for cooler temperatures, and don't need the umbrella on saturday. in san ramon, going from upper 50s to lower 50s with peeks of sunshine. if you plan to go to the sierra this weekend, we are going to see the snow moving in very
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soon. there will be a winter weather advisory in effect tonight. on friday, off and on snow. roads could be slick but looks really nice for saturday as the snow moves out. mike, you were saying that drivers need to be ready for these conditions? >> yeah, look at the sky as we see more sunlight come into the picture, we see more clouds. they are pushing to the east. traffic is moving smoothly, but watch for the slick conditions. there's mist and drizzle and wet pavement here at the toll plaza. we filled in the toll plaza itself, and there's your wait off of the maze. no issues for the maze, and the slowing is out of pinole to the berkeley curve. highway, 37, and unusually, highway 4, more slowing than usual, and there's a crew that may be there through much of the morning.
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vasco shows the build typical into contra costa county, and no major drama but just slicker roadways around the bay. >> good to know. thanks, mike. overnight, an attempted smash and grab in the east bay. ahead on "today in the bay," the damage left behind after suspects tried to steal an atm full of cash in oakland. plus, the countdown to the anticipated solar eclipse is on. mike, you ready to go? >> yeah. >> you have to stay here. some folks are traveling to see it, and they could be disappointed. will tell you whein
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good thursday morning. here's a live look outside in san josé, taking a break from the rain for now after early-morning showers moved through. the rain will be hit or miss, one minutes sunny and the next we might have rain with thunderstorms. we will check your microclimate forecast coming up. service lane right here, there was a vehicle stopped in the area here, and it just cleared as we started talking. rain is coming across from the peninsula, and we will talk about what kari is talking about, because it affects what you are driving through in many places. thanks, kari and mike.
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new video shows the aftermath of an attempted smash and grab in oakland. it happened just before 6:00 this morning. suspects at a bank of america ripped an atm off the wall. you can see it laying on the ground. we do not know how many suspects are involved and it's unclear if they were able to get away with any cash. so far no arrests have been made. president biden will speak with israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu about israel's attack on aid workers in gaza. >> we know seven people including one american were killed after they delivered tons of food to starving people. >> they did. everybody wants to know what happened. their vehicles directly targeted, and a hole punched through the logo of the world central kitchen on one of the cars. obviously everybody, including the united states, wants to know why. did the israeli military know
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what it was hitting? the charity says it was coordinating its movement with the israeli military ahead of time. the cars were hit separately. some got away but were hit as they fled. the video looks like it happened near the same location, and one was hit by the food warehouse and another half a mile away, and a third car a mile and a half beyond that. we don't expect the white house to release a transcript but usually provides a summary of what is discussed. president biden spoke about delivering lower insulin prices for seniors, and meeting with bernie sanders who has been key in that effort. >> i am excited about this, and proud of what we have been able to do. bernie and i have been doing this work for a long time.
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i know we don't look it. >> biden is younger than kennedy sander -- bernie sanders, and also younger than mitch mcconnell who is going to serve out his term. the judge said trump's motion came far too late, and the alleged crime came before trump was president, the alleged affair and the hush-money payments came as trump was campaigning and not when he was president. trump is specifically charged with covering up the payments, not the payments themselves, and it's not illegal to have an affair, which he denies, or to give an adult entertainer money. it's the cover-up.
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and people could see a solar eclipse on monday. >> some parts of the country could see cloudy skies, and that's not what they want but the forecast is not going to be precise until a day or two before the eclipse. some cities directly under the path of the eclipse could be cloudy. at least 99% of the country will experience a partial eclipse. it will be partially visible in the bay area, and that special will continue at 10:00 a.m., and if you want to know more about this, like how to take pictures, you can go to and it will be in the trending bar. >> wow. >> we were just saying, just imagine making these big plans
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to go somewhere, and you get there to see the total eclipse and it's raining, or it's cloudy and you don't see anything. that's the down side of that. >> we will have clouds? >> we are going to be clear here, but we are not getting the total eclipse, and people want to be in the path of totality. this is what it will look like for us, at 10:14 in the morning, we will see the beginning of the partial eclipse. you don't want to look anywhere close to the sun. you are using extra tools to see the partial solar eclipse. it's only at 35% visibility for us, and the peak of that will be at 11:13 on monday morning. it will be ending around 12:15. that's about what we will see here. good thing it's not today because we would not even see a partial eclipse because we are seeing a lot of clouds. it's going to be raining off and on, windy and even a chance of thunderstorms for the sierra.
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there's a winter weather advisory through tomorrow night, and then calmer weather for the weekend and then temperatures warm up next week. this is storm ranger, the mobile doppler radar, and if you have the app you can zoom into our radar truck parked on san bruno mountain, and you will see the rain continuing to spread into napa county and solano county. it has been raining for a while for much of the north bay and into the peninsula. the rain could complicate the morning commute as the roads are getting wetter and the rain is moving in. that's going to be the case over the next couple of hours. here's a look at the center of the storm system pushing down the coast. we had a cold front moving in yesterday, and as we get the waves of rain coming in, it's cold enough for there to be snow
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above 2,000 feet, and possibly the santa cruz summit could see the wintry mix, and snow in the mountains could be a mix, and between today and tomorrow afternoon it could rain at any point. where we do see the downpours, they could produce thunderstorms and possibly hail. in total we are looking at about a quarter to half inch of rainfall. as we go into the rest of the next 48 hours, there will be a mix, and then saturday and sunday, a mix of sun and clouds. it's a gloomy view of the bay bridge. on the span, the commute direction with the taillights, and there's wet pavement throughout the east bay.
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north bay, many spots got rain in the last hour. i would say there's still a crew on east bay highway 4 finishing up. they were given permission by caltrans to be there until 11:00 this morning, but they should be picking up out of concord and towards bay point. the rest of the bay shows a smooth and easy drive as far as patterns go. there has been rain, as kari talked about, and then we are losing sight of the car taillights, so note there will be rain mid span. back to you. >> thank you. happening now, bay area hospitals are facing a fallout of a cyberattack. north bay health says a system-wide hack impacted facilities in vacaville and fairfield. and our sister station was told some have been trying to call the hospital since monday but have not been able to get through. and they say it's working to fix
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the issues and are investigating the hacks. we are following breaking news come into the news room, the protests happening now at the sunnyvale facility. plus, the a's, the deal they are closing in on for a are closing in on for a temporaryome outside the bay h with our new grocery outlet app,
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy.
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coffee? yup. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal.
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6:57 this morning. welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on "today in the bay." we begin with breaking news just coming in from sunnyvale where protesters are gathering at the lockheed market campus, and they are rallying due to the military contractor's role with israel aid. we will bring you updates throughout the morning on-air and online. and then the a's could have a potential deal calling sutter
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health park home ahead of the planned move to las vegas. currently the team's lease at the oakland coliseum is set to expire at the end of the season. the rivercats do not plan to cut down on any home games. the a's and the city have not officially announced any plans. we are trying to see some of the rain we have been anticipating, kari. >> possibly some thunderstorms and clearing out for the weekend, but not warming up until early next week. folks at the richmond side of the bridge, it's not going to be all day, kari says, but it's raining right now. it has not hit the south bay. earlier we had snow in the hills, right, kari? >> yeah, we are watching out for that, too. the "today" show is moments away. we are continuing "today in the bay" on roku and other
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platforms, so join us live at 8:00 as we sit down with a congressman to discuss a number of issues, including the refinery issues under way, and reproductive rights issues. >> a lot going on at 8:00. don't forget, the "today" show coming up, next. we want to leave you a live look at mill valley. slow it down out there. we will see you back here shortly. good thursday morning. those severe storms we've been tracking all week causing new damage overnight. >> and chaos at airports coast to coast. good morning. it's thursday, april 4th. this is "today."


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