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tv   Today  NBC  April 4, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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8:00 as we sit down with a congressman to discuss a number of issues, including the refinery issues under way, and reproductive rights issues. >> a lot going on at 8:00. don't forget, the "today" show coming up, next. we want to leave you a live look at mill valley. slow it down out there. we will see you back here shortly. good thursday morning. those severe storms we've been tracking all week causing new damage overnight. >> and chaos at airports coast to coast. good morning. it's thursday, april 4th. this is "today."
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slammed. east coast hit with flooding, rain, and tropical storm force winds. hundreds of thousands of people left without power. thousands of flights canceled or delayed during some of the busiest travel days of the spring season. we will have everything you need to know.le of that devastating earthquake in taiwan, hundreds of people still unaccounted for, some trapped inside tunnels for more than a day, wh breaking overnight, desperate search. crews combing through the rubble of that devastating earthquake in taiwan. hundreds of people still unaccounted for. some trapped inside tunnels for more than a day, while shocking new images of the destruction emerge, including massive boulders crushing cars. we're there live. tense talk. president biden set for his first phone call with israel's benjamin netanyahu, since the killing of seven aid workers. the founder of world central kitchen now saying the group was targeted. >> this was not just a bad luck situation.
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>> with tensions and protests rising, the message the president is expected to deliver. back in court, attorneys for the suspected idaho college killer facing a judge today, as they push to have the high-profile trial moved. we'll have the very latest. alarming attack. >> hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! >> an elephant charging a group of tourists on safari, flipping over a truck and killing an american. the frantic moments caught on camera as her family speaks out. all of that plus, in the spotlight. the world first introduced to kate middleton 20 years ago this week. inside the now-future queen's impact on the royal family and what's next as she faces her cancer battle. plus, she's the one. >> clark for the win! yes! >> caitlin clark adds to her trophy case, named the ncaa's unforgettable and record-setting season.
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>> how will she go for history? there it is! >> and it's not over yet, as the iowa superstar gears up for the final four. today, thursday, april 4th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good thursday morning. happy that you guys joined us this morning. and we are going to get right to our top stories. severe weather overnight. we've got a nor'easter barreling across the east coast. >> take a look at this. what an image. the statue of liberty hit by a bolt of lightning last night. one image captured just as it touched the flame of that iconic torch. >> that stormy weather far from over. millions remain under flood watches and wind alerts today. some parts of new england are actually under winter storm alerts.
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>> well, all of it, of course, causing major travel problems. thousands of flights delayed, some canceled. airports are saying an increased number of travelers right now, of course, heading off for spring break. here's a live look. this is foggy bradley international in connecticut this morning. >> in just a moment, we'll have al's full forecast. but let us begin with nbc's tom costello. he's at reagan national. hey, tom, good morning. >> reporter: rough 24 hours. we had about 759 delays yesterday, nationwide, and i'm looking at the numbers now, about 1,900 flight cancellations yesterday. so we're on the rebound today. the northeast continues to be a problem with boston and new york affected, fewer than a hundred cancellations at the moment, though. it's not only the weather, it's also the spring break, return crowds, and oh, by the way, we have an eclipse coming. >> this morning, travel throughout the northeast is snarled, as millions of americans face severe weather. it's the same system that spawned tornadoes in the midwest to this week.
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now storms are sweeping through multiple states in the northeast. this incredible image capturing a lightning bolt striking the statue of liberty's torch. the weather also being blamed on the death of an elderly woman in pennsylvania, when a tree fell diverting and landing safely in baltimore. >> when we dropped and everybody hit th on her car. overnight, a delta airlines flight from milwaukee to new york experienced brief, but severe turbulence, eventually diverting and landing safely in baltimore. >> we dropped and everybody hit the ceiling. >> reporter: we're learning more about a recent southwest airlines flight. the plane faced turbulence and low visibility at laguardia, veering off course. air traffic control told the crew to perform a go-around. the plane eventually landed safely in baltimore. the faa says it's reviewing the incident. this week, airlines have been forced to play catch-up with delays from the storm, and they're also bracing for a major rush.
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the peak of spring break travel expected to culminate today, just as the typical beach getaway crowds converge, with many americans looking for a different kind of sun worship. >> it's sort of a perfect storm. >> reporter: communities along the path of eclipse totality, including some that don't often see a big influx of spring breakers, now getting ready to welcome visitors for monday's solar eclipse. hertz says advanced bookings for this weekend are up a staggering 3,000% from the same time last year. >> we expect a million or more people to visit the state of texas to see the eclipse. that's going to mean a substantial increase in traffic volumes on our major corridors. >> reporter: and for the millions expected to travel in the coming days. the tsa chief says his agency has been working for years to make sure things go smoothly. >> for standard passengers, non-pre-check, generally should wait no longer than 30 minutes. >> reporter: okay. now, if you haven't yet booked your flight for the eclipse and
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you really want to go, i've got to warn you, ticket prices are off the charts, double and triple what they normally are. guys, i had to book a flight for nbc, d.c. to indianapolis to cover the eclipse on sunday, $2,000 round trip! i could go to europe cheaper than that. so just be -- thankfully it' the company credit card. but just be aware, ticket prices are through the roof. back to you. >> just got a notice, you're over your limit, tom. sorry! on the company dime. going to europe seems good. let's say good morning to al. what have you got? >> well, guys, take a look. this is burlington, vermont right now. they are right now in the midst of that snow. in fact, as we go to the radar, you'll see they have that snow going on. boston last hour had a 56-mile-per-hour wind gust. right now there's a ground stop at boston. anything going in or out, going to have a bit of a problem. we're going to watch this system now. you can see the snow up into
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bane gore, maine. they'll be looking at more snow throughout the day today. plus, those winds a big problem here in the northeast. 5 million people with wind gusts of up to 60 miles per hour. so here come these storm systems moving up, moving out, heavy and snow continues for northern new england. scattered showers and windy conditions in the northeast, continue today. tomorrow, this low pressure is going to stall right along the main coast, and so we're going to be looking at chilly, breezy, and scattered, showery conditions with some snow showers to the north. showers along the coast. and we're looking at upwards of 2 1/2 feet more of snow in parts of northern new england. so winter is socked in, spring not coming yet, but it's going to be a blustery day all throughout the northeast and mid-atlantic, guys. >> thank you, al. we'll check back with you in just a little bit. also this morning, search and rescue teams are entering a second day of work after taiwan's strongest earthquake in a quarter century. and they're having to deal with powerful aftershocks, as they comb through the rubble for
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survivors. nbc's janis mackey frayer made her way to taiwan and joins us from there. good morning, janis. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. this is hualien, and this is not the only building in town that's leaning so precariously. it shows how forceful that earthquake was that struck here. this is the area hardest hit, just 11 miles from the epicenter. the numbers are rising, 10 are dead, 1,000 injured, hundreds are trapped and there's an all-out search to reach them. the violent earthquake shaking buildings, making rooftop pools churn and causing landslides. boulders tumbling down roads and crushing cars. today across taiwan, a search for people trapped or missing. some buildings so damaged, they're at risk of falling over. helicopters rescuing remote quarry workers, but dozens remain stranded. the magnitude 7.4 quake made
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roads buckle and houses crumble. staff at this hospital raced to protect newborn babies from feeling the jolt. today in hualien, people are sifting through what's left and what's been lost. memories destroyed in an instant, she says. the urgency now in the mountains along the eastern coast. emergency teams trying to reach hundreds of people trapped on blocked roads, in tunnels, and at hotels in the national park. earthquakes are common in taiwan, sitting on seismic fault lines on the pacific ring of fire. the island is well prepared to deal with them, with a system of cell phone alerts and strict building codes. >> we go inside -- >> reporter: like most people here, jason has been through this before. this was the american's restaurant yesterday. today, he's picking up the pieces and open for business again. there have been more than 200 aftershocks here, and officials
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are warning of more. >> janis, again, you're at a live shot there. that building behind you, just bending over precariously. can you tell us about it? what are officials going to do with that? >> reporter: well, in a very short time, hoda, this building has become a bit of a landmark. we know that it's a residential building, but the ground floor has been completely flattened and there's no hope to have it repaired. because there have been so many aftershocks and because one of those aftershocks could be strong enough to bring it down, local city officials are telling us that they will begin to demolish this building tomorrow, as part of their cleanup of the city. at the same time, the priorities for search and rescue teams remains getting to those hundreds of people who are trapped and need to get to safety. hoda? >> a gigantic task there. janis mackey frayer for us in taiwan, thank you. president biden is set to hold a critical phone call today with israel's prime minister, their first conversation since
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the israeli air strikes in gaza that killed seven aid workers. and this morning, chef jose andres, the founder of world central kitchen, is accusing of israel of systemically targeting the group. nbc's raf sanchez is in tel aviv again for us. hi, raf, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. israel's military is already investigating the killing of those seven aid workers, but now world central kitchen is saying that's not enough. they want an independent investigation, conducted by a third party. they're calling on israel to preserve evidence and chef jose andres is demanding accountability. overnight, world central kitchen calling for an independent investigation into the israeli strikes that killed seven of its aid workers. >> some of the people that died were -- were my friends. >> reporter: the founder of the charity, chef jose andres, speaking out, demanding answers
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on why israeli forces opened fire when the aid convoy was prominently marked and had shared its route in this was not just bad luck situation where, >> they were target, systemically, car by car, so this was not just bad luck situation where, oops, we dropped a bomb in the wrong the. toe truth. to every single place, but we need to know the truth. we owe it to the palestinians that they died before them. to every single other humanitarian organization, we owe it to every children that has died under similar circumstances that should not be happening. >> reporter: israel calling the attack a tragic mistake, saying early findings suggest the vehicles were misidentified in the darkness of night. >> it shouldn't have happened. >> reporter: among the world central kitchen dead, 33-year-old jacob flickinger, a dual u.s. canadian citizen and the father of an infant son. the president making his frustration with israel over the attack public. >> he's outraged and he's heartbroken.
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>> reporter: while more reports emerge of a difficult private meeting the president held this week with muslim community leaders. one palestinian american doctor walking out after just five minutes. >> out of respect of all of the people who have suffered and have been in the process, i need to walk out of the meeting. >> reporter: and "the new york times" reporting that the president told another attendee that the first lady is urging him to end civilian casualties. but the white house says it will continue supplying israel with weapons, including massive 2,000-pound bombs. while in jerusalem, families of the hostages crying out from the gallery of israel's parliament, smearing the glass with yellow paint, as they demand prime minister netanyahu make a deal to bring their loved ones home. and president biden is expected to speak to prime minister netanyahu later on today. it will be their first call since the killing of those aid workers, and it comes amid a very public disagreement between the u.s. and israel over israeli plans to push ahead with an attack on rafah. savannah? >> all right, raf sanchez, thank
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you. 7:14. craig joins the table. good morning, craig. >> hi, hoda, savannah, good morning. good morning to you, as well. the idaho college murders are back in the headlines this morning. attorneys for the suspected killer are preparing to ask for a change of venue ahead of the high-profile trial, and today those attorneys are going to argue that they should be allowed to continue a survey of prospective jurors. let's bring in our senior legal correspondent, laura jarrett. laura, good morning to you. >> hi, guys. >> so what exactly -- what's the purpose of the survey? how typical are surveys like this? >> you see this sometimes, especially in high-profile cases. the whole point is to try to suss out if there's any bias in the community against the defendant, bryan kohberger in this case. now apparently the defense went ahead and just did this all on their own. and that's what got them in hot water with the judge. the judge will haul everybody into court to try to figure out what happened. he wants to put a stop to it, because he's worried about tainting the process. usually, you want to actually coordinate it with the judge, what kind of questions are being asked, that did not happen.
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that's why the judge a little bit upset. >> got it. >> so what are the odds of a change of venue happening? >> i think it's pretty high. this is a very small community. as we've all talked about before, the standard is not, have you ever heard of the case, the standard is, can you be fair? can you be objective? even if you know what the facts are, and the facts here are very heinous, as alleged by the prosecutors, but the town is just so small. we're talking about 20,000 people in the town of moscow, 40,000 in the county as a whole. i think it's just very likely the judge might actually grant it in this case. >> but even if the judge grants it, it just goes somewhere else in idaho. >> the judge stays on the case. everything else stays the same. it shouldn't even really change the timeline. the thing that's most odd is there's still no trial date. it's so odd this far out, that we don't even have a trial day. even if the trial date moves, it's just odd not to at least have one scheduled on the books. >> and there's a gag order on the case, too. makes it hard for the families. let's talk about powerball. we'll cut right to the chase. there were no grand prize winners in last night's drawing.
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that means the jackpot on the rise once again. take a look at this, $1.23 billion. it's the fourth largest jackpot in powerball history. no one has won the top prize since new year's day, and the jackpot has been growing ever since. by the way, the next drawing for everybody who's in the pool at the "today" show, saturday night. let's go! >> there's a good chance that . wow, wow, wow, mr. rok it's going to get even bigger. we're talking perhaps $1.5 billion. >> wow! wow, wow, wow, mr. roker! >> the more we can say "billions," the better it is for us! right. can i just get a freaking shark with a laser on its head?! anyway, we are looking at a wet weather situation with some snow out west. rockies are going to be nice and warm today with temperatures into the 70s. we're looking at more wet weather making its way across the great lakes, breezy and chilly down to the southeast. beautiful weather down through texas, plenty of sunshine. if we can just hold on to that into monday. but it's not looking that great. snowy and windy as we get your way up into new england. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon. good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are seeing widespread rain coming into the bay area, and we will see most of this happening over the next few hours, tapering off to spotty activity with a chance of thunderstorms today and tomorrow. it will be trending drier for the weekend but we are still chilly with temperatures in the low 60s. warming up and clearing out for next week in time for the partial solar eclipse we will see on monday.
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>> and that's your latest weather. next half hour, we'll take a look at the eclipse forecast. >> oh, good. >> getting close right now. >> al, thank you! still ahead, a shocking death that's making worldwide headlines. an american tourist on an elephant attack. jacob soboroff on the story. >> a lot of people have seen this video online and are talking about. we'll tell you what happened and why and talk to experts about the african safari killed in an elephant attack. jacob soboroff on the story. >> reporter: hey, savannah. a lot of people have seen this video online and are talking about it. we'll tell you what happened and why and talk to experts about the encounter. how it happened, and how to avoid one in the future. >> all right, thanks. also ahead, amid the rapid rise in weight-loss drugs, we're taking an inside look at the growing anti-diet movement. its message all over social media and who's behind it may surprise you. but first, this is "today" on
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sometimes all you need to get the party started... is a little help from your friends. ♪♪ everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort... for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. starting april 26th. just ahead here on a thursday morning, an update on
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princess kate's health. during a milestone weekend in her life and for royal watchers. >> she was first photographed with prince william 20 years ago. we're going to look at how their relationship has evolved and the challenges they're navigating as a family two decades later. but first, your local news and weather. gory... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements.
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7:24 am
has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. mmmmm. huh? mom, you ok in there? i'm tear-ific! enjoy the go with charmin. for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness,
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dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. i'm going to miss you so much! oh! i just got an online offer from carmax to sell this mom van. this is the greatest day of my life! (dramatic sigh) the saddest day of my life! (♪♪) [beep beep] (♪♪) mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. mmm! this dunkin' cold is just right. and this dunkin' cold is just right. and this dunkin' cold is just right. how long is she going to do this? the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets.
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the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. good morning. it's 7:26. i am ginger conejero saab. we're following breaking news out of the south bay. protesters are gathering at
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lockheed martin's research campus in sunnyvale. these are images the group shared with us. they are protesting due to the contractor's role in helping israel in the ongoing war in the middle east. don't forget to watch our "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. bob redell is on his way to the rally and will bring us updates throughout the morning on air and online. he will also join us live at 8:00, so scan the qr to learn more about our streaming channels. also, meteorologist, kari hall, is looking at our weather, and we are started out dry and now are wetter out on the roads? >> it will be a soggy commute. we are seeing widespread rain really starting to make its way across much of the bay area. that's going to be the case through 9:00 to 10:00, and then a brief break in the activity with lingering showers into the rest of the day and potentially even thunderstorms.
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we will also see off and on wet weather tomorrow, and then it looks drier for the weekend as our temperatures remain on the cool side, and only in the low 60s inland. next week we are going to be warming up with a mostly sunny sky, up to 80 next weekend. we are looking at also a big change in san francisco, mid-50s for today and tomorrow and a breezy wind with off and on showers and potentially thunderstorms. looking at much warmer temperatures by the middle of next week. hitting 70 along the coastline, ginger. >> like a weather roller coaster, kari. we will have another local news update for you in half an hour. we will see you then.
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♪♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh, my gosh! we're back, 7:30. we're playing air supply, 1983 >> no, we do not. but there is one! the music icons may be getting their very power ballad, "making love." >> why are we doing that? >> do we need a reason? >> no, we do not. but there is one! the music icons may be getting their very own big screen biopic. >> good. >> i mean -- could we want that more? >> i wish that our viewers and our listeners could hear the savannah guthrie singing voice that we get. >> it's quite good. >> no, it's -- no. >> i don't know. you may be wasting your talents. >> we'll have that coming up in "popstart." first, we have a lot to get no this half hour, starting with this harrowing video. you may have seen it, but take a look here. you can actually see an elephant charging a truck full of
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tourists during an african safari and an 80-year-old american was killed in that attack. >> nbc's jacob soboroff joins us with that story. good morning, jacob. >> hey, hoda, good morning you guys. this is a tragic and we should point out exceedingly rare incident. happened over the weekend in kafue national park in zambia, but it did come just days after another safari elephant run-in in south africa. >> reporter: video capturing the moment the trip of a life time turned deadly. >> oh my goodness. >> reporter: a group of tourists on safari in zambia spotting a bull elephant. >> hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! >> reporter: the animal then charging their truck. the massive elephant flipped the truck over, leaving a 79-year-old american woman dead. overnight, the woman's daughter, identifying her as gayle madison of minnesota, sharing photos from the fatal trip in a facebook post, writing madson lost her life. in a tragic accident while on
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her dream adventure. another woman was injured and treated at a nearby medical facility. the ceo of the tour company wilderness said the guides are extremely well trained and experienced. but the track's vegetation was so thick, they had to go to another space. is there blame, do you think to be placed on that guide for leading them into an area where there was no way out? >> no, i don't think so jacob. it's extremely rare to see an elephant that irate react so aggressively. >> reporter: but it's not the first time an encounter with these majestic creatures got too close for comfort. >> hey, hey! >> reporter: last month, a bull elephant rocked this 22-seat safari truck in south africa's national park. henry blum had just gotten off the truck. he filmed the encounter while hiding from the elephant nearby. >> the elephant was there and he was huge and he was like head-to-head with the truck. >> reporter: no one was hurt in the incident.
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the guide told the group that the bull elephant was in a state of breeding known as must, which also could have been the case with the elephant who charged the truck in zambia. wildlife attacks on safari are extremely rare, death among tourists even more so. >> across africa, there are thousands and thousands of guests on safari on a daily basis, with no negative consequences. >> you did mention that this is super rare, but if you do find yourself in that kind of a situation, what on earth are you supposed to do? >> so here's the deal, the safari guide and the photographer that we spoke to stress that the best thing to do in these situations is to trust your guide. never, ever jump out of the vehicle and run for it, he said, since, believe it or not, elephants can run over 20 miles an hour. he's worked with a tour company that was actually leading the group who were charge there had in zambia and they said that they are one of the best in africa. >> all right, jacob soboroff for us there on that story. thank you. all right, coming up, it's a skin-crawling invasion that is unfolding down in florida.
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check this out here. what are those fuzzy bugs and why are people being told to look, but do not touch? we'll explain. >> who wants to touch those? >> well, you'd be surprise. >> is that a thing? >> yes. first, at a time when everybody seems to be clamoring for those weight loss drugs, a rather unexpected movement growing online. vicky nguyen looking into it fo food companies are using it to encourage you to eat sugary, processed food. processed food. i'll have the vy lerat if you're taking an antidepressant, us. hi, vick. >> good morning. have you heard of the anti-diet trend? well, now paid influencers and food companies are using it to encourage you to eat sugary, processed food. processed food. i'll have the very latest in the to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects.
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7:37 am
(ethan) i remember seeing the menthol cigarette ads talking about how they were fresh and soothing. here's my tip. smoking any type of cigarette can cause a stroke. and there's nothing soothing about that. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (jeremy) ruka likes food that tastes good. she won't eat anything that she doesn't want to eat. she's a headstrong little lady. there's no faking it with her. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food, and...
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(jeremy) she loved it. i was super surprised. i want food that's healthy, nutritious, and something she'll love. (nicole) what's for dinner tonight? (jeremy) it's tastefuls from blue buffalo for this little girl. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls and find out why one taste is all it takes. available in dry, wet, and singles. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years.
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skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions... ...and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,... ...had a vaccine, or plan to. ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time,... ...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one... ...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ back now, 7:38. with "in-depth today." this morning, the conversation aren't weight loss that seems to be reaching a fever pitch. >> yeah, indeed. so much of it, as you know, is sent ed around drugs like ozempic now being used by nearly 10 million americans, but there's also pushback with a growing number of people talking about the anti-diet movement. >> all right.
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nbc's senior consumer investigative correspondent vicky nguyen is on the case. hey, vick, good morning. >> good morning to you. look, the anti-diet movement, it's been around for a long time. in fact, over the years, it has grown in response to the countless diets marketed to us from paleo to atkins. well, now people are taking to social media to share, hey, it's okay to eat cookies and carbs. no foods are off limits. but some say companies are now taking advantage of that messaging to try to sell their products. is this trend helping or harming your health? we investigate. >> whatever. i'm getting cheese fries. >> reporter: dieting has been part of the american psyche for generations. >> resolution number one, obviously, we'll lose 20 pounds. >> reporter: people constantly debating what you can eat and what you can't. >> five foods you should never eat if you want to lose weight. >> reporter: but as more people are leaning into the weight loss drug frenzy, there's another social media trend gaining traction, too.
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>> you do not need to eat healthy in order to lose weight. >> reporter: the anti-diet movement. the idea that you can remove shame about what you eat and still have some of the foods you crave. >> i'm an anti-diet dietitian. of course i'm going to tell you it's okay to eat pasta. >> reporter: a quick social media search turns up dozens of hashtags, like, no food rules, no bad foods, and calories don't count. mills to promote sugary snacks and cereal products. >> i am partnering with general now an investigation from "the washington post" finds some anti-diet dietitians and influencers are being paid by companies including general mills to promote sugary snacks and cereal products. >> i am partnering with general mills. everyone deserves to enjoy food without judgment. >> reporter: "the post" investigation finding at least ten registered dietitians promoted general mills cereal on social media in the last year, some showing customized boxes with their names featured. a general mills spokesperson tells "the post," it complies with federal regulations and works closely with a variety of scientific, health, nutrition, and other credentialed experts to ensure we provide accurate evidence-based information. >> we have to take away the shame and blame that goes along with a lot of the -- this idea
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of dieting. >> reporter: more than 40% of adult americans have obesity. >> obesity is a killer in our country. is that true? >> obesity is currently our largest epidemic in our country today. >> reporter: registered dietitian nicole growman, who has a sponsorship deal with a wellness company, hopes dietitians would still post these anti-diet messages whether or not they're being paid. >> i believe that they would be saying this even if they weren't getting paid by the brands. >> is there a danger to this anti-diet diet trend? >> the danger is if you only get your messaging from something like social media. >> well, vicky, what should people keep in mind? especially if you're considering trying some of those promoted items or things that influencers or influencer dietitians are suggesting. >> yeah. it's so important, first and foremost, to know who you are, and talk to your doctor or a nutritionist, one on one. not just listening to social media, and thinking that that is the advice. and especially if these folks are sponsored, you want to do your research and understand where their messaging is coming
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from? read the nutrition labels, and this idea that you can eat everything in moderation and listen to your body, it's great in theory. i think in practice, a lot of us need help, especially if you've been in a yo-yo diet, you have an unhealthy relationship with food, you have to deal with the. there are multiple components to this. going on social media mental hunger, the emotional hunger and the physical hunger. there are multiple components to this. going on social media and hearing someone say, calories don't count, nothing is off-limits, eat whatever you want, well, if you eat sugary, overprocessed foods, you'll be right where you don't want to be. >> it fails to understand the struggles that so many people have. if i could eat in moderation we wouldn't be having this conversation. a lot of us eat for various reasons. >> exactly. >> what i learned from this is having support and professional advice is most important. >> yeah. >> thank you, vick. >> vicky, thank you. 7:43, mr. roker. another check of the weather? >> okeydokey. let's show you what's going on. take a look. the eclipse forecast for monday.
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now, if you're in the path of totality from texas into new england, you've got a total eclipse. but the further away you go like for florida, it's about 60%. you get in the pacific northwest, it's 40%. here is the latest we got now. fairly cloudy. the gulf coast on into the northern plains. the blue is clear. the gray cloudier. austin, texas, an 80% cloud cover chance. dallas, 60%. little rock, 50%. you move further to the northeast, cape girardeau, missouri, about 30% of cloud cover. that's looking good. indianapolis will be great. cleveland, about 60% coverage of clouds. buffalo, 50%. 30 in burlington. and holton, maine, going to be looking perfect, about 3:32 when that happens, only 20% of cloud cover. highs today, 15 to 20 degrees below average from the mississippi into the east. boston, only 39 today. charleston, 44. nashville, 55. that's 13 degrees cooler than average. tomorrow, more of that cool
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weather from albany, looks like knoxville, st. louis, only 57. and it stays warmer, though, as we get into next week. nashville, you'll be in the low 70s. tallahassee into the low 80s. savannah, 79 degrees. baton rouge seeing temperatures in the low 80s. that's what's going on around i am kari hall. we are going to see this moving through for the next couple of hours, and, yes, temperatures are cold enough for our hills and mountains around the bay area to get snow. activity tapers off by late morning into the early afternoon, and then another wave of rain, potentially thunderstorms moving in this eve >> and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. coming up, surprising news from conan o'brien on the former late neck of the woods.
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>> and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. coming up, surprising news from conan o'brien on the former late night host's return to 30 rock. we'll have that story in a can't-miss morning boost from hoda. they're always can't miss, but this time we mean it. >> for real. >> seriously. >> right after this. it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum. they're not sitting. -and it rocks... you need to sit down. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪
7:47 am
this charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth. charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. charmin, enjoy the go. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? for a smooth more enjoyable go. maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. you know those mornings when it takes just a little bit extra to get you out of bed? this might be it. wake up to the goodness of jimmy dean.
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no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. (restaurant noise) introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking.
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with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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all right! well, i've been in show business now 45 seconds, and this is the nicest reception i've ever had. thank you very much. >> sheinelle with us, back with that clip of conan o'brien's very first appearance of host of "late night" back in september of 1993. >> of course, he went on to host on nbc for 17 years, after leaving under, let's call it, not so great terms. it's just been announced that conan will be returning to "the tonight show" as jimmy fallon's guest on april 9th, his first in-person appearance on the show in nearly 15 years. >> that's a good thing to see. >> good for him! >> it will be hilarious. >> return to 30 rock. there's some comedy potential there. >> let's get a can't-miss boost. >> i gotcha, girl. if you're looking for a way to entertain your toddler and your dog at the exact same time, we've got the answer. it comes thanks to a mom named maggie in cincinnati, ohio.
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[ baby laughing ] [ baby laughing ] >> so cute! >> that's so cute! loves to jump and chase the bubbles and her son, gus, thinks it's hilarious. she says, quote, this house runs on bubbles and bel >> love it! so maggie says that jace loves to jump and chase the bubbles and her son, gus, thinks it's hilarious. she says, quote, this house runs on bubbles and belly laughs. >> that laugh -- those laughs are just priceless, they are. >> by the way, gus, that's a great name! >> so cute. listen to this. just ahead, calling all super fans of harry styles, the perfect job for you has just opened up. we're going to have the details in "popstart." plus, 20 years after the world was first introduced to kate middleton as prince william's girlfriend, we are going to look back at their changing roles in the royal family and get the latest on her health challenges. first a check of your local news
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and the weather. and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. we're about to go on a little adventure together. ta-da!
7:53 am
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7:54 am
from day 1, its proven natural nutrition supports charlie's strong immune system... and ginger's healthy heart. (vo) healthy differences today and for a lifetime. purina one. a difference from day one. did you know... 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls... locks in moisture to repair 6 months of damage in one wash, without weigh down. guaranteed or your money back! for resilient, healthy-looking hair... if you know, you know it's pantene. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪)
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good morning. it's 7:56. i am marcus washington. i am ginger conejero saab. here's a look at what is happening now. we are following breaking news on the future of the a's. the team is moving forward with playing ball in west sacramento. the deal means the a's calling sutter health park home ahead of
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its planned move to vegas. currently the team's lease at the oakland coliseum is set to expire at the end of the baseball season. the sacramento rivercats says it does not plan to cut down on any home games. don't forget to watch our "today in the bay" newscast on roku and other streaming platforms. kris sanchez is going to cover this and bring us updates on air and online, and she will join us at 8:00. scan the qr code to learn more about the streaming channels. let's get a look at the forecast today. meteorologist, kari hall, has a look at our rainy start. >> yeah, we are seeing widespread rain this morning in time for the morning commute, and we are looking at gusty winds and the sierra has a winter weather in effect. if you have the nbc bay area
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app, you will have the same tool right there on your smartphone. back to you. >> thanks, kari. we will have another local news update coming up in the next half hour. make sure you join us for our 8:00 newscast, where we will have a congressman in to talk about issues concerning the east bay and bay area. we will see you then.
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it's not just designed to look good. it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior. it's a quiet refuge. ♪ ♪ they're not just headlights. they light the way forward. the fully electric audi q8 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, unrelenting. another round of severe weather battering the country, causing thousands of travel delays and cancellations. we're live with your latest
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forecast. plus, in the spotlight. we are marking 20 years since the world was first introduced to kate middleton. >> 20 years on is an absolute relationship for the ages. >> looking back at her changing role in the royal family and the latest on her health battle.unf basketball superstar >> then, she made it! amid an unforgettable season, basketball superstar caitlin clark adds another win under her belt. >> it's been a special year for women's basketball. so to win this award is really special. >> ahead of iowa's big final four game this weekend. the details, coming up.pop! ♪ hello >> and let's pop! ♪ hello from the other side ♪ >> adele is set to get back on stage in vegas. ♪ ♪ i'm all out of love, i'm so lost without you ♪ >> air supply set to hit the big screen. i'm finally home. and "snl" flips its wig. >> oh, hey, christine. >> today, thursday, april 4th,
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2024. ♪ >> happy birthday, aunt leah. >> watching in enterprise, alabama. >> on a mother/daughter trip doctor from virginia beach, virginia. >> visiting from louisiana! >> houston, texas! >> rhode island! >> norman, oklahoma! >> and midlothian, virginia! >> good morning, grandma, watching in charlotte, north carolina. >> celebrating our 40th anniversary. >> four generations! >> on a trip to new york. >> to celebrate my 70th birthday! >> that's how you want to celebrate 70! surrounded by your friends, your family and with us. we're happy to spend it with you. happy thursday, happy everybody. >> partying out there. >> got to keep it moving, because it's still a little chilly out there.
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guys, tomorrow on "today," we've got an update on a pretty remarkable story. this is about a mom who jumped into action when her young son was hit by a baseball during a little league game. what she did next saved his life and they will join us with a message they want all families to hear. guys, the timing could not be worse. dangerous thunderstorms and driving rain have made it a real mess at the airports, and it's happening just as spring break travel reaches its peak and others head out for the next week's solar eclipse. we'll get to al in just a minute, but first, nbc's senior correspondent tom costello is at reagan national with a look at some of these frustrating days ahead for us. hey, tom, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, a busy day. listen, we have blue skies in d.c. today, but boy, up and down the east coast, the last 24 hours have really been a mess. and now we have the ripple effect and the day after effect. we had 1,100 flight cancellations yesterday. we're at about 300 nationwide right now. take a look at this photograph of lightning hitting the empire -- no, not the empire
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state building -- the statue of liberty and the torch. that will end up on a postcard or go viral very quickly. that's a phenomenal picture, but it speaks to the violent weather we had in new york city and up and down the east coast yesterday. heavy, heavy rain, very torrential rain, heavy winds, all of that impacted the airports, also, significant flooding throughout the entire northeast and especially new york city. all the way down into florida. we've got today, heavy snow hitting the northeast, especially vermont, on into maine, on into the canadian atlantic provinces and they've got snow causing road closures, school closures as well on some power outages, already at this hour. that is all impacting flights again today. we expect the ripple effect as the airlines try to catch up, and it's all coming on the rebound day from spring break. today alone expected to be the heaviest travel day for spring breakers coming back, but now
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we've got eclipse viewers going out, they're going out to see the eclipse, trying to get to those areas that will be in the total eclipse zone. a lot will be covered by cloud cover, but indianapolis, especially, is expected to be a clear viewing sight, at least at this hour. so a lot of people heading there. that's driving up airfares, driving up the cost of rental s as well on the eclipse run. >> a lot going on. and there's a lot of potential for more severe weather. mr. roker, how is it looking? >> well, the cars and hotels. it's going to be a busy few days as well on the eclipse run. guys, back to you. >> yeah. a lot going on. and there's a lot of potential for more severe weather. mr. roker, how is it looking? >> well, the good news is, the system is kind of wrapping up, but it's going to be more of a nuisance really, over the next 24 hours. you can see the snow right now, still in vermont, upstate new york, bangor, maine. going to be picking up more snow, as well. wind gusts a big problem, especially for air travel or high-profile vehicles on the road. 5 million people affected by that. you'll see this double barrel low pressure system. this one will be the one that kind of hangs around, bringing snow, continually to maine, a little lake-effect snow in the
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wrap around from this, as well, chilly and breezy with showers. and again, another 24 inches of snow or more over the next 24 hours for our friends in maine. but other than that, things die down. but again, we are going to be looking at a lot of windy conditions and that will be the big problems for airports. guys? >> thank you, al. we'll check back. the parents of michigan school shooter ethan crumbley would each be facing at least a decade behind bars. james and jennifer crumbley are the first parents in the united states to be held responsible for a mass shooting by their child. both were convicted of involuntary manslaughter for failing to secure the gun that ethan used to kill four of his classmates. prosecutors said yesterday, they will ask the judge for the 10 to 15-year prison term when the two are sentenced next week. that's according to copies of prosecution memos obtained by nbc news. their son is serving life in prison without the possibility of parole. people in central florida are being warned to keep away
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from the unusual-looking caterpillars that are now making their once-a-year return. toxic moth caterpillars, they start falling out of the trees when the weather turns warmer. here's the thing, their barbed hairs can actually stick to your skin and cause itching and redness for a day or two. a few. the good news is, though, they will grow their wings and be gone by may. >> fly off! >> they'll go. all right. iowa bas experts say you should even avoid them when they go into their cocoons in a few weeks. the good news is, though, they will grow their wings and be gone by may. >> fly off! >> they'll go. all right. iowa basketball sensation caitlin clark had a day off yesterday, but she did some heavy lifting, anyway. she accepted the 2024 naismith award as the women's college player of the year. that trophy, by the way, weighs about 20 pounds. it's the second straight year that clark has won that honor. she said it felt different this year because she is a senior. clark thanked her teammates, her coaches, and you know what, she'll be in action tomorrow for
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the hawkeyes final four against the uconn huskies. a friday night game. get out the popcorn at your house. >> we're ready. >> a great weekend of college basketball. coming up, how kristen wiig is gearing up to join "snl's" exclusive five-timers club this weekend. and what she just found in her old dressing room. >> i love it! first, a relationship milestone for princess kate and prince william, 20 years in the making. the impact she's had on the royal family, her biggest challenge yet. we're live at buckingham palace, right after this. -what? -why stress about the unlikely? does a killer clown worry about being struck by lightning while winning the lottery? -sure don't. but your odds of falling victim to online crime are 1 in 4. you need aura. you, your family all protected from scary online stuff. [ laughs ] aah! protect everything your family does online with aura. i'm going to miss you so much! oh! i just got an online offer from carmax
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to sell this mom van. this is the greatest day of my life! (dramatic sigh) the saddest day of my life! (♪♪) [beep beep] (♪♪) (geri) i smoked, and i have copd. my children are really worried. my tip is, send your kids a text. it may be the last time that you do. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture. cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack!
8:10 am
i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition...
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ma, i want to make perfume! ♪♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax. this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. we're back. 8:10 with a milestone in the lives of princess kate and prince william along with royal watchers all around the world. >> well, it was 20 years ago this week, hoda, that they were first photographed together, so fast forward -- that's the shot right there. fast forward to today, they are the future king and queen of england, raising their family and kate now facing treatment for cancer. >> nbc's molly hunter at buckingham palace. hey, molly, good morning. >> hey, guys, good morning.
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that's right, it has been two decades since the world and we first met then kate middleton. of course, now the princess of wales and the future queen, and it all started with this photo. take a look. >> reporter: 20 years ago this week, a history-making headline. will gets the girl, on the cover of the sun newspaper, the first snaps of a young william and kate together on the swiss slopes back in 2004. their relationship kept under wraps until then, setting off a tabloid obsession with the now future queen. >> they tried to keep it private, was of course, there was intense speculation. there was immense pressure at this time for them. >> two started dating at st. andrews university, where kate famously strolled the catwalk at a charity fashion show. the couple graduated in 2005, william's grandmother, the late queen, one of his guests. the following year, multiple public appearances, including at queen camilla's daughters wedding, fueling speculation that this may be forever. but like her late mother-in-law,
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princess diana, photographers hounded her, even documenting their brief breakup in 2007. >> at the time, i wasn't very happy about it, but actually it made me a stronger person. >> and after much speculation, . princess diana's sapphire engagement ring on full display, followed by a blockbuster royal wedding. over the last decade, the finally, in 2010, what the world had been waiting for, those famous engagement photos. princess diana's sapphire engagement ring on full display, followed by a blockbuster royal wedding. over the last decade, the now-future queen has become one of the hardest working royals, one of the most popular, a steady senior presence at major events. she and william welcomed three children in five years, dutifully showing off each newborn to the press. the wales' children stealing the country's heart at public events, and william and kate shining at king charles' coronation. now, the princess of wales
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sharing with the public that she's undergoing preventative cancer treatment. >> for 20 years on, it is an absolute relationship for the ages. there are testing times at the moment with kate's health, the king's health, as well, but this is a family who will pull together and i think william and kate are the embodiment of that. >> reporter: and after two decades in the public eye, kate and william now asking for privacy as she recovers. now, we know the wales family is taking some time over these easter holidays. the kids are all off school for at least another two weeks. we also know, though, guys, kate is excited to get back to her public-facing duties as soon as she's able. savannah, hoda? >> all right, thank you, molly. >> let's talk more about where william and kate have been and where they're headed, also at buckingham palace, we have daisy mcandrew. good morning. let's rewind the tape to 20 years ago and what that moment was about. they have this long courtship, but it was rumored that they were together, and then they, i
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assume, were okay with the shot coming out, and then kate middleton is shot out of a cannon into the public eye. >> reporter: exactly right. i think it must have been very worrying for william back 20 years ago, because, of course, he had watched his mother be subjected to so much intense scrutiny, as the times she was a princess of wales, knowing if he was serious about a girl, if he was going to propose, get married, put her through that, that this wasn't going to just change that girl's private life, it was going to change her and her entire family's life forever. you can see why we did have this rather protracted, will they, won't they, on/off relationship until the engagement was finally formally announced. >> i think it was so remarkable how she navigated those waters. because you think, she was an unknown, and all of a sudden, she's the middle of everything, on every magazine cover and she seemed to do it with such grace. how did she navigate those waters? did someone help her or did she have bumps along the road? >> i think one thing that really did help her, and she's spoken about this in the past, was her
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tight family. her parents, michael and carol and her two siblings, and they really gave her the foundation to be able to face the world. but once she was formally a member of the firm, the royal family, she did get considerable help. we know that she did get a lot of help from prince edwards' wife, sophie. although there is 17 years between them, she also did come from a fairly ordinary family life, thrust into royal life. we know the queen, when the queen passed away, william said how grateful he had been that his grandmother had given his wife 20 years of guidance of being her mentor and looking after her. and of course, there were people behind the scenes. there was one particularly point courtier called sir david manning, who really took on that mantle of guiding kate through those early years. he helped her with her official duties. he had actually been our ambassador in the united states for four years. hi accompanied them, for instance, on their first visit, william and kate, to canada.
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so there were people behind the scenes and more famous people, who were holding her hand. >> and daisy, even just to hear her speak is so rare. do we have any sense of what she's like, you know, behind the scenes? what her personality is? >> reporter: b everybody says she's a team player. she's not somebody that's ever really wanted or relished the limelight. of course, she's found herself slap bang in the spotlight, but it wasn't really something that she yearned for. we know that she was crippled by nerves when she first came on to the public scene, that she found public speaking a horrendous experience, and certainly had some guidance and help on that. she was very reticent to make solo engagements in those first years. and i think many people just said, this is a marathon, not a sprint. you don't need to rush into this. you're going to be in this role for the rest of your life. and i think she took that guidance and advice to heart. and has slowly, slowly come into her own.
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she's now very confident to stand in that spotlight, but she knows that she has power and influence, and she's using that push the issues that she cares most deeply about, like, for instance, the early years, children under the age of 5, how important those years are, she's set up a foundation, she's working very hard on that. she has found her role, but she hasn't rushed into it. >> yeah. and i think now, people admired her then, but i'm thinking about how many people admire her so much more now with what she's going through. >> daisy, thank you so much. >> reporter: pleasure. should we get another check of the weather? al's been over there waiting patiently. >> yes, you have! >> here you go! it's worth waiting for. beautiful weather from the plains all the way down to texas. we've got a system coming into the pacific northwest, northern california, going to be bringing some rain and snow there. and we're looking, you can see the spin of that low pressure system around the great lakes, bringing some snow. temperatures in the 30s up into new england. 40s and 50s in the mid-mississippi ohio river valleys.
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warming up as you get into texas and california, 70s and 80s there. for today, a beautiful day in the rockies, plenty of sunshine, breezy and chilly through the southeast, but some sunshine, snowy and windy in parts of the northeast and showery in the upper ohio river valley. here's what's going on aund the >> for those of you rushing out the door, remember, we are on the radio, sirius xm channel u.
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you'll never get that hour 108. "today" show confidential, coming up, at 1:00. you'll never get that hour back, but in the meantime, "popstart" best time of the morning. >> i thought you were going to say something, i don't know -- >> shall we dance? >> yes, let's do. >> first up, kristen wiig, the former "snl" star is back in studio 8h, ready to host this week's episode. and in the hilarious new promo, it seems like some things have changed since she left the show. >> i'm finally home. the best part about being home, returning to your childhood bedroom, or in my cases, dressing room. loren promised they would always leave it just the way i left it. i can't wait to see all my old wigs, my old -- >> have you not played this. oh, hey, christine. lore-n said we could have your old room. >> yeah, you like what we did with the place? >> yeah, it's great. it's going to be a long week. mama's back, you little [ bleep ].
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>> just going to take my stuff. >> oh, thank you, she took the trash out! christine, thank you for that! >> that was funny. >> she's so darned likable, isn't she. you can catch kristin hosting this weekend's episode right here on nbc with british singer ray as the musical guest. next up, carol burnett. the legendary comedian was on conan o'brien's podcast this week and revealed she's just us like us. she's in a group like us. the icon is in a group chat with her buddy and palm royal co-star allison janney and addicted to a couple popular word games. >> allison and i, we wordle. >> a lot of friendships end that way, if you're not care. >> yeah, we wordle. >> uh-huh. >> that may be the most intimate relationship of this modern era, is if you're wordling with someone. >> and even connections, you know that one? >> yes. >> so we -- allison and i are into connections and wordling.
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>> you know connections. >> i don't know that one. >> that's the complicated one. it's the purple one. >> isn't that funny, like, purple one, got it! next up, hello, it's adele. the chart topper recently postponed a month worth of her las vegas shows while she was recovering from some health issues. but new dates have been set. anyone who had to wait for their weekends with adele las vegas concert will have the chance to see the grammy winner this fall. the shows have been rescheduled for fridays and saturdays in october and november. and rumor has it that concert is worth the wait. >> that's going to be good? >> next up, this is a good one, harry styles. it has been over a decade since the former one directioner took us around his hometown in the band's documentary. >> every other part of my life has changed, apart from like coming down here, it's exactly the same. my first kiss was down there.
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i kissed a girl like a bit further down, against a tree. it was pretty steamy. >> i wonder where she is now. that's an interview. >> wow! say more about that. >> now, here's the story, harry's hometown is calling all styles superfans. that village where harry grew up is hiring official tour guides to help tell the story of his life. they posted a job listing, seeking an expert to lead walking tours, highlighting significant locations from the global superstars, like -- >> they should hire maybe that girl! >> they should hire the girl. could be the job for her. she has to come out of hiding. even writing in the post, if you're ready to combine your love for harry styles with a rewarding job as a tour guide, apply now. so if you're sitting at home this morning and you find yourself doing a lot of late-night talking about the grammy winner, the clock is ticking. the application closes april 15th. >> pretty cool. >> good luck. >> and finally, air supply. these guys are about to get the hollywood treatment. ♪ i'm so lost without you ♪
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♪ i know you were right ♪ ♪ i'm all out of love ♪ ♪ what am i without you ♪ ♪ i can't be too late ♪ ♪ to say that i was so wrong ♪ >> why haven't we done this for halloween? that would be a good one. according to "variety," an air supply biopic is in the works. the title, "all out of love: the air supply story." the movie is slated to be released next summer in honor of the band's 50th anniversary. over the course of the '80s, they charted eight top ten hits, including "the one that you love" "and making love out of nothing at all." filming is set to take place in australia and the uk. >> why you making your place? >> go to your birthplace? >> i was going back to the '80s and seventh grade dance and the hug dance and stuff. remember that? >> i do. i do. >> sounds like you were that
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girl against the tree. >> no, i wished i were, but no, i wasn't, sadly. >> still ahead, get ready to flay all day! bobby is in the house and he will transform your kitchen into the ultimate steak house with his ultimate recipe for ribeyes and fries. al roker, that is a 2" rib eye steak.
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good morning. it's 8:26. i am marcus washington. we are following breaking news on the future of the a's. the team is moving forward with playing ball in west sacramento.
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that deal means the a's calling sutter health park home is ahead of the planned move to las vegas. currently the team's lease at oakland coliseum is expected to expire at the end of this baseball season. sutter health park is already home to the sacramento rivercats, and that team says it does not plan to cut down any of its home games. let's get a look at the forecast today, and meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking what we can expect. >> widespread rain along with cold temperatures, and we have a chance of thunderstorms into tomorrow. temperatures in the upper 50s, and even though the cool weather continues for the next several days, we will see some clearing skies for saturday and sunday, and a gradual warm-up in our forecast through the middle of next week with a high of 80 degrees. for san francisco, expect mid-50s for today and tomorrow and a mix of sun and clouds for the weekend. in time for the solar eclipse on monday, it's clearing out, marcus. >> thanks, kari.
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we will have another local news update for you coming up in 30 minutes. see you back here then.
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app.
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it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app. 8:30 ♪
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8:30 now thursday morning, otherwise known as friday eve by craig melvin. we're so happy to see these faces on our crowd this morning. feeling good out here. the rain is gone. >> the rain still -- >> you can see clearly now, the rain is gone. college decisions that can be extremely stressful of for them and their parents, so we'll find healthy ways there. it's that time of year a lot of teens are finding out about college decisions that can be extremely stressful of for them and their parents, so we'll find healthy ways of dialing back the pressure. also ahead, something that isn't talked about nearly enough. women and hair loss. what causes it and why younger women are dealing with that. we're also going to let you know what the best treatments are. so we brought in an expert and we've got some answers. also, how lucky are we on this fri-yay eve. bobby flay in the kitchen, firing up a ribeye, some fries. straight from the menu of his latest restaurant out in vegas.
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we'll get that recipe, and we'll also get into this debate bobby started to serve the steak, a big debate on the internet. >> okay. we're all going to be watching the third hour for a behind the scenes look at al's special night on broadway, when he joined the back to the futurecast. that's going to be good. >> it was fun. tomorrow, be prepared to be amazed. we'll meet the youngest mentalist in the world, a teenager who is blowing minds and he'll be doing some of his mental magic live, right here. >> i love magic. how about a magical forecast. >> let's see what we've got for you. take a look, for the weekend, blustery and cold on friday, sunny skies from the plains down to the gulf, heavy snow out west. and on saturday, we're expecting breezy conditions in new england. strong storms firing up in the midplains. snow in the rockies. sunday, sunday, plenty of sun along the east coast, widespread showers along the plains into the mississippi river valley, some wet weather in the pacific northwest. good thursday morning.
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i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are seeing some widespread rain across the bay area, even some snow coming down on our bay area hills and mountains and thunderstorms developing in the santa cruz mountains. this is not typical for this time of year. it is very cold out there, off-and-on rain as the storm system rolls down the coastline and then ramping up again later this evening. weather. oh, ms. guthrie? >> sorry, this is my three new besties here on the plaza. >> you know what's coming up just ahead? >> what? do tell me. >> expert help for parents and teens. >> this is one of her friend's pictures. managing the stress and pressure of college admissions season. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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mugs. i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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welc welcome back. if you have a high school senior at home, you know this time of year can be most exciting and kids are eager to find out which colleges they were accepted to, so how can your family navigate the many, many feelings they're having? jennifer wallace is the author of "never enough: when achievement culture becomes toxic and what we can do about it." jennifer, good morning. it's great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> it's shocking how much pressure teens feel and it starts actually far earlier than that. you write in your book, it's heavily researched, it says, our kids are absorbing the idea their worth is contingent on their performance, the gpa, the number of social media followers
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they have. their college brands, not for who they are deep at their core. it really has become like that. how do we emphasize what really matters with our kids? >> that's exactly right. i heard over and over again in my conversations that kids felt like their value was pegged to their gpa or their college brand. but for the book, i went in i want to know what they had in common, what did their parents focus on at home, and what was school like? it boils down to this idea that the kids who were doing search of the healthy strivers, as i call them. i want to know what they had in common, what did their parents focus on at home, and what was school like? i get into it at length in the book. it boils down to this idea that the kids who were doing well, despite the pressure, felt like they mattered, for who they were, deep inside, away from their achievements, and you know, accomplishments. and i will tell you, mattering acts like a protective shield. it's not as if they didn't have failures, they got rejected from colleges, but they knew their worth was not pegged to these things. >> how do you define a healthy striver? how do you know if you have an unhealthy striver at home? >> i think you know. if your child is experiencing
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excessive social comparison, envy, and they don't have the tools to manage it, that is a big red flag. and those feelings really start to crop up around 7th grade, as our kids are developing a sense of self. they're comparing themselves to others. >> it is college decision time, not everyone will get their top choice. how do you navigate as a parent when a student is feeling disappointed that they did not get that acceptance letter they wanted. >> yeah. first i think we validate. we say these are hard feelings. it's hard to feel disappointed. but then, we say, we remind them that it's just temporary. and i also think that it's important for parents. in my book, i interviewed lots of parents who were struggling themselves about the college. kick up a lot of big feelings. so as parents we need to really manage our own emotions away from our kids so that we could be that source of support for them. >> you also say, it's important to remind your kids, it's how you go to school, not where you go to school. what do you mean by that? >> there's so much research that backs this up, it's not a college rank or the prestige
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that leads to later life career success and well-being, but rather it's what a student does on the college campus. how engaged they are. do they have a professor that knows them personally? are they involved in multi-semester projects and internships? do they have a sense of belonging through club activities? away from where and more towards how to go to college to get the most out of it. >> and how do you, if you've got a so i think as parents, we need to shift the conversation away from where and more towards how to go to college to get the most out of it. >> and how do you, if you've got a sophomore or junior that's starting to think about it, i was just telling you during the commercial, even my 9-year-old mentioned something about it, i was shocked. little kids who have big brothers and sisters or feel pressure from their parents might be thinking about this already. how do you take the temperature down on that? >> well, they're getting it from every direction, as we talked about. they're getting it from their classmates, from social media, from the wider media. home should be a haven from the pressure. our kids already know that we want them to be a success. let home be a place where our
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kids can recover, their sense of self, their core, their mattering and value is never in question. at home, minimize criticism and prioritize affections. let our kids see that we love them for who they are deep inside, not based on their accomplishments. >> researching schools could be fun, it could be a bonding exercise, as well. >> it really should be looked at as a rite of passage. it's a way for our kids to get to know themselves, and for us to get to know them deeply. before those college brochures come on the scene, start having these conversations with your kids. what is it that you're looking for. do you want to go to the kind of place where you're going to know most of the people on your campus, or be meeting four or five new people every day. do you want to be close to home, or explore a new region in our country. these could be just interesting conversations. and really take note of how many times you say the word "college," in your house. don't let the college admission process steal these years away from you and your family. enjoy your child. let them enjoy these high school years.
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you can't get them back. >> yeah, absolutely. jennifer, thank you so much. great advice. hoda, over to you. >> a great conversation. just ahead, dr. henry is here to help us tackle an issue that a lot of women are dealing with, but are not very eager to discuss. we're talking about hair loss. plus, the latest treatments you need to knowbout. but first, a t
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back now, 8:42 with your health. this morning, we're talking about hair loss. it back now, 8:42 with your health. this morning, we're talking about hair loss. it's also associated with men, but hair loss in women is a lot more prevalent than you may think. in fact, 40% of women say they've experienced noticeable hair loss by the age of 40. and in some cases, it starts as early as your late teens. dr. michelle henry is a new york-based dermatologist and hair loss is one of the most common problems that people seek treatment for, which i found interesting. so, this is something that people don't really talk about, but i didn't realize it was so
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widespread. so prevalent. >> it's incredibly common. it affects all women, all ages, all walks, but it's so taboo for some reason. a lot of people don't realize, we can see it as early as our late teens. early 20s. most common decade where 40% of women will see hair loss in our late 40s. >> that seems surprising. why is it that women in your 40s are experiencing hair loss? >> there's a collision of reasons. for hormonal, psychological reasons. our hormones, we're in that perimenopausal syndromes. that cortisol can directly reduce your hair growth because of stress. we're working. we're taking care of our family. that will directly reduce your hair growth. >> i was going to ask, there are these things and then there's the stress. >> yes. >> so much does stress weigh in compared to those? >> stress plays a huge role. it can affect our hormones, and stress can directly reduce molecules that we need for follicle proliferation. w. okay. so if you want to do something about it but you don't really
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want professional intervention, what are some good thicngs you can do? >> some great lifestyle changes, manage your stress, yoga, meditation, whatever you need, exercise. 60 minutes of exercise can reduce signs and symptoms. of female pattern hair loss. >> i started meditating several years ago, it is a game changer. >> changes your life.our bought undernutritioned. a lot of women in their 40 >> beauty sleep is real. seven to nine hours, it's critical or else your body is undernutritioned. a lot of women in their 40s, restrictive eating and a lot of diets.sun. >> is there a way that you can kind of reverse things, if it's already started, is there something you can do? >> first, preserve the hair that you have. so we want to make sure we're not washing too frequently, not doing a lot of heat, aggressive styling, make styling, make sure we're not using lots of chemicals, and there are some over-the-counter solutions. so meknoxaphil is over the counter.
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for hair loss that you can access without a dermatologist. >> like rogaine. >> other the counter. >> is it the same, the hair stuff for men and women? >> fda approved for women is 2.5%, men, 5%. >> so men is more aggressive. >> exactly. >> so if you decide you don't want this, you want professional help, what is the right way to go about it? >> so see your dermatologist. we are the hair experts. there are many treatments we can do. first, prp, platelet-rich plasma. we draw your blood, spinning out your platelets. >> and inject it right into the scalp. >> this isn't about alopecia, that's a separate thing? >> alopecia just means hair loss. there are many types of alopecia. so this is for female pattern alopecia, the most common type of alopecia. >> so you do that. so what are the -- >> microneedling. so we inject needles into the scalp. what those needles do, stimulates the body's desire to heal itself. our body creates all of those good growth factors that we immediate to stimulate hair growth. >> what about laser? >> a lot of my patients, as i saw with you, are scared of the
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needle. they don't want needles. they want a pain-free solution. this is a laser that uses sound and pressure to increase the absorption of growth factors and low-level light therapy. everyone talks about red light, it simulates to get the follicles turning over. >> what's going on with this helmet? >> this is a red light device. this is a theradome. this is a theradome. >> does it really work? >> it you can use this at home 20 minutes on your head. a few times a week. >> duds it really work? >> it does work. it's additive to a lot of the other treatments. you want something more december crete, it looks like a cap but also red light. that you can use at home, daily, helps to stimulate hair growth. >> looks like a baseball cap. i used it with my coffee this morning. that's an easy one. >> and what's our last point here? >> our last point is that you're not alone. so many women are affected by hair loss, there are so many things we can do to manage it, and see your dermatologist to give you solutions for your particular type of hair loss. >> i appreciate that dr. henry. thank you for being with us. >> for more remedy and solutions you can try at home, be sure to
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check out oh i smell something good over there, craig. >> you do, hoda kotb. when we come back, you know this guy, bobby flay, the master chef himself. he'll cook up the ultimate steakhouse dinner. we'll also settle the debate that bobby started on the that bobby started on the internet over the best serving with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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♪ we are back with "today" food and we are back with the one, the only, bobby flay. and this morning, bobby has brought us this hot menu item straight from his new restaurant at cesar's palace in las vegas. good morning to you. one of our favorite chefs on the show, always happy to have you, but you started a bit of a debate on the internet. -- we've got to talk about it before we dig into this recipe. it's caused quite a stir in kitchens everywhere.
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take a look. >> i think it's going to be a little bit of chatter about this, because, if you ask most chefs, they want to eat -- they'll tell you that they want rare and medium rare steaks and burgers, i don't. i love my burgers to be medium. same on steaks, if you don't cook it and the beef itself is like too rare, it's hard to stunned to hear you say that! they were stunned! >> craig, i believe that people don't really want to eat chew. >> bobby flay, people were stunned to hear you say that! they were stunned! >> let me tell you something, craig, i believe that people don't really want to eat medium rare steak, they want it to be medium. and burgers, too. let me tell you why. the fat has to melt. >> okay. >> if the fat doesn't melt, there's not as much flavor and it's not as tender. you want the flat to begin to melt. of you still want it to be pink the middle, i don't want you to overcook it. i want to get to the point where i think medium is a better temperature than medium rare. a lot of my chef friends may not admit it on the internet or "today" show feel the same way.
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>> bobby flay speaks truth! >> how do you feel about it? >> i feel like i have to say medium rare, because people will judge you if you don't. they will give you the stink eye. but i don't like a bloody steak. >> when i order a steak or a burger in a restaurant and i always say medium -- they're like, you sure? i'm like, yeah, medium. i want it medium. i find it to be more satisfying. >> medium nation! rise up. >> let's cook this medium ribeye. >> we have a beautiful ribeye. we'll make a spice rub with some paprika, cumin, coriander, and a little chilly powder. and a little salt and pepper. do you want to mix this up? >> yes, sir. i got you. i got you. >> this is a classic spice rub. if you want to add some other ingredients that you have on your shelf, that's totally fine. and i take the spice rub and put it on one side of my steak. >> why just one side? >> i still want to taste the beef, but i want to create flavor and also it will help to form a crust. when i put it in a hot pan, the
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spice rub will give it tons of flavor but it will become part of the steak and give you the nice crust on the outside. >> you also use avocado oil? >> i do. i like a lighter oil to cook with. canola oil has been one of the things that most people using. better oil to use. >> we're learning so much. >> we're going to make a glaze. from what i'm told, i don't know this for a fact, but avocado is a better oil for you. >> we're learning so much. >> we're going to make a glaze. i can't leave well enough alone. i want to bring some extra flavor to this. >> so rub and glaze. >> rub and a glaze. this is a korean red pepper paste which i do not pronounce correctly. it is what it is. it's a fermented red pepper paste. >> what'd you throw in there? >> some rice wine vinegar, honey, and a little bit of orange juice. a little bit of soy, and some uzu, which is an asian citrus. and so we're going to mix this up. >> it's a lot of flavor.
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>> it's a lot of flavor. this is one of the hottest ingredients in america right now across the country. >> why is that? >> it has tons of flavor and it's delicious. it's a fermented korean red pepper. it's spicy, it's got that sort of umami flavor to it. it's so good. so good. and it makes everything taste good. >> how long do you typically cook your steak? >> if you notice, i haven't touched it. and this is what i -- i always say, there's two kinds of guys in the world, guys that can grill and guys that think they can grill. >> oh. >> and guys that think they can grill are out there with the tongs and flipping and turning. that's a mistake. >> that's funny. leave it alone. get a cocktail, make a glaze, do other thing. we want the surface area to do its job. let the pan do its job. let it keep cooking. >> leave it alone. you tasted this butter. >> amazing! >> we have some chipotle, which is smoked jalapeno, and you can use butter, fresh garlic -- >> that's a lot of garlic. >> i'm not going to use it all. a little bit of lime juice and parsely or cilantro, it's up to you. of course, always season with
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salt and pepper no matter what you're cooking. very, very important. >> when you make this compound butter, it sits overnight? >> it doesn't have to. you just want to make sure that you kind of get it all together and you can hold it. so here's our steak. so you can see it has a really made and slather the glaze on here. this is a thick steak. >> that's 2 beautiful crust on the outside. we'll take that glaze that we made and slather the glaze on here. this is a thick steak. >> that's 2 inches thick. >> everybody in the studio has been hanging out in the kitchen. >> it's so good. >> putting in their pleas for some steak at the end of the segment. and then a little bit of the chili butter. >> so glaze, then butter. >> glaze, then butter. and you kind of just let the butter melt. and you have all the pan juices and that's it. >> that's beautiful. let's talk about these fries, bobby. >> killer. >> we make our own french fries, from scratch. but it's a two-day process. >> two days? >> a two-day process. you have to blanch them first, which means you cook them at a
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lower temperature first. first we soak them. we cut them into fries. then we soak them in water overnight to get the starch out. >> geez. >> shake them off. and then we cook them the first time at 300 degrees at a lower temperature and it just softens them but it doesn't ground them. when you come into the restaurant, hey, bobby, can i get a side of french fries, turn the heat up to 375 and crisp them. that's what we do here. >> these are blanched already. >> that's why they're so good. >> that's the only way to make a classic french fry. al knows all about this. >> what oil is this? >> canola, avocado, sunflower, not olive oil. not olive oil. >> you're all about process. what's the verdict? >> we're making noises. >> medium steak, cooked less? >> we agree. >> i'm getting a lot of support on this. and i don't like to get controversial online because it
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drives everybody crazy, but good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. we are following developments on the future of the a's. the team is moving forward with playing ball in west sacramento. that deal means the a's are calling sutter health park home ahead of the planned move to las vegas. the team's lease at the oakland coliseum is expected to expire at the end of this baseball season. sutter health park is already home to the sacramento river cats. that team says it doesn't plan to cut down any of its home games. protesters are gathering at lockheed martin's campus in sunnyvale, rallying due to their role in helping israel in the ongoing war. a lockheed martin spokesperson says the company respects the
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right to peacefully protest and honors the party with the u.s. military.
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this morning on the third hour of "today," the perfect storm. spring break travel expecting to hit its peak, one day after thousands of flights were


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