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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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yes, what you're looking at here is snow in april in the bay area. i know. hard to believe. we have the video to prove it.
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good afternoon, i'm audrey asistio. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. . we'll talk about the snow and rain that's heading around the area. we are also tracking stories across this thursday. including the a's officially closing the door on oakland. the team announced today this will be its last season in the bay area. talking to disappointed fans and city leaders about the move. have you seen this video on tiktok? a woman in vallejo said a. who smashed her car window and grabbed her purse. jodi hernandez will join us with the fallout from this video. let's begin with our weather as we take a live look across the bay area this afternoon. take a close look there. it's pretty decent. not too bad. but as you know, if you have stepped outside, it's been snowing. bringing us the spring.
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in fact some parts of the bay area even saw snow. this is the scene on mount ham illton. it was a similar is lar scene in parts of the santa cruz mountains where it looked more like winter than the spring bloom, right? we did speak to a few tourists who have seen the snowstorm. but we're definitely taken by surprise. >> and so we're used to the snow up where we live. no big deal here. >> reporter: were you surprised by the amount of snow? >> well yeah. we're in california. i thought it would be sunny and warm, yeah. >> later, yeah. okay. >> yeah, very different scene from sunny and warm. we also saw some hail in other parts of the bay area. i'm here now. and some rain still sticking around this evening? >> reporter: indeed. i'll give them some leeway because they were out-of-town visitors that were surprised by the snow. we forecasted it here for our local bay area residents. if you had our app, you would get heads up about that. this is sort after mixed bag, right?
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periods of sunshine and cloud cover and then hail. that is what we're seeing thanks to the instability. you can see the active scanning the skies. let's get a closer look at what we've seen with the lightning strikes. because the video you showed there, snow levels will drop down to about 1,500 feet at one point. just for perspective, the lake observatory is at 4,200 feet at summit. let's get a closer look at where we are seeing that activity coming down right now. a decent pocket that made its way through fairfield and also into parts of tracy as well. i just saw a video from meteorologist kari hall showing hail coming down in her garden. this is the reason why we would have a decent cell move through. this is right here on top of mount hamilton. the 4,200 feet elevation. expect to keep that instability on the map over the next couple of hours. but we are also monitoring the sierra. look at all the snow. that's going to make for a tough commute to get up there. please make sure to check road conditions, any time we're dealing with wind and snow,
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paired with rain. they could make for a dangerous drive. now currently temperature wise, another big story because of how cold this air mass is. that's why we've got the snow. santa rosa with 48. san jose is in the low 50s. i want to show you the 24-hour temperature change. look at santa rosa about an 18- degree difference compared to yesterday. meanwhile in san jose about 10 degrees. so certainly a cold air map of that frontal system that will pass through. this is what it looks like with the wider picture. you can see the rotation there. a couple lightning strikes as well as parts of central california. that stretches down through monterey. and including portions of the grapevine. another aspect to point out there, commuting anywhere down through central or southern california. hour by hour outlook over the next stretch. we're talking about 7:30. you'll notice that we still see a mixture coming down all the way through tonight. so we're not in the clear just yet. we've got plenty of instability, and that's going to remain through friday morning. speaking of friday morning, we've got 30s expected. a cold night, but make sure to
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join us at 5:00. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri will have more details on how much rain we're going to see in the weekend forecast coming up. audrey? >> all right, thank you. a great way to keep up with the rain is to download our free nbc bay area app. you can get custom weather alerts sent straight to r where phone. our nbc bay area storm ranger will help provide the most accurate radar in the bay area. all right, now to a heartbreaking announcement for bay area's a's fans and the city of oakland. it is official. this will be the a's last season rooted in oakland. team's owner formally announced that the a's are going to move to sacramento temporarily until their las vegas stadium is ready. the team plans to play at sutter health park, the minor league home of the giants aaa team, the sacramento rivercats. a's president says the team was in talks with a number of cities, but decided on west sacramento. when a deal to stay in oakland proved to be unreasonable. >> we felt this was just a
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great interim home for the a's. we have a lot of fans in this region. it's a great location, we have a great partnership with the kings. so it really ended up being the best option for the club. >> the rivercats and sacramento kings co-owner, vivek ranadive, helped negotiate the deal to bring the a's to the state capital. he hopes the next few seasons will help prove his city can support a major league team full time. the deal is for the 2025 through 2027 season, but the a's have an option for the 2028 season if needed. all right, so that's all going down in sacramento. meanwhile what is next for oakland and for a's fans? getting reaction to this inevitable moment. obviously a tough day for so many fans? >> reporter: yeah, there is a lot of disappointed fans and they are not shy about talking about it. they say it has been a painful process watching all of this. of course, it has kind of been
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extended for a few years now. they talked a little bit about the city trying to keep the a's in oakland even trying to get a stadium for them, a little bit closer to downtown. there is one fan who says he was really hoping that the a's would be forced to stay in oakland while that stadium is being built in las vegas. he wanted to watch them kind of basically stay here for a few years, at the very least, and pay to stay here for a few years at the very least. but of course, with today's announcement, that plan or his plan and his hopes are not going to happen and thus the disappointment for a lot of people. >> sure. >> they also had hopes as well. what are they saying today? where do they go from here knowing that the a's are leaving for september. >> still a few unanswered questions, with the way the whole thing would work out.
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the a's still own a 50% stake in the coliseum. this hasn't been any word on what they would do with it and some question as to what will happen with the employees at the park. she's hoping that the city will be able to attract other professional teams including pro soccer. they've had some games at the coliseum and what will help fill the gap of the a's exiting and, of course, that there are some things to be answered and concerns about what will happen next. >> sure. definitely a lot of questions. sergio, we'll see your full story later on this evening. as many of you know the a's haven't been in oakland even though some of their most successful seasons were in the bay. they started as the philadelphia athletics in 1901 after the 54 season, the a's moved to kansas city.
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13 years later, they left for oakland. and the last championship came in '89. and they came in with the giants. and they have been working on the story for us today, and jodi, you got your hands on this video? >> reporter: that's right. that 26-year-old woman from napa, her name is caroline. she was on her way to work tuesday morning here in vallejo. she was stopped at a red light and vibing out to beyonce's new album when she was completely caught off guard. a math man smashed through the passenger side window. and while her dash cam video didn't capture the breakdown, it did capture her reaction. take a look.
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>> the terrifying screens as she would grab onto her purse and lunchbox. it lasted for a good 20 seconds before the man fortunately gave up and the traffic cleared in front of her. it all took about 20 seconds, where she was finally able to drive through the intersection and get here to the police station for safety. absolutely terrifying. >> absolutely terrifying. i know you said it lasted 20 seconds for her that it felt like a lifetime. you were the only reporter to speak to this woman. how is she doing? >> reporter: she is still really shaken and she is still trying to process what happened. she was not physically hurt. and while we're there, she opened her purse for the first time since the incident. it was full of shattered glass.
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again, one of the ways she is processing all of this is to share her story on social media. heretic folk videos have gotten millions of views. she's told she has lived in the bay area all her life. she knows not to ever leave any belongings in her car, not even a water bottle, but she never thought she would have to be worried while she was driving. now she's urging other people to make sure you put your purse on the floor of your car or better yet, in the trunk. don't leave anything in the passenger side seat because it could happen at any time. now late today the police department did confirm that another woman was also victimized on tuesday morning about 40 minutes after it happened to caroline. it happened to someone else. now in that case that woman also struggled with the masked man, but he was able to get her purse. so the same description. same two guys, a masked man who
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broke through, another driving the car, and the same vehicle description, a dark colored suv. so these guys are still out there. this whole thing is called zipping. that's what police tell me. again, two back-to-back incidents in vallejo on tuesday morning. >> we all need to be more careful now. jodi, thank you so much. we'll see your full report as well this evening. i'm glad she's okay. all right, in the south bay new video showing tense moments of a confrontation between a man and group of pro palestinian demonstrators. it happened around 6:30 at lockheed martin's research campus in sunnyvale. you can see them drive aggressively through crowds and threatening protesters with a knife. he's also heard asking them do you want to die while waving that knife? we did reach out to sunnyvale police about the incident and have not heard back.
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the protesters were there at lockheed martin to protest them being supplied to the israeli government. they blocked multiple entrances to the campus in an effort to shut it down. they make missiles and fighter jets that are used by the israeli military. however, the sunnyvale location isn't directly involved with that, but they do manufacture the fog missile system in israel also known as the iron dome. that will protect it from incoming rockets. >> there has never been a solution to safety. we've seen it repeatedly throughout history. and it is time to come to the table and actually talk about what it actually means for the people of palestine and also to the people of israel. >> in a statement the company says they respect the rights to peaceful protest and honored to partner with the u.s. military and international partners. no words yet on the arrest of that protest. new quest for justice, what the family of alexis gabe wants
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the district attorney to do. also her father tells us about a new documentary that will highlight the case. also one of the world's leading experts in ai is worried about computer confusion. why this woman is masking up if front of her computer. before we head to break, what trending story would you like to see. you still have a little more time to vote for one of these stories eight here. conan o'brien returns to the conan o'brien returns to the tonight show or t. she got that dress with the extra money she saved
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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the family of a contra costa family hopes they could bring justice for their daughter. alexis gabe was killed in 2022 after going to antioch to visit her ex-boyfriend, marshall jones. in june of 2022, law enforcement shot and killed
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jones in washington state while trying to arrest him for her murder. about a month before that, police briefly took jones' mother into custody, but found there was not enough evidence to charge her with aiding and abetting. the gabe family believes this new documentary will prove jones' mother did help him. >> if the network decides to reveal everything in those videos, the footage, they are going to know that someone was involved. because it clearly shows in the footage that someone was helping him. >> the documentary is called where is alexis. it will air on april 24 on the discovery channel. after an extensive search, stanford has appointed the 13th
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president. the 51-year-old has been a stanford ahum and served as the dean of stanford's graduate school of business for the last eight years. the board of trustee's chair, jerry yang, says they voted unanimously for him. hill will officially step into the role on august 1. he will seed and has deferred as interim president last year. he stepped in as former president after an investigation found flaws in his past research. special exit tee found apparent had tiplation of papers before he became president of 2016, forcing him to react three papers and correct two others. couldn't wee see a vaccine for breast canter in the next five years? it might actually make it possible.
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silicon valley company, focused on the prevention and treatment of cancer. it says its first clinical trial was successful. the company presented its research in washington, d.c. today at the world vaccine congress. the event draws scientists and researchers from all over the globe. they say the trial involves 16 people and 75% showed a very robust immune response. researchers are now planning. the most adepressive and aggressive form of cancer. >> a large percentage of them, the cancer will come back. we want to take these survivors, vaccinate them, and prevent the cancer from occurring. eventually we'll expand from cancer survivors to people who have never had cancer.
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>> the vaccine may be ground breaking and could be used to prevent other forms of cancer in the future. well four major league baseball parks now use facial recognition instead of a ticket to allow fans to enter. more and more airports are using it. you might be worried about privacy and, of course, that's a legitimate concern, through is another worry that for people it doesn't work. >> those are conflicting. in the case it doesn't work well enough, there is a lot of academic research showing official recognition will fail especially hard with women of color. and this can be an inconvenience or a disaster. for instance as a computer misidentifies an innocent woman as a wanted criminal. it happens particularly in communities of color. and one of the top researchers in this field is also a black
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woman. dr. joy who is a full scholar and a researcher who delves into the algorithm to figure out why they struggle with faces like or she would call it pale and mail. she has advised others on the technology and the author of a new book called unmasking ai. i had a chance to ask her a couple of questions. both in the cover of the book, there is a mask. tell me the significant of the mask? >> it was my starting point starting to ask our computers. i was a student at the m.i.t. media lab. i finally made it to the future factory, working on an art installation. it didn't consistently detect
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my face until i put on a white mask. and the mask was detected. when i took it off, i was no longer detected and that was the starting point for me to ask our machines, are they neutral as i would assume for them to be. >> and now one reason ai struggles to recognize dark erskine may be as simple as the sample photographs that are used to keep what a face looks like. it's seeing more white faces than black and it does what it knows. this sort of bias is prevalent in medicine as well. far more research, using men than women. >> i didn't realize how many people were unaware of some of the issues. so many well-intentioned people, trying to build the technology or create innovations to solve difficult
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problem. and not being aware they could come in. by speaking up, i would love to say if you have a face, you'll have a place about the conversation in ai. >> now the ai community is working on the problem. most recently they found they went too far in compensating. adding black faces to its ai image generation too often. so when you ask the gemini to draw a picture of the founding fathers, writing the constitution, it would add black members to the team. back to you. >> all right, thank you. still to cometop ,
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here it is, top trending stories. ford motor company is changing directions on electric vehicle production. the automaker announced that it is going to halt plans for all electric suvs. and ford says that the shift in focus will allow hybrid options to be available across this
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entire lineup by 2030. and about six months ago, ford spent $4 billion citing high production costs and a decrease in demand. as always, i'll be posting stories on my instagram. on the moon, there's no time zone yet. but the white house is hoping to change that. time on earth will move at a different rate than it does on the moon. so the white house told nasa to create a unified standard of time for the moon and other celestial bodies. this would set international norms in space, which still requires international agreement. the office of science and technology policy says that setting a standard time is important to transfer data securely, communicate in sync, and orbit the moon. thank you so much for joining us at 4:30, jess is working on the 5:00 newscast next. next. we're back in just two minutes. with our new grocery outlet app,
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you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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right now at 5:00, they're out and heading to sacramento. the a's will announce their new capital next year. you're going to hear from the owner on why he decided to make that move. and also not your average spring day in the bay area. we're talking snow, hail, rain, really cold temps. jeff ranieri has your updated forecast. the race between evan low and joe simitian. what lies ahead for the runoff in november. thanks for joining us, i'm jessica aguirre. it is a sad day for bay area sports fans after 56 years of the oakland coliseum, the a's
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are out. this is officially oakland a's last season in the east bay. this morning the team announced plans to play the next few seasons in sacramento while they wait for the new stadium to be built in las vegas. thomas goethalsthom jensen is live for us where they laid out that deal, thom? >> reporter: yeah, actually we found out today that they have been in talks for several months about the move. when they finally proved to be unobtainable to get that agreement to continue to play at the coliseum in oakland. they did pend that agreement to move to west sacramento at least for the next three seasons, maybe longer. sutter health park has seen fewer than 11,000 fans. 14,000 if you count lawn seating. but it's about to host a big league team. starting next year it will


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