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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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running through. american ski champion mikaela shiffrin has been dating skier for years. shiffrin hurt her knee and ankle in a downhill race in january. she ended up coming back and winning her 96th world cup. fiance also crashed in a january race that ended his season. but they are looking up for sure. their kids are going to be good skiers. >> yeah, absolutely. >> and good looking, too. >> for sure. congratulations. here's what we're working on this friday. would you believe it? another problem for united airlines. two planes clipped wings. what went wrong and if sfo is to blame. and apple is laying off hundreds of employees. and deciding the fate of
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the commercial salmon fishing season, as well as the dungeness crab season. why it's becoming more difficult for fishermen trying to make a living. news at 5:30 starts right now. i'm audrey asistio. >> and another problem for a airline struggling with a series of mishaps. one plane clipped the wing of another. >> emma goss is live at the airport with details. >> reporter: the gate where the plane was trying to park is not your usual spot. it has two parking spots not one. here's a visual of the gate where it happened. i spoke to doug price about this latest incident. and he pointed out, the
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geometry of the gate trying to get two planes to fit side by side. and also pointed out employees may have had a training issue. for united, it's the latest in a series of issues over the past few weeks, including a flight that rolled off the runway in texas. sfo to medford organ flight. i asked doug rice, where soso many of the incidents are involved, flights heading intoie leaving sfo. >> there is no question in my mind that a number of the incidents that have occurred will be sfocentric. >> whether it is care from the
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mechanics. whether it's procedures, processes. or what the causes are. it appears and has appeared for several weeks that san francisco is the hub of these issues. >> reported hydraulic leaks. both aircraft that were clipped will go through an inspection and repair process, before being put down into service. emma goss. united airlines has experienced nearly a dozen issues. most recently, a flight from sfot. also a flight had to be diverted to denver. and a problem with the engine. and then last week, a flight taking off from germany to sfo to return to frankfurt, after
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one of its bathrooms overflowed into the cabin. >> apple is cutting its work force in the south bay for the first time since the pandemic. the tech company is laying off more than 600 workers at eight offices in santa clara. announced the cuts last month. and will take effect in may. hiring spike during the pandemic, you'll remember. and now companies are downsizing. this is the first significant post-pandemic layoff at apple. and represents less than 2% of apple employees in california. it's not yet clear which department those employees belong to. u.s. economy added more jobs in the month of march. the bureau of labor statistics. y shooed the labor market added about 300,000 last month alone. that's significantly higher than the 214,000 jobs expected by economists. unemployment went down slightly from february, staying just under 4%. now, the jobs report helped
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stocks bounce back today. the dow jones industrial average climbed a little more than 400 points. and the s&p 500 gained 57 before the closing bell. despite this bounce, all three indexes, posted a losing week. with the dow posting its worst weekly performance of the year. israel is facing calls for investigation, after its forces struck an aid convoy. the bombing killed seven workers for the aid group world central kitchen. israeli military released the findings from its probe today. it says the strike came after mistakenly identifying the convoy as hamas fighters. as a result, it has fired two senior commanders. but the world central kitchen is calling for an independent investigation, saying that israel couldn't quote, credibly investigate its own failure in gaza. however, the white house says it is waiting to see the report first. >> we're going to work our way through that investigation
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ourselves and take a look and see what we think of their findings and their conclusion. before we make any kind of judgment going forward. >> israeli forces had to be more careful. and if things didn't change, the white house would change its own policies. treasury secretary janet yellen continues her overseas trip. hoping to strengthen diplomatic ties. she arrived in guangzhou, china yesterday. yellen says strengthening the relationship between the countries will be good. shooy expressed concerns over solar panels, semi conductors. her five-day trip continues this weekend in beijing. back in our area, april is national distracted driving awareness month. and santa clara county launched a campaign today, aimed at
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keeping the drivers focused on the road. it's called just drive. campaign features social media posts and ads that remind drivers to focus on the road. county will also step up enforcement for the rest of the month. cracking down on drivers who use handheld devices behind the wheel. >> put your phones down. let other activities wait until you reach your destination. >> we're here, year after year. because we have to keep the message current and fresh. we have to continue to do the work on this issue. but if we do this, it will literally save lives. >> distracted drivers account for 8% of all crashes nationwide. in the next few days, fishery managers will decide whether to close this year's commercial salmon fishing for the second year in a row. and just the third time in history. it comes on the heels of the state's decision to close the
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commercial dungenness crab season early. all of this has serious impacts potentially for those who make their living on the sea. here's nbc's joe rosato jr. >> reporter: it's the saddest of sites for dungeness crab lovers. first week of april and crab pots already getting hauled in to fisherman's wharf. >> it's a bummer that these guys are stacking out and have to finish for the year. >> reporter: last week, the state announced an early closure to the dungenness crab season. because of the presence of whales! it makes it more difficult on the men and women. >> it was only a few year ago, you could set your calendar by the november 15th crab season opener. but following a lawsuit by an environmental group, aimed at protecting whales. the state has delayed the start of the season the last several
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years. ask routinely closes it well before its normal june 1st end. >> because we haven't started on time in so many years. we've kind of become this new normal, where we're now getting valentine's day crab and st. patrick's day crab. >> in a profession that relies on the winds of mother nature. the reduced seasons have made fishing even more turbulent. >> we can no longer look at a date on a calendar and go, that's when we're starting. because it doesn't seem like that's the way this is going. >> dungeness crab isn't the only fishery in peril. this week, they will meet to decide the fate of the upcoming commercial king salmon season. last year, the entire season was shut down for almost the second time in history because of low returns of salmon. casualties of the drought. >> last year, i lost about 80% of my overall revenue.
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>> the three plans under consideration by the pacific fishery management council would either close the season entirely, or allow only extremely limited fishing. captain jared davis, owner of the salty lady. >> for the second year in a row, we're looking at very likely a full closure. announcement will be coming out in the next few days. >> davis is waiting on relief fund. now he faces a second year without a paycheck. closed salmon season means a vast opportunity for our income goes away as well. >> reporter: the state hopes hatchery fish will help. something he counts on n. . >> i'm too old now. i don't know how to do anything
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else the so i think i'm stuck. we're going to make the best of it. >> reporter: there is one sentiment everyone here can count on. >> the most predictable thing is that it's 100% unpredictable. >> reporter: joe rosato jr., nbc bay news. car trouble cases land in our inbox all the time. we'll show you how we respond and serious [ inaudible ] mechanics do the right thing. nbc bay area responds. hey there. we do still have some rain on radar but what is going to happen, heading into the weekend. great question. don't worry. i've got you covered in ur full yose
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of course, your car can be a source of pride and
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frustration. >> cars can be the worst. especially when they break down and you need work. chris chmura. do people to you with problems. >> i enjoy it. we love hearing about it. i do. we gotta keep these cars moving. because they keep you moving. happy friday. we deal with a fair amount. just checked our database. because we keep track of all of them. we counted about 100 of them over the past couple of years alone. maria said she's been battling in an auto shop. still was not done. consumer investigator, arlen fernandez team got the shot to finish the long overdue job. you don't necessarily need a tv station to get a mechanic's attention. you can also call b.a.r.
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that's what? bureau of automotive repair. it licenses shops. and when you file a complaint there, the shop is required by law to respond or it could lose its license. that means you have the upper hand. you can also let us know. scan the qr code on the screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend. here to talk about the weekend. was there some hail? >> there certainly was. >> all kinds of things going on today. >> we've had hail. we've seen lightning strikes. rain and sunshine. >> turn it around for us. >> look at that. just in time for the weekend. and i do think that folks are going to enjoy what we've got, stretching even into next week, believe it or not. let's get right to your microclimate forecast you have here with a nice look. tended outlook. there's still enough instability out there, to where yes, we did see some into parts of the trivalley. notice here.
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central and southern california are lighting up right now. and they can't expect to see thunderstorm activity. at least for the next several hours, leading us into the overnight early saturday morning. right now, mobile doppler storm ranger, kind of scanning the skies. we've got a lightning strike detected over san ramon. you see this, that's a heavier pocket of rain moving through. and in through parts of mount hamilton. where of course, lake observatory saw show. lake observatory for perspective is at about 4200 feet at the summit in elevation. let's take a look at what we can expect for the next couple of hours. san francisco. we're going to keep the wind speeds howling to about 7:00, 8:00. and notice clear conditions. any time you see clear conditions. you're going to see cool mornings. here it is, live look over downtown san jose. nice breeze from the northwest,
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16 miles per hour. and we start to see those temperatures take a decrease into the 40s. but here's what's going to happen. overnight into early tomorrow morning. look at this. we've got 30s, stretching from dublin through livermore, down through morgan hill. but also through parts of the north bay as well. heading into the afternoon, you will notice, daytime highs will bump up into the 50s. and we get a couple of 50s in the south bay. including san jose. sunday morning. similar conditions with clearing of the skies. but we can expect to see a lot of 30s in the north bay. however, by the time we get to sunday, with the system. we start to see a warmer system settle in. we'll start to see temperatures bumping up into low 60s. and wait until you see what we've got into monday and tuesday. now, before we get there. we've got to get through the cold night. and into early saturday morning. we have the frost advisory. stretching through oakland, danville and livermore. frost can be in the 30s. and as far as the rain chances go. we've seen sort of the bulk of
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this rain move through. instability still bringing a chance for thunderstorms. early saturday morning. we have a system to the north. that's going to bring a possibility of scattered cloud coverage. and look what happens into tuesday. you see that orange glow over the map there in california. that is warming air. that's going to settle in. high pressure. it's going to bring lots of stkphaoeupb. but also a bump, comparing it to today, of almost 30 degrees in the trivalley. those are microclimates. this is going to be a good week for that. eclipse monday. clear skies. 60s. and here come the 80s. >> i love that we're going to see the 80s soon. >> all right, vianey thank you. we are following breaking news in the east bay. a freeway shooting on interstate 80. this is happening at the ashby on-ramp, to eastbound 80. this is video from a caltrans camera. you can see fire trucks there. right there, driving by.
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and that car that appears to have crashed into the barrier. again, this is the ashby on- ramp. on the eastbound 80. at least one person is hurt. but it's not clear if that person was hurt from the shooting or the crash. we do have a crew just now arriving on the scene. we will bring you more information as soon as we get it into the newsroom. covering this
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happy new year. one of the most special days at the ballpark, all season. the giants home opener. >> happy new p year indeed. people are smiling. maybe having a couple of beers. today, we had drama. let's bring in anthony flores who had the best assignment in the newsroom. joins us right at the china basin. >> the giants save their best for last and their home opener against the padres. the orange and black with a thrilling walkoff victory in the bottom of the ninth inning. >> please welcome the new manager of the giants, number 6 bob melvin. after spending the first six weeks on the road. bob melvin in the home dugout for the first time since taking over as the giants new manager. 49ers fred warner and deebo samuels, tossing out the first pitch. neither threw a strike. but they did fire up the
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sellout crowd at oracle park. jordan hicks was solid on the hill. the 27-year-old right-hander allowed just one earned run in seven innings of work while striking out 5. with a score tied 2-2. thairo estrada doubles the gap to the left. matt chapman goes to first base. just beats the throw to score the winning run. the giants beat the padres, 3- 2, snapping their four-game losing streak. it thank god we won. because we did a couple of things earlier in the basically swung the game. got a couple of scratch runs late. >> i was moving. just wanted to watch it hit the ground, i guess. and trying to get it going. trying to run as fast as i can. trying to score to win a ball game. >> as awesome as i can. >> a thrilling victory for the
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giants. >> this is my fifth opening day covering the giants for nbc bay area. one thing i learned. after the game, you don't go on the field. because the sea gulls are out flying. i'm underneath an awning. you gotta protect. >> live at oracle park in san francisco. i thought, it's not raining. now you know why. i'm underneath the awning. >> i don't want to be looking up. >> very smart. up next. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more.
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an alarming report on illegal firearms in the united states. the study found between 2017 and 2021, 68,000 guns were illegally trafficked through unlicensed dealers. it's the first detail now since the firearms trafficking in decades. investigators say the guns were used in nearly 400 shootings. which are hard to investigate. because they are not required to keep records. rapper p. diddy is involved in another lawsuit. this time, here's joined by has son. sean p. diddy combs as part of a sex trafficking. yesterday, he was named as a defendant in another case. a woman claims that the
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rapper's son, christian combs, drugged and raped her on a yacht. sean combs is accused of owning that yacht and aiding and abetting his son. a flight leaving lubbock, texas. engine caught fire. force crew to abort takeoff. >> boeing 737 did get out of the gate. southwest apologized for the incident and rebooked the passengers on another flight that left three hours later. jessica aguirre joins us now with what is coming up at 6:00. coming up. accusations of animal cruelty. two horses found dead. now, animal control officers on the case. our jodi hernandez got tipped off to the story. what she's learning. also, a first in the nation experiment to slow global warning. we'll show you the controversial idea to combat our climate in crisis.
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and happy new year. sunshine, baseball and a whole lot of smiles. we're at the ballpark for the giants home opener. good evening. we're going to get to those stories in a moment. but first, we're going to start with breaking newsut on of the east bay. chp investigate the shooting. this is video from earlier from the caltrans camera. you can see fire trucks u. at least one person is hurt. but this is what is unclear at this point. we don't know if that person crashed there because of an accident or because of the shooting. we don't know if the person was hurt from the accident or from the shooting. our crew is just arriving at the scene. going to update you on air and online the as soon as we learn more information. our other top stories,
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horse owners in solano county are under fire, after their animals appeared to be suffering and malnourished. and now a criminal animal investigation is under way. this is an exclusive story. and i have to warn you. some of the images of these horses are disturbing. there's basic care that every animal deserves. and i don't see them getting it. and it breaks my heart. >> becca says she's sickened by how the horses that live in the pasture near her home are being treated. she called animal control after two horses down. one in the field, and one so skinny, it couldn't stand up. >> she was laying on the ground. and couldn't get back up. she's completely emaciated. >> the mare was too sick to save. >> i tried to


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