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tv   Today  NBC  April 6, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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good morning. thanks for starting your weekend with us. for some of us, the weekend started with a jolt. >> we are not talking about the coffee, but the earthquake. now millions are wondering if
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more is to come. it is april 6th. you are watching "today." all shook up. a 4.8 magnitude earthquake rattles the new york city area on friday. the epicenter in new jersey, but millions felt the shaking from maryland to maine. thankfully no serious damage or injuries reported. are there more aftershocks to come? we have the latest. eclipse mania. millions hitting the roads and skies to see the moon blot out the sun and others are traveling for spring break making today what could be the busiest travel days of the year. this morning, what to watch out for and the forecast for monday's solar spectacular. high alert. the biden administration preparing for the threat of retaliation after the israeli air strike that killed top iranian military officials. could this lead to a wider war? who wants to be a billionaire?
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customers flocking for tickets with the powerball jackpot up to $1.3 billion. all that plus hoop dreams. >> three. it is good plus the foul. >> caitlin clark and the hawkeyes escape a narrow victory against uconn in the final four. up next is the championship game against the gamecocks. tonight is the men's turn on the court. we are watching it all today, saturday, april 6th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." we thank you for joining us. we heard of march madness, but april anxiety. caitlin clark had a tough first half, but they escape with a win in the second half.
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this was fun. >> there has to be something gratifying to beat the school that did not recruit you. >> she will be celebrating. she has one more game to go. we'll have that in a moment. we have a lot to get to starting off with the rare east coast earthquake on friday with millions saying did you feel it? the 4.8 quake rattling nerves across the area, but no serious damage or injuries have been reported. the quake's epicenter was in northern new jersey and felt by hundreds of miles way from maine to boston. >> we want to get to emilie ikeda with that. >> reporter: scenes like this are out of the west coast typically, but just before 10:30 friday morning, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake rocks the new york area with shocks felt 300 miles
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away. stopping people inside this coffee shop. watch as the earthquake disrupt a u.n. meeting. capturing the statue of liberty shaking. this woman lives by the epicenter in new jersey which sits near a major fault line. >> the house was just shaking. in my head, i thought there was an explosion. >> reporter: crews and first responders sprayed across the region he val waiting buildings. several homes in newark had to be evacuated and runway inspections stopped production at jfk and newark. no serious damage or injuries have been reported. >> we will review all potentially vulnerable infrastructure sites throughout the state. >> reporter: it is the most significant earthquake to rock the east coast since 2011. the strongest one in new jersey in nearly 250 years. >> this is a rare event.
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the earth is releasing stress that had built up with the two plates. it is now settling down for a long time. >> reporter: shaking northeasterners trying to do the same. >> i'm jittery. you don't experience things like this in new york. >> reporter: there have been seven aftershocks in the region. experts say these could linger for several days. you should drop and take cover and hold on. >> emilie, thank you. >> i didn't feel the original one. i missed out. i'm glad everyone is okay. i know you see think we're wimps. >> m texts were blowing up. you get a taste of what it is like to live here. if you are worried about the aftershocks, the usgs says there is a 70% chance of aftershocks
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of 3.0 or larger in the next week. a 14% chance of 4.0. now to the latest on the solar eclipse set to cross the continental u.s. on monday. today is a huge travel day on the roads and skies with millions traveling to see the eclipse and spring break. we have the eclipse forecast in a moment. let's star with priscilla thompson at dallas airport. priscilla, good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning. today could be the busiest travel day for folks arriving into town as eclipse tourism and spring break collide. preparations have been under way for months if not years for the influx of people that the city is expecting for the galactic spectacle. it comes as many across the
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country are preparing for spring break. the airport is expected to be packed. the faa urging people to be patient and the roads are also going to be quite busy. the hertz here in dallas is reporting six times more car rentals now than this time last year. the departmentof transportation reports 1 million travelers will be on texas roads traveling through the state. they are urging people who live here to avoid unnecessary travel and pausing a lot of road construction and some of the major corridors to help move things along. laura. >> priscilla, for you procrastinating, your chances of getting an airbnb along the path of totality is blacked out itself? >> reporter: yeah. good luck to the folks who are looking to do that. some bookings have been in place for years. airbnb is reporting 90% of
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properties within the totality is sold out. that is with the added 1,000 properties within the last month. we hear the same with the camp sites and hotels. if you are looking to book the last-minute trip, i'm not sure what the accommodations will be, but the eclipse will be amazing if they can make it. >> thank you, priscilla. >> the ground will be dark. sleep on the ground. you have four minutes of darkness. who will see the eclipse? where will the clouds play spoiler? we have our meteorologist michelle grossman here. >> thank you. we need four minutes of naps. just like many things, this is all about location. here is the path of totality as we go further out and it gets less and less. where you see the blue here, that is 0% of cloud cover and where the gray is expected cloud cover. it will see some spots with sunny spots and some will see the storms. we will start from the west to
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the east. we are looking at cities in the northern plains with cloudy and midwest is mostly sunny. heading to the south is the trouble area along the gulf coast. not a great there. east coast, we are looking sunny and nice. it looks good for us. as we head to new england, in that is one of the best spots. we will start down south. that is the trouble area. austin, texas, at 1:36 and we are looking at rain and showers. same story in dallas. as we head to little rock, we are looking at mostly cloudy skies with a chance of a shower. 50% cloud cover. not looking great here. that is the percent of sky covered with clouds. as we move further north, we are looking at missouri with 20% which is a nice spot. cleveland could see a shower or two. it will not be terrible like in
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the portions of the southern plains. 30% in indianapolis, indiana, at 3:06, a chance for partly cloudy skies. this will be the best spot. if you are lucky enough to head to new england and maine and vermont and new hampshire, we are looking good. 10% cloud cover. that is nice with mostly sunny skies at 3:32. burlington, vermont, same story. 10% at 3:26. buffalo, new york, a chance of showers and mostly cloudy skies. guys, we will have the full forecast in a bit. >> lucky folks in vermont and maine. michelle, thank you. nbc news will have live coverage of the big event on monday starting at 2:00 p.m. here on nbc and nbc news now. the united states is preparing for the possibility of a significant attack by iran on israeli or american assets in the middle east which could happen in days. that concern following the
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israeli air strikes. we have hala gorani in tel aviv with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, peter. fears of the stepped up conflict with iran following the suspected israeli air strike that killed several top commanders in damascus this week. this is all happening against the back drop of continued fallout from the israeli idf investigation into the attack on the world central kitchen workers. several of them were killed in gaza on april 1st. world central kitchen says that is not good enough. they don't believe the israeli military has the credibility to investigate itself. after that phone call between president biden and the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, israelis is vowing to open new crossings into routes into gaza. the crossing in the north has been shut since october 7th.
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the hope, at least, is that more aid will make it to gazans. peter. >> hala, we have breaking news about the hostage taken months ago on october th. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: releasing the name of the hostage whose body was retrieved and taken on october 7th. the 47-year-old who they say was abducted from the kabutz. his mother was kidnapped, but released in november, peter. >> the pain continues. hala, thank you. the white house is keeping a close eye on the tension throughout the middle east with the concerns of iranian strike on israel assets in the region. allie raffa is live with more.
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>> reporter: laura, good morning. the biden administration is now considering response options after the u.s. intelligence assessment warned iran may be planning to hit targes inside israel according to sources familiar. the white house monitoring any progress made during renewed cease-fire talks in cairo and actions by the israelis. the u.s. cautiously welcoming israel's commitment to open another port and border crossing into gaza and the phone call with president biden and prime minister netanyahu. this planned after the air strike killed serve aid workers this week. warning of netanyahu if u.s. did not take the steps, the policy would change. not specifying how. the president on friday declines to answer if he threatened netanyahu with stopping the
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military aid to israel. a growing group of lawmakers is pushing the president to do. >> allie, the president traveled to the bridge collapse site. what did he say? >> reporter: the president getting a look at the clean-efforts before meeting with the families of those presumed dead. the white house informed before that the body of the third victim had been recovered from the site as the search for three others continues. president biden on the ground vowing to help the thousands of people he said depend on the port to make a living. announcing more federal funding to rebuild the bridge. >> i fully intend as the governor knows to have the federal government cover the cost of building this entire bridge. all of it. all of it. >> reporter: as crews continue around the clock clean up efforts, the army corps of
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engineers is pledging to open another shipping lane by the end of the month and clear the entire main channel as soon as the end of may. laura. >> allie raffa, thank you. lawyers for former president trump is asking lawyers to recuse himself. mr. trump's attorneys said the judge has a conflict of interest due to his daughter's job at a company that works for democratic candidates. the judge rejected the similar request to step aside last year. mr. trump's trial where he has been accused of trying to cover up a hush money payment to a porn star before the 2016 election is scheduled to begin a week from monday. wall street wrapped up the week on a high thanks to the strong jobs report. dow jones industrial average and nasdaq and s&p rose after the march report blew past the expectations. the u.s. added 300,000 jobs and saw the unemployment rate decline slightly to 3.8%.
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wage growth was up 4.1% out pacing the rate of inflation. >> that's good news for americans. michelle grossman has a look at the forecast heading into the weekend. we like nice weather. what can you give us? >> it's saturday. pretty good across the country. in the middle of the country, we have some storms. we are talking about the temperatures. we have a huge temperature divide. this is the omega block. cool on both sides of the coast. below normal into the ohio valley. in washington, you see 55 degrees today. that is below normal. columbia is 56. look at kansas city. that's the place to be. 70 degrees. seven degrees an before typical. dallas is up go through tomorro story. temperaturs below normal in the ohio valley. we are not looking at
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and that's the look at your saturday forecast. i'm happy it's saturday. >> we'll take it. we like the better weather. thank you, michelle. still to come, it came down to the wire friday night. peter alexander stayed up late. caitlin clark and the hawkeyes are one win away from the
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championship. we have jesse kirsch with more. >> reporter: good morning, laura. and then there were two. we saw a lot of action down to we saw a lot of action down to the final seconds last
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if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen.
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help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. ♪♪ open talenti and raise the jar to gelato made from scratch. raise the jar to flavors from the world's finest ingredients. and now, from jars to bars. new talenti gelato and sorbetto mini bars. ♪♪ (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. welcome to the wayborhood. flonase all good. with wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] yes! when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times.
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um-hum. they're not sitting. -and it rocks... you need to sit down. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. name an ingredient you can see in... ...this kind bar to win. almonds.. i see almonds right there! yep, almonds! it's almost like the universe was talking to you. ohh! [man laughing] here's your prize. nice! ingredients you can see and pronounce.
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-- i'll talk about all of that and those warmer temperatures like you said coming up at 7:00 a.m. back to you. >> ooh. 32 degrees. cinthia, thanks. still coming up on "today in the bay," troubling accusations of animal cruelty on a bay area farm. two horses found dead and now animal control officers are on the scene. a story you'll only see on nbc bay area. that, plus all top stories at 7:00.
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for now, we send you back to the "today" show. no one was ready for an earthquake. the last thing you expected to see this morning was the statue of liberty twerking. we are back on saturday morning, april 6th, 2024.
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jimmy fallon having fun last night. an earthquake that doesn't hurt anybody. >> it did not take long to get the meme aftershocks to pop up. a tipped over garbage can. we survived the nyc earthquake. #wewillrebuild. >> in this area, this is $45 for this. i survived the new york city earthquake. pick it up for the tourists. the good news is everybody's okay. most of the rest of the country is looking at new yorkers saying really? let's get to the news. we begin with the serious story and check of the headlines. police in burlington, vermont is investigating an arson in bernie sanders' office. the building's sprinkler system
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put the fire out. none of the people in the office was injured. if you are feeling lucky, you still have time to get your lottery tickets before the powerball drawing. the jackpot is up to a whopping $1.3 billion. it is the eighth largest jackpot in lottery history. the winning numbers will be drawn at 10:59 p.m. the augusta women's amateur tees off after the high winds in the first round. 35 players made the cut. they play again today. you can catch all of the action on nbc and on peacock starting at noon. and sticking with sports. two teams are left for the national championship in the women's college basketball with caitlin clark and the hawkeyes are headed to the final after the dramatic victory last night. they face the toughest test yet. the undefeated gamecocks as the
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men's final four tips off tonight. jesse kirsch was in the stands last night to watch iowa win. jesse, good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning. do me a favor. if you are making a coffee run, get me one about this big because there was not much sleep last night. it was well worth it with the action we saw on the court. i have to tell you it felt like an iowa leaning crowd in the building last night. caitlin clark has drawn fans from all over. well beyond her home state of iowa. you could sense that as the hawkeyes were building momentum, particularly late in the game, the crowd seemed to be getting up and sitting down and cheering heavily based on how the hawkeyes were doing. you can sense the momentum shift. then the uconn husies made a last-minute push. this morning, caitlin clark is not done yet. >> iowa survives connecticut!
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>> reporter: iowa defeating uconn punching its ticket to the second straight women's national championship game. >> you have to go and prep. you have one day to take care of yourself. >> reporter: the hawkeyes and huskies going down to the wire with just seconds to play and uconn trailing by one and committing this offensive foul helping seal the iowa win. >> drains the first. >> t. >> reporter: the hawkeyes trailing the first half. clark going 0 for 6 from long-range. in the third quarter -- >> first three of the night for caitlin clark. >> reporter: she drained a pair of threes. >> it's good plus the foul. >> reporter: including one that turned into a four-point play. the hawkeyes clawing back to win in front of the star-studded crowd. in the title game, the hawkeyes take on an undefeated south
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carolina squad. >> johnson lobbing it up. able to finish. >> reporter: the gamecocks raining threes and prevailing against nc state last night in the game that started as a back and forth battle before becoming a blowout. >> we dominate. we want it. >> reporter: still to come today? the men's final four. first up is number one seed purdue playing nc state. >> i didn't think i was coming here. this is the absolute blessing. >> reporter: and it is uconn tipping off with number 4 seed alabama. crimson tide rolling into the first ever men's final four. >> we have goals and ambitions to win the whole thing. >> jesse, staying on the basketball news.
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there is something about lebron james and his son bronny. >> reporter: one of the greatest of all time, lebron james with bronny james is going to be declaring for the nba draft. he is also going to be entering the ncaa transfer portal to maintain his college eligibility. lebron james expressed interest with playing with his son before he retires. there could be really interesting off season moves coming up for the nba. one more point about lebron james. when that game was going down to the wire, he expressed displeasure with the fact it seems to have come down to what some see as a questionable foul. i am sure people will debate that for a long time. we have iowa up against an
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undefeated south carolina in the championship game right here behind us tomorrow afternoon. back to you. >> we know you will be following it all. the new beat for the past couple weeks. thank you, jesse. we have michelle grossman back with severe weather. >> it is an indoor movie day in the middle of the country. we have a chance of severe storms with wind alerts. we will see them gusty. we have high wind watching and warnings and advisories. we are going to see winds gusting up to 53 miles an hour in denver. up to 55 in garden city. that is enough to bring down power lines and a potential risk. the pink is the likely spot for fires. we will watch that closely throughout the day. this is what it looks like. we have a storm system making its way across the country. we have a chance for snow on the back side in portions of the rockies. on the warm side, we have warm
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weather a good saturday morning. time is 5:37, and we are under a frost advisory in parts of the north bay, east bay, peninsula and south bay. look at the accept in vacaville right now. 32 degrees. 35 in sonoma. 39 martinez and, ooh, mid-30s moving into dublin and los gatos at 38. 39 in morgan hill. as we plan our day in walnut creek we should start to see more sunshine and that's the saturday weather. thanks for having me. >> thank you, michelle. coming up, could you soon be coming up, could you soon be making your clothing at with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive.
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oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight.
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back with the series "today's tomorrow" and the take on fashion. >> i like that. one designer who is concerned about the impact the industry has on the environment is taking matters into his hands. >> he is doing it with the help of 3d printers. gadi schwartz has more. >> reporter: it has moved at a rapid pace. itis consumerism at the apex and a perfectly tailored suit. >> you used to go to a tailor and create something custom and you keep it. it has gone from that to mass consumption. >> reporter: the options on what to wear are cheap sometimes, but fast fashion has come at a cost. the fashion industry is now the third biggest polluter on earth. responsible for 10% of all global carbon emissions.
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mountains of fabrics thrown away and forgotten about. >> when you come across images showing mountains and mountains of clothing being buried or landfilled incountries, what do you see? >> i see first-world countries offshoring to third world. >> reporter: he was a rising star in the fashion world. he appeared on the reality show "fashion star." >> do you think you will win? >> reporter: and he came across the snag in the business model that was impossible. >> i would watch the "true cost" documentary. we are here to be stewards of the land. i'm doing the opposite. this is not sustainable. >> reporter: he started to redesign fashion for the 21st century. one that is not so much about sewing, but about writing computer code. 3d is weaving future of tech
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into the industry. >> i want to build clothing and textiles. >> reporter: with digital stance, his team has software to allow you to design wardrobe and you have send out and voila. >> what size is this? >> there are no sizes. it will be your size. as it should be. that's what the future looks like. that future is not far away. >> you can't feel this because it's tv. this stretch and feel. this is what i always imagined "the jetsons" were wearing. you are not printing clothing for the masses, but printing clothing for the individual. >> the individual at mass. >> reporter: how much is this for the consumer? >> probably in ten years time. >> for everybody? >> for everybody?
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>> everybody. this will be as cheap or affordable as a 3d printer. clothing, shoes, furniture. >> i'm going to hold you to this. >> reporter: a software solution to the pollution sketching a digital pattern for the future of fashion. for "today," gadi schwartz, nbc news, los angeles. >> would you want one of those? >> i need a bigger home for that. >> that might not work here. the size. peter, laura. that's the size. >> i like the tailored look. >> i love that gadi said this is tv. you can't feel it. >> you know. what do you have in "pop start" here? here? one of the so i didn't think i needed swiffer... until i saw how easily it picked up my hair, every time i dried it. it only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick for amazing trap and lock. even for his hair.
5:45 am
and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact. up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. try sweeper or duster now for $9.49. [ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. try outdoor time is me time. sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers,
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such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today.
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we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies. the easy way to get your daily fiber. we are back with "pop start." joe? >> first up is "happy gilmore." it may not have said see you later, alligator. there was a first script where drew barrymore who reached out to adam sandler. >> i have breaking news. i'll just say this from my source that it is in process. >> there could be a "happy gilmore 2" is what you are
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saying? understood. it's looking good. >> see it is teeing off soon. >> i bet she has really good sources. >> "billy madison." >> same genre. up next is wrestlemania 40. it is taking place tonight and tomorrow in philadelphia. for the first time in 12 years, the rock will be in the ring. he is teaming up with roman rains and my favorite seth rollins. ihave my seth outfit. we have the same purple bedazzled pants. i thought you might say no. in case, cody rhodes has a message. >> why should laura and peter watch wrestlemania? >> it is the biggest spectacle
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in all of sports and entertainment. it is a culmination of the last few years and fans being there for every year and watch wrestle mania to see me become the undisputed universal champion. >> it not, you will come after them? >> 100%. >> he makes a strong pitch. >> you have been warned. you can catch wrestlemania streaming live on peacock. it is owned by nbc universal. 7:00 p.m. both nights. i'm headed to philadelphia for it. look for the purple pants. >> a buff billy idol. coming
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for all of the cat lovers,
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we are back with a story for you. >> a new jersey man is scaling great heights to save our feline friends. >> here is kate snow. >> up in the tree. >> reporter: at least once a week. >> you have come down. >> reporter: steve murrow drops everything to climb high into the tree and help lost cats like cj. success is getting the cat in the bag. it all started a few years ago when cat loving friend heard about a cat in a tree for days and thought of steve who runs a tree service. >> they reached out to my department and all of the local services and nobody could help. they asked if i wouldn't mind climbing the tree. i said of course. >> what are you doing? >> reporter: the first rescue was emotional. >> after five days without water, they can start to get organ failure. on top of that, fatigue from being in the cold for four or five nights in a row. it was the last chance for that
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cat. >> reporter: now he will take calls up to an hour from his home in southern new jersey. in february, chris and heather found their missing 7-year-old callie in the tree. >> i know her meows. she doesn't cry like that. she was stuck. >> reporter: steve drove to them before dawn and gearing up in minutes and scaling the tree. he offered salmon, but she jumped higher. steve went above her and got her to climb down a bit. suddenly, she fell. >> in true cat form, she righted herself and started running before she hit the ground. >> reporter: she wasn't hurt at all. >> he is not just a tree climber. >> he has a heart of gold. he does it so quickly. reassuring us the whole way it will be okay. >> reporter: he helped more than 100 cats. >> just hanging out. >> reporter: some really high up.
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some like, stormy, in danger. >> birds and crows swooping at her. she was literally all the way out on the tips. i rescued her. two days later, she goes up another tree. >> reporter: do you do repeat calls? >> i have had three repeat offenders. >> reporter: steve enjoys every minute. >> it is not about how i feel. it is about how they feel and how about the cat feels. that's why i do it. if my kindness can inspire someone else. >> reporter: for "today," kate snow, nbc news, new york. >> three repeats. not bad. that recidivism rate is quite low. >> one get out of the tree free card. >> that's like my work back in the day. nice story. >> thanks to kate for that. >> that is it for us on saturday morning. >> fun weekend for you. you got plan? >> wrestlemania.
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>> i have basketball to watch. >> i have a kickball party. >> i have a kickball party. i'm going in. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ i'm your overly competitive brother. and i'm ready for a rematch. game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money,
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put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. good morning. thanks for joining us on this chilly saturday morning. i'm bigad shaban in for kira klapper. turning to decision 2024, san francisco supervisor aaron tuscan makes his mayoral run official this morning. the event scheduled where he
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plans to announce his candidacy. confirming his plans to us earlier this week. he enters a crowded field with current mayor london breed, san francisco supervisor, and former san francisco mayor mark farrell. some are hitting the road for spring break plans but if you're heading to the beach this weekend, well, this could throw a wrench in your plans. expect delays on highway 1 in the santa cruz area. caltrans is shutting down highways 1 in capitola for 24 hours demolishing the capitola avenue overcrossing. detours in place all weekend. drivers going in both directions will be forced to exit on to this drive and follow detours back to highway 1. closure is expected to begin at 7:00 tonight and last all the way through sunday at 7:00 p.m. much of the bay is waking up to some chilly temperatures this morning. cinthia pimentel is here to tell us just how cold are we talking
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about. cinthia? >> talking about places waking up right around that freezing mark. good morning, bigad. better news there isn't going to be such a washout like we've had the last couple weekends with really heavy downpours at times and seeing clear skies through san francisco allowing us to see the beautiful golden gate bridge and those temperatures, they continue to go up to the north bay where it's the coldest this morning. 33 in vacaville. 35 in san rosa. still cool through the tri-valley. 39 in concord, 36 dublin and 43 degrees down here in san jose. going about our day we will see more breaks of that sunshine and eventually you warm up next week. 70s and 80s. talk about that at 7:00. back to you. >> 80s? all right. like that. still ahead on "today in the bay," solar eclipse excitement is growing. we'll tell you what you need to know to safely witness the historic event and where in the bay you can see part of it. that, plus all your top stories coming up at 7:00. see you then. for now, enjoy those chilly
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temperatures. . narrator: when you see this symbol, you know you're watching television that is educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. sheinelle: on today's episode of "wild child", we're off on a polar adventure to meet the creatures who brave earth's coldest climates, like these southern swimmers that fly through water.


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