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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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the news at 5:00 starts now. thank you for a joining us. >> the bay is on edge after an earthquake hit the area. >> that was initially
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determined to be a 3.4 but then was done credit to a 3.2. the shaking was mostly felt in the east bay but people in san francisco and san jose felt it. the owner of bill's trading post said she felt the shaking but nothing fell off of store shelves. even though the earthquake was small and did leave her feeling uneasy. >> it is nerve-racking, especially in this old building. probably would not want to be here during a big earthquake. >> this is the first to hit california this week. of 4.4 hits chico earlier this week. there was a 7.4 earthquake in taiwan and an unusual one in the new york area. let's take a look at san francisco and walnut creek. you can see mostly clear skies
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and clouds. that is going to change tomorrow. we have meteorologist rob mayeda here. is this another weekend with qualifying rain? >> yes, it is dry outside but a little bit chile with sunshine. 61 in san jose and that services go international, 57. were in out of the west at 18 moment. in walnut creek, upper 50s for temperatures to kick off the weekend. by this time tomorrow, you will notice futurecast. there is a chance we will see showers from that weather system ringing rain out of the north coast down across the bay area tomorrow. plan on sunday showers. another weekend with rain. we have the eclipse forecast coming up and how about 70s and
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80s? that is just around the corner. those warmer temperatures coming up. the race to be the next mayor of san francisco just got more crowded. aaron peskin wants to be the next leader and watched his campaign today. he is a president of the board of supervisors and the response to this announcement was quick. here is christie smith. >> i am announcing my run for mayor today. >> reporter: he made the announcement today in chinatown. >> i will be a mayor who loves the city and does not beat up on it for clinical game. a mayor who works for everyday san franciscans and their neighborhoods. >> reporter: the board of supervisors president data promise about how he would handle key issues in the city including homelessness and revitalizing downtown.
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>> i ask you to join with me, to fight with me, to save our city without sacrificing our values. >> reporter: peskin is the fifth high profile person looking to toss their hat into the ring. a spokesperson for the mayor breed campaign said that aaron peskin is synonymous with intimidation, searching, and the function. literally the triple crown of moving san francisco backwards. he believes that aaron peskin represents the status quo at city hall and not the change in leadership that san franciscans are looking for. the campaign for daniel lurie said in a statement that his campaign of accountability and leadership stands in stark contrast to the gang of city hall insiders that have failed to get the job done.
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his opponent in the race and colleague on the board of supervisors, safai says he wants to bring real change to city hall and be the voice for san franciscans but it will be up to voters to decide. >> i think it is important that the air -- that they are not a part of the current administration. >> i love the city and they love living here. you know, i just hope we get somebody that is actually for the people. >> reporter: christie smith, nbc bay area news. we have a follow-up to a deadly shooting today. actually did happen yesterday at about 1:30 pm in the mission district. a man died at the scene and a 30-year-old richmond man was identified as a suspect in he was arrested last night.
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we have developing news out of mountain view. two boys were reported missing. the two were less than around 130 this morning in mountain view and investigators believe that their mother took the boys while driving a 2018 ford escape. police are asking for your help looking for the car with this license plate. it is a missouri plate. v letter be 9 v iw. an officer tried to pull over a driver on the highway in petaluma and then they took off leading them on a chase that lead up to 110 miles per hour. the driver lost control of the car and crashed. >> due to the impact of that high rate of speed, a lot of
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the batteries were ejected from the vehicle. they were on fire when we showed up and some of them exploded. >> the car was submerged in the water. that was on the side of the road to keep it from reigniting. chp says they will keep it there overnight to keep the fire out and they will remove it tomorrow. convoys are back up and running over the big sur slip out. that is after a brief pause for the rain over the last couple of days. crews will be on-site to observe the roadway as people pass along the slip out. workers are looking at how to repair the roadway. it started last saturday when the cliffside under highway 1 slipped out into the ocean and that triggered the closure of parts of highway 1. they have been focused on stabilizing the roadway. excitement is brewing for the solar eclipse and there is
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a lot of buzz about it. the moon will cross between the earth and the sun darkening the sky across much of the country. the national air and space museum in washington, d.c. are preparing to celebrate with a festival on the national mall. the folks there will not experience totality but it will cover 90% of the sun. this is about as much of the eclipse that we will see in the bay area. only about 5% totality. it starts it 10:00 a.m. and will peak around 11:00 and it will be over by noon. if you want to watch this eclipse you need special glasses. san jose public libraries are handing out eclipse glasses this weekend and only one per per person. they are being handed out on a first-come first-served basis. >> they are going really fast and the phones are going crazy of people asking for them. >> to learn more about the eclipse and the best and to see
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it, go to slash eclipse. coming up, we are introduced to a silicon valley man that has a unique way of engaging the community. it might be spring but snow is still following -- falling in the sierras. we have an update on ski resorts. we are watching clouds and this time tomorrow, more this time tomorrow, more sh she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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talking and listening can be the hardest thing to do when trying to understand each other. in our continued series about race in america, we want to build community. >> here is marina jones. >> reporter: jackie jackson is known as miss jackie and has been cooking up barbecue and soul food. she's been doing this at jackie's place since 2020. >> i do not want this tradition to go away. the food that we were brought up on, there is a story behind it. >> reporter: part of jackie story was showcased in february in the lighthouse cultural tour.
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>> we want to make sure that our culture is represented in silicon valley. >> it is about being able to shine the light so that people can be seen, heard, and included. >> reporter: quincy created lighthouse silicon valley. they were to give honorable communities more opportunity and access. he launched a pop-up passport series to engage different communities. he is originally from chicago and came to the bay area a decade ago with the goal to create a different narrative. >> when i first came here i created a #, one black dude in silicon valley. >> why did you that this was a necessity? >> whether i was in a board room, sitting with a lot of people, i was by myself and i had to represent in a way that people were not used to seeing
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us. i also tried to be the voice of lived experience because that is the part that changes in those rooms. >> reporter: phillips hopes that the change can come from simple meet ups and no pressure. >> reporter: creating the passport series allows people to come as they are and in a way that they connect to the community and the fabric and the ecosystem of how we might get along over a bite to eat, a couple coffee. >> reporter: other events hosted by lighthouse included a meet up at the coffeehouse, obama soul. and another, was at a black baptist church in the south bay. >> reporter: this is not just about different ethnicities coming together. this is looking at diversity as a full circle thing. >> what we are doing is not going to attach to a venue. it is about creating the right kind of ecosystem. >> reporter: the ecosystem, according to phillips, is reimagining diversity, equity,
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and inclusion by using justice as the foundation. he calls it jedi. >> we want to remove barriers and make it easier for everyone to get the things that they need and then you will see everyone's floor be raised. >> i was like, what are you coming here? >> reporter: another cannot wait to see him come here. >> to be in community and to feel community is a huge thing. >> reporter: the series will be exploring the filipino heritage across the region. >> it is a continuous conversation and we want people to just be. as a filipino-american that was raised in daly city, i don't always serve -- only serve the filipino community. i served the latino community. we have a large asian population. immigrant community. >> reporter: lighthouse will be hosting a series in the fall
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focusing on champions of disability, and building safe spaces that will allow others to learn and grow and connect in new ways. >> martin luther king talked about in his i have a dream speech. it was not just one part. it is also economic freedom. i am looking for the folks that will take the cup of coffee to the next level. >> reporter: reporting for nbc bay area news. we will find out more about filipino heritage and those with disabilities for champion. the sierra snowpack is looking good after the last winter storm that brought nine inches of snow in the last three days. this is the uc berkeley snow lab. about 355 inches of snow this season, just under 30 feet. five inches shy of the annual average fall. the snow is dense and it will produce a lot of water when it
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melts. we are looking right now and some of the places where it will be melting. this is palisades tahoe resort and as long as these conditions hold up they will stay open seven days a week through the end of may. alpine is going to close april 28. >> meteorologist rob mayeda is here to tell us all about that snow. there are midwinter skiing conditions there. the temperatures are cold enough to keep the snow a bit longer. south lake tahoe has overcast skies and a pretty view. and, pretty cold. 37 degrees so the snow is not going anywhere. nighttime temperatures below freezing and easy driving conditions in and out of the sierra. we might see some snow flurries tomorrow as we will see some showers. right now, 61 in san jose and high clouds and partly cloudy skies. 59 degrees in walnut creek and
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over towards oakland, 57. average high temperatures this time of year should be in the mid and upper 60s so this is a below-average weekend in terms of temperatures but it has been dry in chile around san francisco. tomorrow morning another cold start with patchy frost in the valleys. 40s to start and showers for another day coming back tomorrow. we will see the showers drifting from north to the south and another cool afternoon with highs in the upper 50s and low 60s from san francisco to oakland. 62 around san jose. what will bring the shower chances, the rain to the north will drop in to the morning hours and along the north bay and down to the coast. during the day we get some heating with the chilly air aloft. like clockwork, by midafternoon, those individual showers start to pop up and drifted to the south and then
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shut down by sunset. skies will start to clear and we are heading for the all- important cloudy forecast for the solar eclipse and this is how things are shaping up monday morning. maximum eclipse time will be at 11:13 am with clear skies. this gets underway monday morning at 10:14 am and will end at 12:15 pm. weather permitting it looks good. we have clearing skies and monday, temperatures are nice. the numbers continue to climb and by mid week we will be into the 70s and 81 degrees in san jose. if you want to get outside, midweek looks great. rain starts to move out and we have a taste of almost summer- like temperatures for the middle of the week. we do have showers for the weekend forecast. the timing is not good but it will warm up. it is good timing for the eclipse. we will have clear skies monday
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morning and then 70s and 80s in the 7 day forecast. and a dry forecast next week. >> things are looking better. >> i forgot we could still put those numbers up there. those numbers up there. up next, a major closure.
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♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ a section of highway one in
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capitola will be closed really soon. this is so they can demolish the capitola over crossing. one mile will be shut down starting at 7:00 tonight. the stretches between porter street and park avenue. the shutdown was planned for march 23 but they pushed it back. watch detour signs to get around that. a chance to go pro? tryouts for the latest baseball team in the area happened today. more than 50 potential players showed up. they say the open tryouts will be an annual tradition. they will play their inaugural season starting next month. still to come a history making powerball jack that is up for rebs. up for rebs. ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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helping the next generation of law enforcement succeed. san mateo county just wrapped up boot camp. they began hosting boot camps for women at the police academy training center a decade ago. they want to get more women into law enforcement. it was so successful they opened up a coed camp. this group started training five weeks ago so they can pass
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the agility test to become a deputy. >> nationwide we have a shortage in law enforcement. the more that we can help people get to know about all of the possibilities and career advancements at the sheriff's office, it is important because we need law enforcement. >> reporter: about 30 students graduated today and some already interviewed for jobs. something to apply soon. if you are feeling lucky time is ticking to purchase a lottery ticket. >> the powerball jackpot has skyrocketed. no worries though. you have got to play to win. no one matched all of the numbers in the drawing on wednesday and this is the fourth largest powerball jack pot ever. you have until 7:00 tonight to purchase a ticket. the drawing is at 8:00.
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there -- the chances of winning are one in 292 million. >> and the $1.3 billion, you don't get that you norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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saturday night live is new tonight. >> kristen wiig is back and she is joining the five timers club. she will be hosting with a musical guest and she was on that show for seven years. she played surprised sue and the target lady. >> you can watch saturday night
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live on nbc bay area and after the 11:00 newscast. >> you know, jacket weather would be fine. you are going to need the umbrellas again. a little bit of that tomorrow. we turn the corner starting sunday. 70s and 80s inland and approaching the middle part of the week. >> and it's going to feel like spring by time you all go back to work. >> we will see you tonight, the mass shooting in a nightclub in miami. two people killed, seven others injured. a man opening fire on a security guard after a fight. customers caught in the crossfire. a police officer wounded in the shootout. victims rushed away on stretchers


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