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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 6, 2024 11:02pm-11:33pm PDT

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victim's car crash as he was waiting to get on the freeway. >> reporter: it was a terrifying commute friday, randy says he was driving home from work, taking the on ramp to eastbound 80 waiting for the light. >> i heard a pop, i thought it was a car backfiring and then i heard a loud scream. >> reporter: he looked at his rearview mirror at a silver camry behind me. >> there was a vehicle flying down the side of the road and the passenger is trying to get a hold of the wheel and she is screaming. i see that and i quickly turn to the right. >> reporter: he says he called 911 and saw a woman get out of the passenger side and the man in the driver seat bleeding. other witnesses told him they
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thought the driver had been shot. investigators say they are looking for more witnesses. >> we are hoping there were people nearby when this happened. no word on how that person is doing. investigators are searching for the suspect. the mayor of emeryville is responding saying she is troubled by the shooting. she added she strongly supports the installation of highway cameras to deter criminal activity. the governor and state agencies are working to roll out hundreds of cameras. it expects them to be working later this month. >> be part of the solution. we need to stop people from doing this kind of stuff. >> reporter: montgomery things the cameras are a good idea and he hopes whoever is behind this
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shooting is held accountable. nbc bay area news. let's talk about the weather. here is a live look across the bay. rob is tracking rain on sunday. >> especially around the north bay but we are not watching any frost advisories. still 40s later on tonight. right now 51 degrees in san jose. 49 degrees in walnut creek. the big story for tomorrow, a chance of showers. this is dropping in from the north as we head to the day. right now the best chance for the showers looks like it will be mid day into the afternoon. the morning looks dry until lunch time. those are the best places for a chance for showers until 4:00
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tomorrow afternoon. after the sunday showers clear we have clearing skies and the potential for 70s and 80s in the seven day forecast. the countdown to the warm-up is coming up in the forecast. new danger for first responders, crews are seeing more electric vehicle fires. they burn hot and can sometimes reignite. that is why this car is staying in this pond overnight. we explain how it ended up there in the first place. >> reporter: a pile of burned batteries is all that remains on dry land. the ev they want powered is now covered by a tarp in a pond of standing rain water at the boulevard exit. >> the vehicle sped up to over 100 miles per hour. >> reporter: the driver sped up after a cruiser pulled up behind him looking to pull him
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over for speeding. >> the officer turned on lights and sirens and was doing 100 miles per hour in the vehicle was still pulling away. >> reporter: the driver could not negotiate the curve at the northbound exit and hit the concrete barrier. the batteries spread across the roadway. >> they were on fire when we showed up. some exploded. >> reporter: he worries that first responders will encounter more and more superquick ev use and crashes involving batteries that burn hot and are difficult to extinguish. >> this is the first crash i came out to where there was batteries on fire in the road. it is evolving training i guess. as we learn more about the vehicles. >> reporter: recently the mountain view fire department purchased a new tool to help battle the fires efficiently. it allows firefighters to stand
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back as the system punches a hole in the battery compartment. >> we have crews safer. >> reporter: more departments are expected to use the devices. to keep pace with the increased ev crash numbers. as far as this crash goes, hazmat teams decided to leave the car in the water until sunday to make sure no battery fires reignite. nbc bay area news. the search continues for two young boys reported missing in the south bay. chp issued a endangered missing advisory for a nine-year-old and a four-year-old. daniel and david. they believe their mother took the boys. there were last seen at 1:30 am this morning in mountain view. police are asking you to keep a lookout for the pair and the car the mother may be driving. a blue ford escape. it is a missouri plate, the license is on the screen.
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if you know anything call 911. the race for mayor got more crowded. erin kicked off his campaign in chinatown. supporters heard how he plans to fix problems such as homelessness. he built himself as a positive force, someone that brought people together to tackle tough issues. >> i will be a mayor that loves this city and is not read up on it for political gain. a mayor that works for every day people and their neighborhoods, not just the well to do and well connected. >> among those at the counter rally, mark ferrules campaign manager, calling him a representation of the status well. he joins three other high- profile candidates running against mayor breed.
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over the past few months we have been speaking one-on-one with the candidates in this race. you can watch those interviews any time on two people are left without a place to stay after flames tore through their home. the flames were found at a home in the potrero hill neighborhood. you can see the smoke pouring out of the roof. the damage is extensive and the two people will not be able to live there anymore. nobody is hurt. the cause is under investigation. two small earthquakes rattled the bay area today. the berkeley and oakland border and then at 5:30 pm a smaller 2 .5 quake. this morning the shaking was concentrated in the east bay but people in san francisco and
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san jose reported it. the owner of bills trading post tells us she felt the building move and left her feel uneasy. >> we were helping a customer and he was talking to us under the arch and as he moved we felt the entire building shake. my coworker looked outside and saw the window shaking. >> the ring of fire has been active this week. a 4 point for shook the chico area thursday. that follows the 7 point for that hit taiwan on wednesday. the road is closed, a one mile stretch of highway 1 is shut down so crews can demolish the over crossing. chp posted video of the closure. it is not scheduled to reopen until 7:00 tomorrow night.
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if you are heading that way tomorrow be ready for traffic. keep an eye out for detours signs. they are coming from far and wide to watch the eclipse. see how the cities are being crowded 32 hours from the main event. if you want the winning numbers to tonight's drawing, we do not have them. we will tell you why there is a delay in the drawing for the billion-dollar powerball jackpot. >> before the 70s and 80s we have to watch for showers in the seven day
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the anticipation for two nights powerball drawing was not enough, it has been delayed. here is a look at the website. it says results pending. that is because the drawing set for 7:59 pm tonight did not happen. officials say one participating lottery needed extra time to complete required procedures. the rules stipulate, every single ticket was be checked and verified against two different systems before the winning numbers are drawn. one jurisdiction had not done that by the deadline. apparently to have not done it yet. it is not clear when the drawing will happen but powerball will post results online immediate leave. this is now the fourth largest jackpot ever. >> on monday all eyes will be
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on the sky as millions across the country are getting ready to experience the solar eclipse. this nasa animation shows the path of totality throughout the u.s. you can see durango and san antonio and austin. there is a mad dash to be at the right place with millions packing into towns and cities to see the total eclipse. we have more from dallas along the path. >> reporter: by air and on the road, towns along the path are bracing for millions of tourists. >> i am really excited. >> offer a chance to catch monday's rare glimpse of the sun, moon and earth aligning. plunging parts of the u.s. into total darkness for minutes. >> it is like christmas, we are ready. >> reporter: a show of hands reveals almost every passenger on this plane to arkansas came for the eclipse.
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how about this for a path of totality? this map showing air b&b bookings almost totally sold out from texas to new england. the same goes for car rentals, eight right here is reporting a 300% increase in pre-booked rides on monday. >> we expect 1 million or more people and that means a substantial increase in traffic. >> reporter: officials in texas are pausing road construction and urging residents to avoid nonessential travel. some counties even declaring a state of emergency. >> we had texas fema coming and talking to us about filling up guys and getting bread and milk and eggs. >> reporter: advice in case people get stuck in traffic like this. where congestion in some areas lasted more than 10 hours. a small price to pay some say for a once in a generation site that will likely not happen again in the u.s. for another 20 years.
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>> we will only have a partial eclipse in the bay area, about 35% of totality. you will need the glasses if you want to watch it. public libraries are helping, each branch are handing out glasses this weekend. they are limited to one pair per person and are handed out on a first come first serve basis. if you have glasses you want to make sure they will work when you need them. you can check them out now. go to and click on the link in the trending bar. make sure you join us on monday for the special coverage. you can watch on our website or wherever you stream. >> the main library in san jose will be closed but there will be a party in front. a eclipse party. >> we will have good visibility. if you think about partial eclipses, we did have one last
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october and it was cloudy. you could still get good images. this is october 14. now let's fast-forward to what we are likely to see on monday. again, 35% coverage. that will occur at 1130 teen our time. coming to a finish at around 12:15 pm monday. so keep in mind, the next one of these partial eclipses will not be until january 14, 2029. the weather will be cooperating here. around the rest of the country, maybe not so much. you will hear more about that. right now 51 degrees in san jose with partly cloudy skies. a little bit warmer than the same time last night. no frost advisories for the bay area. over to san francisco, 51 degrees and we wake up tomorrow morning to 40s, mostly cloudy
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skies. that is a change for tomorrow and especially mid day to the afternoon. a return of more weekend showers, something we are accustomed to this year. this will happen tomorrow, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. at about lunchtime come watch the showers dropping from north to south around the diablo range. not around san jose or san francisco. northbay is a good focus. then by sunset, what is left of the showers shut down. the rain totals will be scattered. the areas in blue, favoring the northbay hills of the east bay and santa cruz mountains. then the showers start to move out. here is the eclipse viewing window. monday morning it is clear. no clouds from 10:00 to noon on monday.
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by tuesday, mid to upper 70s and wednesday, 80 or close to it. it does look like we will have a warm week. that should take us through thursday and friday before cooler changes roll in towards the end of next week. a bit of a roller coaster ride. we will warm-up by the time you get to the midweek. 70s and 80s across the board and then cooler changes. terry is looking at the seven day forecast. saturday, i do not want to talk about that. we will keep an eye on that for next weekend. it will be warmer before we get there. >> it looks beautiful though. golf weather. >> maybe not saturday morning. >> a feel-good story for the sharks.
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a tough season with the worst record in hockey, a tough year for the sharks but a reason to celebrate tonight. reason to celebrate tonight. the native she got that dress with the extra money she saved
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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welcome back. a historic milestone at the shark tank. san jose hitting the ice against st. louis. devon between the pipes for his first career start. hats off to william, scoring his 3rd of the game, his first hat trick. he is only 21. cooley had 34 saves to earn his first career nhl victory and it is his fourth word game as a goaltender. >> what does it feel like to get your first victory? >> i am getting a little
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emotional. it is unbelievable. they did such an amazing job. i am glad i could make the saves i know i could make. >> cool to see the energy and excitement. the giants and padres. the padres did all of their damage in their first at-bat. bases loaded. he smacks a grand slam. the padres blank the giants. the a's were on the right side of that score in the trade. that is a two run shot. six scoreless victories they snapped their four-game skid and beat the tigers. four - israel.
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the quakes score in the 74th minute to tie the match but the game-winner is scored in the 11th minute of stoppage. the match is almost over. the quakes fall to 1-6 on the season. the men's final four, purdue beat nc state and uconn norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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[ ♪ "baby, i'm a star" by prince ♪ ] ♪ one, two, three ♪ yes! ♪ hey, look me over ♪ ♪ tell me, do you like what you see ♪ ♪ baby, i'm a star ♪ ♪ yeah. oh ♪ this is a football matchup at the ncaa final four game. the wife of jason kelsey met 49er wife and fashion designer christian. >> kelsey said she made her do
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a spin to show off the white jacket. it features caitlin clark mid shot. the text also says this is never a longshot. kelsey watched the game and all black leaving her allegiance unclear. >> you were here at the beginning of this whole thing. >> i was watching the basketball game. wondering who is going to take it. she is very talented. next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters.
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. march madness postgame coverage. >> back to the ncaa men's basketball postgame, ernie johnson alongside kenny the jet smith. >> kenny i'm the jet. just trying something. i'm sorry. >> thanks, kenny. now we owe elton john $10,000. that's great. also, here's charles barkley. >> i am not an expert on college basketball. i am much more comfortable on my other show, you know the one on cnn with gayle king where i talk about immigration and the world on ukraine. >> well, nonetheless, the semifinal matchup between number
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one seeded uconn and the four seed alabama has just wrapped up with uconn victorious. initial reactions? >> ernie, can i be real with you? i didn't watch it. >> me either. you know, it's just hard to get excited when there's better games on. >> you mean the nba? >> the women's tournament. >> that's what's up! >> yeah. the women are exciting. >> yeah. man, the women's tournament is where the action's at. you know how many people watched the iowa-connecticut game? 14 million people. man, that's young sheldon numbers. >> plus women's tourney got the stars. caitlin clark is doing ads for state farm, subway, xfinity and nike. i'm only doing ads for three of them. >> did you see that shot she made in the connecticut-south carolina game? >> she doesn't play for either of those teams. >> she shot it from a different
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arena. >> can i tell y'all something else about caitlin clark? she dunked on me once. on the set of a subway ad. we were shooting around, and in between takes, she jumped 10 feet in the air and hung on to the rim, wrapped her legs around my head and said, welcome to the cream team, you balanced-headed bitch. got to respect that. you got to respect that level of trash talk. >> man, she is so cool. but we got to talk about the men too. >> okay. fine. let's get it out the way. okay. the men's final this monday is i believe between quimminac college versus northern southern state. >> neither of those are real schools. it's actually purdue-connecticut. charles, can you break down the matchups for us? >> him and him. let's see, this guy on this guy. half-stash on braids. let's see, baby face versus baby


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