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tv   Today  NBC  April 10, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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there. it is busy approaching 680. the "today" show is just moments away. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. ahead, the brand new video showing a san francisco mosque vandalized, and also we speak live with a spokesperson from the toll author about new toll lanes and the way they're cracking down on carpool cheats. that's what's happening across the bay area here on "today in the bay" this morning. the "today" show is coming up next. >> we're going to leave you with a live look across the bay area. stay cool, as kari mentioned, good wednesday morning. a bombshell court ruling in arizona. >> thrusting the abortion issue front and center in a make-or-break battleground state. battleground. a new ruling by arizona's supreme court sending shockwaves.
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judges upholding a near total abortion ban. it bates back dates back to the civil war. punishing doctors that perform the procedure with potentially years in prison. how some republicans are distancing themselves from the position. donald trump's shifting stance and the democrats ready to pounce. the latest straight ahead. landmark punishment. the first parents to be charged and convicted in their child's mass shooting sentenced to at least 10 years behind bars after coming face-to-face with the victims' families. >> you failed as parents. the punishment you face will never be enough. >> their emotional courtroom messages and the mother of one of the victims joins us. sounding the alarm. a whistleblower with disturbing allegations, accusing boeing of
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taking dangerous shortcuts during production of the dreamliner jet. the latest in this investigation. severe weather outbreak. intense storms hammering the south overnight. heavy rain, high winds and massive hail. >> shattered the glass, damaged the car on the side. >> power knocked out to more than 100,000 people. that system moving east this morning. al with the full forecast. indicted. the stunning development in the case of the teacher shot by her 6-year-old student. the assistant principal now charged. just ahead, the warning signs she's accused of ignoring. all that, plus crowd control. the summer travel season already expected to be the busiest ever. why now is the time to start booking your flights and hotels. and magazine milestone. we're celebrating 50 years of "people," from the pop culture icon's most memorable covers to our exclusive reveal of its very special anniversary issue.
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today, wednesday, april 10th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." nice to have you along with us on a wednesday morning. hoda is on assignment. >> yes. >> that's in air quotes. she's in new orleans with her bestie jenna celebrating five years of their show. >> somebody put it a few minutes ago, the beignets and bourbon. millions back on alert today after another night of severe storms in the south. rain, high winds and the threat of tornadoes moves across the country. we will check in with mr. roker in a moment. but we begin with that near total abortion ban. arizona reinstating one of the oldest and strictest laws in the country banning nearly all abortions with the only exception to save the life of the mother.
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anyone involved could face up to five years in prison. >> of course, this is all playing out in a key state in the 2024 race. it comes one day after donald trump weighed in on the issue of abortion saying he would leave it up to the states. >> hallie jackson with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: hey there, savannah and craig. we are seeing the political shock waves this morning after they reinstated a law first put in place the year abraham lincoln was reinstated. all of it highlights how important critical access will be. a bombshell ruling in arizona putting in place one of the country's strictest abortion laws. overnight the democratic governor, furious -- >> the devastating impact on this ban that it will have on health care for women across the state is just unconstitutional. >> the state supreme court's decision reinstating a law put
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in place a century ago, 1864 before arizona was even a state. it makes no exceptions for rape or insist, only for the life of the mother. once the law goes into effect, which could be the next couple of months, doctors could face prison time, up to five years. >> our judges and our state legislature feel that people in the year 2024 want to go back to 1864 to when slavery was legal and women didn't have the right to vote for 50 years. >> the state's attorney general says she has no intention on enforcing the law. >> no doctor or woman will be prosecuted under this draconian law. >> president biden calling it cruel and posting a photo of former president trump with the caption, trump did this, a nod to the supreme court's 2022 decision overturning roe v. wade, a decision that for decades overruled state laws like the one in arizona.
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mr. trump who has taken credit for the supreme court decision. >> i'm probably the person responsible for the ending of something that all legal scholars, both sides wanted and demanded be ended, roe v. wade. >> reporter: mr. trump also eluding to the realities at the ballot box since roe was overturned saying republicans should avoid losing elections on an issue that should be decided by the states. a video he made earlier this week and reiterated in his campaign saying these are decisions he land, in this case, the law of the state. >> reporter: already some arizona republicans distancing themselves from the state ruling, including senate candidate kerry lake, locked in one of the most high-profile races in the country. she endorsed the 1864 law.
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>> we have a great law on the books right now. if that happens, we will be a state where we will not be taking the lives of our unborn anymore. >> reporter: now she says she opposes it, as does her democratic challenger. we will have our say. we will fight. >> this is a potent political issue with major repercussions for the 2024 presidential election in arizona, a key battleground state. and there is an effort to have an abortion issue, a ballot issue in november. what's the status of that? and what's the implication? >> yeah. abortion right supporters who were organizing that push say they have enough signatures to get this on the ballot in november. and there are 10 other states across the country where it is likely that voters will decide come november what kind of abortion access their states should have and the political realities are such that since the midterms in 2022 when this has been on the ballot voters have chosen to provide some
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level of abortion access. we have seen that in polling, too, with the majority of americans saying that is something they support. it is a tricky issue for republicans to walk right now. we saw some in the gop try to thread that needle when the alabama ivf issue came up, for example. keep in mind, the democrats are going to make this front and center. they will try to highlight this from now until november. we talked about, for example, the new ad out from the biden campaign, that emotional abortion ad going after donald trump. a biden senior campaign adviser tells me overnight that since this arizona court ruling came out just yesterday, they have decided what they say significantly more money on that ad in the state of arizona which is an indication of how the biden team, the democrats will hope to press this issue from now until november. >> the vice president traveling there in the wake of that ruling, too. the first parents in the united states to be convicted in
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their child's mass school shooting. james and jennifer crumbley will spend at least 10 years in prison. a michigan judge declaring the missed opportunities to stop, in her words, an oncoming run-away train after giving the victims' families a chance to address the court. we will talk to one of those parents in just a moment. but, first, maggie vespa joins us from outside the courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. james and jennifer crumbley made one final attempt to show remorse, offer condolences in that courtroom yesterday, but victims' families didn't buy it. neither did the judge, who said they needed to serve as a deterrent to the public. >> you failed as parents. the punishment that you face will never be enough. >> reporter: this morning an american first with a maximum sentence.
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>> it is the sentence of this court that you serve 10 to 15 years. >> reporter: 10 to 15 years behind bars for both james and general her crumbley, each convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the 2021 oxford high school shooting carried out by their then 15-year-old son who is serving out a life sentence. the families that lost loved ones speaking in court. >> the blood of our children is anything different, well, that really says what type of parents you are because there's a lot of things i would do different. but the one thing i would have wanted to be different was to take that bullet that day so she could continue to live on your hands, too. but the one thing i would have wanted to be different was to take that bullet that day so she could continue to live the life she deserved. >> reporter: jennifer crumbley later attempting to clarify that comment. >> with the benefit of hindsight and information i have now, my answer would be drastically different. >> reporter: also telling the court she found god and trumpeting.
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>> the power of forgiveness. to forgive the prosecution for the slander and hate against me and my husband. >> reporter: james crumbley addressing the families. >> i am sorry for your loss as a result of what my son did. >> reporter: the speeches offering little comfort. >> this tragedy has taken an incredible toll on our family. >> reporter: arguing both parents ignored clear warning signs their son was violent and gave him easy access to a gun. and after sentencing, defense attorneys for both parents declined to comment. moving forward, the state tells us all three members of the crumbley family will be held in separate prisons. jennifer attorney wrote she already plans to appeal. >> maggie, thank you so much. joining us now is nicole, who lost her daughter in the school shooting and as you just saw made an emotional impact statement in yesterday's hearing. good morning to you. >> good morning.
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>> i bet you imagined those words in that moment many, many times as you have struggled with this grief. what was it like to say them face-to-face with these parents? >> it was almost like a sense of relief. i played, you know, that day over and over in my head. it's a constant reminder of, you know, the events that i went t events i went through that day, and i wanted to let the parents know exactly how i felt that day after watching, you know, video surveillance of them and seeing their demeanors and the questions that they had and what they were worried about versus what through that day. difference of parenting and the difference of, you know, a loving mother and a mother that really just, you know, cared more for herself, and that's exactly what, you know, the
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prosecution team was saying before, too, is that, you know, they were neglecting their child. >> james and jennifer crumbley apologized to the victims' families after hearing those statements. what did you think of that? do you find them to be genuine? >> no, i do not. i felt like it was a way for them to, again, place blame on, you know, somebody else versus themselves. in those statements there was still no accountability for their actions. there was no remorse. it was, you know, them just saying, you know, we thought we had a good kid, and we did this. you know, especially the way james crumbley directed a few things. it was just unacceptable. it felt like almost a slap in
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the face to us again, stating that we were, you know, pushing hard for the facts and just felt like it was more of a disgraceful thing. >> you sat in court for much of these trials, which is an incredible act of courage to sit through that and have to re-live it in that way. the judge handed down a sentence that went beyond the state's sends? >> i think it sends a guidelines, the maximum sentence of up to 15 years. it sends a message. what message do you think it sends? >> i feel like it sends a message to really listen to your children. there should be accountability for every action that we have. and it sends a message to, you know, parents all around and even grandparents and any kind of guardian that, you know, children come first and they should be the priority. >> and, nicole, as we close, i want to bring the conversation
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to where it should be, your beautiful daughter, madisyn. what would you like the world to know about her? >> madisyn was a -- i mean, i feel she still is, but she was such a kind soul. i mean, i said a short briefing of what she was in my impact statement and in the impact statement prior, but she really was that heartbeat to our family. she just constantly put herself last. she always wanted everybody to smile. she was a great student. she was an incredible big sister, really always looking out for her siblings, especially her brother who is special needs. she made a difference. that's exactly who she was. witty and the charisma, i miss her very much. >> well, we remember her very much. thank you for being here. we appreciate it. >> thank you. meantime, embattled plane
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maker boeing. they are facing alarming allegations this morning. a whistleblower claiming their dreamliner jets are flawed. blayne alexander is at atlanta international airport with that story for us. good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, good mornin manufacturing giant after that midair mishap earlier this year. now they're facing congressional hearings to you. this comes ahid a period of unprecedented scrutiny after that midair mishap earlier this year. now boeing is facing congressional hearings set to begin next week. this morning, growing turbulence for one of the world's largest airplane manufactures, boeing, as the federal government launched a new investigation into the company amid allegations about one of boeing's airplanes. the faa tells nbc news it is investigating new whistleblower
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claims made by a boeing quality engineer about the dream liner. the latest claims come after a series of dangerous mishaps involving other boeing planes in recent months. the whistleblower says sections of the dreamliner's fuselage are put together improperly and that after thousands of flights it could break apart mid-air. in a letter to the faa, his attorney writes, it is likely to cause premature fatigue and failure over time to two major airplane joints. >> he is alleging that boeing knowingly took a series of manufacturing shortcuts in the construction of the 787. >> reporter: boeing says it is fully confident in the plane, which has undergone intense stress testing, adding these claims about the structural intensity of the 787 are inaccurate and do not represent the comprehensive work boeing has done to ensure the quality and long-term safety of the aircraft. this latest whistleblower worked as a boeing plant in south
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carolina, the same plant that employed another whistleblower, john barnett, who was found dead last month with what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. the company faces intense scrutiny after that mid-air blow-out on an alaska air flight earlier this year and two fatal max air crashes overseas in 2018 and 2019. congress is planning hearings next week.g is putting profits d production speed ahead of quality and safety. >> reporter: now, boeing has made a number of leadership changes after those previous issues and now s >> boeing is putting profits and production speed ahead of quality and safety. >> reporter: now, boeing has made a number of leadership changes after those previous issues and now says this latest whistleblower did not have access to the testing data. the company spent years going over every aspect of the plane to make sure it's safe. >> thank you. let's talk weather. a multi-day outbreak of the severe storming is intensifying this morning. let's bring out al for a look at
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what we can expect. >> good morning to you as well. you can see these heavy showers and thunderstorms now. we have tornado watches from eastern texas all the way to central mississippi and into parts of louisiana. it is going to be really rocking there today. you can see we have flash flood watches and warnings for 13 million people. all the way to the panhandle of florida. here is what we're worried about, a moderate risk of severe tornadoes. 13 million people at risk ef-2 or higher. these could be nighttime nocturnal tornadoes into central mississippi and alabama tomorrow. the system heads into the northeast where heavy rain into new england. tomorrow 25 million people at risk for severe weather from pittsburgh, cincinnati, all the way down to savannah and tampa. we do have a moderate risk. rain fall rates 2 to 3 inches an hour north of new orleans north of tallahassee.
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a heavy flooding especially and heavy rainfall down through the gulf. we could be looking at 10 inches of rain or more from new orleans all the way to tallahassee. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. . we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ dsg family clothing and gear priced to win. only at dicks
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and that's your forecast. >> al, thank you. coming up, a new twist in a story we have followed closely. an administrator in a virginia school where a 6-year-old shot his teacher, well, she is now charged in connection with that case. we will have the very latest. also, we will look ahead to summer. expecting to be a record-setting season for travel. the challenges you could face at the airports, how airlines and hotels are preparing for the crunch and creative ways to save
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oh, we're going to celebrate 50 years of an american institution, "people" magazine.
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arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. (♪♪) ♪ live in color, we're living in color yeah ♪ (♪♪) bring color to life with the very best paint, only at sherwin-williams. good wednesday morning. it is 7:26. i'm laura garcia. a lot of people this morning following the drama playing out along the bay area coastline.
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that is where rescuers are racing against time to save a 30 foot long gray whale entangled in netting. in this video you see orange buoys dragging. rescuers say under water those buoys are connected to a net, some of which is wrapped around the whale. it first became entangled more than two weeks ago in southern california. teams plan to head back to the waters later this morning after it was spotted along the peninsula. i'm bob redell at stanford with news in the world of sports. stanford coast tar va vanderveer announcing her retirement, the all time winningest coach in ncaa basketball history with 1,216 wins at idaho, ohio state and here at stanford. let's get a look at the forecast for this wednesday morning with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're waking up to sunshine and still cool temperatures, but it's going to warm up a lot today. a big spread from the way we
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start the day into the afternoon. and we'll see a high of 81 in san jose, low 80s for much of the east bay. north bay, upper 70s, and low 70s for san francisco. tomorrow, also very warm, but then a significant cooldown coming our way on friday, and we'll be watching out for rain chances in our weekend forecast. >> things are changing. don't forget to watch our "today in the bay" live streaming newscast at 8:00 a.m. ahead, the brand new video showing san francisco mosque vandalized and the bay area toll authority unveiling a new lane and crackdown o
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italy's mt. edna putting on quite the show.
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europe's active volcano has been blowing smoke rings over the past couple days. this is a rare phenomenon generated by rapid gas release and the circular vent release of a new crater. >> between this, the eclipse, the universe is just giving. >> just giving. >> yeah. >> sheinelle is here, of course, because hoda on her way to new orleans for the big five-year celebration of our 4th hour. >> yes. coming up, we have a lot to get to in this 4th hour, starting with a stunning new development in a case from virginia. >> yeah. former administrator at an elementary school where a 6-year-old boy has shot his teacher has been indicted by a special grand jury. >> erin mclaughlin is here with more details on this one. good morning. >> according to court records, indicted on 8 counts of the former assistant was dated on eight counts of felony child abuse. if convicted, she could spend up to 40 years behind bars. it's believed to be the first of
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its kind in the country. according to court documents, a special grand jury in newport news, virginia has indicted dr. ebony parker, the former assistant principal on eight counts of felony child abuse. the charges stemming from the 2023 school shooting involving a 6-year-old boy that opened firee while he pointed the gun directly at me. that's something that i will never forget. it's changed me. it's changed my life. >> reporter: in a $40 million civil suit, she alleged that parker was warned at least three times that the child had a gun. while the ch about his teacher last year. searched and in weapon found, her lawyers allege parker ignored the warning. >> a student on the playground saw the boy take the gun out of his pocket. that student went to a teacher
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and said, i saw him with a gun. that teacher ran to the assistant principal's office and said, i now have a student who has seen the gun, and that teacher requested permission to search his person, and the assistant principal said no. >> what should dr. parker have done? >> she could have called the police after multiple warnings that a child may have a gun. >> reporter: nbc news's attempts to reach dr. parker and the school for comment were unsuccessful. this indictment represents a potential change in who can be held legally responsible in school shootings. >> cases like these are about sending a clear message that school shootings are so horrible, we're willing to depart from the traditional rules and hold people responsible that really, historically have not been held responsible before. >> how do you even make sense of something like this?
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>> you can't. you can't. you know, i'm not sure when the shock will ever go away because of just saw surreal it was. >> i mean, erin, is there a chance beyond this that some others could also be charged at some point? >> you know, craig, it is possible. just last year the prosecutors launched a grand jury to look into that very question, whether any, quote, acts or omissions by school officials warrant possible criminal charges. it is also worth noting that the 6-year-old boy's mother is now serving a two-year sentence on state felony child neglect charge. and the boy is currently being cared for by the great grandfather, telling our affiliate that he has switched schools, that his grades have improved and that the little boy understands that this was a terrible, terrible mistake. >> all right. erin mclaughlin. erin, thank you. coming up, big news from hollywood. the return of -- i have to say
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it is one of my favorite movies. "bridget jones." i just really identified with her. carson has all the details in "popstart". >> guess i could see that. sam brock with what could be the busiest travel season ever. >> reporter: look at what we have already seen to start this year, a significant jump in travelers. what will a slowdown in plane production means for your options. what you need to know right after this break. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. (restaurant noise) introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches
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[customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya. you robots are sounding more human every day! [customer service rep] at discover, everyone can talk to a human representative. jennifer: alright, prove it. [customer service rep] wait, are you a robot? 24/7 u.s.-based customer service. jennifer: how would i prove that i'm not? (♪♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪♪) (♪♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. (speaker 1) oh! yo(speaker 2) to dream ablue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one... (speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there. (speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn,
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chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester. [ serene music playing ] welcome to the wayborhood. the wayfair vibe at our place is western. my thing, darling? shine. gardening. some of us go for the dramatic. how didn't i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time.
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a lot of families still enjoying spring break, but get ready because those summer getaways will be here before you know it. >> it could be the busiest season ever coming with a slew of challenges. >> sam brock is at miami international airport with a look at what we could expect and how to plan those trips. sam, good morning. >> reporter: sheinelle, good i in for a monster travel season, january, february, march, all soaring above pre-pandemic levels with the tsa forecasting more records throughout the year. increased scrutiny over boeing and a cap on their production could take a morning. surf, sand and sunscreen are on the minds of many americans planning a summer trip. projections are calling for an eye-popping 4.7 billion people to travel across the globe in
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2024, likely breaking an all-time record. are we finally going to see the numbers exceed what happened before the pandemic struck? >> 2023 was really our test case of are we sort of back to normal? travel is definitely back, and it is significantly more so than we saw pre-pandemic. >> reporter: here in the u.s., nearly all americans plan to take a trip this year, with half reporting they will travel internationally. that includes alia hill, who already booked a trip to barcelona and has eyes on chicago. >> you need a side hustle to afford flights, hotels, food when you get there. everything does add up. >> reporter: while the travel deal website reports plane tickets are still down substantially from their peak in 2022, the logistical turbulence is still real. the long-term impact of boeing's
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door plug blow-out. but the federal government taking an increased role overseeing quality control. boeing announcing tuesday its airplane deliveries dropping to just 83 in the first few months of this year, nearly half what it was in the prior quarter. the move trickling down. schedu is in flux, all citing boeing delays. says there is reason for optimism. >> we have more flights on the schedule, as well as more seats available. so this is actually a good thing and good news for travelers. >> reporter: it's tricking -- trickling down meantime, like traveling by train or bus. >> a whole day worth of travel so that i'm not working but i'm saving money on a ticket. or do i just cut my losses and buy the more expensive ticket if
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i'm able to work in between time. >> competition for those summer flights are about to get pretty stiff. what are some ways to get ahead of the game? >> reporter: sure. this will come to no surprise. you should be booking right now. let's talk time line. i hear everybody taking a deep breath. 3 to 7 months in advance is your goal for domestic. 4 to 8 months for international. now, that is a long time, however, there are cheat codes involved here, if you are talking about the first couple weeks in june or the last two weeks in august, you might find better value because the crush is in the july period. also the greek island trick, so to speak. get to europe on the cheapest flight you can find and then just take a train or another flight once you are there. experts say there will be a cheaper option. yes, it does feel right now that the road is long to secure those plans.
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stay the course. you will make it and keep dreaming on those summer plans. >> i mean, that was a motivational speech there. >> stay the course! >> an intervention. >> stay the course, sam. thank you, sam brock. >> let us get another check of the weather. >> little bit of the gospel from reverend sam brock and the church of travel and tsa preach. say amen. say hallelujah! and the chorus says yeah. we take a look right now at chicago 66 degrees, 10 degrees above average. look at you, knoxville. it's seven degrees above average. washington, d.c. in the mid-70s today. temperatures stay warm tomorrow. williamsport looking good. columbus 73. philly, you are 10 degrees warmer than average. as we go into the weekend, boston, you are in the low 60s. looking great for the boston marathon on monday. good wednesday morning.
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i'm meteorologist kari hall. today it's going to be warming up, lots of sunshine, and our highs in the upper 70s and low 80s. the warmest in the south bay to the south county, 81 degrees. and it may be even slightly warmer tomorrow. we'll get some slight cooling near the coastline. san francisco in the upper 60s, mid to upper 70s in the north bay, and look at weather. guys? >> all right. thank you, al. still ahead, an exclusive on the new safety features uber is rolling out today with female riders in mind. we will have a firsthand look at the changes you can expect. >> that story and a must-see morning boost right after this. r commercial and this is one of the millions of new and used cars that you can find on autotrader. you can find cars like the ones on your favorite show. oh, no! or the car in this show.
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get out the water! i bet i can even find the cars in my feed. sure can! you can even find the car in that movie on autotrader. (to ufo) hey, find your own car! ♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines
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without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. two brothers cut from the same loaf. one is everybody's favorite part of the sandwich. oh, hey! the other... freezer burned. again. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. bbbzzzzzrrrrr bzssssrzzzzzrrrooo what are you doing? sound effects. why are you doing that? why aren't you? gnnnarrrgnarrrr... eye care is healthcare. you deserve america's best. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) this year, i got serious about my taxes.
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i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪♪) hellmann it makes any sandwich delicious mmm. irresistible! best food's mayonnaise ♪ wipe ♪ [sniffs] ♪ wipe it ♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ wipe ♪ i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist
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how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. we're back. carson daley is here with a we're back. carson daley is here with a new assignment. >> yes, with a boost. >> okay. because hoda's on assignment. a sweet moment in the stands at a san francisco giants game was caught on camera. watch what happens when a man catches a foul ball and looks around to find a kid to give it to. >> a nice shot of what baseball does to a kid.
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are you psyched or what? i do believe that he will sleep with that baseball tonight. >> no question. >> maybe tomorrow. >> maybe for the next six years. >> how cool. bottle it up. that's a moment to remember. >> it's that time of the year, too. spring baseball is back. i got to get my kid to a game. that's good stuff right there. it would have been great if he threw it back. let's talk "popstart" for a second. >> i need some big stars. >> how about joker 2 teaser? all sorts of good stuff coming. things you are not going to want to miss.
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finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. (grandpa) i'm the richest guy in the world. (man 1) i have time to give. (man 2) i have people i can count on. (grandma) and a million stories to share. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. ♪ limu emu ♪
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♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. ♪♪ open talenti and raise the jar to gelato made from scratch. raise the jar to flavors from the world's finest ingredients. and now, from jars to bars. new talenti gelato and sorbetto mini bars. ♪♪ breathing claritin clear is like... is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. live claritin clear®
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(♪♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪♪) (♪♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment
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designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor.
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good wednesday morning. it is 7:56. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab in daly city. time is ticking to save a 30 foot long gray whale, it was spotted yesterday off the coast
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of san mateo county. in the drone video, you can see it's dragging orange buoys and it is entangled in a massive net. noaa is asking for the public's help. if you see the whale towing the two large buoys, you are asked to call 1-877-sos-whale. new video appears to show a man vandalizing a san francisco mosque as the holy month of ramadan wraps up. this was shared to us by a community member. it happened on monday. you can see a man using a skateboard to smash mosque windows on sutter and polk street. we're told yesterday someone went inside the mosque and made threats. the community member who shared the video says worshippers don't feel safe. we reached out to police and have not heard back. time to get a look at that forecast today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the warm-up. >> we have a lot of sunshine in our forecast today and tomorrow,
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it will be nice and well above what we typically see for this time of year, 80s today and tomorrow, but then a big drop in temperatures coming our way on friday. that's what we'll see going into the weekend, only mid-50s for highs, and off and on rain and saturday's forecast and a gradual warm-up next week, while san francisco will hit a high of 74 today. >> thank you. and don't forget to watch our "today in the bay" live streaming newscast in just a few minutes. ahead, the bay area toll authority unveils new toll lanes and the
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sometimes all you need to get the party started... is a little help from your friends. ♪♪ everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort... for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. starting april 26th.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, bombshell ruling. new fall-out this morning after arizona's supreme court reinstates one of the country's strictest and oldest abortion laws.
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>> the devastating impact of this ban, that it will have on health care for women across the state is just unconscionable. >> what's next in the showdown and what it means for the 2024 presidential race. also ahead, wild weather. severe storms causing chaos across the south overnight. >> the size of the hill was pretty intense and obviously shattered the glass. >> millions more set to be impacted today. al is live with the full forecast. then, beautiful people. we're looking back at some of "people" magazine's iconic covers, in honor of its 50th anniversary, plus an exclusive first look at the latest anniversary edition. all that, plus packed popstart. conan back on tonight. >> it's not right! >> the joker goes gaga. >> let's get out of here. >> and the return of bridget jones. >> i seriously believe that you should rethink the length of
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your side pants. like you're a nice man. >> so grab your diaries, today, wednesday, april 10th, 2024. ♪ ♪ >> from richmond, virginia, today i turn 60. >> we love you!virginia. >> orlando, florida! >> detroit lakes, minnesota. >> and munich, germany! ♪♪ >> hi to the students, faculty and staff at greenbriar elementary. >> >> shout-out to virginia. >> maryland! >> we traveled 2,380 miles from carlsbad, california. >> to celebrate our 54th wedding anniversary. >> oh, look at that! all right. beautiful day out on our plaza,
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smack dab in the middle of the week, wednesday morning. sheinelle is in early. we have craig here. good morning. everyone present and accounted for. >> happy hump day. have you seen this? i don't know if you have seen this. i'm going to show it to you. there is this daddy that's gone viral after sharing the one thing that people always seem to say to him when he's out with his four daughters. i'm sorry. so this daddy is getting a lot of attention for his sweet response, proud to say how much he loves being a girl dad. and we're going to get to see that love on display because the entire family is going to join us live tomorrow right here on "today". let's get a check of your news at 8:00. a battle over abortion rights intensified overnight after arizona upholds one of the nation's strictest and oldest abortion bans. hallie jackson joins us with how that decision could impact the presidential race.
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good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning. we are seeing that new fall-out over a bombshell ruling in arizona that puts in place one of the country's strictest anti-abortion laws. 1864, before arizona was even a state, makes no exceptions for rape or incest, only for the life of the mother. doctors could face prison up, up to five years before performing this procedure. democrats are furious. >> the devastating impact of this ban that it doctors could face prison up, up to five years before performing this procedure. democrats in arizona, including the governor, are furious. >> the devastating impact of this ban that it will have on health care for women across this state is just unconscionable. >> no woman or doctor will be prosecuted under this draconian law. >> that's the state's attorney general there. antiabortion advocates are
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celebrating this ruling as a win. but president biden calls it cruel and blames what he describes as the extreme republican agenda. mr. trump, for his part, said through his campaign that these are decisions for people of each state to make. abortion rights supporters are confident they will get an initiative on the ballot come november to protect abortion. and 10 other states are likely to have similar measures, too. >> thank you. house speaker mike johnson says he is going to delay sending the articles of impeachment against alejandro mayorkas to the senate. speaker johnson had planned to transmit the articles to the senate today, but he agreed to a request by senate republicans to postpone the action until next week so they have more time to make the public case for a full impeachment trial. a multi-day outbreak of severe weather is intensifying across the south this morning. strong storms are battering the
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region, already knocking out power to more than 100,000 people. many schools in louisiana closed today as a precaution. kathy park joins us from baton rouge. kathy, good morning. >> reporter: hey, sheinelle. good morning to you. from heavy downpours to damaging winds, it has been a busy week of severe weather all across the south, and it is not over yet. we're starting to feel the rain drops, but this is just a overnight, strong storms moving across the southern u.s. lashing areas from austin, texas to western louisiana with hail, heavy winds and flooding. in parts of mississippi, torrential rain and fierce winds sent trees smashing into semis, causing a serious backup on interstate 20. drivers also facing hazardous conditions, traveling on soaked streets of shreveport, louisiana. fallen trees leaving some roads impassable. heavyinnone dating
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louisiana. >> the size of the hail was pretty intense and shattered the glass, damaged the car on the side. >> reporter: acr >> reporter: across the country, 4 million americans under a tornado watch, and more than 100,000 in texas, louisiana and mississippi were left without power overnight. in central arkansas, cleanup is now underway after a small town was devastated by a so-called microbursts packing 80 to 90-mile-per-hour winds overnight, ripping off roofs and flipping over this mobile home. >> you know, pay attention to the surroundings around them because you never know. and it's just in the lord's hands. >> reporter: all this after an out-of-this-world eclipse on monday, which caused a temperature drop across the path of totality.
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spectators admiring mother nature's majesty, now witnessing her fury. places like baton rouge could see wind gusts of 70 miles an hour today. as severe weather ramps up, a lot of schools in the area decided to cancel classes for today. that also includes the lsu campus. >> guess it today. that also includes the lsu campus. >> guess it is better to be safe. we will get to al's detailed forecast. for the first time ever, the women's ncaa game attracted more television viewers than the men's title match-up. 19 million people watched the game on sunday. undefeated south carolina beating caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes. well, the men's game on monday night did well. but it drew 15 million viewers, so a difference of more than 4 million. in the meantime, legendary stanford coach announced her retirement in january last night. in january she broke the record
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for most coaching wins in ncaa history, man or woman. >> and her legacy, by the way, we're talking 45 years. 1,216 victories. >> wow. >> that's one of those records that will likely never follow. >> and retiring at such a beautiful moment. >> drop the mic. >> i think it's here to stay. just ahead, a bad romance for lady gaga. the first trailer for the next highly anticipated joker movie dropped overnight. carson will have it and more on "popstart". first "people" magazine featuring stars and newsmakers at key moments, so who is on the front of its big 50th anniversary edition? well, people's editor-in-chief is here exclusively. and the big reveal is next right after this. >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust.
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we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ (" go outside" by ratboys plays ) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) -is that rain? -that is rain! ( ♪ ♪ ) walmart+ members save on delivery, gas, plus so much more. join today. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency,
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would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong! did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? new dove deodorant helps repair it. so if you shave it? ♪♪ dove it. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ new dove. replenish your skin after every shave. hey ump! you need your eyes checked! yeah, things are getting fuzzy! then go to america's best! why?
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for a comprehensive, quality eye exam! sounds good! it is! i'll go! good call! america's best. because eye care is healthcare - and you deserve the best. (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? because eye care is healthcare talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio. doctors have been prescribing entyvio for nearly 10 years. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ welcome back. for 50 years, "people" has been a fixture in the homes of millions of americans. it all started with this one.
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mia farrow back in 1974. this morning "people's" editor-in-chief is with us to exclusively reveal their big 50th anniversary cover. and i do mean big. wendy, good morning. >> good morning. >> i think without further ado, we should just unveil this cover. you do the honors. >> so we couldn't pick just one person. it was too big of a moment for us. so we have jennifer aniston, drew barrymore, michael j. fox, he is -- reese witherspoon, serena williams, oprah winfrey, viola davis, matthew mcconaughey, dwayne "the rock" johnson. >> i've heard of them. and they've all been on the cover multiple times. what was it like getting this shot? you come out and say it, like there is no way celebrity schedules you could get 11 people to sit there. but what a unique way to make it look like they were in the room where it happened. >> yes.
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this is kind of our dream party. the whole concept is a garden party because we want everyone to feel included in this moment with us. >> we don't have time to go through each and every one. oh, look, everybody on our plaza is holding the issue. i have it in my hands, too. tell us some of the stories that you heard. i mean, the celebrities we see here. oprah, for example, she's been on the cover of "people" multiple times. onahue in the latings which was a huge moment. she talked about this is when i now i made it, when i was on the cover of "people" it was happening for me. >> it is. it's a moment for any celebrity, a rite of passage if you're lucky enough to get in. >> michael j. fox, obv >> our first story was with her passage if you are lucky enough to get there. michael j. fox obviously a huge cover star, but at a key moment he came to "people". >> what an incredible and important story. when you look back, a lot of celebrities didn't do that at that time. my grandmother had parkinson's
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at the time. no one knew much about the disease. he's changed the course of research for everyone. >> let's talk about drew barrymore who has literally grew up between our eyes. >> exactly. she was first on our magazine when she was 9 years old. incredible debut, obviously. everyone came to know her with "e.t." she does feel like part of the "people" family. >> i think the royals and princess diana hold the record. we have a corgi, just a nod to the royals. what are some of your favorite covers over the years? >> you really can't forget the incredible tribute to princess diana. it was the only tribute and only cover that we've ever done with no cover lines. it was just such an impactful moment. everyone remembers where they were when she passed. how do you pay tribute to an
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icon like that. >> not just celebrity news, but after 9/11. i was surprised to read this morning that your 9/11 issue which was a major feat to get on the stands as fast as it did remains your highest selling issue. >> yes, highest selling of all-time with 4 million copies sold. that morning -- we used to go to press on tuesday. they had another issue ready to go to bed at night on tuesday morning. within an hour, they had 26 photographers out taking photos, reporters on the ground everywhere. as every news organization in new york did, we reported it as we lived it. we had loved ones we were concerned about. we were the first magazines on stands after the attack. it was our best-selling. and we continue to tell that story. in that reporting we followed many of the women who were expectant moms at the time who lost their partner. we followed those children now
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for more than 20 years. they are really a cohort that have been able to lean on each other. it is just a testament to how we report a story and stay with a story over time. >> no question an act of service to the country for all those journalists to get that out so quickly. all right. we have to talk about the issues we love the most. those franchises have been huge for the magazine. >> they have been huge. and the story goes that the way that sexiest man alive came to be is they had a fantastic photo shot with mel gibson, but they didn't have a cover line. it's been one of our most successful ever since. >> just how does a person -- what makes them cover worthy? >> you know, we always think about what is happening in the culture right now. who is everyone talking about? who is changing the conversation? and we have a pretty good instinct. we tuned into that for 50 years
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now, so we have a good predictor of what's going to hit. >> congratulations to you. congratulations to all of the employees of "people" magazine. 50 years for a magazine to still be with us. it is a pretty big establishment and we're happy to celebrate it for you. >> congratulations. >> you can grab this issue on newsstands friday. we will be back with a look at thunderstorms moving through. we now have tornado warnings throughout parts of louisiana, lafayette, louisiana. we've got severe thunderstorm warnings and tornado watches for much of of louisiana on into mississippi city uncertain some of these unforgettable of louisiana on into mississippi. this is a very volatile situation. we have 13 million people under flood watches right now and some flood warnings stretching from the panhandle of florida all the way into texas. you can see multi thunderstorms moving up. 13 million people at risk,
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damaging hail, wind gusts of over 75 miles an hour. here is what we're most concerned about going into tonight. an ef-2 or a stronger tornado risk from just west of tallahassee all the way through central mississippi, alabama on into louisiana including new orleans, lake charles, pensacola as well, alabama. we are going to be watching this very, very closely over the next 24 hours. that's what's going on around the good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today is going to be warm, up to 80 degrees for the inland valleys and slightly warmer tomorrow, as the sunshine continues. but then by the end of the week, we're going to feel a significant cooldown on friday, off and on rain on saturday, and only 55 degrees. but then as we dry out, we warm up early next week and san francisco hits 74 today, but will only be 56 degrees on saturday.
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and that is your latest weather. best time of the morning. >> hey, when you have to do that. >> it's not the same. >> we don't lock eyes. >> i appreciate it, though. you are the flava flav to my chuck diaz. i said it before. let's get to it, guys. bridget jones, there's a new chapter out of this diary on the way. appearances, i like you very much. >> apart from the smoking and the drinking and >> in fact, perhaps despite appearances, i like you very much. >> apart from the smoking and the drinking and the vulgar mother and the verbal diarrhea. >> no, i like you very much just as you are. >> sound exciting for everybody? show of hands? excited about that? >> you ever seen it? >> no, not even a little bit. >> it's called "bridget jones: mad about the boy." grant and
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hugh grant and emma thompson back in the jones-verse. no mention of mark darcy. he wasn't mentioned in the press release. joining the cast, off his heart-breaking hit, leo woodall and oscar nominee chiwetel ejiofor will be joining that. >> is she a grandma or something? >> i have no idea. i don't want to spoil it. >> i think it was a book. i didn't read that one. i like the first one. >> "mad about the boy" will hit theaters internationally and on peacock on valentine's day. >> we have time to catch up. now, this next one, we're excited. >> "joker," the new trailer for the highly anticipated sequel. this time around, he is joined by lady gaga dancing into the shoes of harley quinn. take a look. ♪ >> tell us, what's changed?
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>> i'll tell you what's changed. i'm not alone anymore. >> that's what you should be talking about. >> there is a scene there where he's just laughing. you said it yesterday, they put it on social media. it runs for 30 seconds, him just maniacally laughing and crying at the same time. hits theaters in october. >> is that a rom-com. meets the joker. just, the guys last night conan o'brian was back in the building for the first time in a long time. the former host returned to the tonight night show. his first in person appearance in nearly 15 years. conan shared what it was like to visit his old studio. >> so i walked in and i said, who's in my old studio. they said kelly clarkson. i love kelly clarkson.
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but, still, i felt like, it's not right! it should be a the ground. then kelly came out to say hi, and i said, don't talk to me. >> that was a great appearance. he's fun. going down memory lane having conan here. he wrapped up that whole interview with jimmy with these final sweet words. >> let me say one thing really quick. i have to say i'm just very happy for you. i had the honor of meeting every tonight show host going back to steve allen. and i think what you have done with this show is beautiful. you made it your own. you have done so much great, quality work and i couldn't be happier for you, you know. i really am thrilled for you. >> thank you. >> that's nice. >> that's really nice. >> next up, ina garten has a new project in the works.
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it's a memoire. a preview of what inspired her. >> i want to tell you i have written a different kind of book this time. it was a memoire. it was really scary to do, but it turned out to be so much more interesting than expected. to lk i tend to look forward in my life and not back, and connecting the dots from when i was in my 20s and 30s made me do, which is prepare cook books. >> it is out october 1st. that's a good question. yeah. think about that one. next up, olivia rodrigo delivered a special surprise guest. take a look. ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you were meant for me ♪ >> yeah. >> pretty cool, right? >> she took her kids to see the last night. and i know sheryl crow has come out. jewel has come out. olivia's tour now goes to dublin. maybe bono will come out. you never know. finally, lenny kravitz in a new video on social media, showing how he keeps in great shape at nearly 60. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> i mean --
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>> leather pants and all -- >> and sunglasses. yeah. >> letting it rip at the gym. it is inspiring a new wave of fitness. the comments were hilarious. reasons why i haven't started working out, i don't own any leather pants. working out in sunglasses, a mesh top and leather pants, one of the last true rock stars. >> wow. that's amazing. >> it's amazing. >> how do you wear leather pants if you are sweating? >> i have no idea. looks just like that. that's your cousin. that's your cousin, lenny. >> i take my shirt off, looks just like that. it's all genetics. it's unbelievable. >> coming up, a healthy chicken dinner you can throw together on just one sheet good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. authorities are identifying the 9-year-old girl who died in a weekend rollover crash in the
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east bay. donna hernandez tapia from oregon died when the suv she was in crashed after veering off of the 680/242 split sunday morning in concord. the car rolled several times before landing upside down in a dirt median. four of her family members suffered major injuries, and authorities say the driver ran from the scene and has not yet been found. their relationship to the victims is still not clear. let's get a look at that forecast today, a warm-up in the bay area, kari. >> we're headed for 80 degrees today, for a lot of our inland valleys, and a mostly sunny sky. then a significant cooldown starts on friday, with some gusty winds. and then by the weekend we're only seeing temperatures in the mid-50s with off and on rain on saturday. on sunday there's slightly going to be a warm-up, but then we continue to see dry continues and warmer temperatures next week. marcus, we're going from 74 in san francisco today to 56 on
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saturday. >> whoa, that's a drop. thanks, kari. we're going to have another local news update in 30 minutes. see you back here then.
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bar waiting for somebody to come along. >> i will never stop looking for her.
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>> you're an animal. >> svu, thursday on peacock. ♪ oh, it's 8:30. 8:30 on a wednesday morning. 10th of april, 2024. as we get a little hump day camera time to the crowd. oh, yeah. how are we doing? >> i love it. it's a beautiful day. >> it is. >> all right. coming up, a first look at new features being offered by uber to make sure riders and drivers feel safe. just ahead, dr. torres is here with hard truths about multitasking. pay attention. you know, what actually happens in our brains when we're trying to do more than one thing a time. it is actually not the best way to get things done. >> what a surprise. >> i know. we all do it. >> some useful tips, though.
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>> okay. >> looking forward to that. plus, we love a good, simple sheet pan dish around here, especially when there is one with gooey cheese involved. kevin curry is here with a great go-to recipe. >> that's right. coming up in the 3rd hour, do you believe in big foot? guess what? you are not going to believe the transformation of jesse eisenberg when he joins us to talk about this movie called "sasquatch sunset". >> the concept is wild. word of spoken. a lot of grunting. >> how about another check of the forecast? >> that's right. if you are a sas kwach, who do you like? windy and rain in the north east friday. look for wet weather in the pacific as another storms in on saturday. april warmth from the plains all the way down to the gulf.
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the gulf and mountain snows. we're also looking at some sunshine making its way through the plains. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's going to be a warm afternoon. our valleys from santa clara valley to the trivalley to napa valley will head for the low 80s for today and slightly warmer in those areas tomorrow, but then a cooldown in the forecast with upper 60s on friday and then look at saturday. if you have outdoor plans, it's only going to be in the mid-50s with off and on rain. about the same in san francisco
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oh, happy anniversary. 54 years. what is your name? >> john. >> janet. >> smart guy, all right. oh, savannah! >> hello. these shoes were not made for walking. guys, coming up next, a ride sharing game changer. a look at the new safety features coming to uber. is "to nbc.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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but, first, this is "today" on we are back. coming up on 8:36 now with an exclusive announcement from uber. >> the popular ride-sharing service is rolling out new and improved safety features this morning. savannah sellers is here with
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the details. good morning. >> hey, guys. good morning. uber gave us a first look at its new automatic in app safety features developed with female riders in mind. and i had a chance to go for a test drive. concerns about safety when using ride share apps on the mind of women. >> something weird happened the other day when i was waiting on my uber. >> i was like, i feel like deeply, deeply unsafe. >> reporter: this morning uber rolling out a new feature, the ability to automatically activate safety preferences based on time or location. think late-night trips, rides within 50 meters of a bar or restaurant, your week understood pickup or if you'd like for every ride. >> we're hoping these features gives them peace of mind so they don't have to think of it in the moment. >> reporter: what do you think it is going to mean for people that this is go on automatically. they have had a couple drinks. >> it allows riders to set it and forget it, to not worry about it when they are out
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moving around town. >> reporter: riders can hospital into share my trip, which allows you to share your gps locations to a friend or family member. ride check prompts uber to check in if your trip veers off course. and audio recording which can be created and encrypted for the entirety of the ride. was this built with women in mind? >> we got a lot of feedback from all riders, but it is something we heard specifically from women riders, that they really wanted this type of optionality in app. >> lyft introduced safety features and cited 3,800 reports of sexual assault and misconduct. you open up your app and navigate to accounts, settings and scroll down to safety preferences. once you are here, you can choose which features you are interested in. here's what is new.
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you can determine when exactly you wanted those features to kick in, automatically now, between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. or within 50 meters of a bar or restaurant. now let's test it out. i'm going to order a ride. since i'm leaving a bar, my safety preferences kick in. as i get into my uber, i will check with my driver that he can use my pin to get this ride started. hi. are you nate? hi, nate? can i give you my pin? >> oh, sure. hold on one second. >> okay. my pin is 4108. >> 4108. there it is. >> there we go. so let me buckle up now that you've got my pin. i can see right here audio recording kicked in. so should something go wrong, the audio of this will be able to be reviewed by uber. we also have the preference of ride check engage right now, so
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the app will ask me if everything is okay if we go off course. nate, as a driver, do these features make you feel safer? >> actually they do mostly because the passenger is comfortable, so i'm a little bit more comfortable. >> this is interesting. so can you explain this pin number verification system? >> absolutely. it is a little counter intuitive because i thought the driver should give me a pin. but what's actually happening is you are provided with a pin. be. let's say you got in the wrong car, they wouldn't have the functionality to get in. or if it was an uber driver and it was a mistake, they put your pin, they say, uhn-uhn, you are in the wrong car. >> can they just drive away? >> i suppose. >> now you're in the car. >> yes, but you would see on your phone, uber is not starting. this is not what i requested. >> and your friend is watching, too. >> i'm saying i'm not moving because they see your trip and
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see the car you requested corner. >> last week somebody got in my uber and i saw a little car driving down the street. >> that's a great example where a pin would be useful. it would mean that car can't move, even more just like that, convenience. >> before i get in the car, i say who are you here for? if they say, savannah, i say great. >> that's an added layer to that. >> you should rent an apartment nearby and walk home. >> i love it. it is kind of interesting, especially because there is a lot of concerns on public transportation, i think. you want to make this as safe as possible. >> your demonstration really helped, too, helped us understand. >> thank you. >> thanks, guys. up next, dr. torres is here, and he's in the studio to help us bust a popular myth about everything that we have -- multitasks, we all try to do it, so can you actually be more productive when you have a lot to do? but, first, this is "today" on
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well, being such a busy girl and all. of course, i call people while i'm doing the dishes or shelling peas. oprah calls it multitasking. >> okay. forget that line there from "sweet home alabama."multitaske. but unfortunately, doing three things at once isn't always as productive as you might think. here is a closer look at the myth of multitasking and how our brains are actually wired to tackle the to do list, dr. john torres. dr. john, always good to see we all have days when we feel being a multitasker, a lot of folks wear it as a badge of honor. people drag about being able to do six things at once. you maintain that. >> and i'm the same thing.
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i always pride myself in multitasking. i can do multiple things. it turns out we can't do that. our brain has certain centers, executive center, coordinating center. when those are occupied with a task, they are occupied with that one task. they can't do other things. instead, what we are, we are task switchers. we can go from task to task very quickly. the problem is you pay a price when you do that. so doing two things at once, not possible, but you are doing it rapidly one after another. >> but riddle me this. if i can talk on the phone or i'm doing the dishes or doing something around the house, it seems like that would be multitasking. >> what's happening is one of those tasks is something that you do repetitively. you either have muscle memory or a good ability to do it because you have mastered it. it almost goes into your subconscious. you are on auto pilot when you do that. and you can focus on the task at hand you are doing. if somebody knows how to crochet, they could do that if they are doing something else. on the other hand, if we're
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trying to learn how to crochet, we have to focus on the task. >> multitasking, is that bad for us? >> it can be bad for us in a couple different regions. if you are multitasking and you are not doing everything at 100%. so you can do things good, but you can't do things very well together when you are multitasking, and that can take a toll on you, anxiety, stress. it has been shown to raise your blood pressure. over time that can cause problems. you pay what's called that switch cost, that switching back and forth from tasks. that can cause problems with the task in and of itself. >> a lot of folks watching and listening, especially moms out there who are forced to do more than one thing at a time, what can we do? what are some tips, if you will? >> some of the things you can do is practice doing s when you do that, you are not especially things you know you can do repetitively and you know you can have an ability to do it. change your scenery around where you are, too.
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say you are in an office area, it is a quiet zone. that means you can do it in that quiet zone alone. try things small. give yourself certain time limits and say, i will do this for five minutes. then i will switch to another task, and that should help. never ever multitask when you are driving. because you never know -- even though you have driven that same route time and time again, something could happen, a kid could run in front trying to catch a ball, and you have to pay 100% attention to that. >> so multitasking isn't a thing? >> it's a myth. task switching is what you and i and other people are good at, going from task to task to task. the problem is, if you do that too rapidly you don't do either one at 100%. >> cell phones, being as ubiquitous as they are, that has made it worse. >> i'm famous in my house. my wife or my kids saying something to me and me going, uh-huh, uh-huh while i'm doing two other things in my mind and the next day going, you never told me that.
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then i get the, yes, i did, i was task switching at that point, wasn't paying attention. >> your house sounds like my house. thank you, sir. the executive center of your brain trying to figure out what to do on a busy weeknight for dinner, kevin curry is here with that answer. it's a chicken dish that's loaded. not just with cheese, but with flavor. we will learn how to make this sucker tonight. we will learn how to make it in a few minutes here. but, first, this is "today" on
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all right. we're back with our "today table" series. there is nothing more that we love than simple. cooking the entire dinner you will eat tonight in just one pan. kevin curry, author and founder of "fit men cook." he's here with this great sheet pan recipe. scan the qr code on scan the qr code on your screen. you will also get $10 off your
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first three online pickup delivery orders of $50 or more. that's from our sponsor walmart. use the code today10, chef. good to see you. you got the gloves on. >> so we're going to first slice it to create a pocket. don't go all the way through. you have to be careful. just go right here. and i like to go almost about three-quarters of the way through. >> you have to dump that chicken breast in. create the pocket first. >> absolutely. we put in some mozzarella and cashew cheese. i like to tear the basil. when you tear it, it retains more flavor and it won't wilt as quickly. >> i love the mozzarella inside the chicken breast. i like dark meat. >> i was going to say. >> we do a boneless chicken thigh. >> but it is not thick enough to stuff.
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>> now you have a new recipe. >> is it good? >> yeah. >> you just put the basil and and garlic the cheese. >> yes. now we will chicken it up. we use oil as a binder. then we have some onion powder and garlic powder. this is some thyme. it could be oregano, salt, pepper, boom. lean. it cooks quickly. you want to cook vegetables that will do that, too. they will -- and it is cheaper to buy the whole head and do-it-yourself. but do this, boom, easy. and then we're going to add -- >> i know you love this because it is just versatile. whatever your jam is, you can do. >> you don't have to use the cheese, dairy issues. >> absolutely. it is versatile that way. potatoes because they take
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longer, make sure you cube these. these have to be cut cheese, dairy issues. >> absolutely. it is versatile that way. potatoes because they take longer, make sure you cube these. these have to be cut in smaller pieces just like this. so it looks just like this. and then sheet pan. don't use another bowl. put everything here in a sheet pan. >> those potatoes will cook at the same time. >> exactly because they're small er pieces. >> put some olive there. do you have some sage on there? fancy stuff. mix that together. boom. there we go. that's right. get into it. >> throw this thing together. make a little room for the chicken breast. >> then we will put this right here. this is perfect. >> you're right. this is a doable dinner for tonight.
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>> yeah. >> absolutely. even if you can't cook, don't prove me wrong out there. this is an easy recipe to do. >> this is like two serving on this plate already. >> how long are you going to bake that? >> for 20 minutes around 420. just make sure the chicken is going all the way through. the bigger this is, you want to make sure it is cooked all the way through. >> about 20 minutes. >> it is on the website. >> i know. look at me. >> i got a question. if i use a thermometer to check this meat, when i put the meat thermometer in the center, i hit the cheese, right? >> remember, because you slice it, it will cook a little faster because it is two layers now. it is almost like butterflying the chicken. >> absolutely. this is also a great grilling recipe, too, so you get the smokey flavor of that. >> i hope you don't have a bite in your mouth. you have birthdays. let's spin those smucker's jars.
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we have cute ones here for you. first up, it is a happy first by the way, i want to mention quickly, in the next hour, al has birthdays. >> all righty. let's spin those smucker's jars. we have cute ones here for you. first up, it is a happy first birthday for little henry hickerson. already visiting 6 states. jordan kernkraut is one. a big foodie with a big appetite. grace loves reading books and going for walks with mom, dad and her two dogs. happy birthday to nola jackson. she loves playing the piano and her favorite food, meatballs. what a smiley guy. loves showing off those dimples and happy first birthday to leila strauss. she loves munching on that yummy new york pizza.
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happy birthday to all. it's spelled -- it's leyla, but it's spelled like my daughter's. >> sky is going to be on one of those. >> sky is turning one year. >> july 3rd. >> it will be here before you know it. >> get a special jar made. >> we're back for the 3rd, the 4th and the 5th hour coming up. >> can't wait to hear about that. >> no words. sasquatch, covered in fur, it's going to be good. are there subtitles? all right. we're back after your local news, your weather and these messages. thank you, chef. we're back after your local news and weather.
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good morning. i'm marcus washington. well, new video shows a man vandalizing a san francisco mosque. police now confirming that that incident happened last week. now, this video was shared to us by a community member and you can see that man using the skate board to smash mosque windows on sutter and poke street. police say that same man may have verbally made threats later in the week. community members who share this video say that worshippers do not feel safe. ginger is digging deeper into the story and speaking with worshippers on the last day of ramadan. and a possible new setback in efforts to transform parts of old concord naval weapons station into housing while leaders have selected a
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developer, a separate project is in the works for neighboring pittsburgh. environmental groups are now raising flags over the plan ahead of the vote required to push that plan forward. legendary stanford women's basketball coach has announced her retirement. there are now news conference, it's planned for earlier
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voting on a controversial name change. we go one-on-one with airport leaders about the push to rename the oakland airport. plus, an 84-year-old t
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♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," summer spike. >> travel is back. >> nearly every american is ng


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