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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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she's going to china. when she's there, the mayor will meet with the president of china. she will also look for business opportunities, which include a couple of panda bears. >> this could supply the kind of boost that the city desperately needs. >> we see this as an extraordinary opportunity for san francisco's future. four the mayor is going to china to bring back her business to san francisco. she also wants to bring pandas back to the zoo and increase relationships with china in tourism in an effort to be a force in innovation and economic leadership.>> our goal is to enter into major agreements and make san francisco significant to china and let them know we are open to the business relationship that could be developed. won the trip begins saturday
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and will include community leaders. the mayor was invited by xi jinping during his visit last year. the mayor said she's looking to expand airline routes to bring more visitors downtown, including to chinatown. >> we would love to encourage them to come to chinatown. we can also promote chinatown because we are the largest chinese community outside of china. >> reporter: she has owned the shop for 57 years and said tourism is critical to businesses surviving. >> we depend on that aside from the local residents. we are a vibrant community. >> reporter: the mayor wants international tech to make san francisco home. the chinese chamber of commerce is excited for growth that could lead to lasting impacts. >> this is very good news. as we all know not just
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chinatown, but the city itself needs more economic growth. the excessive force lawsuit against an x san jose, is on hold. he's facing the civil lawsuit for shooting and wounding a man at san jose state in 2022. the man just broke up the fight and disarmed a man before he was shot. an internal investigation was held and he resigned after homophobic texts he sent were uncovered. the lawsuit could move forward and was scheduled to begin next week, but now it is on hold and mcnamara is appealing to challenge the judge's refusal to grant him qualified immunity. 's lawyers are arguing for a change of venue. it's the end of the holy month of ramadan. muslims around the world are
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marking the day. it is a festive celebration. but it also comes at a time of deepening conflict in the middle east. >> celebrating that. >> reporter: people gathered this morning. >> this is a celebration and it means a lot to me as a muslim. i came here with my family to celebrate together with the community. >> today is all about feasting and coming together as a community and bringing family and friends together. >> it is the first day of the next month and we have a celebration. we have prayers in the morning. format she's a board member at the islamic center. she said right now there's more to contemplate. >> today is a heavy day. we want to celebrate because we are thankful for being out in the open air with clear blue
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skies and being able to pray outside. we know that our fellow muslims in gaza, the mosques there were destroyed. we saw them praying and their lives have been turned upside down. >> reporter: others share their thoughts. spoke in general, the community this year has been celebrating things at a lower key level. we are talking about how blessed we are and reminding our kids about what other people are going through and praying that there is peace all over. >> reporter: it was a family- friendly environment with a place for kids to enjoy, and this community to come together in the east bay. >> one things we always say we are grateful for is the piece
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that we have here. m eta unveiled a big piece of their future. the company said they are making their own chip and reduce reliance on nvidia's chip. they said they can run a eye products in facebook, instagram, and whatsapp. there is an artificial intelligence computer for students. the goal is to give students access to supercomputing resources generally only available to tech giants. students have used it in one class, but the school will expand access. by the spring of next year, all the undergrad and grad students can use the supercomputer. inflation is stubbornly hanging on.
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not only does it make our lives more expensive, but the fed is less likely to lower interest rates. the culprit is gas, rent, and car insurance. in the election year, it is also a political story. how the candidates are spinning the news. >> reporter: it shows that inflation ticked up again in march. adding to the strain on americans wallets and the political pressure on president biden. >> inflation was skyrocketing and we took office and we have a plan to deal with it. >> reporter: consumer prices rose 3.5% year-over-year. rent, gas, and auto insurance are hard-hit. grocery price increases slowed down. americans have seen average prices increase more than 20% since the start of the pandemic. the former president is seizing on the report.
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president biden said inflation has dropped more than 60% from its peak and that raining it in is a top priority. he noticed a strong job market. and adding to the challenges, the stock market tumbled on the news >> the fed cannot move to lower interest rates when prices are showing signs that they can be trending higher. >> reporter: hopes for rate cuts are fading. inflation appears at an elevated level. painful effects for consumers. the imbalance between the economy strong fundamentals and the reality that americans feel is what is keeping the economy at the top of the list of key campaign issues.
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the markets could not shake that data. stocks tanked. the s&p and nasdaq finished lower. intel and home depot struggled. they both finished 3% lower. the former president is weighing in on a controversial abortion ruling that he said is going too far. the supreme court of arizona brings back eight total abortion ban 1864. it is now on hold for 14 days to allow for an appeal. today donald trump responded to the arizona decision. he said the governor needs to bring the abortion-rights back into reason. president biden's campaign fired back saying, he, mr. trump, is responsible for the chaos in arizona because he proudly overturned roe v. wade.
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the former president is stepping up and the former governor is raising less money than president biden. ron desantis was a competitor of trump. they were running against each other and there was bad blood between them. the governor dropped out in january. he has since endorsed donald trump. it remains unclear if they want help from desantis. but campaign advisors said everyone should have a common goal of defeating joe biden. trying to help tens of thousands of veterans avoid closure. trying to find affordable housing for seniors at a time when is becoming more difficult. how she has helped over 1000 people so far. we have enjoyed a warm wednesday with temperatures in the 80s.
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how long will it last? and when does the rain moves in? i wi
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stomach a new program launch by the department of veterans affairs. it could help veterans avoid foreclosure. it's called the servicing purchase program. it helps veterans and gives them an option. a 2 1/2% interest rate. it means an affordable loan payment. the department of veterans affairs said it's a last resort option. is not as a path to default. spoke what is unique about this is there's a cost savings to the government. we anticipate the total cost being the net savings of about $1.5 billion over 10 years. the reason is it's cheaper for us to purchase these home loans refinancing and have veterans keep their homes then to allow them to go to foreclosure. >> the program begins on may 31st.
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veterans don't need to apply. mortgage services will submit requests for them. we know that finding affordable housing is struggling . one woman is finding a way to meet the needs and finding more than 1000 seniors a place to stay. but kris sanchez shows how she's helping. >> reporter: a businesswoman is using skills she started to help seniors transition from family homes into their next home, even if they are trying to keep in the bay. this 88-year-old is getting settled in her's in her new senior living home. she told me she felt like it was time to leave her home. >> it is a big change in your life. suddenly you're not in charge anymore.
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she got the final say, but only after her daughter did online research and made phone calls and visited 27 different homes. >> it was a whole new world and a world we don't come into until it's time to. it was very intense and a deep dive in finding and learning what were the main criteria defined for your mother. and they did change along the way. >> reporter: this is why this woman founded her company. she started working with seniors at the age of 15 as a waitress in a care facility. after seeing how overwhelming this can be for the family, she created a concierge model so people can talk with people who have firsthand knowledge of local facilities. not to somebody at an 800 number. >> a lot of families don't know
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what the parents financial situation is. they don't have the authority to act on their behalf. so helping them to navigate and figure out how to access those things and get those documents in place is something we have a lot of experience in. moment they work with families choosing private the solis. those facilities pay a referral fee costing families nothing. they cannot help everyone because of insurance policies, but they try to use the resources they gather to get people started off. she said it's the way they pay it forward. >> reporter: some of the senior resources are each counties agency on aging, and the medicare compared tool. california has the most
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assisted living communities in the country. so a little help can go a long way. we are talking about the weather. we had our first really warm day. >> are you enjoying it? >> it is so wonderful to be outside.>> we will have one more day that before the weather decides to spin it a little. we are still in the upper 70s for most of the bay area. we did see some 80s on the map. if you look at san jose it is about 78 degrees. 79 in walnut creek. a light breeze for san francisco at about 10 to 15 miles per hour. compared to where we were 24 hours ago, 5 degrees warmer in san francisco.
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and this is expected to remain with us for the next couple of hours. satellite and radar show a couple of high clouds. out in the pacific there is a change. before we get to that, what you will notice tonight into tomorrow as temperatures will be mild. morning low temperatures will be in the lower 50s for most of the bay area. daytime high temperatures tomorrow, another day. san jose once again in the 80s. in oakland and down your fremont we will keep the upper 70s. here's what we have with the next approaching system. tonight will see cloud cover and a chance for patchy areas of fog to develop tomorrow morning. especially in the north bay. keep this in mind. it could lower disability.
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notice this. i looked ahead and this is when the rain will move in. this is friday at about 11:30 p.m. it starts in the north bay. north of the golden gate will be the first to see the rain late friday. this system moves and overnight and at about 5:00 a.m. on saturday it becomes more widespread. we do have enough instability where we are seeing some thunderstorm potential but mainly along the coast. for most of us we will just get moderate to heavy pockets of rain. this is at 11:30 a.m. on saturday. san rafael and more scattered activity to the south bay. for now the models are showing scattered activity for saturday.
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not a complete washout. but it could change as we get closer to thursday and friday. the rain totals, i took this out through the weekend. if you look at at the areas in red, 1 to 2 inches very far north. everywhere else less than one inch. maybe a quarter of an inch to a half inch. also snow totals have started to back up. yesterday they were showing 10 inches. today we are seeing about six or 7 inches. this is for elevations above 7000 feet. it could still mean it could be tricky to get up there. let's talk about the seven-day forecast. 67 on thursday. cooler on friday. the increasing clouds will be
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the first thing that you notice. look how significant the temperature drop is. as much as 10 degrees for san francisco. the 80s and the 70s and 60 degrees. we will have attended the drop on friday and don't worry. spring makes its return in the middle of next week. >> i have plans to sleep in a tent on friday night. doesn't look very good. coming up, the price of stamps could be going up again. what you could have to pay before sending something in the mail. and when that increase will take effect.
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some ford suvs are bursting into flames. critics say it is a band-aid. ford had a recall for bronco and escape suvs. fuel injectors can crack and gasoline can leak out. that can then land on a hot engine and >> a fire. ford has a solution but it doesn't fix the leak. the solution let's the leaking gas flow to the ground. it does not address the cause. they say ford is trying to avoid repair costs. fife owners have reported fires. the cost of sending a letter is going to go up again. the postal service filed a
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notice they wanted raise the price from $.68 to $.73. this would be the seventh jump in the last three years. in 2019 it only cost $.50. if approved, it will take effect in july. the 2024 nfl season is making history. the opening game will be in sco paulo. the packers will face the eagles. it's the first regular season game in south america. and the first game on a friday. they will stream on peacock. a hall of fame rock band is getting ready for their farewell tour.
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so are you a fan of aerosmith?>> who is it?>> they have rescheduled dates for the rest of their farewell tour. seven months ago they had to cancel because steven tyler had a vocal cord injury.
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they will be in this area in november. and then in san jose in december. tickets for the original dates will be honored at the rescheduled show. >> how old he thinks steven tyler is? you can watch us 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. >> is 76. it's busy. new legal issues for google. they already settling a lawsuit for collecting data while they were searching incognita. now another set of users is making demands. president biden is moving forward with his student loan forgiveness plan. the latest time line that they are working on to try to get
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rid of debt. and more bad news for fishermen. thank you for joining us. the legal problems continue for google. more cases involving broken promises. >> they are in the hot seat. and scott is joining us with the very latest. >> google's chrome browser has incognito mode. a place to search without being identified. they just settled a class- action lawsuit promising to clear the search history of those searching incognito and better label it. but not to pay any money. now, it is back in court with some users claiming they were harmed and these users are asking for money. for a product call


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