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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 11, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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breaking right now at 5:00, traffic troubles on an east bay corrector of a semi truck crash. live team coverage on everything
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you need to know before you head out the door. plus, up in the air. oakland is the topic of a planned vote, involving the controversial name change. new backlash and the looming legal battle. this is "today in the day." good morning on this thursday. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we begin with breaking news. the overturned big rig in san le andro is blocking the road for commuters. >> reporter: this can be a major headache for people trying to get from castro valley to the south bay. we're at northbound 238, which is shut down. you can see behind me. that's the connector to southbound 880. because of an overturned big rig. i just spoke with the chp sergeant who tells us, it's going to be several hours.
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we're talking about late morning, before this is reopened because that big rig is overturned. the rig was overloaded with goods from a chinese food distributor. the trailer is too damaged or too heavy to be uprighted. they're waiting for another trailer to arrive for the items to be offloaded. the accordion-like structure on freeways, they absorb with vehicles on the concrete median. that needs to be repaired. the big rig hit that and rolled over, a little after 1:30 this morning. the driver was headed to southbound 880, is okay. he told chp he might have fallen asleep at the wheel when he recked. there's a motor oil spill that caltrans will have to clean up. northbound 238 to southbound
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880, this is as you're heading westbound on 580 and trying to get to the south bay, you have to find another route. this is expected to be closed, through the morning commute. here we are, 5:00 a.m. and there's already quite a backup, unfortunately. reporting live along northbound 238, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> we need some work arounds. cynthia is tracking the backup. >> we are going to get you to your destination. where bob is, around san lorenzo high school. the buildup is starting to stretch back to 580 and castro valley. alternates are for you to continue down 238, 292, and eventually make your way down 880. you can take 185 or mission boulevard to connect to 92 and eventually to 880. right now, this yellow arrow you see on the screen, that's where they are diverting traffic to, the northbound direction and you will make your way south. it will add a couple minutes to
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your commute. be careful on the roadways as crews work out there. we have another alert to let you know about. the 92 san mateo bridge, west of the incline. there's a big rig blocking the number three lane. you can expect some delays there. alternates, if you have the time, is the dumbarton bridge. >> busy morning. we'll continue to monitor the breaking news story, on-air and online. a good way to stay updated on that information is downloading our free nbc bay area app. it's going to be a great resource for any news story or weather updates. speaking of weather, let's check in with kari hall. is it going to be a warm one? >> it will be. this is the last day we have temperatures that hit the low 80s for the interior valleys. san francisco will see a slight cooldown, with our highs mainly in the 60s. we're starting at 52 degrees. it's all clear. we have a light wind throughout the day. it will be nice and sunny and
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shaping up to be a comfortable day. up to 68 degrees here and in san mateo. oakland, 73. and 83 for morgan hill. you can see that some of those valleys will still be very warm, while wee see upper 70s in the north bay. tomorrow, temperatures drop and we'll only be up to 60s for the high temperatures in san francisco. mild for the south bay, with the trivalley, reaching into the mid-60s. we'll look ahead to the weekend and the rain coming in, coming up in a few minutes. oakland port commissioners are expected to vote on the controversial name change for oakland airport. we have a live look at the airport, that may be named san francisco bay oakland international airport. airport leaders say the reason for the name change is simple. travelers from elsewhere don't necessarily realize the airport's close proximity to san francisco. but the idea is facing headwinds, starting with san francisco leaders saying it
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would vow to sue, saying it would create confusion. oakland airport leaders steps will be taken to limit potential turbulence. >> we will continue to keep the oak identifier, as well as the oak logo. that's what people use in general for baggage claim, tickets and that sort of stuff. we really think that will help eliminate confusion. >> that meeting is scheduled to start later this afternoon. we're following the story. and will join with a live report in the next half hour. a new russian missile strike, targeting ukraine's critical infrastructure. that damage includes a power plant outside of kyiv, set to be destroyed. kyiv leaders say 200,000 people are without power. the strikes also targeted two underground storage facilities where ukraine stores natural gas.
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ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy is making a new desperate a plea for defense plies. joe biden is sounding alarms by widening about in the middle east. he is warning that iran may target israel soon. >> and president biden is assuring alies that america's relationship with israel is, quote, iron-clad. we go to brie jackson live for us in washington this morning. we continue to see the president criticize netanyahu's decision to invade rafah. >> that's right. president biden has upped his criticism of prime minister netanyahu's role in the israel/hamas war. but the president is not making significant changes of u.s. policy towards israel. israeli prime minister netanyahu vows to move forward with an offensive on rafah, despite concerns from president biden. >> i will tell you that what i think he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his -- i
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think it's outrageous. >> reporter: the president is also warning that the conflict could widen, as iran may be planning to hit targets inside israel soon. >> we want to address the iranian threat, threatening to launch a significant attack on israel. as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel's security against the threats from iran and its proxies, is iron-clad. i'll say it again. iron-clad. we're going to do all we can to protect israel's security. >> reporter: israel's foreign minister threatened to respond and strike iran directly if an attack does happen. the rising tensions come as calls for a cease-fire between israel and hamas grow. >> we say bring all of the hostages home now, as part of a comprehensive deal. >> reporter: people once held hostage are urging the release of those still in captivity. >> the message to the whole
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world, wake up. i want peace for the whole world. >> reporter: calls for peace, amid efforts to prevent the war in the middle east from escalating. and president biden's policy towards the war has sparked protest. here on capitol hill, some lawmakers have urged the president to withhold pending arms transfers and to withhold future aid to israel. back to you. >> a lot to cover. thank you very much, brie. a search for an entangled well moving up the pacific coastline now in a holding pattern. this is after teams located the mammal yesterday. drone video from earlier this week, showing the 30-foot whale. this is a gray whale, dragging the gill netting attached to its tail. it was spotted last month in southern california. but the tracking device attached by rescue crews stopped responding two days later. the whale headed north on its annual migration to alaskan waters. as the days go by, the added
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weight may slow it down. that may play in the hands of rescue cruise. the whale was last seen near the coastline of thornton beach in daily city. it's between to be between there and point reys. the weather seems to be cooperating. a look over san jose before the sun's arrival. kari has a look at the forecast. will it be as warm as yesterday? >> it will be. there will be slight cooling by the coastline. we're starting with a level playing field, with 60s, san francisco to the east bay and south bay. a little warmer in san jose, 58 degrees. 46 in santa rosa. we're going to see the next system coming in. it will bring in some colder temperatures. and eventually, some rain for the weekend. but take a look at the hour-by-hour forecast, we're clear today, clear for most of the day tomorrow. and rain coming in late tomorrow night. we'll take a look at the timeline in a few minutes. cynthia has a look at where to
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find lower gas prices around the bay. >> the prices come to us from drivers that report them on we'll start in the east bay. and 4.34 in fremont. off of 680 is the cheapest i found. $4.87 in sunnyvale at great gas off of matilda avenue. and $4.99 in san ail anselmo. >> we have the southbound 880 connector, on 238 is closed. you can expect hours of delays here. traffic is being diverted to the north. or connect to 92, keep going on 580 and 238 to get yourself down into the south bay. back to you. >> thank you. 5:11 for you right now. self-checkout crackdown coming up here on "today in the day."
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target taking aim at self-checkout cheaters. new technology that's rolling out and how it aims to stop accidental theft. and stocks fall on inflation news. and instagram says, maybe don't send that.
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good thursday morning. it's 5:14 now. we're starting out with a mostly clear sky around the bay area.
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we're looking at union city, with our temperature trend going from low 50s to low 70s at noon. it will be a quick heatup. make sure you're wearing layers for all of the changes we have coming. we'll talk about rain arriving into the bay area for the weekend in a few minutes. you can expect a couple of hours of delays going westbound in san lorenzo from 238. the connector to southbound 880 is closed after a big rig hit the median. your alternates are to continue south to 238 and correct on 92 in hayward. you heard brie talking about a possible imminent attack on israel by iran. neither country is superimportant in oil but more unrest in the middle east will drive prices up. this is crude above $90 a barrel. stock markets hit hard showing
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prices are stubborn. prices are overall 3.5% higher than they were this time last year. that leaves most investors to think there will be fewer, if any, interest rate cuts this year. here, you have the ten-year treasury above 4.5%. president biden spoke about interest rates at a press conference. >> this may delay it a month or so. i'm not sure of that. >> unusual. i would say frowned upon for a president to talk about what the fed may or may not do. it's an independent part of the government. he was asked about it. and he's not the first president to speak out of turn about interest rates. big update coming to instagram, that hopefully will encourage teenagers from sending pictures that may might regret. it will detect nudes and ask,
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will we want to send that? here's an example screen sent to us by instagram's parent, meta. before you share it, it says, it may be difficult to control what happens to a photo once you share it. then, it gives you one more option to change your mind. there's a warning screen if you receive a nude picture that reminds you that you don't have to send one back. the middle screen will detect the picture sent to you, give you a choice not to look at it. and remind you, don't feel pressured to respond. you can stop this conversation if it makes you feel uncomfortable. this is turned on bedefault for users under 18. not only can it be embarrassing to have a picture circulating. we've seen examples of organized crime getting involved, enticing them to send them a picture and blackmailing them the teen who sent it. former business school dean richard lyons had been the school's innovation officer.
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if you would like to get to know him better, i sat down with a long interview about innovation at cal. we talked about the rivalry between cal and stanford. >> the number one university on the planet for creating venture-funded start-ups is u.c. berkeley. i'm not guessing it's the other school. >> that other school. new chancellor, on entrepreneurship and everything else. i was surprised to hear that entrepreneurships and patents, u.c. berkeley, not stanford. target is rolling out new technology. this is a crackdown on theft at the self-checkout registers. the new system target is using is true scan. it can track down people that did not scan an item at the register before they leave. target will introduce that new tech by the end of the year. >> i forgot to scan that
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television? this is trending for you, what some shoppers call the most important part of any ikea store, opens today at a new location in san francisco. >> it's much more meatballs. the mid market ikea opened last summer and was limited to a few levels. now, the food court is opening. the grand opening is 11:30 in the morning. it will offer 11 places to eat and drink over two levels and 23,000 square feet. >> i would say the most important part is child care. >> i was guilty of when the triplets were little, they thought it was going to disneyland. and i would have a cup of coffee. it was a trick. >> i wonder if that's going to be there. >> i don't know. >> good question for all of you
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haggard parents, we get you. it will be a beautiful day to go outside, go to the park, enjoy more time outdoors. starting out this morning as you go to work in the upper 50s in san jose. it's in the low 50s, with walnut creek and san francisco to get this started. take a look at the afternoon. we'll see a high of 81 in concord and 80 in san jose. the warmest spots, morgan hill, 83 degrees. we'll be in the upper 60s in san mateo. taking a drive across the bay area, you'll have a wide range of temperatures. be prepared for that. tomorrow, a cooldown, and upper 50s in half moon bay. close gatos will be 56 degrees. it is chilly. we'll have rain coming in. this is the system that's moving into the pacific northwest, with widespread clouds. it takes a while to get here.
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here not expecting the rain until late tomorrow night, into the day of saturday. early saturday morning will be the heaviest rain. then, more spotty activity. at noon it's moving in the north bay, the peninsula. and a couple of showers on the east bay. we could sigh some off-and-on showers, moving out early on sunday. during that time, we see the coastal areas getting an inch or more of rainfall. then, making your way inland, much less rainfall with the livermore area and parts of the east bay. half an inch of rainfall there. for palo alto, a big drop in temperatures. we're looking at saturday's high. 57 degrees. 60 on sunday. and next week we will be warming up, with upper 60s in the forecast.
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we're going to see a tip and a rise, going into next week. the lowest part will be on saturday, with off-and-on rain. you've been tracking the roads in two issues. this is going to be a rollercoaster for people with the drive times this morning. 238 northbound direction and the southbound 880 connector. that's where the big rig jam is. it's backing up traffic to 580. they are diverting to the north and letting people back down to 880. alternates for you. continue on 238 down to 92, through hayward. and eventually to 880. or take mission boulevard, and connects back to fremont and the south bay. back to you. >> thank you. 5:22 this morning. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> this weekend, you can get free annalses to your tax questions from a real irs staffer. i'm consumer investigator chris
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camora. i show you where and when, next. a reminder, you can apply for nbc universal local impact grants. the program entering its seventh year, awarding more than $227,000 to eligible local nonprofits. the application wind is open until friday, april 19th. for details, scan the q.r. code on your screen. on your screen. it will
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dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better
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in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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usually, local irs offices are a monday through friday operation. but this saturday, the 13th, three of them will open their doors for free face-to-face tax assistance. here's where. in oakland, 1301 clay street. in san jose, 55 south market street. and in san francisco, 450 golden gate avenue. the irs says it will open its doors at 9:00 in the morning and close them at 4:00 in the afternoon. it's first come/first served, no appointment necessary. bring your forms and your i.d. and your questions. the folk there's will help you out. they will not fill out your forms for you. that's still your responsibility. the help is free at those three locations and from 9:00 to 4:00 on saturday, the 13th, two days before your deadline to file your federal and state income
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taxes. we're back to the usual deadline this year. it's april 15th. >> thanks, chris. coming up next, the stories we're following for you, including breaking news in the east bay. a live report from the scene of a semi truck crash and the impact it's having on the morning commute. plus, a fight over a peninsula emergency room, after announcing a closure for repairs. local officials are demanding it reopen immediately. ahead. the hospital executives saying they need more time.
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen.
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i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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breaking right now at 5:30, a semi crash in the east bay. the live report on that crash. and the name change and the blowback. we go one-on-one with airport leaders out of oakland ahead of today's controversial renaming vote. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you. thanks for joining us. 5:30 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's get to the breaking news this morning. our team coverage on the early morning crash, for drivers who
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rely on the 880 area. we're looking at the impact for commuter, but we'll go out to bob redell. what is the situation right now, bob? >> reporter: not good. good morning. it's not a good start for the thursday morning commute here, through san lorenzolorenzo. northbound 238 behind me. a slow and go. not even at the limit. it will be like this throughout the morning. as you keep panning right, you see why. an overturned big rig that's shut down the connector to southbound 880. i spoke to chp. they said it would be several hours, late morning, before they can reopen this. this big rig that was fully loaded, overturned around 1:30 this morning. it's got food or items from a chinese food distribution company. the trailer is too damage or too
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heavy upright. they have to bring in another trailer to offload all of those goods. that will take time. there's the accordion-like structure on the center divide. that was damaged. they have to repair that. and a motor oil spill that needs to be cleaned up. that's the third and the least consequential. it will take time. this happened around 1:30 this morning. the big rig driver, according to chp, says he might have fallen asleep, as he was trying to get to southbound 880. he wrecked and flipped over. he's okay. the cleanup will take several hours, probably not until after the morning commute before this is reopened. along northbound 238, bob redell, "today in the bay." our team coverage continues, tracking some alternate routes for commuters this morning. >> trying to get people to their destinations this thursday. and behind bob, we saw that
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traffic is slowing just late bit. the sensors are starting to pick up on some of that coming off of 580. westbound along 238. try to make it down to 880. your ator gnor alternates are, northbound 880 and back south. you can go down 238 continued to 92 and come down into 880 and further parts of fremont and san jose. or continue to make your way down mission boulevard, 282, to 880. we'll continue to watch this and impacts throughout the morning. >> thank you very much. our team will continue to monitor the breaking news story on-air and of course online. a good way to stay up to date, downloading our free nbc bay area news app. it's a great resource for any story or weather updates. let's check in with kari hall. she is tracking our forecast. another warm day on tap. >> the last warm day when we see
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temperatures and parts of the bay area in low 80s. starting with 50s here in fremont. as we go throughout the morning, we go from 55 degrees to 59 at 9:00. and then, into the low 70s. eventually making it a high of 78 degrees. 80 in san jose and oakland reaching 73 degrees. really nice day. tomorrow it will be cooler. more clouds coming in. we'll see a high of 72 in sj. our temperatures tomorrow will be closer for normal. below normal on saturday, as off-and-on rain moves through the bay area. the weekend events going on and i'll help you make some plans, coming up in a few minutes. >> kari, thank you. happening today, change is in the air in oakland. this is with a looming vote over the official name of oakland's airport. maybe you don't know this. right now, its official name is
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metropolitan oakland international airport. it may change to san francisco bay oakland international airport. let's just say, not everyone is onboard here. "today in the bay," ginger is live this morning. the opinions run the gamut and the spectrum of everything. >> reporter: you're right. le plenty of opinions. the voices may not matter. what does matter is what the decision and vote may be from the port of oakland. we're going to get a live look at as you mentioned, the metropolitan oakland international airport. later today, the port is expected to drop the metropolitan out of the airport's name. that's not contentious. the bigger issue is whether or not the board will add san francisco bay making it the san francisco bay oakland international airport. we heard from the director of
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aviation for the airport. he says they have gathered data about whether or not oakland is in the bay area. the takeaway, people don't really know, he says, where oakland sits in relation to the greater bay area. oakland's mover is more of a geographical identifier. >> it's how do we grow from an oakland perspective. it's a pro-oakland and pro-bay area, pro-jobs request for the board. >> reporter: not everyone feels the same. plenty of posing opinions have been shared on this. san mateo county has opposed this plan. san francisco has threatened to file legal action over this. its leaders say the change would cause confusion among travelers, particularly among international travelers, who may not speak or read english as well. the city attorney says the name
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change infringes on san francisco's trademarks. now, regardless of the name change, the airport will still use oak as an identifier. that will stay the came. it will use the same logo. if today's vote passes or if the board votes yes on it and the name change goes the next step, there's a second reading on april 25th. if that passes, the name change could happen as soon as the end of the month. this is something that people are watching out for. the vote is expected to happen at 3:30 this afternoon. >> you miss a day, you miss a lot. who knew it was metropolitan oakland international airport? now we know. thanks, ginger. we'll keep following that story. the owner of the san francisco barbershop fears her business may become the next victim of the city's so-called doom loop.
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blasco barbershop says it business is so bad. with so much surrounding office space vacant, she is serving fewer and fewer clients. she launched a gofundme as a last ditch effort to stay open. >> it's the saddest thing to build something and to know that, like, your passion, your heart, your soul, everything is in it. everything is lying on this. >> before the pandemic, they would do 100 cuts with seven chairs. the remaining four barbers do fewer than 30 cuts every day. in the last quarter of last year, the commercial vacancy rate hit a new all-time high. financial leaders are demanding answers after an emergency room closed in moss beach, leaving patients to look elsewhere for care. seton coastside closed
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temporarily for repairs after storm damages. patients are referred to daily city, which is a 20-minute drive, depending on traffic. san mateo county ordered they reopen, citing the closure violates an agreement. a doctor with ucsf says driving further could affect your outcome. >> when we think about patients with stroke, patients with heart attack, patients with trauma, anyone who has time constricted conditions, minutes matter. >> in a statement, the chief operating officer, says work is in progress and repairs are expected to be completed by the end of the year. consideration was given to keeping the stand-by emergency department open during repair and renovation of the building but this was not feasible because of the extent and the nature of the damages. the south bay has a follow-up question. it will take $25 million to
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repair highway 1 in big sur. part of the road collapsed after storms dumped rain in the area last month. the portion of the road is near ragged point, just north of the famous dixie bridge. crews have started work with a $1 million emergency fund. they've been leading two bailey convoys in and out of the area. they will need a lot more money for a permanent fix. the road closure impacting the big sur international marathon. the run is still happening on april 28th but the course will be rerouted away from the closure. this is the third time the route is changed because of the slipouts on highway 1. kari is tracking how the weekend weather is shaping up and the area in big sur, as well. >> we'll see a lot of changes in the next few days, with rain coming in on saturday.
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this will be happening in the mission district and san francisco. the parade going through the area will be soggy, in the low 50s and the chance of rain continues throughout the day. for big sur, avoid this weekend. and the weather is not permitting, with temperatures in the 50s and off-and-on rain. if you're going to the sierra, palisades tahoe, we'll have warmer temperatures. once the temperatures drop, we'll see the rain changing over to snow, and the snow continues through sunday, as well, with temperatures in the upper 30s. if you go to l.a. this weekend, it looks great on friday. then, saturday, we'll see the colder air going down that way. upper 50s and off-and-on rain, and we'll see the showers continue through sunday. cinthia is tracking two parts of the commute. >> this is for our weekend plans. the weekend closure of westbound 37 in vallejo.
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it will start back here from 29th and continue on the way to 121. your alternate is to go through american canyon, take highway 12, down big bend and eventually connect into novado. or go north to petaluma. another issue to let you know about and help you plan ahead for is b.a.r.t. this weekend, they are doing trackwork. they are going to provide three buses from el cerrito to north richmond. you can add a 20-minute ride to this weekend plan if you are taking b.a.r.t. as kari was mentioning, san francisco, 10:00 to 5:00, around folsom and bryant. a lot of events going on in the city. we'll keep you posted. age, again, proving to be just a number. coming up next on "today in the bay," we introduce you to the 84-year-old tennis player that just won gold for team usa. the reason he said he's not too ode to compete. and washington ready to slap new rules on gun shows to close a loophole.
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we'll walk you throughit.
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on this thursday morning, at 44 minutes past the hour. we're starting out with martinez. it's in the low 50s now. there's a quick climb in temperatures. by noon, we're already in the low 70s and headed to 80 degrees for this afternoon. things change going into the weekend, with rain coming in and cooler temperatures.
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we'll talk about that in a few minutes. if you connect 238 south to 880, that's closed after a big rig slammed into the median. there's a lot of crews trying to get a handle on this. your alternates will be down 238 and use 92 to continue on to 880 and continue south. >> thank you very much, ladies. look at this, new video, a live shot into our newsroom. firefighters are battling a massive three-alarm fire. it's apping at a happening at a recycling center. it's five acres of wooden pallets at a recycling center fuelling that blaze. that is a test for firefighters this morning. they're trying to tackle it from all angles. there's no water supply in that area. they have to shuttle water in right now. you see the water truck in the middle of the screen. police have evacuated homes,
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nearby on west grant line in ban to, just east of krascy. there's an elementary school across the street. no word on impact of classes at this time. unknown how the fire started. the good news, no one has been hurt. we know in the past, with the pallet fires, these fires can burn fast, hot and very long for quite some time. fire fighters have the battle up against them, not having water supply in that area. we'll monitor what's going on. this is in san joaquin county. baseball star shohei ohtani will be forced to make a deal with authorities. he ising allegations that he stole millions from ohtani. "the new york times" is reporting that he may poised to lead guilty. the connection to the death may be tied to steep illegal gambling debts.
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the admission of guilt may confirm ohtani's account that he never knew what happened to that money. the biden administration will impose new rules that will close so-called gun show loopholes. >> gun dealers not need only a license but a background check to sell the guns. when it comes to the private sale, from me to you, no background check needed. >> there's your loophole, right there. the atf will finalize a rule that would require all sellers to have a license and conduct background checks on customers the same way a dealer at a gun store would. its power comes from the 2020 bipartisan gun bill that expanded the definition of a firearms dealer to those who earn a profit through repetitive sale of firearms. the japanese prime minister will address a joint session of congress today, at 8:00 a.m. our time. he and his wife attended a state
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dinner at the white house. the fifth state dinner of the biden administration. >> i would like to propose a toast. >> didn't include california wine in that coast. but the meal included a california roll for an appetizer, steak and cherry ice cream. the guests included bill clinton and hillary clinton. president biden will meet with the japanese prime minister again today, along with the president of the philippines. in congress, the house failed to pass an extension of this, a section of the fisa law, 702, that allows u.s. intelligence to spy on foreign communications and many say sweeps up americans' information, as well. part of the fisa law opposed by liberals and conservatives. a group of republican conservatives passed the bill,
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after donald trump said in all-caps, kill fisa, it was illegally used against me and others, they spied on my campaign. that's not really accurate. the investigation into the trump campaign did have its genesis with a fisa court. section 702 wasn't involved. trump opposed 702 when he was president but was convinced by republican allies to reverse his position and the law was renewed in 2018. it's another case that speaker johnson is unable to move legislation through the house. he may be in charge of the members in charge of the house but he is not in charge in many cases. speaking of former president trump, he lost the delay of the start of his criminal trial in new york on monday. it will start as scheduled, with jury selection, which is expected to take up quite a bit of the trial's time. marcus? >> interesting. scott, thank you. happening today, after two decades of work, scientists at stanford are celebrating the
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completion of the world's largest digital camera. it is being called the legacy survey of space and time camera. it is currently at the laboratory in menlo park. the camera will be sent to a space observatory in chile to study images and mysteries. the data will be used to create the world's largest astrological movie. ginger saab will talk to the engineers behind the camera live. you can watch the interview at 8:00 this morning on roku and other streaming platforms. new this morning, a retired judge from california showing us he is still king of the court. the tennis court, that is. robert qual of merced, just won a medal for team usa at the world cup in turkey. organized by the tennis ted
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federation for those 85 and older. he's been competing since he was 14 years old. >> do you have any reason to believe you can't continue to play? >> as soon as i talk to you, i'll play a little singles. i will play a little golf this afternoon. that may happen. i'll have to deal with that. i'll have to play pickleball, i guess. >> good for him. bob redell holding him up. he has to hit the court. people who play tennis on a regular basis, live almost ten years longer than those that don't exercise. different exercises you can do to prolong your life. as long as you don't trip on the court. >> break a bone. it's not the same. >> oh, my gosh. that's testament there that staying active is so important. >> yeah. >> you don't move it, you lose it. >> shoutout to my 80-year-old tennis instructor in marin county. he taught me what i know.
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very little. i'm not good on tennis. it's impressive. the 80-year-old guys. >> tennis it is now. on the courts today, a hot one. >> warm in some spots. get out there early. it will be a nice and warm afternoon. and the last one we'll see of those temperatures for quite a while. as we look outside in san francisco. we're getting started with a nice, clear view. a few clouds. we're right now in the low 50s. at noon, we're at 62 degrees. you can see how we warm up here. we'll stay in the 60s for san francisco and the coastline. we compare our high temperatures to what is average this time of year. it's anywhere from 10 to 11 degrees above normal. it's not supposed to be this warm this early. but we're not expected to set records. in san jose, 80 degrees. 78 in fremont. 77 in novado. and san francisco in the upper
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60s. as you've been looking at the bottom of the screen the map shows a drop in temperatures and a cooldown. we're starting to feel the cool air coming in. low 60s in san mateo and upper 60s for the east bay. by saturday, we're in the upper 50s. here's the cold front making its way into the bay area on saturday. late friday we can see rain coming in on parts of the coast. the heaviest rain moving through before we wake up on saturday morning. then, spotty showers, off and on throughout the day. that may change some of the weekend plans, as we get it in waves. not raining the entire time. at times, there will be scattered showers moving through. and our rainfall totals will be anywhere from an inch for the coastline to half an inch of rain for the east bay. maybe more for the south bay. once that clears out, we are looking at a gradual warm-up.
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in the 70s for tuesday and went. 70 in san francisco today. we'll be in the 60s tomorrow. rain and only in the 50s on saturday. a lot of outdoor events going on. next week, we're back to beautiful spring weather. now, you're tracking a crash in cocoa county? >> up to pleasant hill. this is the southbound direction of 242, where it connects with 680. sounds serious. details are there was a car that overturned a couple of times. we're seeing the buildup on 680 there. just drive carefully. let crews handle what's going on there. we'll continue to focus on what's going on with san lorenzo. the southbound connector with 880 is closed, as a big rig hit the median. your alternate, diverting traffic to the north and
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bringing it back down 880. or continued 38 to 92 or continue on mission boulevard. happening now, state workers will soon be required to work in the office at least two days a week. that's the directive coming down from governor gavin newsom. his office says since the pandemic, agents were going to update the work policies. the new policy goes into effect in june. more ahead at 6:00, including breaking news. a semi crash shutting down a major connecter in the eastbound. bob redell is live at the scene. he'll have the latest on the cleanup and how long it takes. and the workaround for commuters. nbc bay area streams 24/7. you can watch us whenever you like, wherever you are, on roku or other streaming platforms. more news ahead on this thursday
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troubles in the east bay. a major connector shut down in
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the morning commute. this is after a big rig crash. live at the scene, tracking everything you need to know before you head out this morning. up in the air. oakland international airport is the topic of a planned vote involving the controversial name change. new backlash and the looming legal battle. plus, the last day of sunshine this week before more rain arrives. meteorologist kari hall is tracking how much rain we'll have before warm weather. good morning on this thursday. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we start with the big rig overturned in san lorenzo, blocking a key connector between 328 and 880. bob redell has been at the scene all morning long. what can you tell us so far? >> unfortunately, this is going to be shut down, the northbound 238 connect


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