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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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and we just -- rediscover. a tow truck trying to latch onto an occupied vehicle at a red light. the tow truck company now under investigation. failing to address anti- semitism on campus. there is a new report card rating universities for the way they deal with the issue. the alarming grades for the bay area colleges. and alliance in ai. japanese company setting up shop in silicon valley as the prime minister looks to strengthen partnership in a meeting with president biden. the news at 5:30 starts now. good evening and thank you for being with us. tow truck driver attempting to attach to a car while the owner is driving it. it happened in san francisco and the video is raising a lot of questions. nbc bay area's christie smith explains. >> it is very bizarre and scary.
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>> reporter: jeff stopped near montgomery street when something odd caught his eye. >> i saw a tow truck maneuvering in front of me to come and make a tow. i thought, i'm going to see it hook up with a broken car and take off, but he went for the car next to him, which had people in it. he started chasing them with the tow truck. >> reporter: pulled out his phone and caught most of it on video. >> this is the effective thing i can do right now. recorded, because it's wrong. >> reporter: he said that he had never seen anything like it. >> he maneuvered the forks under the tires and continue to chase them with the forks down and when he went to take off, he's raising the arm. >> reporter: it all happened quickly. >> the car behind him maneuvered and passed, then they had a clear shot to get away from the tow truck. >> i also understand that the
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san francisco police department is aware of the incident and we encourage members of the public to contact them if they have witnessed anything around the behavior of this company. >> reporter: earlier this year, david chiu suspended auto towing and affiliated companies from doing business with the city , including specialty towing and recovery. the truck in the video has a specialty towing on the side, but it's unclear if it's with the suspended company, because multiple companies use a specialty in their name. >> assuming this is specialty towing, it is the same company that was previously moved to suspend and debar from receiving city contractors. >> reporter: re-reached out to the company by phone and email, but have not heard back with a comment in time for broadcast. christie smith, nbc bay area . one of the most polarizing figures in american history has died and it stirs up emotions of race, politics, stardom and legal simpson.
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o.j. simpson has died after battling cancer. he was born and raised in san francisco and went on to be an nfl hall of famer and he was left as a sports star, tv commentator , actor and pitch man. in 1994 following the gruesome death of his ex-wife and her friend. the slow speed chase in that white bronco and the controversial acquittal for murder and he was found liable for their deaths in a civil trial. o.j. simpson was 76 years old. coming up at 6:00, we go through the timeline of his life in the bay area to a convicted criminal. stanford is one of more than a dozen u.s. schools receiving a failing grade for anti-semitism on campus. anti-defamation league released its anti-semitism report card giving grades 285 of the top colleges with the highest jewish student population.
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stanford is one of 13 schools to receive an f. along with harvard, m.i.t. and princeton among others, citing a high amount of severe anti-semitic and anti-incidents on campus. the u.s. department of education also started an investigation into the university of her alleged ethnic discrimination. uc berkeley received a d on that report card. this video is from february when a heated protest by palestinian supporters shutdown a campus event featuring a jewish speaker. opened an additional investigation for allegations of anti-semitism at uc berkeley. changes coming to the battle of the police department. today, the justice department reached a settlement with the police that will quickly introduce reforms. the doj and independent evaluator will overseas does oversee a series of steps. they are designed to reduce
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unlawful uses of force, eliminate racial and identity disparities and strengthen accountability. vallejo's police department has been plagued with numerous police shootings, claims of excessive force and civil rights violations for years. airline passengers are allowed to bring firearms on a flight, but only if they are unloaded and checked. many gun owners are ignoring that rule. tsa confiscated more than 1500 guns at security checkpoints nationwide. that is an average of 17 firearms a day. and if you percent of the weapons seized were loaded and passengers who do place firearms in checked baggage have to notify the airlines at the ticket counter. big changes coming to the way people buy and sell guns. the department of justice announced a new rule that would enclose the so-called gun show loophole. normally, gun dealers are not required to have a license or perform background
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checks when they sell guns at the shows or online. this rule will change that. the biden administration says that it would force thousands of dealers to run background checks. the rule takes effect 30 days after it is published in the federal register, although opponents will likely challenge it in court. world leaders at the white house. president biden held a trilateral meeting and was joined by japanese prime minister and president ferdinand marcos jr. of the philippines. to discuss boosting economic ties and defense ties. white house national security spokesman says that these three countries have strategic objectives, interests and concerns. president biden reflected on the historic nature of the meeting and emphasized his commitment to strengthening the alliance. there is a very local impact. the partnership includes an alliance and artificial intelligence research.
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bay area tech companies got a big boost from japan. it's bring in scott budman with more details. >> reporter: business relations between japan and the u.s. have run hot and cold, but now they are working to expand the chp and ai businesses. a japanese tech company landed here to grow and higher. >> reporter: as ai companies grow and pull in skyhigh stock valuation, they need high octane computer chips to power their machines. a new ally, japan. is a specific japanese tech company launched in silicon valley. >> it remains the hotbed of innovation and with this wave of ai coming to us, the advanced design has never been as great as it is today. >> reporter: rapidis will move
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here partly opening an office in santa clara to be closer to the action. >> is a great opportunity in japan. the u.s. provides a good market and good technology. japan is very good at manufacturing. >> reporter: giving local companies a boost in the hypercompetitive chip business. >> it gives silicon valley companies another place to go to to develop their chips and bring in the market. >> reporter: adding jobs here at home. >> you still have all of the fillers of this next-gen of ai. >> reporter: president biden will start building high- performance chips and they hope the partnership will grow through the years as they become crucial in development of artificial intelligence. bay area is now home to a new world record. scientists are celebrating the completion of the world's largest digital camera. that is what you are looking out at.
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the lens is five feet in diameter and it is about 6000 pounds. they have been working on this for decades. >> i have been working on it for 10 years to do the construction, but it has been more like 20 years. it is a long-term project and the resolution of the sensors is 3200 megapixels, so larger than the iphone, which is probably something like 12 to 48 if you have the latest version. it is specifically built for doing surveys of looking at all of the night skies. >> it will be sent to a space observatory in chile where it will unravel some of the mysteries of the universe. up next, new details in the fraud case involving baseball superstar shohei ohtani and his former translator. >> the millions of dollars transferred into shohei ohtani's bank account.
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this weekend, you can get free answers to your tax questions from a real irs staffer. i am consumer investigator chris and i will show you where and when next. a lot of sunshine and high temperatures at 81. these clear skies will soon see the arrival of clouds, cooldown and even rain. we will lk timing and ta
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baseball superstar shohei ohtani is back in the headlines . this is all about his fraud case that his former interpreter is accused of stealing more than $16 million from shohei ohtani and he has agreed to surrender to authorities tomorrow . investigators say that the translator ippei mizuhara used the money to fund his sports gambling addiction. they say that he used his position to set up a bank account for shohei ohtani, which he used to transfer money
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to his illegal bookmakers. investigators say that there is no money that he authorized the transfers or made any bets himself. he is identified as a victim in this case. >> we have obtained recordings and telephone calls in which he spoke with employees, led to them about being shohei ohtani, give personal information for shohei ohtani in order to impersonate him , then and thereby convince the bank to approve large wire transfers of large amounts of money to the bookmakers. as i mentioned, he has been established as a victim and i want to be clear that he has cooperated fully and completely in this investigation. >> he wasn't just the translator, but a friend. he had a close friendship on and off the field. they fired ippei mizuhara in march after reports of the theft first surfaced. popular burger joint is
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closing after nearly 40 years. the great american hamburger and pie company is serving its last meal today because of legal problems. owners say that they are tied to a lawsuit connected to american disability act requirements and they say that they cannot recover from the legal fees powering up -- piling up. it has remained a family owned business since 1986. today will be the last day of operation. have you done your taxes? the deadline to file is monday. >> did you do yours? >> of course. >> i have also. there is in person help. let's bring in investigator chris chmura. >> reporter: usually, the local irs offices are a monday through friday operation, but this saturday, three of them will open their doors for free face-to-face tax assistance.
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here is where. in oakland, 1301 clay street in san jose, south market street and san francisco for golden gate avenue. they will open their doors at 9:00 in the morning and close them in the afternoon. it is first come first served and no appointment is necessary. bring your forms, i.d. and questions. the folks will help you out, but they will not fill out your forms for you. that is still your responsibility. again, health is free at those three locations and from 9:00 to 4:00 on saturday, the 13th, two days before the deadline to file your federal and state income taxes. we are back to the usual deadline. it is april 15th. >> if you are getting a refund, you are smiling. if you are having to be desmet hey, you are having a fun weekend. let's bring in meteorologist
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. is it hazy? what is that? >> cloud cover lingering around the cost is what we are seeing now. further inland, it is beautiful and clear. check out the camera behind us. it looks beautiful. it is depending on where you are. you will notice the cooldown first. we have one more day of dry weather to end the week before leading us into the weekend with an approaching system, so let's talk microclimates. this is an example of the temperature range, which is fantastic in some spots. look at oakland. it is 65 degrees. san francisco, 63 and breezy wind. san jose is at 75. if you look at walnut creek, 81 degrees. it does make a difference around the coast versus the inland areas. here is what is approaching and what we are monitoring of the next couple of hours. we are seeing some cooling, now
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that we see peak high temperatures with a rotation of our next approaching system on the north and northwest. this will bring impacts as early as tomorrow in the form of cool weather and wind before we see the rain move in. give your friday morning commute, we have been waking up in the 40s and 50s with similar conditions. as far as the dry conditions go, however look at the daytime high expected for tomorrow. we are cooling at 10 degrees, which includes san jose. daytime highs in the 70s and 60s, so it will be pleasant and cool and windy. you could see the wind begin to pick up as the system approaches into the overnight hours with 25 mile per hour wind and gusty for some higher elevation areas around ben lomond and potentially 30 plus. of course, the rain will be the headliner into saturday. if you look, the first thing we notice is the cloud cover.
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approaching tomorrow at around 11:00 and if you want to follow along, here is the timestamp. the rain is beginning to make its move in areas of the bridge, but also around the coastline. the peak is a heavier pocket and really starting to make their move overnight into about 3:00 a.m. . you can see some heavy downpours for parts of oakland, napa and down through santa cruz, as well. some heavy pockets will be impactful friday into saturday, so anything that you want to clear out or bring in doors, that will be the key moment. scattered activity, so not a clear widespread event. we could also see thunderstorm activity with a lot of it primarily towards the further south coastline for tomorrow with the instability, which we will noticed -- noticed the wind first. at 10:30, scattered activity
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but let's look ahead into her seven-day forecast. sunday is not a complete washout by sunday, the activity will begin to taper off by the afternoon at six: -- six clock 6:30. you are something that should be okay timing wise and your brain outlook is some of the highest totals for saturday. ben lomond, under two inches. if i take this through sunday and monday, the highest totals for the coastal areas. everywhere else is less than one inch for most of the bay, then the snow totals have also backed off significantly. now, 4 to 5 inches of snow for elevation above 7000 feet. the cooldown will be short- lived into sunday. by monday, high pressure begins to roll through the region. that will bring the warmth and rise into springlike weather starting on tuesday. we will see the return of 70s, so we will call this a pallet cleanser. >> a very fancy term.
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thanks. up next, stanford is heading to the national championship in gymnastics. the big upset that laed nd
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march is over, but the madness continues. >> a lot is happening. dancing, tumbling and balancing its way to the nationals and there is drama. here is nbc news floors.
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>> hold your breath. >> reporter: the routine of a lifetime. >> the whole crowd erupted. >> reporter: 9.875 tie heading into the final rotation on the floor exercise. the pac-12 specialist of the year delivered her first career perfect 10 sending the cardinal onto nationals for the first time since 2016. >> the team absolutely lost their minds in that moment. it is something that i will remember for the rest of my life for sure. >> reporter: the record books will remember the moments by finishing second in the regional finals and became the first team to make nationals since the new format began in 2019. >> a lot of pride and we are so proud for the work. we are ready to go out there. continue the legacy for us.
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>> reporter: joining stanford at nationals will be number three ranked. they cover the first ever regular-season title this season by winning the regional for the second year in a row. they also provided added motivation for the bay area rivals. >> it's great to compete against the best and it helps you raise your game. >> reporter: stanford's highest scoring events this season and will likely need a few breakthrough performances if they are going to pull off another upset and be one of two teams on their side of this march madness style bracket to advanced to the national final between lsu and arkansas. >> our goal is to put the best performance out on the floor on thursday. don't want to stop here and want to keep dancing, so we will see how far we can go. >> reporter: the championships begin next thursday in fort worth, texas. anthony florez, nbc bay area. >> good luck.
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let's move on to the most notable weekend in golf. the masters. you have to say it like that. we had a little rain delay in augusta, georgia, but they got things going. this is the 88th annual tournament. modesto is your first round leader and tiger woods is 17 on the leaderboard. up next, preview of what some olympians will be wearing in paris norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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one of the greatest sumo wrestlers of all time has passed away. his wrestling name, but his real name was chad rowen. he was born in hawaii with the first foreigner ever to conquer the sumo wrestling ring and he was known for his unique sumo style, charging with rapid slaps and left his opponents dazed and confused. he won 11 tournaments and retired in 2001 and died of heart failure earlier this month in japan at the age of 54. it has been buried and unseen for thousands of years until now. archaeologists have discovered artwork they call impressive. this is out in pompeii, italy. scenes from greek mythology with heroes like troy, greek god apollo and the archaeological park of pompeii believes that these paintings were displayed in a banquet room and the purpose was to entertain guests.
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it was in 79 a.d. and. the city and artwork. we are getting a glance of what some players will wear at the paris olympics. nike unveiled the olympic kits for some teams and it is team usa across all sports and providing kids -- the kids for athletes. it is to direct the world's attention to its performance products while making an entry level running approachable to customers. >> what we learned from the best athletes is 10% of the athletes that we work with. there is a trickle down innovation, because we are focusing on making sure that our innovations are working across body shapes, learning styles. >> sales have lagged in recent years, but breaking records in the gear will push more shoppers to the brand.
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i want to get some nike there. >> just pretend i'm an olympian and chase after them. coming up at 6:00, released from prison early is back in jail again. lisa said that he attacked a woman near east bay art station. o.j. simpson, disgraced football star and san francisco native has died. this stirs up so many emotions for so many people and we have reaction tonight from a family friend. dangerous and bloodthirsty. the mosquito known to track -- transmit deadly diseases. where it's been found and how you can protect yourself. the news at 6:00 starts now. thank you for being with us on thursday. raj mathai . >> jessica aguirre. man with a violent past charge today. jody hernandez


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