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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 12, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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right now at 5:00, moving forward, after a mounting controversy. the oakland airport approves plans for a name change. ahead, we're live with more on
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the looming legal battles the airport may be facing because of the change. all eyes on arizona as the issue of abortion access takes center stage. the calls for california to help women. also, a confrontation is going viral, a celebratory dinner is interrupted by a protester. the debate this video is sparking over free speech and the way both sides are responding. this is "today in the bay." >> and this is friday morning. thanks so much for starting your day with us. a little pep in our step on fridays. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. we'll get a look at the commute with cinthia in just a bit, but let's talk about that forecast. coming off of nice, sunny days. >> it's going to be cooler and it's still going to be sunny for part of the day. eventually we'll see clouds coming in. here is the way we're starting our friday morning. it's 51 in dublin and 53 in
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martinez, we're in the upper 40s in san francisco. after a cool start, we're going to see the temperatures warming up quite a bit going into the afternoon. we're going to see this storm system and the cold front moving closer to the bay area. the rain not yet making it into the state, but it will be here later this evening, by about 1:00 in the morning. we're starting to see the rain make it into the north bay and then some heavier rainfall before sunrise tomorrow, but we're also going to see much colder temperatures dropping in, with off and on rain. we'll go through this timeline, take a little bit of a closer look. right now cinthia is tracking a major crash in the east bay. >> the east bay has been difficult the last couple of days. we're going to go south of san lorenzo, 880 southbound over the san mateo bridge, the lanes are closed for the next hour, at least, because there is a big rig involved in this. so some alternates are to continue on 238, make your way down and connect on industrial to eventually make your way up
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880, onto the san mateo bridge, or your other alternate is the dumbarton bridge. we'll watch this as the morning goes on and the rest of the build through the morning commute on this friday. well, a legal challenges could be on the way after the board of oakland commissioners voted to rename oakland international to san francisco bay oakland international airport. "today in the bay"'s thom jensen is live for us. the commissioners seem like they're not too worried about this, because we've already talked about the legal battle that sfo is talking about. >> reporter: it was a unanimous vote last night, marcus. good morning. remember, we were here last week talking about this. sfo warned the port of oakland commissioners that they did not like this, there's been threats of a lawsuit. but last night the board went ahead with that vote. commissioners voted unanimously to move forward with the name change, after listening then to nearly an hour of public comments. many of the oakland folks spoke
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out in favor, but san francisco tourism interests opposed it. some asked to simply put oakland at the front of the name to make it clear to travelers which city they're flying into. san francisco made it clear through its attorney who showed a letter to the board threatening a trademark lawsuit. >> is that reaction or lack of one real? >> i really hope they're being advised properly by counsel, but it's clear that there is a very strong trademark set of claims. >> reporter: lawsuits could also come from environmental groups who believe this name change would meet requirements for the california environmental quality act. it also comes as oakland is dealing with rising crime and the effects of losing all of its major professional sports
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franchises to other communities. the name change does face a final vote. this was not the final vote. the final vote comes on may 9th. again, the commissioners last night voted unanimously. so we'll still have to look and see what happens here. san francisco, folks at sfo and others, did say that they would participate in a name change, but they just do not want san francisco at the front of the name. live in oakland, thom jensen, "today in the bay." >> i talked to some folks that live in oakland and they're, like, why, i'm still going to call it the oakland airport. >> thank you. new overnight, one person critically injured after being struck by a car in san francisco's tenderloin. it happened a little before 7:00 last night near turk. police say the driver stayed at the scene, not impaired, and is said to be cooperating with the investigation. right now, vice president kamala harris heading to arizona today in the wake of the legal
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decision that may end abortion there. a live look where the vice president visited last month ahead of her trip to tucson. the legal ruling will be her focal point. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson is live in washington to break down what we know about this visit. good morning, brie. >> reporter: good morning, laura. so vice president harris' visit comes after the arizona state supreme court ruled a nearly 160-year-old near total ban on abortion is enforceable. according to excerpts from her speech, the vice president is expected to take aim at presumptive gop presidential candidate donald trump, specifically on his record surrounding the issue. harris is expected to point to former president trump's previous comments stating women who undergo the procedure should, quote, be punished. now, trump this week did shift his stance on the issue, commenting that the arizona supreme court went too far in its decision.
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arizona is considered a critical swing state in the race for the white house, with 11 electoral votes up for grabs. democrats are hoping the issue of abortion will drive voters to the polls in november. >> brie, i know arizona's attorney general says she is fighting to ensure that this total ban is never implemented. in the meantime, california is now being invoked in some of this back and forth that we're seeing. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. so arizona's attorney general says she wants california to be a safe haven for health professionals who perform abortions, making those comments in an interview with nbc news. the ag says she will not prosecute anyone who is in violation of the law, and right now there's an attempt to get signatures so that an initiative goes on the november ballot to codify reproductive rights in the state. here she is amplifying her position as part of a speech posted to the attorney general's
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youtube page. >> the arizonans have my commitment that as long as i'm attorney general, i will fight like hell and my office will continue to do everything we can to protect and defend the fundamental rights of everyone. everything is on the table and we will pursue every option to ensure this decision is never implemented in the state of arizona. >> reporter: and shortly after this week's announcement, governor newsom posted on x that he remains ready to help arizonans access reproductive health care. in a statement to nbc news, one abortion provider says, while he appreciates mayes' promise, it likely will mean little to doctors who will not be able to perform the procedure without fear of arrest. >> interesting point. brie jackson, thank you, live from washington. an east bay confrontation over the war in the middle east
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is gaining national attention. this played out at one berkeley professor's back yard. >> >> millions of muslims around the world -- >> this is not your house. >> well, the viral video is the center of a controversy. this happened this week when a palestinian american law student disrupted a dinner being held at the home of cal's law school dean, chemerinsky. he is jewish but says he has not taken sides. he and others asked the student to leave, but she claimed her actions were her first amendment right. she later said she was assaulted and is considering legal action. we did speak with her last night, and our legal analyst does not agree with her claims. >> never in any world did i think a uc berkeley law professor would feel it was appropriate to lay their hands
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on me. >> you have a first amendment right to say what you want in the public square, but that doesn't apply to someone's private residence. >> chemerinsky and his wife believe the student crossed the line. the event was a dinner to honor recent law school graduates. the chancellor is already saying the school will not condone using social occasion at someone's private residence as a platform for protest, regardless of free speech claims. several bay area cities are in trouble with the feds. the environmental protection agency is fining six east bay cities and two utility districts for allowing sewage to flow into the bay. the epa says oakland and others failed to prevent untreated sewage from overflowing into the ocean. they say it happened several times between 2021 and 2023.
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the majority of the fines went to oakland. result, the city has to pay $267,000 for sewage releases. meteorologist kari hall is monitoring what we can expect from temps throughout the day. how are we looking starting out? >> it will be cooler but still a nice day for much of the bay area. but we are getting ready for changes, dropping temperatures and eventually some rain. as you head out the door we're at 52 in oakland and union city. it will be partly to mostly cloudy. we'll see temperatures headed for the mid-60s today. that's not the upper 70s and low 80s we had yesterday but san jose is going to see a high of 71, one of the warmer spots compared to much of the rest of the bay area. we'll talk about the rain coming in later tonight. cinthia has been tracking a major crash near hayward. >> we just got these pictures from the chp, they're putting out an alert. all lanes are closed southbound
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880 before you make it to the san mateo bridge, and we can see the two trucks that were involved. it looks really messy out there and it's going to take a while. these are heavy duty trucks so we need heavy duty equipment to get them out of the way. i want to show you alternates that we could work around as you're trying to make your way onto 880 into union city. continue on 238 and make your way to industrial and then connect to 880 and continue south, or try to make your way over the san mateo bridge. the other alternate is to take dumbarton. the other thing we have going on is in the tri-valley, the dublin interchange, northbound 680, the opposite direction of the commute, around the stoneridge off-ramp there was a crash involved and there's a missing dog that's light brown. if you're in that neighborhood, keep an eye out. back to you. man's best friend speaking up, traveling in style and comfort. ahead, the new airline tailored
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to ensure your dog gets the ultimate in-flight experience. more cuts in electric car ices and apr
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happy friday morning to you. it is 5:15 and we're taking a look at santa clara and what to expect over the next several hours. we're in the mid-50s, it's clear, but we will see a few clouds moving in and a mix of sun and clouds with our
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temperatures headed for the mid-60s. not as warm as yesterday, but even colder tomorrow. we'll talk about that in a few minutes. we have a major alert in the east bay, hayward southbound 880, as you try to connect to highway 92 is closed right now. there's two big rigs that got into a crash and it will take an hour, at least, to clear it out of the way. we'll talk about your alternates and the rest of the bay area traffic coming up. good morning. happy friday to you. the nasdaq will open at a new record high this morning after a rally in tech stocks. shares in apple saw their best day since may of last year, up more than 4%. shares in tesla up, but generally continue to suffer. that stock is down more than 35% on the year. a softening of demand for electric vehicles has caused tesla to cut prices again and again. ford, too, cutting prices on its once super hot ford f-150
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lightning electric truck by as much as $5,500 on one model. it's still $73,000. ford earlier cut prices on its mach-e suv behind the tesla model y. the white house has announced yet more student loan relief, this time for people enrolled in the save plan. more than a quarter million former students will see their loans wiped clean, says the administration. if you're affected, you should get an email today. during a phone conference with reporters yesterday afternoon, the white house said the latest totals show nearly $11 billion in relief for nearly a quarter million californians. as for the save plan, earlier this week the department of education said some of the relief it's offering would include people who haven't bothered to enroll in save yet. that said, enrolling is free and reasonably easy and likely worth your time.
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how about some tennis this weekend? you don't even have to find someone to play with. on "press here" we talk to a the inventor of the robot playing tennis. >> we said, why can't we make it smart, put computer vision on it, from the player's perspective, if you can track the ball and understand where the ball is, and then layer over that an engine that understands the game and how an opponent might play you, you could create a simulated experience. >> "press here" is right after "meet the press" sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. and, yes, there is a pickleball model. >> i started with tennis. i used to play tennis, which really helps my pickleball game. >> it's really cool. so it doesn't move to catch the ball, but it senses where the ball landed and says, all right, i will respond. >> it's a lot more challenging. more so than the wall i used to
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play against in high school. thank you very much. well, taylor swift songs are back on tiktok ahead of the release of her upcoming album. it comes after a recent dispute between tiktok and universal music group. the two sides couldn't agree on a new deal involving compensation and ai issues. it's unclear why swift's catalog was added back when other artists' songs have not returned. trending this morning, a new airline has everyone barking. ♪♪ >> finally, dogs will fly the way they've always deserved to. first. >> you look at this, and this has to be a joke. it is not. this is called bark air and it's owned by a popular pet brand known for creating bark boxes. you and your furry friend can take to the skies in style
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beginning may 23rd. passengers will have access to calming treats, ear muffs and jackets. they run from west chester county airport in new york city to los angeles and england. the price tag is a little ruff. the tickets start at $6,000. >> can you guys all pool together? >> that's expensive. >> they need a three-for-one deal. can humans get calming treats, too? >> for $6,000 you better. >> when they opened the dish and there was a shoe on there -- [ laughter ] >> valentina eats everything in my house. >> are dogs supposed to drink champagne? >> no. >> they don't like sparkling water, either. it makes them do a funny face. i saw it on tiktok.
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i haven't tried it. >> bark air. we'll see what their stock is doing. >> interesting. you don't have to go anywhere this weekend. we are going to have all kinds of weather. we're just going to travel around the world with just our temperatures. we're going to have some mild weather for today, some clouds moving by overhead in san francisco right now, and we will have a mix of sun and clouds throughout the afternoon. in redwood city it's going to be in the low 50s to start, and then at 9:00 we're at 55, and then reaching into the upper 50s. there will be a slower climb in temperatures for the afternoon, so we're looking at still a wide range in temperatures, with upper 50s in half moon bay and san francisco, mid-60s for the north bay into the east bay, and then down to the south bay we're up to 71, but that will be one of the warmer spots compared to everywhere else. and then tomorrow we're only in the upper 50s, it is going to be a chilly saturday. not much better on sunday, where
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we see those highs in the low 60s. so this is what's bringing about the change, the storm system and cold front pushing down the coastline and that's going to bring in some much colder temperatures and some rain coming in. widespread rain starts at about 1:00 in the morning for the north bay and the coastline, and continuing to move through before sunrise tomorrow. this is at 6:00 tomorrow morning, notice all of the different colors here. so the pink is a wintery mix and the white is snow. so here we are in the middle of april, and we're still going to get some snow on our bay area hills and mountains. this is above about 3,000 feet, so most of us won't see that. but once it clears out, we'll be able to see the snow-capped mountains in the distance. off and on rain throughout the day on saturday into saturday night. we should see this tapering off on sunday. we're mostly looking at about a half to one inch of rainfall, a decent soaker late tonight into
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early tomorrow morning. temperatures will gradually start to warm up after a very chilly weekend. next week we'll be back in the upper 70s. we just have to make it through this hopefully one last blast of winter. then we'll see it becoming more like spring next week. cinthia, what's the update on that big rig crash? >> we still have lanes blocked southbound 880. chp put out these pictures. two big rigs are involved. one crashed into the center median. it's going to take an hour for crews to bring in heavy duty trucks. if you're traveling southbound, trying to get around this, you could take 238 and then continue on to industrial and make your way back up to the san mateo bridge, or just take dumbarton or maybe call it a work from home day. we do have crews to bring us a live picture and updates and wel have that'l
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happy friday. we like to deliver good news to our viewers. norma in san jose was struggling to get the news delivered at all. her sunday papers weren't arriving. she said she missed out on more than $150 of them, so she contacted us. we contacted the publisher and it agreed to fix the deliveries and credit her $154.98 for the missing papers. while i'm here, two reminders quickly. first, your state and federal income tax returns are due
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monday. yes, april 15th is upon us. the irs is opening its doors tomorrow, saturday, for free for in-person tax help. here are the addresses in oakland, san jose, and san francisco. doors are open 9:00 to 4:00. first come, first served. have a great weekend. 5:26. next, the top stories we're following today, including the search for a missing swimmer in the russian river. crews are set to resume the search. a key milestone that is expected to be announced later today here in san francisco. this may mean turning a new page for san francisco police. we'll give you the details ahead. stayith us. yo wu'
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right now at 5:30, a major milestone for san francisco police. mayor breed expected to celebrate later this morning. we are live with reaction to the new accomplishment first mandated in a police reform measure. pg&e facing a new lawsuit tied to one of california's most destructive wildfires ever. the new claims this morning from forest owners and the hundreds of millions of dollars on the line. also, a live look outside. clear skies will soon give way to a wet weather. meteorologist kari hall is tracking that timeline for us. this is "today in the bay."
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and friday morning for us, and good morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the changes ahead. >> we are going to see a lot of big changes over the weekend. we had highs in the 80s this week, but for today we're in the 60s, and then even colder for tomorrow. it's such a nice view as we take a look from our sutro tower camera looking over san francisco. you can see the clouds settling over the bay, and it will be partly cloudy and cooler this afternoon, off and on rain starting early tomorrow morning. we'll only see highs in the 50s tomorrow. next week we'll be warming into the 70s. here is a look at what to expect with a partly cloudy sky, we'll be in the 60s for oakland, dublin, san francisco in the upper 50s. now, cinthia, a major traffic alert on 880. >> south of san lorenzo and hayward as people try to make
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their way onto 92. there are two big rigs involved. it's really chaotic as they try to lift those heavy duty trucks. the alternate, diverting onto the winton on-ramp. some alternates are to continue on 238, take industrial and then back up to 880 and 92 if you want. or the dumbarton bridge. or just stay at home on this friday. we'll continue to track the commute coming up. back to you guys. >> thanks, cinthia. happening today, san francisco leaders are marking what they call a milestone in the city's police reform efforts. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us in the city. what does this mean for the department? >> reporter: well, hopefully this will mean a new chapter for the department, marcus and laura. it's been seven years since the department of justice launched an independent and comprehensive review of sfpd, with the goal of reform. now, the doj launched its review in response to community members
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and city leaders asking to look into the police practices that have happened at sfpd, policies and practices. it came in the wake of a deadly police shooting in 2015 that sparked public outcry and subsequent disclosure of racist and homophobic texts by officers. they made recommendations to transform police, with an emphasis on reducing use of force, increasing transparency and working towards racial equity. the "chronicle" reports the department submitted evidence that it completed the final recommendations. the department is still reportedly awaiting approval and a final report from state officials. and this comes as the city reports lower crime rates during the first quarter of the year, property crime is down 32%, violent crime down 14% compared to the first quarter of last year. the governor's office also
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recently announcing continued progress in the city's partnership with the chp since may of last year. the chp has seized 42 pounds of fentanyl in the tenderloin and the announcement of that milestone is expected to be made at city hall later at 11:00 this morning. we'll continue to watch what this means for the department and the city as a whole. back to you. >> all right. something to look into and follow. thank you, ginger. new details on what police say was repeated vandalism targeting a san francisco mosque. the suspect is now facing hate crime charges. police say surveillance video from last week shows 35-year-old robert gray using a skateboard to smash the windows of the mosque. he later allegedly returned, at least twice, causing more damage before police arrested him. district attorney brooke jenkins says gray is facing vandalism and hate crime charges.
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she says her office has a zero tolerance policy for crimes targeting religious places. college students across the country are facing more anti-semitism than ever before. the antidefamation league released its nationwide campus anti-semitism report card yesterday, grading 85 schools on fighting hate and integrating jewish life on campus. several california schools, cluesing uc berkeley, received a failing grade. anti-semitic incidents are surging in secondary schools. leaders are responding by creating clubs as a safe space for students. >> we go into public schools and teens have the ability to start their own jsu club or chapter in their school. our main job is to go in and connect jewish teens with their roots, with their tradition, and with their people. to create a safe plays for jews to be. >> hundreds of clubs are available for students across
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the country and the jewish student union leaders say more youth groups are being created online. new developments in the search for a missing swimmer in the north bay. teams will resume the search for a 15-year-old boy last seen yesterday in the russian river. this is video of sonoma county rescuers combing the waters. authorities say the boy had been swimming with friends. here is their advice to everyone. >> we caution people this time of year to really watch the water. the water is moving very fast. it's still at a high level. if you're not an experienced swimmer, we urge you not to swim in the russian river at this time. i know its temperatures are up and it draws people to the river, but we caution everybody to be very careful because this is a very common occurrence when the water is moving at the rate it is. >> now, rescuers are expanding
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the radius. forest owners filing a legal claim against pg&e in connection with california's second largest wildfire ever. the dixie fire burned just over 1 million acres in the summer of 2021 well north of the bay area. cal fire has determined it started when a falling tree struck pg&e equipment. several businesses are seeking damages in excess of $200 million. the utility so far is not commenting. now to a live look in oakland this morning, where oakland's first fridays returns today. the event was supposed to kick off last week but it was postponed due to rain. organizers pumped the brakes at the start of the year through march due to financial constraints. first fridays is on telegraph avenue between 22nd and 27th street. it starts at 5:00 p.m. good thing it's happening at least this friday, because later today it's going to rain, i mean, tonight? >> yeah, it's going to be after
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first friday. we are good for this event. it's also going to be partly cloudy and temperatures going from about 59 at the start to about 55 degrees toward the end. it will be mostly cloudy, but the weather will be holding up. for tomorrow, that's a different story. we have the cesar chavez day and the parade happening in san francisco. we'll start out at 52 degrees. it will be cool with off and on rain and most likely getting heavier as we go into the afternoon. we also have the love our earth festival happening in east palo alto starting at 10:00 in the morning. it's going to be in the low 50s. part of this event is inside, but there will be some outdoor activities. so maybe try to stay under the tents. now, looking at palisades tahoe, we're going to see temperatures today in the mid-50s. it is a good drive getting to the sierra. it will be hard to get back because we'll see off and on
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showers through the day on sunday as well. if you're going to socal this weekend, we'll see temperatures in the low 60s. the cooldown is headed that way as well and also the rain. we'll be tracking all of this and the impacts on your weekend plans. cinthia has been tracking a major traffic issue. >> and i also want to talk about some road closures that aren't associated with any crashes, but it is going to impact people that take crow canyon as a short can you tell from san ramon through castro valley. your alternates are to continue on 680 and then take 580 to castro valley. westbound 37 in vallejo will also be closed this weekend and a couple of more weekends ahead in the month of april from highway 29 to 121, so what you can do is take american canyon, connect to highway 12, and then back down eventually making your way to connect to novato or
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continue further into petaluma. b.a.r.t. is going to be running buses as they do track work from el cerrito to north richmond and you can expect at least 20 minutes to your ride there. we'll talk about other weekend events and breaking news coming up in a few minutes. 5:39 this morning, and a popular pub now moving across the bay. ahead, why the owner argues culture is to blame. vice president harris ready to go on the attack as she makes her way to arizona. >> and baseball star shohei ohtani's former interpreter is set to vendor to local authorities. it's happening in a matter of hours. we'll talk about the new details coming out surrounding jaw-dropping theft allegations. this weekend bay fc looks to defend its home turf in the west coast soccer showdown. you can watch full coverage
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starting starting
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with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at good friday morning to you. it is 5:43 and we're taking a live look outside in fremont. it is a nice start to the day with low 50s and we'll see more clouds coming in throughout the morning, and some peeks of sunshine into the afternoon. you'll notice that it will be not nearly as warm as it was over the past couple of days, so we'll talk more about this and a
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weekend cooldown with rain coming up in a few minutes. early commuters, southbound 880 is closed, the connecter to 92. the alternate is the winton on-ramp. there were two big rigs that crashed this morning. it's going to take about an hour, at least, to clear the scene. our crew is on the way and we'll continue to follow this throughout the morning. happening today, baseball star shohei ohtani's former interpreter is expected to surrender to authorities in connection to massive theft charges. investigators say ippei mizahura used the money to fund his gambling addiction and it included using his position to set up a bank account for ohtani and then transferring money to illegal bookmakers.
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he is accused of stealing up to $$16 million. vice president kamala harris will campaign in arizona today and abortion will be top of mind. >> scott mcgrew joins us. earlier this week the arizona supreme court said a near total ban on abortion could go forward. >> yeah, based on an 1864 arizona law that had been dormant for years. 1864, arizona was still a territory, abraham lincoln was president. several states have seen these dormant laws pop up after the u.s. supreme court overturned roe. as we've discussed many times, because it keeps coming up, abortion rights drives democrats to the polls. the biden/harris campaign ready to take advantage of that. vice president harris will make the case for democrats clear to arizona voters. according to prepared remarks ahead of time, we all must understand who is to blame, her speech will say. it is the former president donald trump, it is donald trump, who, during his campaign in 2016, said women should be punished for seeking an
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abortion. that's not perfectly accurate, but it's close. trump said during an interview on msnbc with chris matthews he agreed with a question, a scenario matthews was asking about. >> do you believe in punishment for abortion as a principle? >> the answer is that there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman? >> yes. >> 10 years, 15 years? >> i don't know. >> you take positions on everything else. >> it's a very complicated position. >> speaking of former president trump, the speaker of the house, mike johnson, will travel to florida today to meet with mr. trump at mar-a-lago. on paper, they have a lot to agree on, but they don't agree on a lot. trump encouraged house republicans to block one of the strongest border security bills in decades. trump opposes renewal of a fisa law. and what's soon to come to head, johnson wants to introduce a
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bill to support ukraine in its fight against russia. trump opposes that support, calling it stupid. today will be more than about bills. johnson is under a heavy threat from trump allies, most notably marjorie taylor greene. trump's right-hand man and another mar-a-lago employee will be in court today asking that the conspiracy charges be dropped. the two are accused of helping trump move boxes of classified documents that the fbi was looking for. the expected argument, they didn't know what was in the boxes, they didn't know anything about the search. we still don't have a court date on this case, but keep in mind, trump's first criminal trial, the one that starts in new york, is monday morning. back in washington, president biden wrapped up meetings with his counterpart from japan, joined by the president from the philippines. >> we mark historic moments, the first ever leader summit between the united states, japan and the
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philippines. it's truly an honor to have you both here as we begin this new era of partnership. >> the three countries, japan, philippines and u.s. have a common interest in the pacific, keeping an eye on china and its desire to expand its power. so vice president harris is expected to arrive in tucson before noon our time. this will be her fifth visit to the state since taking office. >> thanks, scott. well, for autism awareness month some advocates are focusing on accommodation instead of changes, laying out how employers can set out accepting space. some people need loud noise input, others are avers. some on the spectrum like to follow routine and structure, suggesting agendas in advance can help. and some others on the spectrum are uncomfortable with eye contact, priority over verbal responses and body language.
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one south bay education teacher tells us there are ways to understand someone on the spectrum by taking a divergent approach. >> individuals with autism exhibit different kinds of movement and try to make different kinds of noises. instead of telling him to be quiet or stop doing that, these are behaviors that they can't control. so sort of think of trying to hold your sneeze or hold your cough in a public setting. it's something that's really hard. >> she does tell us that there are two groups that provide helpful resources, including autism speaks and the autism society of america. a popular craft beer spot is trading san francisco for oakland. the monk's kettle has been open for 16 years on 16th street in the mission, but the owner says they'll close the location and relocate to oakland at the end of june. this isn't about crime in the city or homelessness. the owner says san francisco now has a boring bar scene and fees
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for delivery apps are sky high. >> it used to be where someone would go out and they would meet a friend, the two of them would have a drink, an appetizer, dinner. now, instead, it's just the entree and it's going out the door and another company takes a percentage of it. so it's a lot of lost revenue. people are not going out anymore. >> the owner is hoping to open up the new location by september on college avenue. trending this morning, a bear out of bounds at a tahoe ski resort. palisades tahoe had to close some lifts temporarily. >> it was spotted monday near the summit where you can see the bear tagging and wearing a gps collar. fish and wildlife say that it was previously trapped and released but appears to have returned home and they're working to ensure the bear moves
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away from the populated area. >> how exactly do you do that? go over there. >> it's always cute from a distance. >> they're big. >> i'll come to your cabin, knock, knock. >> can i pet you? >> yeah, no. and they'll usually return wherever they find something, they know. >> they're very smart. >> and very big. >> smarter than the average bear. [ laughter ] >> they'll have a picnic. you know what, let's move on. let's talk about this weather that's going to be changing as we go throughout the day. yesterday, believe it or not, we had some 80s. concord hit a record high of 83 degrees. it's not going to be nearly that warm today. we're in the low 50s to start. it is a milder morning. take a look at our highs. we'll be up to 64 in oakland, martinez and dublin, 68 in fremont, and mid-60s for much of the north bay.
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san jose, still very warm compared to the rest of the bay area, but we'll all be cooling off tomorrow. once that cold front drops in, we'll see some off and on rain throughout the day. as you take a look at the seven-day forecast at the bottom of the screen, you'll see it will be cool for the weekend but warming up next week. on sunday it's only slightly warmer. this will be the better day to get outside. we should see things clearing out, but we're only going to reach a high of 64 in concord and 62 in santa rosa. this is the system and the cold front, the low well off the coast compared to the storm system we had last weekend, but it's going to bring in that same dip in temperatures with gusty winds. i do expect it to be pretty windy when this line initially comes in overnight. this is while most people are sleeping and waking up to more heavy rain and the potential of snow as you go up above 3,000 feet. so, yes, it is that cold where it's going to bring another
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coating of snow on the bay area mountains. here we are at 7:00 tomorrow night. it's still raining in spots and it may be heavy. we're watching for a slight chance of thunderstorms in some of these heavier downpours coming through. this will be tapering off for the most part on sunday, but there still will be a slight chance of rain as we go into the evening. then monday is all clear. during the weekend we're looking at some pretty significant rainfall totals with half moon bay about 1 1/4 and possibly 1 inch in fremont and san jose. it's looking like more compared to previous runs of the computer models, but we are going to see this clearing out next week. let's take a look at concord that set a record yesterday. today it will be in the 60s, tomorrow 53 degrees, and then they will go back up as our temperatures warm next week. 80 degrees will be the peak next
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thursday. we will see this last round of rain for quite a while. i think it will be off and on and not the best weekend for outdoor activities. then we see much improved weather for the middle of next week. as the sunshine continues, we'll go above what's normal for this time of year. san francisco, up to only 55 for tomorrow's high temperature. cinthia, still tracking that breaking news in the east bay. >> yeah, southbound 880, as people try to make their way to the san mateo bridge. the lanes are blocked, chp is diverting the drivers to the winton on-ramp, so you can make it past the scene slowly. we'll keep following this. just expect delays as crews will bring in heavy duty equipment. the alternate is take 238 and go down to industrial in union city and connect back up, or take dumbarton bridge or a judiciary a -- avoid the area altogether. richmond, the
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counter-commute, eastbound 80 at the san pablo off-ramp there was a car that crashed into the back of a semi truck. i'll follow the details. you can get off at cutting boulevard and that should take you through richmond if you're planning to make it into marin county. we're also following this one on the bay bridge. not many details, but i do know that it's a westbound direction right there at the treasure island area, so we'll follow those details there and i'll watch the rest of the build throughout the bay area coming up. happening now, the state is moving forward with plans to buy six high-speed trains. excuse me. the california high-speed rail authority board of directors just approved a bid allowing it to solicit proposals from two contractors. it would go up 220 miles per hour and connect passengers in the central valley. the authority hopes to award the contract by the end of the year. there's much more ahead,
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including breaking news. as cinthia has been telling us, an overturned semi causing issues for the morning commute in the east bay. our crew is headed live to the scene for an update on the cleanup
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welcome back. 5:58 right now. so when customer service doesn't pan out, our consumer team is here to lend a hand. >> consumer investigator chris chmura has one of our recent cases, plus a note about tax time. happy friday. we like to deliver good news to our viewers. norma in san jose was struggling to get the news delivered at all. her sunday papers weren't arriving. she said she missed out on more than $150 of them, so she contacted us. we contacted the publisher and it agreed to fix the deliveries and credit her $154.98 for the missing papers. while i'm here, two reminders quickly. first, your state and federal income tax returns are due monday. yes, april 15th is upon us. the irs is opening its doors tomorrow, saturday, for free for in-person tax help. here are the addresses in
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oakland, san jose, and san francisco. doors are open 9:00 to 4:00. first come, first served. have a great weekend. >> don't forget, nbc bay area always streams 24/7. you can watch us whenever you like on roku or other streaming platforms. breaking news right now at 6:00, an overturned big rig blocking the morning commute in the east bay. we are live on southbound interstate 880 with new details on that early morning traffic jam. plus -- >> i mean, nobody wants an abortion, they just want to be able to have it as a choice. >> all eyes on arizona, as the issue of abortion access takes center stage. the high-profile trip happening later today and the calls for california to help women. moving forward despite threats. after mounting controversy, the oakland airport approves plans for a name change. the looming legal


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