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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5PM  NBC  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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right now at 5:00, ramming into police cars. illegal side shows take over
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streets once again, and why one city leader is calling for cops to put a stop to them. two separate boats capsize off the coast. all eyes on israel. how will they respond to iran's attack. president biden urging leaders to find a diplomatic solution. the news at 5:00 starts right now. thanks for joining us. i am terry mcsweeney. >> a wider regional conflict trying to be avoided. >> president biden told prime minister benjamin netanyahu by phone the u.s. will not support any israeli counter attack. alice barr reports from washington. >> president biden is urging restraint as the israeli war cabinet weighs its response after iran launched an unprecedented wave of more than 300 drones and missiles at
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israel. nearly all of the attacks were shot down by israeli, u.s. and other ally forces and nobody was killed, but a 7-year-old girl hit by shrapnel is in critical condition. president biden meeting with leaders of the g7 pressing for a solution. >> we will continue to help israel defend itself. >> president biden told israeli prime minister netanyahu the u.s. will not participate in a counter offensive against iran, that according to a senior administration official that also told nbc news the president urged netanyahu not to retaliate since the attack caused minimal damage and casualties. >> we always listen to our partners and allies and are respectful and we are reviewing all our options. as i said, we will take whatever
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it takes to protect and defend our people. >> republican lawmakers accusing the biden administration of emboldinging iran. >> there should be a red line. >> iran says the matter is now considered concluded, calling its attacks revenge for an air strike on the compound in syria, and though no u.s. forces have been attacked, president biden said america will remain vigil to all threats. the united nations security council also held an emergency meeting this afternoon. the u.n. secretary general and u.s. ambassador both condemned iran's actions while calling for a de-escalation of the situation. representatives of the u.s. said the u.s. reserves the right to retaliate and iran also doubles down on its right to self defense.
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gunshots, and cars on fire and even ramming police cars. this has one city council member speaking out, but what can actually be done. here's christie smith. >> overnight in oakland illegal side shows took over intersections in the city, and it began before 2:00 a.m., with spectators watching. >> we have been complaining. the residents have been complaining to the chief and deputy chief that we need more assistance. >> some of the side show activity reached council member's district -- >> some of the cars in the side show ran into each other and even ran into a police car. >> there are videos that show
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cars on fire and people standing around it, and at one point this happened. >> there were two or 300 young people watching the show, and cars spinning around and all over the place, but i have never seen so many police come together. every street was blocked off. >> oakland police say they did get reports of several side show activity at several locations and gunshots were reported at the side shows, too. opd said when officers arrived cars and spectators disspursed. after side show activity in the city last weekend, opd posted on social media saying violent, disruptive and illegal behavior won't be tolerated. >> for me, what impressed me, they not only came, but they cited those in the middle of the side shows. >> we asked police about sigh citations and arrests, and at the same time there are real challenges in the city. >> the reality is oakland needs
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more officers, like we used to. i remember the day when they had 780 officers. >> we can do a lot better, but it will take all of us united to get it done. >> christie smith, nbc bay area news. a high stakes rescue off the coast of san francisco today. the coast guard and members of sfpd's marine units rescued four people from a capsized boat miles out to sea. right now first responders are not saying anymore than that. seven people were rescued from another capsized boat yesterday in marin county. six adults and one child were onboard when that boat tipped over. they clung to the side of the vessel until help arrived. three were taken to the hospital for minor injuries, and the other four were released once warmed up. in oakland a lithium battery
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is being blamed for setting a garage on fire this afternoon. a lithium battery spontaneously ignited setting the garage o fire. nobody was displaced. the fire department's advice never leave a lithium battery charging unattended. and then around 8:00 on riverside drive on laurel street, when officers got there two women were in the street that had been shot. one woman died at the scene. paramedics rushed the second woman to the hospital where she later died. no word on later arrests or possible suspect and police are asking anybody with information to call them. jury selection begins tomorrow in lower manhattan for trump's hush-money trial. he is accused of covering up the
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stormy daniels situation. at the center of the case is a $130,000 hush-money payment labeled as legal services, and in this case former president trump did not have the option to skip court. officers are being deployed from every other courthouse in the city because of security concerns. taking a live look at san francisco. mayor breed in china this week, and she is joined by a group of community leaders. he says her goals for the trip includes bringing more economic opportunities to the city, and boosting tourism with china and to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. tesla is at the center of another court case in santa clara this week. the trial will find whether the electric carmaker is liable for
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a crash where a pregnant woman was pinned in her garage by a new tesla back in 2018. she was 8 1/2 months pregnant and just parked her car at home leaving the driver's door open to change her 2-year-old's diaper. the toddler escaped and got in the car and came in contact with the brake pedal, and the toddler made contact with the shift level causing the car to move forward and shatter her pef sreus. the trial comes a view days after tesla settled a lawsuit connected to the drivers assistance software. the family brought a wrongful death suit against that company. the destructive storms back in february, president biden
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approved california's request for a major disaster declaration. at least 11 people died in the string of storms that caused widespread flooding, power outages and a lot of other damage. nine counties will receive federal aid under the declaration. santa cruz and monterey are included, but none in the bay area. back in 90 seconds. still ahead, terrifying moments after a sniper-style shooting caused people to duck for cover. how police managed to take the man into custody. and then the process to try and save the ocean giants. and then skies opening up, and we are 13 to 14 degrees warmer in the east bay, and we will talk about the gradual warm-up coming this week. the latest for israel as it considers a counter attack on iran, and concerns about a wider ward in the middle east. plus, what officials are doing plus, what officials are doing ♪ ♪♪ on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments,
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are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system, you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3. manage your diabetes with more confidence... and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. talk to your provider or visit ♪♪
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a very scary situation overnight in southern california. a sniper on the roof of an apartment building randomly shooting at bystanders happened in marina del rey. this is video from the citizen app. a woman was dropped off by an uber driver and started walking home, and somebody yelled at her to duck. imagine that. the man was firing shots in the air, and nobody was hurt and he was taken into custody after about two hours of that.
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the dining hall in san francisco is causing controversy. one local artist said he was ripped off. the food hall is covered in branding with minimalisic art with eyes, noses and mouths, and he said it's a carbon copy he has been working on for more than a decade, and the design hall is breaking down the faces and uses the same line style and quality he uses in his work. >> i'm part of the community, and, like, you are damaging my reputation by ripping off my work like this. >> he's considering legal action. and then the whale festival is returning this weekend. research groups and watching vessels were there along with the nonprofit marine life
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studies. there's about 150 volunteers and a few people certified to disentangle whales that get caught up in the fishing nets. it's a dangerous process and requires a permit but it's worth the effort. >> we like to call ourselves the whale ambulances, and once we get the report we will get the team together and respond as quickly as we can. >> part of the festival is raising awareness about what people can do if they see a whale in distress. the advice is to call 1-766 hp sos-whale. as for the whale spotted last week off the coast of pacifica, the group said they have had no luck locating the whale, 30 feet
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long, a gray whale, and it's entangled in a massive net pulling two buoys behind it. remember that number if you see it. organizing a parade for the nepali new year's celebration, and this is the second parade this association has organized this year. >> you know, the events that went on yesterday and today, yes, some rain, but this is not a washout kind of weekend. >> yeah, they keep coming. today we had a much drier today. what is in store for next week, people will be definitely out there. let's prepare for the workweek ahead and the details, and outside temperatures are slightly cool in the 50s and 60s. skies are clearing up. we have blue out there on walnut creek, san francisco, and the winds are starting to come down out of the west at around 5 to
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15 miles per hour. the system is breaking apart. remember, yesterday we had that swirl. right now it's more disorganized, and if i zoom in, there's light scattered activity in parts of the north bay and peninsula, and it's tapering off throughout the state. as we go into the monday, we will watch areas of fog throughout the morning commute. we should mostly clear out to sunny skies. temperatures will warm up as we go not only into monday but through the rest of the week. let me show you the gradual buildup. tomorrow we will start off with jacket weather. by the end of the day, you might put that aside and also the umbrellas aside and look for the sunglasses. 60s along the peninsula, and the east bay shoreline. as we go and work through the workweek here, we will gradually warm up. models are warm and dry as we go
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through wednesday and thursday. the 70s and the 80s inland will start to return, and then we will see a little cooldown going back into friday, and things turn solen and it will feel a little like summer where we cool down for the afternoons and watch for the fog. and then the models for painting a dry weekend ahead, and hope it stays like this so people can even joy the fun events. we start off with 68, and then growing to nearly 80, and we will continue to dip a little bit and still sticking in the 70s as we go into next weekend. san francisco will also tap into some of the nice comfortable weather as we go into monday and tuesday in the 60s with the gradual buildup. a bit cloudy is how the models are painting it for wednesday,
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and that seems to be the warmest day in the city, and then for the weekend, temperatures back in the 60s. no rain, and the sunshine icons will make people happy. then 60, to 70s and 80s, and then still staying dry in the 70s as we approach the second to last weekend in april here. >> we have been noticing the rain on the weekend, and 9 out of 10 weekends have had rain, and that is ending this weekend. >> yeah, sun icons. what you need to know if you
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just what some people don't want to hear, it's tax time. april 15th truly is a tax day again. if you have not gotten around to filing your tax return yet, don't worry, you have until 11:59 tomorrow night, and if you aren't done then, you can file for an extension, but you still have to guess on what you owe and send that in. recently, there were chile
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crunch trademark fight, and he will back off the trademark and is sorry for the division he has caused. after the warriors win the after the warriors win the game of the last season, the
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stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ the golden state warriors play their last game of the regular season today, but it turned out to be a meaningless game against the utah jazz. >> no meaningless whatsoever, because it had an impact on the playoff schedule. steph and draymond sitting this
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one out. warriors up by eight. wiggins had a nice game. he had 19. let's get down to the brass taxes, they call it. warriors are the 10th and final season in the playoffs, and travel to sacramento to face the kings on tuesday night, if they win they go on the ride friday against the losers of the pelicans game, and win that and they go to oklahoma city to face the thunder one week from today. maybe not ideal, but the warriors are in the playoffs and they are hot. check it out. >> he's a big man. a big man. >> the nicest guy, too. showed off his moves with the classesic's game. watch him right here. ezeli, even has former teammate, seth curry looking shocked. mouth dropped to the ground. >> i was surprised myself that a man that big could move like
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that. caitlin clark stole the show last night. >> clark showed off her comedy skills. give a shout-out to the great clark. these are the women that kicked down the door so i could walk inside. i want to thank them for laying the foundation, and michael, since you are such a big fan, i brought a souvenir, an apon signed by me. >> i can't wait to give this to my girlfriend. >> you don't have a girlfriend, michael. >> there it is. she's funny, too. by the way, the wnba starts tomorrow, too, and this is the first time the fans can be there live. clark expected to go number one
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with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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we're now just over 100 days from the paris 2024 olympics, if you can believe that. >> on tuesday the olympic torch will be lit in greece, the first torchbearer will start an 11-day rely through greece. it ends in athens. it will arrive in marseille on may 8th to begin the french leg of the rely. it will culminate with the lighting of the olympic flame on
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july 26th. you got all the dates there. okay. summer olympics just 103 days away, and so jessica aguirre will be in pis reporting on all the athletes and other fun stuff, too. >> jessica wants to start next week to get used to it, and look around town and get the lay of the land. >> get ready. >> thank you for watching. >> "nightly news" is next. we will see you again at 6:00. tonight, new and escalating concerns about a bigger war in the middle east as israel pledges to respond somehow to iran's unprecedented attack. celebrations on the streets of tehran, even as the israeli war cabinet meets today to consider what


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