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tv   Today  NBC  April 15, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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for the activity note, we're following this and tracking things down in the newsroom. north 880 at 5th. sounds like there's a protest on the freeway. back to you. here is a look at your forecast. our temperatures will be warming up with sunshine as we go throughout the week. the warmest day will be on thursday. and then slightly cooler, but still pretty comfortable for the weekend, with san francisco headed up to 70 by midweek and then back to the mid-60s. the "today" show just moments away, but we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. scott mcgrew is following the latest from new york on donald trump's criminal trial that is getting under way, plus last-minute tips
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this is "today." on edge. the world bracing for israel's response after being bombarded by hundreds of missiles and drones from iran. the u.s. urging restraint, desperate to avoid a wider conflict across the region. we'll talk to one of the president's top advisers just ahead. on trial. donald trump headed to a new york courtroom this morning. jury selection set to begin, the first ever criminal trial of a former president over whether he broke the law to cover up a sex sandal with a former porn star weeks after the 2016 election. we'll break it down. storm threat, millions in the midwest and the south in the crosshairs today as a new round of severe weather races across the country. al's got everything you need to know. showdown. the battle intensifies over o.j. simpson's estate with tens of millions still owed to the families of nicole brown and ron
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goldman. this morning, what his executor is saying about that, and simpson's final days. those stories. plus fever pitch. caitlin clark expected to go number one in tonight's wnba draft. but first, one-on-one with us on her impact on the next on th generation. e next generation. >> t >> just to see them have your jersey on, that's something tha or have your jersey on, that's never gets old. something that never gets old. >> her big weekend >> and her big weekend on snl. >> here to comment is caitlin >> here to comment is caitlin clark. clark. >> our conversation with the basketball phenom straight our basket billion phenom straight ahead. and, ahead. and winner, winner, free w chicken dinner. >> you want chicken? here's >> to the crowd, said, you want chicken? your chicken. he gave them chicken. he's a man of the people. >> inside the fu >> here's your chicken. n momenb >> he gave them chicken, middle fan favorite misses on purpose east -- he's a man of the people. to give the crow >> inside the fun moment an nba fan favorite misses on purpose c to give the crowd exactly what they want, today, monday, april 15th, 2024. >> 15th, 2024. from nbc news, this
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"today," wit from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie h and hoda kotb, fro and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. m >> hi, rood morning. welcome to "today," monday ler >> hi, everybody, good morning, welcome to "today," mo morning. nday morning, nice to have you starting your week with us. nice to have you your week with us. >> good to >> good to see you, we're see two major stories, including following two major stories, including this morning's start this morning's start of the firs of the first criminal trialal t former president donald trump, against donald trump. the latest from court in just a the very latest from court in just moment. a moment. but we we begin with u.s. official officials closel closely monitoring the mounting tensions in the middle east thig morning. tensions in the middle east this morning, israel's war israel's war cabinet is meeting to discuss a to discuss its response to this weekend's unprecedented attack fr weekend's unprecedented attack a from iran in israel.n in israel. more than 300 drones and more than 300 drones and missiles launched into israel on saturday night, most were thwarted by israel's air def saturday night.ense systems with support from the u.s. and other most were thwarted by israel's air defense systems with support today, the president i from the u.s. and other allies. be today president biden is urging retaliate. netanyahu not to retaliate on amid fears it could spark a wider war. we'll talk fears it will spark a wider war council spokesman john we'll talk to national security a in a moment.
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but first, council spokesman john kirby in co a moment.rrespondent rirchd engo but first, nbc's chief foreign joins us from jerusalem, richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah, this could hav correspondent richard engel joins us from jerusalem. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this could have been so much worse. iran's attack was stopped, but had it not been, it is very likely that we would b had it not been, it is very likely that we would be in a new war right now with the u.s. e iw war right now with the involved. u.s. and this morning, president involved, and this morning president biden biden and other world leaders a leaders are calling for restraint an are calling for restraint and dn deescalation.. looking at israel this morning looking at israel this morning, you can hardly tell the country just you can hardly tell the country just faced an unprecedented fa attack fro attack from iran.m iran. israelis bounce back quickly. israelis bounce back quickly. but what happened this weekend could have could have easily triggered a massive war, and it is not off the table.a massive war, and it's not off th what saved israel and stopped a. what saved israel and stopped a wider war were air defenses, and wider war were air defenses and extensive american help. extensive american help. around 2:00 a.m. sunday morning we watched a around 2:00 a.m. sunday morning iranian missiles and drones were
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we watched as more than 300 heading for israel. iranian missiles and drones were heading for israel. its air defense system lighting up the sky over jerusalem. up the sky over jerusalem. for the last several for the last several minutes m we've seen these flares streaking all we've seen these flares across over streaking all across the skies first time over jerusalem, and now for thei first time we're hearing the air raid sirens. raid sirens. it was a strikin it was a striking juxtaposition, modern weapons over the ancient, modern weapons over the ancient city, sights holy to b city.illions of jews, christians and sites holy to billions of jews, could have easily been damaged orristians and muslims could have easily been damaged or destroyed. destroyed. also also threatened, the nearby th christian town of bethlehem, christian town of bethlehem.visn visiting american cardinal forced to take shelter dolan, forced to take shelter.. in the end, there was almost no damage as israel, the u.s. and in the end, there was almost no othe damage as israel, the u.s. and iran's missiles and dron other allies shot down 99% of et of the iran's missiles and drones, mosd israel of them before they even entere israeli air space.sp president biden praising the ac. president biden praising american american troops involved. >> i swear to god, you're troo incredible. >> i swear to god, you are incredible. >> thank >> thank you, mr. president. y >> keep it going. >> keep it going, stay
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stay safe. safe, man. >> reporter: in iran, they >> reporter: in iran, they celebrated the nation's firs celebrated the nation's first t direct attack against israel, retaliation for an israeli air strike two weeks direct attack against israel. retaliation for an israeli air strike two weeks ago on the ae iranian embassy co iranian embassy compound in mpoi damascus that killed seven n damascus that killed seven members of iran' members of iran's revolutionary guard.s revolutionary guard. bu but iran could have made its t attack more difficult to stop, attack more difficult to stop, sending its slow-flying dr sending its slow-flying drones in waves, all the way from in waves all the way from iran,, effectively giving israel hour effectively giving israel hours of advance warning of advanced warning. israel's security cabinet meets. israel's security cabinet meets again again, but so far i officials ar but so far israeli officials ar about an staying vague about any y poten saying only that israe potential response saying only that israel will respond to thil iranian attack at a time and respond to this place of its choosing.ian attac at a time and place of its savannah. choosing. savannah? >> richard, thank you very much, and joining >> richard, thank you very much security council spokesman admiral john k and joining us now is national . john, good morning t security council spokesman o yo >> good morning, thank you. >> admiral john kirby, good morning to you >> good morning.
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thank you. this was a ma >> this was a massive attack inside israel, the first ever direct attack on israel from si direct attack on israel from ir iranian soil.ian soil, is it yor is it your expectation that expectation that israel will be retaliating? the war cabinet is meeting as w retaliating, the war cabinet is meeting as w speak. >> i think that's going to be u? >> i think that' to the war cabinet and prime s cabinet and prime minister netanyahu to decide.mi netany we certainly wouldn't get ahead certainly wouldn't get ahead of of any decisions that they might make. the president, in his s they mi. the presid conversation with prime ministe conversation with prime minister netanyahu lauded the amazing success that they had in shooting down a vast, vast benjamin netanyahu lauded th majority of the missiles and e amazing succes drones that were fired at them.d very few impacts, no casualties shooting down the drones fired at them. it was an incredible it was an incredible achi military achievement.evement. and he urged netanyahu to consider the impact of that great success, what that netanyahu to consider the impac th of that great success, and what israel's military superiority and that ira that meant, the message it sent whey tried to do. >> not only about israel's military superiority, but the fact that iran had utterly failed in what they tried to do. >> let's just be as blunt as possible. the white house is saying to israel is, as bee is what the white house is saying to israel, take the win, reported, take the win, in the
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not to retaliate? to retaliate?.s. position, is that the u.s.'s position, israel, don't retaliate? israel, don't retaliate? >> again, the presiden >> again, the president made it clear to prime minister netanyahu that there was much to -- much to be proud o clear to prime minister netanyahu that there was much to be proud of the other night in terms of the military success.n military success. the president has also been very clear, in multiple the president has been very ve we d clear in multiple venues that wt do not seek a war with iran. we don't want to see a wider wa we don't want to see a wider war in the region. >> well, a in the region. s we >> well, as we all know, this strike from iran was strike from iran was in i retaliation for a strike that n retaliation for a strike that israel too israel took against iranian k a forces in syria that forces in syria that killed 7 seven irgc officers. the israelis gave no heads up to irgc officers. its ally, the u.s., was that the israelis gave no heads up t needlessly provocati was that needlessly provocative? do you think that israel bears some responsibility for escalating this, and getting us to do you think israel bears some ? >> well, look, responsibility for escalating this and getting us to this le point? here, ir >> let's be clear has b, iran has been funding groups resourcing gro like hamas, hezbollah, the ups hezbollah, the houthis down in houthis in yemen. yemen, also of which, also, with th
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all of which also, with the e et proxy groups exception of hamas, these proxyn iraq and groups, including those in iraq participated in th and syria, also participated ine these strikes against israel on against israel on isra israeli soil.eli soil, iran is the one who was providing the mean iran is the one who's providing resources th the means and the resources rous through which these groups and groups and their ownnd their ow was able their own military was able to unprec conduct this unprecedented eden >> attack on israel. given that, >> so given that, and given whaw the white house is signaling the white house is signaling about it about its messaging to the s me israelis, i just want to go back to the point here, is the white house sayi to the point, in, you k between th is the white house saying, you to israel, know, between the lines, don't? i mean, the iranians h essentially, to israel, don't a retaliate now? claimed that they have the iranians have claimed that d their re they have concluded their spons attack response to the syria attack., position the u.s. position that if israel sits tight, this coul tight, this can end right now? end right now?>> we want to see clearly, in the region, and everything >> we want to see deescalation clearly in the region, and everything the president has done since october 7th has been designed to keep this from becoming a designed to keep this from wid and that's why we're going to keep latched up with israeli counterparts and make it clear again to the isr becoming a wider war, sf
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savannah, that's why we're goin wh to keep latched up with the at them and hel israeli counterparts.p them in i that's why we will keep up with self-defense but we our israeli counter parts and make it clear we will do what w have to do to defend them, help them in their self-defense, but looking for a war with iran. >> on the other hand, if israel does not we don't want to see a wider war. we certainly are not looking for a war with iran. >> on the other hand, if israel does not retaliate, some say if the u.s. doesn't respond directly, then iran will simply, then iran will simply be emboldened, you're getting i be embolden.t from bot here you're getting it from both sides.h senator john fetterman says he . senator john fetterman disagrees with the president, seeming to rule out disagrees with the president tos rule out any u.s. response . re against against iran.iran, and da and congressman dan crenshaw re when you diminish the returns, the enemy feels emboldened to said when you diminish strike. >> what we said the other night, deterrence, the enemy feels is that iran is no emboldened to strike.t militari superi >> i think what we showed the other night in concert with or,i partners and of course the ran feet tall, and that we wil israelis is that iran is not militarily superior, that iran ac is not 10 feet tall and that we will act -- that israel is not alone. is not alone, we we will act with them on their t self-defense. self-defense. i don't know how you can look at the incredible military achievements the other night, and come i don't know how you can look ah the incredible military any ot achievements the other night an that president biden is not come away with any other idea going to s that the united states, that tao
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president biden is not going to friend and ally israel as they stand by our good friend and defend the ally israel as they defend themselves.mselves. >> we will be ha >> we will be having a much vin differ different conversation had we not had that incredible, as you mentioned, abili not had that incredible, as youe mentioned, ability to repel 99% of these of these missiles and drones m that were coming toward israel, that were coming toward israel. does netanyahu's actions in the region mak does netanyahu's actions in the. region make the u.s. nervous? n? >> i think we are concerned about tensions >> i think we are concerned about tensions rising all risi throughout the region, savannah, throughout the region, savannah. and, again and, again, everything that theh president has been doing and e president has been doing, and adding resources adding resources and the , and diplomacy in holding diplomacy in holding iran iran accountable has been designed to try to accountable is designed to try tensions, look, i'm not goin to deescalate those tensions.g o i'm not going to make a political statement from prime minister netanyahu is the here, prime minister netanyahu elected prime minister for the for the state of israel and he's got a wa state of israel, and he has a re war cabinet he's administering. administering. we're not going to agree with everything tha we're not going to agree with t cabinet want to do. that's been clear everything that he and that war cabinet want to do. that's been clear for the last six months, and i suspect that will happen again in the six months, and i suspect that r will happen again in the future. but, we are clear, and we do
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agree on the need for is but we are clear and we do agree on the need for israel to exist exist as a state, to b as a state, to be able to live live in safety and security in a very, very tough neighborh in safety and security in a ood and in our commitment to helping them defend themselves. >> the president very, very tough neighborhood and in our commitment to helpin them defend themselves. versati netanyahu that was quite tense where >> the president had a previous conversation with netanyahu that was quite tense where he callede in gaza, called for more humanitarian assistance, calle for a cease-fire in gaza, calle for the release for more humanitarian of hostag, assistance, called for the how does the wee release of hostages,kend's event those negotiations that are ongoing for the release of hostages in exchange how does the weekend's events affect those negotiations that are ongoing for the release of hostages in exchange for a cease-fire. >> i don't know that there is active negotiations going on right now.about a week or so ago there were about a week or so ago, there a of discussions in cairo, bill burn were a set of discussions in cairo. the cia director represented th states at those meetings, and united states in those meetings proposal was arrived a and a proposal was arrived a week or so ago, agreed to by th cairo, a week or so ago, agreed to by the israelis.israelis. now it's at hamas's now it's at hamas' doorstep.doo they need to tak they need to take that deal.e t. they need to move forward on i they need to move forward on it. it's the best chance we've got right now to g it is the best chance we've got right now to get these hostages home, to get a six-wee home, to get a six-week k cease-fire in place are, and t cease-fire in place and get mor
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get more humanitarian assistance humanitarian assistance. in. the ball is in hamas's court. >> a lot going on, the ball is in hamas' court. >> a lot going on on a busy, busy morning. morning,u for your time, john kirby.ou for your time, national security spokesman john kirby, thank you. >> yes, thank you. ma'am. the other ma >> yes, ma'am.jor story we're the other major story, following, donald donald trump's legal troubles t troubles colliding hea colliding head-on with the 2024 the 2024 race. jury selection begins this morning in his hush money case begins this morning in his hush money case here in new york. here in new y, the first ever criminal trial oe first ever criminal trial of a former u.s. president, we're going to bre a former u.s. president.ak it a the politi we're going to break it all down and the politics at play in just a moment. but first, nbc's legal correspondent laura jarett is here with what to expect at court. laura, good morning. >> good morning to you. it was just over a year ago that donald trump walked into a manhattan courtroom for his first arraignment. and today, another first. the former president and current presumptive gop nominee on trial in the middle of a campaign, possibly the only one of his four criminal cases to see a conclusion before this november. new york city, history in the making, with jury selection beginning in the first criminal
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trial against donald trump. mr. trump at the courthouse this morning. >> this is really an attack on a political opponent, that's all it is. so i'm very honored to be here. >> reporter: thousands of prospective jurors summoned down to the courthouse in lower manhattan for extensive vetting over the next several case, questioned on everything from their favorite podcast to whether they've ever been to a trump rally. the ultimate jury of 12 and 6 alternates not expected to be sequestered away from their families but will stay anonymous to the public for their own safety. prosecutors expected to argue mr. trump orchestrated a plot to buy the silence of a porn star who threatened to derail his 2016 bid for the white house. >> hello. how are you? >> reporter: reeling from the "access hollywood" tape, mr. trump wanted to bury the story of a tryst with stormy daniels, so his former fixer michael cohen paid her off, with $130,000 just days before the 2016 election.
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the crux of the state's case will be how the presumptive gop nominee allegedly doctored his company's books to cover up how he re-bim ursed cohen. >> sometimes you hear people describe it as a weak case. i think that's the wrong way to think about it. the evidence is compelling. it is an attempt by mr. trump to obscure important facts from the voters right before the election. >> reporter: mr. trump denies the encounter with daniels ever happened, pleading not guilty after a grand jury indicted him on 34 felony counts last year, more recently suggesting he's prepared to risk taking the stand at trial. >> yeah, i would testify, absolutely. >> reporter: and continuing to try to turn what would ordinarily amount to significant legal jeopardy to his political advantage, while he seeks reelection. faming the prosecutors and the judge in this case, as in all o behind me. >> laura, we want to bring in also our senior political correspondent, this is the legal story, his cases, as out to get him. , >> we want to bring in our lega
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remains so. let's talk about correspondent, legal story and , political story.where we are, y. let's talk about jury selectiono where we are, how difficult in known to be trump country, let's be honest, how difficult will it be to get a fair jury for the former president? manhattan, not known to be trump country, let's be honest, how difficult will it be to get a fair jury for the former president?>>ur expected to take days, if not weeks, the amount of questions >> this is why jury selection is expected to take days if not , 42 questions in a questionnaire, each of these jurors weeks, the amount of questions,o ha 42 questions in a questionnaire, each of these jurors is going t it's extensive because they want to make sure that each of them it's extensive because they wan can be f to make sure that each of them e can be fair, both sides will ll have a chance to strike them if they think they can't be fair but have a chance to strike them ift they think think can't be fair as long as it's not improper, like but also for any reason at all,n as long as it's not improper, strike them because you think they won't look like you want them to look. they will not be questioned about political affiliation or who they voted for. >> these criminal trials have been a political boon to the former president in the republican pri like race or gender.mary. now we're in a gener >> these criminal trials have been a political boom to the former president in the st tim republican primary. corner now o the general. the former president, according now we're in a general election. >> he tells me he's feeling
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defiant this morning, it will not surprise you to hear that's been his m o. all along through these cases, his campaign sees this as a way to bring the campaign trail to the courtroom for the former president, this feeds into what he talks about at his rallies, the idea that he says he's a victim of political persecution here, the question as we saw that do really well for him in the primary, he raised a lot of money off of it, it rallied republicans around him. general election, different story. we have polling from the last month that shows that for 44% of americans this isn't going to make a difference, what happens with his legal issues, however, for independents, about a third of them say it would make them less likely to vote for the former president, if, in fact, he were incompetent requested. that matters because you know savannah the margins in this general election are so close that that 36% of independents could make a swing. >> let's go back to the legal case for a moment here, the underlying facts are essentially not disputed that the former president from personal funds paid off ultimately this porn star so that this affair wouldn't be revealed in the
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weeks before the election. but as a legal matter, how strong is the case? >> the issue that's always been with this case is these are normally misdemeanors. time. there was some the way you bump them up to felony, which could carry jail time, is by saying there was an intense to deceive. the books and records prosecutors say were falsified, they were all internal, not public. the question for this jury is going to be, if i'm the defense lawyer, how in the world was the public deceived if these were records that were never supposed to see the light of day. prosecutors will come along and say, why structure it in this odd way so it's a complicated reimbursement scheme. if after all on the up and up? why not do it publicly? why not just do it publicly? >> it will be interesting. thank you so much. and the matching outfits are noted and appreciated. >> indeed, indeed. it's 7:18. let's check in with mr. roker. >> i kind of match with them too. i would be part of the team. >> the lavender haze. >> i like it. a little purple rain because we've got that coming. look, we have severe weather today for 14 million people.
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lincoln, nebraska, wichita all the way down to saint angelo. and from valentine to wichita, and baseball-sized hail possible watching that also, wichita falls down into southern texas. tomorrow 24 million people at risk, damaging hail, wind gusts and we've got a much stronger risk of ef-2 or stronger tornadoes from iowa city. we're looking at the possibly for st. louis down to little rock. then we move into wednesday and the severe threat. moves into the mississippi and ohio river valleys, 12 million people, wind gusts, damaging wind, and tornadoes possible. heavy rain from the great lakes all the way into the central plains anywhere from 1 to 4 inches of rain. inches of rain. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. d is just right.
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and this dunkin' cold is just right. blondie's back. no, this dunkin' cold is just right. no, this dunkin' cold is just right. the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with clouds overhead, but we will see some breaks in the clouds and slightly warmer temperatures, but we'll have a bigger jump in those temperatures tomorrow, as the sunshine continues, and warm spring weather throughout the week. as we look at our high temperatures for today, this is about normal or slightly below normal. but overall we're headed for the mid to upper 60s. tomorrow we'll have and that is your latest weather. guys? >> thank you, al. still ahead, the battle over o.j. simpson's estate with the families of his ex-wife and her friend still owed tens of millions of dollars.
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jacob soboroff has that story this morning. >> it is a battle that continues with payments being requested from each of these families and the irs. we will tell you what the executor of the estate said coming up. plus, our one-on-one with basketball superstar caitlin clark before she begins the next chapter in her already legendary career. what she's saying about tonight's wnba draft, her dream of competing in the paris olympics, and her surprise appearance on snl this weekend.
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coming coming up, the restoration of the notre dame cathedral nearing completion five years after a devastating fire. >> we'll have a live look after this break. craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this?
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dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. (man) excuse me, ask your neurologist about would you mind taking a picture of us? (tony) oh, no problem. (man) thanks. (tony) oh, yeah that's a problem you need verizon. trade-in that old thing and get a new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. so you can take all the pics! so many selfies. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon. good monday morning. it is 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia. we are following breaking news, all lanes of northbound interstate 880 in oakland are
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closed right now near 5th avenue. this is a look at video from the scene. we believe this is part of a protest organized by palestinian supporters. we know a group calling itself a15 for april 15th was calling for global economic action today in response to the conflict in gaza. there have been banners unfurled at the scene supporting that cause. some of the protesters can be seen sitting down on the roadway. you saw it there near barrels. of course, the chp is on patrol right now trying to clear the scene. let's turn to mike inouye. he's moving us forward, trying to look at the traffic impact. >> folks on 880 are stuck in many places between exits. this is at the coliseum. there were two earlier incidents heading toward downtown, then the full closure because of the activity on the freeway. let's show you the backup. this is right before the
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5th/embarcadero exit. northbound is jammed up because all lanes are blocked. southbound, quite a distraction. we saw chp in force as well as the barrels and protesters. this will be in place making 5880, the only way folks can get toward the bay bridge. 580 is a longer route, and it will get you to the maze. some folks may head south to the san mateo bridge. more traffic there. back to you. >> thank you very much. don't forget to watch our "today in the bay" live streaming newscast at 8:00 a.m. of course, we'll have the very latest on this 880 protest, any developments going on. join us on roku,
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might potentially be some free chicken on the board if he misses this second free throw.
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>> free chicken on the board. so that's why the fans are getting a little frothy. >> oh, they're pointing to the crowd saying, you want chicken. >> oh! he gave them chicken! he's a man of the people! >> back 7:30. that was a fun moment. >> at the end of the nba regular season, the rockets boban marjanovic egging on the crowd and intentionally missed the free throw so everyone in the crowd got a free chick-fil-a sandwich. >> it's loser, loser,ic whichen dinner. >> that is cute. >> we will start with half hour with the new fall-out surrounding the death of o.j. simpson. >> his longtime attorney has been named as the executor of the simpson estate, expected to handle any claims to it. and that includes the debts still owed to the families of simpson's ex-wife, nicole brown and ron goldman. >> jacob soboroff has the latest on this. >> good morning to you guys.
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in an interview with malcolm laverne, he told us he is taking his role as executor seriously, and is already combing through assets to determine what the estate might be worth. this morning the battle between o.j. simpson and the goldman family continuing after his death. >> o.j. simpson not guilty. >> while simpson was famously acquitted in the criminal trial, over the murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman, he was found liable for wrongful death in a 1997 civil suit. the jury ordering simpson to pay more than $33 million to the victims' families. >> the civil verdict was the only opportunity we had to punish him for what he did to ron and nicole. >> reporter: damages that were never paid in full and have since ballooned to more than $100 million, according to an attorney for fred goldman, ron's father. in a final will drafted in january of this year, simpson ordered all of his property be placed in a trust. how those assets are distributed will be determined by his longtime attorney malcolm laverne.
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now multiple parties, including the simpson and goldman estates along with the irs have already requested payments according to laverne. on friday laverne telling the las vegas review journal, i will do everything in my capacity to try and ensure that the goldmans get nothing. comments he later walked back in our interview. >> mr. goldman's claim obviously has to be accepted. >> reporter: still, laverne maintains simpson's estate likely won't be able to pay the debt in full. >> mr. goldman will have to decide whether he's willing to negotiate. >> reporter: while simpson's funeral arrangements are being finalized his four children are discussing a private ceremony for family and friends. and despite multiple requests for the former football star's brain to be examined for the degenerative brain disease cte, simpson's family has declined to donate his body to science. >> it's a hard no, because the family members are in consensus that the entirety of mr. simpson's body will be kre
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mated. >> so jacob, back to the legal battle, what are the next steps determining what simpson's legacy might >> legal experts expect the final distribution of assets to play out in pro bait court, but the big task right now is determining what simpson's belongings and legacy might actually be worth. an example laverne mentioned to us is looking to see if a collector would be interested in paying top dollar for some of simpson's last sets of golf clubs or jewelry that he owned, all of that still needs to be determined. by the way, we should note that neither the brown nor the goldman families returned our requests for comment, guys. >> jacob, thank you so much. still ahead, a break-through in the mysterious disappearance of two kansas moms missing for weeks. several arrests just made in this case. we'll have the details. but first, an inspiring conversation with basketball superstar caitlin clark, she sat down with our own stephanie gosk, lucky stephanie. >> oh, so fun, you guys, so fun talking to her, a big night for her, wnba draft, no surprise who's likely going to be drafted first, we talked about that and
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those crazy logo threes she makes from midcourt. i'll have all of that coming up. (man) that looks really high. (woman) it is high. whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge. ♪♪ grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. ♪♪ ♪♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner.
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7:37 am
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7:38 am
you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. when it comes to hair supplements, you just never know. you see things online, you just don't know if they're going to work. is this going to be powerful enough, and i'm actually going to see substantial results from it. my dermatologist recommended nutrafol, and it's 100% drug—free and clinically tested. within three months, my hair is fuller. it's longer, it's thicker. it's so nice to be noticed for my hair after hiding it for so many years. try the #1 dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement brand at
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(angie) tobacco companies target people like me with their menthol cigarette marketing. realizing this made me angry enough to quit. my tip is, this should make everyone angry. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. (screams) bleeding gums are serious, jamie. dr. garcia? woah. they're a sign of bacterial infection. crest gum detoxify's antibacterial fluoride works below the gumline to help heal gums and stop bleeding. crest saves the day. crest. here comes clark. how will she go for history? there it is! >> can't get enough of that. >> i love that moment. we all do. caitlin clark breaking the ncaa division 1 women's scoring record during her unforgettable final season as an iowa hawkeye.
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>> unforgettable is a good word. in a few short hours clark will learn who she'll be bombing logo threes for in the wnba, it's coming up tonight in brooklyn. >> yeah. nbc's stephanie gosk caught up with caitlin clark. she had a big weekend. >> a big weekend, and a lot coming up. there is no doubt this is caitlin clark's weekend. she has proven she can tell out stadiums, smash records and score from anywhere on the court and she's only getting started. after hanging up her hawkeyes jersey, she's now ready to go pro in her new chapter with the wnba. >> caitlin clark! >> reporter: after a storybook college career filled with record-breaking moments -- >> here comes clark, how will she go for history? there it is! >> and legions of new fans, ncaa superstar caitlin clark is ready to take her game to the next level, as a wnba rookie. >> i know there will probably be a little bit of a learning curve but i think always i've had confidence in myself. that's what i remind myself, you
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know, you are not here by accident. >> they haven't sold tickets to the wnba draft in years, and they sold out in 15 minutes. where is your mind set going into the draft? >> i think more than anything, i'm really excited. i think this is a dream and something i wrote down on a paper when i was in like second grade, get a basketball scholarship, play in the wnba, something i always wanted to do. >> the 22-year-old is expected to be the number one pick by the indiana fever. the caitlin clark effect is already in full swing. >> i heard that season tickets are going like blazes in indiana. have you heard that rumor? >> i have heard that rumor. i don't know the exact numbers, but i think they're selling pretty well. >> clark is also part of the reason why a record 18.9 million viewers tuned in to this year's ncaa championship game. >> clark, all right! from the future! >> making women's basketball must-see tv. >> one of the really great things about this season has
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been watching all the little kids, most of them little girls, who are so inspired to play basketball because of you. what does that mean to you? >> i think that's like the reason you do it. i mean, just to see them scream your name or have your jersey on, that's something that never gets old. >> something else that never gets old -- >> clark for the win, yes! >> -- seeing clark drain those threes. >> she does it time and time again. >> every time you go to take one of those logo threes, i think to myself, she's never going to make that. >> you don't have confidence in me? come on. >> i know. i should. i should have confidence. but then you do make it. i think i should have known she was going to make that. i wonder what is in your mind right before you take that shot? >> i think the biggest thing is just confidence. i think sometimes like i feel like i'm closer to the basket than i really am. but also the adrenaline gets going, the crowd gets behind you. >> playing to a crowd is something the star player never shies away from. >> here to comment is caitlin
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clark. [ applause ] >> clark even making a cameo on snl. >> you make a lot of jokes about women's sports, don't you, michael? >> what would you say is more daunting, getting ready for the national championship game or getting ready for "saturday night live"? >> getting ready for "saturday night live," and it's not even close. my heart was pounding out of my chest. but i did all right. it was super cool, and obviously to be a surprise guest, that's a bucket list item that not a lot of people get to do. >> now with the wnba within arm's reach, next up on clark's bucket list, living out her ultimate hoop dreams in paris at the summer games. i know the team is not set. your chances of making it are pretty good. what would it mean to you to represent the country in paris this summer? >> yeah. i think that would mean everything. that's one of my dreams as a kid growing up. you always want to be an olympic gold medalist. i know how special it is to represent usa across your chest.
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being able to do that on the highest level would certainly be a dream come true. >> okay. editorial note. they would be insane not to have caitlin clark on the team. what is the process? >> get this, there is a mandatory training camp to make the team. guess when they held the mandatory training camp? during the final four. so she was the only collegiate athlete selected for the camp. obviously she had a pretty good excuse, but it's not set yet. so 12 players will go to paris. the usa selection committee has the final say. >> but they could make an exception for the mandatory training camp. >> exactly. >> write her a note. >> i missed camp because i was busy breaking records and almost winning the entire championship. >> for every kid watching to think that in second grade she wrote on a piece of paper, i'm going to be in the wnba and i want to play pro. all those things. she knew then. >> she did. all the energy you see this year for women's college basketball will just translate into the wnba, and that's what everyone is hoping for.
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>> let's go. >> good interview, steph, that was fun. >> thank you. mr. roker, what you got? >> i bet there are a lot of second graders writing notes right now. >> exactly. >> fantastic. all right. we've got some really beautiful weather for the boston marathon today. starting off, 9:00 a.m., 56 degrees and sunshine. by the time most people will be crossing the finish line, 64 degrees and sunny, so good luck to all the runners out there. isolated record highs from the plains to the southeast. look at these temperatures. des moines, 80 degrees. that's 18 degrees above average. amarillo, 85. same in birmingham. new york city going to be 15 degrees warmer and a high of 77 degrees today. boston, tomorrow you are 64. nashville 87. tulsa going to see temperatures in the low 80s. and going into next week, temperatures cool off a bit for chicago, but still seasonal at 59 by friday. mid-70s louisville. new york city by friday 63 degrees. and look at washington, d.c. temperatures in the mid-70s right into the weeeekend.
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good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we're starting out with clouds, but we will get some sunshine for the afternoon, and it will be warmer. tomorrow, another jump in temperatures, as the sunshine continues, and the rest of the week will be warm and very spring-like, with highs in the mid to upper 60s for today. and we're also done with the rain. so we're going to continue to see sunshine and temperatures by tomorrow reaching into the mid to upper and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. thank you. just ahead, our look at the restoration of the iconic notre dame cathedral five years to the day after that devastating fire. we'll take you there live and also give you a morning boost. but, first, these messages. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule.
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7:48 am
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7:49 am
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we're back. 7:50. carson joins. >> here we go. this is a sweet family. it brings back the heart warming memories from a couple's wedding. >> two daughters are helping her mom get into a wedding dress. hasn't worn it in 30 years. when she wore it on the big day. one daughter carefully fastens it, zips it up, and the other exclaims -- >> mom, your wedding dress is so beautiful. >> you look so pretty! >> now, that's pretty amazing. but then, check this out. the girls call for their dad to come upstairs. and when he sees his bride, he walks over and gives his wife a big kiss. by the way, he was weeping on that video. it was super sweet, right. >> he was probably like, i hope i don't have to try on my tux. please don't make me. >> cute. >> how about the show "this is us"? any fans? talking about the cast possibly
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getting back together to reunite for that. we'll have that story and a whole lot more as coachella, travis and our girl all over the place.
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when i was twelve years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking out a hospital window. all i wanted was to be outside. i owe the people at st. jude everything because i'm seventeen years cancer-free. my marathon is for st. jude. and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪♪) ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ who just want to ♪ meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ the only one cats ask for by name. ♪ ♪♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within.
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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. ask your eczema specialist (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. we are following breaking news happening now, all lanes of northbound interstate 880 in oakland are closed. this is near 5th avenue. this is a look at some video recently shot from the scene. the chp tell us there are seven
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protesters who have chained themselves to barrels on the roadway. we believe this is part of a protest organized by palestinian supporters. we know a group calling itself a15 was calling for global economic action today in response to the conflict in gaza. we see banners at the scene supporting that cause. the chp also telling us the closure may last some time. let's turn to mike inouye. he has been looking closer at the traffic impacts. mike, a lot of cars just stuck there. >> stuck here, back at the coliseum from earlier, two crashes. it is backed up well before the coliseum heading north. full closure at 5th, just before the exit. the southbound side distracted by the chp officers across the freeway. 580 starting to back up now. 5th will get you over there on surface streets, but 13, as well as 580 westbound are both jammed up. those are both tough drives getting toward the bay bridge.
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this may make the san mateo bridge a little heavier as volume shifts, also heading back toward the castro valley
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up fallout. the world watching israel as it pledges to respond to iran's unprecedented weekend attack. we're live in the region with
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the very latest. also ahead, from the ashes. five years after that devastating fire, the iconic notre dame cathedral almost ready to open its doors again. >> it still doesn't feel real, if i'm honest. it is still a bit of a dream, really. >> inside the remarkable restoration. then the countdown is on. we're gearing up for the olympics with five gymnasts eager to join team usa on the road to paris. and all laughs. ryan gosling leaves the snl cast in stitches. >> i don't watch much television. i have an incredibly busy life. >> yeah, i'm very busy. >> and delivers an epic monologue that we know all too well. ♪ because i was just ken ♪ and now i'm just ryan. >> what taylor swift herself had to say about his take on her song. coming up in pop start, today,
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monday, april 15th, 2024. ♪ we could stay like this forever ♪york. >> three generations. >> here for my sweet 16. >> today is our fifth >> from central valley academy in new york, go thunder. >> three generations. >> here for my sweet 16. >> today is our fifth anniversary. >> from jacksonville, florida. >> from mississippi. >> cedar rapids, iowa! >> juneau, alaska. >> freeport, pennsylvania. >> and stockton, california! ♪ >> on a father-daughter trip. >> from kingsport, tennessee. >> on a girls' trip from evansville, indiana. >> from connecticut. >> and i get to meet hoda. >> oh, my gosh. president of the toddler fan club for hoda. how cute is that? welcome back. nice to have you with us on a sunshiny spring day here in new york. we've got sheinelle in for craig this morning, nice of you along. let's get right to the news.
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8:00 now. president biden is urging israel to show restraint as it weighs if and how it will respond to that massive direct attack by iran this weekend. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel witnessed the assault and joins us from jerusalem with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. much of the action was right over our heads here in jerusalem. we could see israeli air defenses intercepting incoming fire from iran, when iran launched 300, more than 300 drones, missiles, some of the cruise missiles, ballistic missiles at israel. nearly all of them, 99% of them were shot down by israeli air defenses with extensive help from the united states. in fact, the u.s. was leading a hastily put together defensive coalition, that including the uk, france, even ortan, and it
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was successful. but this is not over. israel is still being very vagu israeli security cabinet, who is meeting again today to see if it will respond momentarily. and the biden administration is urging calm. president b about how it may respond to the israeli security cabinet, who is meeting again today to see if it will respond militarily. and the biden administration is urging calm. president biden speaking with israeli prime minister netanyahu directly, saying that the u.s. will not participate in offensive actions against iran. so the u.s. wants to dial this back, wants to contain this situation. but we dodged a bullet of sorts this weekend. but it does not mean it is over. i think we could see this once again flaring up in the coming days, weeks because the israeli operations in gaza are still ongoing. the rafah operation is still pending. there are many potential flash points still to come. savannah? >> indeed, richard engel in jerusalem for us, thank you. let's move to a historic day this morning inside the new york city courtroom, donald trump becoming the first former president to go on trial
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in a criminal case. prosecutors say mr. trump illegally doctor the business records to hide hush money paid to stormy daniels during the 2016 campaign. trump's defense maintains no laws were broken when his former attorney paid daniels $130,000. jury selection is expected to take several days, if not weeks. there is a possibly break in the case of two missing mothers from kansas. police have several people in custody. and revealed overnight, they have recovered two bodies. nbc's erin mclaughlin is following the story. erin, good morning. >> good morning. they have been missing for more than two weeks. now oklahoma authorities have arrested four people who they believe are involved in their disappearances. they also announced overnight they have located two bodies, but they have not confirmed they are the woman they have been looking for. this morning, new developments in the search for veronica butler and gillian kelly. the two moms from kansas have
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been missing for two weeks. their car found abandoned over the kansas-oklahoma border. foul play. on saturday, the oklahoma state bureau of investigations stating these four people were arrested in connection authorities saying in a statement there was evidence of foul play. on saturday, the oklahoma state bureau of investigations stating these four people were arrested in connection with the case. all booked on charges of first degree murder, kidnapping and conspiracy. nbc affiliate kfor reporting adams is the grandmother of veronica butler's children and two of the suspects arrested were known to her. court documents obtained by nbc news show butler and the father of her children have been in an ongoing custody battle. the two women were reported missing on march 30th after driving from hugoton, kansas to pick up their children. authorities say the case has been incredibly challenging due to the rural location. hunter mickey is with oklahoma state butreau of investigation. >> there are not a lot of homes,
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no businesses, no other buildings that usually you can use cameras and footage to see maybe what had occurred or what had led up to that. >> now a grief stricken kansas community is looking for answers. >> it is absolutely devastating. >> they were both young and vibrant, and they deserved more. >> reporter: yellow ribbons tied around town as a sign of hope. >> as the days roll by, it is getting harder and harder to stay positive and keep the faith. >> authorities are holding a news conference this morning where we expect to hear more details about the arrests and possibly the identities of the two bodies discovered. it is not clear if any of the suspects have legal representation. >> erin, thank you. we will switch gears momentarily to sports and the runaway win in the 80th masters tournament for the number one golfer in the world. >> his stardom confirmed. >> american scottie scheffler sank that final putt to finish at 11 under.
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he won by four strokes. a short time later, there is the moment he slips on his second green jacket in three years. group, just 17 the 27-year-old joins a select group, just 17 golfers who earned that title twice in their careers. he's also going to take home more than $3.5 million for his victory at augusta. >> i watched a little on saturday. >> carson watched it all. i was like, what would carson do right now? turn on the masters. >> right. still ahead, inside the excitement of coachella. and a big surprise from, no doubt, during first performance in nearly a decade. but, first, a milestone in the pain staking rebuilding of notre dame five years after it was ravaged by fire. nbc's keir simmons is there in paris, hi, keir. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. it is raining and blowing gail in paris. nothing can wipe the smile from our faces because they are slowly removing the scaffold from notre dame. we will introduce you to the american craftsman that made it happen.
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that's coming up. a preposterous amount of pano! that means panoramic. and as many portraits of me as your heart desires. (woman) how about none? (boy) none. (man) yea none feels right. (vo) trade-in any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro - on us. only on verizon. (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (jeremy) she won't eat anything that she doesn't want to eat. there's no faking it with her. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food, (jeremy) she loved it. (nicole) what's for dinner tonight? (jeremy) it's tastefuls from blue buffalo for this little girl. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today. ♪ it's hard to put it into words ♪ ♪ when i tried i felt absurd, ♪ ♪ you light the rooms of my soul ♪ ♪ and i tell myself not to lose control ♪ ♪ i'll take it slow, but it's hard to do ♪
8:10 am
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8:11 am
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8:12 am
[car traversing over rocky ground] (vo) we got a subaru forester wilderness to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [minimalist piano plays throughout.] [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. get 2.9% apr financing for 72 months on a new 2024 forester, going on now. we're back at 8:11 with the restoration of a beloved landmark. >> it's been five years to the day as the world watched in shock as flames engulfed the centuries old notre dame cathedral. but now the repairs are nearing completion. >> keir simmons is in paris for us this morning. hey, keir. >> reporter: hey, guys. good morning to you.
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that's it behind me there, that's the brand-new spire. without the scaffolding around it, that spire that you saw five years ago go crashing down into notre dame. a thousand craftspeople have been working on the cathedral, including one man, who is over here, but hails from over there. this morning, the world able to admire this iconic cathedral once again. >> beautiful. >> this is fantastic. >> i just wish i could get inside. >> reporter: years of delicate restorative repairs inside and old. the centuries old monument now nearing completion. parts of the massive scaffold are gone revealing the carefully mended scars from the devastating fire. five years ago, an inferno tore through the interior of the magnificent church, consuming 800 years of history in minutes.
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bringing the cathedral back to its former glory required rare skills, remaking each of its famous wood structures. among the few foreigners involved in the colossal effort, hank silver, a carpenter from new england who helped rebuild the roof made by medieval craftsmen. what does it feel like to be standing here now?. >> reporter: hank belongs to carpenters without borders, a volunteer group of wood work >> it still doesn't feel real. if i'm honest. it is still a bit of a dream, really. >> reporter: hank belongs to carpenters without borders, a volunteer group of woodwork experts restoring historic structures around the globe. last year he watched overwhelmed as the trusses he crafted were transported and lifted into position. what was it like to watch that? >> to see a truss of that scale hand hewn, pegged together, flying through space, it is a really out-of-time kind of experience.
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>> reporter: last december, nbc news got a special glimpse inside the cathedral, climbing 300 feet to spectacular views across paris. so this is the spire that went crashing down. in fact, we all watched it all around the world. right up there is where we were. now it can be seen across paris again. we first met hank last summer at a workshop in normandy, pain stakingly crafting the beam. >> in the u.s., being able to work on this building was just the birth of this technique. it is particularly meaningful. >> reporter: using replicas of medieval tools like these axes, hank and his colleagues reconstructed each truss exactly as they were made in the 13th century. >> we've had to do what they never did, >> we've had to recreate all these inconsistencies and deformations that accrued offer the centuries.
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>> reporter: the reconstruction effort five years on nearing the finish line while hank now call changed your life. >> oh, absolutely. >> reporter: for the rest of your life, you can come here and look at this and know that you had a part in france home. this incredible building has changed your life. >> oh, absolutely. >> reporter: for the rest of your life, you can come here and look at this and know that you had a part in it. >> i'll be dining out on this for a while. yeah. i think. >> reporter: this is the city to dine out. and hank says he may have maybe hidden some mementos, maybe a signature or two inside notre dame there, guys. they plan for it to reopen in december. so that's when you will get the chance to get inside yourselves. book your tickets. >> beautiful. >> thank you, keir. >> thank you! how about a check of the weather, mr. roker? >> let's show you what's going on. we are looking at severe weather today. in fact, that threat with 14 million people from rapid city
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all the way down to san angelo, we have a risk for some large hail that will be causing problems from valentine to wichita. also from wichita falls down to san angelo, baseball-size hail possible. the rest of the country, southern warmth for temperature in the 80s. plenty of sunshine through the great lakes. storm system bringing some mountain snow through the rockies. plenty of sun up and down the west coast. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're going to have a much nicer day today, with seasonable temperatures and highs in the upper 60s, eventually we'll see more sunshine today. and it will be much warmer going into the next several days. take a look at these highs, going from the mid-70s to the low 80s by thursday. we are going to be back to the mid-70s with sunshine for the weekend, but overall a nice, quiet week. we're going to see temperatures warmin >> that's your latest weather. best time to start off the
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morning "popstart". >> it is a huge thing that gets loaded today. it is like a loaded baked "sat night live." really funny. it is always funny, but this week end was extra potato. all the things, let's get to it. we will start with "saturday night live." really funny. it is always funny, but this weekend was extra special, probably because ryan gosling hit the stage for the third time to host, there to promote an upcoming movie but the barbie actor revealed he's having trouble letting go of ken. so his fall guy, that's the movie he was there to promote, co-star emily blunt had to step in. >> i don't mean to be harsh, but ryan, you have to move on, it's time. >> i know you're right. i just can't. ♪ because here we are again ♪ ♪ the color peach ♪ ♪ but i just can't seem to let ken go ♪ ♪ back in 2023 ♪
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♪ was the barbenheimer summer ♪ ♪ it was just you and me ♪ drunk on beer ♪ ♪ nobody here ♪ >> we didn't know she could sing. >> that's what she does. >> she's a very good singer. >> a bunch of stuff, such a funny monologue. taylor swift gave her stamp of approval to hair all too well barbenheimer remix, wrote on "x," all too well, ryan and emily's version watched me accidentally catch myself sing thinking version on tour. this monologue is everything. and that was just the start of gosling's epic episode of snl, during one sketch that revolved around two characters bearing a striking resemblance to beavis and butt head, high knee gardener is going down in history for one of the biggest breaks of all time. >> i would like to go on to discuss a.i., would you like him to move? >> yes, thank you, the man with the gray shirt and exposed gums
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[ applause ] >> oh, man. >> is that hoda in the front >> sir -- >> oh, man. in the front row. >> sometimes when you don't say anything it's the fun nest. >> so good, that was so good. >> that is funny. it was really funny. speaking of iconic snl moments, who remembers this chris farley sketch? >> first off, i am 35 years old. i am divorced. and i live in a van down by the river. old man's going to be your shadow, here's you, there's -- there's you, there's -- >> david spade was breaking up on that one, too. >> that's a classic. >> nearly three decades after the iconic comedian's passing a biopic is in the works. emmy winner paul malter houser to star in the movie, josh gad on board to direct that.
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chris farley spent five seasons stealing scenes with snl, passed away in '97 at the age of 33. adapting the chris farley show, written by his brother tom and reportedly to have the blessing of the farley family. >> wow. >> look forward to that. next up, no doubt over the weekend the grammy winning band hit do stage of coachella, performing together for the first time in nine years, epic set list included the hits, olivia rodrigo stepped out to perform the group's 24-year-old track bath water. ♪ love to watch it ♪ ♪ big day could love another ♪ >> on social media olivia shared, i remember hearing bath water for the first time when i had just started writing songs, it totally turned my world on its head and inspires me to this day. >> cool. >> no doubt will be back at it at coachella again this coming
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weekend for weekend number two. next up, "this is us"" if you all thought those tear jerking moments, the cast pulling fans right back in. over the weekend mandy moore, sterling k. brown and chris sullivan reunited for this special announcement. >> feels so good to be back in the wagoneer. >> you know, i'm thinking, we should go do a podcast. what do you think, bud? >> let's do it, let's go. >> so a podcast is apparently coming, and they're calling on fans to submit questions and stories, the first episode of that was us is set to drop on may 14th. >> cool. >> finally ryan reynolds, polking funs at various family members, we went for it for rob mcel win knee he shares a birthday with the anniversary of titanic.
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you can only imagine how ryan reynolds marked the occasion. >> for his big day i financed an expedition to the ocean floor to retrieve a few bottles of wreks am dish while we didn't find any drinkable lagger, we nowned something more beautiful. but please don't embarrass him by going to vista -- customized in all of rob's splendor, and soft delicate chest hair. >> some on, the length he goes, so great, the titanic size surprise collection is actually real, spectacular, buy some stuff, send it to your friends, congratulations to the wreks umm soccer team being promoted second year in a row. >> nice seinfeld throwback. >> thanks, carson.
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>> still ahead, countdown to the paris olympics, it hits 100 short days this week, and this hopefuls in gymnastics.ting with but, first, your local news. a high flying team of usa hopefuls in gymnastics. but first, your local news.
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good morning. it's 8:26. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia.
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we're tracking a lot of news. we have a live look at the golden state bridge. you notice know cars moving in the southbound direction. this is the latest traffic artery shut down by protesters. this is a video shared by protesters. we believe this is by the vista point on the sausalito side. >> the closure is impacting all lanes. this is northbound 880 in oakland. it's closed right now near 5th avenue. here's video from the ground. you can see there the protesters there in the middle of the road with those barriers. we're told seven of those protesters chained themselves to the barrels on the roadway. we believe this is part of a protest organized by palestinian supporters. here's another live look from the ground, the group calling itself the a-15s for april 15th. remember, a number of pro-palestine can protesters had
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their charges reduced to community service tied to the closure last fall of the bay bridge. we're told today's closures may last for s om business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses
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8:30 am
hello, everybody. we are back. it's 8:30. it is a monday morning, saying
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bonjour to some of the amazing athletes arriving on our plaza. you're looking, guys, at team usa hopefuls in gymnastics. the countdown to the paris olympics 100 days away. can't wait to sit down and chat with them. in the meantime, look at this crowd. >> wow! wow! >> it feels like a beautiful day. >> al, this has got to be an around-the-horn day. >> this is amazing. >> i think so. i feel it. bestsellers for spring, everything from dresses to a secret weapon for your hair. >> also ahead, a remarkable woman with a front row seat to history. presidential historian doris kerns, she's sharing her story in a fascinating and very personal new book. we cannot wait to catch up with our friend, doris. >> cannot wait for that. looking ahead to our 3rd hour, we have not one, but two talented henrys in the house henry cavill, and henry golden
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talking about their wild action-packed new movie. and a preview for tomorrow, guys. we have hollywood royalty coming in to studio 1a. newest role as benjamin franklin. that's tomorrow. >> all right. >> hey, i've got some folks over here. you know what? here's the michael douglas will be here to relive his most famous movie roles, and telling us about his newest role as benjamin franklin. that's tomorrow. >> all right. >> hey, i've got some folks over here. you know what? here's the deal. central valley, i had to come to it, but their nickname is the central valley thunder. you guys performed at carnegie hall last night, this choir. how about a little something something? >> you guys keep going, we're going to do some weather for you. >> the central valley thunder. and, of course, you know how you
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get to carnegie hall, practice, yes, i like it, a kid likes an old joke. let's show you what we've got for your weekend ahead. your week ahead, i should say. sunshine along the east coast, drying out out west, severe storms in the central plains, snow in the rock keys, midweek, snowy in the northern rockies, sunshine to the southeast, and then as we make our way to friday, record highs down through florida, looking at an april chil good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we're starting out with clouds but we're heading for sunshine. temperatures will be slightly warmer. we'll continue to warm up as we go throughout the week. we'll be in the low 80s wednesday into thursday and still nice for friday. as we're making weekend plans, it's going to be beautiful, comfortable temperatures with sunshine, and san francisco will see highs in the low 60s today. we'll warm up to 70 go around t
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we go! yeah! yeah, baby! around that horn. look at all these we've got to go around the horn we go! yeah! yeah, baby! around that horn. look at all these folks. memphis, tennessee. first trip to new york. it is your first time to "the today show." you turned 13, yeah! folks from australia. and that's when you go around the horn, baby. back to you guys! >> that was a plus plus, al. thank you so much. all right. coming up, these incredible gymnasts have their sights set on representing team usa at the olympics. >> including three-time medalist suni lee. we're going to catch up with them on our countdown to the big games. nbc. first, this is "today" on
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8:36 am
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we're following breaking news. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm a marcus washington. we want to talk about the protesters. right now northbound i-880 is closed down. bob, talk to us about what you're seeing out there now. >> reporter: southbound 880 is shut down -- excuse me. we're talking about northbound 880 shut down just south of 5th avenue at the embark narrow exit. there are essentially of them. they brought oil barrels out onto the road and then they linked their arms together through those barrels. we believe they used pvc pipes and cut holes through the barrels, if you can imagine that. chp police and caltrans are out here. we know at one point sparks were flying and they were using mettle cutters to cut through
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the chains attached to the barrels. >> they have lost the connection to bob redell out there, but they've actually called crews out. bob, i understand you're back. you there? >> reporter: correct. sorry, laura. so, yeah, they're still -- we've got chp officers and ambulance out here probably as a precaution. we're not sure what the holdup is, why they're not able to move the barrels and protesters. 880 southbound is closed. northbound is slow because of looky-loos. once they drive by, it speeds up. they're taking a look. these are protesters part of the palestinian movement, they're protesting israel's involvement in gaza. that's what's prompted these actions. we've seen this in recent months throughout the bay area where these protests have popped up.
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there was one at lockheed martin about a week and a half ago. that was something announced within the mast 24 hours they were doing some action throughout the bay area. unfortunately for people trying to get north to the city of oakland to the bay bridge, 880 is shut down and it's not clear when it will reopen and why it is taking so long for law enforcement to remove these people. there is a truck there that looks like they're ready to take the barrels and put those on the back of the truck, but for whatever reason they can't get the people out of the barrels and get the barrels off the road. >> we can see right now from what we're getting from shots from the sky ranger, you see crews there. officers look like they're trying to cut through the barrels as well as the chang. oh, this is not live, i'm told. this is what you can see. this is from sky ranger there, seeing the officers at the scene. like they're cuttings through those barrels that have been linking those protesters
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together. now there is a break there because they did have that entire section blocked off. we're told there were seven of those protesters there, but it seems like they have separated some of those protesters there, but they're moving to get traffic moving. are drivers staying in their cars? we saw this with the bay bridge last year. some were getting out of their cars because they had to sit there for hours. can you tell us what you're seeing from your vantage point? >> reporter: my vantage point is not great because i've got k-rail in front of me. i do see people standing outside their cars. they're resigned to the fact they can't do anything about it versus what they saw on the bay bridge. they know law enforcement, talking about chp and oakland police, their presence is obvious. there are a lot of vehicles, squad cars out there, and they're in riot gear. they know law enforcement is trying to get this resolved and yet it is not clear why they're
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not able to remove the barrels yet or get the arms out of the barrels. like i said, and i think you saw this on video, you probably have a better idea from your vantage point on sky ranger, there was grinding with the metal grinders trying to cut through something, but that has stopped. >> yeah. we're looking at that video now to see -- to separate the protesters from that. you see they have these blockers there, i guess, because this is using some type of sparks there -- >> tarp they have up to try to protect some of the people in that area. now this is a live look. you can see from just a distance point here where so many of the caltrans crews are out there surrounding. you've got the chp, law enforcement as well. the thing is this is shut down northbound 880, but it's causing a slowdown on southbound as well just with, you know, looky-loos, people looking to see what's going on because there was quite
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a commotion for the morning commute. >> we've seen this before with the bay bridge. we've seen it on the golden gate bridge before, but this is something protesters want their voices heard, and they're doing this by pretty much stopping the traffic. the commute for a lot of travelers. we're talking about a lot of passengers pass through this travel dailynd and all of the standstill as they try to get through and the protesters make their voices heard. >> this is only one area this is happening. we're told that southbound golden gate bridge lanes have protesters on them. a lot going on for the morning commute this morning. let's check in with mike inouye inouye. he's tracking the backup. >> there's no activity going through the gate heading to san francisco. southbound traffic is stopped on the bridge because of the activity we just showed you. because of southbound activity, you can see over the center
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divide. only two lanes available to go to the northbound and then distracted by all of the activity. that's a slow drive as well. getting into the city, you can't do that over the roadway. you have to use the ferry if you're going to get over to san francisco directly from larksburg. if you're going indirectly, you can take the car. a lot more mileage. you get into rushland and back down to the bay bridge. the backup is building because more people are using that as a backup as well as a disabled on the bridge as well. excuse me. i have a tickle in my throat. northbound 880 is also jammed up because of the closure that bob redell was talking about. the closure is short. waist-high. folks traveling northbound, they can see that. that's causing a ripple effect. folks getting off the alameda, they're also jammed up getting to the area. fruitvale park as well.
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as you get toward the bridge, westbound and highway 13, those are better travel. even better yet because of the jam on northbound 880, westbound i-80 and westbound 30, you're going to want to head down to the san mateo drive. excuse me. >> that's okay, mike. i know you're dealing with some allergies right now too. we're looking at his map and it gives you the work about where you can go from 92 to 84 possibly to get you on your route. the northbound lane there of 880 shut down. that is affecting the southbound lanes. meantime southbound lanes of the golden gate bridge shut down due to protesting situations there as well. so that, in turn, can affect the other area. this is what e were seeinger earlier. this 1880 northbound in oakland. do you see the barrels there and the person in between? there are people in between all of those barrels. they're chained there, making a
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tough situation. they literally stopped traffic. the people to the right, look at them. they have nowhere to go. that's when caltranss crews came out as well as all of the chp and police presence. our own bob redell is on standby on the phone right now. he's been trying to witness everything going on, but it ee even hard to get to a vantage point. bob, are you there? can you hear us? >> reporter: i do, laura. i'm trying to stop. it's on a fryway. i can't go up there and walk there. >> your safety is of itmost importance. >> reporter: my point is i'm trying to get you a view. i'm up against southbound 880, and 880 southbound is at a kroul
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crawl because of looky-loos. we used side streets to avoid the southbound 880 mess that's going on. i'm walking up. there are some people here as well. >> bob, we're going to let you get to a better vantage point because we're getting a live look at the golden gate bridge right now. as i had mentioned, the southbound lanes, they're completely shut down. as we zoom in closer, you're getting a better vantage point. protesters unfurling a banner. completely stopped on the bay bridge, and they've got nowhere to go. >> this is something that's halting a lot of traffic throughout the bay area this morning from 880 and now here to
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the golden gate bridge. how many protesters? that's something we're working to see. you see officers and crewing out there trying to make sure that thing is undercontrol and trying at some point to clear that way because as you can see, those drivers are just sitting there. how long will that happen or how long will they have to sit there? that's something to be determined right now. mike, of course, is looking through all of that. he is certainly going to get us to the work around for all of this, but we're wanting to get a look. you see the banners, the protesters there blocking this. this is southbound of the golden gate bridge heading into the city. you can look there. as we pan out, you can see the miles of cars just sitting there. can't go anywhere right now because of that blockage of those protesters. it looks like we're not seeing any traffic going in the other direction as well. >> exactly. i think chp is trying to get a handle. the protests are orchestrated.
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they don't announce when they're going to do it, but they're orchestrated in which they go out on their own automobiles, they stop on the road. we don't know if those are theirs in the northbound lanes, but usually as we have seen in the past, because we've seen protests on the golden gate and bay bridge in the past, they jump out of their cars, unfurl their signs, sometimes band themselves together. oftentimes they threw their car keys into the bay itself because that prevents yet another layer of the chp being able to get the roads back up and working. now, the chp has basically had to readjust -- their plan is always on alert because we've seen so many of these protests happen across the bay area. so they're able to go to the scene rather quickly, but the thing is there are layers of trying to break up these protests ither unbanded them,
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trying to cut through the metal. but sometimes they have to bring out tow trucks to take out the cars because they're stalled there. >> the police try to make it as peaceful as possible. you can't see because we're not zooming in close enough, but you see protesters chain themselves through the vehicles. one person on one side of the vehicle is chained with one type of chain on their arm, stream it through the car on the other side with someone else. that's why it's not easy for tow trucks to come on the bridge and take them. >> or they're staggering their cars as well. >> it's tough for crews to get things under control. laura, as you were saying how orchestrated this is, not only is it happening at the golden gate bridge, but 880. of course, they did this to happen at the same time to
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stress our chp officers to get things under control. you can see they have signs there, traffic stopped, and they're trying to get their point across. this is a protester seen here, pro palestinian protesters we've seen throughout the bay area halting traffic both as you see right now, live pictures of the golden gate bridge. this is -- you can see the traffic there. we're looking now at the southbound lanes of the golden gate bridge heading into the city. but as we see right there, you can seeprotesters there. we think they're protesting standing outside the vehicles that have blocked the traffic on the golden gate bridge. this is one vantage point we're seeing, but what you can't see right now that we're showing there, if you look closely to the person in the brown jacket, you see they have some type of tube on their arm once the camera moves. you see that there? that's how they link themselves to the person sitting in theer ka. you can't move them easily because they're linked to the
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tube. they want to do it to protect them as well. it's not an easy process. >> one thing it is a frustrated process for all the people trying to get where they need to get this morning and trying to get people around this. mike inoi way has been monitoring it. also on 880, a busy morning commute. it's going anywhere. >> reporter: it's not going anywhere. that's one distraction, but notice there's no distraction on the northbound side either. they must have shut down the traffic in both directions, completely stopped it across the golden gate bridge. it's no longer connecting the city that's dividing the northbound and san francisco. the southbound side are stuck on the span. there's obviously nowhere to turnaround. as we take a look at the maps, i want to look at ways to get
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around it. the traffic jam here that we just showed you with this banner unfurled is in the southbound direction. it's jammed coming from the robin williams tunnel down to the span. anywhere north of there, hopefully people have heard about this and turned around and gone a difrmtd way, perhaps to the naerm nall and take the fehr are or go the longer route through rich land. they may be taking b.a.r.t. to their destination. unfortunately b.a.r.t. is not taking from the northbound across the east bay. the ferry is the only other option because the buses can't cross either. the northbound side is less backed up. things are getting a little lighter. still a jam. that is a tough drive. if you use the bridges to the
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south, it's a tough drive. they were trying to get over o the bridges from the mainland. as you look at the rest of the traffic flow, 580 still slow. they're now making their way up 580 instead of 880. they're adding more traffic, slowing, congestion. that's a slower drive here as well. that pushes some folks to say i'm going to take the warren freeway and get over here. everything is rippling out from its original closure of north 880. we have two very important connectors throughout the morning commute that are blocked right now and blocked here traveling north past the coliseum. we did talk about the san mateo bridge being an alternate to the bay bridge itself. we had noticed we had more traffic heading south, but it is
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a lighter monday. some schools are on break. the volume may be what saved the san mateo bridge. that's pretty typical. the dumbarton bridge hasn't seen a lot. now things are kind of calming down here. so anywhere south of san mateo, san leandro is looking all right. the big impact is back toward the bay bridge, golden gate bridge, across 101. golden gate bridge is not possible. northbound 880 is still closed and the activity is still quite active there with chp trying to clear those lanes as well. we'll send it back to you guys with the latest on what's happening there. >> if you're just joining us right now, we're letting you know traffic across the bay area is at a standstill for hundreds of commuters there. now you're looking at our sky ranger on your left. it's getting shots there that's near the golden gate bridge. that is one of the areas that we're seeing some traffic stand
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still for you this morning. this right here is near the toll plaza. you can see miles and miles of traffic at a standstill. we're seeing the issue happening on 880 as well. this is where there is a standstill. i want to go back to the golden gate bridge. that's where we have ginger con hair row saab. she's stuck in the traffic there. tell us what's going on and where you are there. >> i don't know that we have her yet. you were looking at 880. we were focusing on the golden gate bridge because just now they've closed both directions of the golden gate bridge completely. it started earlier on 880 at 5th avenue where they have northbound directions of that roadway shut down as well. jumping back to the golden gate bridge, both directions are
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completely shut down. our ginger conejero saab is stuck there as well. >> reporter: that's right. i'm navigating around the presidio for those familiar with san francisco. it seemed like normal traffic heading into the bay bridge going all the way down lombard. i was coming in from the south part of the city for -- during our morning show. lombard still remains clear. where the backup starts is the last san francisco exit. it's the 19th avenue exit. if you're headed northbound on the bridge. now, there was actually someone who was navigating traffic at that juncture, and i was told even -- asking if there was any way to get through, closer to the bridge, introducing myself as media there. there's no way. the bridge is closed from the 19th avenue exit. so i was told to go around and take the presidio way, which
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will still allow me some access to the bridge and hopefully we can show you closer shots of what that protest looks like once we get there. but aside from what we're seeing, what you guys are scribing from the chopper video, there's also miles of backup on 19th avenue because that is also a way to get onto the golden gate bridge. it's impacting people on the bridge and around the area. on my way cutting through the presidio trying to get closer to the bridge. as soon as i get there, i'll let you know what we're seeing. >> all right. thank you very much, ginger,ing on her way to cover this live breaking news on the golden gate bridge this morning where protesters, i would say within the last 40 minutes or so, completely shut down. first they were aimed at shutting down the southbound lanes of the golden gate bridge, but as a result, the chp has closed the northbound elapses as well as they attempt to get these protesters out.
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these are live pictures of nbc bay area sky rang overhead. they're at a standstill. they're not able to cut the binds between these people at this point. we know the chp, caltrans rapidly working to address that situation on 880 as well this morning. that's happening at 5th avenue where we have a similar scene of protesters actually chaining themselves together. they're using barrels in the middle of the road. here they've completely stopped traffic driving onto the bridge as we've seen them do in the past. two other bridge closures here in the bay area. there you see, side by side on the left of the golden gate bridge. on the right is 880. >> it's tough to get around. a lot of commuters stuck in traffic and others trying to make their way around. mike inouye monitoring that for us. even the workarounds are backed up with traffic. >> traffic is all connected. all of our freeways are
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affected. you've seen it as a major incident. there's definitely a statement being made, pro e tests and action going on, and also police activity. the effect is northbound 880 is jammed and has been from the coliseum up into downtown oakland and continue with a full closure just shy of the 5th embarcadero exit. northbound 880 is jammed up right here. i don't see any movement as all as you travel north. this is past the coliseum in toward 5th. it ripples outward. big rigs and others are allowed to use the westbound 580, which they normally are not. if you take this, you have to get over to the bridge still. the tunnel has remained fine. lighter traffic flow. now building a bit into walnut creek and in twarnd the area of
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orinda itself. 24 sees a lot more traffic getting toward the bay bridge. trafing on the span looks really slow. there was a problem because of a disabled vehicle. it sounds separate from any other incident. that's it for the east bay coming across. you may look at the north bay coming into the east bay because you're avoiding the golden gate bridge. eastbound 580, we've been okay, maintaining the smooth flow of traffic and it has. been too bad, but it's a lot more mileage. folks had to come up through mill valley, badge over to san rafael, in through richland and the bay bridge if they were just trying to cross the one span of the golden gate bridge, which remains closed. northbound 880 still closed. the southbound distracting due to the northbound side. you see the activity on t


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