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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 16, 2024 1:34am-2:04am PDT

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank my guests kristen stewart. walton goggins everybody. i want to thank aric improta and the 8g band.
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thanks for watching. we love you everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ right now at 11:00, loud and chaotic. another protest that complicated the day. this one outside the tesla factory in freemont. as many as 80 propalestinian demonstrators marched around the plant to protest what they call the corporate support for the actions against palestinians in gaza. authorities put up a gate. some protesters tried to shake it down then things quickly escalated. police shot pepper balls trying
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to disperse them. to prevent protesters from spilling out on the to the freeway. one demonstrator telling us what they hope to accomplish. >> today was all about showing our politicians, showing those in power, those at the heads of these companies that we have power in the people. and that we're going to continue to organize. we will not stop until palestine is free. until the congo is free. >> so far not a word of any arrest. of course tonight's demonstration caped a day of disrupted protests throughout the area. >> people late to work, people missing appointments and people sitting in their cars for hours. demonstrators shut down the golden gate bridge and 880 in oakland in two different spots. here's the highlight. the golden gate bridge and two spots along 880. this is a part of a local call to disrupt the committee. -- disrupt the economy. this is what could happen to these demonstrators.
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>> reporter: the morning commute coming to a hold. along the golden gate bridge and 880 in oakland and it was all a part of a coordinateed effort to show solidarity to palestine. drivers growing frustrated this morning due to the delays as police tried to clear the scene. >> it made me feel frustrated pause nobody is doing nothing. and everybody is waiting for, for what? >> reporter: another driver told me tonight that he decided to turn around and drive back home. >> i missed a day's work for it. but my employer is pretty understanding. i don't know that that's the case with everyone else on the freeway with me. >> reporter: attempting to shut down a freeway or state highway is unlawful and dangerous.
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protesters chaining themselves to 55-gallon drums filled with cement. jackhammers and heavy duty saws were used to remove the drums before all lanes could be reopened. another protest taking place in the opposite direction on 880 south. drawing hundreds of protesters before police made several arrests. in san francisco, protesters blocking 101 south along the golden gate bridge, stopping traffic for hours. the san francisco sheriff's office was called in to help and the sheriff's association weighing in tonight saying the recent blockage of the golden gate bridge under scored the department's challenges with off duty deputies being urgently called in to address the situation due to the staffing shortfall. dozens of arrests made between two protests with demonstrators facing multiple charges including conspiracy to commit a crime and unlawful assembly. when it comes to dealing with protests on freeways chp says itself doing its best with the
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intelligence on hand and protesters will be charged by the san francisco d.a.'s office and those along 880 will be charged by the alameda d.a's office. >> prosecutors will start uping the ante on these prosecutions particular little for those these who have already been prosecuted. >> we have had done this before. there is precedence here. you may remember last november during the apex summit protest, the bay bridge ultimately 78 protesters were charged but none got jail time. in the end, they got five hours of community service. all right it's official. this evening we learned pamela price will face a recall vote.
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the recall of voters confirmed that enough ballots were turned in. >> the group called save alameda for everyone or safe collected those signatures called today a significant milestone in its effort to support accountability and transparency. but district attorney price's attorney team says it's unvalid. critics say d.a. price is anti law enforcement and too soft on crime. say principal officer grisham says this is a historic moment for the community. >> we have a lot of people that will never understand why we're recalling pamela price but then there are thousands of people that have been victims of
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different types of crimes and thought they were getting justice in the previous administration then to come over into this administration and it's totally different. >> reporter: meanwhile pamela prices campaign lawyer says the recall violates the law for many reasons. >> what the county has been doing is picking and choosing provisions in the charter and saying these apply but these don't apply. >> reporter: he claims some of the people who gathered the signatures were not county residents and that the county failed to verify the signatures within a 10 day deadline. he plans to make the case. >> we're going to make the argument for our supervisors that they can't schedule the reelection because it's illegal. they're hoping for an early
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election rather than waiting for the next election date. >> if it's held separately, before the november election, then you might see a very low turn out. who knows how that will go. if it's held in conjunction with the november election. that could be different too. >> reporter: audry asistio. convicted killer scott peterson is back in court tomorrow. it's the first of three hearings to determine whether he'll be granted another trial. peterson will attend virtually. he was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife lacy and his unborn son conner then dumping her body in the water. in january the l.a. innocence project picked up this case. it says the modesto police
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department withheld evidence and hastily disregarded the robbery. it also asked the judge to order new dna testing. scott peterson has maintained his innocence. shock that's what a community is going thereupon after two teen girls were guned down over the weekend. the outpowering of grief from the community, here is terry mcsweeney. >> reporter: dozens of candles and flowers and stun at a memorial for two teenageers shot and killed right here on the 400 block of river side block saturday night. joseph tells me he knew both of these two young victims and they were something special. >> these were not two random strangeers. we're talking about two strong females. these are not two randoms these are people with family ties and we stay strong, you know. >> right here was where with i was set up. >> reporter: brandon perez was
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working on his car just down the street and had a clear view of it all when the gunshots cleared the silence saturday night. >> i saw the girls and the car sped off, down the street. >> reporter: it went right by you. >> reporter: perez ran to the victims and saw the victim bleeding. >> by the time i got there she was taking her final breaths. it was something for sure. >> reporter: this was an isolated incident but not a random shooting and they're hoping someone can come forward with surveillance video of the incident and of that black get away car to help them solve their first homicide since 2022. police say they won't release the name of the 19-year-old until thursday's autopsy and of course won't release the name of the juvenile victim. >> as a local, i would like to
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say this is not gang related. the area and the circumstances it's easy to spin the narrative. this isn't gang related this is a brawl between two girls and, someone took it too far. >> reporter: one of the people stopping by here tonight a friend of the father of one of the victims and a long time resident of napa. >> this is devastating for everybody in town. napa is very tight nit community. we're all connected in some way. >> reporter: terry mcsweeney. troubling charges against captain spencer parker. court documents accuse him of sending elicit pictures with the attempt to engage in illegal with a minor.
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they referred our questions to the city manager. we're told parker is no longer employed where the city of san jose. well tomorrow we get an update on san jose's regional medical center closing the trauma center and the impact it will have on the community. in february the hospital announced the closure of that trauma center because of low. the medical services agency will present the result to the board of supervisors tomorrow. the state will decide whether to approve the closure or downgrade of services. the recount for dozens of
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ballots at the congressional race. machine will begin sorting them tomorrow. right flow the race for second place is deadlocked between joe semedia and adrian lowe. they each got the same number of votes in the primary. both men are expected to go áf run off against sam licard who won that primary. unless this recount changes the number. >> very interesting situation. we're doing everything we can to following the laws and procedures to do this correctly. >> as for who will pay all of this. two voteers made official requests for the recount but did it without the support of both candidates. padilla decided to put $16,000 to start the process. he must continue to make payments every day until the recount is completed. if he doesn't, the recount stops, the whole thing should take about a week. all right, did you see it all eyes on the women tonight. the wnba draft and among the top
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picks steph curry's stepsister. >> the los angeles sparks select cameron brinx. >> there she is. cameron brink all dressed up. going pro. her god mother is sonia curry which is steph's mom. great to see a dream come true for a local athlete. >> this is such a nervewracking environment but we worked so hard for this. and i just have to shout out all my girls. i'm so proud of the job we've done. >> reporter: the super star in all of in is cateland clark over the weekend she was on saturday night live and tonight, back in the spotlight. >> with the first pick in the 2024 wnba draft the indiana
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fever select cateland clark university of iowa. >> she's like a household name now. clark says this is something she's been dreaming of since second grade. >> that's exact limb how i -- exactly how i want to go into the wnba. don't change anything that i know. people are going to expose my weaknesses but that's the amazing thing about it. that's the challenge i wanted and yeah i think that's the biggest thing. rely on the people around me. have a lot of fun. be myself and that's why i got into basketball because it's fun. at the age of 5 and how lucky am i this gets to be my job and i'm very fortunate. >> season tickets for her new team already sold out. by the way our wnba team tips off next year. we still don't have a name for it but it'll be announced soon. and the missing dress that's leading to a lot of tears on the peninsula and how police hope you can help tonight.
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>> and be warned about fake botox. the warning from the cdc tonight after at least 19 people have gotten sick. some ending up in the hospital. i'm chief meteorologist, now down to 70 today. we'll let you know how much hotter goes
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new at 11:00, her happily after is in jeopardy. a man was caught on camera grabbing several packages from her home. one of those boxes was her wedding dress worth more than $2,000. if you recognize the guy, call police. today's move from the feds comes after years of sex abuse scandals and employee misconduct at that facility. the bureau prison says it plans to transfer all the female inmates to other facilities. since 2021, eight prison workers have been charged of
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sexually abusing female inmates. >> we don't need to be transferred to another prison because of abuse. no we need accountability. >> the judge ordered that each inmates case must be reviewed by that special master prior to transfer. tesla is cutting more than 10,000 jobs worldwide. 10% of its work force. ceo elon musk announced the change in a memo. tesla has been struggling in recent months with fewer than expected deliveries and a falling stock price. right now it is not clear how many of the job cuts will come from here in the bay area. after two decades of operations, abbott labs will be closing their doors. company says the decision was difficult but necessary to cut
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costs. abbott labs is best known for its short meal replacements and its similac infant formula. we need a reason to smile and jeff is the perfect person to pick up this workweek. the thing that's sparking off changes is high pressure building in from the south. moving that storm track off to the north. not only dry tomorrow but we're going to see a substantial heat up . we get you more details in that microclimate forecast. i do see a chance here as we head into tomorrow. patchy fog moving in. we're going to be back down in the 40s here. 46 over the south bay. 45 in the tri valley and 40s here for most areas except for san francisco, we will start at 50. with high pressure to the south it's going to warm us up 4 to 8
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degrees. 74 in los gatos. 76 in san jose. 74 in hayward. getting up to concord, antioch and livermore you'll be in the upper 70less. not that warm in the peninsula but up to 74 in palo al to. that's why we had 60s in half- moon bay. because of that breeze throughout san francisco. for the bay 75 in sonoma. the other thing we will be watching this week out here in the pacific rain developing by wednesday afternoon. now, we will see this get really close by saturday morning. but everything continues to show this breaking up through the weekend. so right now it looks dry for your saturday and sunday. and we'll stay with some comfortable temperatures look at this up to low 80s wednesday and thursday in san jose. by this weekend, 76 on saturday. 79 on sunday. not only those 70s but it
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should get into sunny skies as well and talk about much needed. look at this. only four weekends in 2024 with sunshine on saturday and sunday. a lot of our weekends have been cloudy with those rain chances so it's going to be awesome once it gets here. right there in that seven-day forecast. 60s in san francisco and we'll have plentys of 70s, plenty of 70s. up next, san francisco's priciest blic toilet.
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new details about fake botox. about 19 people in several
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states have gotten sick. in these cases the botox was add administered from people who were never licensed or trained. the toxins in the fake botox attack people's nerves. the people experience droopy face. did you wonder what a $5.5 million toilet look like. this is the controversial toilet now opened. it actually ended up costing the city $390,000 only after two companies donated material and in installation. but the original price caused a lot of backlash.
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it even prompted him to stop the project. then reopened it when it grew to three toilets. >> reporter: the mayor is proposing legislation that she says will save time and money on small public projects like the toilet in noe valley. >> that's a good looking toilet. >> it better be. up next we'll show you who showed up at the
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it is an 85-mile road trip. the warriors are in sacramento tonight getting ready for tomorrow night's play in game. >> in the warriors win tomorrow they advance. if they lose, season is over. finito. today they took a bus to sacramento. it's called the united airlines departure cam. they took a bus.
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the warriors took the kings they will play the lakers or pelicans later in the week. play offs at the coliseum. a legend in the house, that's ricky henderson checking out the a's and cardinals. the giant's legend from pleasanton now a back up in st. louis. strange to see him in that uniform. bright spot for the a's. ruiz just got recalled. a's fall to 7-10 on the season. the struggling giants in miami. look the roof was open on their dome there. a much needed. >> nice temperatures. >> yeah, much needed win. 7inning here. the giants bust out for three runs. wilmer flores is good for three runs. slams the door with the 99-mile
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an hour fast ball. giants beat the marlins 4-3. they're now 7-10 on the season. finally to the sharks skateing in edmington tonight. feel for all these guys. it's been a long season. the oilers are really good and they stuck it to the sharkies tonight. nine goals. sharks lose 9-2. their season finale is thursday in calgary. we're back in a moment.


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