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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 16, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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right now at 5:00, stuck for hours. drivers with nowhere to go after palestinian protesters shut down traffic across the bay.
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ahead, a look at the possible charges against protesters and the surge of new tensions in the middle east as israel vows to strike back. scott peterson returns to court with the hopes of gaining a new trial. we'll break down what may play out today in the courtroom. and recall confirmed. alameda district attorney pamela price faces a recall. we are live with the challenges being faced by her legal team. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this tuesday. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. we'll check that morning commute, hopefully it's nice and calm today, with mike in just a moment. meteorologist kari hall is here tracking what we can expect weather-wise. >> it starts with mild temperatures this morning and then mostly clear. but we are going to have a warmer day. we're right now at 48 degrees in oakland, 51 in walnut creek and san jose, and san francisco at 50 degrees now. but it's going to be anywhere
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from 5 to 10 degrees warmer than yesterday afternoon, up to 75 in dublin today. we'll see the same in fremont, and much of the north bay in the low 70s, while san francisco will see a high of 66 degrees. and it will also stay warm tomorrow with more low 80s for the south bay, and still some upper 70s for much of the rest of the bay area. i'll be tracking that and looking ahead to the weekend coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you very much. so far this morning, no real signs of trouble for the morning commute. a far cry from how things went yesterday. that is when palestinian supporters brought traffic to a standstill for hours on the golden gate bridge, in both directions of interstate 880. authorities made dozens of arrests. it was all part of a coordinated global protest tied with the april 15th tax deadline and u.s. tax dollars provided to israel. last night, a similar protest outside the tesla factory in
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fremont. dozens of protesters gathering there. at one point, police shot pepper balls, after demonstrators took down a temporary gate. the protest led to backups on frontage road that you find aside 880. this time chp made sure protesters did not spill onto the freeway. here is one demonstrator talking about what the group hopes to accomplish. >> today was all about showing our politicians, showing those in power, those at the heads of these companies, that very with power in the people and we're going to continue to organize. we will not stop until palestine is free. >> no far, no word on arrests in connection with this protest. developing right now, overseas, there are new fears of escalation in the middle east conflict. israel is vowing to strike back against iran after iran's weekend attack. "today in the bay's" brie jackson is live in washington. how is the white house responding? >> reporter: good morning, laura. so u.s. officials expect israel's response to iran's
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attack to be limited in scope, and most likely involve strikes against iranian military forces. officials are also stressing that they have not been briefed on israel's final decision, so options could change. president biden is urging restraint from israel and reaffirmed his administration's commitment to the country in its war with hamas. >> we're committed to a cease-fire that will bring the hostages home and preventing conflict from spreading beyond what it already has. >> reporter: the white house is seeking to prevent a wider war in the middle east, and is working on new sanctions targeting iran for its attack on one of our closest allies. iran's retaliatory strike against israel has increased pressure for congress to pass a foreign aid bill. some republicans won't back the bipartisan senate measure. house speaker mike johnson unveiled plans to bring four separate national security bills
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to the house floor instead this week. they include standalone aid for ukraine, taiwan and israel. >> brie, how is the general public reacting to fears of a widening war in the middle east? >> reporter: so calls for a cease-fire are not quieting down any time soon. as you know, the bay area, it wasn't the only place that saw multiple arrests due to demonstrations yesterday. protesters brought traffic to a standstill on the brooklyn bridge in new york and blocked an entrance to chicago o'hare airport. multiple arrests in each incident, as well as the demonstrations in miami. in addition to the protests in the bay area, you may remember last november during the apec summit, protesters shut down the bay bridge. ultimately 78 protesters were charged, but none of them got jail time. they agreed to through five
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hours of community service. bay area defense attorney believes if district attorneys start adding charges and prosecuting these cases, it may deter future protesters. now, there's also a state assembly proposal that would double the fines for protesters who block a highway. that bill is still working its way through the legislature. >> we're very familiar with all those protests because we cover them mainly here in the morning on "today in the bay." so much going on. brie, thank you so much. 5:05. and it is confirmed, alameda county voters will have their say on the future of the district attorney's office. election leaders saying opponents have collected enough signatures for that recall vote. "today in the bay"'s bob redell is live outside of the east county hall of justice in dublin this morning. bob, d.a. price, is she saying anything about this? >> reporter: she did. good morning to you, marcus. d.a. pamela price, whose office has a location here at the hall of justice behind me in dublin,
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says this recall is, quote, simply illegal. the alameda county registrar voters office confirms that it has received enough ballot signatures for a recall election for d.a. pamela price, of the more than 123,000 signatures received, nearly 75,000 qualified as, quote, valid, well over the minimum required needed. a group called save alameda for everyone spent weeks collecting signatures to recall price from office because they argue she is too soft on crime and antilaw enforcement. >> we have a lot of people that will never understand why we're recalling pamela price, but then there are thousands of people that have been victims of different types of crimes and thought that they were getting justice in the previous administration, and then to come over into this administration it's totally different. >> what the county has been doing is picking and choosing
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provisions in the charter and saying these apply, these don't apply. >> reporter: that was pamela price's campaign lawyer who claims the recall is not legal, that some of the people who gave signatures were not county residents and the county failed to verify the signatures within a ten-day deadline. he plans to make his case when the board of supervisors meet to certify the results on april 3rd. safe is hoping for an early special election rather than waiting for this to go on the november ballot. they believe price is capable of, in their words, doing a lot of damage between now and november. reporting live here in dublin, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> we'll see what happens next. all right, bob, thank you. happening today, convicted killer scott peterson expected to appear virtually for a new hearing on a possible new murder trial. peterson murdered his pregnant life laci and their unborn son 20 years ago. their remains were later
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recovered in the san francisco bay. in january, the l.a. innocence project picked up the case, believing police withheld evidence and disregarded possible ties to a nearby robbery in modesto. this will be the first of three hearings. our ginger conejero saab is diving deeper and will join us with a live report in our next half hour. a new milestone when it comes to making it in the bay and a push for more affordable housing. it comes in the form of a fundraising effort for a new development in east oakland. plans call for about 120 units and a new cultural center at foothill boulevard and 73rd avenue at the site of liberation park. oakland council members approved it last month. today representatives will announce a new milestone, raising $50 million. a similar amount would be available from donors if the goal can be reached. governor newsom addresses our climate in crisis with a delegation from norway.
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they plan to announce a new partnership led by norway's crown prince. an event is expected to get under way at noon. exact details are under wraps. let's turn to meteorologist kari hall. she's taking a look at the forecast. is there another warm-up in the works? >> we are going to see a significant rise in temperatures for this afternoon. it is a quiet start as we take a live look outside in san jose, and heading out the door, in livermore, it will be in the low 50s at 8:00, and at noon 68 degrees. so that is a quick jump in those temperatures. and we're headed for the mid-70s today as the sunshine continues. it looks really nice out there, and definitely more spring-like than what we had over the weekend. we're up to a high of 75 in fremont today, the same in martinez. oakland, we're looking at a high of 71, and 66 in san francisco, 73 in napa. going into the day tomorrow, temperatures for the most part are about the same. it will be slightly warmer from san jose down to san martin.
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that's where we'll see low 80s. then we'll see temperatures also still very warm for thursday, leading us into a very pleasant weekend. so we're going to talk more about this, and if there's any rain down the line that's coming up. mike, you're showing one crash on the map? >> it's right behind me there. i see some slowing right over here. that's unusual coming out of the altamont. i'll check on 580 as well. right now 880 southbound at 92, so approaching that connection over to the san mateo bridge, reports of a crash. it sounds like and looks like everything is off to the shoulder. there's no slowing on the sensors there. we'll check 92 across the water. it's a smooth drive. still well populated, even at this early hour. we do have traffic, good volume across toward the peninsula without interruption. no problem with visibility or winds on the san mateo bridge. back to you. >> thank you very much, mike. 5:11 right now. helping kids become financially responsible. ahead this morning on "today in the bay," we're going to break down ways to help your kids get comfortable with handling and
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saving money. and that one company trick that investors hate, plus why vestors are very cinon
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good tuesday morning. right now at 5:14, we're taking a look at our day planner in morgan hill. it's going to be nice and sunny and temperatures cool to start. but it will be much warmer today as we go from upper 40s to mid-70s for the afternoon. we're on a warming trend that
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continues for the next several days. we'll talk about that and looking ahead to the weekend coming up in a few minutes. right now we're looking at oakland. 880 moves smoothly. we can't find a time where we wouldn't find any traffic on the nimitz. yesterday farther north, there was no traffic. there are full lanes open and it's a good flow to and from the bay bridge. good morning. happy tuesday to you. there's talk san francisco's salesforce may be on the hunt for new companies. they're talking about maybe $10 billion. abbott labs letting 200 people go in the bay area, according to state warn notices. they make pedialyte, ensure, and the covid test. markets fell for the sixth straight day as investors worry about higher, longer, that interest rates will stay higher for longer than we would like in order to fight inflation. speaking of talk, the "wall street journal" says the
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department of justice will file a lawsuit against ticketmaster's parent company live nation, saying it was too much power over the american consumer. you may recall all the trouble with ticket sales for taylor swift. consumers had no other options. the journal says the doj will argue live nation and ticketmaster squelch competition. shares in djt fell nearly 20% monday. investors hate when companies issue more shares because it dilutes the value of shares out there. tesla has done this more than once. its main engineer, head of business development, both resigned. and you heard the company is laying off 10% of its staff. it's about 14,000 people. not yet clear where the bulk of those layoffs will come. tesla is the worst performing stock on the s&p 500. ceo elon musk tweeted about every five years we need to
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reorganize and streamline the company for growth. in fact, tesla lays off all the time. 700 people in 2017, more than 3,000 the following year. a 7% job cut in 2019, where 2,800 workers got pink slips. a 10% cut of salaried employees in 2022, so not workers on the line. musk made that cut when he had a, quote, super bad feeling about the economy ahead. the economy, of course, would end up being just fine, but the demand for electric cars in general did slow. that said, tesla model y is still the best selling car in california and the second best selling car in america, according to car and driver. there is concern about elon musk's role as ceo, especially now that two major executives have left. musk is the ceo of tesla, but also deeply involved in spacex, neuralink, and of course
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twitter. says fans say he works super hard. the ceo of general motors works really hard, but she also is not the ceo of three or four other companies. >> right. >> at some point a car company needs its own ceo is i think what most investors feel. >> completely. and investors, when you're so diversified as a person, they look at that as well. >> for sure. >> thanks, scott. this has been a big week in a lot of households with that tax deadline, but wealth experts say conversations about finances should hardly be limited to adults and getting children involved can only lead to smarter financial decisions in their own future. some of the tips to help start that conversation include having family meetings about budgeting and spending to explain financial goals reached, like paying off debts, be honest about money mistakes so they don't repeat the same mistakes, and helping kids start mini businesses, earnings money from
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things like making cookies. the more exposed they are, the better off they are in the long run. >> if we show them, they start having a great and positive framework, but also have a realistic idea that sometimes could go this way and maybe we shouldn't go down that road and it saves them from making the same mistakes maybe you've made in the past. >> more than 60% of americans avoid regularly talking about money at all, and most experts agree that needs to change. well, things these days twice as nice on "the voice." >> the garcia twins, they are now in the playoffs. take a look. ♪♪ ♪ to be with you ♪ ♪ fix what i've broken ♪ >> i saw this last night. they were great. that's justin and jeremy garcia from the bay area. no relation to laura, as i understand?
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>> i could be their aunt. >> in last night's final knockout round they lost head-to-head in the battle with another contestant. believe it or not, named frank garcia. but judge mcintyre saves him and used a steal to secure them for her team. the pair say they appreciate the second chance, but the show has a lot of talent on hand. >> i just want to encourage everyone to keep watching "the voice." there are so many other artists and so many other talented people that are airing as well. just make sure to keep tuned in for that. >> the garcia brothers say they can't wait to show out in the playoffs. remember, you can watch "the voice" right here on nbc bay area and peacock. >> we certainly will cheer them on. how about the forecast lately? >> it looks great. i think we're cheering on the sunshine and the warmer temperatures. so that's going to be here as we go throughout the week, and also looking at the weekend. today we're going to see a high of 77 in san jose, los gatos and
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san martin, and about the same in fairfield and concord. for the north bay, we're in the low 70s, seeing a high of 73 in napa and novato. tomorrow we'll have warm weather from the coast to the inland valleys. we'll see a spread in temperatures about 10 degrees. so we're in the low 80s for the south bay. and then on thursday we'll be in the upper 70s. looking at what's happening across the country, what we're seeing here, all clear, dry, the storm track is now well off to the east and causing severe weather for parts of the midwest. and then we're seeing the clouds that are out in the pacific going up and around the bay area, so we will continue to stay dry. it's all because of high pressure that's just to our south. and with the clockwise wind flow, it's giving us a slight ocean breeze, keeping those coastal areas a little lower, but then going into next week we're not going to see much of a change, with a slight cooldown for the middle of next week. so take a look at napa and our
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ten-day temperature trend. upper 70s and briefly hitting 80 degrees on sunday before numbers come back down. we're going to see if we get a chance of rain next wednesday and thursday, but that is very far out. so as of now, we're going to keep it sunny, and looking at some nice and end of spring type weather that we'll see into next week. mike, what's the follow-up for the altamont pass? >> we saw the blip happen, west 580 concerned me. there's more slowing down. there are actually two incidents that were reported. one close to vasco, the other closer to spring town, both west 580 in your commute direction. it sounds like lanes are affected by both of these crashes, but no major injuries. so you're jamming up out of the altamont pass, keeping the rest of livermore and dublin moving smoothly. vasco road joins just past the first crash. 580 from that point seems like it's okay past the second trash at spring town. we'll watch this closely. back to you. coming up next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds.
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>> the experts say everyone needs a will. you might be able to write yours down yourself, or get free help. down yourself, or get free help. i'm consumer investigat we're in the middle of... livin' large! and having a big day! in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything!
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abe lincoln, jimi hendrix, prince and picasso. these legends have one thing in common. not one of them is said to have
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had a will when he died. what if you're not rich and famous? >> every adult should have a will. >> but in 2021, gallup poll found 44% of had americans don't have a will. >> the choice, it's worth it to write a will yourself. >> take out a piece of paper and start writing, or start a document on your computer. then print it out. you can follow a template online. patrick shared basic requirements for california. >> it has to be written, it has to be signed by you and it has to be signed by two disinterested witnesses, someone that is not named in the will. >> patrick recommends three essentials. what happens to your kids, who gets your assets, and your final arrangements. >> those three things should be in every will. >> those things often get complicated. here is where you can ask for advice. a local legal aid office or a nearby law school. sometimes they offer free advice. finally, tell your family where your will is now, so later they
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can find it when the inevitable happens. >> good information, chris. thanks. >> we all got the message. next, top stories we're following today, including a south bay trauma center set to close. the impact it will have and the meeting community leaders are holding later today. i'm ginger conejero saab in redwood city, where scott peterson is due back in court today. it will be the first of three hearings set to determine whether or not his case has a chance to be retried. we'll give you the detai after ls
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right now at 5:30, convicted killer scott peterson gets another day in court. we're live with his team's new push to fight his murder conviction. a commute many won't soon forget. thousands of drivers stuck for hours after protesters shut down traffic across the bay. from the arrests made to the protesters' pleas, we have the latest. and we are counting down to the summer olympics in paris. this morning, we take a closer look at one centerpiece for the games, the seinne river. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at the forecast for this tuesday morning. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect.
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>> we made it past monday, we made it past the coolest day of the week. we're going so see things heating up and it's going to definitely feel like spring outside. but we are starting out with our usual morning in the upper 40s and low 50s, and it's all clear across the bay area. when we compare our high for this afternoon compared to what's average, we're going to be a few degrees above normal for today in santa rosa, with a high of 73. and we're used to seeing temperatures in concord up to 71, but we'll be slightly below that today. looking at san francisco with mid-60s and low to mid-70s from oakland to san jose. so we are going to see the warming trend get under way. i'll be tracking that for you. mike, you're seeing typical slowing. >> at the top of the screen, highway 37, we don't see it for highway 4 yet. that's great news. however, we zoom in as we look at the map. richmond does show some sensors changing into the slower speeds, just about 50 miles per hour, at
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their worst, unusually slow for this time of morning. at the altamont, that did indicate two crashes going on out of the altamont pass. the bay bridge toll plaza has no major issues. there is still activity over there. approaching vasco, one crash remains for westbound 580. back to you. >> thanks, mike. convicted killer scott peterson due back in court virtually later today for a hearing on a possible new murder trial. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab live for us outside the courthouse in redwood city. ginger, what are we expecting to see or happen today? >> reporter: well, marcus, laura, today will be the first of three hearings set to determine whether or not scott peterson will be granted another trial. it's been 20 years since peterson was convicted of murdering his wife laci and their unborn son conner. peterson said that he was leaving on a fishing trip in berkeley the morning of
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christmas eve. the remains of laci and their unborn son surfaced months later, a few miles from where he said he was fishing. about a month ago, peterson appeared in court on zoom, his new lawyers are part of the l.a. innocence project. they're making a case there is enough new evidence to grant peterson another trial. they want the judge to review evidence which did not make it into court 20 years ago that was tied to a robbery that took place near the peterson home in modesto around the time laci disappeared. the lawyers say modesto police withheld evidence and disregarded this robbery too quickly. another focal point, a burned out van and stained mattress that was found the day after laci disappeared. peterson's lawyers asked the judge to order dna testing. prosecutors have argued against certain requests in the three motions made by peterson's attorneys, saying they have already been taken up on initial
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appeal and litigated in the original trial. 51-year-old peterson has maintained his innocence throughout his conviction and he has multiple times tried to get his case retried. we will update you on air and online whether or not this attempt will be successful. this is the first of three hearings and we'll bring you the latest later on throughout the morning. >> it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. >> ginger, thank you. now, our coverage of scott peterson's latest court battle continues ahead in our streaming show at 8:00 this morning. we will be joined by legal analyst steven clark. he'll dive deeper into how this legal process will play out. more protests are expected today following a long way of protests which shut down bay area bridges and freeways. the message is the same, to draw attention to the human toll of the war between israel and hamas. >> "today in the bay"'s kris
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sanchez is joining us with what we can expect later this morning. >> reporter: so the political protest today is expected to center on sunnyvale where workers and other demonstrators will demand that google pull out of a $1.2 billion contract with the israeli government and israeli military. in the bay area, members of the no tech apartheid campaign, many who are google cloud and amazon workers, tell us they will show up at the sunnyvale campus. similar protests expected in chelsea and at the google campus in seattle as well. we don't expect this level of disruption that we saw yesterday around the bay area where protesters blocked 101 south and the golden gate bridge for hours with the goal of drawing attention to the u.s. government's financial assistance to israel. same goal on 880 in oakland, where the chp says protesters chained themselves to 55 gallon drums filled with cement. it took jackhammers and heavy
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duty saws to remove them. there were about 38 people arrested between those two protests on charges of conspiracy to commit a crime and unlawful assembly. now, some will be prosecuted by the san francisco district attorney's office, others by the alameda county sheriff's department. the alameda county district attorney's office, i should say. and as protesters organize, they're likely keeping an eye on the fallout for those arrested. >> other states actually have crimes that make it unlawful to protest by blocking traffic. california doesn't have that. the california unlawful assembly law was enacted in 1872, before there were cars. our laws haven't kept pace with what is happening in real time. >> reporter: law enforcement was able to keep protesters off the freeway. at one point they deployed pepper balls at the protesters
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near the tesla plant. if you were stuck in any of the traffic around these protests wondering what does this have to do with me, remember, the goal is to draw attention to the military action against the people of gaza, not hamas, and to draw attention to bay area tech's role and the role of our federal government in that conflict. so the protesters say if they can get a fraction of people to take a stand, it would be a win for the protesters and their cause. however, there are a lot of people who are very frustrated at the cost of sitting in traffic, missing work and appointments, and could be turned off to this cause altogether. so we'll be watching to see what happens at google cloud headquarters in sunnyvale today. we'll bring that to you later on. >> sounds good. thank you, kris. it is 5:37 right now. san francisco sheriff paul miyamoto will address ongoing problems behind the walls of county jails, currently leaving inmates on lockdown. guards over the weekend launched a lockdown inside two sf jail
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facilities following a recent surge in violence against jail staff. the national guard is now being called in to help maintain safety. leaders are now promising to address low staffing levels. santa clara county supervisors today will discuss the potential impact from the proposed closure of the regional medical's trauma center in san jose. the hospital announcing that closure back in february, citing low patient volume. today's hearing is scheduled for 2:00 this afternoon. the recount of thousands of ballots is under way for the bay area's 16th congressional district race. election workers at santa clara and san mateo counties registrar of voters began sorting and examining about 150,000 ballots. the machine will start sorting them today.
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right now, the race for second place is deadlocked between county supervisor joe simitian and assemblyman evan low. they each got the same number of votes in the march primary. both men are set to advance to a runoff in november against sam liccardo, who won the primary, unless the recount changes those numbers. well, the warriors tonight will visit some old friends. now, the only problem is, afterward, someone will be heading home. the nba postseason tip-off tonight in the play-in round, the tenth seeded warriors play down the road against the ninth seeded kings in sacramento. yesterday, they boarded the bus for that 85 mile drive. whoever wins tonight advances to face the lakers or new orleans. the loser of tonight's conference play-in game. now, the team will host a watch party in thrive city outside chase center. it is free, but attendees are encouraged to rsvp because first come, first served here. those doors open at 5:30 tonight
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for a 7:00 tip-off. it's time to look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall has a look at that. how is the weather going to play? >> it looks great. we are going to see warm temperatures and that tip-off tonight, it's going to be in the mid-70s at the golden 1 center. then we'll see it cooling into the low 70s, but really comfortable, whether you're going to be, once again, here or there. let's get you ready for work with a look at menlo park, where we're in the upper 40s. it is all clear and we do have mostly sunny skies throughout today. our temperatures warming up quickly, going from 48 to eventually reaching into the upper 60s there. we'll see some upper 70s for san jose and 77 for concord. novato, a high of 73 degrees. we'll talk more about more warm weather in our forecast. mike takes us back to i-580. the earlier crashes have been
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updated. one crash has been removed from 580. the other just shy of greenville road. there's about four or five miles of backup from when the earlier crash and backup formed at grant line road as well. there is slowing, it adds about five to seven minutes. you saw slowing on vasco road as well. those are unrelated, but showing longer travel times. the typical build out of contra costa county for vasco, and then, of course, 580 because of that crash. the buildup just forming at the bay bridge, the metering lights activated just a few minutes ago. we have a game for the a's tonight. that means, of course, pregame and postgame traffic. pregame, we're talking about after work, folks traveling on 880. tonight, the webster tube from oakland into alameda, that is closed for a scheduled maintenance. back to you. >> thanks, mike. it's 5:41. counting down to the summer olympics in paris. coming up on "today in the bay," we highlight the popular river serving as the centerpiece for the opening ceremony. this will be day two of the
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trump trial. plus, they call pennsylvania the keystone state. it really will be in the upcoming election. first, a bride's worst nightmare. her dress swiped right from her front door. ahead, we're going to talk aut
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good tuesday morning. right now at 5:44, we're checking out berkeley, where we're starting in the low 50s at
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8:00. your lunchtime temperature is 66 degrees. really nice under that sunshine. we'll make it into the upper 60s here, with a light wind and really comfortable weather continues in our forecast. so we'll check that out, looking ahead to the weekend, coming up in a few minutes. we are looking at the richmond bridge toll plaza toward san rafael. we see flashing lights, but it's a tow truck on stand by. it's not addressing anything on the span itself. there's a caltrans crew as well. we're ready for the morning commute as it builds. we'll show you more coming up. >> thank you very much, kari and mike. the search is under way for a thief who swiped a wedding dress straight from the bride's front porch. it happened last thursday in redwood city. this is video of the man police say grabbed several packages from the same home on adams street. the wedding dress alone cost $2,000. anyone with information is being asked to contact redwood city
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police. president joe biden heading to his home state of pennsylvania today to campaign. >> and, scott mcgrew, his rival, donald trump, just there and claimed ties to the state as well. >> yeah, pennsylvania is very popular. former president trump went to the wharton school of business in pennsylvania, president biden was born in scranton. so as you can tell, pennsylvania very important in the race for president. president biden will try to contrast his approach to taxes on his three-day trip to pennsylvania. biden pushing for higher taxes to anyone who makes more than $400,000 a year. president trump, as you'll remember, pushed through a tax cut for the rich. biden often asks, should the tax code work for the rich or middle class. at the white house yesterday, biden indicated he has not following the criminal trial taking place in new york city. the first criminal trial of a former president, shaking his head no when asked about it. the white house has been careful not to comment on trump's legal
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troubles. in some cases, the january 6th case, for instance, the hidden documents case, the u.s. government is the prosecutor. in the new york case, the doj has no role, it's being handled by the manhattan district attorney. yesterday was the first day of jury selection in the hush money case. no jurors selected yet. but the court used up a lot of time hearing arguments on what should and should not be presented at the trial. for instance, the jury will not be shown the access hollywood tape, but they can hear about it. they can hear from another woman who said she had an affair with trump and was paid off, but not that trump's wife melania was pregnant at the time. jury selection continues today. on capitol hill, the speaker of the house, mike johnson, says he will bring three bills to the floor, to help ukraine, israel, and our pacific allies like taiwan. these will match a single bill already passed through the senate. >> we know the world is watching
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us to see how we react. we have terrorists and tyrants and terrible leaders around the world like putin and xi, and in iran, and they're watching to see if america will stand up for its allies and in our own interests around the globe. and we will. >> not only did johnson call putin a tyrant, he reminded his fellow republicans, many of whom are against helping ukraine, that the money we spend on ukraine is mostly spent in america. >> importantly, 68% of this package is the replenishment of our own munitions, our own weapons. those are american jobs that build upgraded weapons and ammo here, and so a lot of those things need to be explained, they need to be analyzed independently, and i think we will probably do that here in this legislation and make it clear to people what exactly they're voting for and why. finally, it was tax day yesterday. the bidens made their tax returns public. the couple made $619,000. the president makes $400,000.
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dr. biden makes $86,000. they paid 146,000 in taxes and donated $20,000 to charity. back to you. 5:48 right now. we're counting down to the summer olympics in paris and this week the "today" show team is bringing us updates from the city of lights. >> paris has just over 100 days to host the world's greatest athletes. this morning, taking a look at the centerpiece of the games, the seine river. not only will it be a venue for a one of a kind opening ceremony, but french officials are hoping the iconic waterway will be used for olympic events. nbc's keir simmons caught up with some of the volunteers there to help clear trash as part of the effort. >> you're in the water? >> yeah. >> and you're okay? >> incredible. [ laughter ] >> i like that laugh. ahead for you here on "today in
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the bay," we're going to talk about what's happening on the "today" show this morning. it's going to give you a closer look at the seven-year $1 billion project to make that river swimmable again. that's at 7:00 a.m. right after "today in the bay." >> i actually thought that laugh was jessica aguirre, who is going to paris. >> yes, she is. >> that's right. nbc bay area is your home for all things olympics, from local athletes you may see competing and a breakdown of new sports, making its olympic debut in paris. head to our website, it's going to be a lot of fun. it will be here before we know it. 101 days away. this is also trending this morning. for anyone just hoping to drive home, the 49ers are the best team in the nfl, yes. and you can simply let the world know with your license plate. >> the faithful can now show their support pretty much everywhere, with new custom license plates. what do you guys think? >> i like that. >> pretty cool.
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proceeds for each plate go to the 49ers foundation nonprofit. the team wanted to roll out plates like these for several years, but couldn't do it until they locked in 7,500 preorders. we know the faithful are strong. the cost is $50. double that for a personalized plate. of course, plus the annual renewal rates there. so there you have it. 49ers fans, hopefully we see some on the roads soon. also trending, all the buzz in last night's wnba draft, it probably belongs to caitlin clark and centers around steph curry's god sister. >> with the second pick in the 2024 wnba draft, the los angeles sparks select cameron brink, stanford university. >> nice. look at that, all dressed up. stanford's cameron brink went second to los angeles. her godmother is steph's mom,
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sonya curry. brink says she can't wait to take it to the next level. >> this is a nerve-racking environment, but we work so hard for this. i just have to shout out my girls. i'm so proud of all of us, what a great job we've done. >> i love that. >> you know, we've done so much. fantastic. >> i saw a picture online, steph was holding her as a baby. >> really? >> yeah, just odd. i'll show it to you later. of course, front and center, i don't need to tell you. just roll it. >> with the first pick in the 2024 wnba draft, the indiana fever select caitlin clark, university of iowa. [ cheers and applause ] >> her name is even famous, caitlin clark. >> which is really nice. clark says this has been something that she's been dreaming of since second grade. by the way, this coming season will be the wnba's final season
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without bay area representation. our still unnamed new franchise will play at chase center. it's going to be starting next year. she says she's been caught up in the moment and she knows that all the attention has been on her. but still hearing her name, just really brought it home. >> she's humble, too, which is nice to see. >> we were talking about the evolution when i was telling her -- because for a long time, she's pretty good for a girl. and now you're just, like, they're really good, period. >> i love it. the equal time they really deserve to be getting. >> and the viewership for the championship game, they killed it. she's been killing the forecast for years now. >> taking it down the court, kari hall. >> i need to get out and practice today. get out there and shoot some hoops. >> i pulled a muscle last time i did it. >> you don't want to do that, no. all right, we're enjoying some nice weather, so however you
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want to enjoy it, it will be great today. now, it is a cool start this morning as you're heading to work. we're at 45 in palo alto, 48 in oakland, and we're in the low 40s in the north bay. and then going into this afternoon, we're zooming into the south bay where we'll see a high of 77 in san jose, 76 in milpitas, a light wind, all clear skies for today. and it will be warmer than yesterday in some spots by about 10 degrees. danville and walnut creek, 76 degrees, oakland 71 today, and 70 in redwood city, daly city, half moon bay, 66 degrees, with a light wind, and in san francisco we're in the mid to upper 60s today, with mid-70s for the north bay, sonoma hitting a high of 74 today. well, we are seeing high pressure building across the region, all the clouds and storm system that we had over the weekend is now wreaking a lot of havoc across the midwest. there's a lot of tornado watches in effect. we'll continue to monitor that.
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the highway that's building to our south is going to continue to keep it warm and dry over the next few days, and it's going to be slow to move going into next week. but possibly toward the end of next week, there may be some rain chances. but until then, we're looking good, and also enjoying more time outdoors, with gilroy, a high up to 82 degrees on wednesday. that's the peak of those temperatures. and then coming back down closer to normal for the weekend into early next week. and then looking at our seven-day forecast, nothing but sunshine here. we'll continue to see dry conditions and a few more clouds here and there as we transition from the warm weather to just slightly cooler. there's not a big shift there that we're going to see. in san francisco, we'll be in the upper 60s through the end of the week, and then for the weekend we're seeing a slight dip in temperatures, but overall no major changes here. so enjoy. mike, you're seeing a slow build at the bay bridge? >> it was a slow build. as you were doing your report, everybody came here.
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they were waiting for your forecast. we're looking at the bay bridge toll plaza which just filled up over the last two or three minutes suddenly. there may be an increase and volume and slowing of the metering lights. probably both. the span shows some slowing so that would indicate the need to slow the metering lights down. we saw early slowing for westbound 80 through richmond and it kind of stuck around. nothing dramatic. it's just there. slowing 880 southbound. once you pass by, everything is fine. there's slowing as you're getting onto the dumbarton bridge. both seeing more volume across the water and toward the peninsula. that's typical, the pattern out of fremont for the dumbarton bridge. a little slowing northbound 101, typical timing as you're coming through san jose. nothing major and no problems through south county. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, a former san jose fire captain stands accused of crimes against a young teen. investigators accuse spencer parker of sending illicit
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pictures with the intent of engaging in sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl. san jose police say that it is conducting its own investigation. we also reached out to the san jose fire department. they referred our questions to the city manager, who says parker is no longer employed with the city. san francisco drivers, beware. the city may be one step closer to installing cameras to crack down on speeding. ahead, today's crucial vote to determine how those devices are used. plus, alameda county district attorney pamela price faces a new challenge. the recall measure now headed for the ballot and the questions now being raised by her legal team. a lot more news ahead on this tuesday morning. it
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right now at 6:00, stuck for hours. the possible charges protesters could now face and the surging new tensions in the middle east overnight as israel vows to strike back against


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