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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 16, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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right now at 6:00, stuck for hours. the possible charges protesters could now face and the surging new tensions in the middle east overnight as israel vows to strike back against iran.
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scott peterson back in court with hopes of gaining a new trial. we'll break down what may play out in court. a lot of damage can be done between now and november. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price officially faces a recall vote. we're live, breaking down the next steps in the process and the questions being raised by her legal team. this is "today in the bay." this is also tuesday morning. thanks so much for starting your day with us. 6:00 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. we'll get a look at mike and the commute in just a bit. superman yesterday, by the way. >> yes. what a way to come back from vacation. a little busy on the roadways. >> that it was. let's talk about what's going on weather-wise today. >> it was all quiet in my department. let's hope it stays that way. we're enjoying sunshine and it's going to be warming up. we're starting right at about 50 degrees across the bay area.
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we have a clear view of san francisco. now, as we take a look at our view from our sutro tower camera looking down at the golden gate bridge, you can see a few of the low clouds moving by. but overall it looks beautiful. we'll see a few clouds here and there. in the city, temperatures going from 50 degrees to mid-60s today. it will be a little warmer than yesterday, with highs in the upper 70s for the south bay. we continue on this warming trend. i'll have more in a few minutes. mike, you're saying the slowing is where you would expect it. >> it's pretty much at the bay bridge toll plaza. we have the backup and good movement. metering lights are on. i think they sped those metering lights up after the initial slowing to make sure they could hold steady with the volume itself. slowing through richmond, typical at this time. it kicked in earlier in the 5:00 hour. this happened earlier during the 5:00 hour, a couple of crashes, westbound in your commute direction. it looks like the last may have cleared to the shoulder, so there's better speeds out of the altamont pass.
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it does mean more traffic will be feeding toward the dublin interchange, but no problems. slowing typical for san jose that will ease up and kick in in the next half hour. a little for the nimitz toward the east bay. so far this morning, no real signs of trouble for the morning commute. a far cry from how things went yesterday. that is when palestinian supporters brought traffic to a standstill for hours on the golden gate bridge in both directions of interstate 880. authorities made dozens of arrests. this is all part of a coordinated effort to bring attention to the ongoing war in gaza and to protest u.s. tax dollars funding israel. the protests coinciding with april 15th, the federal tax filing deadline. then last night a similar protest outside the tesla factory in fremont. dozens of protesters gathering. at one point police shooting pepper balls after demonstrators took down a temporary gate. the protests led to backup onto
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frontage road. this time the chp made sure protesters did not spill back onto interstate 880. here is one demonstrator talking about what the group hopes to accomplish. >> today was all about showing our politicians, showing those in power, at the heads of these companies that we have power in the people and we're going to continue to organize. they will not stop until palestine is free. >> so far, no word on arrests in connection with this protest. developing right now overseas, there are new fears of escalation in the middle east conflict. israel is vowing to strike back against iran after iran's weekend attack. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson joins us live in washington this morning. brie, how is the white house responding? >> reporter: good morning, laura. so u.s. officials expect israel's response to iran's attack to be limited in scope and most likely involve strikes against iranian military forces. officials stressed that they have not been briefed on
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israel's final decision, so options could change. president biden is urging restraint from israel and reaffirmed his administration's commitment to the country in its war with hamas. >> we're committed to a cease-fire that will bring the hostages home and preventing conflict from spreading beyond what it already has. >> reporter: the white house is seeking to prevent a wider war in the middle east, and is working on new sanctions targeting iran for its attack on one of our closest allies. now, iran's retaliatory strike against israel has increased pressure for congress to pass foreign aid. some republicans won't back the bipartisan senate bill, so house speaker mike johnson actually unveiled plans to bring four separate national security bills to the house floor instead this week. they include standalone aid for ukraine, taiwan and israel. >> of course we're so familiar with the protests that happened
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in the bay area most recently, and yesterday as well. but we've seen protests in other parts of the country as well? >> reporter: calls for a cease-fire are not quite quieting down any time soon. the bay area wasn't the only place that saw multiple arrests due to those demonstrations yesterday. protesters brought traffic to a standstill on the brooklyn bridge in new york and blocked an entrance at chicago o'hare airport. multiple arrests in each of those incidents, as well as demonstrations in miami and oregon. in addition to yesterday's protests in the bay area, you may remember last november during the apec summit, protesters shut down the bay bridge, ultimately 78 protesters were charged. none of them will get jail time. they agreed to go through a diversion program as part of a plea deal. now, in the end, they got five hours of community service. bay area defense attorney paula
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canny believes if district attorneys start adding charges and prosecuting these cases, it may deter future protests. there's also a state assembly proposal that would double the fines for protesters who block a highway. that bill is still working its way through the legislature. >> of course we'll continue to follow. brie, live from washington, thank you so much. 6:06 this morning. happening today, convicted killer scott peterson is expected to appear virtually for a new hearing on a possible new murder trial. peterson was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife laci and their unborn son 20 years ago. their remains were later recovered in the san francisco bay. now, in january of this year the l.a. innocence project picked up that case, believing police withheld evidence and disregarded possible ties to a nearby robbery in modesto. this will be the first of three hearings. our ginger conejero saab is diving deeper into the story and will have a live report in our
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next half hour. it is confirmed, alameda county voters will have their say on the future of the district attorney's office. election leaders say opponents have collected enough signatures for a recall vote. "today in the bay"'s bob redell is outside of the east county hall of justice in dublin this morning. okay, d.a. price, that announcement came out yesterday. has she said anything about this? >> reporter: absolutely. good morning to you, marcus. alameda county d.a. pamela price, whose office does have a location at the east county hall of justice, says this hall is, quote, simply illegal. the alameda county office of the registrar of voters confirms it has received enough valid signatures for a recall election for district attorney pamela price, of the more than 123,000 signatures received, nearly 75,000 qualify as, quote, valid, well over the minimum needed. a group called safe or save alameda for everyone, spent
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weeks collecting signatures to recall price from office because they argue she is too soft on crime and anti law enforcement. >> we have a lot of people that will never understand why we're recalling pamela price, but then there are thousands of people that have been victims of different types of crimes and thought that they were getting justice in the previous administration, and then to come over into this administration and it's totally different. >> what the county has been doing is picking and choosing provisions in the charter and saying these apply, but these don't apply. >> reporter: that was pamela price's campaign lawyer, who claims the recall is not legal, that some of the people who gathered the signatures were not county residents, and that the county failed to verify the signatures within a ten-day deadline. he plans to make his case when the board of supervisors meet to certify the results on april
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30th. safe is hoping for an early special election, rather than waiting for the november ballot. they believe price is capable of, in their words, doing a lot of damage between now and november. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> we will follow every step of the way. bob, thank you. new at 6:00, a live look in san francisco where transit leaders will vote on a plan to roll out new speed cameras. mta members are expected to approve the use of cameras at 33 locations starting next year. supervisors earlier this month moved the plan forward as part of a pilot program approved by state lawmakers. six cities will receive cameras, including oakland and san jose. governor gavin newsom today addresses our climate in crisis with a delegation from norway. the governor plans to announce a new partnership with the delegation led by norway's crown prince. an event is expected to get under way at noon. the exact details are still under wraps. we want to turn to
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meteorologist kari hall right now. do we know if there's a warm-up in the works for us? >> we're going to be warming up as we go into today. we are starting with sunshine as you get ready to head out the door. it is a chilly morning, but then as we go into the day, it's going to be nice. we're starting out with sunshine as we take a live look in walnut creek. we've all been suffering lately, and if you are really irritated by what we have floating through the air, the allergens are mostly oak, mulberry and grass that's high. we have a medium amount of dust pollen and molds are low at this point. so just keep that in mind as you're enjoying the warmer temperatures that are going to be above what's average for this date. usually we're seeing temperatures in the upper 60s in santa rosa, but we will reach a high of 73 there, 77 in concord, while san francisco will be in the mid-60s, oakland 71 today, and 77 in san jose. we do continue to have more temperatures like this in the forecast, and we're expecting it to be a very nice and warm week
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over the next several days. going into the weekend, it looks great. we'll get a look at that and what's ahead in a few minutes. mike, you've been looking at that oakland camera. >> we were looking for a fire, reports of a fire on the freeway itself at davis. can't quite see davis from here. it's around the bend and a little farther down. no smoke is visible because there's haze in the air as well. we're going to assume that's not a big deal because we don't see smoke from where we are. there's some flashing lights on the shoulder around 98th. there may be activity but nothing blocked as far as lanes go. this is northbound with headlights, 880 going past the coliseum and heading toward the bay bridge. south side, typical slowing continuing past 92 and making your way toward fremont. that's san leandro toward union city, we have a slower drive. contra costa county looking pretty standard, like we've had for the last couple of weeks. eastbound highway 4 with late road work going on.
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that will slow you down, but we're looking at a smooth drive westbound. as far as that goes, the south bay shows the first burst we had is clear. ready for the second. back to you. >> thank you. 6:12 this morning. a historic san francisco building is getting a facelift. next, we're going to take a look inside at the renovation of the castro theatre. plus, the one company trick that investors hate. let's go to the futures and see, six down days in a row. there's some green there, laura. >> i like it. okay, bay area drivers all too familiar with the long commute. what about 600 miles? ahead, we're going to hear from the viral new york hair stylist who not only takes a bus and train to
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good morning. very happy tuesday to you. there's talk san francisco's salesforce may be on the hunt to buy more companies. maybe a company that would be pricey, about $10 billion. abbott labs letting 200 people go in the bay area, according to state warn notices. abbott makes pedialyte and ensure and the covid test binax. markets fell for their sixth straight day. investors worried about higher longer, that interest rates will
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stay higher for longer than we would like in order to fight inflation. speaking of talk, the "wall street journal" says the doj will file a lawsuit against ticketmaster's parent company live nation saying it has too much power. you remember the problems with the taylor swift tickets. consumers had no other options. the journal says the doj will argue live nation and ticketmaster squelch other competition. the company behind truth social is issuing more stock. shares fell nearly 20% monday. investors hate it when companies issue more shares because it dilutes the value of the shares already out there. tesla has done this more than once. and speaking of tesla, its main engineer and head of business development resigned, and you heard the company is laying off 10% of its staff, about 14,000 people. it's not clear where the bulk of the layoffs will come, but we
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know tesla is the worst performing stock on the s&p 500. ceo elon musk tweeted, about every five years we need to reorganize and streamline the company for growth, but, in fact, tesla lays off all the time. 700 people in 2017, more than 3,000 the following year, a 7% job cut in 2019, so about 2,800 workers got pink slips. 10% of salaried employees in 2022. those weren't workers on the line. musk made that cut, the most recent one, when he had a, quote, super bad feeling about the economy ahead. the economy ended up being just fine. but demand for electric cars did slow. that said, tesla's model y is still best selling in california, second best selling car in america, according to car and driver. there is concern about elon musk's role as ceo, especially now the two major executives have left. musk is the ceo of tesla, but also deeply involved in spacex and neuralink and, of course,
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twitter, which is a bit of an obsession. he posts to twitter on his main account often, but he replies all the time. just in the last few hours, he's talked about video games, immigrants, pay walls, coding, solar history and spiderman. and, hey, nothing wrong with that. i like twitter, too. but i don't run, like, six companies. >> right. >> and a lot of investors are thinking maybe he should be running one. >> one thing at a time. >> most ceos do. >> gm, ford, boeing, they just run the one. >> exactly, get it right. thank you. 6:18 right now. and the iconic castro theatre in san francisco is getting a renovation. we'll give you a quick look inside and see how things are going. so san francisco supervisor mandolin posted these photos on social media. you can see the $15 million project is well under way. a lot of that work still needs to be done to fix the chairs on
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the orchestra level, which will be replaced with removable seats and on a motorized platform. they will host standing room only events like concerts. the event is set to reopen next summer. many of us here in the bay area are no longer a stranger to long commutes. >> nothing compares to that of one new york city hair stylist. they works at a manhattan salon, however she lives in charlotte, north carolina. her commute includes an uber to the airport, an hour and a half flight, then a bus, before getting on a train. she travels nearly 600 miles before she paints her first highlight. she says the commute has saved her thousands in rent for a new york city apartment. >> i stay at my friend jenny's house and i pay her a little bit for rent, so it works out both ways. that was one of the things that made it really affordable to do
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this back and forth, since i don't have to get a hotel every time. >> i love how hair stylists talk and keep doing their work. she says she's been doing this super commute for about a year now. new york city estimates 64,000 people travel outside of the tri-state area to work in the big apple. here in the bay area, i know a couple of hair stylists that travel from oregon. >> didn't we do a story? chris did one. he's a stylist. >> we had a college student who lived in l.a. and he would go back and forth. >> that's true. >> let's jump to a $59 southwest flight. >> it's cheaper. >> she was couch surfing with her friend jenny. >> maybe she does jenny's hair. >> it might be an even trade. hopefully your commute is a lot shorter this morning. let me show you what you'll see as you're heading out and getting to work. we're starting out with a
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beautiful view of the golden gate bridge this morning that is all clear for now. we'll continue to see just a few clouds overhead. and here is a look at our high temperatures for today. we will be much warmer than yesterday afternoon, and indeed warmer than the weather we had over the weekend where a lot of us only made it up to about 50 degrees. today it will be in the mid to upper 70s with morgan hill reaching a high of 77. moving over toward the east bay, oakland 71, and we'll see some mid-70s for the tri-valley, pleasanton and fremont 74 degrees, in san francisco, we'll be in the upper 60s, in the mission district and downtown. for the north bay, it will be 74 in sonoma and 76 in ukiah, with a light wind and sunshine. so here is a look at the bigger picture of what's happening. high pressure is here, and we're seeing that keeping the sky clear. it's going to steer any clouds we're seeing in the pacific up and around the bay area. we will continue to be dry as
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high pressure slowly moves to our south, and then possibly by the middle of next week we could see rain chances coming back. until then, it looks great for the weekend and into early next. so in napa we're going to see temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s, and then there will be a slight cooldown. toward the end of next week, we'll be back in the upper 60s. so we are not completely done with cooler weather. but we are going to be warm, at least into the weekend, into the start of next week. a lot of sunshine, dry weather. it looks great for anything you have planned outdoors. and in san francisco we'll see temperatures in the upper 60s, extending into next monday. mike, are you seeing more slowing out of the east bay? >> we are. in fact, we were watching this camera at the richmond side of the bridge. it looked like there was a traffic break. turns out it was two larger, slower moving vehicles, but it effectively was a bit of a traffic break. things are moving smoothly.
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some folks may have been held up for a few seconds. not a major issue traveling west. the richmond slowing blends in with the slowing past golden gate fields. eastbound highway 4, counter the morning commute, it's been the slower drive for many mornings over the last few weeks. a little slowing across toward foster city. back to you. coming up, fighting climate change with bricks, sort of. ahead on "today in the bay," an inside look at the
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welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." turning now to our climate in crisis, imagine if you could store as much energy as a tesla model x, with only a brick. that's already the reality, thanks to a bay area startup which designed bricks which look sort of like giant legos. if you stack enough of these bricks together, it allows industrial plants to stop using fossil fuels, offering the potential of low tech, low cost climate solutions. ceo john o'donnell based in alameda shows how they can take a brick, put it in a toaster and heat it up to 1,500 degrees. the bricks radiate heat and it is stored from clean energy and can be used in the heavy manufacturing industry. they stack the bricks which radiate heat as a power source.
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this could eliminate 15% of the world's heat-trapping co2 emissions. >> to solve the climate crisis, we need to go big fast. and this is pretty boring, and boring is a good way to go big and fast, because there aren't any questions about how much we can make, how fast we can make, or how long it will last. >> it isn't too good to be true. it really effective and it's inexpensive. the bricks cost one-tenth or less than a battery, an electric battery unit. >> they are already proving it works at the ethanol fuel plant in the central valley, putting it in use in america's first commercial heat battery. it's showing the potential of changing how the world manufactures everyday items with a small environmental impact. for more stories on how climate change is impacting the bay area and solutions, go to
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right now at 6:30, convicted killer scott peterson gets another day in court. we're live ahead of its hearing this morning and his team's push
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for a new trial. a commute many won't soon forget, thousands of drivers stuck for hours after protesters shut down traffic across the bay area. >> nobody is doing nothing and everybody is waiting, for what? >> from the arrests made to the protesters' pleas, we have the latest. win or go home for the golden state warriors. where you can gather along with dub nation to cheer them on in what we hope is the start of their playoff journey. this is "today in the bay." let's do it again. let's get another ring. good morning, thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. let's have a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall has a look at what we can expect and i'm liking it. >> it's nice and cool and clear, we have nothing but sunshine in our forecast and it's going to
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be warming up. most of us are at 50 degrees and it's sunny. our highs will be in the low 70s for the east bay, as well as some mid to upper 70s heading toward the tri-valley, concord into the upper 70s. we'll see a high of 77 in san jose. going into the next few days, expect more temperatures like these. i'll show you what's ahead as we make it closer to the weekend in a few minutes. convicted killer scott peterson due back in court virtually later today. this is for a hearing on a possible new murder trial. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab, she's live for us outside of the courthouse in redwood city. do we know exactly what's expected to happen today? >> reporter: well, good morning, marcus. today is the first of three hearings that are set to determine whether or not scott peterson will be granted another trial. it's been 20 years since peterson was convicted of murdering his wife, laci, and their unborn son.
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now, back in 2002, peterson told investigators he left the morning of christmas eve to fish in berkeley. the remains of laci and their unborn son surfaced months later, a few miles from where scott said he was fishing. now, about a month ago, peterson appeared once again in court on zoom. his new lawyers are part of the l.a. innocence project. they're making a case that there is enough new evidence to grant peterson another trial. they want the judge to review evidence which did not make it into the court 20 years ago. that was tied to a robbery that took place near the petersons' home in modesto. the lawyers say modesto police withheld evidence and dismissed this robbery too quickly. another focal point, a burned-out van and stained mattress found the day after laci disappeared. peterson's lawyers ask asked for
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dna testing. prosecutors say they have been already taken up on initial appeal and litigated in the original trial. 51-year-old peterson has maintained his innocence throughout his conviction. this is not the first time that he has attempted to get another trial, and we will closely monitor this, and bring you updates online and on air on whether or not this attempt will be successful. >> we certainly will be watching. ginger conejero saab for us this morning, thank you. and our coverage on scott peterson's latest court battle continues. ahead on our streaming show at 8:00 a.m., we will be joined by legal analyst steven clark who will dive deeper into how this legal process is going to play out. more protests are expected today following a long day of protests which shut down bay area bridge, the golden gate and freeways. the message is to draw attention to the human toll of the war between israel and hamas, and
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the united states' role in providing resources. kris sanchez joins us with what we can expect later this morning. >> reporter: the political protest is expected to center on sunnyvale where workers and other demonstrators will demand that google pull out of a $1.2 billion contract with the israeli government and military. in the bay area, members of the no tech for apartheid campaign tells us they will show up in force at google's sunnyvale campus, the headquarters of the cloud branch. similar protests are expected at the google campus in chelsea in new york city and at the google campus in seattle as well. we don't expect the kind of disruption we saw yesterday in the bay area with protesters blocking the golden gate bridge for hours with that goal of drawing attention to the u.s. government's financial assistance to israel. it was the same goal on 880 in oakland where the chp says protesters chained themselves to 55 gallon drums filled with cement.
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in this video, you see the delicate work with jackhammers and heavy duty material removing those protesters without hurting them. the cement had to be cut away, the pvc pipe had to be cut away without hurting protesters. in our last update from the chp, we understand 38 people were arrested between though different protests. the initial charges are conspiracy to commit a crime and unlawful assembly. some of them will be prosecuted by the san francisco district attorney's office, others by the alameda county district attorney's office, and to give you a little perspective, as we saw in last year's bay bridge shutdown, most protesters end up serving community service. we talked with a legal analyst who says part of the problem is that california law has not kept pace with what's happening now. >> other states actually have crimes that make it unlawful to protest by blocking traffic. california doesn't have that. the california unlawful assembly
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law was enacted in 1872, before there were cars. our laws haven't kept pace with what is happening in real time. >> reporter: so in fremont, lawful was able to keep protesters off the freeway near the tesla plant. at one point they deployed pepper balls. if you were stuck in traffic wondering, what does this have to do with me? the protesters' goal is to draw attention to the military action against the people of gaza, and to bay area tech's role and the role of our federal government in that conflict. if they can get some people to take a stand and put pressure on lawmakers, the protests will have accomplished something. however, there are a lot of people who are frustrated by the personal cost of sitting in traffic and missing work and appointments, who could be turned off altogether. now, we expect the protests at google cloud headquarters in sunnyvale to begin around 11:00 this morning. we'll be there and bring you a report in our midday news, which
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is also at 11:00. >> thank you, kris. well, san francisco sheriff paul miyamoto later today will address ongoing problems behind the walls of the county jails, currently leaving inmates on lockdown. the guards over the weekend launched a lockdown inside two sf jail facilities. this is following a recent surge in violence against jail staff. guards say multiple deputies have been injured since march. the national guard is also being called in to help maintain safety. leaders are now promising to address low staffing levels. santa clara county supervisors will discuss the potential impact from the proposed closure of regional medical's trauma center in san jose. the hospital announced the closure in february, citing low patient volume. also on the chopping block, a program treating the most severe heart attack patients, and a downsized stroke response program. valley medical would become the closest trauma center, about eight miles away. today's hearing is scheduled for
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2:00 this afternoon. the warriors tonight will visit some old friends. the only problem is, afterward, someone will be heading home. the nba postseason tip-off in the play-in round, the tenth seeded warriors play down the road against the ninth seeded kings in sacramento. yesterday they boarded a bus for the 85 mile drive. whoever wins tonight advances to face the loser of tonight's other conference play-in game between the lakers and new orleans. the team will also host a watch party in thrive city, outside chase center. it is free, but attendees are encouraged to rsvp because it's first come, first served. those doors will open at 5:30 and the tip-off is at 7:00. >> should be fun. >> it should be. meteorologist kari hall has a look at what we can expect if you're going to go out today. what do we need, kari? >> i think you can just go out and enjoy the sunshine. it's going to be comfortable. looking at whether you're going
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to sacramento or staying in san francisco, we're going to see some really great weather, even tonight in sacramento it's going to be in the mid-70s at tip-off. then we're going to see throughout the evening, dropping down to the mid-60s. here is a look at our high temperatures around the bay area, with novato and napa up to 73 today. upper 70s for san jose, down to san martin, and mid-70s for the tri-valley. we'll talk about the weekend coming up. mike says there's no major surprises. >> no major surprises. very pleasant through san jose, a little build. a general build for 880 south past the san mateo bridge. this evening we're looking at the a's playing at 6:40. tomorrow is a midday game. then, of course, tonight we have the overnight maintenance closing the webster tube, oakland into alameda. the posey tube will remain open. if you need to get to the island, use the bridges to the south. a typical build through contra costa county. no surprises. again, 880, open this morning,
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we had some problems yesterday, we talked about those protests there. no closures of the golden gate bridge. a beautiful drive. back to you. >> thanks, mike. coming up, a bride's worst nightmare. we're going to tell you what happened at her house that has police looking for this suspect. plus, it's day two of the trump trial in the first criminal trial, and a keystone state, pennsylvania, is going to be very important to the upcoming election. and counting down to the summer olympics. yes, the torch will be lit overnight. it was just actually done overnight, and it's heading next -- well, we're going to talk about that when we return. plus, we hear from one gymnast hoping to make olymp history ic
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good tuesday morning. right now at 6:44, we're getting a look at santa clara and what to expect through the next several hours. right now at 51, there is a clear sky that we'll see continue throughout today, and our temperatures heat up quickly. we'll be in the low 70s by 1:00, and eventually reaching into the upper 70s today. we'll talk about this warm-up and if there's a cooldown on the horizon coming up in a few minutes. we are looking at more traffic at the richmond side of the bridge. we're watching one truck with flashing lights that have been going on for over an hour.
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hopefully they're not just using their battery. we have more caltrans trucks on the shoulder. we have no caltrans issues on the span. we'll show you where there's more of a build coming up. well, president joe biden is heading to his home state of pennsylvania today to campaign. >> scott mcgrew, his rival, donald trump, was just there and claimed ties to the state as well. >> sure, pennsylvania is very important. good morning. former president trump went to the horton school of business, president biden was born in scranton. pennsylvania, very important in the race for president. president biden will try to contrast his approach to taxes on his three-day trip to pennsylvania. biden pushing for higher taxes for anyone who makes more than $400,000 a year. president trump, as you remember, pushed through a tax cut for the rich. biden often asks, should the tax code work for the rich or the middle class. at the white house yesterday, the president indicated he was not following the criminal trial taking place
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in new york city, the first criminal trial of a former president. shaking his head no when he was asked about it. the white house has been careful not to comment on trump's legal trouble. in some cases, like the january 6th case, the doj, the u.s. government, is the prosecutor. in the new york case, the doj has no role. it's being handled by the manhattan district attorney. yesterday was the first day of jury selection in that case. no jurors selected yet. the court used up a lot of time hearing arguments as to what should and should not be presented in the trial, for instance, the jury will not be shown the access hollywood tape, but they can hear about it. they can hear from another woman who said she had an affair with trump and was paid off, but not that trump's wife melania was pregnant at the time. on capitol hill, the speaker of the house, mike johnson, says he'll bring three bills to the floor, one to help ukraine, one
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to help israel and one to help pacific allies like taiwan. these will match a single bill already passed by the senate. >> we know the world is watching us to see how we react. we have terrorists and tyrants and terrible leaders around the world like putin and xi and in iran, and they're watching to see if america will stand up for its allies and our own interests around the globe, and we will. >> that's notable. not only did johnson call putin a tyrant, he reminded his fellow republicans, many of whom are against helping ukraine, the money we spend on ukraine is mostly spent in america. >> importantly, 68% of this package is the replenishment of our own munitions, our own weapons. those are american jobs that build upgraded weapons and ammo here, and so a lot of those things need to be explain, they need to be analyzed independently. and i think we will probably do that here in this legislation and make it clear to people what
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exactly they're voting for and why. finally, being tax day yesterday, the bidens made their tax returns public. as a couple, they made $619,000. the president makes $400,000, dr. biden makes $86,000. they paid 146,000 in taxes and donated $20,000 to charity. >> thank you so much. well, the search is under way for a thief who swiped a wedding dress straight from the bride's front porch. it happened last thursday in redwood city. this is video of a man police say grabbed several packages from the same home on adams street. the wedding dress alone cost $2,000. anyone with information is being asked to contact redwood city police. >> why do you have to take a dress? >> i wonder if he knew. >> he probably didn't, but he should take it back. here we go, marking 100 days until the start of the summer games in paris starting tomorrow. and now the olympic flame is
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burning brightly in greece at the birthplace of the games. the ceremony echoing ancient greece took place early this morning. that event launches the torch relay that will culminate in paris on july 26th. that torch will be carried more than 3,000 miles to france's capital. >> very cool. >> some of team usa's top olympic hopefuls will be in new york this week. >> that includes gold medal gymnast suni lee. you'll maybe she made history in tokyo becoming the first asian american woman to win gold in the all-around. she says preparing for the next olympic games hasn't been easy. over the next year she battled a kidney condition that at times left her fingers very swollen, so she couldn't get her grip right. the last competed in the all-around in elite gymnastics in tokyo, but she says she's on the comeback trail. >> health-wise i'm doing way
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better, i've been in remission, i've been able to be in the gym for long hours. this journey hasn't been easy, especially after the olympics and, like, dealing with my health issues, not knowing if i was going to be here. it's motivated me and that's the kind of motivation i need every single day. >> wow, that should motivate all of us to go to the gym. maybe not at her level, though. u.s. gymnastics trials are set for the end of june in her home town of minneapolis. she says she's excited because she hasn't competed there since she was 13 years old. the dream realized. the opening ceremony for the summer games is coming up in paris july 26th. of course, you can watch olympics coverage start to finish, exclusively on nbc bay area. we're very excited. >> can you imagine that, for the ladies gymnastics, you would have suni lee, gabriel douglas, as well as simone biles. >> it's like the basketball
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dream team. >> exactly. [ laughter ] >> that's what the olympics provides, just inspiration. >> very true. >> we all feel like we can do it. >> i'm good at watching the olympics. >> i used to dance around with a ribbon with my sister when we were little. >> i used to slide around on the kitchen floor with my socks on like i was ice-skating. >> exactly. it's where dreams are made. >> i still do that. [ laughter ] all right, well, let's get started this morning. we are waking up to beautiful sunshine. it's going to be a great day. and we're going to have temperatures in the low 50s to start. and looking at san jose, we are going to see this all throughout today. look at the sun coming over the hills there. as we take a look at what may be bothering a lot of us right now, the pollen count, it's oak, mulberry and grass.
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so if you've been sneezing, you have itchy eyes, this may be what you're allergic to. we have a medium amount of dust pollen and a low amount of mold. as we're getting out and enjoying warmer weather we'll see today, comparing it to what's normal for this time of year, usually we're seeing temperatures in santa rosa in the upper 60s. today we'll see a high of 73, and 77 in concord, about the same in san jose, and oakland, up to 71 degrees, when normal is 66. we'll reach a high of 66 in san francisco. mid to upper 70s for the south bay, low 70s for the inner bay. as you make your way into the tri-valley and delta, it will be in the upper 70s. palo alto, 75, half moon bay will reach 66, and 66 for the outer sunset. north bay temperatures in the low to mid-70s. so feeling much warmer than it was yesterday, and the cold and rainy weather we had over the
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weekend has now caused a severe weather outbreak as it moves through the midwest. we're watching for the possibility of some tornadoes in those areas for the next couple of days. high pressure building here, that's going to keep it sunny and warming up, and we'll see that slowly moving through as we go into the beginning of next week. so our weather is going to be very pleasant, and not a chance of rain here through at least next monday. we'll see temperatures for the weekend in the mid to upper 70s inland, and san francisco will see highs in the mid-60s. mike, you're saying it's getting crowded on the san mateo bridge. >> not unexpectedly crowded. this is a standard build. we had traffic almost stopping and then kind of evening out as the rush happens over here west 91. we see slowing sensors heading toward the incline. we had slowing into foster city. no incidents reported, but we're looking at a slow build for 880. back to you. >> thank you very much. 6:54. happening now, a former san jose
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fire captain stands accused of crimes against a young teen. investigators accuse spencer parker of sending illicit pictures with the intent of engaging in sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl. the case stems from sacramento county. san jose police say it's conducting its own investigation. the city manager confirms parker is no longer employed with the city. up next, a look at our top stores, including scott peterson back in court with hopes of gaining a new trial.
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6:58 this morning. welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories on "today in the bay." >> starting with a live look outside the redwood city courthouse where convicted killer scott peterson is
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expected to appear virtually for a new hearing on a possible murder trial. peterson murdered his pregnant wife laci and their unborn son 20 years ago. in january, the l.a. innocence project picked up the case believing police withheld evidence and disregarded possible ties to a robbery in modesto. this will be the first of three hearings. protesters plan to gather at google in sunnyvale to bring attention to the company's association with what it describes as funding israel over the war in gaza. it comes as yesterday palestinian supporters brought traffic to a standstill for hours on the golden gate bridge and both directions of interstate 880. now, authorities made dozens of arrests. this was all part of a coordinated global protest timed with april 15th tax deadline today and u.s. tax dollars provided to israel. last night, a similar protest outside of tesla's
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factory in fremont, dozens gathering. at one point police shot pepper balls toward demonstrators and they took down temporary fencing. this time chp made sure protesters did not spill onto the interstate. so far, no word on arrests connected with this protest. the "today" show is moments away. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. at 8:00 this morning, legal analyst steven clark will join us on set to discuss the scott peterson case. >> a lot going on on our 8:00 streaming show. make sure to join us. thank you for joining us on "today in the bay." the "today" show starts now. >> remember, it's easy to find us at good t. tensions only mounting in the middle east this morning. >> and spillin good tuesday morning. tensions only mounting in the middle east this morning. >> and spilling over into the streets here at home. it's april 16th. this is "today".


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