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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  April 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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hi, everyone. good to be with you. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm ellison barber. kate snow is on assignment. "nbc news daily" starts right now.
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today, tuesday, april 16th, to 24. choosing nobody. it's day two of jury selection in former president trump's historic criminal trial, why it's so hard to find new yorkers that fit the bill. trying again. convicted killer scott peterson is back in court today. not adding up? those airline loyalty programs millions of travelers use are facing scrutiny from the federal government. and net gains. caitlin clark is officially a wnba pro, you may not believe what she'll be making her rookie season, the salary that has some fans calling foul. we're going to start this hour in new york city and the second day of the historic criminal trial of former president donald trump. >> today is day two of the jury
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selection process, no jurors have been selected just yet, 12 jurors and 6 alternates need to be pick so the trial can begin in earnest despite a gag order against him, trump has not be shy about voicing his frustration at the judge and the spire process. take a listen to what he said. >> this is a trial that should have never been brought. i'd say it's trial that's being locked all over the world, they're looking at it and analyzing it. every legal pundit, every legal scholar said this trial is a disgrace. we have a trump-hating judge. we have a judge who shouldn't be on this case. he's totally conflicted. >> leading us off this hour, vaughn hillyard outside the courthouse. also with us is nbc legal analyst danny cevlalos. where does jury selection stand right now.
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>> reporter: talking about intense, this is an intense process, this jury selection over the last 24 hours, let me explain why here, these are folks, new yorkers who received a jury summons like anyone in america, they came to this courthouse yesterday morning, they all answered a 42 questionnaire. about them, ever supported a candidate before, i mean, we're talking about pretty detailed questions. do they follow donald trump on social media. at that point some individuals moved on and then this morning, there was another round of intense questioning that came directly from the prosecutors, but also donald trump's own defense attorneys, asking them more about the extent to which they can be fair and impartial. the most intense processing is happening right now in realtime the attorneys for donald trump are contesting and questioning some individuals who could be potential jurors and potentially removing them from the
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courthouse and the potential jury panel for cause and one of those is going through their old social media posts, one individual being called out for his tweet from 2016, normal new yorkers, let hear from one dismissed juror we talked to this morning. left the courthouse and talked to us about the experience. >> did you make eye contact with him? >> yes, yeah. >> at what point? >> i i believe right before i started to read off the questionnaire and right after i finish before i got up to go. >> add another level of nervousness or tension that you fete with him sitting there? >> i think so. it made the whole thing feel more real. >> reporter: she was a dismissed juror but still dozens of folks inside who are facing life questions about their positions about donald trump, all of them
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could very well be the next individuals who sit on that jury of 12 to determine donald trump's fate. >> danny remind us how this process works from the lawyers' point of view, can trump's defense team say, nope, not on that one, one no means it's gone. how does the back and forth play out. >> the first choice is using fore clause challenges, this person categorically can't be a juror, maybe they're a huge trump fan or a huge biden fan. maybe they'll say i can't be unbiased. the only limitation, ever since the supreme court decision is that you can't exclude people based on things like race. other than that, you can use those -- you want to save them. you use for cause.
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>> katie fang talked about this idea of a juror who lies or hides their true beliefs. >> this is a huge issue and really based on the news that one juror was excluded because the defense found evidence of a tweet and i don't believe it was the same juror that was interviewed by vaughn but a different juror who apparently tweeted something anti-trump the defense apparently reportedly found. i've been saying since the beginning that the stealth juror is something that needs to be guarded against particularly in this case because you might have to someone who wants to be a historic trial and be part of history, or maybe they have an ax to grind. >> thank you both. we appreciate it. now to another court hearing, with implications for the former president the supreme court is weighing arguments in a case brought by a man charged in the january 6th capitol riot at the heart of it is the criminal charge of obstruction of an
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official proceeding it's being used in hundreds of january 6th prosecutions including the federal election interference case against the former president. ken dilanian joins us now. ken, can you take us through today's arguments today and which way do the justices seem to be leaning here in. >> reporter: this law makes it a crime to obstruct an official proceeding. it's also two of four charges against donald trump. law, a penalty of up to 20 years who obstructs or impedes any official proceeding. now lawyers for a former police officer charged in the january 6th riot are arguing the second part of the statute has been wrongly -- they say it only implies to people who altered documents.
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in terms of which the justices are leaning, conservatives expressed concerns that it's too broad. it allows doj to charge peaceful protesters. some justices tried to find a compromise, limit how the law is applied to allow the january 6th cases to go ahead. >> ken dilanian with the latest from washington, thank you. new developments this hour in the decades-old scott peterson murder case, he appeared virtually in court today seeking a new trial, maintained that he was wrongfully convicted in the murders of his pregnant wife lacey and his unborn child. liz kruetz reports. convicted killer scott peterson set to appear back in court virtually today as he continues his latest quest for a new trial
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now with the help with the los angeles innocence project. >> i see mr. peterson trying to unmute. >> reporter: peterson, now 51, last seen at a hearing a month ago, zooming in from prison, sporting long hair pulled back in a ponytail. his new attorney argued for the release of evidence she says should have been made available at the time of the trial. >> mr. peterson has been waiting 20 years to find some of these police reports and audio recordings and video recordings that should have been provided. >> reporter: peterson is serving a life sentence without parole for the 2002 murders for his pregnant wife lacey and unborn child. police say peterson dumped the bodies. where months later their bodies washed up. but the l.a. innocence project says there is overlooked evidence, suggesting they may have been killed by burglars who broke into the home across the street from the peterson's. the l.a. innocence project is also pointing to a burned-out orange van, containing a bloody mattress said to have been found in modesto, the morning after
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lacey disappeared. they want to do a sample of that van to determine if there is any of lacey's dna. a former modesto police detective, one of the lead investigators on the original case, says he never knew about the van at the time. >> do you think there is a possibility that it is connected to this case? >> i guess there is a possibility. but i think it is kind of like the possibility of the sun rising in the west tomorrow. i just really don't think it's there. >> reporter: criminal defense attorney has been following the case for years and believes peterson didn't get a fair trial. >> i know he didn't get a fair trial because a fair trial would have been that all of the information would have been provided to the defense. it's time now for money minute. meta's oversight board is looking into a growing problem. queen bey's impact is being felt way beyond the music industry. fed chair jerome powell said recent inflation data may force
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to central bank to wait longer to cut rates. while it showed strength in the labor market a lack of progress this year on getting to the ideal goal of 2% inflation, powell told a panel if prices stay high the fed can keep rates at their current level for quote as long as needed. meta's oversight board, enforcing those policies properly. as people from across the world, celebrities like taylor swift to high school students have fallen prey to the online abuse. and cowboy carter, beyonce's first country music features levi's jeans, store traffic at levi's location increased 20% the weekend of the album's release. i love beyonce but not enough to go out and buy cowboy botts.
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>> that's a dangerous thing to say on this show. >> i did order her merchandise as soon as it came out. i have a cowboy carter t-shirt and a vinyl and a cd. >> i'd like some cowboy boots. >> thanks, steve. coming up, the justice department will reportedly sue the nation's largest live entertainment company, what that could mean for music fans. plus a boeing's whistle-blower speaks out exclusively to nbc news, his concerns over the company's most concerns over the company's most uhhh. katie! i knew i'd find you here. i know, it's wild. i'm you from the future! anyway our doctor figured it out. all that constipation with belly pain that keeps coming back, it's ibs—c. she said linzess could help you get ahead of it.
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so you can say yes to more than ever. yes-s-s! yes. yes! (mixed shouts, laughter) no. depend. the only thing stronger than us is you. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy.
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okay, you remember the total chaos when ticket master's website crashed during the taylor swift eras tour. >> i'm not getting tickets. >> that saga sparked a senate hearing where lawmakers from both sides slammed ticketmaster's parent company live nation. the justice department is reportedly planning to sue the entertainment company for breaking antitrust laws. >> brian cheung, tell us more about the doj accusations here. >> the government doesn't want those tears to go to not, when
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it comes to the story here, coming from the wall street journal, reported there's going to be some suit from the doj perhaps as soon as next month that could go after live nation and ticketmaster for using their dominance in this space to stifle tickets prices. ticket master and live nation have defended themselves in the past. not the first time we've seen criticism. they have insisted that we don't really set the prices on the tickets or the fees. they say it's the artists and the venues that do so. the taylor swift episode, right, it's an open question about whether or not their market concentration in this space may not give consumers not the best experience. >> brian, the other open question, what is this lawsuit hoping to change if glit's hoping to change maybe the invitation of other competition into the space, livenation and
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ticketmaster consolidated in 2010, the government approved that merger at the time. but questions whether or not they continued to gain consolidation that would disadvantaged the consumer. to be more up front about their fees. beginning steps to address what's the overallish sue of pretty high ticket prices. >> offer to resolve that bad blood. >> thanks, brian. ahead of his testimony in front of the senate tomorrow, a boeing whistle-blower, he alleges that 787 dreamliner fleet has structural flaws. after he said in a press briefing that boeing took shortcuts to speed up the production of those planes. >> boeing has insistd that the planes are safe. here's tom costello. >> reporter: good afternoon.
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the bottom line is, this boeing engineer who's a quality engineer at boeing in washington state is raising concerns about the 787. his concern is that the pieces of the fuselage that come together, the main body of the plane, that they have too big of a gap between their pieces. they're supposed to be fasten and right up against each other. but he claims the gap is too big wide, as a result he believes the plane could come apart in air and people could in fact die. it's a very dramatic claim coming from a boeing engineer who's generally not prone to hyperbole we're told. he wants changes. take a listen to this interview. should boeing ground the 787 right now to check the gap sizes? >> i would say they need to. >> the entire fleet worldwide >> the entire fleet worldwide as far as i'm concerned right now
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needs attention. the attention is you need to make sure that you don't have the potential for premature failure. >> that's a boeing engineer who really believes that the entire fleet worldwide, a thousand 787s should be grounded to check for any signs of fatigue for the potential of the plane breaking apart in air. boeing as you would expect says that this is completely inaccurate, boeing released the following statement, boeing says the following, we're fully confident in the 787 dreamliner. these claims about the structural integrity of the 787 are inaccurate and don't represent the comprehensive work that boeing has done to ensure the long-term safety of the aircraft. the analysis has validated that these issues don't present any safety concerns and the aircraft will remain -- maintain its
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service life over several decades. that's from boeing. the bottom line here is, this is coming ahead of the congressional testimony on capitol hill in which they're looking at boeing based on several problems with the 737 max as well as the door plug issue and now a boeing quality engineer claiming that the 787 may not be safe. back to you. >> tom costello, thank you. more tonight on "nightly news" with lester holt. coming up the university of southern california cancels its valedictorian's speech. the student's response. that's next on "nbc news daily". my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body
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kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low blood sodium. kidney damage from ckd in type 2 diabetes is not reversible. don't wait to ask your doctor if kerendia is right for you. good tuesday, everyone. this is "the fast forward" on "nbc news daily." i'm janelle wang. scott peterson gets another day in court as he seeks to overturn his conviction. ginger conejero saab was in the courtroom. >> reporter: today's hearing wrapped up in less than 30 minutes. it was pretty straightforward. the defense attorney, who has been following this case, said you can't really make interesting out of boring. today was a lot of legal talk. scott petepeterson made an appearance in court virtually. he didn't say much. you are looking at file video of his last court appearance. that happened as well then.
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he only confirmed today that he could see and hear the proceedings from the prison where he is serving a life sentence without parole. the judge was expected to rule on a motion set forth by his lawyers. the defense withdrew their motion. both parties, prosecutors and defense attorneys, agreed to keep a particular letter with names of potential witnesses redacted as it already is. the attorney who is not related to this case broke down what happened. >> after a lot of lawyer talk, the defense basically withdrew their motion, because really most of what they were asking for regarding sealing was already under seal. >> the big aspect of this case moving forward will be the retesting of dna evidence or new testing of dna evidence. that will be key. if they can show lacy peterson
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was in the burned out van, that's a game changer. >> reporter: from a previous hearing, we know the defense put forth this motion to protect the identity of witnesses who want to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation. prosecuors made the case they are redacted and a quarter have been made public to some degree at some point. moving forward, the motion to be considered in may might be more fascinating to many. this deals with a motion to order for dna testing. that motion will be considered on may 29th. ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. here are some other stories that are going on. san francisco leaders are working on ongoing problems in jails. new speed cameras are expected to be approved. three people in connection with a weekend shooting that
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left two teenage girls dead in napa are fashioning charges -- are facing charges. mourners left flowers and candles where they died saturday night. the killings happened on riverside drive in napa. the unidentified victims were 17 and 19 years old. in san francisco, transit leaders will vote on a plan to roll out new speed cameras next year. mta members are expected to approve the use at 33 locations. six cities including san francisco, oakland and san jose will receive the cameras. later today, the san francisco sheriff will address ongoing problems behind the walls of the county jails. gart guards launched a lockdown inside two jails following a search and violence against staff. multiple deputies have been injured since march. the national guard is being called in to help maintain
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safety. leaders are promising to address low staffing levels. let's talk about our weather. it's warming up. here is kari hall with our forecast. >> as we look at our high temperatures, it's warmer than the way we started the week. we are up to 75 for the tri-valley and 77 for san jose. the interior east bay and the north bay, temperatures in the low 70s today. san francisco will be in the mid 60s. slightly warmer for tomorrow. well above normal temperatures all around the bay with a high of 71 expected tomorrow in san mateo. 78 in napa and dublin. fremont in the upper 70s. we see that continue into thursday. there's no change for the weekend as the dry weather stays with the bay area. we will talk about the eventual cooldown and when we may see some rain coming up in our next forecast. >> you can get your local
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forecast and all the local news on our website. that does it for this edition of "the fast forward." i will be back in 30 minutes with more local news and weather. ♪ that colonoscopy for getting screened ♪ ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1?
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olay super serum activates on skin to hydrate, smooth, visibly firm, brighten, and improve texture. it's my best skin yet. olay when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. depend keeps you drier than ever, so you can say yes to more than ever. yes-s-s! yes. yes! (mixed shouts, laughter) no. depend. the only thing stronger than us is you. ♪♪
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♪♪ bounce back fast from heartburn with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. ♪♪ bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily". new report finds china play ascii role in the flow of fentanyl to the united states,
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the report submitted by the house select committee on china, claims the chinese government uses tax rebates to subside the export of fentanyl materials. lawmakers have made some recommendations to curb the crisis. fentanyl is the leading cause of death for -- in denmark a fire has caused serious damage to historic building in the capital city of copenhagen. a fire began on its roof during renovations this morning causing its iconic spire to collapse. about half of the building was destroyed. the old stock exchange is filled with priceless paintings and cultural artifacts. the university of southern california will not have its vac deck attorney deliver the 2024 commencement speech, the decision comes as several campus organizations raise concerns about the valedictorian's online
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connection to anti-semitic language, the student told our nbc station in los angeles said the decision is meant to silence her voice. it's about maintaining campus safety, the school says. the u.s. preparing new sanctions on iran comes after iran's retaliatory attack on israel as the biden administration tries to prevent a widening war. >> israel for its part say it will respond to it unprecedented mess sill and drone attack over the weekend. let's begin in monica alba and raf sanchez. raf, you got to see a part of an iranian ballistic missile. >> israel said iran fired aren't 110 ballistic missiles during saturday night's attack. most of them were intercepted. but a number did get through,
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the one we saw israel's military believes was shot down over the occupied west bank. that long tube is actually the fuel tank, it's 36 feet long and when the warhead is attached it's longer still, the israeli military said that warhead weighs more than 1,000 pounds, has the potential to cause just absolutely enormous damage, this one fell into the dead sea, but four of those ballistic missiles landed at an air base, a military air base in southern israel, the israeli military says it caused -- those missiles caused minimal damage and they didn't interfere with the operations at the base. i had a chance to ask the chief spokesperson of the israeli military, will israel's response be in form of missiles and bombs, could it be something like a cyberattack? he would not comment, he merely said israel will respond at a
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time and in a manner of its choosing. guys? >> monica, talk to us a little bit about these new sanctions, what do we know about them and what is the biden administration doing behind the scenes to try to de-escalate. >> we heard from treasury secretary yellen said treasury will be rolling out these new sanctions in response to the attack from iran, we also know that the president met with the leaders of the g7 over the weekend they hinted at future moves, that could be other economic sanctions to. the u.s. is saying it will be up to israel to determine that course in terms of how it responds and we got a little bit more insight into that from u.n. ambassador linda thomas-greenfield. listen. >> israel's war cabinet will make the decision about what israel will do. we have certainly given our
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advice, and we'll continue to support israel should they experience the kind of attack that they just experienced from iran. over the weekend. >> reporter: the u.s. says it won't participate in whatever the response from israel to iran is, guys, and their main message is, they don't want to see this widen into a deeper and broader conflict in an already-fragile situation. >> thank you both. the stage is officially set for the impeachment trial of homeland security mayorkas on capitol hill. house impeachment managers delivered the articles against mayorkas to the senate today. back in if house republicans impeached the secretary by a single vote. the gop has criticized his handling of the u.s./mexico border. ali vitali joins us with more from capitol hill. walk us through all of this. senators will be sworn in as jurors tomorrow afternoon, but this is a democratic control
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senate. how long could this trial last. >> reporter: ellison, it's a democrat-controlled senate, the majority leader has said he's going to motion to dismiss this, a simple fact that democrats had 51 seats as they do in the senate there are nowhere near the number of votes they'd need to convict the homeland security secretary. not all 49 republicans are in agreement about the fact that mayorkas should even be in this position in the first place. several aides and senators have said to me this is not the vehicle they would pick to remedy the ongoing situation at the border and the policy clashes that republicans have had with biden administration and secretary mayorkas. nevertheless this is the way the house is putting to the senate, tomorrow, we'll watch the senate part of this process kicks off.
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pretty short-lived. not to say we'll see a few fireworks. this is step one. the second part of the that process kicks off tomorrow afternoon. >> anything that republicans, if they wanted to, could do to make this trial last longer. >> reporter: certainly, we've seen some of them try, especially because there was a prsh campaign that was started when this was supposed to happen last week, it was supposed to happen on a thursday, which is usually a fly out day here in the senate, various senators argued that this trial and these articles should be moved to an earlier point in the week so the senate could have the full week to consider them, those folks are pressing for a trial, they probably won't get it. again, all of that being hammered out in realtime right now. but pretty short lived. >> ali on capitol hill, thank you. let's talk with travel,
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you're very likely planning a getaway, maybe you're going to use credit card miles to pay for your next flight. you're not alone. 41% of americans have a travel reward card. congress is schedule a hearing to see if companies are delivering the perks on. >> reporter: whether in some cases companies might be denying those perks to pad their own bottom lines. in particular here we're talking about airline rewards credit cards and the cfpb found at one point last year it fined a big bank for offering perks to sign up to these credit cards and not
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actually getting the miles and points and putting them in people's accounts. now this is not a statement of wrongdoing this is happening on wide scale another example of the administration trying to show the american people that it gets it. right and left, they're often not getting what they deserve in terms of the consumer dollar, also here another pretty interesting point here, it points out that credit card interest rates are quite high. the government's watchdog for consumer finances and in many cases some of the biggest banks are charging up to 30 percent apr on credit cards, that means if you sign up for these perks yd then you carry a balance you may be getting some miles or some points or some cash back, but you're paying a lot of money in interest, also pointing out that many of the best cards for rewards also charge very high annual fees. 200, 300, $400 and higher for
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some of the best cards. trying to shine a light, some transparency on what's going on here, that hearing is expected to be next month. back to you. one of college basketball's biggest stars of the year is now officially a pro. >> with the first pick in 22024 wnba draft, the indiana fever select caitlin clark, the university of iowa. >> caitlin clark, she's preparing to start her rookie season this the wnba, you might think a superstar athlete like clark would be earning a supersized salary. >> her base pay isn't supersized at all. at 76,000 by comparison the top pick in the nba draft last year is making $10 million. joining us a sports writer and co-author loving sports when they don't love you back.
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i saw this number, 76,000, my jaw was on floor but i understand there will some nuance in the disparity in pay. >> lot of context that needs to be understood here. first and foremost, no one understands the economics of basketball than women's baseball player. max salary players can make are double than they were before. that being said, two major things we can point to, one is undervaluing the revenue from a television and sponsorship capacity and the other is the way that revenue-sharing in the wnba works differently. in the nba, players get 15% of all league revenue. wnba get 50% of incremental league revenue. >> interesting, do we know why?
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>> it's about how the league needs to negotiate for growth. between the league and the union they really need it in 2020 to come to a middle ground where they can sustain revenue growth for the league while still raising players salary. >> reporter: endorsement deals. all of these really recognizable faces have gotten big endorsements prior to even going to the pros. walk us through that and how that adds to the salary here? >> from the deals that we know that caitlin clark has and had in college she'll bring in about $3.1 million in sponsorship, that number will continue to rise as more sponsors sign up with her. along tv right deals that the wnba is set to renegotiate in 2025. >> still not a lot for the biggest player, right, can we just say, still really quite low. >> there are rookie maxs and
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mines in the league. >> not lost on me that women's basketball has gotten a lot of eyes, specifically 19 million women's college championship, interest is clearly building, where does the momentum go from here. >> tv rights are valued at $60 million. the commissioner expects that to more than double when the rights are up for renegotiation in 2025. >> that was really helpful. >> thank you. coming up, we'll talk about an alarming problem in women's health, a closer look at why black mothers to be are more likelyo try t f
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in today's daily health, this week is black maternal health week, the alarming number of black women who die each year in pregnancy. >> black women have the highest maternal mortality rate in the u.s. at nearly 70 deaths per 100,000 live births. . three-times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women that's according to the cdc. >> here to discuss this is board certified ob/gyn is dr. camilla
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phillips. you're a practitioner. walk us through the concerns. >> they do have a higher risk of dying in pregnancy in labor and delivery, we need to extend that to first year postpartum. primary care that we have the risk of hypertension, diabetes and also fibroids in pregnancy not to mention stress a huge source of concern for us. >> talk to us a little bit more about the experience that most black mothers have going into a doctor's office, because we've reported on this a lot across the networks. they say we said this was worrying us, i'm having this issue. the doctor downplayed those
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issues. >> i hear that so much, we have to accept it that's true. i actually i use this term advocacy but it's not on the patient to have to advocate for herself, doctors, nurses, the medical field we need to do better in terms of listening to patients, reintroducing compassion and care so we can do the best for them. >> lot of women, black women specifically have turned to doulas for extra support for delivery and postpartum, walk me through what exactly a doula is and does. >> they are a birth and often postpartum and lackation support person. i encourage my patients to build a team around them of people they know, trust and listen to them so that during these really
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critical times they feel have the words or not been able to voice them. >> if you're a patient who's done everything right, i did this, i got the doula, but i'm advocating for myself but i'm still having issues where do you go from there? >> i encourage patients that if you don't feel like you've been heard, run it up the chain, doctors work for the most part within a system and you have the right to feel safe and protected and heard and so if there's a need for you to switch doctors i hope that the relationship can be repaired it's okay to seek a second opinion during your pregnancy. >> i love that tip. i try to slow down the appointments. i wonder, what are your larger tips for staying healthy through
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pregnancy especially as a black woman? >> i would extend this to everyone. that preconception visit, before you get pregnant, we can help identify risk factors for you that can present themselves in pregnancy even if it's a family history of diabetes. we can target hypertension, we can talk about weight loss, all of these things can prepare you for the actual journey. >> how do you see this system repairing or getting better? >> i do see tangible change but we need to break it down and build it up. women deserve to feel safe and we're working on that for you guysvery e if you have both medicare and medicaid, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all these plans include a healthy options allowance, a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter
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officers still to deal with the sideshow problem. the recount of thousands of ballots is underway for the bay area's 16th congressional district race. election workers began sorting and examining about 150,000 ballots. a machine is sorting them today. right now, the race for second place is tied. they each got the exact same number of votes in the march primary. both men are set to advance in a november runoff election against sam liccardo unless a recount changes the numbers. lots of sunny skies this week. here is kari hall. >> we are going to have warmer temperatures over the next several days with a mostly sunny sky. our inland valleys and spots like livermore and san jose as well as santa rosa in the upper 70s and low 80s tomorrow.
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expect the warm weather to stay with us throughout the weekend. 76 on saturday. we will see that continue into monday as well. no rain chances here throughout the seven-day forecast. on thursday, there will be some breezy winds and more clouds in san francisco. highs in the upper 60s. just a slight cooldown on friday. then we see numbers starting to come back up for the weekend as we continue with dry weather in the forecast. looking great. so hopefully you have a chance to enjoy the spring weatr.he
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chris chmura has information on deaths and wills and how important it is and how easily you can write one yourself. >> these legends have one thing in common. not one of them is said to have
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had a will when he died. what if you are not rich and famous? >> every adult should have a wim. it's that simple. >> a 2021 poll found 54% of americans don't have a will. >> for many people, the choice between not having a will or having one you have written yourself, it's worth it to write a will yourself. >> take out a piece of paper and start writing. or start a document on your computer. print it out. you can follow a template online. >> it has to be written and signed by you or two disinterested witnesses. not not in the will. >> what do you write? three essentials. what happens to your kids, who gets your assets and your final arrangements. >> those three things should be in every will. >> those things often get complicated. here is where you can ask for advice. a local legal aid office or a nearby law school. sometimes they offer free advice.
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tell your family where your will is now. later they can find it. when the inevitable happens. >> good to know. thank you, chris. thank you, chris. that does i, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. camilla tried the new scent of gain relax flings
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i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. day morning with the bird and the b. ms. sylvia nolan: i had a huge crush on him. (voiceover) he had this amazing voice. mr. john mckinney: (voiceover) very gregarious. very charismatic. mr. mckinney: and i think the passion that he


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