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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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a penitential move that some say could cause and cost lives. the news at 6:00 starts now, thank you for being with us. we begin tonight with terrifying moments caught on cameron heyward, a man confronting a would-be thief trying to steal the truck, the suspect struck in the middle of the night but got more than they bargained for, here is jody hernandez. >> i did not have a plan when i ran outside the door, i saw people in the car and i wasn't going to let them take my stuff. >> reporter: 54-year-old francis jones calls a pure instinct, he and his wife got an alert from surveillance cameras showing somebody in their truck at 2:30 pm -- 2:30 am, barefoot and half-asleep, he darted out the door to confront the criminals.>> i reached into the truck and grabbed her around the neck. >> reporter: it shows jones pulling the suspect of the truck and holding him by the
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neck, as a yield for his wife to call for police. that's when a second suspect appeared to fire a single shot. >> i had the guy in front of me, i did not plan that, i was holding him in a certain way and when the guy tried to shoot me there was not much of me to hit because the guy was in front of me. >> reporter: it is unclear if the man jones had and they had lot was hit by the bullet but after the shot the two suspects jumped into a getaway car and sped away. >> we should probably think next time about going out there and facing them, because it was really hard to watch some guys shoot my husband. >> reporter: jones' wife says it was terrifying and grateful he is okay. >> i thought next time be a little less tough and don't go out there, or at least go out with a bat. >> in 20 years we've had two cars stolen from in front of her house and at some point you get tired of it and you want to
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stop them, i did not plan to get shot at. >> reporter: hayward police say they encourage people to be good witnesses but confronting criminals isn't wise. >> he could've gone a number of different ways and in these cases you never know if somebody is armed. >> reporter: the suspect ditched the getaway car which was stolen, working to track down the men, meanwhile they are grateful that things turned out okay. >> i think he is a hero to our family, yes. >> reporter: nbc bay area news. >> the mayor of san jose says he is sickened after learning of allegations against a former fire captain, we broke the store yesterday, spencer parker is facing three felony charges of attempted lewd acts with a child, according to sacramento county court records, legal analysts say it appears to be a law enforcement sting, accusing parker of sending illicit photos to a person he thought was a 13-year-old girl.
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>> i am just sickened by the allegations, we are working closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure that a full thorough investigation is done and justice is served. >> the city will only say it remains an active investigation and parker is no longer with the fire department. the sheriff will release the result of the full investigation on monday. san bruno and san francisco jails remain unlocked following violent attacks on deputies, the problems have not stopped, this morning, two inmates in the same cell refused to come out, spotting at least six deputies and testicle gear entering the jail responding to the situation and we just learned that the sheriff department found jail made weapons they believe are tied to the two men, the pair eventually surrendered after nearly two hours of negotiation. the latest in a series of
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incidents in san francisco county jail's. and mine deputies and staff have been injured or assaulted since march 29. >> blaming staffing shortages. pointing to clouded -- crowded jails, and despite the spike in violence. >> there is little ability to spread them out and create a more calm environment for people to reside in the housing units. >> they do have staff out in the fields doing other things, so that is kind of one source that we would point to. >> both the san bruno and downtown san francisco jails have been on lockdown since friday. today another deputy was assaulted at the processing center. at one point they even suggested the national guard be called in to help bridge the staff shortage, but today the sheriff says he believes the deputies can handle the situation without outside help. is there any punishment for
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protesters who shut down the golden gate bridge and parts of 880 yesterday? as of tonight no charges have been filed. >> according to chp, 33 people were arrested, 26 of them who blocked the golden gate bridge spent the night in jail, but some are already being released because the district attorney says her office needs more time to determine what happens next. >> reporter: protest organizers say the simultaneous events on the golden gate bridge and interstate 80 yesterday were intended to coincide with tax day and create maximum impact and awareness, the oppose the u.s. continued support of israel attacking gaza, and they want more pressure put on. san francisco's da says the 26 people arrested will face charges but once more information from the chp before deciding on the most serious charge, conspiracy.
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they want investigators, with all the elements, as well. >> when it comes to a conspiracy, it means that people are working in concert, planning to commit a crime together. >> reporter: what that means now is that everybody arrested monday will be released today. supporters of those who spent the night in jail rallied for them to get out of the symphysis domain jail, a spokesperson says the california highway patrol overcharged them at the time of the arrest. >> we believe that california highway patrol is using it overnight, these type of charges have not happened since the 1980s. >> reporter: pitchers and videos showing just how far protesters went to prevent officers from removing them, including this, and see and hear the protesters, and the
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actors that cut. >> chp also shared this photo, showing how protesters used pipes to join together with cars of the golden gate bridge, get -- governor gavin newsom says is a supporter of political expression but said it went too far. >> i think it's a better way of expressing it than denying people into work or an emergency that can't get to the destination, i don't think that is helpful. >> reporter: five cars were told -- code, and she said she's not sure it would be remaining. >> reporter: compiling more information on the false imprisonment charge filed, she is asking bystanders who were stuck on the golden gate bridge for the duration of the protest to contact the chp office in marin and file a police report.
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in san francisco. santa clara county supervisors are weighing in on a controversial proposal to close the level ii trauma center at the regional medical center in east san jose. if it happens in august, the county will be left with only two trauma centers. people will be forced to travel to valley medical center or stanford hospital. regional has cited a drop in use for the closure, but people say it will literally cost lives. streaker -- >> trauma means medical help, you can put a band-aid on a gunshot wound and say go, or a band-aid on someone who is lying in the street losing their life. this is life we are talking about. >> another concern that shuttering regional trauma centers will impact all patients by creating longer weights at other emergency
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departments. regional hospital, owned by hca, plans to downgrade the stroke program and the program that treats the most severe heart attacks while supervisors give voice concerns, the final decision on the topic will come from the state . supporters of the reit -- recount effort of pamela price say it can't wait until november. they are calling for a special election now. the registrar of voters confirm that enough valid signatures have been turned in to put it on the upcoming ballot, but the group, save everyone for alameda, or safe, say they don't want to pay the 15 million or 20 million for the special election. price is capable of doing a lot of damage between now and november.>> we have had so many back in force on the charter, using specific words about today, immediately, that's what
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we need to do. >> at this point, pamela price is a public defender, not a district attorney, that's what we need, people like me who are not educated in the law, we can feel comfortable sitting there knowing that they are doing everything that they can to get justice, for my husband kevin and for others. >> we did reach out to the county for common but have not yet heard back, supervisor -- supervisors are expected to meet on april 30. mayor london breed continues her road trip overseas, her office sending this video. spent the last two days visiting the southern part of china visiting with business leaders, airline executives and government officials and also got to visit the home of sam cisco legend bruce lee, the mayor says she wants to strengthen business and cultural ties with china during this trip, leading a delegation of about 30 people. meet with more officials tomorrow in beijing before
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heading to shanghai to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the city championship in san francisco. in the south bay, is san jose starbucks restroom, out of jail after posting $60,000 bond. the 35-year-old was arrested last month after he worker discovered a camera pointing towards the toilet at the starbucks on coleman and taylor. appearing in court yesterday, to hear charges which include installing a hidden surveillance camera with audio and possessing child pornography. also facing weapons charges after officers found about 20 firearms, an assault rifle and other micro cameras at his home. investigators believe he videotapes nearly 100 victims, including kids, over the course of one day in january. look at that, hayward chp
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turning this crash into a lesson. over the weekend, chp says one of the officers was directing traffic by the crash when an incoming car smashed into the back of the officers car on the highway, and excepting the ride of the time and distracted. chp is asking other drivers to stay off of their phones to avoid a similar fate. up next, do you have any old jewelry lying around? it may be worth more than ever before. breaking down the rising cost of gold. i am your chief meteorologist, 70s today,
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this was the first of three hearings that could determine whether convicted killer scott peterson will get a new trial, while the hearing was in san mateo county, appearing virtually from state prison, attorneys from the la innocence project, they want to seal the identity of people they've interviewed for fear of retaliation, and the defense basically withdrew the motion, and the names will remain redacted. and let them test multiple pieces of evidence and places dna, a bloody mattress, found out man, in modesto the morning after lacey disappeared. lawyers on both sides does -- decided to talk after the hearing today. not getting the buzz that crypto currency gets or even ai, but gold, yes gold, hitting new highs, investors and buyers and sellers are taking notice. visiting plaza jewelers in san jose, businesses are booming,
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because people are cashing in gold coins, jewelry or whatever goal they may have lying around. even cosco has been selling gold bars lately, the appetite is fueled largely by investors, what is traditionally seen as a safe investment in uncertain times. it tends to do well when the federal reserve is expected to cut interest rates, because it is seen as a stable place to grow money. is also a physical asset, until the value reaches record highs. >> especially the last three weeks, it has jumped out so high. because of all of these different economic situations that are going on around the world. singled in especially gold going on tremendously. >> very interesting. scott, you like to talk about bitcoin and ai, turning back the clock a bit, discussing
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business. >> is booming, a lot of people up and investing in gold, really picked up of the last few months and even the last few weeks, people are looking out, it's an election year, they're not sure what the federal reserve will do with interest rates and the economy is chaotic, people go to a safe haven and buying gold like never before. >> what is happening with gold in terms of that. >> it doesn't move by thousands of dollars a day like that coin, and the actual physical asset, very different from bit coin, that is chaotic or volatile, something that people get when they want stability. >> we know a lot about the gold rush year, about the history, what is the future of gold, six months or one year? figure hard to say, very stable but it moves when things get chaotic. when we see a bunch of interest rate cuts people will say yes,
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it is not as much, my savings account, i will put money in gold work will be safe. if we see economic turmoil or even war, they get worried about what's coming up next, if donald trump gets reelected, i am buying gold because it is a safe haven because things are likely to be chaotic. all sorts of reasons that people own gold, a stable but not terribly sexy investment, which is one of the reason people like it. >> that may go on the safe deposit box. >> that's what they were doing at the gold shop yes. >> be sure to follow scott on twitter or x, posting updates on tech, and is handle is his name. a live look at the bay bridge on this tuesday evening, my goodness, just a beautiful out there, looking at temperatures, 74 degrees. >> so comfortable. >> i love it. simply amazing across the bay,
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we will see warmer weather tomorrow, the forecast even into next week does have things turning back to some rainfall and colder temperatures. let me show you the details with the microclimate forecast and i had to show this, the golden gate bridge completed way back in 1937. never get tired of seeing that, the beautiful view here as we look across the bay tonight. a little bit of hayes, the cloud cover continues to increase tonight after a few low 70s downtown. checking at 65 and back to 50s at 8:00 tonight. through tomorrow, high pressure keeping the main storm track to the north, and dry weather, the thing we are looking at as we roll through the forecast is the southern jetstream, looks like it will pull in cloud cover , not nearly as wall-to-wall sunshine for tomorrow but still getting some some breaks in here, starting off with areas of fog and you can see the high
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cloud cover streaming through tomorrow. at times it may feel strange with milder temperatures, at least we have 70s and 80s on the way, nice to continue to thaw out after the cold weekend, 51 tomorrow morning at the peninsula, south bay of 53 and 50s to the east bay, san francisco and the north bay. daytime highs for tomorrow, checking in, 80s across south bay, milpitas, morgan hill in gilroy, we will see the 80s popping, one creek, livermore, real close at 79, fremont 78, not quite 80s for the peninsula, redwood city, cool ocean breeze, across half moon bay, up toward san francisco, 70s, downtown in the mission, for the north bay, and 79 in napa. later on this week i storm system this week, by thursday
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afternoon, getting real close by saturday morning, everything continues to show breaking apart. and drier weather, warm temperatures. saturday, 79, and and numbers, way back into the 60s, with the colder temperatures get this, looking at potentially the chance of rainfall. a quarter to a half inch next friday the 26, saturday the 27th and over the sierra, bring us 4-9 in mint -- 9 inches of snowfall, the weekend, even for san francisco through the inland valleys, 76 saturday and 78 on sunday. that is money. >> it is gold. gold sunshine. [ laughter ]
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>> the cannabis industry, threatening to walk off the job
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just days before 420, a major strike could be seen, 600 workers for the cannabis delivery company ease are threatening to walk out overpay and work conditions. united food and commercial workers is calling it
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unprecedented. the strike vote was called after workers rejected the last and final union contract offer. workers accused ease of unfairly lowering the pay rate, based on the miles they drive. the ceo disagrees, offering and arguing that they offer a fair pay, it was found in seven cisco and delivers in california and michigan. what should've been a solution is becoming even worse problem for drivers in the south bay. and connecting two highly traveled roads between hollister in gilroy, decreasing the number of car accidents but some drivers say it is too confusing with all the different options, and others are speeding through it. and accidents have increased since the roundabout was built from one every eight days to one almost every three days, it is meant to be an effective solution. take a look other seven cisco fire department showing
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how they're getting ready for the next big earthquake, see it from a chopper, a search dog strapped to her. the dog barney ran through the rubble to find a toy. demonstrating how search dogs find survivors trapped underneath rubble. even with all the new technology since the 1906 quake and the 1989 loma prieta quake, search dogs are still the best way to find people who are trapped. some of the most iconic cans of all time, new entries announced for the business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card.
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this is quite an honor, the national recording industry announced its selections for this year.>> [ singing ]>> you likely rick nice him, the class of 25 that these, notorious big, blondie, and green day, and abba, culturally and aesthetically significant recordings at the library of congress. tonight at 7:00, will the protesters who shut down the golden gate bridge be punished? will be joined by the san francisco district attorney, brooke jenkins. and brothers wowing crowds on the voice, how they are balancing high school in hollywood, those stories and more coming up on the 7:00 news. next on nightly news, is
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the government trying to create more competition in the concert ticketing business. a federal lawsuit brewing against live nation. lester holt tonight, the first group of jurors selected in donald trump's hush money trial, as the judge scolds the former president. the first seven jurors now seated. what we know about them, including a teacher, a nurse, and a software engineer. and the dramatic moment. what mr. trump did in the courtroom, and why it led the judge to warn him not to intimidate the potential jurors. our team at the courthouse. also tonight, the dangerous weather on the move. the tornado outbreak in several states across the central u.s. al roker is here. the articles of impeachment against dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas delivered. the stage now set for a trial in the senate. house speaker mike johnson under fire. his defiant message as the push from fellow republicans to oust him gains momentum.


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