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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 18, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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breaking right now at 5:00, a deadly police shooting involveding a homicide suspect.
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more from the scene. plus, the race for the white house intensifying. next steps in donald trump's criminal trial as jury selection continues, and the major endorsement president joe biden is set to receive. raising the alarm. recent flare ups at an east bay refinery causing lawmakers to have a plan of action. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this thursday. i am marcus washington. i am laura garcia. we will check the morning commute with mike in a moment, but vianey is in for kari this morning. >> i think people want the weather trend to continue. i am going to show you the temperatures, in the 50s right
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now. the thing with satellite radar, we have clear conditions and a ridge of high pressure, and slightly above-average temperatures. looks like today we will see another above average day, but first let's check with mike with a potential issue on the bay bridge. >> yeah, we had reports of a wrong-way driver. there was a traffic break recordly called for folks traveling down powell into the berkeley curve. no flashing lights at the toll plaza parking lot, and contra costa county looking great. no problems out of the north bay into the city. along the peninsula, that's great. we will talk about the south bay and a couple things there, coming up. oakland police shot and killed a murder suspect.
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today in the bay's bob redell joins us live from the scene this morning. are police telling you very much right now, bob? >> reporter: enough that we got a sense of what happened. good morning to you, laura. this shooting took place outside a residence on 16th street. it appears they are waiting for sunlight and the arrival of the corridor. sacramento police located a suspect who committed a murder in their jurisdiction, and so they requested opd to send officers to the scene to help arrest the suspect. opd says when they arrived the suspect came out of a home armed with a gun. oakland police officers fired their weapons and hit the suspect who died here at the scene. no officers were hurt.
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as a standard with officers-involved shootings, they are now on administrative leave. >> we will continue to monitor the breaking news on air and online. a great resource to stay up-to-date is our nbc bay area app. it's free and available to download. turning now to decision 2024. the gop nominee for president, former president donald trump, turns to court today. this comes as jury selection in the hush-money trial is expected to enter the final stretch. brie joins us. >> seven jurors have been picked
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so far, and 11 more people must be sworn in, and that includes the rest of the jury and alternates. the judge anticipates the opening arguments to be given next week, and ahead of the opening arguments, the potential jurors have been asked about their political lives and personal views. trump stands accused of falsifying business records in paying to silence the adult film star, stormy daniels, in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign. >> here we are, less than six months to go in the presidential election, and there's a new poll and i don't know if you have seen it, it's talking about the voter sentiment when it comes to the trial and other criminal cases involving president trump. >> yes, we know 35% of voters
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think that trump did something illegal regarding the allegations that he covered up the hush-money payments, and then 50% say if convicted he would not be fit for office. that's just one of his cases. take a look at the other three cases. well over 50% of voters believe he would not be fit for office if convicted in those cases. this poll is conducted by the ap and university of chicago, and it's important to note that those numbers indicate that few of those surveyed do not believe the supreme court and other
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judges and jurors could be impartial in his cases. >> interesting. i know you have information for us. president biden expected to get this key endorsement today. who are we talking about here? >> this is interesting, marcus. more than a dozen members of the kennedy family will endorse president biden for a second term. their decision means they are not endorsing robert f. kennedy jr., who is running as a third party candidate. democrats worry that robert f. kennedy's bid could pose a spoiler risk that could hand the election to president trump. biden has been spending time campaigning in pennsylvania this week, which is seen as a critical swing state in 2024. >> a lot to keep up with when it
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comes to decision 2024. brie jackson in washington this morning. thank you. you may recall last month an suv slammed into the west portal bus stop killing a couple and their two children. changes would include adding transit lanes, a protected pedestrian space and adding bullards around the bus stop. >> i am glad to see the city taking action to transform the area around the station and make it safer for all people, especially children, families and seniors and people with disabilities and take transit. >> the agency is asking for feedback by april 28th. once a design is finalized, it will go before the board for a
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final approval. the goal is to have the project completed by the summer of 2025 if that this week a representative is sent a letter to the environmental protection agency asking to address recent safety concerns. there are concerns about dozens of incidents over a one-year span. he's calling for a full review of the company's safety culture and telling today in the bay -- >> it's at the expense of the workers and the communities around them historically, so we want to make sure we are holding them to higher standards and letting them know the bay area, this level of performance is not acceptable. >> he's also saying members of the current ownership spraying
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out of the old company that operated the tau soria facility, that that never happens again. >> this is a live look at how the city is commemorating that faithful day. there was a earthquake that sparked a fire. they gather at 5:12 a.m. every year, and bells are rung for the 3,000 who died. we will get back to that live. and then we are crunching numbers on the salary you
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a live look for you this morning here in san francisco. this is where leaders are gathering right now, recognizing the 118th anniversary of the great san francisco earthquake and fire 118 years ago, and the earthquake was 7.9.
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let's take a listen. >> let's turn that hope into joy. we need it to sustain our work to fix things. we must acknowledge that there's a lot of joy around us right now. all the natural beauty we can see around us from sunrise to sunset are families, neighbors and friends, the people, culture and food. let's celebrate the joy in our city and create more of it as we work to create our best san francisco. thank you. >> thank you, joel. you know, we are running up against 5:12 right now. in just a few minutes you will hear from chief bill scott and the sheriff, but first this year's wreath will be dedicated to senator dianne feinstein and all the san franciscans that died 118 years ago, and those
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that lived to rebuild san francisco 118 years ago. let's have a moment of silence for those that died and those that survived to rebuild san francisco. >> thank you. let's hear that siren. can we hear that? [ sirens ] >> the fountain was the meeting point for a lot of people. yearly the city recognizes that moment and the lives lost as well as the lives that helped rebuild the city of san francisco. >> it's nice to see every year that they have this gathering.
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118 years. it was for some time they would have commemorations. let's check in with scott mcgrew. >> good morning. good morning. very happy thursday to you. biggest business news story this week has been jay poulz comments that the fed will not be lowering interest rates anytime soon. he didn't say exactly that, because fed chairs never say anything, exactly, but that's the gist of it. you can see the effect, 23andme, the bay area dna testing company filed paperwork that would allow it to go private and come off the stock market, and this is the real price of a share. mountain view's google moving
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other jobs overseas, and it fired 28 employees who took part in a protest over the company's contract to provide cloud computing to the israel military, and there were protests where there were sit-ins in the offices and live streamed it on twitch. google -- tesla made a mistake when calculating severance packages when laying off some of the employees. elon musk said some severance
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packages are low. musk wants shareholders to vote and restore that more than 50 billion stock bonus that a delaware court invalidated calling the deal between musk and the board too cozy. the house could get a tiktok bill as soon as this weekend. as you know there's legislation on capitol hill to force tiktok's parent bytedance to sell to an american company. speaker johnson is considering bundling the bill with the foreign aid bills he wants to push through, including aid to ukraine. meantime, there's a big question as to who would buy tiktok if they could.
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former treasury secretary, steve mnuchin, said he was getting together investors. the ukrainian soldier in a foxhole somewhere asking if we are going to get the weapons and what we need, and somebody says, it depends on tiktok. >> thank you for that. >> you bet. if you lived in california for any amount of time, this next story will not come to a surprise. a smart asset ranked all 50 states when it comes to budgeting a comfortable lifestyle, and california comes in third with a minimum salary of 113,000 for a single person
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to live comfortable. massachusetts tops the list followed by hawaii. new york and washington state round out the top five. we are guessing the average bay area costs are probably even higher than that state-wide amount. we will leave that story for another day, of course. >> just a little bit of the bad news. not all the bad news. >> hey, hawaii could be worse. think about that? >> yeah, that's the way you look at it. i like that. but you live here in the bay area. >> yeah, and we have had glorious weather lately. >> i want to take a look at the temperatures and also some areas of patchy fog. if you notice in through parts of san francisco and around the coastline, approaching half moon
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bay, we have some off the coast and stretching in through parts of novato as well, and temperature wise we are in the 40s and 50s to start so not too cold out there. we have had the high pressure and thanks to that high pressure it's managed to keep us dry and warm. satellite radar, a calm weather throughout the entire state of california. clouds rolling through l.a., and we are going to see high clouds at times and so in for san josé, 70s by 11:00, 12:00. we will bump up in the mid-70s. if you look at the icons, it will be a mix of sun and clouds. we are still expected to get quite warm. san francisco, 53 and winds are calm and at 11:00, sunshine and clouds and temperatures bump up eventually into the 70s. here's a closer look at your daytime highs. yesterday we saw the 80s and we will get that again today, and
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san josé, 80 degrees. around the peninsula and san francisco, we're going to be in the 70s. by the time we get to tomorrow, we are expecting to see some cooling, but even so that high pressure will still be dominating our weather pattern. that will keep us seasonal, into the 70s before the long range outlook. if you look at thursday into friday, that high pressure remains through the weekend. way, way out ahead, and i don't mean to spoil anybody's fun, where we do cool off and then next thursday and friday, we could have some rain in the forecast. we are going to cool back down into the 60s across the bay area. mike, how are the roads doing? >> in the south bay we had a crash on 17 and 85. no injuries and no more crash there. flooding on 101 and northbound 880, and i think there was a
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drain pump not working so watch for standing water in the slow lane. traffic control still because of the road slippage that went out during the storms many months ago, no slowing shows up there, and it's a smooth drive across the golden gate bridge. coming up next on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> how long would you give a business to fulfill a $600 order? one month? three months? nine? one viewer waited nearly a year and a half and then contacted us to snap the delay.
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welcome back. it's 5:25 for you this morning. "nbc bay area responds" to a south bay viewer that had a lengthy delay with a cemetery. >> we deal with a lot of patient viewers that wait weeks or months for businesses to step up, and vickie williams is among the most patient. in '22, her mom, janice, died and was buried next to her husband but as of this year her grave still did not have a name plate. vickie paid $622 for a marker in
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2022, and so she issued an ultimateam. >> i checked back in february, and i said if this is not revolved i will call chris. >> what happened next? nothing. we contacted the cemetery and they installed the name plate the next day. the manager said the order slipped through the cracks. vickie contacted us online. you can, too, by scanning the qr code or online. . the actions planned today
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breaking now at 5:30, a deadly officer-involved shooting in oakland. and then the events underway to commemorate the earthquake that rocked san francisco. we are inching closer to the weekend. meteorologist, vianey arana, is tracking what you can expect as you make your plans. this is "today in the bay." you know, we are inching closer to the weekend, and
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sometimes you feel like you are crawling for it. >> yeah. >> thank you for starting your day with us, i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. since we are talking about the weekend, let's head over to vianey arana and the weather. >> you are going to be out and about for today, but i think you will enjoy the next hourly forecast as well. a beautiful shot of downtown san josé. if you are heading to work this morning, you certainly do not have to worry about any sort of rain. in fact, look at the icons here in walnut creek. we will see temperatures starting out in the 50s. eventually we will climb back up into the 70s. if you are going to be anywhere around the inland area for the afternoon, we will see 80s yet again. that is above average for this time of year. today will be the last day we are seeing the 80s before we have a cooldown extending into the weekend, but even so i think our weekend pattern is setting
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up quite nicely. i will bring that to you, of course, in a few minutes. first, we have to check in on the commute with mike. yeah, no metering lights just yet, and probably later today because thursday and friday see a lighter volume of traffic. you do we a smooth flow of traffic around the bay, and no major issues. slowing out of vallejo for 37, and highway 4 into concord as well as 242, a little blip. subtle changes. 580, that slows back over grant line road. there's slowing into the altamont pass, but no problems for the tri-valley or down into the south bay or peninsula. back to you. >> thank you, mike. we are following news out of west oakland. here's a live look for enthuse morning.
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this is on the scene on 16th street near adaline. this all happened just before 10:00 last night, when sacramento police notified opd about the suspect, and responding officers say he came out of the home holding a gun and officers fired. bob redell is there and he will have a live report coming up in the next half hour. new this morning, google putting its foot down after protests staged this week protesting the war in gaza. police made arrested in one of the top executive offices. the company says such action on google work sites will not be tolerated. protesters were calling out
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google for the israeli military. the protesters will still face charges. some 25,000 janitors are voting on whether or not to authorize a strike across california. the union says its contract is set to expire at the end of the month. a strike would impact various offices and office buildings including tech campuses and studios. the vote in san josé is expected to include a march and rally. state attorney general rob bonta will visit the fruitvale transit village, and these are renderings before it opened. they are in the process of building a new cultural hub
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there. the driver who hit and killed a 4-year-old girl last year in san francisco will not go to jail. the district attorney reaching a settlement agreement. last august, 71-year-old woman hit a family at an intersection near oracle park. a 4-year-old that was in a stroller died. after speaking with the victim's family the d.a. says it reached a settlement with the driver. we spoke with the driver's attorney that says his client has felt an enormous feeling of regret and pain over the last year and expressed that during the court hearing yesterday. >> this is the worst nightmare any maternal person could have. >> as part of the settlement, she will serve two years probation and complete 400 hours
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of community service and take a drivers safety class. >> san francisco leaders are scaling back the scope of dance performances. lions dance performers have taken place every week since the pandemic. merchants say it's affecting business. last night an appeals board narrowed the permit. the dances will now only be allowed on saturdays along one block over fewer hours, a relief to business owners. >> it's a very tough business for our small business, and if you are taking away, i don't know how i can survive. >> it's a great tradition and want to keep it alive, but at the same time we don't want to annoy people. >> merchants are hoping to tighten the permit process.
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meteorologist, vianey arana, is tracking the forecast. the last few days have been very nice out there. >> they really have. i think this will stretch beyond your thursday, leading us into friday, of course, the weekend. this is a live look in lake tahoe. it's about 28 degrees. look at that, we still have snow up there. the temperatures will start to melt some of the snow. typically we see the sierra snowpack at peak, but we are still well at capacity. we will stay dry into saturday and sunday, and we are going to see temperatures in the upper 60s. you will also notice cooling and it will be more comfortable, and some folks are saying 80s are
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too hot for spring. now, heading into friday, saturday and sunday, these are going to be spring temperatures for sure with temperatures in the mid and upper 70s. it does say rain chances for next wednesday, but we will track that. green sensors all around the bay area right now. no surprises right now. i want to tell you what is going on later today so you are not surprised about the crowd around oracle park, and the giants are playing tonight, the first of three games, tonight, and tomorrow. this weekend there's an entire weekend closure from mare island, and it will add mileage and slowing and congestion. that's out of vallejo heading
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towards novato and other areas in the north bay. a smooth drive, no buildup right now precipitation bay bridge will see slowing. the span in and out of san francisco is looking smooth. >> thank you. bay area women gymnast right now are soaring. the national championships set to begin. coming up on "today in the bay," the one-two punch of one bay area school. the senate will not put mayorkas on trial. an important tkoersment today for president trump -- biden. >> yeah. president biden. good catch. have a cup of coffee. just kidding, scott. the new message from lawmakers to president biden. but first, let's check in with the investigative reporter.
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>> and then employees say there's no accountability, and we investigate multiple allegations and concerns of the boss's close relationship with a top official. watch our report right now on nbcbayar
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thursday morning. take a look at the icons there. you will notice a mix of sun and clouds, and temperatures, waking up in the 50s and then by 12:00, we will bump up in the 60s, upper 60s and low 70s. we will stay dry in the afternoon and have a closer look at how the rest of the bay area will fair out in a bit. the volume is still the same on the bay bridge, and we will see slowing as folks approach the left side of the screen. the metering lights are not on, and there's a gathering here and we will track those changes. 5:42 right now. immigrants rights groups are sounding the call for more help for undocumented migrant workers. house member chuy garcia joined migrant businesses demanding
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president biden open up the work permits, and garcia says these permits are needed to better protect migrants from poor working conditions. >> the migrant community in the u.s., especially those that have been here for 20 to 30 years, contributing to everything that is america, hard work and creating businesses and saving lives, want an opportunity to work with piece of mind. >> the white house did announce a temporary rule extending some permits for those stuck in back logs. 5:44. president biden will get an endorsement today for one of the political dynasties. the kennedys.
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>> yeah, and there's a kennedy running against president biden. >> yeah, it's a vote of confidence for biden and a vote of condemnation against their own relative, and he's running as an independent in the upcoming presidential election. much of his extended family, though, including his own sister will gather behind president biden today in philadelphia to say it's biden who should be elected president again. yesterday was steel workers in pittsburgh meeting with the president. polls show robert kennedy jr. cannot win the presidency and is not even on every state ballot but can play the spoiler. in elections in which a serious
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third party candidate ran, that third party candidate drew votes away from the incumbent. duda was in a close election and trump hosted him at the white house. trump will be back in court today where seven jurors in the first criminal trial have already been seated. trump complained on truth social yesterday his side was not given unlimited strikes against jurors they did not like. that never happens in federal court. ten is the usual number. indeed, each side was given ten. the u.s. senate voted to dismiss impeachment charges against
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homeland security secretary, mayorkas. all democrats voted to dismiss, and all republicans but one voted to go forward. the house brings the impeachment, the charges, and the senate holds the trial, and not this time. both sides are angry about the whole thing and both sides have a reasonable point. the democrats say you didn't accuse mayorkas of a high crime or misdemeanor, so we are not going to have a trial. the republicans are saying if we bring you an impeachment, you have to have a trial, and find him innocent, fine, but have the trial. >> we have made it clear, clear, that you don't use policy disagreements for impeachment, and i don't care who it is. >> the idea under chuck schumer
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leadership voted on party lines is shameful, and there will be a reckoning for all of this in the fall. >> what johnson isn't saying, is republicans voted the same way on the second impeachment for trump. they lost the vote on that one in the democratically controlled senate and the impeachment trial started that week. as for the first criminal trial, it gets back under way a short time for now. the judge expect opening arguments, laura, on monday. >> we will continue to follow that. thank you, scott. 5:48 right now. today marks 118 years since the great san francisco earthquake. leaders and community members
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are gathering to commemorate that faithful day. >> kris sanchez is joining us live from that event this morning. kris, on this day when we remember what happened 118 years ago, and it's a reminder to be prepared because we don't know when the next one will hit. >> reporter: right. we do know, this is such a powerful reminder. after years of seeing this ceremony from afar, and this is the first time seeing it in person, and it drives home the difference between what san francisco was 118 years ago and what san francisco is now. we see the skyscrapers and the tall buildings and we see how far our construction qualifications and standards have come and how much safer we are in an earthquake, however, that does not mean we don't have to be ready for the next one as well. this is the fire hydrant that will be painted gold in a few moments from now, and this is the fire hydrant that helped to
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save san francisco in 1906 when the quake hit and when construction was so very different. this is the second part -- oh, i was going to show you, but we are hearing the spray paint cans for this part of the commemorations. at the fountain earlier this morning, you may have seen it if you were up with us a few minutes ago, the fountain was dedicated to dianne feinstein and to the people of san francisco. you hear the sirens. that's what people heard 118 years ago when the 1906 quake struck the city. that's where people gathered to try and find their loved ones. things are different now.
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we have social media and internet, and those may not be viable options in the event of a very big earthquake. lovely to see the folks dressed in traditional garb as well. this is the first time i have witnessed this particular ceremony in person, and it's pretty special. throughout the years we have seen survivors of the 1906 quake out here. of course, now it has been so long that that's not the case anymore, or descendants of the survivors. we see regular san franciscans showing up to see this part of the city's history. the fire department is standing by. there's an old-time san francisco police car as well, marking the different eras the city has seen. as the sun starts to come up
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over delores park here in the mission, we are still standing by for the spraying of the fountain. i believe it will be happening -- shortly. it should be happening shortly. just a reminder to make sure that you have supplies ready to go in the event of a major earthquake. you have to be ready to kind of survive on your own if you are not hurt, lots of water, food, medicines and all those things, but, again, just a really cool reminder, you know, this -- not a cool part of the city but an interesting way to remember that message of preparedness. we will continue to watch for the painting of the fire hydrant and we will bring that to you when it happens. back to you. >> the significance of that fire hydrant is they consider it miraculous because it really saved the mission district during that time, and every year
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they spray paint it gold. kris, you have been with nbc bay area for quite sometime, and she's usually in the south bay, i guess. it's nice to head out and see those traditions and honors. >> reporter: yeah, it's an interesting way to see it up close and personal. you know, after so many commemorations they start to feel a little routine. again, it's just remarkable to see, you know, some of the buildings and housing that has been here almost as long as, you know, 118 years, and you look across delores park and you see the city skyline and the salesforce tower, and you see all the remarkable building that has happened in that time and the heights to which we have reached. >> nice to see. thank you, kris. 5:53. stanford women's gymnastic's team going place they have not
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been in years. chloe wide inner. this is the first unseated team to reach the nationals. this year they captured their first ever regular season conference title. the finals will take place on saturday. it's time to get a check of the forecast. vianey is in for kari this morning. we have areas of patchy fog stretch into parts of novato, and a lot of that is staying just off the coast. if you look at satellite radar right now, we are seeing cloud cover stretching down through
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southern california. so far the weather pattern with that high pressure has kept all us dry for once heading into the weekend, which is kind of nice. if you notice out on the pacific, there's always something churning up, and what is on deck will only be slight cooling into the weekend before we get into the extended outlook. notice by 10:00, 11:00, we will bump up in the 60s. it will be nice and beautiful and sunny in san josé. 58 degrees and a mix of sun and clouds. then we will bump that up into the 70s. if you look at today's daytime highs, we have a couple 80s in the forecast, and that means we will get one more day of warmth and that will linger through the interior, and as we head into your friday forecast, we will be seeing daytime highs still in the 70s, and then we cool down just a bit into saturday. so far the long range forecast
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looks like the high pressure keeping us dry. this is looking way, way out ahead, the long-range outlook could change but we are monitoring the potential of the return chance of rain in our forecast. this is looking way, way out. i hope that gives you ease as far as to how that could change. the sierra snowpack could also bring a nice boost, but so far at 111% of the april peak average. >> thank you for the warning of the possibility of rain, emotional adjustments are necessary on my part. we are seeing the build, and it did build quickly. a crash on 242 over in concord. no major issues there.
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happening now, an update on the north bay teacher and coach facing charges related to abusing one student. he will be fired from his position at american canyon high school after many parents attended a town hall, and they will request the teacher credentials be revoked by the state, and he's facing a total of 21 charges. a push to get a measure before voters in november. plus, tracking california's insurance crisis. the thousands set to be impacted as two additional compaes with drniawa deadly police shooting
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involving a homicide suspect in oakland. we are live at the scene with new details on the unfolding investigation. rolling out new


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