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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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accused of getting a student pregnant, and allegations that his wife helped cover it up.
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the new details we are learning about the arrest of a san jose high school teacher, and football coach. good afternoon, and welcome to nbc bay area news. robert handa has learned of a troubling lawsuit filed against a former south bay school teacher, and the district he served in. san jose's fire chief is speaking out for the first time since we wrote the story for one of his captains being arrested for attempted lewd acts on a child. and sent for cisco is now taking legal action. we are talking to all the key players in an ongoing saga. and the musket - - the mexican government is aiming at those looking to traffic children into and out of the country. let's go ahead and begin with the new allegations against a
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former teacher in san jose. they come from a civil lawsuit filed by the victim. the victim says when she was a student, the teacher got her pregnant, and then forced her to have an abortion. robert handa has been looking into this case for us. robert, i know you got your hands on the lawsuit today. what are the new details you are learning?>> you mentioned some of the new details that are part of the information in this lawsuit. in essence, the jane doe, the 15-year-old is now an adult, and she has filed this lawsuit. it is true, what she is saying, she is accusing sean thomas, essentially saying that he groomed her while he was a coach. sean thomas was a local high school and college star, he had a lot of influence. apparently he groomed this 15- year-old, and apparently had an
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affair with her, and had sexual relations with her at various times, got her pregnant, and then orser to have an abortion. she was supposedly very reluctant to have it, but did have it at 16 weeks. afterwards, she decided to go to 18 that sheets trusted, even though that dean, sarah thomas was the wife of sean thomas. she went to the dean, and thomas reportedly told her, according to this lawsuit, that she blamed her, she blamed the teenage girl, saying how can you do this to me, after all i have done for you? apparently the teenager was crushed, went away, and took the blame for it, all that time, it wasn't until she was eight and adult that she decided to come forward and produce this lawsuit that was filed last night, and will follow the criminal charges that sean thomas already faces.
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you robert, you also got a chance to speak with the victims sister today, what is she saying?>> she said first and foremost, she was echoing a lot of the allegations that were in the lawsuit, confirming the details, saying that she did go to the dean, she did trust her and take her word for it that it was her fault, and it really devastated her life. her sister was never the same after that, and it haunted her, through her young adult life, and it has really been a burden for her, and finally, after many years, she came to the realization that she was just eight child being influenced by these adults, she shouldn't have taken the blame. now she is coming forward, and apparently it is helping her deal with all the trauma that she received because all these
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incidents. >> robert, thank you. we will see your full story in our evening newscast. another retail crime bust in the bay area, this time in san jose, it happened monday night at the valley fair mall. people - - three people were arrested for stealing from multiple stores. they had more than $1000 worth of stolen items in their session. officers found another $12,000 in stolen merchandise when they searched the car. these photos show what appeared to be several electronic devices, and among them, two of the suspects were booked into the santa clara county jail. a minor was booked into juvenile hall. san jose's fire chief is speaking out for the first time since our exclusive report earlier this week, a report that explains that a former san jose fire captain has been arrested for attempted lewd acts on a child.
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the former captain, spencer parker faces three felony charges of attempted lewd acts on a child. fulsome police arrested parker during what legal experts say appears to be a law enforcement sting. court documents accuse him of sending illicit pictures to a person he thought was a 13-year- old. the san jose fire chief is calling this unacceptable.>> the charges picked reprehensible behavior that is completely un-accessible to this organization, acceptable in open society, but it looks like that individual will be facing criminal charges. he is certainly not an employee of the san jose fire department anymore.>> the mayor says the city is investing. the second of county sheriff is set to release the results on monday. a driver is dead after driving off a san mateo county cliff today.
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the car lost control, went off the road, and then fell 200 feet down a cliff. the driver did die at the scene. the name has not been released. highway one was shut down in both directions as they work to recover that car. the road reopened, the cause of that crash is still under investigation. a san francisco construction company has been cited for safety violations after a trench collapsed, killing a worker. this happened back in september. they were working on a city sewer line when the trench suddenly collapsed. 8 feet of dirt and concrete fell on top of him. the company was cited for eight violations. they will have to pay $371,000 for failing to protect employees. a war over words is heating up between oakland and sent for cisco.
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san francisco is now filing a lawsuit over a plan to change the name of that city's airport. we have been covering the story for months now. the port of oakland wants to change the oakland international name to san francisco bay oakland international. sf pretty much wants to take it to court. >> that is exactly what they are doing, audrey. this is a federal lawsuit that was filed today in court. and what san francisco is saying, oakland can't change the name, because it is a trademark issue. they've had the name san francisco asian international airport for decades upon decades, and that this is a trademark infringement. they don't only don't want this name to proceed forward, they say they don't want any new name to include san francisco or at oakland international.
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they say anything that includes san francisco is a trademark issue, and they are standing on that. the port of oakland and the airport says they don't believe that is true, they say they are going to continue to fight this lawsuit. for them, this is about making sure travelers know exactly where oakland is. they believe there is some confusion, that some believe oakland is on the bay, san francisco and oakland share a part of the bay, so they say they should have rights to that name as well. >> it's all about the travelers. what are they telling you?>> there is some mixed reaction. we talked to some out-of-state travelers, some say it is kind of confusing, why would you put san francisco in the name of an airport in oaklands. there is some confusion around that. other travelers say it makes sense that you would say this
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is all part of the bay area, they say they wouldn't mind it. it's really a mixed reaction when you ask travelers about where they stand on all of this.>> thank you, we are looking forward to your full story, later on this evening. fast food prices are on the rise. fast food prices in california and in our state have gone up by 7% over the past six months. it is actually the biggest jump of any state in the nation. the $20 minimum wage for fast food workers in california did just kick in earlier this month, and economists believe that may be a factor in that jump. nationwide, fast food prices have gone up nearly 5%, largely due to inflation. it is no secret that california is facing a housing crisis. while there is a lot of work to be done to create affordable housing, the state is highlighting some recent
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strides. the state attorney general was in oaklands today, touring a new housing development, it is the house of dreams, the latest addition to the fruitvale village, with 180 affordable units made for working families and essential workers. they touted the efforts of the housing justice team, which was first announced back in 2021. that task force works to enforce housing laws across the state.>> it is a justice issue when we are not building enough housing, and people who needed do not have access. we have asked our cities to act in good faith, to follow the law, to do your part. it's that simple.>> a new cultural hub is being built in that village.
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get into a crash, get a qr code. we will show you what a chp officer may hand you if you get into a fender bender on the highway. they call them safe passports, and they are exclusively for children. we are looking into thlatest e
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a new security feature is aimed at tackling growing concern over the trafficking of minors. the mexican government is now requiring that all kids passports have a picture of both parents. the added measure is in effect in hopes of addressing crime. andrew has been joining us from san jose. damien, can you tell us who can get these passports?>> they have to do do this now, the children of mexican immigrants who are applying for those passports, in their jurisdiction, whether it be sent to cisco or san jose.
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my kids passports have just their picture on that passport. the new passports also include a picture of mom and dad, and other security features from mom and dad as well. they want to attack human trafficking, it has been a huge problem. they want to address it right at that point. the figure by having multiple pictures of children on these passports, they will be able to address this issue somewhat, and start getting a dent into this problem of human trafficking, when it comes to children.>> are there a number of groups that fight human trafficking? what are they saying about this?>> there is a group called community solutions. the director of that agency is in utah right now. there is a conference on how to fight human trafficking. we spoke via zoom today. she said that anything that we can do to help spread awareness
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of the troubles of human trafficking and the dangers of it, and how big of a crime that is, more power to the consulate. and it is a big requirement, one that you don't see in this country right now.>> damien, thank you for the preview. we will see your full story at 6:00 p.m. the chp is going digital. in the past, if you are involved in an incident, an officer would give you a handwritten report, and you have to visit a chp office in person for your full crash report. now, the chp will instead give you a card with a qr code, allowing you to access the online crash portal and crash report. meeting for an in office visit is no longer needed. the foster city fired apartment hosted a ceremony today, for
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locals who survive serious injuries or illnesses, they shared their stories about surviving medical emergencies. they took their time to say thank you to all of the first responders who helps to save them, and they honored their work as well.>> it was five minutes, cardiac arrest happened. my wife was in a panic at that time. they calmed her down. the only reason i am alive is because of the fire department and the first responders who came in time and saved my life.>> the professionals, the ems, the fire, they are very uncomfortable being referred to as heroes, this is what we do.>> the survivors say they are now healthy, and they are doing well. the history museum has a new exhibit
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honoring one of the most famous people from san rafael. lois was an international explorer and geographer who charted seven expeditions to the arctic in the 1900s. she wrote extensively of her scientific expeditions, authoring three books. she was the first woman to fly in an airplane over the north paul pole. she grew up in a home that now serves as the elks lodge. she is quite famous in other parts of the world, yet here in the town she was raised in, nobody knows anything about her. i love it when people walk in the door and they say i've driven by this house 1 million times and i've never been inside. well, i have got the story for you.>> luis boyd died in san francisco in 1972, at the age of 84. her photographs of the arctic are still being used to measure
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arctic ice melt, to this day.>> the courage to be able to travel, things were so different for us, really remarkable. i wanted to show you this real quick. look at the difference in temperatures. from 59 up to 79 today. >> i love this difference, i'm all for it. >> i think everybody is on board with what has been coming in for us. i want to take it to what we can expect here as we head through tonight. currently we are still holding on to the 70s toward santa rosa at 76, 78 in livermore, 75 in san jose. we do have some fog at the coastline, 50s and 60s right now. gradually, we will start to see some fog return as we head through tomorrow morning. that's going to start us off with more 50s again, i don't see any huge problems as you are trying to get going on that friday morning commute.
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numbers will cool off a few degrees, but look, we are still staying with these comfortable temperatures. the two at 8:00 a.m. through the inland valleys, eventually up to 77 x 4:00 p.m. specifically, throughout the bay area, temperatures will get the warmest out toward livermore and morgan hill at 78, then we are down to 75 in martinez, 70 in oakland, 60s right here at the coastline. coming up tonight, we've got a lot to cover, including your allergies. i will show you what could be i was gravitating your allergies, and when rainfall might actually help you out. the full forecast in my seven day, coming up tonight at 5:00 p.m. i'm on the anchor desk, working on our news. >> a disturbing story out of the south bay, police have arrested three people for kidnapping and torturing a man. detectives have uncovered a lot more about this trio.
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at least one of them is tied to a major retail theft operation. nbc bay area has obtained all the details. also, our bay area proud segment is focused on an east day doctor. how his little mobile clinic has grown into something much bigger, now helping residents every year.>> looking forward to it, thanks, jenelle. marking 118 years since the great quake, the improvements san francisco is making before the next big
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today marks 118 years since the great san francisco earthquake. the city commemorated the fateful day earlier this morning. the fountain was dedicated to
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the late senator dianne feinstein for her service to the city, and people of san francisco. they 17 - - a 7.9 earthquake struck the city and sparked it devastating fire. the mayor, the fire and police chief joins the ceremony to honor the victims. in the 118 years since the quake, city has made major strides to protect citizens. >> we have many more capabilities than we had in 1906. we have redundancy in water supply, i don't think we will have to blow up van ness avenue to save the city. the san francisco fire department is always here, training, learning new techniques, hiring young people, and you know, we are ready for you on a daily basis.>> event organizers and participants went to 20th st. near dolores park. that fire hydrant that helped put out the fire back in 1906.
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another fast food option in pleasanton, aaron clifford opened a second chick-fil-a. clifford grew up in california, moved to georgia, where he joined the chick-fil-a team as a team member. this morning a handful of fans woke up bright and early for the grand opening.>> why are you guys out here so early? >> because it's yummy. so how about you, daniel? >> because she wanted to be here for the grand opening of the new chick-fil-a. >> so awake, and her smile is so cute. >> clifford will end up employing 170 team members between both locations. from one fast food joint to another, a popular item is coming back to taco bell, we are talking about nacho fries,
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the limited offer has been brought back a lot of times, it is coming back next thursday, this time it will be made with a secret sauce. taco bell is working to get a steady supply of potatoes to all of its location so they don't run out. you can always watch c bay area news, we are streaming our newscast all the time, you can watch live newscasts, breaking updates, and more of our content. thank you so much for joining us. we are back in just two minutes. [ music ]
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a break-in, a brutal crime case in san jose, police say several people kidnapped and tortured a man. what investigators are
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uncovering, and what that man's neighbors are saying tonight. developing news, informer president trump's cost money trial, 12 jurors are now in place, but work still needs to be done before the trial begins. cannabis lovers are getting ready to celebrate this weekend, new plans to restore a canceled event on hippie hill in san francisco. good thursday, everyone, the news starts now. thank you so much for joining us.>> we begin tonight with details of a frightening crime. san jose police are accusing three people of kidnapping a man and taking him to a home, where they tortured him.>> the case is disturbing, and at least one suspect is also linked to another major crime.>> the san jose police believe these three kidnapped a man the night of the very 13th, and brought him to a home on million court, in the evergreen
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neighborhood. they assaulted and tortured the man. this is the home the s.w.a.t. team raided as part of the investigation. police don't believe the victim knew the suspects, but they do think he was abducted in the area.>> i'm very concerned. there were a lot of things going on, they were playing music pretty loud. >> the victim was released, and turned up at the hospital a couple days later. police executed search warrants, arresting the three suspects at different locations, and confiscating illegal gambling machines at illegal drugs.>> it shows that people are out there doing violent crimes, but detectives did such a thorough investigation, they were able to see not in san jose, you can get away with it. >> never see the people in the home have been a nuisance. and the house was rated at least three other times in the past. >> when i founou


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