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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  April 18, 2024 11:34pm-12:36am PDT

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a source familiar with the situation said israel has carried out a limited military strike against iran, israeli officials notified u.s. officials this was coming. there have been reports of explosions heard in the city of istafan were some nuclear sites are located, but within the last 30 minutes the international atomic energy agency verify there's no damage to the facilities, after iran's first direct attack against israel saturday, we will monitor the situation closely overnight and will bring you (♪♪) (♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] the latest in the morning onto day in the bay. we want to end the newscast with a little bit of good news, the weekend >> jimmy: performing "punteria" from her new album "las mujeres forecast. >> shaping up really nice, we ya no lloran," once again, shakira! will have some fog to start, [ cheers and applause ] sunshine in the afternoon, 79, and the 70s through saturday and sunday. enjoy that, colder weather on ♪ the way next week, maybe even a
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[ singing in spanish ] few shower chances once we get to wednesday and thursday, i will worry about that but you just sit back and relax and ♪ enjoy the next couple of days. ♪ >> it's a deal. >> thank you for joining us tonight. [ singing in spanish ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: everything hooked up? ♪ >> we're ready. [ cheers and applause ] [ singing in spanish ] >> jimmy: okay. you know what to do, shakira. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oh baby when you talk like that ♪ you make a woman go mad ♪ ♪ so be wise and keep on reading the signs of my body ♪ ♪ >> it checks out. they're telling the truth. >> jimmy: hips don't lie. >> told ya. [ singing in spanish ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." ♪ tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- shakira, dakota fanning, mo gilligan, and featuring the legendary roots crew. ♪ >> questlove: 1947. >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! [ singing in spanish ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ ♪ oh ohh oh >> jimmy: it is so great to see ohh ♪
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you guys. ♪ welcome, welcome, welcome to [ singing in spanish ] "the tonight show." ♪ ♪ thank you for being here. [ singing in spanish ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ singing in spanish ] thank you for watching. ♪ ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ there's a buzz around the ♪ [ singing in spanish ] office today. ♪ ♪ oh shakira is here tonight! ohh oh ohh ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oh ohh ♪ [ cheers and applause ] shakira is here. also, by the way, the powerball and mega millions jackpots are >> jimmy: shakira, once again! [ cheers and applause ] at a combined $1.9 billion. the new album's out right now. we'll be right back with more [ cheers and applause ] "tonight show," everybody. it's tonight. hope you win, i hope you win. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ playing -- playing the lottery is very fun, though. it's days of buildup, and then it's over in a few seconds. anyway, trump's stormy daniels trial is in the news, and it just made me think -- [ cheers and applause ] yeah, it was a busy day for trump. he was in new york today where he had two different court cases happening at the same time. i actually ate lunch at buffalo wild wings just so i could watch all of trump's cases on multiple tvs. [ cheers and applause ] but trump actually caught a a break today when an appeals court gave him an extra 10 days to post the bond in his civil fraud trial, and cut the amount from $464 million to $175 million.
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[ boos ] it's the first time someone's ever heard, "good news, you only owe $175 million." [ laughter ] having 10 days to come up with 175 million doesn't sound like good news, it sounds like the plot to a jason statham movie. [ light laughter ] "someone get me a car and a a book of matches. 'kay, let's go." that's right, trump was given an extra 10 days to pay his bond to new york, and the total was reduced to $175 million. but if he still can't pay it, the state can seize his assets, including buildings, golf courses, and even his plane. yeah. [ audience oohs ] take a look at some of those assets now. first up, trump's plane. i mean, the upside, it's a a custom private jet with luxury interior. the downside, it's a boeing. [ laughter ] so, you know? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: you gotta -- >> steve: you've got to weigh it out. >> jimmy: next up, it's trump tower. up -- upside, located in midtown manhattan. downside, melania locked
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herself in her panic room and won't come out. [ laughter ] we've got to get her out of there. after that, it's mar-a-lago. upside, historic seaside property. downside, can't use toilet because it's clogged full of classified documents. [ laughter and applause ] "flush it." then there's trump national golf club in new jersey. the upside, upscale club an hour outside of new york city. downside, your caddy is rudy giuliani. [ laughter ] you go, "oh, nevermind." and finally, it's the trump international hotel in new york. the upside, it's a high-end hotel overlooking central park. downside, the continental breakfast is just a pile of half-eaten mcmuffins. [ cheers and applause ] still good. still tasty. meanwhile, the judge in trump's stormy daniels hush money case rejected his effort to dismiss the trial, and set a start date of april 15th. the judge picked april 15th 'cause it's tax day and he knew
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trump wouldn't be busy. [ laughter and applause ] he's available. [ cheers and applause ] did you hear about this? did you hear about this? about trump yesterday, he posted online about winning his own golf tournament. [ light laughter ] after winning, he was honored to receive a congratulatory phone call from himself. [ laughter ] "way to go, me." "thank you, me." [ light laughter ] some news from overseas -- ireland is set to have its youngest ever prime minister. yep, he's just 37-years-old. meanwhile, in the u.s., all we want is a candidate who can cut his own meat. [ laughter ] we're not asking for much. [ cheers and applause ] we're not asking for that much. some business news, amid the ongoing safety investigations, boeing announced that its ceo is stepping down. well, don't let the blown-out door hit you on the way out, you know? [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] get this -- some travelers are actually changing their flights
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to avoid being on boeing airplanes. >> jimmy: my thanks to shakira, dakota fanning, mo gilligan, it's bad, when parents airplane drew barrymore, and the roots right there from philadelphia, food into their kids' mouths, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] they're like, "stop freaking out. it's not boeing. it's just broccoli." [ laughter ] "here it comes." that's right, the ceo of boeing is stepping down as the company thank you for watching. deals with ongoing safety stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." problems. goodnight everybody. for more on that, we're joined by boeing's chief bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] communications officer, ♪ dave nardoon. dave, are you -- [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, thanks for having me, jimmy. >> jimmy: yeah, dave, what's ♪ the mood over at boeing? it seems like you guys are having a really rough year. [ sobbing ] [ laughter ] >> well, why does everybody have to be so mean about it? you know how hard it is to actually build a plane? [ cheers and applause ] they're big. ♪ they have lots of seats and >> announcer: from bolts and barf bags. 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with it's terrible. seth meyers." >> jimmy: i -- i just think that people want your planes to tonight -- be safe. i mean, a door blew off one of joel mchale, them. >> oh, come on. it's just one door. use the other one! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it seems like your hand is being -- is invisible.
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your right hand, is it okay there, dave? >> what happened to it? it's gone. it's keying out. >> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> it's keying out on the green screen. >> jimmy: yeah, it did. >> i'm green. my right hand is green. [ light laughter ] what do you want me to do? what do you want me to do? >> jimmy: i don't know. >> go like that? keep it inside of that? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it just doesn't feel like you're on a -- >> in addition -- in addition to the -- the doors weren't the only things falling off! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but, dave -- but, dave, it came off in mid-air, is what i'm saying. >> listen, look, if you think you can do any better, all right, you go ahead and build a a plane. seriously, go build a plane right now. i'll wait. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i didn't say i was better at making planes than boeing. >> all right. then shut your pie hole. [ light laughter ] all right? >> jimmy: what? >> or your pizza hole. i don't know what you eat. i'm not tracking what you're eating. look, jimmy, making planes that don't fall apart has been scientifically proven to be impossible.
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>> jimmy: that's not -- [ light laughter ] that's not true. most planes don't fall apart. >> okay, okay, okay, fine. look, i don't need all this. i don't need all this negative energy that you're putting on me, okay? my therapist says that if somebody doesn't have anything nice to say, then they shouldn't say anything at all. >> jimmy: your therapist says that? that's something that people's moms say to them when they're a a kid. >> oh, yeah? well, burn, 'cause my mom is my therapist. bam! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. >> and she's gonna have a lot to say about all this, jimmy! >> jimmy: all right. you seem to have a lot of stuff going on, all right. dave nardoon, everybody. you have too much going on. [ cheers and applause ] >> stop it! stop it! stop clapping. stop clapping. i can hear the sarcasm in the clapping. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, thank you. dave nardoon, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] and finally, i heard that west virginia approved a bill that allows people to distill up to five gallons of moonshine. [ light laughter ] west virginia said it's a great
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way for meth dealers to diversify their portfolio. [ cheers and applause ] we have a great show. give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: we've got a lot of stuff here, tonight. [ cheers and applause ] what a show we have for you tonight. she is a pop music icon and -- [ cheers and applause ] yeah. -- the best-selling latin female artist of all time. [ cheers and applause ] her latest album, "las mujeres ya no lloran" is out now. shakira is here, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to talk to shakira, and then she's performing later in the show. it is a crusher performance. we love shakira. ah, i'm so happy she's here. also on the show, she stars in the new netflix series, "ripley," which is available april 4th. dakota fanning is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] based on "the talented
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mr. ripley." >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: it's really good. and he's a very, very funny comedian who you can see in his "in the moment" world tour. mo gilligan is here. [ cheers and applause ] i have so many things i want to talk to you about tonight. i have a lot of -- a lot of things, a lot of, like, cards and bits. first off, there's an all new "password" on tomorrow night, 10:00, nbc. [ cheers and applause ] me and keke palmer, that's tomorrow night on nbc. it's me -- me versus jimmy kimmel. >> steve: ooh. [ audience oohs ] the battle of the jimmys. >> jimmy: "i'm just -- well, i'm just saying." >> steve: "well, all i'm saying is me and jimmy." >> jimmy: it's really fun. it's a great episode. so, check it out tomorrow at 10:00. set your dvr, set your tivos, get your tivo set up. [ laughter ] >> steve: tebow. >> jimmy: gey your -- yeah, get your -- >> steve: the tim tebows. >> jimmy: yeah, get -- call tim tebow, tell him to watch. whatever you want to do. get your betamax, your vcrs, go for it. [ light laughter ] i -- i got this nice thing delivered in the mail.
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this is very -- it's a cookie cake. >> steve: oh. [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: "jimmy's the sweetest." [ audience aws ] and that was very nice, yeah. and it's from meghan trainor, who i love. [ audience oohs ] so, she sent me this, and so i was just going to tell you the story quick. so, i brought it home and my wife goes, "who sent you this cookie cake?" and i go, "meghan trainor." she goes, "that's so nice." she goes, "do you mind if i give some to the kids?" and i was just thinking of my life, "what if i said no?" [ laughter ] "no, i -- i want the whole cookie cake for myself." and our two beautiful little angels don't get any of daddy's cookie cake. [ light laughter ] >> steve: mine! >> jimmy: but, yeah, of course. yeah, it's all for the kids, i don't care. but meghan, the reason she sent this to me -- i have a very interesting story. so, she was going to send me a a giant pop-tart. you know what's up, right? yeah. so, about three weeks ago or a a month ago, i get a call from jerry seinfeld. and he goes, "hey, jimmy, it's jerry." no, i'm just kidding. [ laughter ] >> steve: yeah, that's what he said? >> jimmy: "how -- what are you doing? good, hello."
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and he goes, "hey, i just finished the -- my new movie, 'unfrosted.' i did --" he did this movie, it's on netflix. it's about the invention of the -- creation of the pop-tart. he directed, it's his directorial debut. it's really funny. comedy movie. yeah, "unfrosted." this is all -- all i can show you, here. that's -- that's the name of the film. [ scattered applause ] he goes, "it's really fun." and i go, "yeah, it's great." i did see it. it's actually really fun. he goes, "but there's still a a way for jimmy fallon to be part of the -- to be part of the movie. there's a way for jimmy fallon to be in it!" [ light laughter ] i go -- >> steve: is that what he said? >> jimmy: "yes, that's how he said it." and i go, "what do you mean?" he goes, "i -- i wrote a song." he goes, "i wrote a song for the movie, and mark ronson and andrew wyatt are producing the song, who, you know, did, just "i'm ken", they just did the barbie soundtrack. mark ronson, super talented guy, i've known him forever, love him. so i go, "of course, i'm in. whatever. send me the thing." sends me the lyrics, they're hilarious. it's called "sweet morning heat."
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[ light laughter ] "give me that sweet morning heat." [ light laughter ] every -- >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: yeah, i know dude! it's about -- but, it's about pop-tarts! it's about pop-tarts. so, i go, "i can do it." he goes, "is there anyone you want to do it with? is there anyone you want to sing a duet with?" i go, "i just had the best time with meghan trainor." she's like, a blast. ans she's so talented." [ scattered cheers ] i love her. i go, "but i could maybe text her and see if she'd be into it." she's like, "i'm in." so, meghan trainor and i have a a new song out, together. >> steve: what? [ cheers and applause ] "unfrosted." want to hear it? here is -- i don't even know if it's called "unfrosted" or "sweet morning heat." i think it's called "sweet morning heat." [ light laughter ] >> steve: "sweet morning heat." >> jimmy: "sweet morning heat," here it is. ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ sorry, that's shakira -- that's shakira. i'm just kidding. [ light laughter ] no, that's the new shakira jam. that's what i'm talking about. [ scattered cheers ]
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but no, my song is this. here's me and meghan. ready for this? it's called -- so i start it off with, "please give me that sweet --" ready? ♪ please give me that sweet morning heat ♪ >> steve: oh. ♪ every single day of the week you've got all the love that i need ♪ ♪ give me that sweet mornin' give me that sweet mornin' give me that sweet mornin' heat ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ heat i used to eat you any time of the day ♪ ♪ but somehow it wasn't ever enough ♪ >> jimmy: anyway, it's super fun. i'm honored. [ cheers and applause ] jerry seinfeld is coming on the show this wednesday to talk about his movie, "unfrosted." be sure to watch for that and call your radio station and request "sweet morning heat." [ light laughter ] >> steve: or "unfrosted." >> jimmy: that's all i'm asking. >> steve: "sweet morning heat." >> questlove: he wrote that?
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>> jimmy: jerry seinfeld wrote that song. >> questlove: jerry jerome allen seinfeld wrote that? >> jimmy: that is correct, jerry -- yes. >> questlove: jerome -- >> jimmy: jerome allen seinfeld wrote that song, yes. and mark ronson and andrew wyatt produced it. >> questlove: damn. >> jimmy: it's all comedy lyrics. it's a pretty good jam, right? >> questlove: it's a jam. >> jimmy: it's a jam. it's a bop. >> questlove: yes. >> jimmy: it's a bop. >> steve: it's a pop. >> jimmy: guys, if -- if you know me, you know i'm always looking for a good book to read. and that is why i'm very excited to announce this. tonight, we're announcing the return of the fallon book club. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oh, i'm in a library. amazing, i'm in a -- normally the way this works is we pick a handful of books and we vote to see who the winner is, and that's the book we read together. but this time we're changing it up. since march madness is happening, i thought it'd be fun to pick 16 new books. >> steve: ooh. [ scattered cheers ] >> jimmy: the sweet 16, all right? and then we're going to have a a bracket faceoff and just see -- for no reason, they're just going to battle each other out,
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and see what books are going to win. yeah, so we have 16 books. look at these books. zoom in on these - these titles here, these authors. these are giant books, yeah. so, this is the deal -- [ cheers and applause ] we're gonna face off in a a bracket-style tournament, okay? so, then we can vote round-by-round until we narrow them down to the elite eight books. i'm not saying this is the eight or this is the eight. it could be this. [ light laughter ] it could be -- >> steve: wait, what? >> jimmy: yeah. these could be the eight. >> steve: what? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: until we get to the final four, then the terrific two -- >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: until we're left with one winner, the fallon book club spring read. [ cheers and applause ] so, this is the bracket, right there with 16 books. we've all different genres -- mystery, young adult novels, we have debut authors, "new york times" best selling authors. it's a great mix of books. to see the bracket, go to, okay?
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or use this qr code here. so just zap your -- zap your phone. >> steve: yeah, the phone, sure. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: use the phone zapping apparatus. >> steve: yeah, zap it, man. >> jimmy: then you can vote on the books you want to advance. voting is open for three days starting now, and you can vote up to ten times. so, if you heard of this book, you think it's a great one that should go further, vote for it. you can vote for it up to ten times. and then, on friday, we'll reveal which books have moved on to the elite eight. make sure you follow our new official fallon book club instagram account and our show socials for the latest updates. we'll be doing this all month until one book is crowned the winner, and that is the book we will all read together. fun? [ cheers and applause ] let's do it. guys, stick around. we'll be right back with shakira! [ cheers and applause ] come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we actually found a a video of cardi b saying how she felt when you asked her to be on your song. take a look at this. >> i was so happy. i was like, "i don't -- i don't care if she wants me to meow. [ light laughter ] i'm doin' it."
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a a global music superstar and the best selling latin female artist of all time.
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her latest album, "las mujeres ya no lloran" is out now. [ cheers and applause ] everyone please welcome shakira! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're fantastic. welcome back to the show. they love you. we love you. oh, my gosh. the album came out on friday, by the way. congratulations on this. i want to share how well it's doing. [ cheers and applause ] in the first 24 hours it was released, the album became the most streamed album of 2 2024, already. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. ♪ get ready -- no.
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it was certified seven times platinum, already. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and it's been streamed 10 billion times globally. come on! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i mean, this is what i'm talking about. >> i'm overwhelmed. i really am. i have the best fans in the world, the best ones. >> jimmy: they really are. [ cheers and applause ] >> they're just insanely amazing. they've been with me in the good times, in the bad times. they support me, all the time. i feel -- i feel accompanied -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> -- through each one of the processes that i have to go through in life, they're just -- >> jimmy: you keep delivering, though, you keep delivering. that's -- that's why we are fans of you. 'cause you put out quality stuff every single time you do anything. "las mujeres ya no lloran." >> perfecto. [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: yeah? [ speaking spanish ] >> jimmy: close? close? yeah, yeah, trying. >> perfecto. "las mujeres ya no lloran." >> jimmy: yeah. >> "women no longer cry." >> jimmy: ooh. >> mm. >> jimmy: i love that.
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where did it -- where did it -- where did that come from? >> because it's -- it's men's turn now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? what are you talking about? ♪ no! what? it's my -- it's men's turn to cry? >> yeah, i think so, i think so. we've done that for too long, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. like, for too long, we've been sent to cry with a script in our hands and without an end. just because we're women, we have to conceal our pain in front of our kids, in front of society. we have to heal in a certain way. and i don't think anyone is supposed to tell us how to heal. like, no one is supposed to tell a she-wolf how to lick her wounds, you know? yeah, i think that now women decide when to cry, how to cry, and until when. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers ] >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good for you. >> yeah. no one is supposed to tell us how to -- >> jimmy: good for you. >> -- how to cope -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> -- with the hardship of life. >> jimmy: yeah.
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and this has been seven years since the last album. >> yep. >> jimmy: right? and so you put out songs here and there that are awesome. you came on our show and performed, thank you for that. but what made you feel like, oh, now you have a full album ready to go? >> uh, well, yeah, i've been putting out music here and there. but it was really hard for me to put together a body of work. i didn't have time. it's the husband factor. [ laughter ] now i'm husbandless -- yeah, the husband was dragging me down. [ laughter and cheers ] now i'm free. >> jimmy: yeah! >> now i can actually work. >> jimmy: yeah, now you can work again. oh, my gosh. you are so funny. [ light laughter ] you are -- by the way, in addition to this cover, you also released three other covers to the album. i just want to show everyone these, just so y'all know. look at this one. ooh. >> emerald. this is emerald. >> jimmy: ooh. >> this is ruby. >> jimmy: wow. >> you can open it up. >> jimmy: even the vinyl too. [ cheers and applause ] emerald and ruby.
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ooh. >> sapphire. >> jimmy: sapphire. >> and this is -- look, this one is pretty cool because it's clear. >> jimmy: it's a clear vinyl. >> clear vinyl. [ cheers ] it's cute, huh? >> jimmy: and why -- why these -- why these gems? >> look at that. look at that. >> jimmy: ooh! wow! >> i still got it. >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. >> i still got it. >> jimmy: dude -- [ laughter ] you still got -- absolutely. why did you pick these gems? any particular reason why you picked ruby and sapphire and diamond? >> diamond. yeah, well, because you know, when i was creating each one of the 16 tracks in this -- in this album, i -- i was raw. i was dealing with a lot of stuff. and i was writing. i felt at times with a knife between my teeth, you know? i was picking the pieces of myself from the floor. i was trying to rebuild myself. and music was the glue. but it felt like it was in a a chemical process in which i was transforming pain and anger and frustration, into
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creativity and productivity and strength and resilience. >> jimmy: it's so hard to do. >> the resilience of the diamond, you know? so, that's why i picked the metaphor of the precious stones, because of the resilience that us women have today when we have to face adversity. >> jimmy: you have some other great guest stars in here. ozuna, you have karol g. >> yeah. >> jimmy: come on, we love karol g. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. ozuna, karol g, bizarrap -- we have him twice. >> jimmy: bizarrap, i love him. >> yeah! >> jimmy: so fun. >> who doesn't? bizarrap -- >> jimmy: cardi b. >> cardi b, come on, cardi b! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how was -- how'd you end up working with cardi? >> rauw alejandro as well. so many wonderful collaborations on this album. with cardi, i met her in paris during fashion week. and i just thought, you know, i had this song, "punteria," which is the focus track of the album. and i thought she would be perfect for this, because i think this album needed a dose of someone like her.
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you know, she's, like, the symbol of female empowerment to me. she -- she's so unapologetic. she says what she thinks. she doesn't ask for permission. and this is an album that celebrates that kind of strength in women. and so, i thought she was perfect for this album and for that song. and so, i reached out to her, and she said yes. and she jumped on it -- >> jimmy: 'course she said yes. you're shakira, of course. [ laughter ] so cardi was excited to work with you. we actually found a video of cardi b saying how she felt when you asked her to be on your song. take a look at this. >> i was so happy. i was like, "i don't care if she wants me to meow, i'm doing it." [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: she wanted to meow. >> love you, cardi. i love you. >> jimmy: you've got the new album, does this mean that you'll be going on tour? >> that's what i'd like. yeah, i mean, you know how it goes. [ cheers and applause ] first -- first you present an album, and then you go on tour. i can't say when. >> jimmy: okay, no. >> or where we'll start -- >> jimmy: but maybe follow you on the socials, right? >> follow me on my socials, of
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course. and follow me on my socials for what's going to happen tomorrow here in new york. [ audience oohs ] there's something happening -- >> jimmy: something's happening. [ drum roll ] >> -- tomorrow -- >> jimmy: tomorrow -- tomorrow in new york. >> -- in the city. >> jimmy: okay. >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. >> i can't say much more. >> jimmy: okay. that's perfect. >> i'll just -- i'll give you the details and the specifications on my instagram, on my socials. >> jimmy: all right, perfect. all right, that's all. we'll take -- i'll take that. i love that. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations on the new album. we always love it when you come by. shakira, everybody. her album "las mujeres ya no lloran" is out now. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with dakota fanning. stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪
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(man) that looks really high. (woman) it is high. whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow. (vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a talented actress, who stars in the new netflix series, "ripley," which is available april 4th. everyone please welcome dakota fanning! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: that's dakota fanning! ♪ oh, come on, gorgeous. ♪ welcome back. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's so great to see you. >> good to see you. >> jimmy: i have a lot to get into here, but you recently celebrated a birthday. happy 30th. >> 30!
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>> jimmy: you turned 30. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ wow, that's so fun! >> so fun. >> jimmy: your -- your sister posted something on instagram that made me laugh. it was a picture of you with all these "sesame street" characters. [ audience aws ] >> toothless. >> jimmy: it says "anyone who knows dakota knows she has dreamt of turning 30 since she was a teenager." [ laughter ] now, what -- what does that -- what does that mean? >> i've always rounded up my ages. so, i -- and i -- elle and i both have a super present, involved, amazing mom, the best mom in the entire world. >> jimmy: aww. >> but she -- if she doesn't hear from us, she will call 100 times. she will send hotel employees into the room. [ laughter ] she will drive over to my house at 3:00 in the morning and walk into my bedroom. i'm not kidding. >> jimmy: yeah, that's right. >> like, i am not exaggerating. >> jimmy: tell mom where you are! that's exactly right. [ clapping ] [ light laughter ] >> so, i -- my response to her
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is always, "mom, i'm almost a a 30-year-old woman. you cannot be walking in my bedroom at 3:00 in the morning. because, you know, i could be doing anything in here, you know?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but you're -- you were saying that since you were 18? >> i've been saying that for my entire 20s. >> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] yeah, you're like, "dude, i'm a a 30-year-old woman." >> yeah. i'm always -- and now i'm like, "oh, god, well, i am a a 30-year-old woman." so now, i have to -- i guess i say "i'm almost a 35-year-old woman" -- [ laughter ] -- next time she does it, because me being 30 has no meaning to her. she does not care. she will still do the same thing. >> jimmy: no, a mom is a mom is a mom is a mom, yeah. look at this right here, you're celebrating with a golden cake. looking gorgeous right there. [ cheers and applause ] what was the birthday like? >> it was so fun. it was the -- one of the best nights of my life. having a party where you just assemble so many people that you love from all different aspects. it was at this restaurant in l.a. called la dolce vita. and i had sweatshirts made that said "la dakota vita." >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> so, everyone was living la
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dakota vita for one night. it was incredible. it was so fun. >> jimmy: you and your sister, elle, both very talented actors, but you also started a a production company together. >> yeah, we did. >> jimmy: that's amazing. that's a dream come true. >> thank you. it is. it's so exciting. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did you ever think that you would do that together, do -- make a company together? >> yes and no. of course we started as actors, and i think we both have this desire to develop our own projects, and be really a part of things from the ground up. and we're super close. so, i can't -- i would never do it with anyone else. >> it has to be her. >> jimmy: we actually came across a home video that shows a little of the dynamic -- >> oh, no. >> jimmy: -- between the fanning sisters growing up. this was on halloween. do you know what i'm going to show? >> i think i do. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, let's see if you remember this. >> elle, that's my stuff. >> but i have to -- >> no, i have to -- i have to do my eyebrows. >> what is this? >> it's for your eyebrows and you're not allowed to do it. go get your wig back on!
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[ laughter ] go get mom to do it, she'll do it. >> i did it. >> jimmy: oh, no! that's heartbreaking. [ applause ] >> it's so sad! >> jimmy: that's heartbreaking. >> it's so sad! i, like -- i actually, like, remember that moment. but i don't remember being that bossy, and that mean, and like -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you thought -- you're like, "i'm the nicest sister ever." >> you must experience that with your kids. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. i mean, yeah. >> i'm not -- i wasn't horrible all the time. >> jimmy: no, yeah -- you're -- no. that's the cutest. are you kidding me? come on. >> she loves me. >> jimmy: yeah, she loves you. yeah. let's talk about your new netflix series, "ripley." by the way, this is gorgeous. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: it is beautifully shot. it's based on a popular novel, obviously, "the talented mr. ripley." and you -- can you set up what it's about and tell us who you play? >> yeah, sure. well, it's based on "the talented mr. ripley," by patricia highsmith, as you said. and it's about that character, tom ripley, who, you know, is sent to italy to bring back dickie greenleaf.
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and i play marge sherwwood, dickie's girlfriend. and a very different story starts taking place once he arrives. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. honestly, wait till you see how gorgeous this is. i want to show a clip. here's dakota fanning in "ripley." take a look. >> have you decided what you want to see next? >> excuse me. >> in italy. >> no. i haven't. >> there's a lot to it. >> i'm sure there is. but i think i'm going to stay here for a little while. >> you know, if you're gonna be here longer, tom, you should stay at my place. i mean, why spend money at the miramare when i have extra rooms, even if it is just my father's money? >> oh, uh -- i'd like -- i'd like that very much. >> great. >> thank you. >> jimmy: dakota fanning, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "ripley" begins streaming on netflix april 4th.
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mo gilligan joins us after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ that colonoscopy for getting screened ♪ ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ isn't it absolutely bonkers that you can walk into a store, hand someone a piece of plastic, and they will willingly hand over reese's cups? forget flying cars. this is it. we're at the pinnacle. and meet reese's distant but delicious cousins.
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's it, mo. come on, bud. welcome, welcome. >> wow. that's the best introduction i've ever had in my life. that was amazing. >> jimmy: that's not true. >> that felt like my wedding day. [ laughter ] thank you so much. >> jimmy: mo, it's so good to see you. you know i'm a big fan of yours. i wanted to ask about this because in england, in the u.k. times, they printed this headline with your photo. and this is, seriously, it says "the funniest man in britain." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i mean -- i mean, come on. when you first saw this, how does it make you feel? >> you know what's mad -- you know what's really mad about this is this was like my first ever big interview i've done, which was with them, with a a huge online paper. massive newspaper. and it was like "funniest man in britain." and it came out and i was like, this is amazing for promo.
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but then, i read the small print. and in the small print, it says, "that still lives with his mum." [ laughter ] yeah, yeah, yeah. this is the bit here. so -- [ laughter ] yeah. >> jimmy: you can't just say "the funniest man in britain." it's "the funniest man in britain, who still lives with his mom." yeah. [ laughter and applause ] >> it was a different time. >> jimmy: that takes the pressure back down. yeah. >> you know what's mad, though, looking at that? can i just show you -- everything has changed though now. you know? people say that success changes you. i've cut the hair, now. i've got new teeth, as you guys can see. [ laughter ] yeah, man. >> jimmy: you got new teeth? >> yeah, i had to get new teeth. i smile for no reason now, jimmy. it doesn't matter. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're just happy. >> yeah, someone's like, "oh, my god, i lost my job." i'm like, "i'm sad to hear that." [ laughter ] dude, you're in a giant world tour, "in the moment" world tour right now. >> come on, thank you so much. >> jimmy: congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, yeah. thank you. >> jimmy: have you found any differences between being -- british and american audiences?
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>> do you know what i found? because this is my first time really, like, discovering different states. 'cause i go to l.a. a lot. like, we met in l.a., for example. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know. and, like, l.a.'s very cool. it's a bit of a pub where everyone's like, "hey, man. what's up, mo? yeah, you know, comedy. like, i know judd apatow can get you in the movie, bro." [ laughter ] but everyone's very -- everyone's very cool. you go to atlanta, you know, georgia. everyone again is very cool, but it's a different vibe. and then you get to like new york. and i love new york. it's one of my favorite cities. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. aw, thank you so much, man. but i've got to be honest. new yorkers are respectful and disrespectful in the same sentence. [ laughter ] i don't think you realize. i met someone at times square and it was like, "oh, my god, mo, how you doing?" and i was like, "oh, yeah, good, man." and they was like, "can i get a a picture?" i was like, "of course, do a a picture." you know, i'm trying to do this picture, trying to get the angles right. this guy was like, "hey, my man. my man. respectfully, i don't know you. i know you're doing selfies, but you've got to move out the way. dead ass. you gotta move." [ laughter ] "like, i know you famous, but dead ass, you got to move." >> and i was like -- >> jimmy: respectfully. >> is he being nice or is he
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not? so, yeah, man. but i think what i love about coming to the states is people don't expect this accent to come out of this body, jimmy. [ laughter i swear to you. i remember being in l.a. for the first time, right. i went to engelwood because i really wanted some jamaican food. you had some jamaican food? >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah? so, i went to get some jamaican food. i went to englewood, place called country style. i'm in there. i'm in the queue. and this is the thing, if you ever go to a caribbean takeaway, you know the food is good when the service is bad. that is when -- [ laughter ] no, no. that is true. if you -- guys, am i lying? am i lying, guys? [ laughter ] am i lying? when the -- listen, when the service is bad -- mm, mm, mm, mm. [ laughter ] so, i walk in there, you know. and the woman's like, what ya want boy? so, i was like, "oh. let me get a jerk chicken, rice and peas, and a dumpling." you know, there's one guy behind me. he's like, "hey, my man. my man, where you from?" [ light laughter ] so, immediately i realize i'm in the hood. i'm thinking, "ah, this could be a situation." i said, you know, "oh, i'm from london." he's like, "you're from london?"
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i said yeah. he's like, "you're from london london?" [ light laughter ] and i said, "yeah, man." he goes, "okay. yeah, that's cool, man. yeah, yeah, yeah. man, i love y'all harry potter dudes, man, yeah. yeah." [ laughter and applause ] that's right. >> jimmy: harry potter dudes. >> and i'm sitting there like, "is this a compliment or is this a dis?" i just went with it. i was like, "come on, man. gryffindor, you know what's going on in there." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: mo gilligan, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] go see this dude. for tickets. we'll be right back with a a performance from shakira! stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ to help protect from hiv, i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill
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