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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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the bench. he said to come back at 3:15 and we would pick up with additional matters here, housekeeping matters. the jury is done until 9:30 when we're expected to get opening statements. i don't think we're exactly done with court here. there have been a bunch of different legal issues. we'll go back in court at 3:15 and see what happens. >> laura jarrett, danny cevallos. that concludes this nbc special report. we have much more reporting to do on the situation at the courthouse. can you find the latest in our reporting on our streaming network, nbc news now. can you also find all the latest online at and, of course, a full wrapup toni we begin our midday newscast with breaking news.
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san francisco emergency crews are asking you to avoid the area near the panhandle. the san francisco department of emergency management how this posting on x about 45 minutes ago. crews are on the corner of oak and fulton investigating several auto burglaries that happened this morning. if we have updates within the broadcast we will bring those to you live. as you just talk in the special report from nbc news, the full jury has been seated in the former president trump hush money trial and a person in a designated protest area set themselves on fire. at this time we are working to learn more about that incident. trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts
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the facility was ordered to shut down earlier this week due to a history of sex abuse and scandals as well as employee misconduct. we are joined now outside of the prison in dublin with the protest going on right now. bob, tell us what you know. is >> good morning. as you can see behind my shoulder there is a group of activists with the california coalition for prisoners. summer former inmates and family members of those still incarcerated and they are protesting on this road here that leads up to fci dublin. that is behind the camera
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position. this is the brother the prisoners used to bus their female inmates off property to transfer them to other federal prisons. this morning the coalition filed a request for a temporary restraining order in federal court in oakland to ask a judge to stop these transfers. they argue that fci dublin is not equipped to handle the transfers of these female inmates who they say are at risk of medical injury, suicide, and psychological stress due to being transferred out of state and away from family. the bureau of prisons ordered fci dublin closed immediately, 10 days after a federal judge took the unprecedented step of appointing a special master to oversee the prison due to a history of sexual assault in the prison. according to the federal department of corrections, on the day this was announced, 90% of the staff went home early. they have since had to bring employees in from around the country to staff the prison.
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they say the prison needs to be closed faster and the decision to close this prison is after years of employee misconduct and sexual assault. this is a call from inmates to not be transferred but released. suspect they committed a crime and they were sentenced and they should serve the full sentence according to some. what would you say? >> i would say that while i feel like they are serving their sentence, but their sentence did not involve sexual abuse and did not involve the level of medical neglect that they are experiencing and i think these people really -- i think you people understood what they were dealing with it would change how they feel about public safety and about people serving their sentences. >> fci douglas should not closed. it is being rehabilitated with the world watching.
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we continue to make changes to make it a model prison. under the watchful eye of a judge on the special master, we would have been a success story but we were denied the opportunity as it is apparent that the bureau of prisons did not want any more transparency. >> that was the president of the union that represents officers who work inside fci dublin. he spoke across from the protest this morning. he says his officers are not part of the problem and have been providing psychological support in teaching special education. we did reach out to the bureau of prisons this morning and they declined to comment on the protest. reporting live out fci dublin i am bob redell. santa rosa city school superintendent is stepping down in june. her departure follows a four
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year tenure with the district and she served as superintendent since july 2021. the city schools have dealt with several high-profile violent incidents including a deadly stabbing last year at montgomery school. in a separate incident, 14-year- old was arrested for ripping the hair out of another student during a fight. the action follows an nbc bay area investigation into bullying accusations from the school district employees. you can watch that story in full at there are new developments on the peninsula. a man accused of a shooting in half moon bay is back in court. chris sanchez joins us from redwood city with what has been decided. kris. >> reporter: hello marcus. we know that the trial has not begun but today the judge agreed to seal the transcript
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of the grand jury that indicted him on charges leading to perhaps a more swift call for justice. the judge also set a date for parties to return to court and set the beginning of the jury trial. the suspect was in court today dressed in prison guard and standing between his attorneys. he listen to the proceedings there an interpreter. he has been in custody since january 2023 and through his attorneys, there was a request that the case be sealed and both sides agreed to return to court on august 12 for a pretrial conference and to set the date for the beginning of the jury trial. the grand jury indicted him in january on charges listed in the original criminal complaint and he pleaded not guilty to seven counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder related to two shooting sprees at two half
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moon bay mushroom farms in 2023. the county district attorney said the indictment was an attempt to move the trial forward after a year. although he pleaded not guilty in court, in a jailhouse interview, he spoke exclusively with the us and confessed to the shootings of his colleagues. we tried speaking with the district attorney today but there is now a gag order in the case. a surviving victim, whose brother was killed in the massacre, sued the owner of the farm and that case is not related to this one but running parallel. while the judge agreed to temporarily seal the documents in the indictment, temporarily, there will be a hearing between now and the august 12 court date where all parties can weigh-in including members of the media and the public on whether or
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not those documents should remain sealed for the duration of the trial. he will return to court on august 12. i'm kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. the world is waiting to see what iran will do after an israeli airstrike against an airbase overnight. israel responded to an attack by iran last week. scott mcgrew has all of it. >> reporter: a strike on israel after a strike on iran. you can see why the countries are worried about this getting out of control quickly. reporter spoke this morning to the secretary of state antony blinken who is at the g7 conference and here's the latest from the top diplomat. >> we are committed to de- escalating and to trying to bring attention to a close.
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>> one side of this may be de- escalating and that is the strike itself. this video is something that somebody saw in the area of the strike. that is apparently on an are running in airbase. we do not know of any damage. there has been very little officially out of iran and the government. that might be another sign that the countries of found an offer it. here is jack jacobs. >> i think we need to assume that is it from israel for the time being and perhaps they are just trying to see whether or not iran will respond. >> no official word from them but there were demonstrations this morning. a reminder that there is pressure on both sides and they are feeling that from the populace. that demonstration was in tehran and this is out in the center
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of the country. this is home to a lot of iranian weapons manufacturers as well as historic sites. there is a nuclear plant in the area but it is believed the power plant is fine. this after a massive iran and airstrike on israel. one person was hurt. this strike is in response to an israeli airstrike. the u.s. urged israel not to respond but it just did it again. a very limited attack. at least so far. back to you. aid could be coming to gaza. the house of representatives is set to vote on several bills that include giving aid to ukraine and israel. democrats helped republican leaders advanced -- to provide millions in stalled security funding. the house rules committee passed a rule allowing for consideration before foreign aid bills. several republicans
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voted against the role because border security was not being paired with it. the house is expected to vote on the passage of that foreign aid package this weekend. big news for anybody who loves visiting the zoo in the bay area. >> guess what san franciscans? i have some really exciting news. we have some cute, cuddly, black and white beauties coming to our city. ladies and gentlemen, welcome pandas to san francisco! >> the san francisco mayor made a big announcement that the san francisco zoo is getting pandas. this comes during a weeklong visit to china to bring new business and tourism to san francisco. she discussed this with xi jinping back in november during the apex summit and that is when they talked about restarting the panda diplomacy
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with the united states. a timeline for their arrival has not been set but they will become once an enclosure is complete. let's take a live look outside in san jose. a beautiful shop there this midday. going into the weekend, it is a beautiful time to get out and enjoy the zoo. >> an excellent opportunity for kids to learn about conservation and more. the sunshine is definitely extending inland but some areas are slower to clear like san francisco. at 59 degrees and we are in the 60s for san jose and we can expect to see clearing eventually around the coast but even so it will be a mix of sun and clouds but the temperature trend will get into the 70s. we will take a look at the extended outlook coming up. >> thank you vianey. tesla is talking about a
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problem with one of their vehicles, the cyber truck. and a1 for those trying to make it in the bay. new rules preventing landlos from rd
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happening tonight a vigil his plan for a man who died in police custody in 2021. three alameda officers have been charged with involuntary manslaughter. this runs the death of a 26- year-old, mario gonzalez, who died after he was pinned to the ground for several minutes. the previous district attorney found insufficient evidence to charge those officers. the new police accountability unit found otherwise. the mother of gonzalez will speak at a vigil tonight at a vigil tonight in alameda.
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a recall on tesla cyber trucks due to a pedal problem. the accelerator could become stuck to the floor. the recall is specifically on cyber trucks on your fractured between november 13, 2023 and april 4. roughly 4000 are part of that recall. a surprise twist in renter protection for those trying to make it in the bay. this is for a recently passed rent stabilization and just caused ordinance. this includes rent control roles that have gone through years of debate. the group now says that the effort failed to collect enough signatures and that means that the ordinance will take effect immediately.
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the annual meet up in san francisco, less than 24 hours away and the official hippie hill light up event is still canceled. organizer shut it down weeks ago citing staffing concerns. the city stepped in and planned a sports related event in the same area but now the oakland church of ambrosia is leading a new effort with the idea that people will still show up. they plan to handle crowd control and handout water at hippie hill on 4/20. >> it is unfortunate this happen the way it did but we know the city is putting resources in it we are trying to do everything we can to help. >> the church focuses on the use of cannabis and magic mushrooms in religious ceremonies. the only safari attraction in the bay area will celebrate earth day. there will be a family day
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tomorrow including conservation and education. dozens of conservation groups are expected to take part. one of the cofounders says that they will meet and greet conservation experts. >> they bring with them some of the animals. we have bats, owls, ravens and then there are children and adults that come to participate and they get to see all of these creatures up close and personal. this also includes hundreds of animals like zebras, rhino, cheetahs, and antelope families tomorrow are encouraged to dress children up in their favorite animal costumes. there's going to be a lot of cuteness there. >> and the weather will be excellent to enjoy the wildlife and learn about it. i think conservation will be a big push and i think people want to protect the animals. so, folks want to do about the weekend weather so let's take a look at the live camera in san jose.
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you can see cloud cover but it is a bit more sunny in the south bay compared to other spots. they want to show you how san francisco is looking. it is beautiful but you can see the marine layer right there that has been lingering all morning. we will see some partial clearing with a mix of sunshine rolling through and today we expect to be just a few degrees cooler. we will still climb into the 70s so you can still enjoy the spring temperatures. san francisco in the 60s and to the north bay. dublin 73 and freeman 73. heymann -- hayward is 71 and all the way down to the mountains in the mid-70s. if you will be out and about tomorrow, lots of sunshine and you might wake up to cloud cover early on in the day. the warmer day will start to
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ramp up heading into sunday and that is because we have the return of some rain. this will kick into the 80s for spots like san jose, freeman, dublin, concorde, they will all be closer to the 80s. by the time that we get to monday we keep the dry weather but, a quick reminder. a lot of folks have been struggling with allergies and their sinuses. here is the reason. we have high pollen counts and we will keep this medium to high through the weekend because of the high pressure. if you want to look for some relief, i think the coast will be a bit more breezy but the high pressure will remain through tuesday. we will see some changes in the form of a cool down and we will monitor for storm activity out there. it is beautiful this weekend and i hope you will all get out and enjoy the sunshine and this stunning weather. let's take a look at climate in crisis. california became the first
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state in the nation to ban single use last bags but there is a flaw. the plan to reduce waste and get rid of single use plastic bags has a loophole that is getting in the way of a green future. retailers could charge up to a dime for plastic bags and then they created heavier and thicker bags for customers to reuse. but people are now using them and that creates more waste. recently a report was released called plastic bag bans work. >> the law has been mass- producing these thicker plastic bags that they claim are exempt from the law because they can beat the law requirements for reusable bags. because of that there are these plastic bags out there that really don't look like reusable
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bags and they look like they are designed to be single use so people just throw them away. >> scientists have found plastic silverware from the ocean to the highest mountain peaks and even in things we eat and drink. according to the united nations if we do not make a change there will be more plastic than fish by weight by the year 2050. tune in to nbc bay area tomorrow night and you can see the new bill trying to close the plastic bag loophole. we will be covering that story throughout the year. we cover not just problems but solutions to a climate in crisis. we will have complete earth week coverage starting next week. >> always keeping us in the loop. thank you vianey. noaa is ushering in a new trend in trains but not before giving the dad to --. they removed the last of the legacy trains earlier this year and now b.a.r.t. will hold a retirement
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ceremony. the strains have been synonymous with the bay for nearly five decades. so, taylor swift can do anything. ahead for you here at nbc bay area ws, will tell you about the and expected gift for swifty is this friday. first, a programming no on sunday we will belive streaming the 57th annual cherry blossom parade. you can tune in on roku and other platforms
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swifty is have an added spring in their step this weekend. not only did taylor swift released her new studio album but a surprise twist. turns out it is a double album. >> [ singing ] ♪ [ singing ] that is the title track
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from the album, the tortured poets department. in all it has 31 songs. she said this album was two years in the making. do got something to do this weekend while you listen to this? >> i cannot wait to see what the to talk videos will be like for people enjoying the album. if you are going to be out and about, maybe you will be taking a stroll outside, take a look at san francisco. we will be in the 60s and possibly a marine layer. in san francisco, high 70s and 80s are moving back into the baarea. baarea. y
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to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. ♪♪ right now on "california live." >> i'm at an animal sanctuary about an hour outside of l


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