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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  April 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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good afternoon. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. we are talking to everyone involved in the congressional race and we will have an update on the recount. we are tracking other stories on this friday. the reason activists are asking a judge to stop this transfer of inmates. also. can one stop construction in his neighborhood? apparently he can. we are in san jose talking to him about why he says the development is not safe for his community. is it a good weekend to go
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to the beach and do some gardening? our chief meteorologist is tracking what is in store the next few days and beyond. let's begin with the new twists and turns in the race to replace congress. finding out who will square off. and allegations today of campaign-finance violations in uncounted ballots. we are doing now after digging into the story today. let's go ahead and start with the most recent allegation. >> this was filed to the federal election commission by a southbay lawyer who says he is not involved in any of the campaigns of but is making serious accusations. the president of the government attorneys association says he filed the complaint saying in an apparent attempt to avoid negative public attention he and others. to have orchestrated a scheme to use a newly formed super pack to to illegally pay for a recount. it is not clear if they will
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investigate this complaint. the complain so they have not seen it yet. the tech ceo and former staffer who requested the recount is named in it and called it frivolous and the says he has always been fully aware of the rules preventing any type of coordination with a candidate. >> how about the recount? >> it is turning along and is expected to wrap up possibly by next friday. in another twist today the posted 20 ballots were improperly excluded from the count. officials tell us there are a number of challenges from the campaign attorneys adding some of the ballots in question are provisional. cast by people who registered the day of the election. >> they were not improperly excluded. the process that we have in place is to make sure that every vote counts. the observers have their reasons for challenging these things that we are trying to
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determine whether or not they are valid. >> another big mystery is who is paying for the recount. coming up at 5:30 the very direct question we asked the campaign about accusations that he may be funding the recount. and thought of twists and turns. we will see you later. a judge has approved the release of a nonprofit director and former youth pastor accused of sexually assaulting a girl. prosecutors say this man sexually abused a young girl between 2014 and 2018. during that time he was a youth pastor at the river church community in san jose. enough serves as the executive director at the hilton grove
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health center which is a san jose organization that supports low income families. currently on unpaid leave. facing six felony charges, but a judge approved his release on bail while the case is pending. now they've got a restraining order aimed at stopping prisoner transfers. you can see them right here. they rallied outside this morning. on monday the bureau of prison announced it is immediately closing the prison that has been grappling with a long history of sexual abuse. advocates filed a temporary restraining order last night aimed at stopping the bureau of prisons from transferring inmates to other facilities across the country ahead of the closure. >> the saying their family is terrified. they do not know when or where they are going. and they do not know what they are facing with when they get there. >> they fear proper procedures are not being followed. they would not comment on the
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issue saying the matter is tied up with the court. climate activism is bringing our students in san francisco. middle and high schoolers gathered here for a bradley and a march. they called it reclaim earth day. many of them carried signs with various demands including some that usually do not associate with earth day such as in amas earth day such as in war. organizers say they believe all those issues are tied together. >> they have this moral clarity, and when they see these little kids in the streets in giving speeches that is really powerful. a lot of the time adults are the ones who are profiting from the destruction of the children's homes and our futures. >> they say the goal is to make earth day not just about the environment but about the right to live in a safe world.
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now a story about a man who is trying to make a difference in his community. the neighborhood association president is taking on a developer. his concern is he says the land they are tilting to build on may be a health risk. let's bring in damien live from there. i understand this one is bringing construction to a halt ?>> reporter: yeah. he does not mind ruffling feathers at city hall in san jose. this used to be the old feed into fuel. i am told in the back they used to have large containers filled with fertilizer and pesticides and herbicides. some of those chemicals seeped into the ground and so when this place closed down the developer bought the land and wants to make it into affordable housing. actually a good plan for the community. before he does any construction the county has ordered this site to have what is called toxicity soil remediation, which means there has to be a scientific way to remove the soil because of the toxicity and chemicals
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that were involved. when the homeowners association president walked by and saw the bulldozers here the earthmovers kind of moved around left and right. he called and said that is not supposed to be happening. he does not have the proper permits to be moving the dirt around. they investigated and later they put the sign up. we are told it might be an innocent mistake by the developer. that one was able to halt this construction because what he saw he says put the community at risk because of the airflow and maybe some of the toxins going into the air. >> any word from the developer or the city? >> the reached out to the developer. he is in idaho and we have not heard back from him later today in fact. city hall says it might have
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been an innocent mistake by the developer. they are working to get these permits approved. everything else has been approved and is going to get going here. the homeowners association president says there are nine other properties in the area. used to be former gas stations. he will keep a close eye on those to make sure the same thing does not happen there as well. thank you. drivers in the north they may experience delays this weekend, so just a heads up if they say they are closing all of highway 37 to repair the roads. it runs through these counties. the closure starts at 8:00 tonight and is set to reopen at 4:00 in the morning on monday. there will be detours in both directions purpose of the project will take four weekends to complete. many drivers of course take this to get there, so they hope to wrap up construction before the big event. i am now with
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our chief meteorologist. it is friday. happy friday. beautiful out there right now. >> an early kickoff for the weekend. we have the blue skies. let's get you more details on what we can expect through tonight. also saturday and sunday. currently here we have 72 degrees. those sunny skies be dropping off to some 60s later on tonight, but my need a light jacket by 8:00 and 9:00. clear conditions all the way through tonight. no need for the umbrella. that is going to go through tomorrow's forecast. starting in the 50s. we will have some fog to start, but all of that should be clearing back 11:00 in the morning. that is going to set us up with some really incredible temperatures. look at this for the inland valleys. clouds for the morning and then here we go by the afternoon. up into the mid-70s. if you are going to the
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coastline is not going to be a weekend that 70s at the coast, but we will get in on some sunshine through the afternoon with temperatures in the low 60s at 2:00 and 3:00. more specific look at what we can expect through tomorrow. getting up as high as 78 in santa rosa. 79 in concordia. upper 70s through the south bay. palo alto at 73. 71 at santa cruz is the best beach spot. only thing that might be bothering you is the allergies. we have oak, pine, and cedar in the high category. coming out we will talk about the chance of may be a few raindrops next week. we have a seven-day forecast in the rain outlook coming up tonight 5:00. a recall four teslas cyber truck. the problem exposed by videos posted online. scott will be filling us in on the issue and what drivers need to do to fix it.
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also. pot and pets. some experts say cannabis can help your cat or dog, but it is not all good. we will break down what you need to know. before we go to break we want to know what you want to see later on. there is a pull up right now on my instagram and you still have a few more minutes to vote. taylor swifsurprises fans t
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ferry service between san francisco and sausalito has been stopped. it is not clear how long it will be shut down. golden gate ferry says they will be providing bust bridge service to bring people back and forth for the rest of the day, so if you know someone taking the ferry to tonight's game make sure to give them a
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heads up. let's talk about a recall on thousands of teslas cyber trucks due to a pedal problem. one driver is concerned after they found the accelerator could become stuck to the floor. let's bring in our business and tech reporter. do we know how many are being recalled right now? >> it is pretty much everyone that has been sold. so far the rollout has been fairly slow. they often take time. they are about 4000 on the road now, and it is called a voluntary recall. on like a software push this is bring your truck back we have to fix the accelerator pedal. that is why. that's the video you are talking about where someone says my pedal gets stuck, and that is obviously bad newspaper got around a lot and other owners apparently said i have seen that happen, so now the full-
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scale recall. >> so now the people who on these will have to bring them back in. >> it is something you probably should do because you do not want this to happen obviously on the road, and it looks like a fairly uncomplicated fix, but it is a tough couple of weeks for tesla. delivery numbers were lower than expected. the stock has been dropping. announcing 10% layoffs. now the shining new thing in their lineup, which we are just starting to see now especially in the bay area. we are starting to see a lot of these. this one we saw the other day. now they all have to be fixed, so it is kind of another bump in the road and what has been a tough couple of weeks for the company. >> not a high demand for these things. >> hard to say because there
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has been about 4000. that is obviously a small number. they say there are a lot of orders where you put down a small deposit. does not mean you're going to pony up the entire 80,000 to get one of these things. a very splashy rollout. they say the only reason there are not more is they are struggling to keep up with demand. that said their earnings are next weekend is probably our first chance to get a look at just how much money is being made through the older models in the new truck. >> you will always stay on top of everything for us. a big milestone today. this is a blend made its one millionth of drone delivery. carrying 2 bags of iv fluid to a healthcare facility. zipline says they are light, fast, can fly all by
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themselves. most delivers are for hospitals, restaurants, or quick commerce brands like walmart. the ceo of zipline says the plan to expand in seattle, houston, and detroit. at tomorrow is 4/20. ahead of that some experts are talking about how cannabis products may be beneficial for some pets. some experts argue recent research shows when given in moderation cbd, one of the compounds in part, may help cats and dogs with things like arthritis, anxiety and stress, gastrointestinal issues, and seizures. they say it can be used either on a regular basis or in certain situations, but thc, which is not good for your pet sit, that is the company marijuana that produces a high. cbd does not. one that points out what to look out for if you are in the market. >> always make sure you have a certificate of analysis or coa that is going to show us not
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only what is in the product meaning what active components are coming from the cannabis plant, but it will also help to make sure there is not contaminants like pesticides or solvents that could be damaging for our pets when they're taken them. >> the advise anyone with questions about cbd products to consult your veterinarian before ever giving it to their pets. that is not the only event we are tracking. birthday is fast approaching pick someplace in the bay area are getting a head start this weekend. here is today's day in the bay. >> the only safari attraction will spring to life to celebrate earth day. they will hold a family day this saturday including conservation and education. dozens are expected to take part in this. they say they will be able to meet and greet with conservation experts. >> they bring with them some of their animals. bats, owls, ravens, and the children who come get to see
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all of these creatures up close and personal. >> and there is more for you. animals like zebras, a rhino, cheetahs, antelopes. families tomorrow are encouraged to dress them up in their favorite animal costumes. for more stories like this join us starting at 5:00 a.m. we are on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. back to you. california led the way in the effort to ban single-use plastic bags becoming the first state in the nation to do so. that was a decade ago. it turns out there is a flaw in the law. the plan to reduce waste and get rid of those has a loophole and is getting in the way of a green future. a section of the law allowed grocery stores and large retailers to charge a dime for a plastic bag. they then created thicker and
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heavier plastic bags intended for customers to reuse but many people do not think of them as reusable, so it is creating more waste. we spoke with the director of a california nonprofit, which advocates for environmental solutions who recently released a report called plastic had fans work. here is what they found. >> the plastics industry has circumvented the law's intent by mass-producing these thicker plastic bags that they claim are exempt because they can meet the requirements for reusable bags. because of that there are these plastic bags out there that really do not look like reusable bags. they are designed to be single- use, so they are throwing them away. >> they found plastics everywhere from the ocean to the highest mountain peaks and even in things we eat and drink. the un says if we do not make a change there will be more plastic than fish by weight by the year 2050. be sure to
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tune into nbc bay area news tomorrow and i feel will highlight stores be covered throughout the year both problems and solutions related to our climate of crisis including a new bill trying to close the plastic bag ban loophole. that is going to air at 6:30 p.m. with complete earth week coverage beginning next week. i am at the anchor desk working on the 5:00 news. >> happy friday. we have more on an audit of the police department now made public. the audit examines this very specific case caught on video involving accusations of excessive force. our investigative unit has been tracking this case for years. we find out about the changes that could be coming to the police department. giant pandas could be coming to the zoo. a pair of pandas slated to come as a part of china's panda diplomacy program, but there is a major condition.
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all coming up at 5:00. >> that is a good tease. still to come. top trending story as voted by you on my instagram . also this one is for the dogs get the special event coming to the bay area tomorrow. on sunday we will belive streaming the 57th annual parade.
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here are the top trending stress voted by you. a.i. is coming to the paris olympics to the international olympic committee revealed its plans today. olympic leaders say a i will never replace human athletes, but it can be used to support
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them. it will be used to power advanced security cameras, protect athletes from online harassment, and help broadcasters improve the viewing experience for people watching at home. they kickoff and under 100 days right here. i will be posting this to the other stories on my instagram. a big celebration in the east bay. the only requirement. you do not exceed 24 inches in height. celebrating all dogs have a shorter stature. to fetch competition, talent contest, a costume contest. this year's theme is movies. new releases or anything in between. they expect over 5000 people to attend that event. thank you so much for joining us. we are working on the 5:00 newscast next, and we are back in just two minutes.
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police department under the microscope or details of an audit addressing explosive accusations of excessive force. is store we have covered for years. advocates continue to voice concerns over the federal prison. the action they are taking to stop the transfer. pandas are coming to the san francisco zoo peb deal brokered with china and what it could mean for the bay area. the news at 5:00 starts right now. thank you so much for joining us. >> good friday. we will begin with a scathing audit of the paul alto police department that has been made public at lived at a very specific case involving accusations of excessive force that are investigating unit has
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been tracking for years. >> come on out are we are going to kick the door in. >> it took six years to see a police audit report on this incident. they came to his home and he is grabbed by officers and the sergeant is seen slamming his head into the windshield. >> it was a low point for the department. >> the auditors office says administrative reviews slowed the process by says the sergeant and other officers caused a major delay by essentially hiding their uniform camera tape for over a year. they are recommending mandatory police procedures is so citizen claims such as theirs are


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