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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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flight. thank you so much for joining us. >> a following in nbc bay area investigation and talk school board president is calling on the superintendent to step down. we uncovered allocations of bouillon not by a student but by a school supervisor. >> i was horrified. this is not what i envisioned for our employees or community or students. >> reacting to the investigation wednesday at about the director of maintenance operations and facilities accused of moving district employees desk to the roof to punish him for speaking out about his job expectations.
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>> he clenched his fist and says i do not respect you. he is charged up on me. thought i would be physically assaulted. >> that is not the only one under fire. they say he is getting away with his bad behavior because of his friendship with the superintendent and her husband.>> they go golfing together every weekend. >> they are golf buddies. barbecue buddies. >> after a number of unanswered calls and emails they still did not answer our questions. >> several employees feel he has not been properly disciplined because he has a close relationship to you as well as your husband.
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how do you respond to that?>> i was so inspired by the bravery that the employees had to share their stories and the trauma that they suffered through their employment at this district, and i am sorry that we have not done more to help address this and create a district that we want for our community. >> on thursday called for a school board meeting to discuss possible disciplinary or removal action against the public employee. not saying which employee. board member contacted nbc bay area saying she supports the action but hours later hernandez says three out of the five board members did not agree to attend the meeting. meaning it's not going to take place friday. may be at another date. hernandez responded late thursday he is disappointed by the majority of my colleagues refusal to prioritize our staff and students. at this point i
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am left with calling on the superintendent to step down. >> after hearing these things i tried to follow up and hear these things being addressed. got those explanations. >> they hope the board collectively acts and says employees give him hope. he calls them brave. >> they risked a lot of their own personal lives and their careers to come speak at these meetings and publicly share the things they are going through. >> in earlier emails the hr director says action was taken but did not specify what kind. we also reached out to the other three board members and have not received a response.
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late today the union representing workers in the antioch school district responded to our story. the union is now pushing the school board to thoroughly investigate all of these allegations. if you have a story give us a call at the number you can see on your screen. or you can simply visit our website. the santa rosa city school superintendent is stepping down this june. serving as superintendent since july 2021. during her tenure they have dealt with several high profile violent incidents including a deadly stabbing last year at montgomery high school. in a separate incident a 14-year-old was arrested for allegedly ripping out another students hair during a fight. more drama and controversy surrounding the high-profile congressional race. this is to replace congresswoman. while a recount continues to find out who will run against her there
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are new allegations of campaign- finance violations and uncounted ballots. >> late today there are accusations flying as the recount for the 16 congressional race turns along with many political watchers around the country waiting to see if they will face them in a november run-up to trace out the attorney says he is taking legal action. the president of the santa clara county government attorneys association says he filed a new complaint with the federal election commission accusing of violating campaign- finance law. writing in an apparent attempt to avoid negative public attention by personally calling for a recount they. to have orchestrated a scheme to use a newly formed super pack to illegally pay for a recount. not clear yet or if they will respond or investigate the complaint. the tech ceo and former staffer
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who called for the recount responded in part. this is the definition of frivolous based on nothing but conjecture and wishful thinking. also today they posted the 20 ballots were improperly excluded from the county voting officials tell us there are also a number of challenges from the campaign attorneys adding some of the ballots in question are provisional casted by people who register the day of the election. >> the were not improperly excluded. the process we had in place was to make sure that every vote counts. the observers have their reasons for challenging these things. >> while all of this is happening today representative issued a statement calling for financial transparency in the recount saying after learning
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the recently formed super pack count the vote is paying for it what i do not have confidence in is where the money deposited in the super pact is coming from. is it one generous donor or several donors and if so how much have they contributed? are they special interest and if so what is their financial interest? we ask the campaign directly if the former san jose mayor believes they have the right to know who is paying for the recount.'s campaign manager responded yes. i asked if they know who is financially backing the super pact and he said no. meanwhile the super pact will disclose its donor list in accordance with fec rules. the recount is expected to include that next friday. 29 years ago tragedy rocked oklahoma city. today the city paused to remember the victims of the terror attack. on this day a truck bomb went off outside a federal building killing 160 people and injuring
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hundreds. the worst terrorist attack in the u.s. until 9/11. today they held a memorial for those who died and family members read off the names of the loved ones. local and state leaders say it made the city stronger and more resilient.>> they will try to tear us apart. evil took the lives of 168 individuals and injured hundreds more. we looked evil in the i and came together as one oklahoma. >> atria found the bomber guilty in 1997. he was sentenced to death and executed in 2001. the faa issuing new arresting requirements for air traffic controllers bp changes come amid concerns about fatigue among the air traffic controllers. they will not be required to take at least 10 hours of rest between shifts and 12 hours off before starting overnight
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shifts. the faa says they're trying to ramp up hiring but continues to face staffing shortages. colorado rockies hitting coach could be in hot water. he posted this video now deleted to his instagram last week. you can see him sitting in the cockpit of a plane in the air. later in the video he mimes using the controls be they think the flight crew for the experience. they later say it's investigating. they say this is a violation of its safety policies and called the video deeply disturbing. you may recognize him. the hitting coach for the giants and help them win the world series three times. to folks rolling in with smiles on their faces and money back in their pockets. it was not always that way. watching cloud cover offshore.
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when you're struggling to get through to a company we want to help a. in english and spanish. >> he said he canceled a flight and expected a $1090 credit. a year later, nothing. he contacted our consumer investigator. she followed up with the air carrier and they credited the account. she told us about two gift card suddenly going blank. she told the gift card company but it declined to restore her balance. she fight us in be reached out and then they sent a replacement cards.
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no matter how much money are fighting for you can share your concerns with us. scanned the code to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great weekend. a decade ago california became the for state in the nation to ban single-use plastic bags. there is a flaw in that law. the plan to reduce waste has a loophole that is getting in the way of a green future. there was a section that allowed grocery stores and large retailers to charge a dime for a plastic bag. they then create a thicker and heavier plastic bags intended for customers to reuse but many people do not think of them as reusable, so it is creating more waste. they found plastics everywhere from the ocean to the highest mountain peaks and even in things we eat and drink. according to the united nations if we do not make a change there will be more plastic than
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fish by weight by the year of 2050. time to hang out with the zebras and rhinos. the safari attraction will spring into life this weekend to celebrate birthday. family day tomorrow including conservation and education. dozens of groups expected to be a part of this. one of the cofounders says they can meet and greet with the experts.>> the bring with them some of their animals. bats, i was, ravens, and the children who, and adults who come to participate get to see all of these creatures up close and personal. >> you can also hand with the zebras and the rhinos . the cheetahs . the antelopes. they are encouraged to dress up the kids in their favorite animal costumes. that is going to be great. >> i went there with my family and they have these fancy tents that you can stay at.
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you are right there and the animals are there. my parents say they slept like a baby. they load fallen asleep to the animals and i was like where are my earplugs? such a great experience. >> were you in a fenced off area? >> yes. they were right next to us, so it is really cool. the weather is going to be shaping up really nice. whether you are going to do the safari or sit in your backyard and soak up the sun. let's get it outside right now to our sky cam network. current temperatures right now at 62. we will take you through a few spots to show you how things will be playing out the next couple of hours in san francisco. that will eventually move in a little thicker. down to some cooler 50s. headed out to walnut creek. 73 right now. 67 at 7:00. not overly cold though.
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about 59 at 9:00. don't across the south bay we had a lot of 70s. blue skies. 71 right now. 65 right here at 7:00. through the weekend high- pressure will continue to keep the storm track away ear going to be really close. just towards washington and oregon producing some rainfall but we are expected to stay dry. getting in on some morning fog, but that should clear out pretty quickly. i think by about 11:00 in the morning that all moves out and we will even get some sunshine at the coast. that will be the biggest difference in the forecast for tomorrow. temperatures are going to begin like this. southbay, 53. not too much of a difference right here through the east bay. as we move through the afternoon tomorrow the numbers are going to warm up a little more than today. already back in the mid to upper 70s across a lot of the southbay. some of the warmest. over to the east bay.
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head over to the hills. 77 in danville. not quite the 70s for the coastline because of that cold ocean breeze. 63 at half moon bay. all you have to do if you want that warmer weather is hop in the car and head to san mateo. down towards palo alto, 75. for the north bay headed into wine country. right up toward santa rosa. we have been mentioning there could be some rainfall heading into next week. still does not look like anything huge, but the chance of getting in on a few showers when we get into next thursday. the timing on this is getting pushed back by a day and then some rain chances by next friday. that would also include a few inches through the sierra. even if this does not really pan out with a quarter inch or more of rainfall for us we are
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still sitting really good on our rain averages. up a surplus in santa rosa. 4.7 inches. a surplus in san francisco over 3 inches. 68 on sunday. sunny skies. the best day of the weekend for you in san francisco. hanging onto the 60s through the next seven days. 80 on sunday in the inland valleys and then it drops. 67 by next wednesday. we will keep it next thursday and friday. so we are looking good if you want to do some camping. maybe you can do a repeat. >> she is going to get some big headphones. >> i do like them during the day.>> with the terrain it almost looks like you are in africa. >> that is the idea. i will just camp in the backyard. racing has always been an integral part of the relationship between one san
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jose father and daughter who have made a name for themselves in dragracing.
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dragracing is a family affair. he and two of his daughters are professional racers. >> we want to do what dad does. she is taking over the keys to his right.>> with nine career
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wins mike is one of the premier pilots and top floor dragracing. health concerns are forcing him to take a break this season from behind the wheel. climbing into the driver's seat to replace him, his daughter. >> the fact that my dad chose me to go in there when i think there are people with a little more experience really meant a lot. >> born and raised in san jose but now living in indiana. she began racing alongside her three sisters. the second youngest currently races motorcycles. she has four winds competing in top alcohol dragster. top fuel is a step up in speed and competition. so when her father told her she was taking over she panicked.
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>> i was like i do not know if i can do this. >> when she broke the news to the crew they all rallied around her. >> when they give me their support i realize they can do this. i can step up. when we got to the track we were getting everything ready and i knew what to do. i am like i have done this before. is going to be a lot faster. >> just like in any sport there is a learning curve for rookies. results have not been there in the first three races but she is making progress. last weekend she ran a personal best speed of 326 miles per hour. there is a lot of pressure on her to perform after inheriting her dad's team that is not satisfied just showing up to the track. >> our goal is still to become a contender for the championship at the end of the year. >> besides getting fast she says the coolest part of the job is meeting and inspiring a new generation of racing fans. >> i think somebody like me who
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is so small can jump into a racecar. all of these little kids can go do anything that they want to. that is my favorite part. >> she is back on the track next weekend in charlotte, north carolina. we know who we are rooting for now. up next. artificial intelligence norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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a woman accused of stalking
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harry styles is going to jail. accord in london sentenced her to 14 weeks in jail. the 35 admitted to mailing him 8000 handwritten cards and letters in a month. she even hand-delivered some of those letters to his home. in addition to the jail time she is not allowed to attend any event where he is performing for the next 10 years. strauch progress being made for moving the wreckage from the bridge in baltimore. maryland's governor says approximately 1300 tons of steel has been removed from the water. also announcing a new program aimed at providing relief to impacted court workers given $430 per week to court workers who lost pay and work hours because of this collapse. it was march 26 when a cargo ship ran into its. six construction workers died in the tragedy. artificial intelligence
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coming to the person picks. today the ioc revealed the plan saying a i will never replace human athletes but it can be used to support them. it will power advanced security cameras and protect athletes from online harassment and help rod casters improve the viewing experience for everyone at home. they say it will uphold olympic traditions.>> they want to set for the future of sport with responsible leadership by embracing the change while preserving the olympic values. >> by the way, the opening ceremony for the paris olympics right along the river. there it is. july 26 right here on nbc bay area. and bought more news ahead. we are doing for what is coming up next. >> a problem that will not go away.
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a man says he is fighting for his neighborhood. why he is afraid a nearby construction site is putting everyone's health at risk. getting ready for more artificial intelligence. kids get a first-hand lesson and telling the difference between a.i. and reality. as tech gets more realistic. officers charged in a man's death. we will take you live to a vigil where we are hearing from the family. good evening and thank you for being with us on this friday. >> he died in police custody three years ago. now the county da says the officers involved in the death of mario gonzalez will face involuntary manslaughter charges. tonight we are hearing from the gonzalez family for the first time since the charges were announced. we are doing to live at the memorial tonight where i understand family and friends are starting to gather. >> reporter: that is exactly right. his mother is here along with
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other family members and friends for tonight's a memorial . you can see the ceremony going on behind me. this all started moments ago. tonight they hope this announcement made this week will the to what her and her family says is justice for her son. >> three years to the day she died while being restrained by alameda police officers. his mom feels it is the first time she could see accountability. >> i never lose my faith. i keep it in my mind that something is going to happen. i do not know when. >> current and former police officers are being charged with involuntary manslaughter brought by the district atrn


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