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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt Kids Edition  NBC  April 20, 2024 6:30am-7:01am PDT

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forecast, coming up at 7:00. first, a special edition of ""c nightly news" kids enbdi ♪ coming up, saving planet earth, the history behind earth day. and simple things you can do to help out. then, countdown to the
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games. team usa is getting ready for the paris olympics, and eyeing gold. our kids edition correspondent is here with a preview. >> this is the first time that grady is going to be in thez olympics this year. how does it feel toe make history? >> it feels really, really amazing. also ahead, these baby goats are giving us all a reason to smile. we've got details. plus, girl power. . princess peach is starting a new video game. we'll tell you all about it. >> and grooving to the baemt. how this dance team is showing us how there is new limit to what you can do. >> i want to be like that when i grow up. >> there's a level of understanding and a level of commitment to the friendship that like is so indescribable, you know. like i would do anything for these girls. ♪ >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news: kids edition..."
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>> welcome back to "nightly news: kids edition." i'm lester hold, great to be with you with a saturday morning. we changed up the scenery, i'm coming to you from universal studios hollywood which by the way is owned by our parent company nbc universal. it is always fun to be here and the weather is gorgeous and we have a terrific lineup in store for you from baby goats to a new game making news. plus, we will put you to the test in our "pop quiz" with a california twist. let's begin with an important story on our minds this weekend and that's the ongoing efforts around the world to help protect the environment. monday is earth day. and many communities are holding earth day events this weekend to raise awareness about planet earth. for more on this story, and what you can do to help, here's our good friend, anne thompson. >> every april, billions of people around the world get together and celebrate planet earth. the very first earth day took place on april 22, 1970. a senator from wisconsin
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organized the demonstration to bring attention to environmental issues. by 1990, people in more than 140 countries were celebrating earth day, and it's grown bigger ever since. >> earth day is a special day, because it tells us how we all live together. we share this earth together. and animals are an important part of the balance that makes the quality of life good for all of us. whether it's the bees and the butterflies that pollinate the plants that provide us the fruit and vegetables that we eat, whether it is the coral eves that filter the water and provide fish to the fisheries to breathe, and fish to eat, whether it is the forest, the trees, the air that we breathe, it is all connected. >> forests can absorb lots of something called carbon dioxide, and they release oxygen for people to breathe. but when we cut down trees, much of that carbon dioxide, or co2, is sent back into the atmosphere making things worse. trees also provide a safe place for animals to call home.
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>> the forest is an enormously important habitat for so many species. >> and speaking of species, the endangered species act of 1973 is the law establishing protections for fish, wildlife and plants that are listed as threatened or endangered. >> these are species that protect, protect their environment, and it has worked very well over the years. one of the best examples is the bald eagle. our national bird. this was the bird back in the '70s that was going extinct. today, it's off the endangered species list because of endangered species act, because it is protected and now, there are more bald eagle than there have been for over a 100 years. >> reporter: earth day is a great day to raise awareness to protect the planet from things like pollution. >> pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. such as tree on the side of the
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road or the creek, that is pollution, chemical spills is pollution and car ex kauft and noise can be pollution, if there is too much sound in the ocean and the whales can't hear each other other and that is considered pollution. and light can be pollution. >> lots of activity like driving cars driven by gas len and people not disposing of garbage adds to the environmental problems. there are some things you can do to help protect planet earth. in fact, kids can do a whole lot. >> will is an old saying that in the end, we protect what we love, we love what we understand, and we understand what we're taught. so these events that you see at zoos and so many other organizations around the world for earth day are meant to teach people the importance, the connection between all of these animals and us. and what we can do to help make the earth, better. you know. trying to cut down on using plastics. try to cut down on things that have palm oil, that can cut down forests that are the homes that these animals need to live. try not to let the water run too
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much when brushing teeth to conserve water. little things we can do to help make the planet better for all of us. >> and keep asking questions. so together, we can do a better job of protecting the planet. >> and thanks so much. now, for what's on your mind. and it is a question about something many of us drink every day, we're talking about water. why is it so essential? our good pal dr. john torres explains. >> reporter: water is essential for nearly every living thing on earth, including us people. but why? well, for us humans, many of the jobs our body does need water. in fact, every single cell in the body needs water to work. it helps with movement, by cushioning the joints and tissues, plays a big role in making saliva, and digesting food, and assists with regulating body temperature. so how much water does a person need? that depends on a few factors.
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like age, the temperature, and what activities someone is doing. a common bench mark for water is eight glasses a day, and that can be confusing because we get water from a variety of sources, drink water and food fallujah have a lot of water and soup and popsicles my favorite. when you're outside, you need more water because these situations cause to you sweat, which is your body working to cool itself down. sweating uses a lot of water. not having enough water can cause dehydration. that is when your body doesn't have the amount of water it needs to carry out its normal functions. symptoms include extreme thirst, dizziness, and fatigue. most of the time, dehydration can be reversed by drinking water and restsing and in more severe cases you may need to go to the doctor. to prevent dehydration, don't wait until you're super thirsty to start drinking water.
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shoe drink it throughout the day. try to make that a habit. >> okay, time for our pop quiz now. and since we're in california, the question this week, what animal is featured on california's state flag? is it a, bear, b, bird, or c, dolphin? i'll give you a few seconds to think about it. okay, time's up. the answer is a, bear. the california grizzly bear is featured on the flag atop a mound of green grass. the california grizzly became the official state animal in 1953 and remains one of the state's most recognizable symbols. well, this week marked 100 days until the summer olympic games get under way in paris, france. our kids edition correspondent joaquin caught up with some members of team usa who are eyeing gold. ♪
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>> reporter: hi, i'm joaquin with "nightly news: kids edition." we are here at the plaza in paris. let's meet some athletes. this is jagger, he has been skateboarding since he was a kid. >> you started at 11 years old at the x games. what gave you the courage to start? >> i love it. when you get on a board, you have complete freedom. you know what i mean? it is really creative and it's fun. and at a young age, that's what i always gravitate toward. >> and now, chad is an olympian. he won the bronze in skateboarding in the tokyo olympics and looking to medal again in the paris. >> you go out and go around and travel and it is an amazing experience. >> reporter: meantime, team usa basketball roster was just announced and leading the charge in the summer games, former nba all-star grant hill. >> we feel this is going to be a very good team.
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maybe one of the best teams with all due respect to the '92 team and the 2008 team, and all of the other great olympic gold medal teams, but we're excited about this squad and the task at hand. >> talking about the '92 dream team, these fans are calling this usa team, comparing it to the '92 dream team. do you agree with that or that '92 dream team was absolutely incredible. iconic. so we'll see. i mean we got to win, and we have to play well, but there's incredible talent on this team here in 2024, and some of the best that ever played. >> reporter: making the olympic debut, breaking. >> this is the first time that breaking is in the olympics this year. how does it feel to make history? >> it feels really, really
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amazing, honestly. i never thought that i would be here. so it is exciting for me to finally see a dream come true and in a sport that i never thought we would neverhave in the olympics. >> why is it called breaking instead of break dancing? >> breaking is an art form. it is a dance and an art at the same time. >> to be a breaker, you need to be very athletic and what does it take to get in shape? >> work with a strength coach and praelk and yoga and being strong mentally as well and getting in shape and a therapist for mental health. >> being in shape is one component of it. you have to get in tune of the mental aspect of it and how you connect with the music, and how your body moves differently with every sound. >> reporter: now in the game, a six-time paralympian who knows a thing or two about competing at this level.
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>> one of the things that gives me that edge and that hunger is an athlete and a winter and summer athlete and starting over. and want to give it 100%. so laser focused. and honestly, it's about just showing the world all of the different ways you can line up at the start line and to be an athlete. >> reporter: here is what is surprise the even all of these times. >> cycling is a thing that terrifies me. i love it but i'm so scared of it. but there is something about on a bike that you're not on the ground, and you still move fast and it is so fun. >> nothing prevents you from being scared. i'm scared all the time. skateboarding is incredibly dangerous and it is also very fun and it is creative. >> reporter: and believe it or not, they are tough, too. >> what do you tell yourself on a hard day? >> when you're younger, the hard days last a lot longer and when you're older you get used to the hard days. >> above all else, the olympians
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are looking to celebrate their hard work and dedication. >> i'm so excited. the training is getting more tailored and styled and you got to make every single minute count, every single session count. >> reporter: and you cannot leave without getting some gold medal for us. >> do you have any message to kids that might want to do cycling? >> oh, my gosh. i think in general, i would say don't be afraid to get on a bike, don't be afraid to fall and fail, like it is part of the process. and especially for athletes, i do hand cycling, and it doesn't matter, you want to ride the bike and if is you love it and it is something you love, go for it. >> i say go try it. it is having so much fun and great way to learn about you and with breaking you get to celebrate who you are and that is really great. >> you create your own personal style and be unique in your own way. because the moves are flashy, but the movements are better.
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>> reporter: i don't know about you, but i'm motivated to go work out this summer. and that's all from the plaza. revoir. >> joaquin, great job. and the excitement building, a lot of us wearing these paris hats. you should note you can catch all of the 2024 paris olympics right here on nbc and across all nbc platforms this summer. well, just ahead, they're curious, playful, and full of personality. why visitors at one zoo are falling in love with these baby goats. plus, princess peach. she's in the middle of all of the action. >> and now, everyone, princess peach. >> and how one dance team is proving nothing will get in the way of following their dreams. >> i found these women who are like, if we walk again, great. but if we don't, we have amazing lives anyway. and that was really like a mindset of respect and shift for me. e, one that values the successes you've already achieved.
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welcome back to "nightly news: kids edition." i hope you're having a great saturday. i think these folks behind me certainly are. we've got a fun crowd here at universal studios hollywood. now, to a story that caught our eye. the nashville zoo just welcomed four new additions, and these baby goats are giving us all a reason to smile. our friend erin mclaughlin has details. >> reporter: they're cute, incredibly curious, they're so smart. >> they're so smart, so spunky. so sassy sometimes. >> reporter: and full of personality. the nashville zoo just welcomed these four baby goats last month and since then, they've been having a ball. >> they're nigerian dwarf goats
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from africa and completely domesticated. these four that we just had born mark searchven that we have hadn at nashville zoo and beautiful bouncing baby goats. >> the zoo says the baby goats are healthy and gaining weight every single day have become quite a hit with visitors. >> they're just silly animals. very trainable. they're just so playful. and they're great for our guests to interact with who love coming to see them. >> reporter: zoo keepers got a chance to vote for their names. >> we voted and we have gone with the winnie the pew name wis are very, very cute, this is winnie and looks like he is wearing a little t-shirt, which is perfect, piglet with a pink nose, and tigger, very bouncy and eeyore with a gray beautiful silver coat, just like his mom. >> did you know a baby goat is also called a kid? young females are doelings and young males are bucklings.
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and a group of goats is also called a herd. and guess what else? goats are not picky when it comes to eating. >> the goats will eat just about everything. but we make sure that they have a nice healthy diet here at the nashville zoo. they eat grain and hay, and also special things like sweet potatoes, carrots, and even a little bit of honey sometimes. so we just keep them guessing, and keep them as healthy as possible. >> reporter: because boats are domesticated, they can also be kept as pets. >> a lot of people love to keep them as pets. they're wonderfully smart, intelligent animals. full of attitude and just bounce all over the place. >> bouncing around, and giving us all a reason to smile. >> erin, thanks so much. meantime, for all of you gaming fans, there's a new one out we want to tell you about with a royal twist that is making news. we're talking about princess peach. princess peach show time just came out for nintendo switch, the first time in nearly two
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decades princess peach is starring in her own game. we get details now from our kids edition correspondent marsten. >> and now, everyone, princess peach! >> reporter: in the latest game from nintendo, princess peach is taking the stage in a starring role. princess peach showtime follows peach and her toads as they save the sparkle theater from some brand new enemies, grape and the sour bunch. >> the wicked grape and the sour bunch. >> this is princess peach's first starring role in 20 years. tell us about her role throughout the nintendo history. >> so peach has been around as long as mario, and she was first playable in super mario brothers 2. >> you know her as princess peach. but once upon a time, she was
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known as princess toadstool and she is also known as the ruler of the mushroom kingdom, but did you know that she's also an adventurer? she has been a cart racer, a tennis player, and a golfer. >> tell us a bit about what makes the game play unique. >> you can look forward to being the hero in a very grand adventure. peach transformed into a range of unique roles that are cute and they're cool, and each transformation comes with its own ability. when peach transforms into mighty peach, she has the abilities of a super hero. and when she transforms into patissiere peach, she has the abilities of a pastry chef, she can make cookies, she can decorate cakes. >> we just celebrated women's history month in march.
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why is it important to feature female lead characters like peach in games? >> well, peach transforms throughout this game. she is the cowgirl, a sword fighter, a ninja, ice skater, and it's really great to see a female hero like peach represented in gaming, because through her transformations, peach reminds us that girls can be whoever they want to be. >> ninja, superhero, or a detective, you can be whoever you want to be in princess peach showtime. for "nightly news: kids edition," i'm marsten. back to you, lester. >> marsten, thanks so much. finally, we want to introduce to you a dance team here in los angeles who is showing us there are no limits to what you can do. our friend elwin lopez has their
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inspiring story. ♪ >> reporter: moving with her favorite songs can look a lot like this. >> i want to be like this when i grow up. >> reporter: hands and arms from one side to another. it is sometimes the rhythm that is hard to get, but these girls have it. >> today made me feel amazing, powerful, and beautiful. >> reporter: the dancing is something they are worried they would never be able to do. >> i was told i would never dance again. i should stop. and that i wasn't going to be taken seriously, that i wouldn't even be seen in the room. >> reporter: kayleigh was 12 years old when she first learned about eller's gamba syndrome, early on walk woog be difficult. >> i wasn't allowed to dance in the recital because i was using a wheelchair, i took the costumes and my mom put them on a chef and i thought i would
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never dance again because it was painful. >> you never knew at that time. >> nobody knew at that time because there was no representation like me in mainstrea mainstream media. >> and that's what you wanted to do? >> yes, absolutely. >> the first contestant to use a wheelchair on "so you think you can dance". >> it is a yes for me. one of the newest performers in a roulette, a wheelchair dance team empowering women with disabilities. ms. scott is the youngest finding it after she was injured five years ago. >> i found these women, if we walk again, great, but if we don't, we have amazingables anyway. and that was really a mindset, a perspective shift for me. >> a much-needed shift also for team captain, anna. she first discovered the women through social media. then what is known as the less
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experience, every summer, women and girls jet to l.a. from around the world to participate in this four-day event. >> it's life-changing, to just be in a room with 200 other women that are like them in so many ways. i just think it is really important. >> hi, everyone. how are you? >> chelsea hill is a part of the ruelets uniting women with disabilities with creating what she called a sisterhood. after she survived a drunk driving accident. >> you are single-handedly, if i might say, chaining lives. what is that like for you? >> there is a level of understanding and a level of commitment to the friendship that like is so indescribable, you know. like i would do anything for these girls. >> it goes beyond dancing on wheels. proving that pain cannot only transform you but lead you into life beyond your wildest dreams.
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>> looking back at the 17-year-old girl who was paralyzed in a hospital bed, what would you tell her? >> i would tell her, you are going to get married and have the love of your life and get babies and you're going to dance. >> did it turn out better than the life she had imagined for herself before the accident? >> 1,000 percent. >> wow. truly, truly inspiring. well, that's going to do it for us, from universal studios hollywood. parents, just a reminder, if your child has a question about any top nick the news, email the video to us at nightly news kids@nbc and you can follow us on nightly kids and you can catch a new episode of "nbc nightly news: kids edition" every thursday on nbc and youtube. thanks for watching, everyone. remember to take care of
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yourself and each other. have a great weekend, and so long. say goodbye, guys. >> you never know who you're going to run into here at universal studios hollywood. hi, guys. thanks for coming out and saying hello to our crew. >> hello from hollywood. >> anything you want to say to our viewer s? >> catch you soon, my friend. >> you, look much taller in person. >> a man of few words, too. take care, guys. >> bye, darling, see you soon.
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good morning. it is 7:00 on the nose. it is april 20th. that's a live


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