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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:29pm PDT

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nbc bay area microclimate weather team. certified most accurately years in a row. right now at 11:00 the clock is ticking on tick tick tock. the new bill that could have the app banned by next year plus a big turnout at hippie hill in golden gate park to light up on 420 even after the official festivities were canceled and a grand reopening for one of san francisco's oldest watering holes, the celebration happening at a historic lgbtq bar. we are going to get to those stories in a moment but first we are following breaking news out of los angeles. 10 people are hurt in a tram crash at universal studios and we are told one person is in critical condition. this happened around 9:00 tonight and it is not clear what caused that crash. our sister station in l.a. has reached out to universal
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studios and we have not heard back and we should note universal studios is owned by the parent company of nbc bay area. after a four-year closure a san francisco institution has a new home. the city's oldest lgbtq bar "the stud," during the pandemic but today celebrated a reopening. nbc bay area's alyssa gord. >> reporter: on folsom street in the selma neighborhood a line wrapped around the brand- new home of the stud, the city's oldest lgbtq bar to celebrate its reopening. it is just a few blocks away from the bars previous location was closed in 2020 during the pandemic. >> we were determined to get it open. >> opening its doors in 1966 the stud was the city's oldest
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continually operated queer bar. people who have been coming to the stud for decades showed up to the reopening. >> many important nights happen there. it was my first time coming out being transgender, i would like to say i took my first babies -- baby steps in a dress at the stud. >> i have been a fan of this place for years. >> guests were welcomed inside the bar just twice as big as the old spot. the stud says they're actively fundraising trying to raise more donations to they can build a stage to go inside the bar. once that happens the stud plans to launch a school for drug performers which would be california's first ever drug school. >> we have always been a place
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that's welcome to everyone. >> reporter: i guess told us this reminds them -- guests told us this reminds them of spaces of the past. >> it is more than just a place to party. >> reporter: in san francisco, alyssa goard, nbc bay area news. >> speaking of celebrations and an unofficial celebration for an unofficial holiday the shenton for 20 celebration was called off this year organizers blamed it on a lack of funds but that did not stop people from coming out to celebrate cannabis culture anyway today. look at that crowd. we found two people who drove from utah except they have been making ever april 20th since 2009. >> we come over 800 miles every year to do this festival and even though we knew before hand
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it was canceled, we are like it is san francisco we will either find a party or be the party. one way or the other. >> reporter: hippie hill has always been a popular spot on the unofficial cannabis holiday and as protection police and fire were out there. these majors also organized a group to pass our water. at the white house president biden used for 22 push for pot reform. he posted on social media saying oh what should be jailed for using or possessing marijuana and the post came exactly at 4:20. not a coincidence. the biden administration has pushed reform marijuana leaf -- marijuana laws for several years. the president and vice president are urging governors to pardon simple marijuana offenses. the future of tiktok in the u.s. is in the hands of the senate and today the house passed a bill that could mean the end of the massively popular apps.
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nbc's aaron gilchrist breaks down what happens next. >> reporter: the clock may be ticking on tiktok with a bill being passed to force the chinese parent company to sell the company. tiktok has some 170 million active users in the u.s. some who have long railed against the shutdown. this new move in the house looks to have enough support in the senate that it will reach the president's desk. president biden was asked about a band last month. would you still support a ban on tiktok? >> if they pass it, i'll sign it. >> reporter: the biden administration says the owners of tiktok have close ties to the chinese government, a claim the ceo denies.
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the biden presidential campaign has an active account and a place to interact with voters. >> you would be able to up date or distribute the app. >> tiktok released a statement repeating its criticism of a bill that "would trample the free-speech rights of 170 million americans, devastates 7 million businesses, and shutter a platform that contributes $24 million to the u.s. economy annually." >> a tiktok van would affect millions of americans the real hard part would be for the people who are making those videos. the people who earn their income by either sponsored or add content. >> that was aaron gilchrist reporting. the house also passed a massive aid package for $60 million to
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go to ukraine. also $8 billion for taiwan and these bills are expected to pass the president says he will sign them and oakland congresswoman barbara lee voted against the eight hill for israel saying aid for gaza should not be tied to weapons were israel. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will be on meet the press tomorrow morning for an exclusive interview with moderator, kristen welker at 8:00 a.m. right after today in the bay. you may have seen the smoke, maybe you smelted, a massive fire in downtown san jose is under investigation. flames on north 13th street at 7:00 a.m. cruz found an abandoned building now inside -- no one inside but the flames were intense and threatened a care facility two doors down. patients were evacuated from the facility and firefighters were able to get things under control and the patients were
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moved back in with no injuries reported. a sad story, a somber day for the oakland police department. one of their own has died from injuries he suffered in an on- duty crash nearly five years ago. officer jordan wingate was 28 years old, he joined the force in may of 2018, just a few months later badly hurt in a crash at the port of oakland he was responding to a call about a suspicious person when his patrol car collided with another car and then careened into a parked semi. he has been dealing with injuries ever since and had to retire in 2020. opd says wingate died surrounded by family including his father who was an open -- oakland police captain. it is the end of the line for some b.a.r.t. train cars. the legacy fleet made their last trip ever and a lot of people came out for the final run. the celebration was also held in oakland to mark the historic event.
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this gives you an idea of how many people were there. our purdue so -- producer sent this sped up clip of people lined up around the block for the chance to take one last ride on those legacy cars. one man said bart had played a major role in his family's history. >> my grandfather, walter s. douglas, was the lead engineer for tonight -- designing the underwater section of the park. when he and his wife and my mom lived here in the '60s. >> people who attended had a chance to win memorabilia and bart official said we are just happy to give the fleet a proper sendoff. coming up, last call for old-school burgers in the south bay. people lining up out the door to say goodbye to a longtime burger joint. why the owners say retirement is not the only reason he is closing. plus a listing in sacramento may be a blessing for homebuyers if they are
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willing to put in some work. i will tell you about it when we come back in 90 seconds. >> reporter:
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for decades burger restaurants were a staple across the bay area and now there is only one left and come tuesday it to will close for good. one factor skyrocketing rent is pricing the owners out. nbc bay area reporter marian favreau is live with more. >> this burger pit on blossom hill road open back in 1964 and today people came from across the bay area to eat one last
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burger and say goodbye. the line was out the door saturday evening as dozens flocked to a bay area institution that they grew up with. >> man, this food is so good. i waited almost an hour and a half. i got the charcoal burger with mushrooms, guacamole. i had to try for the last time. >> the first burger pit opened in cupertino in 1966. paul berger father -- paul berger's father opened it. now they are closing this last restaurant citing two factors, he is turning 75 and is getting ready to retire and his rent would skyrocket. >> a an enormous increase over what i was paying. >> reporter: the restaurant will close tuesday which is while -- my little customers waited for one last meal and sink their teeth into fond memories shared by generations.
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>> you get to enjoy a nice steer burger with my grandpa. that i will miss a lot. >> reporter: some say this restaurant with affordable prices is needed now more than ever. >> another business that once was thriving with many stores. it is the last of the mohicans. >> reporter: jody miller and considers this her second home. she has been the manager here for 30 years. what will she miss most? >> the employees. the students. the students that we have trained and meant toward and taught their first jobs including my own children. it has been great. a lot of our customers are not customers, they are family. >> reporter: customer say they came for the food and stayed because they feel like family here. >> reporter: owner paul berger says all week long people have been sending the restaurant
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flowers, cakes and cards saying they wish the burger pit wasn't closing but at least these folks get to enjoy one last meal here. in san jose, marian favreau, nbc bay area news. a northern california home listing is getting attention, but there is a catch. it is not exactly a house. well, okay, it is a house, a house of god. it is a two hasn't hosted a service in four years. it is on the market for $774,000 in sacramento's landmark neighborhood. the buyer will have to convert it into a house themselves. the property is already getting interest. dozens of private tours and calls in the last few days. are you interested in this? no? the realtor says properties like this give people more options amid a housing shortage. >> as the city gets denser, people are definitely living in converted buildings. i think it will happen more and more here. >> reporter: if the church does
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not sell, the owner says she plans to turn into a house herself and that either rent it or maybe sell the property. the illiterate -- the olympic games on the y into more bay area athles punched their tickets to paris. 20-year-old amit elor from walnut creek made her first olympic team. she won a world title. also minie perez from scotts valley defeated a 2012 olympian to get a first spot at the olympics. she earned gold at the world championships back in 2022 and remember folks, nbc bay area is your home for all things olympics. are jessica geary is heading to paris this summer to report on our local athletes and that will kick off july 26 right here on nbc bay area. cynthia, i thought i saw you looking at that church. >> i don't know. i don't think so.
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i was hearing you freshening up on your french over there too. >> i am preparing for paris, but i am not going. just in case. jessica geary does actually speak french. >> i speak weather. >> let's do weather. >> it was a nice day today and breezy and times but tomorrow we bring down those wind speeds and we get more of that spring warmth continuing. right now outside those winds have calmed down. lower wind speeds out of the south and temperatures, low 60s to san jose, walnut creek and san francisco and you can notice those clear skies continue through the city and that should be the trend as we go into our sunday morning compared to this morning where we have to deal with dense fog. those temperatures will range from the upper 60s at the coast to those 70s inland and some 80s actually on the map as well
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before we start to cool things down and even get a chance to see rain develop as a go into later on next week so hour by hour waking up in 40s and 50s. sunrises and 6:25 and you will want to get outside and i think getting the errands done before noon would be a good idea especially if you have to take your dogs on aw, a -- w gash to extract the time i get to 3:00 we are looking at more 80s on the map so you will need those sunglasses, sunscreen and short- sleeved shirts as we look at 83 in ukiah, 82 in fairfield. upper 60s in san francisco to 75 in hayward and it will be a beautiful day in the city to wrap up the cherry blossom festivities. the grand parade starts at 1:00. we are also celebrating birthday weekend and tomorrow
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we have a festival at paulo alto's wakonda library from 1:00 to 4:00. we will keep the party going on into monday. those temperatures into the upper 60s through the peninsula to upper 70s inland. notice we are losing 80s and we will get more cooling ahead. you will feel the return of the sea breeze kicking in. some systems working their way around the bay area but they are disorganize until late thursday into friday where the green returns to the screen and even a chance of seeing that winter remix through the sierra. i think friday may be the only day were repainted those rain icons back. we start off kicking off our work week and earth day in san francisco with temperatures not too bad in upper 60s than a cooldown to the low 60s and return of that sea breeze and inland valleys will also be spectacular for our sunday plans, our first day
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monday and i think it is the final week of april here and we will get more of those sunshine icons returning to those rain icons by later parts of the weekend and those temperatures cooling to the 60s as well. >> wonderful forecast, thank you. anthony floor is joining us now and the nba playoffs are really rowing. >> the denver nuggets begin defense of their nba crown and defense of their nba crown and the south
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denver of 1, 5:35 remaining here in the third quarter. pick and roll, jokic. >> aaron gordon throwing it down on the alley oop, the pride of san jose scored a dozen points with 11 rebounds and the nuggets beat the lakers in game 1 of their first round nba playoff series. back here at home a milestone
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day at the ballpark for a pair of san francisco giants. a choristers -- gorgeous day to play baseball at oracle park. giants take on diamondbacks. lee has his first career home run in san francisco which tied the game at 1. it was patrick bailey bobblehead day and he put on a show. he delivers his first career splash hit a home run. didn't actually go into the water, it went into the kayak and he went 4 for 4 with four rbi and was a triple shy of hitting for the cycle. giants bounce back and get back on the winning track beating the diamondbacks, 7-3. >> we play good defense and we run it hard. i think the boys are starting to swing it a little bit better, so i think we are starting to hit our stride. hopefully we can keep it going. >> the a's in cleveland to take on the guardians. top five, max shuman goes on a power trip. a home run, that is one to
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remember. that tied the score adduce but the guardians would answer in the bottom half of the frame. cleveland beats the a's, 6-3. to the pitch. bay fc at current city. a header in the 17th minute, the lead was cut in half and all kansas city after that but rrent to beatcu norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more.
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a big turnout for a chance to get their hands on some rare vinyls. this was the line out of streetlight records in san jose.
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this is national record store day and each day -- this year's record store day brought in more people than ever before. this might be the cutest video. hundreds of dogs taking over the alameda county fairgrounds. it was the 10th annual stumpy con. lots of corgis out there. this was all four puppies who walk around on shorter legs. there was a costume contest. the winner was that little corgi dressed as a blue loofah. and we think our very own gracie for shooting that. thank yo
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