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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 21, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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good morning. it is sunday, april 21st. it is 7:00 on the nose, and that
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is a beautiful, live picture from coyote point in san mateo. it's going to be a beautiful day. thanks so much for joining us. i'm chris chmura in for kira klapper. cinthia pimentel was live at 11:00 last night and back here this morning live again. no sleep for you. good morning. >> we have to deliver on all this beautiful sunshine. people have plans to do after we have had a couple of soggy weekends. off to a beautiful start in san mateo, as well as down here in san jose. remember yesterday, we started with a little cloud cover. not the story today in walnut creek. patchy clouds out there towards the bay bridge, oakland, but it should start to diminish as we go through our morning hours here, starting off in the 40s and 50s. you should get those early morning walks in. by the time we get to noon, temperatures upper 60s, even some 70s through our valleys. we'll top off in the 80s for today, as we get more of that spring warmth for our sunday. we'll stay warm for tomorrow,
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but cooler changes ahead into late next week. i'll be back in 15 minutes. >> cinthia, thank you very much. we received new details about a tram crash at universal studios hollywood. our team first told you about this as breaking news last night at 11:00. the crash occurred around 9:30 last night. we learned 15 people were hurt, and one person said to be critically injured. that's according to the los angeles fire department. however, in a statement, a parks spokesperson said the injuries were minor, saying -- the park is working to figure out what caused the crash. it's not clear where exactly in the park this happened. we should note our parent company owns universal studios. a new era for a san francisco landmark. the city's oldest lbgtq bar, the stud, is reopening. it closed during the pandemic. alyssa goard takes us to a grand reopening celebration.
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>> reporter: on folsom street, a line wrapped around the brand new home of the stud. the city's oldest lbgtq bar, to celebrate its reopening. it's just a few blocks away from the bar's previous location, which closed in 2020 during the pandemic. >> we were sad to see it closed, but we were determined to get it open. and here we are, four years later. >> reporter: opening in 1966, the stud was the city's oldest, continuously queer bar. people who have been coming to the stud for decades showed up to the reopening. >> many important nights happened there. it was my first time coming out being transgender. i took my first baby steps in a dress at the stud. >> reporter: some even got stud tattoos for the occasion. >> i've been a fan for years. >> reporter: the city's sisters
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of perpetual incull intelligence blessed the new space with glitter. while the bar is open, there is still more work to be done. the stud is fund raising right now, trying to raise more donations so they can build a stage to go inside the bar. once that happens, the stud plans to launch a school for drag performers, which would be california's first-ever drag school. >> we've always been a place that's welcome to anybody. if you're straight, gay, whatever you look like, we want you here. >> reporter: guests told us this bar reminds them of the people in san francisco who fought to make welcoming spaces for the lbgtq community, and the importance of preserving those spaces for future generations. >> it's more than just a place to party, yes, it's that, too. but also it's home. >> reporter: alyssa goard, "today in the bay." an unofficial celebration, organizers called off the
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sanction 4/20 celebration at hippie hill in san francisco this year, but that didn't stop people, some at least, from celebrating cannabis culture in golden gate park any way. we found two folks who drove from utah, a trip they've been making since 2009. >> we come over 800 miles every year to do this festival in the park. even though we knew before hand that it was canceled, we're like, you know what? it's san francisco. we'll either find a party or be the party, it's okay. one way or the other. >> as the kids say, those glasses are a vibe. first responder ises were on hand as a precaution, and an east bay chump passed out water. and at the white house, joe biden pushed for pot reform. he posted on social media, saying nobody should be jailed for using or possessing marijuana. posted at 4/20 on the clock. back in 2022, he pardoned
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thousands of convicted -- people convicted of marijuana possession, now they are urging governors to pardon simple marijuana users. tiktok's futcher is in the senate's hand. the house passed a ban that could mean the end of the app. >> reporter: the clock may be ticking on tiktok, with the house passing a bill to force the app's chinese parent company to sell the platform. the measure would give bytedance nine months to do that and allow the president to extend that by 90 days. if not sold by then, tiktok could be banned in the u.s. tiktok has some 170 million active users in the u.s., some of whom have long railed against the possibility of a shutdown of the app. >> call them and tell them to stop the ban. >> reporter: but this new move in the house looks to have enough support in the senate it will reach the president's desk. joe biden was asked about a ban last month.
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>> do you still support banning tiktok, would you sign that bill? >> if they pass it, i'll sign it. >> reporter: the biden administration has said the app represents a national security threat, with the owners having close ties to the chinese government, claims that the ceo has repeatedly denied. tiktok has been banned on federal government devices, but -- >> are you kidding? >> reporter: the biden presidential campaign has an active account. what would be the effect of a ban, how would it impact people? >> this is totally uncharted territory. you wouldn't be able to update or distribute the app. >> reporter: tiktok repeating its criticism of a bill -- >> a tiktok ban would absolutely affect the millions of americans that use tiktok to kill time, to watch dance videos. but the real hard part here
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would be for the people making those videos, the people who earn their income by sponsored or ad content. >> that was aaron gilchrist reporting. the house passed a package to send $60 billion worth of aid to ukraine to fight russia. the bill now heads to the senate, alongside the $26 billion israel aid bill, plus $8 billion for taiwan. the bills are expected to pass, and the president says he will sign them. oakland congresswoman barbara lee voted against the aid bill, saying aid for gaza should not be tied to weapons for israel. we have more information about a story that unfolded live on this news cast yesterday. a large fire in downtown san jose. smoke spread quickly around the south bay and lingered for a few hours. the flames broke out around 7:30 on north 13th street. no one was hurt.
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that fire is under investigation. when crews got there, they found an abandoned building on fire. no one was inside, but the flames were intense, and threatened a care facility two doors down. medical staff started evacuating patients, moving several people out of the facility. firefighters were able to get things under control and the patients were moved back in. again, no one was hurt in that fire. a somber day for oakland's police department. a former officer died yesterday from injuries in an on-duty crash nearly five years ago. officer jordan wingate was 28 years old. he joined the force in may 2018, but a few months later he was badly injured in a crash. he was responding to a call about a suspicious person when his patrol car collided with another car, then careened into a parked semi. he's been dealing with injuries ever since. he had to retire in 2020. opd says he died surrounded by
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his family, including his father, who is an oakland police captain. we have much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, we'll take you live to washington, d.c. for our weekly interview with kristen welker and a preview of this week's "meet the press." but first, let's check in with candice wen. >> reporter: a school district supervisor is accused of bullying. now employees say months later, no accountability. we investigate multiple allegations and concerns of that boss' close relationship with a top official. watch our report o
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welcome back. it's 7:12. please join me in welcoming "meet the press" moderator kristen welker.
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this morning, you have an interview with ukraine's president, poised to receive a new aid package from the u.s. with. that additional support, how does he expect the war with russia to change? >> chris, great to be with you. i asked him that very question, is this aid getting to ukraine in enough time? they have suffered serious setbacks in the six months that they have been asking for this aid and waiting for this aid. the big headline from our conversation, president zelenskyy saying he believes if this aid gets to him in a timely fashion, that ukraine could still have a victory in this war against russia. that is significant, because russia is being the one who has made all of the gains in recent months. right now, when it comes to firepower, they outpower ukraine ten to one. so we are talking about ukraine really on its heels trying to come back. this morning, i spoke with a president zelenskyy who was defiant and who seemed optimistic that this aid could
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make all the difference. he was very specific about what they need. he said they need long-range weapons, f-16s, those sorts of weapons that can help ukraine come back against russia's onslaught. i asked him about a number of things that we are tracking here, including recent comments by former president trump, that he believes that there should ultimately be a negotiationed settlement, which would include ukraine giving up territory, including the donbas region for example. president zelenskyy was defiant about that, as well, saying that is not realistic at this point in time. so we did cover a lot of ground. really fascinating to hear from the ukrainian president hours after the house passed that landmark legislation, $61 billion in funding for ukraine. >> kristen, thanks. we look forward to the interview. join "meet the press" right after this news cast at 8:00 a.m. coming up in about 30 minutes,
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nbc bay area political analyst dr. larry gerston will join us. we'll discuss the three major foreign aid bills in congress, how much money is allocated to each country and the likelihood the bill also pass the senate. some b.a.r.t. train cars reached the end of the line. the final legacy fleet trains made their final trips. some people came out for the run along the original b.a.r.t. tracks connecting oakland and fremont. here's a video that gives you an idea of how many people were there. our producer sent in this time lapse video just a few seconds of a three-minute long clip showing people lining up around the block for a chance to take one last ride on a legacy b.a.r.t. car. history. another long line to show you in the south bay this time. a big turnout for a chance to get folks' hands on some rare vinyls. this was the line outside of street light records on national
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record store day. each year, hundreds of rare records are offered for sale in hopes of drawing people to small businesses. they say it worked, and record store day attracted a record crowd. >> the crowd is the largest we've ever had for record store day. we do an appointment system where people sign up in advance. last year, we had about 400 people and this year we had 550 sign up. so it was a pretty big increase. >> 400 different releases from independent labels came out, and all of them are limited edition. earth day is tomorrow, but some folks are celebrating now. today, many events will help beautify mother earth. that includes a cleanup at ramandi park in oakland. >> when we can all come together
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for something that is for oakland, and ultimately, this park is going to be available to the public when we're not using it. building things like this helps the broader neighborhood. there's a lot of investment being made in this community and neighborhood. so we're excited to be a part of it. >> two dozen volunteers picked up trash, and power washed the playground. while this cleanup was planned in honor of earth day, they do host cleanup event every month. hundreds of dogs took over alameda county's fair grounds. behold, the 10th annual stuffy con, for pups who sport shorter legs. activities included a fetch competition and a costume contest. there we go. our very own gracie shot this video, and she had her own corgi at that event. it is now time to check in with
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cinthia. a good day to take the dog for a walk. >> today it will warm up a little faster, so get those w.a.l.k.s. in, don't say the word. and my dog has recently learned p.a.r.k. >> mostly clear through the south bay in the 50s. more sunshine through parts of the tri valley and in the east day, dealing with patchy clouds near the immediate coastline. san francisco off to a cool start in the upper 40s in the north bay. more sunshine here as the morning goes on. maybe you're heading to san francisco for the cherry blossom parade and festival. things kick off at 11:00, and seeing the temperatures in the low 60s with lots of sunshine. the parade kicks off at 1:00,
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and temperatures should pop up at 69 degrees, so bring the sunglasses, that sun hat, and a good time. as far as our temperatures, you go down into san mateo, 71 degrees. as we go into the valleys, that's where you'll see the temperatures in the 80s. 80 in wine country and 83 in fairfield. we continue the 80s through the santa clara valley with 81 in los gatos. tomorrow, sunshine and trying to reach the 80-degree mark, but a bit of cooling, that sea breeze influence will come about. upper 60s in san francisco, mid 70s through mountain view and 80s a little harder to find as we go into concord and 81 in san jose. that breeze will come out from the south as we go into monday afternoon. you'll feel that cooldown, and we'll get a little bit of a chance to see coastal drizzle as we wick up into tuesday. no more of the upper 70s or 80s.
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you'll need the jackets. i think the car wash will hold, because the rain chances not until later parts of the week, with the midweek cooldown. more of that breeze coming in into wednesday, thursday, and friday with that cloud cover. as we go on and paint this model into the rain chances, i don't see them until thursday night and friday. the models hinting at the rain coming in from the north, so a bit cooler bringing in the chances of the sierra snowfall, as well. so if you haven't got an chance to go out to tahoe to check out the snow, we could see these possibilities still lingering on into may. but as far as next weekend goes, the showers start to break apart, looking into saturday and sunday. we could be looking at another clear weekend ahead here in the bay area. our estimates right now, again, typical where we see them. santa cruz mountains, everybody else between this legend, between a quarter of an inch to three quarters of an inch. as the details put themselves
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together, watch the seven-day forecast. the cherry blossom festival, earth day, lots going on into the city. we'll bring out those jackets, and finding our umbrellas by the end of it, and look at this cooldown. 80s to 70s to some 60s. low 60s by the time we get into next friday and the weekend ahead. still, looking dry, but still cooler than when we should be this time of the year, chris. >> you delivered good weather yesterday and i said i was going to do the yard work and i didn't. another opportunity to wear sun screen. thank you very much. there is much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, the denver nuggets begin defending their nba crown, defeating the lakers in game one. sports is next.
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denver, 5:45 remaining in the third quarter. yokic, off the board. >> aaron gordon throwing it down, the pride of san jose scored a dozen points with 11 rebounds and seven assists. the nuggets beat the lakers in game one of their first round nba playoff series. good morning, everyone. back here at home, a milestone day at the ballpark for a pair of san francisco giants. gorgeous day for baseball at oracle park. the giants taking on the diamondbacks. bottom one, lee with his first career homer at oracle park. that tied the game at 1-1. it was patrick bailey bobblehead day and he delivers his first career splash hit home run that lands inside the kayak. he went 4 for 4 with three rbi. he was a triple shy of hitting for the cycle. the giants get back on the winning track, winning 7-3.
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>> that's kind of the baseball we're going to play this year. we play good defense, running hard, pitchers are throwing strikes, and i think the boys are swinging a bit better. so i think we're starting to hit our stride a little bit. the a's on the road in cleveland to take on the guardians. top five, max shuman goes on a power trip, his first major league hit is a home run. that's one to remember. that tied the score at 2-2. but the guardians would answer in the bottom half of the frame. josh nailer with a two-run shot and cleveland wins 6-3. to the pitch, bay fc on the road in kansas city, after giving up two goals in the pirs seven minutes of the match, sharple scores in the 17th minute. but after that, it was all kansas city. the current beat bay fc 5-2. that's a look at morning
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sports. i'm anthony flores for "today in the bay." >> anthony, thank you very much. can't believe it. right there in the kayak. coming up, how long would you give a business to fulfill a $600 order? one month? three? nine? one viewer waited nearly a year and a half. then she contacted us to snap thedelay. nbc bay area resp, next. first, a programming note. today, we will be live streaming san francisco's 57th annual cherrylossom parade. cinthia says it is going to be a sight to see. beautiful weathe and mike will be out there. tune in on roku a our live coverage of the cherry our live coverage of the cherry bit's your time to cache in... so don't just play... stay at northern california's premier casino resort.
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good morning. it is coming up on 7:30. it is sunday, april 21st, and that is not a photograph. that is a live picture of the bay area. that is san mateo. that is coyote point, and it is absolutely a beautiful sunday morning, living up to its name. i'm chris chmura, sitting in for kira klapper. thank you for joining us. let's get right to the weather. cinthia is here with a look at your sunday. >> you said it right there, and that beautiful picture also preparing us for earth day tomorrow. hope you're getting out, doing all of that volunteer work. we are a little cooler thunderstorm compared to yesterday with the absence of that cloud cover. 50 in saratoga. you go up to the north bay and get into the 40s. 47 in calistoga. any signs oh of that cloud cover by the immediate bay is out of here as we go into the next hour
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or two, giving way to a beautiful day around the bay area. temperatures go from the upper 60s up the coast to the 80s in our inland valleys. another warm day to do anything in the yard. chris, i'm talking to you. maybe you want to see the parade in san francisco. but anything you want to do will be available today and tomorrow, as well. still beautiful and warm inland. we go into the afternoon and the winds start to pick up some of the coastal fog leading us into the cooldown and the chance of rain by the end of the week. i'll be back with that. >> i know the grass is not going to cut itself. thank you for the reminder. the u.s. house passed a $95 billion aid package yesterday, that includes aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. as well as a push to force tiktok's part company to sell it. it sends $61 billion worth of aid to ukraine. the bill heads to the senate, alongside a $26 billion aid bill for israel, and $8 billion for
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taiwan. those bills are expected to pass, and the president says he's going to sign them. not everyone is happy. congresswoman barbara lee voted against the aid bill for israel saying aid to gaza should not be tied to weapons for israel. new this morning, we're learning more information about israeli military retaliation against iran this week. this is video of strikes on thursday. well, a middle east regional source familiar with the events tells nbc news that u.s., russian, uk, and french intelligence have all confirmed that a missile was launched from an israeli aircraft inside iranian air space after overflying iraq. the source added israel wished to demonstrate capacity to penetrate, even with advanced notice. israel launching the attack after iran launching more than 300 drones and missiles at israeli targets last saturday.
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back at home, new details overnight about a tram crash at universal studios hollywood. our team first told you about this as breaking news last night at 11:00. the crash occurred around 9:30 last night. those trams are iconic, taking tourists around the movie studios. we learned 15 people were hurt. at least one person critically. that is according to the los angeles fire department. however, in a statement, a universal studios park spokesperson said the injuries were minor. that statement went on to say, the park was supporting guests and the staff is working to figure out what caused the crash. it is not clear exactly where in the park this happened, and we are obligated to note that universal studios is owned by nbc bay area's parent company. now to a followup to a story we brought you as breaking news yesterday in this very news cast. that fire unfolded in downtown san jose, really about 24 hours
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ago. it is now under investigation. perhaps you saw the smoke or smelled it, because it wafted around the south bay. flames broke out again around 7:30 on north 13th street. when crews got there, they found an abandoned building on fire. no one was inside, but the flames were intense, and threatened a care facility two doors down. staff started evacuating patients as a precaution. several people moved out of the facility and into the street there. firefighters were luckily able to get things under control, and the patients were able to be moved right back in and no one was hurt. this morning, nbc bay area responds to an exceptionally patient south bay viewer. she had waited more than a year for an overdue memorial to her mother. when her patience ran out, she asked our team for help.
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>> he moved out in '48 and my mom moved out with her parents in '51. >> reporter: janice and billy williams bounced around the bay area. >> my dad would move all the time. if he could find rent that was $1 less. they put everything in a wheel barrel and go down the street. >> reporter: after 51 years of marriage and moving, they now rest eternally together here. >> i miss them. >> reporter: but their daughter, vickie, says you wouldn't know her mom is buried here. she died in august of 2022. yet in early 2024, still no name plate for her. >> i was told it would take several months because of covid or whatever. >> reporter: she showed us her $662 receipt from 2022. she says the cemetery cashed her check but no name plate. she says she inquired. >> ier in heard for nobody. >> reporter: so vickie gave the
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cemetery an ultimatum. >> i said if this is not resolved, i'm going to call chris at nbc investigates, because it's been way too long. >> reporter: she gave them another month. nothing happened. >> between five and six weeks is when i emailed you. >> reporter: we searched state records. the cemetery manager here oversees several bay area cemeteries. the state fined him twice in 2023 for similar name plate delays. up to nine months at a contra costa cemetery. we contacted him about the williams' family marker. the next day, the memorial park installed mrs. williams' name plate. >> he told me they will be installing it and i was shocked. >> reporter: the cemetery also gave back her $6612. >> i got a refund. >> reporter: we asked about the delay but they declined an interview. he said in an interview --
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>> reporter: by phone, he said the order slipped through the cracks. >> yeah. >> reporter: vicki is skeptical, but glad she contacted us. and gratified that her memorial is complete. >> you responded so quickly and took care of it so quickly. i'm so happy. i've been sharing it with everybody. >> reporter: we were happy to help vicki. she contacted us online with her problem and you can too. scan the qr code to fill out our consumer complaint form online. happening tomorrow, a major road closure is expected to reopen in time for the commute. in the north bay, caltrans has shut down part of highway 37 for road repair. that started friday night and is ongoing. westbound 37 is closed from vallejo to sears point in sonoma. the red line on your screen is the closure. green is how you get around it.
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the detours are directing drivers to alternate routes. highway 37 is going to close four times in the next month or so. caltrans says it knows bottle rock is approaching, so crews are hoping to wrap up all the repair work before people flock to wine country for that very popular festival. nbc bay area and telemundo 48 are celebrating earth week. the city of san francisco will be hosting its second annual climate week. cinthia joins us with what you can expect. >> one of the largest climate gatherings in the world is happen thing week in the city by the bay. thousands are expected to attend events ranging from nature walks, industry panels, a sustainable fashion show and more other social events. san francisco climate week is organized by the environment department and the company climate base, a hiring platform that helps organizations with clears in climate. over the next week, the city will become a place where
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diverse organizers can connect, exchange ideas and bring forth their solutions to our climate in crisis. >> our goal is to bring more of these movers and shakers together to advance the solutions we need. >> reporter: san francisco is an environmental leader on the global stage. just last year, over 1500 trees were planted to improve local ecosystems and the urban canopy. the city continues to explore nature-based solutions to address imminent sea level rise. and if you've ever ran in muni, you've been aboard one of the greenest fleets of any major cities in the u.s. >> today, we have about 900 businesses, including oracle park and chase center, the marriott marquis all certified under the san francisco green business program and our airport is one of the cleanest, greenest anywhere in the country. we are continuing to do all we can to really support and protect the environment.
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>> we want to make sure we are amplifying these opportunities. and this is many hands make light work when it comes to climate action. >> san francisco climate week will be more than just an environmental celebration, but a gathering of minds to spark ideas, to tack it will most pressing issues of our time. everyone is encouraged to participate. we'll have a link to all of the events and how to register. just go to chris, back to you. >> thank you. a full week of coverage right here for earth week. still to come on "today in the bay," we are counting down to the summer olympic games. paris is going to host athletes from around the world in weeks, and it's going to be warm. we'll check out you organizers plan to keep the athletes cool. and beats that sometimes sweltering europ sweltering europ ea- my childhood was tough. i didn't grow up in a warm, supportive home, so the trauma i went through led to something called toxic stress, but it's gonna be different for my son. i'm giving him the protection he needs to defend against it.
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maybe that sunshine has
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woken you up. thank you for joining us. offer to a clear start, but patchy clouds remain in the immediate east bayshoreline. it should clear out by the next hour or so, giving way to a sunny and warm saturday. a few high clouds but still filled with a lot of warm temperatures as we go throughout the day, and a beautiful ato celebrate our earth day weekend. let's go down to palo alto. we have the earth day festival that starts off at 1:00 this afternoon. you should see temperatures in the mid 70s in palo alto with a few high clouds, so bring that hat and sun screen out there. as you prepare to take your plans elsewhere in the bay area, maybe wine country, 80 degrees in napa. livermore, also in the 80-degree mark and morgan hill, out towards san francisco and the coastline, looks to be beautiful. the winds will die down compared to yesterday. it will be a nice day towards
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the coastline. look up into the sky tonight as we look up into the lyrid meteor shower tonight and monday, possibly tuesday, as well. you need to wait just a second after dark to see 15 to 20 meters per hour. so that will be exciting. get out your telescope and get that imagery, if you can. monday morning commute, we could be looking at areas of patchy cloud cover and into the day on monday. we'll notice a few changes. the winds out of the south and the chance where you see the tiny bits of green out there, a bit of that coastal drizzle as we foresee some changes ahead as we go into tuesday. we're going to cool things down over the next couple of days. notice this temperature trend over in concord, from the 80s down to the 60s by midweek. and cooler, dropping in about 20 degrees as we go into friday. high pressure is moving on out of here. we're going to be returning to
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that chance of seeing rain late week, even some sierra snow and rain showers by the end of it. so overall, the seven-day forecast goes on a roller coaster from the 80s and comfortable earth day monday down to the upper 60s and some cooler 60s by the end of the week with the rain chances and san francisco will be nice for today. cherry blossom, earth day tomorrow and the breeze comes back in and the rain chances are watching late thursday into friday. >> can you look anywhere special in the sky to see the meteors tonight? >> i didn't look into that, i was just reading about the fascinating facts. ,> 20 per hour
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the paris olympics are now officially fewer than 100 days away, and organizers have a lot on their minds, things like safety and transportation. also, how to keep people cool. sweltering heat and extreme humidity threaten to put a
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damper on the games. national climate reporter chase cane joins us from paris with how they plan to protect athletes and fans alike. >> reporter: now, just 100 days until the olympics begin here in paris, this stadium will host rugby, track and field. right now in paris, temperatures are in the mid 50s. but by the olympics roll around, paris will be hotter and humid. global temperature trends could mean these are some of the hottest summer games ever held. especially after tokyo in 2021, i personally felt that dangerous heat while covering the skateboarding competition. what is paris doing to prepare? they spent a few years planting more trees to offset the effect of urban heat. >> the cleanup of the river, that's not just for us to hold,
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you know, some sport events. this is going to be a major change for parisians to have a place to go when the heat of the summer hurts in the years to come. it's going to be worse and worse. so this is a solution that we have. >> reporter: the river cleanup has been a challenge, but it's part of the climate goals, aiming for the first carbon neutral olympic games. so what does that mean? we'll take a deeper dive into those questions on monday, earth day, right here on nbc bay area. for now, reporting in paris for "today in the bay," i'm chase cain. >> chase, tha youery much. two more bay area athletes just punched their tickets to paris. amit elor just made her first olympic team. she's become one of usa's top female wrestlers, winning a world title last year, and dominique perishrom scotts
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valley defeated a 2012 olympian to earn a spot at her first olympics. she's no stranger to the world strange. she earned gold at the world championships in 2022. set it and forget it, nbc bay area is your home for all things olympics. our jessica aguirre is heading to paris this summer to report on our local athletes. the olympics kick off on july 26th, right here on nbc bay area. yesterday, the house of representatives voted to send three major foreign aid bills to the senate. the vote on the $95 billion package occurred because of a friday night procedural vote requiring a 2/3 majority to skip committee hearings. it's likely the senate will agree, although there are minor differences. let's get into this with dr. larry gerston. how important is all of this, larry? >> to ukraine, it was just
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critical, absolutely critical. they've been rationing bullets. you get three, you get three, be careful when you shoot because you only get three. this is real. this is exactly what was going on. of course, israel has been in its own war. a good chunk of that money goes for humanitarian issues all of that region. of course, taiwan is in a they have -- never-ending dispute with china. so the money was important and way overdue but it's finally going. >> as i understand it, something which i don't think we're accustomed to in washington occurred here. did we have something -- is it called bipartisan cooperation? this is an antiquated concept for many of us. did democrats and republicans actually join forces here? >> they almost held hands. it was amazing.
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it was absolutely amazing, but yes, they did. look, there are more democrats voting for these bills than republicans. but that's okay, that's okay. the republicans had doubts with ukraine, but the democrats carried that day. the democrats, some of them had doubts over the israeli aid. some republicans carried them. but you can see, the turnouts by party, republicans by about 3-1 overall, and democrats 4-1. but the point is, as people have been saying, there were huge majorities waiting to vote yes. and finally, the speaker relented. >> is this a sign they might be able to work together on other things or is this a one-off? >> i think jury is out on that. look, this speaker, mike johnson, is very conservative. in this case, he just had a moment. he thought about this a lot. and because he's speaker, he
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became open, not only open, but available for very important, sensitive military issues. he was advised about this, by the cia. >> they briefed him. >> he said, you know what? i've got to go with this. plus, his son is about to go into the navy academy. he said you know what? i thought about this, and there's a lot on the line. i think that personal touch might have made a difference, as well. so you never know what's going to happen. whether this is something to come in the future, i'm not so sure. >> aren't voters just clamoring for them to work together? >> yes, voters are clamoring. and all the polls show that congress is really down. 8%, 8% public opinion approval of congress. >> single digit 8s? maybe they should start working together and bring those numbers up. let's go to washington. doctor, thank you so much. next, a quick look at top stories, including a big turnout
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at hippie hill to light up on 4/20. even though it was actually even though it was actually
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thinking i should bring back my 100% all-white meat popcorn chicken combos for $6.99? you're in luck, i did. if you weren't thinking that, i bet you are now. my popcorn chicken combos are only $6.99. get 'em sauced & loaded for just a buck more. welcome to jack in the box! welcome back. it's 7:55. here's a quick look at the top stories we're following, including new details about a tram crash at universal studios hollywood. we told you about this as breaking news last night at 11:00. it occurred around 9:30. 15 people were hurt, at least one person critically.
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that's according to the los angeles fire department. however, in a statement a spokesperson said the injuries were minor. that statement went on to say the park was supporting guests and working out to find out what caused the crash. universal studios is owned by nbc bay area's parent company. the u.s. house passed a $95 billion aid package that includes aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan and tries to force tiktok's parent company to tell it. it sent $61 billion of aid to country as they fight off russia. the bill now heads to the senate. the bills are expected to pass and the president says he will sign it. congresswoman barbara lee coated against the bill -- voted against the bill for aid to israel. the sanctioned 4/20 celebration was called off this
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year. organizers blamed it on lack of money, but that didn't stop people from coming out any way. cops and firefighters were out there just in case. all right. it's going to be a beautiful day for this sunday, living up to its day. cinthia will walk us through what we can enjoy. >> if you are going to work on your yard today, another good day. whatever you want to do, we have a nice, dry weekend to do so. we are struggling to warm up a little bit down here in san jose. we started off in the low 50s. now at 56. clear skies through walnut creek and san francisco. but oakland, the immediate bay is dealing with that cloud cover, patchy at times for at least the next hour or so. then we're going to clear out and see warm temperatures in our inland valleys. the temperatures will go back into the 80-degree mark, especially as you move further north, down through the santa clara valley. monday, we see a nice,
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comfortable day before changes on tuesday and the rest of the week. we're going to feel that breeze return. if you live by the coast, waking up to some drizzle out there, and the cloud cover will roll in for wednesday and the rest of the week tracking some rain starting late thursday into friday morning. >> you saying the wind south-southeast at 5 is not too windy to gut the grass? >> no, you're fine. >> thank you so much. and thank you for making us part of your morning. more local news at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00, and all day online, realtime at have a great morning. "meet the press" is next with
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this sunday, wartime support. >> the bill is passed. >> after months of delays, republican speaker mike johnson moves forward with a historic vote on military aid to


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