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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6PM  NBC  April 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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right now at 6:00, keeping tents off the streets. the case the supreme court is set to hear that could have a big impact on how california cities handle the homelessness
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crisis. and getting up close and personal with pandas. mayor london breed back in the bay tonight. what she's saying about her trip to china and the plan to bring those pandas to the san francisco zoo. plus, a blowout celebration for a $1.7 million throne. why this san francisco neighborhood is saluting this controversial potty. the news at 6:00 starts right now. i'm terry mcsweeney. gia has the night off. how to deal with homeless encampments front and center at the nation's highest court. the supreme court set to take up the issue this week. it could have big implications for bay area cities struggling with homelessness. tomorrow justices will be considering a challenge to rulings from a san francisco-based appeals court. that court found punishing people for sleeping outside when shelter space is lacking amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. but a small southern oregon town is appealing that ruling with a lot hanging in the balance. advocacy groups say the current ruling provides essential legal
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protections an an increased number of americans find themselves without housing. but san francisco says it has been blocked from enforcing camping regulations because the city does not have enough shelter space for its full homeless population. the supreme court expected to rule by the end of june. a live look at san francisco right now. gorgeous day. mayor breed back home tonight after a week-long visit to china. the mayor, who is running for re-election, spent her time meeting with business leaders, airline executives, and government officials over in china, and she says her goal was to strengthen business and cultural ties with that country. breed touched down at sfo earlier this afternoon. shortly after touching down, she spoke to reporters, calling her trip a success and pointing to her announcement that pandas will be returning to the city. the mayor says she got to see pandas in person during her visit, and she is excited to share that experience with san francisco. >> it was the first time i actually saw a panda in person, and it was amazing.
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it was amazing to see them walk, to eat, to sit up, to pick up things with their hands, and to look directly at us as they were eating as if they were wondering why we were looking at them while they were trying to eat. so it was a really cool experience, and we are so looking forward to making this a reality for san francisco. >> now, a timeline for the pandas' arrival in san francisco, that's not been set. the mayor's office says it will come once the panda enclosure at the san francisco zoo is ready for them. a man is in jail this evening accused of stabbing another man today. this happened in the north beach neighborhood of san francisco right outside saints peter and paul catholic church. video posted on the citizen app shows an ambulance right outside that church. police say one man was stabbed. he's expected to be okay. officers tracked down the alleged attacker and arrested him. no word on what led up to that stabbing. a sad sight in san francisco bay today. wildlife officials dealing with a dead whale found floating off alameda county.
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the 40-foot-long gray whale was first spotted yesterday near crown memorial state beach. officials say it was stuck in the mud originally but then became free and was floating with the tide. the marine mammal center says it is working with the coast guard to tow the carcass to angel island state park so they can determine how it died. this is the first dead whale found in san francisco bay this year. now, wildlife officials want to point out this is not the same whale that was seen with its tail tangled in a gill net near pacifica. that whale hasn't been found since it was first spotted two weeks ago. tomorrow, nurses across the state plan to take a stand against the use of a.i. in hospitals. hundreds of nurses are set to protest outside of kaiser san francisco. the california nurses association says new a.i. technology in hospitals is coming at the cost of patient wellness. they say a.i. is happening at a number of hospital systems, but they're protesting at kaiser because it is one of the earliest adopters of a.i. the nurses union claims much of
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the tech is untested and not regulated. we reached out to kaiser about the planned protest. a spokesperson says the health care provider plans to issue a statement tomorrow. a busy week ahead for former president donald trump. his criminal hush money trial shifts to opening statements tomorrow. a jury of seven men and five women plus six alternates picked last week. mr. trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records. also tomorrow, a new york judge will hold a hearing on the $175 million bond posted by mr. trump as he appeals his $454 million fraud judgment against him in the e. jean carroll defamation verdict. later this week, thursday, the supreme court will hear arguments on mr. trump's claim of immunity from criminal prosecution. nbc news is out with its latest national poll. election interest is hitting a new low with majorities holding negative views of both president biden and former president
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trump. the poll finds president biden cutting into mr. trump's previous lead with just two points difference in a head-to-head matchup. right now biden is ahead of trump on abortion and uniting the country. trump leads on competency and dealing with inflation. another key takeaway, the poll shows president biden's approval rating ticking up five points since january. 39% of voters say they approve of the president's handling of the economy, up three points since january. the president continues to struggle in the poll, though, on border security and immigration issues as well as the israel-hamas war. his highest issue rating is addressing student loan debt. governor newsom responding to arizona's recent abortion ban with an offer of help. in a new ad, he is blasting alabama republicans who want to punish women who travel for reproductive care. >> miss, i'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle and take a pregnancy test. >> newsom's political action committee paid for this ad.
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it shows a woman and her friend a mile from the state line. they think they're in the clear, but then a police car puts on his lights and siren. the ad urges viewers to stop the idea of criminalizing travel for an abortion. it debuted this morning on msnbc's "inside with jen psaki," where newsom talked about his goal to offer arizona abortion providers an expedited way to get licensed here in california. this is after arizona's supreme court upheld an 1864 abortion ban. >> right now, a big part of my focus and why i'm so focused on arizona and providing doctors from arizona the ability to come into california through emergency legislation we'll introduce with our women's caucus this week, is to address the crisis at hand with that law that will go into effect on may 1st to provide access to women and girls that are fleeing the state of arizona and to focus on arizona electorally. >> california is bracing for a wave of patients seeking an abortion from arizona and other states where abortion is being limited following the supreme court's overturning of roe v.
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wade. protesters briefly delayed the start of the cherry blossom parade in san francisco today. video shows activists protesting the war in gaza, holding up a banner, targeting senator scott wiener's car. the group eventually moved, and the parade continued. the grand parade started at civic center plaza, ended in japantown. it featured colorful floats and performances by japanese dance groups. nbc bay area a proud sponsor, and our very own mike inouye, who was right there, ladies and gentlemen, he emceed the parade. san francisco's noe valley today, the public was invited to what was billed as a blowout celebration of a world-renowned toilet. the toilet in question, the controversial public restroom installed last month in the neighborhood's town square. the original price tag, $1.7 million. that drew sharp backlash. in the end, it cost the city
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$300,000. but that was because of donated materials and discount installation. today there was great fanfare to welcome the toilet, including a ceremony, music, all sorts of activities, including a toilet bowl toss. many could not resist the opportunity for some bathroom humor. >> i'm flush with excitement that they have a bathroom now, and it gets a 10 out of 10 for me. >> it's great. it's a relief, and we could relieve ourselves when we have to go. we don't have to go over there. >> the event, co-sponsored by the san francisco office of economic and workforce development and the rec and parks department. coming up, gas prices on the rise. you probably know that. the bay area city where prices are approaching $8 a gallon. how that compares to the rest of the state. plus, the bay area celebrates earth day. we take you to one event helping families learn how to live an eco-friendly life. and clear skies. mild still out towards walnut creek with temperatures cooling down into san francisco. we will be on a cooling trend as
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we approach this earth week. you might have to see where the
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temperatures are rising. so are our gas prices. take a look at what we spotted in menlo park today. yeah, heading towards $8 a gallon. whoa. of course that's the outlier. the cost of gas, though, is on the way up again across the country. the average price nationwide for a gallon of regular, $3.67.
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wouldn't that be nice? out here, of course, we're paying almost $2 more in california. the average up to $5.43 a gallon. 48 cents higher than just one month ago. and more than 50 cents higher than a year ago. last week the white house said it's focused on keeping gas prices affordable and would even consider tapping into the strategic petroleum reserve again if warranted. despite being canceled, san francisco's 420 celebration went on as usual at golden gate park this year. yesterday it was wild out there. hippie hill, it's always been a popular spot on the unofficial cannabis holiday. this year organizers were not able to host a sanctioned festival, saying they just didn't have the money. but plenty of people showed up anyway. one concern was a lot of trash. look at this. the city's rec and parks department posted this picture of a clean park this morning. this is fantastic. the department thanked city workers for helping clean the
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park up, and the people who were there too took care of stuff as well. today san francisco kicked off its second annual earth week with a series of events across the city. the main goal, get more people to think about being more sustainable. here's nbc bay area's christie smith. >> reporter: a sunny start to earth week in san francisco. >> we're having our earth day celebration. it's a community event that's open to everybody who attends the garden today. we have activities for children, story time, and also we have wonderful products for sale that highlight our sustainable mission. >> reporter: at the city's botanical garden, that mission is -- >> connect people to plants, the planet, and each other. >> reporter: plenty of families were there. >> very important, i believe, for especially younger generations, you know, to compost, to recycle, and to really help the earth. ♪♪ >> reporter: and on the other side of the city, the new farm was the place to be. >> the reason why earth day san francisco came to the new farm is because it's earth day every
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day here. >> it's about community space. >> reporter: that was highlighted today through music, educators, speakers, and more. >> every year we gather together for earth day san francisco in order to do not just a festival and a party, but also a teach-in. so every earth day represents an opportunity to learn both about sustainable living for yourself, but also how to become active and what to do. >> reporter: and some of today's educators were local small businesses. >> we are a refillery. it's still a very new concept. but the whole idea is you can bring in your own bottles, refill on a bunch of amazing things at the daisy refillery. >> reporter: just one more way people can work toward a more sustainable future. christie smith, nbc bay area news. san jose shutting its streets down to create the largest park in the city for a day. viva calle sj shut down six
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miles of road today along the monterey corridor. people got to come out and walk the streets. the event featured a bmx stunt show, live music, and a lot of food. >> it's a great opportunity for families to come out and enjoy a walk, a run, a ride, a skate with the family on this beautiful sunday. >> viva calle sj has more events in store this year. in june, it's going to be hosting a mariachi festival, and from what i gather, cynthia pimental is going to be there. >> with you. june is my birthday month. we're going. >> fantastic. we'll party on. it sounds good to me. >> yeah, sounds good. >> can you give us this kind of weather in june? >> i sure hope so. i wish we could keep it even for the next five, seven days. but there are some changes ahead, terry. make sure your windshield wipers are working because we might need them by the end of the week. the umbrella has been pushed aside, but we might also have to look for that too. temperatures right now, we've had a nice comfortable day.
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beautiful for all of our sunday, fun day plans. we see the contour on the map showing us our microclimate. we'll do 80s. 84 in brentwood. oakland, 69 degrees. 63 in san francisco. pushing it down into the peninsula, 77 in palo alto. clear skies. our satellite and radar is taking a bit of a break after a very rough winter. we're going to see that hour-by-hour visibility staying most to the coastline with hints of cloud cover. overall should be a mostly clear start to our monday morning commute. i also want to tell you that this is important for what's going on in the skies tonight. we have the lyrid meteor shower. this will go on into the overnight hours of monday. you really have to give it a second after we go into the darkness to catch about 15 to meters per hour. just give it a little bit of time. as far as the direction you should look at, i was reading through the nasa website, and these are so sporadic, it really can come in any direction at you. so good luck with those. if you capture any pictures,
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send them over our way. as far as our temperatures go on monday, it's still a little bit of that jacket weather. sunrise at 6:24. we'll go into lunchtime and compared to today, it will be just a touch cooler, a few degrees as we go to a little bit of a cooler coastline around half moon bay. 72 in hayward. we start to climb into those upper 70s as we go inland with a few more spots that could reach those 80s as we go on into monday. so we're going to keep this nice, warm weather going at least for one more day before we start to feel that cooldown. you'll notice that as we go on into this time stamp, late monday afternoon, we see the fog and the clouds hugging the coastline where you see those little green bits could also be the chance of catching some drizzle. so from the marin county coastline down into the peninsula coastline, santa cruz, we could be catching that. that is what's going to set us up for a cooler pattern as we go into the middle parts of the week and thursday, friday. this system has been working about throughout the day.
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honestly it's been coming into the bay area. it's been moving up a little bit. so overall, i think it could break apart before it even gets here and keep that rain and snow chances away from the bay area as we look ahead into late thursday and on into friday. taking it even longer with this model here, we do seem to return to that dry weather and warm weather at that as we go on into next weekend. so we'll keep an eye on those rain chances and also the changes in those temperatures along with the wind and the breeze coming back. we're looking out in liver mer. we go from the 80s to 70s by tuesday. then drop at least 20 degrees or so as we go on into thursday and friday. then rebound just a touch. so it's going to be a bit of a roller coaster as we go through the next seven days in san francisco. wind by thursday and friday. we'll watch that, watch for any advisories out there, and see those temperatures drop from the upper 60s to the cooler 60s. also in the inland valleys, it was a nice day today.
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earth day monday. still nice and dry. then we watch those clouds come back in. the wind picking up thursday, and friday we go from the 80s to the 70s to the 60s. >> and then we're going back up. >> yep. up next, more than a dozen hurt in a tram crash at universal studios. we're we're learning about the moments right be moments right be fo
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me.
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my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. i love the great outdoors... [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! we are learning more about last night's tram crash at universal studios hollywood. 15 people were hurt during the crash about 9:30 last night. l.a. county sheriff's office says the last tram car hit a rail when it was traveling down a hill near a parking structure. they also said it was some type
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of issue with the brakes, but they're not going into detail on that. starting friday, the studio tour is set to add several temporary attractions like immersive photo ops and a replica of the hollywood sign. it's not clear if yesterday's crash is going to change those plans. we should note universal studios is owned by the parent company of nbc bay area. jimmy fallon is going from late night to the world stage. >> if you come to paris, would you do the closing ceremony with me? please say yes. >> is this real? >> yes, this is real. >> i'm in. i'm going to do it! >> you might have seen that on "the tonight show" last month. nbc's mike tirico surprised jimmy fallon with an offer to co-host the olympics closing ceremony. you know tirico has got power if he can make that offer right there. fallon told our sister station l.a. it was really a surprise. he wasn't acting. he was stunned. he actually thought he was getting pranked. so how is he getting ready for paris? >> i have rosetta stone. i'm very excited. i'm watching every movie about paris. i'm listening to nothing but
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edith fee yauf. i'm watching "emily in paris." i'm trying to gear up. my french is not great. but i want to show paris and france that i understand the assignment and i'm doing my work. >> he's doing his work. nbc bay area is your home for the olympics. it kicks off with the opening ceremony july 26th. our jessica aguirre is going to be there bringing us stories about our bay area athletes. anthony flores joining us now. giants couldn't quite win the series against the d-backs. >> yeah. a tough day and a frustrating day at the ballpark. first they lose their cool. then they lose the game. why giants
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welcome back. i'm anthony flores. giants manager bob melvin had to watch the final outs of today's game from the clubhouse after not playing nice with the home plate umpire. the final of a four-game series against the diamondbacks. bottom five, giants down but not out. mike yastrzemski putting the wood to work. it's a two-run shot, his first of the season. 2-1 giants. the diamondbacks answer in their next at-bat. with runners on second and third, gabriel moreno singles to center. the tieing and go-ahead run score. controversy of the sniet. kevin newman appears to go down swinging but the ump calls it a foul tip. so he's still alive. bob melvin can't believe it. a few pitches later, you know what's going to happen. he rips an rbi double to left.
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melvin and matt williams are ejected for arguing with the umpire. the diamondbacks go on to beat the giants 5-3. here's melvin on the pitch that got things heated at the ballpark. >> yeah. yeah, strike three was my opinion. >> it looked to me like he didn't -- i mean it's fairly clear now. now, that's probably the worst angle you can have is sitting behind it. so i'm not sure. i think typically they do check or whatever. i mean it looked to me just from the naked eye, but not the umpire. >> that is the only opinion that matters on the diamond, the umpire. a's wrapping up their three-game series in cleveland. top four, oakland down a pair. brent rooker cuts the lead in half with a solo home run to left. it was a one-run game in the seventh and the guardians blow it open with a bases-loaded-clearing double. cleveland sweeps oakland 6-2.
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the incredible winning streak continues. >> that's five in a row and a major championship. nellie korda wins her record-tying fifth straight tournament, and the chevron championship by two strokes at 13 under par. she is just the third player in lpga history and the first i ac
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actor kevin bacon went back to high school this week. >> things look a little different around here. i'd say the thing that looks the most different is me. >> students have been working all year to get bacon back to his high school in utah where "footloose" was shot 40 years ago. they're going to tear that school down. not only did he visit the school, he teamed up with students with his foundation called six degrees. volunteers put together a backpack full of things like sanitizers, socks, and snacks to be distributed to four local charities. bacon helped pack the kits, working alongside students. the new school is being built were payson high school now stands. nice business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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