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tv   Today  NBC  April 22, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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traffic flows nicely westbound. we pick up the volume. not unusual across the san mateo bridge. same for the south bay. we see 85, 87, 280 and 101. the "today" show is moments away. we continue on roku and other streaming platforms, live at 8:00, we'll take you to paris with more on the climate-friendly changes the city is making ahead of the olympics. plus, riding for a cure. the group working to shine a light on als by biking across california. you know that song "it's a beautiful morning" and it a historic day ahead. >> yeah, the trial of former president trump begins. it's april 22nd. this is "today." opening statements. for the first time ever, a
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former president on trial in a criminal case, accused of falsifying business records to hide hush money payments to a porn star ahead of the 2016 election. what to expect in court today and the possible impact on the 2024 race. crisis on campus. columbia university making all classes virtual amid concerns from jewish students. >> i don't feel safe on campus. >> pro-palestinian protesters carrying on for days at the school, even after police stepped in to arrest dozens of demonstrators. we're live with the very latest. house divided. some republicans calling on the speaker of the house to resign. >> mike johnson has betrayed america. >> after working with democrats
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to pass a massive foreign aid package for israel and ukraine. we're live on capitol hill with what's next. clock ticking. congress moves one step closer to banning tiktok over national security concerns. some tiktokers urging users to step up. we're live with a fight over the app's future. to the rescue. strangers braving raging flames to save a driver trapped inside a burning suv. >> there was a moment where we thought we literally lost him. >> the daring moments caught on video. those stories, plus, not proud. country star morgan wallen breaking his silence about his recent arrest for throwing a chair off the roof of the nashville bar. the message he's sending to fans. and class act. >> so great to be here! >> kevin bacon returns to the same school where he filmed "footloose" 40 years ago and dancing through the same iconic halls.
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>> i don't know how to do this anymore. >> inside the unforgettable homecoming, today, monday, april 22nd, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, guys. welcome to "today." savannah is off this morning. craig is here. kevin bacon looks the same. >> he does not age. still probably has the moves. he's back at that high school where "foot loose was filmed after the students begged him to show up for months. >> they were squeeming, i met kevin bacon. >> we'll go there live in just a moment.
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omits getting under way. to be clear, this is a case where trump is accused of ksh to keep stormy daniels quite about an alleged sexual encounter, the prosecutors alleging that this was election interference. it marks the beginning of a very busy legal week for the republican presidential nominee. today trump also has aering ha in the new york civil fraud case, tomorrow, there is a hearing related to a gag order, and then on thursday the supreme court is set to begin hearing arguments over his presidential immunity. we've got it all covered this morning, but we are going to begin with senior legal correspondent laura jarrett who has the latest. laura, good morning. >> hoda, good morning to you, today is all about giving this jury in new york a road map of what's to come. for prosecutors, the story is one involving an alleged affair, a payoff, a presidential election, and, of course, a cover-up, while the defense team hopes to replay to this jury that if there was a crime the state cannot prove that donald trump had anything to do with it. this morning, opening statements beginning in the first criminal
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trial of an american president. donald trump expected back in the courtroom in lower manhattan where he pleaded not guilty to charges of falsifying his business records, a low-level felony. but the story prosecutors are laying out for the jury of seven men and five women today, far more sweeping. one of a presidential candidate in damage control after the release of the "access hollywood" tape, directing his former fixer to pay off stormy daniels on the eve of the 2016 inection to keep her quiet about an alleged tryst from a decade say, creating a phony earlier, later reimbursing michael cohen in monthly checks, prosecutors say creating a phony paper trail. pape >> it is more important for the pros prosecutors to get the jurors on their side, early. i their side early.always used to i always used to tell jurors this is the table of contents s if this is the table o when they're listening to the f contents, when they're listening to the evidence, they'll evidence, they'll go uh-huh. >> reporter: the former uh-huh. >> president denies any encounter e president dbs any encounter with daniel, his defense team likely to argue cohen has an ax to
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grind against his former boss, writing an entire book called revenge, cohen expected to be a key witness at trial, also the former publisher of the "national enquirer," david pecker, who prosecutors will argue helped catch and kill damning stories with and kill out mr. trump, now expected to be the damning storying ant mr. trump firs now expected to be the state's . mean first witness called at trial.i trump's weeken meanwhile, the limits of mr. trump's weekend campaign d camp st strategy coming into focus now,. bad weather forcing him to bad weather forcing him to cancel saturday's rally in north carolina. >> i'm devastated this could happen. >> the likely gop nominee cancel saturday's rally in north carolina. instead trying to use th >> i'm devastated this could happen. e existence of >> reporter: the likely gop nominee instead trying to use the existence of the trial itself to make his case. >> instead of being in pennsylvania or georgia, i'm sitting in a courthouse all day long.sylvan this will go on for another four or five weeks, and it is very n courthouse all day long and this will go on unfair. for another four or five >> all right, laura. let's talk more on what to wee >> laura, let's talk mor expect from this.e about that. what to expect at the trial. and we're joined wit we're joined by hallie jackson. laura, start with you.llie jackso opening statements start today. we're expecting maybe a witness. how do you expect this to play we're expecting maybe a witness. how do you expect this to play out? out? >> >> first with opening first wi statements, the prosecutors want
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statements, the prosecutors want to focus on the cover- to focus on the cover-up, of up course the fac course the facts are so ts a so salacious, w salacious, we all know them, bu, the prosecutors really do want t the prosecutors want to make this an election interfere to make this an election nce case, th interference case, how they want to frame it, while the defense frame it. while the defe wants to say the thing he's nse the thing he's actuall accused of doing, falsifying hi of doing internal records, the public wa intern never going to see recow how could anyone have been dupes never going to see into voting for him when it was could anyone be duped into his records that no one would ever seen? voting for him when it was advertise records no one had ever seen. now that we've confirmed that david pecker is expected to be david pecker e the first witness, he's the e t first witness, the person who used to run th person who used to run the e ta nat"nat tabloid, "national enquirer," n" the fact the prosecution wants th to call him first is fascinating.e prosecution want it puts donald trump in the roo him first, it puts donald tr where it happened, where this u in the room where it happened, this whole scheme is allegedly hatched back in 2015. the fact tha whole scheme is allegedly hatched. back in 2015.they want to do it there lays the groundwork for ever so the fact they want to do it . >> the you believe there lays the groundwork for everything that's going to comen hearing from >> the public's been hearing ds up to the microphone from donald trump, he steps up to the microphone every day around trial time but keeps complaining about a gag order, complaining about a ga there's a gag order, not allowed to speak.g orde his truth social from last night at 11:30 said this, tomorrow morning i report to new york criminal court for a trial on somewhat ironically election
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interference ruled over by crooked joe biden's doj before a corrupt and highly conflicted judge, a failed district attorney who didn't want to bring the case, talks about how he's being gagged, what's going to happen with all of these statements. >> he can talk about the judge and even the prosecutors. what he can't do u at judge or the prosecutor.nder the judge's order is talk aboutens witnesses, that's what's got him in hot what he can't do under the judge's order is talk about witnesses, that's what's got him in hot water with the judge. wa. he can't talk about michael can't talk about michael cohen, cohen, stormy daniels, the stormy daniels, the prosecutors are trying to hold him in osecu hold him i contempt about that and we'll nt hear him argue about that tomorrow. about that. >> hallie, >> and hallie, potential talkie president's been railing against political witnesses, the this president's been railing agains this trial and other trials for. months we expect this mo do we expect this moves the needle in my way, shape, form, or needle in any way shape, form or fashion? fashi >> what's interesting, the ideas talking about, the idea prosecutor the prosecutors want to make s i this an election interference sn election interferenc case, if you look at nbc news polling that's out, threats to democracy, that issue is considered among the third most important issue to voters. it is behind inflation, it is
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behind immigration, but 16% of voters say it's the most important issue facing the country. if prosecutors are able to make this case it was election interference in 2016, might that move the immediate needle with this small slice of voters that donald trump would need to win over or president biden would need to win over to win back the white house. big caveat, his legal issues helped him in the primary and it does seem to be resonating with his base, his constant, hoda, as you talk about complaints this system is, as he puts it, rigged against him. 43% of people in our latest polling say they do believe it's stacked against the former president, but 50% say he is being treated as fairly as any other criminal defendant. >> we are roughly six months away from another presidential election. >> that is what it is? >> almost six months. >> you're counting, hallie. state of the race, ms. jackson. >> close, very close, our new polling shows that president biden is ticking up a little bit in polling, getting a little bit closer to the former president's lead, but big caveat, it is still all within the margin of
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president biden takes the lead, inside the margin of error. you look forward, it takes money to run a campaign, we are now learning from some new fec filings, the committee that's been paying the former president's legal bills only has about $4 million left right now as of the beginning of the month, aft error, it is million left rights of the beginning of the month, after spending about that much in march. >> all right, thank you, ladies, thank you so much. we turn to capitol hill now, some republicans are calling on the speaker of the house to resign. passing a $95 billion package that provides aid to ukraine and israel. nbc's ryan nobles joins us from capitol hill. ryan, good morning to you, just a few weeks ago, it seemed like this was impossible. >> reporter: that's right, craig. the conservatives worked very hard to pressure the speaker mike johnson not to bring any form of ukraine funding up for a vote. now after passing the house easily, the senate will act this week and ukraine will receive a much needed injection of weapons and funding at a time when they
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need it the most. what once seemed improbable -- >> on this vote the yeahs are 311 and the nahs are 112. the bill has passed. >> reporter: -- has become inevitable. the senators are poised to approve a $95 billion national security package that provides , humanitarian as i for goid funding for key u.s. allies. it has $26.4 billion in funding for israel, which includes humanitarian aid for gaza. $8.1 billion for asian allies like taiwan. it authorizes the seizing of $5 billion in russian assets, tougher sanctions on the country and the ban of the popular app tiktok if the chinese-based company that owns it does not sell it within a year. but the biggest part of the package, more than $60 billion of funding for ukraine was the most controversial and carry with it the most immediate s pr
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zelenskyy telling kristen welker without consequences. ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy telling kristin welker without this funding his country will likely lose the war. >> translator: and we will have a chance for victory if ukraine really gets the weapons system which we need so much. >> reporter: it is a plea zelenskyy has been making for months while the legislation was stalled. it did not matter much to conservatives who argued american border security should come before aid to ukraine. >> mike johnson has betrayed america. he's betrayed republican voters. >> reporter: conservatives warned house speaker mike johnson that even bringing an aid to the floor could result in an effort to boot from his speakership. but johnson was presented with overwhelming evidence with classified briefings that led to a change of heart. >> he showed true leadership. if he didn't do this, the consequences would be severe. >> reporter: one that could cost him his job. a threat he has come to terms with. >> do the right thing and let
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the chips fall where they may. >> reporter: the question how, is how soon could conservatives attempt the remove johnson from the speakership? if they do, will democrats come to his view? the answers to those questions won't come until next week when the house returns from a week's long recess. craig? >> ryan, thank you. now let's move to the ongoing protests and safety concerns at columbia university. overnight the school's president announcing that all classes will be virtual today. pro-palestinian protesters have been demonstrating on campus for days. and the school's president now says the school needs to, quote, deescalate. erin mclaughlin joins us there live. hey, erin. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. last week more than 100 protesters were arrested on campus. and now a rabbi is urging jewish students to return home as soon as possible, citing concerns
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virtually. all of this ahead of passover, the jewish holiday begins sundown tonight. this morning, as demonstrations continue on university campuses, new york's columbia university announcing all classes will be held virtually over their safety and classes announcing all classes will be held virtually today. the university president issuing a statement saying we need a reset to deescalate the ranker. the university also announcing sunday that it is adding more return home as soon as possible. security on campus, including 111 additional safety personnel. the move comes as a rabbi at columbia is urging students to return home as soon as possible. in a letter to jewish students going on to say no one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school. the campus had demonstrations on the israel-hamas war. new york mayor eric adams
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condemning videos such as this, which he says shows a young woman with a sign pointing to jewish students stating al ca psalm's next target. one incident last week, a demonstrator chanting, we are hamas. shafik saying in her statement tensions have been exploited by individuals not affiliated with columbia, who have come to campus to pursue their own agendas. jewish students expressing fear. >> as a jew, i no longer feel welcome on safe. i no longer feel safe on campus. i no longer feel like i belong. >> no. i think my safety has definitely been compromised over the past few days. >> reporter: last night in a press release columbia students for justice in palestine expressed frustration over inflammatory individuals that do not represent us, adding the group rejects any form of hate or bigotry. the white house saying calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting jewish
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students have absolutely no place on any college campus, or anywhere in the united states of america. in a statement, the university points to, quote, too many examples of intimidating and harassing behavior on campus, calling anti-semitic language, quote, unacceptable and says there will be consequences. back to you, hoda. >> all right. erin mclaughlin for us there in columbia. thank you. meanwhile, relations between the united states and israel are growing increasingly tense this morning. the united states is expected to impose sanctions against an israeli military unit for the first time ever. a decision israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is calling, quote, absurd. richard engel is in jerusalem with the very latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, craig. there is a very strange dynamic here. the house just approved $30 billion, nearly $30 billion in aid for israel, much of it for the military, while, at the same time, the biden administration
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is preparing to sanction a small section of the israeli military itself, and that is what's adding to this long simmering tension between the biden administration and prime minister netanyahu. # pressure is growing against prime minister benjamin netanyahu from all sides. the biden administration is set to impose sanctions on a unit of the israeli military accused of human rights violations in the occupied west bank. netanyahu saying he will fight the sanctions with all his strength. while inside israel, people increasingly want him gone. >> he's a disgrace to the human and the jewish people around the world and israel. >> reporter: netanyahu faces corruption charges and protesters claim staying in power and out of court is his main priority. he says the charges are politically motivated. protests like these are now happening every week and they'ry
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growing. calling for new elections, and for netanyahu to step down. why? multiple reasons. israel had a massive intelligence failure on october 7th and was slow to respond to hamas' massacre. of 1,200 people. more than 130 hostages remain in gaza. israel and iran were in an unprecedented shooting war last week that nearly spun out of control. and israel's reputation is taking a beating as protesters around the world are accusing the nation of genocide, an accusation the israeli government vehemently objects. now israeli strikes are intensifying in gaza again, in and around rafah where more than a million palestinians are sheltering.
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israel says hamas is hiding behind civilians. officials say dozens of palestinians were killed including the judah family. but in a medical miracle, doctors rescued the baby, who survived. also this morning the head of israel's military intelligence tendered his resignation, acknowledging a failure to foresee and stop hamas' october 7th attack. craig? >> richard engel for us there. richard, thank you. all right. 7:18. what do you say we check in with mr. roker? >> feels like a good time. >> good to see you guys, good to see you back, mr. melvin. >> good to be back, sir. >> hope you had a good weekend. if you are in the midwest, you are shivering. frost advisories, freeze warnings for 76 million people. from springfield, missouri, tupelo, mississippi, providence, rhode island. look at these temperatures. 36 in indianapolis. 31 in charleston. 43 degrees in new york city. 38 in nashville. then for tomorrow, those temperatures get chilly. nashvi.
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for today, we've got warm temperatures, 71 in des moines. we've got two double 7s rochester, you are 39. nashville 42. st. louis 53. new york city 46 tomorrow morning. for today we have warm temperatures. 71 in des moines. we have two double sevens in denver. 98 degrees in phoenix, but chilly in dallas, corpus christi, new orleans. and then as we move into tomorrow, wichita falls, you're looking good, wichita, i should say, tucson 93. medford 78 degrees. as we get to the latter part of the week, temperatures start warming up. raleigh willing in the mid-70s by the end of the week. 80 in memphis. 77 in kansas city. low 80s in dallas. we're going to get to your local eforecast in the next 30 seconds. largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. get 2.9% apr financing for 72 months on a new 2024 forester, going on now.
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good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to see temperatures today quite warm for this time of year. our valleys in the upper 70s, then we'll bring it down to about 70 tomorrow. we'll see a few more clouds and breezy winds. still looking dry for much of the week, with highs in the upper 60s for thursday and friday. for san francisco, expect a high of 66, with sunshine today. but there will be a slight chance of rain in our forecast for friday and clearing fo and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. all right. coming up, country music star morgan wall en speaking out about his recent arrest. chloe melas is here with details. >> two weeks after that incident in nashville, tennessee that led to morgan wallen being arrested, he's now breaking his silence on social media. back to you. all right.oing
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to share also ahead. mortgage rates soaring again. squeezing american families. we're going to share some
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♪ still ahead, kevin bacon returns to his "footloose" roots. but, first, your local news. [sniffs] ♪ wipe it ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ wipe ♪ hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred.
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don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪♪
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[ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin. diets and exercise add to the struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggle to cholesterol success with leqvio. with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with 2 doses a year. common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. ask your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio. lower. longer. leqvio® a very good monday morning. it is 7:26. i'm laura garcia. here are today's top stories, including a high court hearing being closely watched right here
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in the bay area. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab. today is the first step of the supreme court addressing the issue of homelessness with regards to the 8th amendment. the supreme court will look at whether or not it is cruel or unusual punishment to put someone in jail or give them a fine because they are unhoused. the justices will hear arguments today, but the actual ruling is not yet expected for a couple more months. we will have updates on our midday newscast and on commuters take note, ferry service between san francisco and sausalito is suspended indefinitely due to a structural issue on sausalito pier. the issue was discovered during a routine inspection on friday. it's not clear how long the fix will take. golden gate transit will provide a bus bridge during that closure. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're getting started with sunshine around the bay area, and some nice temperatures. here is a live look in san francisco as we are going to continue to have a really
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pleasant stretch of weather that extends into today, and warm temperatures, low 60s. for some of our valleys, it will be in the low 80s, up to 81 in san jose, 84 in fairfield, our warmest spot. it will be slightly cooler tomorrow and moving forward. >> thank you very much. please join us for our especially streaming newscast at 8:00 a.m. we're going to take you to paris and show you climate-friendly changes the city is making ahead of the olympics. watch on roku, amazon fire, and streaming platforms including could find a wa
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♪♪ i'd take b ♪ if i could turn back time ♪
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if i could find a way ♪ i'd take back all the words that hurt you ♪ and you'd stay. yes, yes. back now at 7:30. it is monday, april 22nd. and, folks, there is a reason we're listening to the cher classic "turn back time." that's because the music legend is being inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. the hall just announced this year's class. we will share the whole list coming up on "popstart" as sheinelle jones joins the party. >> should i say about time? >> cher never ages, just watching that, amazing. speaking of music, morgan wallen spoke out over the weekend. wallen addressing his arrest earlier this month at a bar in nashville. nbc entertainment correspondent chloe melas is here with more on this. good morning. >> hey, guys. good morning. that's right. we are finally hearing from morgan wallen after he allegedly threw that chair from a rooftop bar. this wasn't the first time that he's made news with his ud with
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recent run-in with the law. this morning, as the world tour rolls on, one of country's biggest stars is finally speaking out after his nashville arrest. morgan wallen says he needed some time to process what happened two weeks ago, posting on x that it, behavior, and he says right publicly checking in until i made amends with some folks. i've touched base with nashville law enforcement, my family, and the good people at chiefs. i'm not proud of my behavior and i accept responsibility. his fans weighing in with both encouragement, and frustration. ♪ no way was i last night ♪ earlier this month, the singer of hit songs like "last night" and "thought you should know" was kicking off his world tour when he threw a chair off a roof in downtown nashville. the 30-year-old singer was booked on three counts of reckless encagement, and one count of misdemeanor misconduct.
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his attorney said he's cooperating fully with authorities. this most recent apology isn't wallen's first. >> my actions this past weekend were pretty shortsighted. >> reporter: in 2020 he was pulled from "saturday night live" after video showed him partying without a mask during the pandemic. >> i think i have some growing up to do. >> reporter: he appeared on snl and spoofed the incident. he needed to apologize again in 2021 after a video surfaced of him shouting a racial slur during a night of drinking. >> the video you saw was me on hour 72 of a bender. that's not something i'm proud of either. ♪ i know that last night we let the liquor talk ♪ >> reporter: his record label then suspended his contract, but the artist kept up with his fans. ♪ >> reporter: as for this latest incident, wallen continued to tour in mississippi over the weekend as his trial date looms in early may.
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>> so the trial that you menged there, chloe, any chance that impacts the tour at all or do we know? >> no. the tour is going on as schedule. the irony is on may 3rd he has to be in a courtroom to be in front of a judge to talk about all this. that night he's performing down the road in nashville. let's not forget. last year he had the highest-grossing country music tour. he is touring all through the summer into the fall. again, it took two weeks for him to finally apologize and come out. he was not specific. but as you heard, he apologizes to the bar, to family, law enforcement. and fans are split. but, again, he is a popular country music star, but he keeps getting in trouble. >> the reality is that chair could have killed somebody, could have hurt somebody. >> six story building. coming up, lsu fans are flipping out. the tigers brought home their first ncaa gymnastics trophy. another huge moment in women's sports. we'll show you how they did it. but, first, rising mortgage rates are making it harder than
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ever to buy a home. christine mow rans is following the market. >> good morning, you guys. you're right. just in time for the spring selling season in real estate. you got mortgage rates knocking on the door of 7.5%. we will bring you some strategies to save for the down payment and try to keep those rates down right after the break. et unlimited same-day delivery! and she's gonna save an extra five percent with a target circle card! what's that? oh no, i don't want to wake up! there's too many deals! uh, you are awake. and the deals are real! then how do you explain abe lincoln over by the chips? grab your family, let's go. after a long day... jeepers! ...nothing brings the family together... watching national geographic... ...on disney+. hello there! (♪♪) (vo) if you have graves' disease...
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to buy a home. mortgage rates jumped last week. above 7% for the first time this year. >> that means sky high monthly mortgage payments for families still dealing with rising inflation. christine romans joins us. she's breaking it depth look at the u.s. housing numbers are having. >> you know, you could afford less of a house today than you could a couple years ago. people are coming to grips with that. you are talking about mortgage rates right now just below 7.5%. for context, they were 3% two years ago. so it was really pretty inexpensive to finance a home, and it is more expensive today. what that means, at the same time, you have home prices still rising because, you know, the market is very slow at the moment. so with the rising prices and the rising interest rates, it costs a record amount for a typical payment, something like $2,200 a month for a typical payment. that's up 11% from last year, a record high. >> can you talk us through the factors that affect mortgage rates?
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>> the fed has been jacking up interest rates for a really long time to try to quell inflation, and has stopped raising them. but it doesn't look like they will lower them in the near term. maybe later this year they'll start to lower them. so we're closely watching what's happening in the bond market. and that's what affects mortgage rates. for some context, though, back in 2000, the rate was 8.6%. it is almost 7.5% now. we have been here before and it wasn't deadly. but the problem here is that home prices are so high it just costs more to get in the game. >> there is also a housing shortage, especially an affordable housing shortage. a lot of places it's cheap tore rent right now than it is to buy. but for folks who do want to still own a home, who still want to buy something right now, what can they do, christine? >> yeah. a lot of people it is your life that dictates this, not a mortgage rate, not a number that the fed has any control over. if you have to move, you have to move, right? the first most important thing is to check what your credit score is. the best interest rates to fina
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people with 700 or higher. you might have a mistake on your credit report. spend the time, get that fixed up. if you need to do it now, move now, think rates could be lower next year. then at some point you would refinance into a lower rate if you need to and shop around for these mortgage rates and these poli finance a home will be for -- insurance policies. shop around for the mortgage rates. also if you have a va loan or fha loan, those could be much, much lower. and if you really save up for a big down payment, the less you are financing, the better, right? we still -- the flip side of the high mortgage rates is very high rates for a high yield savings account. start plugging your money away in some place that's getting you 4% so you can try to really save up for that downpayment. >> christine, thank you so much. mr. roker with the weather. >> those m.o.m., and d.a.d. loans. >> familiar with those. >> you get hit up for those, you
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know what i'm saying. your week ahead, for today, a quiet weather pattern most part, showers in the upper great lakes, a few storms down through florida, otherwise, beautiful weather, a little chilly start to the day, midweek periods, a chill in the air around the great lakes, april warmth out west, we're looking at rain and snow up in the northern new england, sunshine through the gulf, toward the end of the week, a risk of severe weather in the mid-mississippi river valley, some mountain snows through the rockies, wet weather, pacific northwest. and noaa just released the jury room outlook, take a look at this. looking fairly warm in the northeast, new england, leaning hotter than average throughout much of the eastern part of the country, and out west, likely hotter than average as far as precipitation, dryer than average out west. a little wetter than average good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's going to be a warm one for the south bay, up to 81 in san jose and 80 in livermore.
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we're seeing the same for a high temperature in concord, 84 in fairfield, much of the north bay above normal with a high of 77 degrees. we do begin to cool down people, dropping the numbers about 10 degrees for an afternoon high. those are the numbers that will and that's your latest weather. guys? coming up, lsu vaults to victory at the college gymnastics championships. another huge moment for women's college sports. we're live with the historic highlights. then in this morning's boost, the story behind this boost, the story behind this adorable retirement party right after these messages. the most authentic and real person
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if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. we're back at 7:48. carson daley. >> good morning, everybody. you know, they still actually might be celebrating down in baton rouge because it was a historic weekend for women's gymnastics. the team there, louisiana state
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university. >> guess what? the tigers won their first ever ncaa gymnastics championship. it was a nail biter, and the fans flipped out. >> nbc's sam brock has more on their emotional victory and what it means for the increasing interest in women's sports. sam, good morning. >> reporter: guys, good morning. this was fireworks over the weekend. in fort worth. lsu had been on the cusp of a championship more so many years. couldn't quite squeak by their rivals. now all of that has changed. the lsu tigers becoming just the eighth school in history to win an ncaa title, pulling it out in the final rotation with an epic performance. >> the greatest team to have never won a national title is no longer. >> it was a roaring victory for lsu. >> lsu deserves this national championship. >> on saturday, the tigers snatching the ncaa women's gymnastics championship for the first time in history. >> i don't even think i could put it into words.
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this is literally the moment we have dreamed about since we stepped foot on this campus as freshmen. >> reporter: lsu's performance seemed destined to vault them to victory. but with utah barely leading heading into the final rotation, a battle on the beam ensued. >> all you have to hope is she's not thinking about anything we just mentioned. >> reporter: and junior finnegan needed to nail it. which she did, notching a near perfect 9.95 and pushing the tigers to the top. emotion palpable. >> we wanted this so bad. i wanted it for them. >> reporter: lsu's historic championship win comes amid a colossal boost in women's c collegiate sports. from caitlin clark, smashing viewership records to setting the record for a largest crowd in a women's sporting event with 92,000 people packing the
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stadium. back at lsu, the gymnastics team leads the nation in attendance. flush with stars like livvy dunn who didn't compete in the national championship but was a critical part of the team. >> hey guys, come to beam with me. >> reporter: who has amassed 8 million followers on tiktok alone, allowing her to land lucrative n.i.l. endorsement deals as she told "today" last year. >> i'm grateful to be making seven figures. it is very cool that someone in college has the opportunity to do that now. >> reporter: and livvy is not alone. "the washington post" reports since july of 2021, lsu gymnasts disclosed 75 deals worth a combined $4.9 million. now with a brand-new title, champions consider the bar officially raised. as for 2025, guys, finnegan will be back be back for her senior year. dunn could be returning, she has a fifth year of eligibility
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because of covid, she has the highest valuation of any female collegiate athlete at nil this past year, but she may be taking the year off instead to work on her brands. we'll see. >> by the way, we can talk to her about that coming up in our 3rd hour. she will be joining us live. >> that loot for fifth year, tell you what. >> can you just imagine, though, that young lady, ms. finnegan, who was on the beam with everybody watching, the pressure. and look at her. she just pulled it out. >> that could have been a boost. >> that should have been a boost. i got a good one for you here. an 8-year-old labrador retriever named messy is enjoying his retirement this morning after working for several years as a passenger screening canine at reagan national. as a retirement gift, he was showered with his favorite toys. after his last day on the job. >> that's cool, wow. >> he loves to play with tennis balls every day after work. this was the obvious way to send him off into retirement. his handler peter chose to adopt him so they don't have to be separated after the incredible
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bond they formed. >> really sweet. >> give me wranger vibes here. coming up in "popstart," we have taylor swift. how many records do you think the new album broke? quite a few, we will run through that coming up after your local news and weather and these quick messages. welcome to the new petsmart treats rewards™. ♪ready, go!♪ collect points with every purchase. and right now, buy 2 dog treats or chews and get the 3rd 50% off. ♪anything for you♪ petsmart. anything for pets. students... students of any age, from anywhere. using our technology to power different ways of learning. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪
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tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. ohhh crap. now we gotta get france something. wait! we can use etsy's new gift mode! alright. done. ♪♪ plateau de fromage! oh la la! don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, new on etsy. good morning. 7:56. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm bob redell in the east bay. later today legislators will consider a bill that would provide more accountability and better oversight for the
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companies that own and operate autonomous vehicles. we're talking about robotaxi companies. this bill, if enacted, would allow law enforcement to cite robotaxis for traffic violations just like human drivers, and among other requirements would require the companies that operate the driverless cars would set up a dedicated phone number for first responders to call. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> it's earth day and we are seeing some beautiful sunshine and above normal temperatures, with our inland highs headed for the upper 70s. a cooldown is coming our way. we'll see temperatures around 70 degrees for the next several days. a few more clouds in the morning. we'll see highs in the upper 60s for the end of the week into the weekend. there will be a slight chance of rain in the forecast on friday from san francisco on northward. we'll be tracking that. >> thanks, kari. make sure you stay with us and watch "today in the bay"
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live streaming newscast in minutes at 8:00. we're going to take you to paris and show you some climate-friendly changes the city is making ahead of
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it's not just designed to look good. it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior.
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it's a quiet refuge. ♪ ♪ they're not just headlights. they light the way forward. the fully electric audi q8 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, on trial. this morning donald trump heading back to the courtroom where opening statements will begin in the first ever criminal
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trial of an american president. we're live with the latest. and stepping into action. inside the terrifying moments a car burst into flames. the driver trapped inside. >> there is a moment where we felt literally lost. >> we will hear from the extraordinary group of good samaritans that saved him. then bringing home the bacon. ♪ >> kevin bacon returning to the high school where "footloose" was filmed 40 years later. >> it is so cool to be back at this school. >> and we are there for the epic homecoming. all that, plus taylor swift's rise to the top. ♪ tortured poets department. >> brady's new roast boast. and meet the class of 2024. ♪ >> the rock 'n' roll hall of n.
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♪♪ >> including a special award for jimmy buffet. ♪♪ >> that's all ahead in "popstart," today, monday, april 22nd, 2024. fame announcing its new members. from baltimore for mom's 65th birthday. celebrating the twins' sweet 16. >> from katy, texas! >> good morning to my sister libby. >> we love you! >> today paris turns 12. >> here for our 13th birthday. >> from auburn, alabama! >> from redmond, oregon. >> milwaukee, wisconsin. >> arkansas. >> western kentucky. >> and california. >> spending earth day on "today". >> wow! >> 65 looks good. what a crowd. welcome back to "today." we are so happy you are with us
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on a monday morning. savannah is taking some time off today. sheinelle is here. i noticed, by the way, some members of our crowd actually brought their own blankets. it's cold, got cold this morning. >> what a great crowd. happy earth day, we'll have more on that coming up later in the broadcast. coming up tomorrow on "today," a fresh look at the life and career of barbara walters who, of course, got her start right here on "today". >> kate snow sits down with a author of a new biography on walters. which paints the picture of a driven broadcaster who paved the way for generations of women in journalism. that's tomorrow on "today". all right. let's get right to our news at 8:00. for the first time ever, a former president goes on criminal trial. opening statements getting underway this morning. donald trump accused of falsifying business records to hide hush money payments ahead of the 2016 election. nbc's senior washington correspondent hallie jackson is
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here to break it all down. >> good morning to you. this is yet another milestone moment here in this history making criminal trial. here to break it all down. hey, hallie, good morning. >> good morning to you. this is yet another milestone moment here in this history making criminal trial. so what can we expect from opening statements? watch for prosecutors on that side of things to lay out a sweeping case against the former president, that he tried to pay off a former adult film star via his former fixer right before his 2016 election to basically buy her silence about an alleged affair from years earlier. donald trump denies that. he's pled not guilty to 45 -- 34 felony counts including falsifying business records. prosecutors will try to make the case that this amounted to something bigger, that this was election interference. mr. trump's defense will argue he did nothing wrong. they are expected to go pretty hard at the credibility of a central witness, you see him here, michael cohen. as for other witnesses, a source tells nbc news that david pecker will be called to the stand for the prosecution. he is a former "national enquirer" long-time publisher and the one that alerted him about stormy daniels. her plan to go public about the
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alleged affair. lots to watch today and in the weeks to come as this trial continues. >> thank you, haley. a sweeping national security funding package that will provide aid to ukraine and israel and taiwan as well, also includes a possible ban on the popular app tiktok. the social media platform could disappear from app stores nationwide, unless its chinese parent company sells it. nbc's emilie ikeda is here with more on this. good morning. >> good morning to you. this is likely the closest the u.s. has come to banning tiktok with congress lumping the measure in that foreign aid bill, heading to a senate eager to send funding to our allies. some tiktok users using their platforms as a call to action to save the app. that's become ingrained in the american culture. this morning the fate of tiktok in a race against the clock. >> the bill is passed. >> reporter: the house passing a bill thatce to sell the
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platform or face a national ban of the widely popular social media app with 170 million american users. >> would force the app's chinese parent company bytedance to sell the platform or face a national ban of the widely popular social media app with the american users. >> i hope there is a way we can save tiktok. >> the vote passing with a resounding 360-58. online, some are rallies against the ban. >> do you know that 7 million small businesses in the u.s. rely on tiktok to generate revenue? >> reporter: urging their followers to take action. >> please contact your state senators and let them know you do not support this ban. >> reporter: some in congress agree. >> i'm concerned about the impact of the local economy across america and i'm hopeful the senate will weigh in and make some of those changes. >> reporter: the focus now turning to the senate as early as this week before it goes to the president. >> if they pass it, i'll sign it. >> reporter: even if the bill becomes law, no changes made overnight, bytedance has nine months to sell, and there's room for an extension. >> tiktok is looking to file a
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lawsuit on first amendment grounds, so that could push the time line out even further. >> reporter: government officials have repeatedly raised national security concerns saying china could force tiktok's owner to expose a trove of detailed information about american users, and push propaganda. tiktok has fiercely pushed back. most recently telling nbc news a ban would trample the free speech rights of 170 million americans, devastate 7 million businesses, and shutter a platform that contributes $24 billion to the u.s. economy annually. and experts say the blowback against lawmakers could have big implications. >> i do think that a lot of these representatives are severely underestimating how angry this will make the american public. >> tiktok is already banned on federal government devices. and even the potential for a forced tiktok sale. may have escalated the u.s.'s tense relationship with china. on friday, apple said china ordered the company to remove meta's
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whatsapp and threads. >> thank you. terry anderson, the american journalist held hostage for seven years died. he was a correspondent when he was captured by islamic militants in '75. he was released in '91 whatsapp and threads. in 1991, returned home to a heroes welcome. he taught journalism at several prominent universities before retiring in 2015. anderson died at his home in new york yesterday. he was 76 years old. a group of good samaritans is being hailed as heroes this morning for their daring efforts to save a driver from a car. fully engulfed in flames, an incident was captured by the car's dash camera. it happened last week along i-94 in st. paul, minnesota. officials say a honda suv burst into flames, after it ran off the road, striking a light pole and then a guardrail. several people helped the driver
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get out of that burning car. you can see rescuers make several attempts to open the vehicle's doors before they successfully pulled that door through the door's window. thankfully nobody was seriously hurt. the driver, though, of course was taken to the hospital for evaluation. >> wow! >> my gosh! >> look at all those good people spring into action. man! all right. coming up in "popstart," a roast of the g.o.a.t. we will find out if tom brady is a good sport and reveal which superstar comedian is going to be hosting his roast. >> first, kevin bacon returns to the high school where he filmed "footloose" 40 years ago. kaylee hartung sat down with an exclusive interview to find out how he felt to be back. >> go, kaylee! and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission...
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8:14 am
we are back at 8:13. you may recall a few weeks ago, hollywood legend kevin bacon himself made a huge announcement right here on "today". >> we remember. >> i've been waiting on this day since that moment. in honor of the 40th anniversary of "footloose," kevin would head back to high school in utah where they shot the film and go there to celebrate prom. >> this past weekend it happened. kaylee hartung was there for his return. that must have been something. >> you guys knew i was not going to miss this after having that the show. it really was incredible. the students have been working so hard for two years to get kevin bacon back to the school, and that hard work paid off. as kevin's character says in "footloose," it was a time to laugh, a time to weep, and it was a time to dance. >> what's going on? py payson, high school. i'm gonna come.
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i got to come. [ applause ] >> when kevin bacon announced live on "today" that he would return to the high school in utah for the first time in 40 years since shooting "footloose" there, students went wild. >> let's dance. we're going to do it, this is awesome, yes. >> on a beautiful spring saturday, the big day finally arrived. >> two years of hard work paid off! [ applause ] >> wow, look at this place. look at these people. so great to be here. go lions! >> after four decades, they brought home the bacon. the students overwhelmed with excitement to meet the man forever connected to their town. >> you just met kevin bacon. >> i just met kevin bacon. that is the coolest thing in the whole room. >> the school showing kevin's
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building 5,000 commitment to his charity by building 5,000 essential resource kits to help the community. >> what do you think of this turnout? >> it's amazing. it's amazing. it's so cool to be back at this school. here we go, hi, everybody. >> but the adventure was just beginning. >> did any of your parents go to payson high? >> mine did. >> my dad did. >> as kevin was given a tour downs the same halls he danced through. >> is this the spot? >> that's the spot. >> you know, i don't know how to do this anymore. >> i don't think we do if we tried. >> the cafeteria he once ate in. >> yes, it is all coming back to me. >> and his locker used in the film, which, like most high schoolers, he had some trouble opening. >> are we sure we have the right one? >> yeah. >> hey! >> oh, look at this! with a walkman. >> and in the scriptures, we have the verse that is highlighted from the movie. >> i love it.
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>> i have been waiting so long to hear you say that. >> are the memories just coming flooding back? >> yeah. of course, it is one of those things where it's changed. things have been built up a lot. but certainly the essence of it is definitely still here, a young woman said to me, you know, my grandfather was in school here when you were doing the movie. your grandfather? if going for the 40th anniversary wasn't enough, i was like, wow, okay. check yourself, buddy. >> reality check. not only did you film the movie here, you actually enrolled as a student for a day. is that right? >> yeah. i think i was either 23 or 24 when we started the movie. i was afraid that i was not going to be believable as a 17-year-old. the character is supposed to be 17. so i came into the school, and i was an exchange student named ren from philadelphia. >> did you have the hair all
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right? >> yeah. i had the hair. and i wore a tie, which was unheard of. and i lost all of my bravado. i just became kind of terrified. then, just like the movie, one kid sort of took me under his wing and said, i'll show you around. come on. you're with me. it was straight out of the movie. >> this town wasn't just a character in a movie, but it also helped shape how you developed your character. >> 100%. >> for all the effort the students put in in getting bacon to payson, what finally put you over the edge? >> i guess, i don't know, it was more they just wore me down. i don't know. >> you have helped payson high kick off prom day. and a lot of these kids graduate, go out into the world. what do you hope they take away from this experience. >> it is like to be good to each other and to plan it, to have
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compassion for people that are different than you and give back to your community when you get the opportunity. >> and on prom night, dance. >> dance. definitely dance. >> and later on that evening, the students took kevin bacon's ♪ >> let's dance! >> that's really cute. >> that was amazing. >> you love to see it, right? and the student council did such an incredible job. not just getting bacon there, but giving him that tour. they asked incredible questions, made my job really easy. when i got to sit down with kevin. but one of the students asked, hey, when you were doing all those dance scenes, what were you listening to. and kevin told them the sound track didn't exist yet. the songs weren't ready. so they were playing beats highway had had to play along to and that music got laid in later. how about that? really fun.
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>> he's such a good guy. >> good for kevin. >> making memories. >> good stuff. we should also mention that "footloose" is available on 4k and digital from paramount home entertainment. >> all right. >> i learned a lot. of the weather. >> that was really tierrific to see that. let's show you what we've got for today. gorgeous out west. desert heat. temperatures getting up into the upper 90s. plenty of sunshine throughout much of the country. a little bit of an april chill. great lakes into the northeast, some strong storms down through southern florida. that's what's going on around the untry. cohe good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we'll see temperatures in the inland areas in the upper 70s, even warmer compared to what we've seen recently, and the warmest day we'll see in quite a while. there will be a cooldown by the end of the week. for the valleys, not seeing much in the way of rain chances. for san francisco into the north bay, we could see spotty showers moving in by the end of the week. we continue to enjoy that
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sunshine today, with and that's your latest weather. best time of the morning. >> all right, guys. let's get to it. taylor fans, we will start with you. it was a record-breaking weekend. as i'm sure you can imagine for taylor's new album on friday, " " "tortured poets department became the first album in spotify history to have over 300 million streams in a day. taylor now holds that record, plus the titles for the most streamed song thanks to this track by post malone. ♪ ♪ for all the important things ♪ ♪ i love you in opening my eyes ♪ >> some familiar faces there. of course, that is "fortnight" the lead single. collaborators opening up about
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the project. post malone calling the project, quote, once in a lifetime. and her costars there straight from the movie, 199 "dead poets society." ethan writing on instagram, todd an the lead single. -- tortured poets department, it's quite an honor. there is a couple old poets. about to board an early flight with pop stars through the day. safe to say this was a most memorable day. >> wow. >> look at that. >> congrats to taylor and the crew there. for the latest mega hit. more taylor moves tomorrow. we move on to the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. last nights they announced the class of 2024, and the inductees for performers are cher, mary j. blige, foreigner, dave matthews band. peter frampton, cool and the gang. ozzie osbourne and last but not least, a tribe called quest. four honored with this year's musical excellence award, jimmy
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buff yet, dionne warwick, norman whitfield are set to be celebrated for their impact on the industry when the ceremony takes place in cleveland. it will happen this october. congrats. next up, tom brady. we have a special "popstart" exclusive here, uncle al, from the g.o.a.t. himself, there's a netflix roast happening, it's on the way, and it just landed a very special host. we'll have tom tell you about that. >> hey, guys. i got a big update on my netflix roast. maybe not big because it is about kevin hart. he's going to be hosting it. so they don't tell me who else we got on the panel, but it is going to be a great night. i played in the nfl, so i'm not worried about a bunch of comedians. trust me. it will be live on netflix may 5th from the forum in l.a., so don't miss it. it will be a great night. let's go. >> did you catch that word in there? live. that's right. >> this may not be one for the kids.
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it will take place may 5th, 5:00 p.m. pacific. this marks >> kevin hart is set to toast. mark your calendars. the greatest roast of all time. it will take place may 5th, 5:00 p.m. pacific. this marks the first time, maybe the last time that a roast has ever been live on tv or streaming, unedited and uncensored. catch more information on well, they got a great host, that's for sure. next up, spice girls over the weekend, the british pop superstars, reunited for victoria beckham's 50th birthday. they celebrated posh the only h. ♪♪ way they know how. ♪ thank you very much ♪ ♪ i need somebody ♪ ♪ hey you ♪ ♪ always in a rush ♪ >> there it was, the spice girls reunion. that's it right there. >> they look great. that was cool. >> yeah, that was good. happy birthday to posh. >> next up, luke brian with a slip-up on stage.
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we have some video for you. take a look. >> oh! >> well, not to worry. after the fall, luke was all laughs about it. he revealed he slipped on a fan's cell phone. he quickly accepted her apology. because he's a good sport, rereplayed that moment on the big screen for everybody to have a laugh. >> oh. i hope he's okay. >> yeah. that was good he poked fun at it. >> speaking of fun, jimmy fallon. we have some poptarts here. "the tonight show" host celebrating his latest single called "sweet morning heat." pop tarts movie on social media, fallon shared his own secret recipe. have a look. >> i decided to make these from scratch. and by that i mean i picked up a box from the bodega down the street. there is just something about the sound the cardboard makes when it opens. the shiny fake aluminum foil
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wrapped rustling between my fingertips as i peel it back to reveal a delectable poptart. i place it into the toaster and found the lever. i love the way the toaster glows red hot and the smell of burnt toast crunch from years of toasting wafting gently through the air. >> a lot of details. >> i like apple butter on -- >> there you go. that is your poptart start today. still ahead, we will head outside and celebrate earth day. look what's out there, the big green bus, it's on the plaza. >> we will show you how we can use what's already in our produce drawer to make our home garden. but first your local news. good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. as soon as today, teams plan to tow the body of a whale now floating off the alameda coastline. the 40 foot long gray whale was
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first spotted yesterday in the waters off of crown memorial state beach. the marine mammal center is working with the coast guard to move that whale to angel island to determine how it died. by the way, experts do not believe this is the same whale that was tangled in netting near pacifica two weeks ago. that whale has yet been found. let's get a look at what we can expect from the weather. meteorologist kari hall is tracking that. >> we're starting with sunshine and we'll continue to see a sunny day and our temperatures warming up. we'll see our valley temperatures up to the low 80s and cooler and becoming windy starting tomorrow, still no rain in the forecast until later in the week. that's only a slight chance that we'll see. and our temperatures are going to head for the low 80s for san jose, 80 in livermore, and 84 in fairfield, upper 70s for the north bay. the rest of the forecast, we're going to bring down numbers into the low 70s, even upper 60s by the end of the week. those are the warmest highs we'll see for the inland areas.
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our mornings will start out around 50. >> thanks, kari. we'll have another local news update in 30
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>> rob has been a boil on my -- >> it is anyone's game. >> this is war. >> here comes the banker, in the flesh. >> 13 million. >> new deal or no deal island
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tonight on nbc and peacock. ♪ we are back, back at 8:30, back on a monday morning, april 22nd. happy earth day. happy birthday and happy earth day. by the way, to celebrate earth day, you got the big green bus parked on the plaza this morning. it drives around the country helping people learn how to start their own kitchen garden. >> there you go. well, we got big green founder kim ball musk here to talk about how easy it is. you don't want to throw out those scraps. we will show you how to use them to actually regrow your own food. >> we look forward to that. plus, chassie post is back with the weekend's best-selling items online, including the rieu
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latest accessories and what you need for summer and spring. also, dr. natalie azar is here to tell us how much is too have too many vitamins? >> and we will cover the top five questions to ask on your next doctor visit. >> all right. that's coming up. meanwhile, buckle up for a fun interview coming up tomorrow on "today." kaylee hartung caught up with ryan gosling and emily action-packed rom-com, called the fall guy, we took kaylee for a test drive. >> that looks like fun. >> it was a bit of a wild ride. so we're looking forward to that tomorrow. >> mr. roker's going to check the weather. there are a lot of roker signs out here. i cannot even count them all, there are so many. that's the way it works. >> everybody looks great today. >> so many birthdays. >> birthdays for earth day, we like it. let's show you what we've got as far as your week ahead is concerned, a quiet weather
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pattern for the most part today, we are looking at a few storms down through texas. as we make our way into the midweek period, a chill in the air around the great lakes, april warmth out west, rain and snow in the northeast. on friday, sunny skies eastern half of the country, severe risk of storm, upper mississippi and mid-mississippi river valleys, mountain snow out west. the summer outlook looking warm throughout much of the country for summer, although looks a litt good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall today. we'll have warm temperatures in the inland valleys. upper 70s, low 80s. it will be cooler tomorrow with a breezy wind and a few lingering clouds throughout the morning with the highs more seasonable throughout the year with numbers in the 60s. the weekend is looking nice, but there may be some spotty showers from san francisco to the north bay on friday.
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and that is your latest weather. oh, hoda! >> oh, al! >> how are you? >> all right. coming up, dr. natalie azar is here for a health edition of how much is too much from pills like ibuprofen and melatonin, caffeine, even water. how much is too much? but, first, this is "today" on next. next. stop.
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we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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>> volvimos, ahora son las 8:35 of our new series. "today" asked how much is too much. this morning, it's all about your health, from ibuprofen to melatonin to water. yeah, water. there is a line between how much your body needs and how much is too much. i love this segment. nbc news medical contributor dr. natalie azar is here with answers. this is something i think we all need. water just shocked me to be on this list. >> i know. >> we always hear eight cups a day and you're good.
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what's the limit here? >> actually, for men, it is 15.5 glasses or cups. women, it's about 11 1/2 glasses or cups. this is the important thing. no more than 48 ounces per hour. that's about a liter and a half. yes, like a lot of these things, hoda, there is a goldilocks amount. we don't want too late, and we don't want too much. what can happen if you consume too much water, you can get something called water toxicity. your kidneys can't filter the water. it dilutes your sodium. and then what can you get? confusion, nausea, cramps, fatigue. we have heard of the marathon runners that rehydrate too quickly after running. they can get a super, super low sodium level, it can be dangerous. >> most people i know, they carry those big jugs around because they're always dehydrated. >> which is fine. just not more than a liter and a half an hour. >> let's get to ibuprofen. there is directions. you take what you are supposed to take. >> and we don't want you to take too much. to 400 milligrams.
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each one is 200. every 4 to 6 hours, max 1,200 a day. this is really important. if you are taking it for pain, no more than five days without consulting your doctor. if you are taking it for fever, no more for three the directions because ibuprofen. is it also cause problems in the long term. heart burn, indigestion, kidney problems, even seizures. >> okay, good, all right, now please tell me there's no limit to how much caffeine is too much. >> of course there's a limit, hoda. >> let's hear it. >> so it's about 400 milligrams per day. that equals about 4 to 5 cups of coffee. >> that's a lot. >> but espresso, one shot of espresso is 63 milligrams. make sure that your cups aren't these you know where. you got it, right? too much caffeine, headache, nausea, a fast heart rate, anxiety, insomnia, over 1,200 milligrams a day can be super dangerous. you can get caffeine toxicity. your heart rate and blood
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pressure can go up. remember that pe anera story? we take that seriously. >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> okay. >> vitamin d, what's the limit? >> vitamin d we talk about a lot. it helps us absorb our calcium. it is important for our bones. from the ages of 19 to 70, you want to get about 600 international units. these are the numbers that most of us in the office use. if you are over 70, you want 800 international units. is there such thing as too much vitamin d? yes. actually called hyper -- >> what happens? >> you can get a dangerously high level of calcium in your blood that can lead to liver -- kidney failure. abnormal heart rim. >> how much does it take to get to that? >> well, you can get it, hoda, because i don't know if you have ever taken a vitamin d supplement. your doctor needs to follow up on the vitamin d level because you can actually get too high. >> last bit here. melatonin, people need this to go to sleep
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to 5 milligrams for adults. if you are over the age of 65, ask your doctor. less is more. i can't talk about melatonin without talking about just last week the council on responsible nutrition released guidelines. i don't know if you have heard about young kids and melatonin overdoses. >> yeah. >> just word out there to all of our viewers. keep your melatonin high, especially if they're gummies, right? stomach problems, headaches, nausea, faster. it doesn't necessarily mean longer sleep or better sleep. we don't recommend it for long term. for people that need to fall asleep, this can be helpful. >> by the way, i love this segment. >> good nuggets, right? >> come back with more. >> sure. >> all right, cool. thank you so much. just ahead, chassie post brings us the best items online that shoppers are adding to their shoppers are adding to their carts this season.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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"today" best seller showing off great style solutions and finds from spring fashion to a versatile phone case. chassie post is here to share her picks. you have some good stuff today. >> such great stuff. >> classical things, too. >> spring and summer style solutions. >> all right. let's start with these belts. >> okay. belts are a huge spring and summer trend. what i love about them is they add so much versatility to your wardrobe, right? >> i have one belt that has a beige side and a black side. >> see these four belts here? they all come in one pack, so you get four for under $20. >> okay. 18 different styles and different belt buckles. skinny belts are back in a big way. a, because they're so transformative, let's try this on you. sheinelle is wearing a fabulous dress. >> a plain old black dress.
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>> but look at that. >> that's actually kind of cute. >> it is so easy to jazz up and update. >> and they come in all the different colors. >> they also define your waist. it is a great way to make a dress more flattering or anything more flattering. here we have an incredible before and after of our wonderful team member alexa. she's wearing a shift dress. add the belt. and that's the way to make last year's or two seasons ago dress completely different. >> is that from $19.99? >> yes. $19.99 for four. it totally transforms your dress, right? okay. this is a game changer. so this is a multitasking phone accessory. and it is a wallet phone holder. >> this is cute. >> how cool is that? you have four different slots for your credit cards and your phone all in one place, right? >> i love having my cards with the phone. i have this thing off the back. it falls off a lot. this is better. >> yeah. it is so great, too. then you don't need to carry a bulky wallet or bulky purse. guess what else? it acts as a phone holder, right? so you can video chat or watch movies. >> that's cute.
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>> this is a three in one. >> i like that. >> it's around $20 and comes in tons of different colors. >> i like that. >> okay. this is incredible. a nail polish hack. why get a manicure when you can get a quick-dry manicure in one minute. >> one minute? >> this is the essie quick dry nail polish. >> wow. this is a good brand. >> it really does dry in a minute. not just according to the brand, but according to our team and editors and producers. we love this stuff. it is so great, not only if you don't like to wait around for your nails to dry but for a touchup. if you're running to work or running to an event. >> i do that all the time. >> one minute and then you are good to good. >> there is nothing worse than if you nick it. then you've got a big -- >> exactly. >> this is good. >> this is from essie. they have all the the latest fabulous colors, especially -- i'm loving these neutrals, which are such a big trend right now. >> i can relate. i wear a lot of black. weapons
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>> one of my secret weapons to get rid of, now that it's warming up, deodorant stains. you see this fabulous stain here? this is the remover sponge. check out how well it works. you guys can see it. you don't even need water. >> okay. >> you just rub. >> wow. this is what our wardrobe folks have. they always call it the magic sponge. >> it's the magic sponge. >> wow! it really works. >> look at that, guys. you can see it online. right now with our video. >> for $8, we should all have one. that's good. >> and it is gone. amazing. $8 for a pack of two or 14 for a pack of 4. >> that's a win. >> last but not least, i love a skort, right? the skirt shorts. you can see the biking shorts underneath. >> that's cute. >> but i have to say mine are getting a little short. >> you know what you are. sometimes they're too short. >> they're a little short, right? so i love the skort that is a little more coverage, a longer
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length and it is still so cute. here we have two team members, and you can see how great it looks, right? and this fabric is super soft. it has five pockets. >> i was going to say, there is a zipper pocket in the back. >> a zipper pocket in the back. two pockets in the skirt. two in the short. and, i mean, it's $36, around $36 in sizes extra small through 3x. and for all your summer activities, i mean, i wear a skort to run around town, exercise, what have you. i think they're really fun. >> to purchase any of these items, scan the code at the bottom of your screen or go to now out to al on our plaza. oh, al? >> that is like a cargo skirt. all those pockets. fantastic. coming up next, we will celebrate earth day with the big green bus. the guys on it, they are making a special top on they are making a special top on our plaza, learning how to grow ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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♪ ♪ we are back and we are celebrating earth day. this morning, we are welcoming this. this is the big green bus in the plaza. this bus traveling all around the country, and it helps people learn how to grow their own food at home. >> actually growing some of your own food can help reduce carbon emissions by 68% and save your family hundreds of dollars a year. the founder and nonprofit of big green are here to show us the small steps we can all take right now to help the planet. guys, good morning. >> good morning. thank you for having us. >> so talk to us about why at big green you think it is important for us to do whatever we can to grow our own food. >> absolutely. first of all, happy earth day, everyone.
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happy earth day. what a beautiful day to remember our connection to the earth and how important it is to protect our earth and the things that we can do we'll discuss today. growing food really changes lives and growing food is one of the best ways to connect to the earth. get your hands in the soil and plant a seed. realize you are one with the earth. >> this bus will get a lot of attention. we walked up here and we were like, whoa, this has got it going on. i think a lot of people like the concept of growing their own food. when they think, it is labor intensive. i don't have the kind of time. it's quicker for me to just go -- >> or the space. >> it's quicker for me to go grab it. what's the argument for giving it a go? >> first of all, i would say there are many ways. it is a life-changing experience. if you grow your own food. you change your life.
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health. you are getting out there. you're getting out in nature. you also learn about the impacts of climate change on growing food. when you are out growing food the weather is really changing a lot. >> sure. >> growing food really changes your life. >> okay. >> and when you do grow your own food you taste that food and it tastes so precious. >> that farm to table. >> sun to earth, your labor, your love coming to table. it really tells you why you need to grow your own food. >> you sold it. you sold you sold it. >> you have teamed with big green. food scraps, you know, we think, okay, we finish. but there are things you can do to regenerate and recycle that food. and actually grow more. >> 100%. over 40% of food is wasted, a lot of it is food scraps from our kitchen. these are easy examples of celery. we have some onions and even romain lettuce. >> show us what to do. >> simply click this. let's say i make my caesar
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salad. that's off to the side. now i have this root base left over. what i will do is get a cup or a bowl like so. i will fill it with a little water. now, you don't want to do too much water because we need to have an aerobic condition and we need the root system to breathe a little bit. then we have our toothpicks. i need larger toothpicks for this. you can see once i have my toothpicks set up correctly, the piece of debris is floating 1 to 20 inches above and the root system can go directly into the water. once you have 1 to 2 inches of roots, you can transplant it back into the ground or into a container to grow. >> what does that work with? i see lettuce. we see onions. what can you do that with? >> you can do that with any root vegetable. you can do it with carrots, beets, potatoes. if you had a potato in the d it
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grows eyes, you can cut those slits and regrow it as well. >> how long will it take to regrow before you can replant? >> to get to this point we are looking at one to two weeks and then we can transplant it into the ground. that will take anoth refrigerator too long, you can cut the slips and regrow that as well. >> oh, wow. how long will it take to regrow until you can replant. >> at this point we're looking at 1 to 2 weeks. then you can transplant it into the ground. that will take two to four weeks to get a harvest. unless it's a potato, that will take multiple months. >> when did you get the interest in being a part of the earth and earth day? where did that come from? >> i have always loved growing my own food. about 15 years ago, we have a restaurant called the kitchen in colorado. we were helping kids grow food in schools. we realized they needed help with school gardens. big green started out building school gardens across the country. we got to 650 by the time covid hit. after covid, we started to partner with nonprofits and started to send funding and resources, gardening equipment. of course, that's why we realized we needed the big green bus because we needed to lower deliver that equipment, and deliver it in style. >> let's see what's down there. let's scoot on down here. what's happening at this station?
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>> well, we're trying to reduce food waste, but we're also trying to reduce single-use plastics. one of the biggest sources of pollution. plastic packaging. so an average american is using close to 600 bottles of water. all right. $2 a pop, that's over a thousand dollars we could be saving by investing in reusable water bottles. little jimmy and all of our kids going to school and we're packaging peanut butter sandwiches for them, we can be reusing this over and over again. same thing when you are cooking or using aluminum foil or some type of plastic packaging. over your pots. over and over, we can reduce this amount of waste. in san antonio we clean up the river waste. i can't tell you how many plastic bags and water bottles we see in our waterways. this allows us as humans to do what we can to reduce our waste. >> we appreciate you guys help
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get started with our earth day. it is so special. head to for more information on growing your own food. we will begin the third hour with some of the best eco-friendly products. >> thank you, guys. thank you so much. coming up on helping us get started with weather.
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8:56. i'm marcus washington. recently fired google workers who staged protests inside google offices plan to air their grievances. a livestream showed police making arrests of those at a sit-in. separate protests were held in new york city as well as seattle. we know 28 workers were fired. workers were protesting israel's war in gaza and they're use of technology. google stated these actions will not be tolerated. happening now, we're following the protest by kaiser nurses concerned about the rise in artificial intellige
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sharing their grief. the one thing mothers against
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than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," flipping outout.. this lsu gymnastics team winning their first-er


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