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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  April 23, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight, everybody, bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- peter dinklage, comedian rory scovel, an all new "closer look,"
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featuring the 8g band with adrian young. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. now, if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. well, it's about to be a big summer for sequels. specifically, "dune 2" and "dune this again." [ laughter ] former president trump said yesterday in a post on truth social that he will debate president biden, quote, any time, anywhere, anyplace. and then biden said, same, except for fridays at 10:00. [ laughter ] senate minority leader mitch mcconnell yesterday endorsed former president trump and then got some very fair questions. >> how do you reconcile your trump endorsement with the fact that you called him practically and morally responsible for january 6th and the fact that he insulted you and your wife repeatedly? [ laughter ] >> seth: oof!
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this is the first time mcconnell just pretended to freeze. [ laughter ] "oops, sorry, can't answer questions, it's happening again." [ light laughter ] texas senator ted cruz criticized boeing's lack of cooperation with a transportion department investigation yesterday and said it was, quote, utterly unacceptable. cruz wants to ensure that air travel is completely safe in case there's another natural disaster in his state. [ light laughter ] a texas man was arrested yesterday on charged he allegedly tried to scam former congressman george santos by claiming he could help him get his criminal charges dropped. nice try, buddy, but you can't scam a scammer. [ light laughter ] santos heard your plan and immediately said, "oh, i've tried that one, that doesn't work." [ light laughter ] in a newly surfaced video, north carolina gubernatorial candidate mark robinson said that he would, quote, absolutely want to go back to the america where women couldn't vote. especially now after saying that out loud. [ laughter ]
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in a post on x, arizona senate candidate kari lake spelled former republican hopeful nikki haley's birth name incorrectly. well, i'm not surprised. racism and typos go together like donald and tatump. [ laughter ] presidential candidate dean phillips announced yesterday that he's suspending his campaign. sorry, our graphics department couldn't figure out who that was. [ laughter ] the makers of hidden valley ranch dressing yesterday unveiled a new cheese-it flavor which features real cheese. and that, you guys, that is the real state of the union. [ laughter and applause ] according to a new study, people with microplastics lodged in major arteries may have a higher risk of stroke. man, everything we used to think was healthy turns out to be bad for you. [ light laughter ] "sethie, finish your microplastics so you can grow big and strong." the world health organization warned this week that there is
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an outbreak of a bacterial infection known as parrot fever. huh. i wonder what the symptoms are. oh, no! [ laughter ] i -- it's all a little downhill from there. [ laughter ] the food company oscar mayer announced yesterday that it will launch a plant-based hot dog, and for accuracy's sake, it will be made from the plant -- sorry. [ laughter ] i got excited. i got excited. [ cheers and applause ] i got excited. and i think i laughed before -- i don't think they know -- i don't think i tipped the punchline. [ light laughter ] yeah. [ light laughter ] i'm going to do it straight, but i lied when i said it's all downhill from -- [ laughter ] the polly wanna cracker joke.
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which, oh, you'll all be acting out when you get home. [ light laughter ] you just need the one cracker. the food company oscar mayer announced yesterday that it will launch a plant-based hot dog, and for accuracy's sake, it will be made from the plant's buttholes. [ laughter ] now if i remember how saltines work, i'll be ready for the next joke in about an hour. [ laughter ] and finally, in honor of spring, starbucks launched a new drink today called the iced lavender oat milk latte. and there's a good chance that after hot yoga class, you'll launch it too. [ laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody. we're off and running. [ cheers and applause ] we've got a great show for you tonight. you know him from "game of thrones" and "cyrano."
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his new film "american dreamer" is in theaters tomorrow. peter dinklage is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] and -- yeah. he's a fantastic comedian. his new special, "rory scovel: religion, sex and a few things in between", excuse me, is streaming on max right now. it is so funny and so great. i'm so happy he's here. [ cheers and applause ] rory scovel's joining us. but before we get on all of that, president biden laid out his agenda in the state of the union address tonight. by contrast, polls show that somehow, most voters don't actually know or remember what trump has said what he would do at as president. so what exactly is trump's agenda for a second term, and just how extreme is it? for more on this it's time for "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: we tape this in the afternoon, so i don't know how biden's speech went. but i'm reasonably certain that it did happen, which is already more than some are willing to stomach. >> we want to stop him from actually delivering the state of the union.
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>> now some republican lawmakers are considering a bill that will prohibit the house or senate leadership from inviting biden to address congress. >> he comes at the invitation of congress. the republicans are in charge of the house. there's no reason that we need to invite him. >> seth: i love how biden's always trying to make bipartisanship happen and republicans respond by going, "i think we should be allowed to brick up all his doors so he can't leave the house." [ light laughter ] the state of the union is a sacred constitutional duty and you're talking about it the way suzie on "curb" talks about hosting a dinner party. "you know what, lar, if you don't like the food, then get the [ bleep ] out of here. there's no reason to invite you you four-eyed [ bleep ]." now maybe i'm being hard on republicans. sure, maybe they're just petulant children that can't stand the idea of president biden at the state of the union. or maybe they missed vice president biden at the state of the union. i mean, look at this. i don't remember -- [ laughter ] i don't remember a single thing barack obama said at the state of the union. but i remember the finger guns, and i remember thinking, if he's doing that, the state of the union must be pretty [ bleep ] rad!
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[ laughter ] you know what we need, we need obama to come back and do the state of the union just so biden can sit behind him and mug for the camera. in 2014, it was finger guns. this time, it will be aviators and ice cream. [ light laughter ] or hear me out, we use a combination of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and nuclear fission to create an unstoppable chain reaction that rips a hole in the space-time continuum, allowing 2014 joe biden to sit behind 2024 joe biden. [ laughter ] oh, oh, what's that, christopher nolan? that was going to be your next movie? well, too late, i called it, "oppenbiden." no, wait, "bidenheimer," there you go. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] 2014 biden can shoot finger guns and flash that toothy grin whenever 2024 joe biden needs to spice things up. "the state of the union's strong, folks, i'm not kidding around. i'm not joking around, just ask this guy." "hey, who wants a pina colada? chad, becky, dave, dave, you want a twisty straw, dave? hey, brad, go long!" instead, we'll get the much more
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boring spectacle of house speaker mike johnson sitting behind biden tonight. he's already endorsed trump and said this week trump would help republicans win congress in november. >> how big are trump's coat tails this year? >> well, his coattails are humongous. >> seth: well if he's -- [ light laughter ] wearing this coat, then sure. i mean -- when trump says he's got republicans in his pocket, he means it literally. any day now we're going to see ted cruz's little head pop out of that thing. [ laughter ] "we'd love a few more crumbs, sir, whenever you get a chance." also, there's something so lame about a guy like mike johnson using the word "humongous." it's like when your dad tries to use the word "slay." "hey, kids, let me ask you a question. i stan this new lawnmower but your mom says it sus. what do you guys think? is it cringe, or does it slay?" [ laughter ] "is it giving suburbia? let's show hands. any cringes? i'm not seeing -- any slays -- no slays. starting to think we're not doing this. no cap?" [ light laughter ] now in advance of today's
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speech, biden posted a video online with a group of actors who played presidents on tv and in movies, including bill pullman, morgan freeman, and geena davis. i'm sorry, but this should be a huge scandal. where the [ bleep ] are harrison ford and martin sheen? [ light laughter ] gathering a group of fictional presidents without president bartlet is like putting together a supergroup of new jersey musicians without bruce springsteen. nobody's spending $600 on ticketmaster to watch jon bon jovi harmonize with hologram frank sinatra. [ light laughter ] when biden invited harrison ford, did harrison turn around and say, "get off my plane!" and did biden respond by saying, "joke's on you, i couldn't get on the plane!" [ laughter ] now if you're looking for some analysis of biden's speech, after it's over there are plenty of reputable places to go and trustworthy journalists to follow for serious, sober discussion or good faith criticism. or if you want to feel like you just inhaled a cocktail of ketamine, asbestos, and venison, you can crawl into the dark corners of the weird wide web and watch this dweeb. >> we will be live this thursday
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night after the state of the union address, as if you need his guidence on the state of the union. you already know. we will be up on, here on x, across the internet live thursday night. >> seth: ooh, i can't wait to find out if biden covered any of the tucker's favorite topics like tanning your testicles, eating insects, the awesomeness of putin, or the [ bleep ] of the green m&m. "joe biden didn't say one word in his speech tonight about whether the green m&m gets him rock hard, why is that?" [ light laughter ] "could it be that he's secretly pansexual and is attracted to all the m&m characters? even --" [ laughter ] "even the homely ones? is he planning a secret orgy at the white house with various food mascots of all genders and sexualities like mr. jelly belly, tony the tiger, the kool-aid man, the jolly green giant, toucan sam, and the peeps. and if so, why hasn't he invited me?" [ laughter ] as you may know, tucker recently got some blowback after walking around a russian grocery store with his mind blown like he's
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never been to a [ bleep ] aldi and conducting a softball interview with vladimir putin while making a series of faces that looked like he got kicked in the balls, then walked in on his parents having sex, then kind of -- kind of liked it, then accidentally [ bleep ] his pants. [ light laughter ] but don't worry, everybody. tucker had a rock-solid defense against all that criticism. >> the idea that i'd be flacking for putin when, you know, my relatives fought in the revolutionary war. like i'm as american as you could be. >> seth: some rich kids pull a, "do you know who my father is?" tucker pulled a, "do you know you know who my great great great great grandfather is?" he was the one with the bowtie who got bayonetted in the back. you can't use ancestors who are long dead, before you were born, as a defense for your current behavior. although maybe that's how far tucker has to go back to find a relative who wasn't a white-hot prick. his great great great great grandfather fought in the revolutionary war, but then that guy's son probably wrote a pamphlet called, "were the redcoats actually that bad?" [ laughter ] with that said, i'm sure tucker's reaction to biden's speech tonight will be full of insights.
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i wonder how he'll feel about it. will tucker be confused, baffled, bewildered, befuddled, perplexed, perturbed, puzzled, amazed, aghast, agog, flustered, flummoxed, dazed, distracted, startled, astonished, stunned, surprised, aroused? [ laughter ] now one thing we know about biden's speech without seeing it is that, per tradition, he probably pointed out some honored guest in the room. usually when you do that, you name them so you can have a moment of recognition and applause. by contrast, at trump's victory speech on super tuesday he implied that there were a bunch of super-famous people in the room but suspiciously left them unnamed. >> this is an incredible group of people. so many celebrities that i'm not going to introduce any because i'm just going to get myself in trouble if i do that, because i'll leave out most of you. but we have -- this is a room chock full of incredible talented people, like some of the guys standing right in front of me, right? big, big futures. big, fat, beautiful futures, oh, i'd love to be your age.
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i'd pay you a lot of money to be your age. >> seth: are you -- are you okay, man? [ laughter ] i never thought is donald trump depressed? "i'd love be your age, i would make some very different choices, but sadly, here i am in the winter of my years. a soulless husk of a man facing years of imprisonment, years i don't have. and a half a billion dollars in fines. dollars i also don't have. a big, a big fat future, sadly not for me." [ light laughter ] "i can only reflect on my big fat past, so fat. so fat, my past." [ laughter ] also, i love trump's gambit of pretending there celebrities in the audience and thinking he'll get away with it because we can't see who's in the crowd. "so many a-listers here, you can't see them, and i won't name them, but let's just say it's an honor to have them here." tom hanks, oprah, beyonce, kate middleton, don't look around for them, they're in disguise." [ laughter ] "just keep looking at me, they don't want anyone to know they're here so i smuggled them
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into the room tonight in my giant coat." [ laughter ] so trump's now the presumptive gop nominee. and i know, sometimes it feels like everything that can possibly be said about donald trump has already been said. but shockingly, polls show that most voters are actually somehow unaware of trump's most extreme statements and promises. a new survey found that only 31% of respondents said they previously had heard a lot about these statements by trump. it's hard to focus on say his very specific detailed plans to weaponize the justice department, jail his opponents, use the military to stamp out protests, conduct mass immigration raids when he can't even complete a [ bleep ] sentence without his brain busting into flames like a recalled tesla. ♪ >> we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will -- oh -- [ laughter ] >> seth: what just happened? oh, i bet the sexy green m&m popped into his head. [ laughter ] trump has either hinted or explicitly promised he will use a second term to arrest opponents, conduct sweeping
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raids and deportations, cut taxes again for the wealthiest americans, try again to repeal obamacare and take health insurance away from millions of people, and pass a national abortion ban. he's just hoping you don't notice because when he talks about passing a national abortion ban, he's so incoherent about it. >> a lot of democrats said that no government official should ever get between a doctor and her patient. dobbs said 15 weeks. >> right. >> that's just about a little over first trimester. >> so more and more i'm hearing about 15 weeks. and i haven't decided yet. but largely, they're coming in with a certain number of weeks. and the number 15 is mentioned. i haven't agreed to any number. i'm going to see. >> seth: what the [ bleep ] do you mean you haven't decided yet? [ light laughter ] you're running for president. you're talking about one of the most urgent political questions of our time. like you can't decide between chicken or fish at a restaurant. "i like the fish, i like the chicken, more and more i'm hearing about the pasta. [ light laughter ] trump has bragged about
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overturning roe v. wade and stripping life-saving medical caraway from millions of americans, and his allies have a detailed plan to ban abortion care nationwide. trump is just hoping voters will forget about all of that, because when you ask him a basic question about his agenda for a second term, he sounds like one of tucker's relatives getting bayonetted in the revolutionary war. ♪ >> will be -- oh -- [ laughter ] >> seth: this has been "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with peter dinklage, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. (man) that looks really high. (woman) it is high. whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great!
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...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one... ...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] all this week, we've had the incredible drummer for dreamcar and legendary band no doubt sitting in with us. the band is celebrating "tragic kingdom's" 30th anniversary next year and will be performing for
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the first time in nine years at the coachella festival in april. adrian young is here. [ cheers and applause ] give it up for adrian. >> hello, thank you. >> seth: thank you for a great week. it's been a real delight. our first guest tonight is an emmy-winning actor you know from "game of thrones" and films like "cyrano." he stars in "american dreamer" which is in theaters march 8th, let's take a look. >> i was dead for 12 minutes and they thought it was my heart, but it wasn't. >> what was it? >> they're not certain. one doctor believes it was a gas bubble blocking oxygen to her wind pipe. >> i will never eat hummus again. >> who cares? >> because of you, i woke up, i got myself dressed and walked out of that god-forbidden antiseptic hospital. and i came here to look at the sunset. >> seth: please welcome to the show peter dinklage, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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>> seth: welcome to the show. [ cheers and applause ] you know what? >> i'm a dog person, but you've got to wear a cat shirt. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> my son has -- my six-year-old has a matching one? >> seth: really? you know, your buddy josh brolin was here. >> yeah. >> seth: and he wore a special shirt, too. is this something you guys planned? >> it's not competitive whatsoever. [ light laughter ] i didn't youtube it over and over again, taking notes. yeah, josh. >> seth: do you remember when we ran into each other this summer? >> it was at the vineyard, darling. >> seth: yes. we saw each other at martha's vineyard, and i was sitting in a chair, and you were sitting on a couch, we were on a friend's porch. and i asked you a question and you said, "oh, so you're like this all time." >> yeah, it really -- it felt staged and planned. [ laughter ] you guys weren't there, though. >> seth: yeah, this is the difference.
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>> why weren't you there? it was the vineyard. [ laughter ] it was the summer. >> seth: that is a fascinating film based on a true story. >> yes. >> seth: that was a "this american life" story. >> npr from chicago. fascinating situation in which -- you know, trying to find a place to live is hard. especially here in new york city. and this woman found a dream place, a dream house. but the thing is, there was an elderly man living there. and she would inherit the entire house when he died. and until then, you have to live with this guy in like the servants' quarters and wait for him to die. >> seth: uh-huh? >> which is ripe for comedy. [ laughter ] >> seth: well, i -- i think what happened for her is she maybe thought he was going to die any day now. >> yeah. >> seth: and it turned out -- >> years. >> seth: yeah. >> she like met her husband, they had children, he became like a godfather to the children.
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and perfectly nice situation, i guess. but so we changed it. and shirley maclaine now plays the older -- >> seth: it's really amazing even to watch a clip with a legend like shirley maclaine. >> surely. >> seth: how did you get shirley maclaine to do your film? >> well, she's the only one i could think of. there's so many times when you're making -- when you're putting together a movie, which is so hard, it's amazing that anything ever gets made. but you go, "we should get someone like shirley maclaine." and i go, "or we should get shirley maclaine." [ laughter ] because we are human beings and we need to work as well. and somebody called shirley, and she said she would do it. >> that's amazing. >> yeah. >> seth: how -- >> she turns 90 next month. >> seth: she looks -- [ cheers ] >> and i -- >> seth: -- fantastic. >> she is just so brilliant. and she's going to be working in atlantic city on her birthday, and i'm going to go down there and throw her a party.
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>> seth: oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] that's fan -- that's wonderful. >> yeah. >> seth: when was -- when was the last time you went down to atlantic city? >> i -- that's -- that's not relevant. [ laughter ] to the story. >> seth: because yeah -- >> i was employed in atlantic city a long time ago. >> seth: did you really work -- >> no, no, we don't have to talk about this. [ laughter ] times are very difficult. >> seth: you mentioned new york. and i know you've been living here for years. and i would imagine -- >> i don't know why anymore but -- >> seth: as a struggling actor, i imagine you had some bad early new york apartments that you maybe would have taken a deal where you could live in a nicer place till a person died? >> yeah, you're not living with somebody waiting for them to die, you're wondering if you're going to die. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> truly. i had a landlord once pull a knife on us. >> seth: wow. what was the purpose? give me his side of the story. [ laughter ] >> i love the fact -- "your honor, who's this" -- no, no, we
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were trying to -- early '90s, fresh out of college, thinking we were going to own new york city in the theater world. you need heat to run a theater. you need publicity to run a theater. so we never put on any plays, we just drank a lot and had a buddhist roommate and -- >> seth: he pulled a knife on a buddhist roommate? >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: that's a bad landlord. >> yeah. he just had anger issues, i guess. >> seth: yeah. >> that we weren't doing broadway-style shows apparently. >> seth: oh, so he pulled a knife due to creative differences? [ laughter ] >> yeah, i think he might have worked for tkts, i don't know. >> seth: interesting. i had always assume when a landlord pulls a knife, it was due to rent. he's like, "i thought you'd be better!" [ laughter ] >> "why aren't you on the map yet?" [ laughter ] >> seth: "i told all my friends i had a -- there's a celebrity in the building." >> "you're no steppenwolf." yeah. it was kind of -- it was a prop, too, which we later found out. >> seth: he pulled a prop -- oh, that's so -- [ laughter ] >> in a perfect world, it would have been what we're talking about.
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but it was a real knife, real reaction, real anger. >> seth: did you -- was that the end -- did that sever your living condition, or did you sort of go like, "hey, let's let bygones be bygones?" >> no, we left. >> seth: okay. >> yeah. we -- the theater company folded and we left. and then, you know -- you always have those apartments in new york that -- i just heard a new term backstage where your kitchen is also in your bathroom? >> seth: yeah. >> it's called a bitchen? >> seth: a bitchen, yeah. [ laughter ] >> which is weird. because as men, we all -- all nickname everything. >> seth: yeah. >> that's like our skill set. our only skill set as men is everything needs a nickname. >> seth: yeah. >> but yeah, bitchen, i lived in a bitchen for a while. ludlow street. really practical because you can stake a shower and stir your spaghetti at the same time. [ laughter ] >> seth: i will say if you're maybe -- have amorous intentions with someone. >> that's true. >> seth: you're at a bar and you
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say, you should come back to my bitchen apartment, you might be giving them a false sense. >> right. [ laughter ] >> seth: of what they're about to see. >> their face just drops at the doorway. >> seth: i've got a lot more to ask you. we'll be right back with peter after this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: we're back with peter dinklage. you mentioned your early days of
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a theater company that never put on any shows. >> uh-huh. >> but then you met with some success, and again, you've been here forever. like i've been here for a long time now. now do you feel nostalgic about a city you still live in? >> yeah, i mean -- it's funny because everybody feels like -- well, back in the day. but kids nowadays are going to have nostalgia for now. it's going to just keep repeating itself in a lovely way. yeah, i -- i do miss the struggle. i do miss people without cell phones. i don't know how we ever convened, how we ever found each other. >> seth: but we did. >> how anybody ever romantically linked up back in the day. because it wasn't this, it was -- whatever. i remember my friend, who was very social, outside of bars, cause that's what you do in new york, go to bars, back then, i don't know. and he always had a big back of quarters for the pay phone outside. because he wanted to make sure everybody knew where we were. and then he would go and hang out and go back to the pay phone, check his messages, and put more quarters in.
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like -- we're all going to go to this place! that was the only way to connect. >> seth: yeah. >> you know. >> seth: it's so funny to tell your kids, "we didn't have cell phones, we just walked around with big bags of quarters." [ light laughter ] >> big bags of quarters with a money sign on it. it was like a cartoon! >> seth: oh, we should have done that. >> i was on train tracks with a guy with a long moustache. [ light laughter ] and there was a rabbit there. it was kind of sexy. [ laughter ] dressed up like a girl sometimes. >> seth: they're like, "dad! that's a cartoon, you're remembering a cartoon!" >> "it was a cartoon, you're a cartoon, get dad another scotch." [ laughter ] >> seth: you -- great work over your career, but you were in one of the biggest shows certainly in the last 20 years. we recently had bryan cranston on the show. >> i wasn't in "breaking bad." >> seth: i know. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> seth: you should have been. >> i should have been. >> seth: should have. >> i would have played such a great meth. [ laughter ] >> seth: but you -- we were talking about his character, heisenberg. people have a -- receive many
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tattoos of that character. >> oh, i'm sure. >> seth: and tyrion lannister, also a real tattoo. [ cheers ] how -- how does it feel -- like when somebody like posts this or shows you -- >> wow. >> seth: this one. this is the most intense. like that -- >> that one's pretty good. >> seth: that looks like they -- and this one is -- >> that's -- that's not as strong. >> seth: no, yeah. that's -- this is our winner. >> that -- the color -- yeah. >> seth: do you -- i mean, when you see those, what's your reaction? >> well -- i have tattoos. it's a painful process. >> seth: yeah. >> and it's a long process. and you feel like your skin is being scooped out at moments. why -- at the end of that, why would you have me? [ laughter ] i feel like -- you know, it's like -- it's just like a bad relationship. it starts off painful. and then you're stuck with me. [ light laughter ] for the rest of your life. that's -- that's not -- that's not a good way to enter into our
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relationship. >> seth: so if somebody came up to you, let's say at bar, and was like, "hey, look, i got that." is that somebody you would want to hang out -- >> i would run. i would run. [ laughter ] >> seth: that's the right move. that's the right move. >> you know, i'm not out there dating, but that would be a red flag. [ laughter ] that would be like a tyrion flag. [ laughter ] "i hate to break it to you, i'm not that guy." >> seth: yeah, you're not that guy. thankfully, you're not that guy. >> it would be weird if somebody had a tattoo of me just hanging out in jeans and a t-shirt. >> seth: that would be weirder. >> i dare you! >> seth: they are like look, this is you from yesterday. >> this is you from looking at you in your window! [ light laughter ] >> seth: you didn't see me but i saw you. >> yes. >> seth: now i have you. you're with me forever. it's always such a delight to see you. >> yeah. >> seth: thank you for coming on. congrats on the film. >> thanks. >> i hope to see you soon. you guys, that's peter dinklage. [ cheers and applause ] "american dreamer" with peter and shirley maclaine is in theaters march 8th. we'll be back with rory scovel. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our next guest is a very funny comedian and actor you know from his work in the apple tv plus series "physical" and the film "babylon." his new special, "rory scovel: religion, sex, and things in between" is streaming now on max. let's take a look. >> do you ever google "porn addiction" just to see where you stand? [ laughter ]
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get to the website, it's like, "how often do you masturbate?" it's like, don't [ bleep ] ask me questions. show me other people's answers. i'll decide what rock bottom is. [ laughter ] >> seth: please welcome to the show rory scovel, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: you are -- you're pleased with the clip we showed? >> i like that. i like that a lot. let people know where i stand right out of the gate. [ laughter ] i'm not afraid to talk about porn and masturbation, here we go. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: here we go! >> not everyone applauded. >> seth: yeah. >> we're not! some of us aren't.
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>> seth: this is a fantastic special. >> thank you. >> seth: you shot it in minneapolis where i also shot my special. i think that genuinely great audiences. is that what drew you to do it there? >> yes, absolutely. every time i've played minneapolis, i feel like those audiences really show up. i feel like they're supportive, they're there for the show. and i think you, as a comic, you start to track that is your career goes on. what are the places that like me the most? especially if we're taping it for permanent reasons. >> seth: yeah. >> it would be great to have their support. so yeah, that was why. >> seth: we were talking backstage. i was complimenting you for how -- this is so -- it's so well written, but it also has a real looseness to it. >> yeah. >> seth: but that wasn't necessarily the plan. there's a lot of things in this special that happen night of that are wonderful. >> yeah. >> seth: that you just sort of found on the night. >> yeah, i think it's that trying in to be in the moment and be present. you know, some of that came out of me not remembering some of the jokes. so i was like, "ooh, i better pivot and try to find something." [ laughter ] >> seth: you're married, you have an 8-year-old daughter. >> that's right. >> seth: how does your family
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feel about them being talked about on stage? [ laughter ] >> not -- it's not bad. there was -- as this -- my wife is in the -- in the -- the special a lot. i talk about her a lot. and so i did have to come home -- one night after running it i came home and i was like, "you should see it. i might need a signature. i might need you to sign something that it's okay for me to expose us in this way." she -- but she gets it. she's had to put up with it for 20 years, so she -- she gets it. other family members -- i haven't heard from everybody. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >> my -- my in-laws, we sort of warn them not to. we were like, "eh, you know, watch at your own -- your own risk. if you want to watch it, watch it. if you don't, totally fine." and i haven't heard from them. which makes me think they watched it. [ laughter ] yeah. >> seth: you have a -- your open -- for example this might be not a thing for in-laws. your open about taking mushrooms
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a bunch. >> yeah. >> seth: and you compare the difference in taking mushrooms to going to church. >> yeah. >> seth: why don't you lay out for my audience the question you ask? >> i've done mushrooms about 30 times. i've gone to church -- i grew up catholic in the south, the bible belt. i've gone to church thousands, i guess. i asked the audience, which one do you think i've talked to god the most? [ laughter ] and if you get it wrong, you have to kill yourself. you have to. so now how are you voting? yeah. >> seth: you -- there's another really nice moment that happens. it feels like maybe unplanned. where you admit to the audience you tried too new a joke? >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. i just said it. i -- it was based in religion, and i had just said something about -- the attractiveness of buddha. [ laughter ] so i'll leave it there so some people are like, "oh, maybe i should watch this." but it -- it did -- me just
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saying that got a bigger response than the joke itself that night. and i was like, oh, this is not the space to try out new material, the night that we fired up the cameras. so yeah. >> seth: you're also very honest about the planning you've put into what you -- how you would handle your family during a climate event? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i wondered, you know, if the world is -- if it's the end, if it's the end and the pillar -- the institutions have fallen apart, the pillars of society have fallen apart, is it -- what's too early to murder-suicide your family? [ laughter ] what -- you know. and not everyone's going to laugh at that, but smart people will, and that's all that matters. but yeah. you know, like it's day one. it's like day one like kind of shady? [ laughter ] yeah. and shady's the term. >> seth: yeah, yeah yeah. >> well you already killed your family? that's pretty shady, dude. that's shady.
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>> seth: that is the word they use. that is the word. that's what the investigators will say, shady, right off the bat. >> yeah, he seemed pretty shady the way he murdered them. >> seth: you talked about your clothes off the bat. and you wear a shirt -- >> is this tattoos of people that -- me on their butt? [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. we only found the one guy, and we think it might not be you, but close. >> yeah, it's my wife. my wife has me tattooed. >> so you're wearing a shirt, a shirt with oranges on it. >> yeah. >> seth: okay. so is this -- how do you come to have a shirt with oranges on it? >> it's illuminati based for sure. [ laughter ] no, that's a -- that's a father's day gift that my wife bought for me. and i immediately made fun of it when i got it. >> seth: yeah. >> and i was like, "what, why did you get this? i'm not going to wear this." then i just had it in the closet, and at some point i decided, i was like, "you know, i'm going to wear this shirt." and i'm not even kidding. that day, three separate people were like, "oh, that's a bad-ass shirt." [ laughter ]
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and every -- the first time i was like, "oh, yeah, you think so?" and they're like, "oh yeah, i love it." then got to the third one, "oh, you know, thanks. ha, this? [ laughter ] this thing? i shop, i shop and i buy. [ laughter ] i buy, ha ha ha, i buy what i like, and i don't care the cost. i find out the cost at the register." >> seth: i have the same -- my wife said basically -- this is almost the exact words. "i hate how you dress on stage." and i was like "fine, you pick an outfit." and she picked what i thought was the dumbest outfit, and then that night afterwards people were like, "you look great, i like that." >> i know, i know. >> seth: and you're like so they do know better than me. >> yeah. and it crushes everything. your whole perspective of what you wear and what you think you look like. >> seth: oh, no, no, you look like [ bleep ] all the time. let your wife handle this. >> yeah. >> seth: you put on what you thought were the dumbest clothes you've ever worn, and for the first time people were like, "hey." >> yeah. [ laughter ]
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i mean, i legitimately was like, "there's oranges all over it, babe. i'm a cool guy. i can't look like this." >> seth: hey, we found -- doing our research for this that you have a linkedin page. >> yeah. anybody wanting to be successful in business does. [ laughter ] >> seth: we also noticed that you have a -- one connection and three followers. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> seth: there's the -- >> i said anyone who wants to be successful in business. i didn't say they are. >> seth: this is a blinding amount of white space. >> yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah. it's not -- it's not -- you know, there's no aesthetic here. it's very much the template. >> seth: you don't feel like the hubbub of connections. >> yeah. >> seth: why did you set up a linkedin page to begin with? >> i was -- this is going to sound so creepy. i was looking for a friend from high school. [ laughter ] i had tried all the usual places any of us would go. facebook, instagram.
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and i then was like, oh, maybe linkedin. and so i made a profile just to find him. and i did. and when we met up i go, "i don't want to freak you out but i made that just to find you. [ light laughter ] i don't want that to ruin drinks but i'm a little creepy. i'm a creepy boy, a creepy boy looking for you." yeah. also "here's your subpoena," and then i just leave. [ laughter ] >> seth: i like that you somehow got the job to deliver a subpoena and you're like, "i know that guy, that's one of my old high school friends." >> yeah, holy [ bleep ]. >> seth: your first stand-up was open mic night, south carolina? >> south carolina, yeah. oh, really? whereabouts? >> lawrence. >> ah, er. [ laughter ] oh, crap! like any of those places can compete. no, mine's better! where i'm from's better.
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yeah, i went to -- to college in spartanburg, south carolina, and my first night of doing stand-up when i finally was like, i'm going to try it. you know there weren't really any shows. i found an open mic poetry night and i asked if i could do stand-up. and they were like -- literally i called the venue. who doesn't care about the show at all. and i was like, "can i do stand-up?" they're like, "yeah." "okay, great." i told like 40 friends. they all showed up. and i -- i -- all the poets were like, "do you mind going last so that everyone stays?" i know. and i was just like, "yeah, i don't even know what this is at all." and then i asked the bar, i just double-checked, "and you're sure it's okay that i do stand-up and not do poetry?" they're like, "you brought all of the business. [ light laughter ] you can do whatever you want for as long as you want to do it. we don't care about the show anymore." and so, yeah, i just went up at the end, and i just tried to talk about topics with my
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friends in the crowd. and it was -- >> seth: did you feel like when you walked offstage that first night, were you like, "i'm going to do it again?" >> yeah, 100%. i tasted that drug and i was like, i've got to get some more of this. this was so much fun, i want to like totally dive in and pursue this now. >> seth: well, it's wonderful, man. i am so glad that all happened. i am such a fan of yours. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i really appreciate it. rory scovel, everyone. "rory scovel: religion, sex, and a few things in between" is streaming now on max. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ llocal intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms. subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more. available wherever you listen to podcasts. ♪
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