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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 23, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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right now at 6:00, camping out in solidarity. pro-palestinian protesters setting up encampments at colleges across the country, including here in the bay area. we're live with the rising tensions leaving classes to go
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remote. an icon who spent his life giving a voice to those who needed it most. >> cecil, however, was dramatically different from any other pastor. >> how san francisco is remembering reverend cecil williams and his lasting legacy of public service. plus, the sierra snowpack is great after an eventful winter. but will climate change threaten future snowpacks? we look at the conditions people who live there could soon face. this is "today in the bay." good tuesday morning to you. thanks for starting your day with us. 6:00 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. mike has a look at the commute in just a bit. first, we've got to talk about the forecast. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking what we can expect. >> we're going to be cooler, but we are starting out milder this morning. the cloud cover is going to linger for a little longer compared to what we've seen recently, but also looking at
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some milder temperatures. here is a look at martinez and what to expect over the next few hours. we're going from 57 degrees to seeing a mix of sun and clouds throughout late morning, and temperatures headed for the mid to upper 60s for today. we'll see a high of 71 in san jose and fremont, concord 71, napa 66, and about the same in santa rosa. but compare this to yesterday and it will be at least 10 to 15 degrees cooler in spots. and tomorrow it's about the same. we will talk about when we may see some slight rain chances coming up. right now, mike, you have a serious crash you're tracking. >> we talked about the crash itself. we're talking about how it affects monterey highway and the coroner has been called to the scene, so northbound direction of monterey highway is closed just north of san martin avenue. that's going to affect local traffic and it may have more folks head toward north 101. we see a build farther south than we typically do. some folks might want to sake
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santa teresa boulevard. this will impact folks heading toward morgan hill. the rest of the bay, the south bay does show a smooth drive, maybe a roadside fire through san jose. nothing dramatic. of course the bay bridge is filled in. back to you. developing new, uc berkeley students participating in a camp-out in an effort to show solidarity with gaza. this is a live look outside of sproul hall. it started at noon yesterday. students are vowing to sleep in tents until the university divestings from companies they say are playing a role in the middle east. bob redell is there and ahead he'll have the response from the university and actions across the country other college students are taking. the bay area mourning the loss of a civil rights icon. glad memorial church co-founder reverend cecil williams passed
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away yesterday at the age of 94. he was a pioneer in san francisco who leaves behind a vast legacy. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us in the city this morning. he was truly a man who was really a life force for a lot of folks who just didn't have the voice. >> reporter: absolutely, marcus. reverend cecil williams was a beloved leader in his community, as well as a pioneer in san francisco. he died at the age of 94 yesterday, but his legacy will live on, as the community that he served for decades continues to fight its battles. let's take a look at that service that reverend williams gave to his community. williams took over glide church in 1963. it became known for welcoming hippies, drug users, transgender youth and other marginalized people of the tenderloin. a year later, williams helped create the council on religion.
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in the '70s glide was central to the anti-war movement. in the '80s, williams led marches and gave voices to those impacted by the crack cocaine epidemic. glide was the first church in the country to offer hiv testing after sunday services. reverend williams retired last february. his legacy goes far beyond the work he did in the african american civil rights movement here in the city, as well as the challenges to poverty that he addressed. this morning reverend williams is being remembered for the life he brought to san francisco, the bay area, and the world. last night the congregation at glide memorial leaned on one another during this time of loss. pictures in front of the church gave a glimpse of the storied life that reverend williams leaves behind. glide church goes beyond sunday sermons still, providing a wide
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range of social services, including thousands of free males every single day. the reverend knew just what worked for his community. >> cecil understood exactly how to make the church work with that group of people and for that group of people to work within the church. >> reporter: glad memorial says that reverend williams was surrounded by family and friends when he passed yesterday. we're also told that a memorial is in the works, but we do not yet have the details on that. >> i'm sure whenever it happens, it will be well attended and well deserved. ginger conejero saab for us this morning, thank you. opponents of alameda county d.a. pamela price will hold a rally ahead of meetings meant to set a date for a recall election. supervisors are expected to set a date by the end of this month, and it's still possible the vote will be a part of the november general election. last week recall organizers learned they collected enough signatures for that vote to happen. at this point, we only know for
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certain it will happen sometime this year. in the meantime, price is staying the course, following through on what she believes is a mandate for restorative justice in alameda county. at a news conference yesterday, she announced dozens of death penalty cases may be overturned. that is due to what she claims is potential misconduct during jury selection. price says prosecutors often intentionally exclude black and jewish people from juries and says it happened over a four decade span. she says her office will now review 35 death penalty cases. it's not clear how long the review process will take. tonight, people who have died or were injured by drunk drivers will be remembered in contra costa county. across the bay area this is how many people died or were seriously injured during dui average in each of the last three years. santa clara county had the most,
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with 140 people. alameda was close behind. napa had the fewest at 24. the group mothers against drunk driving saying that people need to remember that these are not just numbers. they are people who died in crimes that were 100% preventable. >> every single person who has been impacted, that person belongs to a family, was in the community, was a coworker, mother, father, child. this can happen to anyone. no one is immune. >> the madd is hosting a candle light vigil at 6:00 tonight at contra costa county deputy's association in martinez. the district attorney's office and chp for that region will also attend, among others. new at 6:00, a live look at the state capitol, where today mayors from some of the state's largest cities will ask for more funding to battle the homeless crisis. mayors from l.a., san diego and
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sacramento are among those attending. they'll be asking to make one state assistance program permanent and talk about recent successes thanks to the program. today's hearing comes one day after the supreme court seemed to side with the city of grants pass, oregon, in arguments over the policing of homeless encampments. during earth week, we are looking at the implications of our changing climate in ways that we can cut production of bad greenhouse gases, causing global temperatures to rise. >> researchers warn changes are needed or we'll see more extreme weather in the future. meteorologist kari hall explains what it could mean for the sierra. >> warmer temperatures for the sierra could mean much less snow. in the past, we've seen cold winter storms with higher snowfall totals during the month of december through february. but as temperatures rise, snowpack is expected to decline, with only february as a big snow
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producing month. recently we've had two years of heavy snow, but the elevation of where we're seeing that snow is getting higher and higher. let's demonstrate what the sierra snow could look like in 30 years. currently on average, the snow levels come down to about 5,000 feet, but in the year 2054, much of that snow may be 7,000 feet in elevation or higher, and below 6,000 feet, that could mean more rain and frequent events of flash flooding in the sierra. dr. schwartz with the central sierra snow lab tells us we need to prepare for a warmer future. >> when you look at the trends every month during our snow season, so october through may, back to the '70s, we can see that each of these months is warming, and that means we're transitioning away from snowfall as the dominant precipitation type to rain. the one month where that isn't happening is in february.
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and we see cases of that. we saw it last year, we're seeing it this year. we are going to see more rain at the higher elevations up to that 7,000 feet. and depending on the storm, potentially above that. so we are going to see the likelihood of more flooding, big atmospheric rivers, even at higher elevations where there used to be snowfall. it's going to reshape the way we are living through these storms and experiences as a whole. >> our climate coverage continues all week long. join us for more stories on nbc bay area and on our climate in crisis page online. now let's check in with mike for a look at traffic. let's make sure you can fill up with perhaps one of our better bargains. we'll look at the lowest for contra costa county in pleasant hill, $4.85 at arco. $4.97 is the lowest at mill valley hq fuels on shoreline. in santa clara, the low is under
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5 bucks if you pay cash at platinum gas on washington street. we still have one bargain in fremont, $4.34 at flyers. you can find that on in san jose, we had that roadside fire. i checked on it. it is reported 101 near story road. this is a live shot. you would see it in this live shot if there was smoke. it's being taken care of. back to you. >> thank you so much. inequalities between male and female doctors. >> frequently i do get misidentified not as the surgeon but as a different member of the care team. >> ahead on "today in the bay," a ucsf doctor shares more about a new study revealing the reason women have a better chance of survival if treated by a female doctor. a warning from the google ceo to his employees. out to the futures as well. we broke a losing streak and it looks like the winning streak
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will continue. >> no more cutting the tsa line at the airport. the first in the nation proposal taking aim at programs which let some travelers pay to pass through security ahead of everyone e
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it's not just designed to look good. it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior. it's a quiet refuge. ♪ ♪ they're not just headlights. they light the way forward. the fully electric audi q8 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. good morning. happy tuesday to you. a lot of companies report earnings this week. tesla will do after the bell
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today. the company has apparently cut its entire marketing and business development department. this is the stock symbol for truth social. donald trump will get another $1 billion or so worth of truth social stock as a reward for keeping the stock price high or high-ish. it's been fluctuating a lot. but the reward system was part of the deal with trump. now, he cannot sell any of the stock yet. it's in a lock-up, which is pretty standard for these kinds of deals, and he can't use it as collateral against a loan or court bond. speaking of truth social, trump posted yesterday on truth social that president biden was to blame for the so-called tiktok ban. the senate votes on the issue today. president biden says he would sign it into law. just so everyone knows, especially the young people, crooked joe biden is responsible for banning tiktok, he said. if you're thinking, hold on, didn't president trump propose
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banning tiktok as president? wasn't it originally his idea? yes, it was. now, tiktok running ads on tiktok telling tiktokers tiktok is safe. >> i'm the head of trust and safety for u.s. data security tiktok. we're spending $2 billion to make sure we're keeping tiktok safe. we have a u.s.-led team, we have a third party, an american company, to store and protect user data. >> our kris sanchez will have lots more coming up. google says it was fired more employees who protested the company's deals with israel. the "washington post," the first to report the new round of cuts. some of the dismissed employees say they weren't even in the group who occupied an office. earlier this month google's ceo had warned, we are a workplace and our policies and expectations are clear. this is a business, not a place to act in a way that disrupts coworkers and makes them feel unsafe. to attempt to use the company as a personal platform or to fight over disruptive issues or debate
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politics. now, google all but invented bring your authentic self to work. for many years, really was asking employees to get involved in all sorts of groups and displays and et cetera. they have since changed that enormously. >> thanks, scott. >> especially after raiding the offices. that was aggressive. 6:17. taking a live look at sfo. action is being taken at the state level to try to ban new security screening at airports in california. so if approved. this would impact companies which allow customers to pay an annual fee to skip security lines, for example, services like clear. they would have to create their own dedicated passenger lanes separate from those checkpoints. the author of the bill, state senator jonathan neumann, claims that clear is responsible for security violations in recent
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years. well, this is trending this morning. a beloved former giant joins the ranks of many others nearly scared out of their shoes by an infamous san francisco prankster. >> we're talking about the bush man and hunter pence is among his latest victims. it happened as he was walking at oracle park with his wife last night. at least he stopped and shook his hand. he goes back years on fisherman's wharf. he pops out from behind the bush on the sidewalk. we're pretty sure pence was over it because the giants won 5-2. >> i've never fallen yet. >> well, it is funny when you see them and you're laughing. but then they don't suspect it. >> boom, there you go. boom, there we go, another nice day. >> yeah, i guess if that's how
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you want to phrase it. it will be cooler for this afternoon. just a heads-up that things will be a little different and we're starting out with more clouds this morning. we will go back to sunshine later today, but at times those gusts may reach up to 25 miles per hour. and then tomorrow it's about the same, starting out cloudy, afternoon sunshine. more seasonable weather and it's kind of typical, the weather pattern we see this time of year. with our temperature up to 71 degrees, it's been so warm the past few days. now we look at these numbers and we're like, okay, this is normal. this is the reminder, this is our usual spring weather. we're up to 71 in walnut creek today, and 71 in fremont. mid-60s for oakland. in redwood city, 68 degrees. 63 in daly city and 65 in downtown san francisco. if you've been looking at that seven-day forecast at the bottom of the screen, there will be slight rain chances toward the end of the week while temperatures continue more like
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this over the next few days. what's happening, we have high pressure that's building off to our south and west, and we also have several storm systems that have been moving into the pacific northwest. we're getting that cooler air coming down and more clouds. but there will only be slight rain chances in our forecast. much of the rain looks like it stays to our north. we're watching late thursday into friday for that possibility of some very quick-moving and very light hours. not expecting a lot of rain, but indeed, it will be cooler. take a look at morgan hill and what to expect over the next ten days, going from highs in the mid to low 60s. there's not a significant warm-up as we go into next week. we're going to settle into this weather patterns with we go into the weekend. if you do have outdoor plans, there's a lot of festivals and it looks beautiful out there. san francisco will see temperatures in the low to mid-60s. mike, you're seeing the lanes fill in at the bay bridge.
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>> quick to start and now they're filled. not totally packed here, but it's loosely packed all the way back, including the over-crossing, folks feeding in off of the nimitz. if you're traveling through oakland, keep that in mind. oakland, there's not a lot of slowing. west 37 held steady out of vallejo. we're looking at highway 4 with the build, holding steady with slowing into pittsburg and bay point. nice drive through concord. more build for 880, but settled toward union city. no problem across the bridges. we do still have this serious crash north monterey highway. one new study conclude your doctor's gender may have the potential to boost your longevity. coming up next, we break down the unusual new findings. first, school not out for summer just yet.
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but we here at nbc bay area and telemundo 48 are already working to help families who can't afford back-to-school basics. we're collecting backpacks and other school supplies and we made it easy if you would like to help out. you can head to to donate online, or you can check out the list of supplies we're collecting and drop them off in person this thursday. we're going to be over at the town & count village in palo alto from 2:00 until 6:00.
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a new medical study shows patients who are treated by female doctors experience lower death rates or don't have to return to the hospital. that is according to the journals of medicine, the study looked at those 64 and over on medicare. the data shows female patients treated by male doctors were more likely to die than if treated by a women. men underestimate their conditions. doctors say one solution may be found in hiring more females in leadership positions in the medical field. >> i'll be wearing a white coat and introduce myself as the surgeon, frequently i do get misidentified not as the surgeon but as a different member of the
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care team. >> how can we improve the environment for female physicians? >> i think it's important for young women to see that they can do this job and that they should do this job. >> experts say there needs to be more research done but the study shows the need for more diversity in the field. you can watch the full story coming up on the "today" show at 7:00 a.m. right after "today in the bay." we've got more ahead, including a robotaxi driving on the wrong side of the road in san francisco. new video getting a lot of attention online and why the operators say the vehicle was actually doing the right thing. plus, pro-palestinian protesters have set up a very large campsite here at uc berkeley. what they are asking and demanding the campus to do. plus, a new chance at making it in the bay. the new development breaking ground today and strict application guidelines meant to
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help families that need it most.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year.
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i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? right now at 6:30, camping on campus. student protesters set up tents at uc berkeley as part of a growing pro-palestinian movement at schools nationwide. we're live there this morning with the school's response amidst concerns over rising tensions. going the wrong way!
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>> a robotaxi caught driving on the wrong side of the road in san francisco. the all new video you have to see to believe and why waymo says safety in this case was the priority. counting down to a possible tiktok ban. we are live with the latest on the planned vote in the u.s. senate and how it may impact those who use and profit from the app. this is "today in the bay." tuesday morning is here. i know you've been waiting for it all week. >> it's just like friday, only different. >> that's correct. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's get a look at that forecast right now. meteorologist kari hall is tracking things for us. >> at least we've made it past monday. we've made it past warmer temperatures, too. you'll notice that it will be cooler this afternoon and we're starting out with clouds. in fremont, the flag is blowing. it is a breezy start to our day. as this cold front drops in,
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we're going to see at times clouds throughout the morning and some winds that may pick up to 15 to 20 miles per hour, and our temperatures not nearly as warm as yesterday. look at morgan hills, going from low 50s to low 60s. here is a look around the bay area. we'll see a high of 71 in san jose. it's about 10 to 12 degrees lower than it was yesterday. we'll see mostly upper 60s all around the bay area. we'll talk about the cooler air and where we may see some spotty rain in our forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you very much. 6:31 right now. happening now, protests against the israel/hamas war are growing on college campuses across the country, and right here in the bay area. in some cases it's leading to arrests and even one campus shutting down. "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live from uc berkeley where some have already set up camp. do they have a specific demand for cal, bob? >> reporter: they do. they want them to divest, and
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we're on sproul hall on campus, where there are a number of tents set up. these are definitely pro-palestinian protesters, most if not all are students. i believe there were ten tents when i was coming out, but i would say there's probably 40. this is the main part of campus where students come and go. there's a lot of visibility here. and these protesters, to answer your question, they're specifically asking uc berkeley to divest themselves from companies that build weapons that might be used by israel against the palestinian people living in the gaza strip. uc berkeley released a statement, with three weeks left in the semester, berkeley is prioritizing students' academic interests. we will take the steps necessary to ensure the protest does not disrupt the university's operations. there are no plans to change the university's investment policies and practices.
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last night, up north at cal poly humbled, they announced they were shutting down after students occupied the hall and barricaded themselves. protesters set up tents, makeshift beds, making their intention known they plan to stay the night. that protest coming on the first night of the jewish holiday passover. in-person classes and activities are transitioning to remote. the campus will close tomorrow. you can see from the statement, they announced they were shutting down campus because of what they say is, quote, a dangerous and volatile situation. on the east coast, police arrested dozens of protesters at new york university after those protesters refused to leave campus. nyu says what started with 50 people quickly grew as protesters pushed through barricades. meanwhile, at columbia, that university's president calling for a reset to de-escalate.
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100 protesters were arrested on friday. the school says all classes at its main campus will be hybrid until the semester ends because of the unrest. now, since hamas' october 7th attack on israel, the fbi says the number of anti-jewish hate crime investigations in the united states has tripled. the bureau is particularly concerned lone actors could target gatherings during passover, which began last night. at temple beth abraham in oakland, they ramped up security. >> a step we've seen to boost security has been the hiring of extra guards. we used to have guards during service times and we now have guard at almost any time where there are people in the building. >> reporter: that was rabbi mark bloom, who says this passover his congregation added security cameras and secured windows and doors. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> a lot of info there. thank you, bob. new video at 6:00 going
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viral. it appears to show a waymo car going the wrong way in downtown san francisco. take a look. >> wrong way, waymo! >> someone posting this video to reddit. the incident reportedly played out last friday night near mission and first streets. the car went the wrong way for about two blocks. waymo tells the "chronicle" that maneuver helped avoid a potential collision with nearby electric scooter riders and unicyclists. on capitol hill the senate is poised to advance a $95 billion package to provide aid to ukraine and israel. it includes a provision that could lead to a nationwide ban on tiktok. for lawmakers, it's about national security concerns, but a lot of content creators are concerned about their livelihood. kris sanchez is joining us with a look at what's at stake here.
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>> reporter: so i don't think anybody thinks that tiktok is just going to go away. this is really about lawmakers wanting to make bytedance, the parent company of tiktok, sell their stake in the company. there are 170 million americans who use tiktok almost every single day. i'll admit that i do have an account as well. tiktok tracks how we consume the content, the devices we use, how long we watch posts, what kind of posts we like to feed its algorithm. the chinese government potentially has access to some or all of that data. tiktok denies this is the case, but the house already passed the bill that would require bytedance to sell its stake within a year or face a national ban, because asking bytedance to protect american data just isn't realistic. >> the problem is that when bytedance decides to create a wall to block u.s. data from leaving the united states, it's
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like asking the wolf to build a safer hen house. >> reporter: now, a lot of us just go to tiktok for a little entertainment, but some people like anna brown of burlingame make a living off tiktok. she says it saved her family during the pandemic when she could not get work as an esthetician. she is just one of millions of content creators who depend on the platform and millions of content creators that tiktok is trying to rally to put pressure on lawmakers. i don't know if it's working, because the house already voted to pass it, the senate will take their vote today, and president biden says when it gets to his desk, he will sign it. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> a lot of users not so excited about that. all right, thank you. new this morning, san francisco's attorney next week will ask a judge to throw out legal claims tied to a controversial police response to last year's hill bomb skateboarding event in the mission district. the unsanctioned event was
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chaotic and escalated when officers responded to reports it had become dangerous. 113 were arrested, 81 juveniles. skateboarders described it as an abuse of power and some are suing claiming their civil rights were violated. today oakland is breaking ground on a new housing development which will make it possible for some of the city's most vulnerable residents to make it in the bay. the groundbreaking at 11:00 this morning on 12th street in the east lake neighborhood. this will be 91 households. the application process is carefully regulated, but it will be open to people living on social security or for households making $84,000 or less a year which is considered low income here in the bay area. >> it includes everyone from
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folks who were formerly homeless to people who are making minimum wage jobs and struggle to survive in the bay area. so it really has a broad spectrum of affordability. >> this is a public/private partnership. on the private side, the east bay asian local development, along with jordan real estate investment. on the public side, there are 16 different agencies, this project also represents one of the first pay-outs for a measure u, which oakland voters passed in 2022. we will also see improvements to the streetscape, b.a.r.t. and ac transit in that area. 6:40 on your tuesday morning. taking a live look outside overlooking san jose. kari has a look at our forecast. we're going to see a little cooldown today. >> we're starting with clouds that will begin to clear out by late morning. we are seeing more sunshine as we take a look at walnut creek.
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but once again, notice that layer of clouds overhead. we're starting with some milder temperatures. in san ramon at 9:00, the mid-50s. at 1:00, 64 degrees. that's about where our temperatures stop, in the mid-60s today. in dublin, a high of 69 degrees expected. you'll notice that it will be significantly cooler than yesterday, but still feeling pretty nice outside. 71 in san jose, concord, as well as fairfield. we'll talk about where we may see spotty rain. mike, you have an update on the major crash in san martin. >> we're looking toward northbound 101, it looks like the pattern sorted itself out to standard. northbound monterey road -- monterey highway is further south, but it continues to the closure just north of san martin avenue. i just got word that the coroner should arrive by about 7:00. they won't reopen before that point. we're looking at north 101
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holding steady now north of dunn and cochran, everything is fine, relatively light. good start for the bay area's commute, things have calmed down. there may be a new crash near the richmond bridge toll plaza. i'm going to check that out once chp gives us information. the sausalito to san francisco ferry, the pier is damaged so you'll have to use the bus bridge until further notice. with spring in the air, so is spring cleaning and saying good riddance to that unwanted junk. the bay area company trying to make sure your trash ends up nowhere near
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today president biden will hold a rally in florida. the state will vote on access to abortion this november. >> scott mcgrew, florida will vote at the same time on the president. >> right. they're thinking this is pretty good timing, democrats do. remember, the same is true for arizona, or maybe if there's a ballot item on the arizona ballot. the abortion question, the presidency on the same ballot is likely good for democrats. they're pretty sure the abortion question will bring out more democrats, president biden will benefit from it. that's why florida, which has consistently voted for the republican in the past few
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elections, may suddenly be in play. president biden heading to tampa, where he will blame republicans for florida's new tough anti-abortion law. a law polls show many floridians don't like. now, the whole speech, of course, designed to keep abortion in the headlines. but no doubt, president biden will be met by, perhaps interrupted by protesters who are angry at his policies over israel and palestine. some americans concerned u.s. policy expects one set of standards for human rights in israel, and a far higher standard for other countries. now, that's something the secretary of state, speaking at a press conference about the state department's annual human rights report, says simply is not true. >> do we have a double standard? the answer is no. as this report makes clear, in general, as we're looking at human rights and the condition of human rights around the
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world, it doesn't change whether the country in question is an adversary, competitor, friend or ally. >> president biden will speak about abortion access starting at noon our time. meantime, the u.s. supreme court tomorrow will take up an abortion case. this time over whether a woman has a right to get an emergency abortion to protect her health in a state like idaho that forbids abortions except in the case of a life of a mother. former president trump will be back in court today for day two of his first criminal trial. the judge will consider the prosecution's request to find trump in contempt of court for violations of the gag order. if the judge finds those actions are worthy of a contempt charge, he could fine, even jail the former president. down the street at another courthouse, the judge in trump's civil fraud case asked for and got reassurances the collateral that trump put up in a bond in
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that case will remain untouched by trump in the bank. trump is spending tens of millions of dollars in legal fees. his save america pac that people donate to says it spent $60 million in legal fees on lawyers in total, and nearly $4 million last month alone. to our climate in crisis, you may be taking on spring cleaning and wondering, what do i do with all of this stuff? well, there is now a new door-to-door service in the east bay picking up waste from homes and diverting it from the landfill. it's called rid well and it helps you get rid of things that aren't part of your typical curbside recycling, batteries, amazon packaging and frozen food bags. you put it in a box and it's picked up by drivers who take it back to the warehouse and distribute it to local nonprofits in the bay area. the items include the berkeley food network and friends of the
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alameda animal shelter, and scrap sf for art installations. >> we have expanded into danville, alamo, walnut creek, lafayette and orinda. typically picking something up for a local nonprofit. pots and pans, silverware, pet leashes and harnesses. there are other hard to recycle items like styrofoam that can be picked up for an additional fee. >> if you're wondering about the cost of membership, it starts at $14. other parts of the bay area they service are the south bay, the peninsula and san francisco. there are plans in the works to move to the north bay soon. that's a good idea to keep in the back of your mind. we'll post the information on our website, look for this story on our climate in crisis page. and we will continue to have coverage on earth week here on nbc bay area. we have a lot of exciting
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stories coming, so be sure to stay tuned to "today in the bay." 6:49 right now. "lopez vs. lopez" returns to nbc tonight. >> i'm making amends. i'm driving around to apologize. i'm calling it my eras tour. my beer era, tequila era, and my appletini era. >> he co-stars with his real life daughter in the series. the duo were estranged in real life for a number of years but reunited. i got a chance to sit down and talk to george about this sitcom. george getting sober. >> i think it's one of the most common arguments in families, whether it's a wedding or an anniversary or just a party that people tend to overindulge and
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those are the things people fight about. i said i'm willing to make myself available to share those stories. it's always the things that ring true that are the things that people remember the most. >> you can watch tonight right here on nbc bay area at 8:00. that's followed by "the weakest link" at 9:00 and then "password" at 10:00. nice family fun viewing. it's a nice time to get out and enjoy the weather. >> it's going to be cooler. this is our usual marine layer that we usually see this time of year. we've seen it clearing out because of the warmer temperatures and the high pressure we've had recently. so now that that's out of here, we're going to only see highs in the low 70s. that's not bad at all. that's still pretty nice. it's just not as warm as yesterday, but still comfortable for the afternoon. in the south bay, we'll see low 70s, parts of the east bay up to
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70, 66 in oakland. along the coastline, low 60s. it's going to clear out today. 62 in half moon bay and 70 in palo alto. san francisco, we're in the mid-60s. we continue with weather like this throughout the week, as a couple of disturbances and storm systems move to our north. we will just get some breezy winds. and by the weekend, we may see a few more clouds and some very light, spotty rain. not expecting any significant storms to come this way, even into next week. but we are going to, at times, see the morning clouds and every now and then the possibility of some very light showers. i do think that by friday morning we may see spotty sprinkles. really not enough to help us out here, with trying to water the lawn and all the beautiful flowers that have bloomed. we're going to see temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s in napa. only a modest warm-up into next week. we're not seeing any upper 70s or 80s. even extending into the middle
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of next week. so we're settling into this with morning clouds, afternoon sunshine, and only a couple of spotty showers between thursday and friday, but the weekend is looking spectacular. we have a lot of the spring festivals starting to get going, and it's going to be nice for any outdoor activities. mike, what's the follow-up on the richmond-san rafael bridge? >> we saw an icon with a crash near the toll plaza. no problem, the flow is the same for all lanes. i think one of my traffic sources is a little behind. the map just cleared it as well. we're looking at a smoother drive and less slowing than we saw before coming over to the area. we've held off with a major build, except toward walnut creek for 680. there is a build, more traffic, a little more slowing. the south bay does kick in. look at the northbound routes, 85, 87 and 101 showing a slower drive pushing through silicon valley. and of course we do have this build showing up on the camera, north 101, slowing from 280 up
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past oakland road, building toward santa clara. >> thank you very much, mike. happening now, contra costa county supervisors diving deeper into the budget for the next fiscal year, which includes costs to defend legal cases tied to antioch's police texting scandal. a recent budget report indicates more than 500 cases may be impacted and the public defender's office is asking for a 10% increase in funding. supervisors must approve the budget by may 21st. up next, a look at the top stories making headlines, including camping out in solidarity. pro-palestinian protesters are setting up encampments at college campuses across the country, including right here in the bay area. the rising tensions leaving
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good tuesday morning to you. welcome back. we're moving you forward with a look at the top stories. >> first, uc berkeley students are participating in a camp-out all in an effort to show solidarity with gaza. here is a live look this morning outside of sproul hall. students there vowing to sleep in those tents until the
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university divests from companies they say have a hand in the war in the middle east. the college said there are no plans to change investment policies. cal poly announced they are shutting down campus after students barricaded themselves inside the hall. 150 protesters were arrested at new york university. opponents of d.a. pamela price will hold a rally today. supervisors are expected to set a date by the end of the month for the recall election. price is following through on what she believes is a mandate for restorative justice in alameda county. at a news conference yesterday she announced dozens of death penalty cases may be overturned due to what she claims is potential misconduct during jury selection. people across the bay area mourning the death of a civil rights icon.
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reverend cecil williams was a pioneer and long-time pastor at glide memorial church and a champion of the homeless and lgbtq communities. williams took over glide in 1963, where he served until his retirement in february. during that time, he gave a voice to the underserved, including those impacted by the crack epidemic in the 1980s. his church was the first in the u.s. to offer hiv testing. we know there's a memorial service in the works, but so far there are no exact details on when that will happen. >> nice to see that older video of him. really the handprint he's leaving on the city. may he rest in peace. we are going to start out with clouds, but then it will become mostly sunny. we're going to have seasonable weather extending from the rest of the week into the weekend. it looks nice and spring-like. >> it's not spring break, but we're sliding toward lighter traffic as summer months kick in and graduations are going to be
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in just a few weeks. the san mateo bridge with a typical build heading west. no major surprises. that's the build heading west across the span. >> depends on where you go. the "today" show is just moments away. we hope you don't go far because we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms. live at 8:00, we're talking live with a tiktok official amid an upcoming senate vote on a ban. plus, the new affordable housing project breaking ground in the east bay. well, that's what's happening across the bay area and right here on "today in the bay." thanks for making us a part of your morning. have a great one. the "today" show starts now. good tuesday morning. a flash point on college campuses. >> protests erupting nationwide. it's april 23rd. good morning. this is "today". >>


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