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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 24, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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. great spacing coming around the bend westbound just shy of the tunnel heading through the treasure island area where we saw the slowing. it is back to green and you saw it earlier at orange sensors. a little build for highway 4 and highway 37 so right on schedule for the traffic flow. we do have a new issue a roadside fire reported, now hill top mall is over here. rich mand parkway is through
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the area on the other side. a smaller mini mall that may be where there's a fire in a dumpster. we will check out what's going on but so far no lanes of traffic affected there or around the rest of the bay. 5:22. next on today in the bay, nbc bay area response. we are here to talk about back to school. sort of skipping summer. sorry kidsp. we will show you how to join us in supporting our schools. next on today in t
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good morning. we will be in palo alto tomorrow afternoon and we have an invitation for you to join us. we will have some fun and supporting our schools. we are once again partnering with the nonprofit family giving tree. this year, it is helping to provide free backpacks full of supplies to thousands of deserving students. with your help, we usually kick off the campaign in the summer. but we are starting early because times are still tough, and making it in the bay is still not easy. >> the need is a near constant. it's not something that starts with the school year. it is something that lives throughout the year. with the school year and outside of it. >> here's where you can meet our family and the family giving tree tomorrow, town and country village in palo alto. our team will have kids games, prizes and an opportunity for you to donate to the backpack drive. can't make it? donate from home. snap the qr code on the screen
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right now to make a contribution online. thanks for supporting our schools, and see you tomorrow in palo alto. thanks, chris. it's 5:26 this morning. next on today in the bay, we are following the top stories including a recount in the high stakes congressional race. when we can expect to see the final result. president biden about to sign a bill into law that could potentially ban tiktok. the actions that the company that owns tiktok could take to keep the app on your phone. keep the app on your phone. stay with us, ( ♪♪ )
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right now at 5:30, tiktok on the clock. the u.s. becomes one step closer to banning the popular app. the action bytedance has to take in order to avoid an all owl ban. moving locations, once again. after relocating two years ago, a look at where the california garlic festival is going to be held. this is today in the bay. will we be able to smell it from here. >> depends what you like. good morning on this hump day, i am marcus washington. >> i am chris sanchez. we want to start with a look at the forecast. we are tracking what to expect. a little cooler this morning but comfortable. >> it's comfortable this morning. i think so, we are seeing
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temperatures in the upper 50s, and there's nice little blanket of clouds and that will lenger throughout much of the morning. as we take a live look outside in walnut creek, heading to work to 53 degrees to start out the morning. we will see that continue through 8:00. after that, we gradually warmup, but it will be gradual today. with peeks of sunshine, and temperatures in the upper 60s. a lot of these numbers that we will see today, for the highs, it will be about normal or maybe even slightly cooler than normal after such a big warmup that we had over the weekend and to start the week. we will see a high of 64 today in novato. mike, you looked at north bay commute. southbound 101 through san rafael smooth flow of traffic continuing at the limit down to the golden gate bridge where the arrow is on the left side. the arrow from the right side, that's going up the incline towards treasure island. we have followed that early slogan nothing dramatic but it kicked off a little earlier there. the other arrow shows you
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typical spots with typical slowing. he circled the crash outside of the tunnel around fish ranch. watch for activity but no major slowing and the tunnel is clear. back over to you. >> thanks, mike. any moment now, president joe biden is expected to sign a bill which could eventually lead to a nationwide ban on the popular platform tiktok. >> yeah, the bay's bob joins us live and as i understand the potential ban could be avoided, right? >> reporter: correct, good morning to you marcus and chris. at any moment, as you mentioned, president biden is expected to seen into law the bill that could potentially ban tiktok. it would force the owner to sell the popular platform to approved buyer. congress took action over national security concerns since bytedance is chinese
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owned. this is part of a 95 billion dollar foreign aid bill to deliver funding to israel, ukraine, and taiwan. bytedance would have nine months to sell but the president could choose to extend that by another few months. and engineering professor and tech professor tells us they could sue a drag that out for years. he says were there are legitimate national concerns considering they collect personal information like your age, location and contact list. >> all this will create an understanding of what's going on in the americany know society. >> i am biased but i think it goes against our basic human rights of freedom of speech. >> reporter: we also heard from a woman who doesn't want tiktok to go away. she and her husband have 1.4 million followers and says the
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video sharing platform helped her husband grow his business. reporting liven bob redell today in the bay. >> thank you. happening today, the map accused of driving his tesla off a cliff on purpose with his family inside is due back in court. a judge will determine if he is fit to stand trial. back in 2023, he was driving his tesla and it plunged off 300 foot cliff near devil slide with his wife and two children in the car. all of them miraculously, survived the crash. his wife claims he did it on purpose, and he had been depressed. he pleaded not guilty and says he was pulling over to check a tire. findings from a mental health expert will be introduced at the hearing this morning. also today, in east bay pastor accused of sexually assaulting young members of the congregation face as judge. he will have a preliminary hearing at 8:30 this morning. victor hernandez was a pastor
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at spanish language christian church and faces 16 charges varying from rain of a child over the age of 14, to kidnapping and molestation. he is being held on $10 million bond. he pleaded not guilty. sonoma county sheriff office issuing a plea for help in solving cold case. detectives are trying to figure out what happened to this man. his name is jeffrey roofin and investigators say someone found a human skull off dunkin road in mont rio back in 2001. investigators determined the cause of death was a gunshot wound, and it was not until 2022 that ruben's identity was discovered thanks to genetic geology. he was born in north carolina in 1958. he went to columbia university, sheriff office says they believe he made his way to california in the 1980s. if you have any information, you are asked to contact the sheriff's department. 5:35. happening now, police need your help in finding a missing
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teenager. the marin county sheriff says 16-year-old mint butterfield was last seen around 10:00 at night the daughter of stewart butter fold. she has history of substance abuse a san francisco address and is known to frequent the tenderloin. if you know anything about her whereabouts, contact the marin county sheriff. to decision 2024, we will soon know who will face former san jose mayor in november's district 16th congressional race. this is that race to fill the seat vacated by congresswoman. the original count for second place between low and joe ended in a tie. election officials in santa clara and san mateo county say they are making progress in the ballot count. if it confirm the tie, both candidates will face liccardo in the november primary. elections officials tell nbc bay area they are on track to finish the work by the end of
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the week. >> this district spends both counties both counties and in order for the results to be certified with new numbers, the secretary of state would need tore receive recount results from both of us. >> with any complete of luck we will complete the scanning tomorrow and have the numbers within the next day or so. >> the secretary of state could certify the recount results as early as friday afternoon. depending on when office receives final results from both counties. the california garlic festival is changing locations once again. you might remember it moved from gilroy to stockton as organizers shut it down in 2022. it was at the fairgrounds for the last two years and now the california garlic festival as it is known, will be at the merced county spring fairgrounds on august 30th,
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31st and september 1st. if you go, you will see a monster truck show, carnival and, of course, all the fresh cooked garlic delicacies. we have come to expect. including the cold ones there's gallon being ice cream and tickets cost about $15. >> it might be worth the drive. >> i think it's beautiful. let's look live outside beautiful san jose for us this morning. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the forecast. you know it was cooler yesterday, but still i thought it was pleasant. >> and today is going to be a repeat of yesterday. we had a lot of clouds that lingered throughout much of the morning. and into the early afternoon. and eat will slow to clear today in san jose in the upper 50s. the wind is lighter and our temperatures climb much more slowly. so you may find yourself keeping that jacket on a lot longer throughout the date as our temperatures will head for the upper 60s. all the numbers that are about normal or even slightly cooler than what we see for this time in april, in the north bay we are going to see highs in the
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mid-60sp up to 66 in napa. into the day tomorrow, it is repeat of today which was a repeat of yesterday. and repeat again on friday. you get the point there. we are going to see this settle in and stay with us for a while. we will talk more about what's ahead and you are finding the slower spots. yeah, kind of the repeat from yesterday. one of the spots the bay bridge of course we know there's going to be slow down and build on the time here. gradual build from the center lanes but a little more quickly than yesterday. so we will watch the volume but east shore freeway fine. the crash has in the created an issue and typical slowing contra costa and north bay. looking ahead, a midday game, the third of three games but today's midday so when the game is out over oracle park, it will blend in with the folks getting to the bay bridge for the work heading out of the city as well. that will be a factor for folks leaving at that passes by or through the area and the extension off 280.
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tonight a close your for webster tube towards alameda maintenance from last week postponed this week tonight reopening by tomorrow morning's commute and the park street and bridges are fine and good warning southbound 680 yes another full weekend closure from friday night until monday morning. southbound 680 is closed to 84 and we will walk you around that. alltism acceptance month is here. ahead, we will she highlight a resource for special needs service and how you to help. people are voting in presidential primary. we will have the latest results coming up. a long stretch. also, hindering the american dream. the key issue a lot of people say keeps them from buying a me. keep hoit
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. we are looking at the bay bridge the backup filling if quickly here. looking at the span why we have the metering lights to keep the volume on the span manageable. taillights smoothly into the city. we will see how quickly the build is off the maze coming up. and as you head out in berkeley this morning, we are going to see a mostly cloudy start. we are seeing that all around the bay area. and temperatures going from mid- 50s to only low 60s. we will have a pleasant afternoon as we are keeping the jackets on so we will look
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ahead in the microclimate forecast coming up. and april is autism acceptance month and here on today in the bay we have been bringing stories of the signs of autism spectrum disorder or asd, and how you can help create a more inclusive world. today we shot a spotlight on the evolution of the helix school in san rafael which began when a mom encountered a lack of a flexible education system when her 2-year-old son diagnosed with asd, marjorie mcmorris created a unique interactive learning space for her nonverbal son kyle. >> i couldn't find it in another school so i said if i had to get my child ready for a life of independence, i would have to do it on my own. and i started the school just really for him. i didn't go out saying oh, my gosh i will start a school. >> marjorie eventually hired a specialized staff and began providing services for four
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children. and over the years, that has grown to 42. and now they moved into a new building, and continued to grow. >> student come to school and they are met with a team of occupational therapists, speech therapist and behavioral therapist a their teacher and it's like manual going into a teaching school. >> the helix school keeps the classroom small and to make sure each student gets the attention they need, but they also host community events to raise awareness about autism and provide resources for caregivers. now much of the funding to run the school and programs comes from fund raisers including a live auction that is online this morning. and that will be on until noon. and to find out how you can support the helix school, go to helix and we will post the link to the live auction on the website nbc bay they say be the change you want to see right.
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today 25 injured veterans and caregivers from across the east coast are getting ready to cycle around the nation's capital. they are joining in the ride got fitted -- the people who are riding, they got custom bicycles and equipment to help all riders participate regardless of their physical condition. the ride is as part of a team. the people cycling will only go as fast as the slowest rider. and the aim to build a supportive community from start to finish. >> we get warriors out and get them connected, camaraderie, connection, and then there's the physical activity and benefits that come along with that, right. we take warriors sometimes they haven't ever ridden a bike. maybe it's a decade or two or maybe they never thought they would be able to ride due to injury or illness. we soldier ride can show them they can continue the activities well into the golden ages or golden years.
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>> this year's ride is the program's 20th year. it is 5:46 this morning and we know president joe biden will face-off against former president donald trump in the fall. that's been decided. >> a couple states have not finish the primary pennsylvania voted. >> yesterday, pennsylvania, yesterday, as you might imagine, maybe not a lot of people went to the polls in pennsylvania, but how they voted is instructive. yes, biden won the pennsylvania democratic primary yesterday. yes, trump won the republican primary, but nikki haley, who is not running came in second to trump with 155,000 votes. this is pennsylvania we are talking about, a key state in the upcoming presidential race. state that could be decided by just a few votes. so, 155,000 republicans voting for somebody else is noteworthy. president biden said yesterday his campaign considers florida
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in play. florida has not gone blue since barack obama was president but new abortion restrictions following the defeat of roe v. wade has some floridians motivated to vote and president biden is not shy about encouraging them. >> for 50 years, the court ruled that it was a fundamental constitutional right to privacy. but two years ago, that was taken away. let's be clear. one person responsible for this nightmare, and he is acknowledged and bragged about it, donald trump. >> president biden says he will sign the big supplemental bill that sends money and arms to ukraine, ace israel, taiwan and orders tiktok to find an american buyer as well. or face a ban. the faa set new rules to protect air passengers including cash refunds for cancellations or delays and up front pricing for luggage and other fees. now these do not take effect
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right away. there's a process. no court for donald trump they don't meet on wents. yesterday, the former publisher of the national enquirer one of trump's former closest friends, testified for the prosecution. former president trump is complained the reason they are very few sometimes as few as two or three, trump supporters around the courthouse in new york is because the police have shut down the area and his fans can't get anywhere near. >> great americans people that want to come down and want to protest at the court, and they want to protest peacefully, we have police presence here more than anyone has seen for blocks you can't get near this courthouse. >> here's video nbc reporter vaughn hillyard reported. the treats are open to traffic anyone can protest at the courthouse and he says one person did. mr. trump will be back in criminal court tomorrow, another set of his lawyers will be at the u.s. supreme court and they will argue presidents
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should have immunity. a president is above the law. today the high court will hear arguments over an idaho law that punishes doctors for performing emergency abortions to protect the health of a mother. idaho law says abortions like that are only legal to prevent the death of the mother. marcus. >> all right, thank you. affordability is the key barrier to homeownership for those trying to make it into the bay. a report from bank rate finds more than 75% of adults are still considering owning a home. they say that's part of the mesh dream. nearly 80% say the primary challenge to being able to do that is afford willing it. more than half say they don't have sufficient income while others say that home prices are just too high and they can't afford the down payment and closing costs. nearly 70% say they are willing to take some steps to find more affordable housing, including downsizing, and moving out of state or else buying a fixer
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upper. the san francisco giants are slowly starting to get their season back on track after a slow start. and last night, two retired players gave good carma to the team. three time world series champ sergio romeo was covering the game against the mets and former teammate and giants legend buster posey was watching in the crowd. he picked a good game as the giant beat the mets 5-1. star pitcher logan webb continued to impress. the team is 12-13 object the season and face the mets later today. and after they wrap up with the mets the start of a 3-game series giants host pirates this friday watch live at 7:00 and will be broadcast here. we are in the midst of a verse or a number that reads the same backwards or forwards in a like mom, race car, and
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today's date. 4-24-24. this april features 11palindrome dates including a stretch of 10 straight from april 20th to april 29th. people like to get married on days like this because they have a cute number to help the hubby. department t court reporter will extend hours so if you want to tie the knot on a special date they open at 8:00 this morning if you want to be first in line. >> i remember that book growing up hanna is a palindrome. and that's like that makes it stick in your mind. but yeah, i have seen people posting today is the palindrome. and there's a lot of those. the weather is not. >> we don't want that 101. >> i guess if it was like 66, or something. >> yeah. >> you know. >> but it could be like yesterday the same as today.
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today is the same as yesterday. >> yes. >> same forward and backward. >> make it work. we are starting out with a lot of clouds and it will be mostly cloudy today. the sun is peeking out every now and then. as we look at the day planner in cupertino it's a nice day. but it is going to be one where you might want to add on a few more layers, temperatures in the mid-50s this morning. and then at lunchtime, it's 61 degrees. we are headed for the mid-60s today. as we see a bit more sunshine for the afternoon. if you are been looking at the 7-day forecast at the bottom of the screen. slight rain chance for friday, other than that, we will see a mix of sun and clouds. and some cooler than normal temperatures for a lot of spots like morgan hill, a high of 68 today. 68 in cupertino and up to 68 degrees in fremont and hayward as well as walnut creek. and then checking out half moon bay, only 60 this afternoon. we will see upper 50s and low
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60s in san francisco. and mid-60s for much of the north bay. then looking ahead, we are going to see still some storm systems just to the north. that's going to keep it cloudy, cool, and maybe even a couple of spot showers, but it looks like a lot of the rain stays to the north of us. or kind of skirts around the bay area and heads over towards the sierra. so we are going to see that as well, but we are looking at our hour by hour forecast which puts a very little bit of green. that's spotty rain that can move through on friday morning. other than that, we are dry and becoming mostly sunny for the weekend. our 7p day forecast shows the temperatures slime ever so slowly into next week. but i think it is nice to have the mild temperatures that will get just a little bit warmer each day into next week. and the weekend is looking nice so we can make outdoor plans. now mike, is that commute starring to build. it is building up pretty standard. bay bridge toll plaza is starting to move again. and that typically happens the
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burst of traffic the metering lights are on and folks adjust as metering lights of speed and it is smooth. nicely across the span into san francisco. holding study for highway 37. highway 4 shows more slowing typical as the community builds and pittsburgh bay point, and this crash is on the shoulder westbound approaching the tunnel all are smooth and clear through the portion of contra costa county. out of contra costa county, getting close to a half-hour on vasco road. we did see slowing a lot of brake tapping around marsh up towards willow and called down now. that tends to happen near the exit about now. so sometimes there's a crew but overnight there was not this night. north 101 shows slogan build into san jose and giving you look ahead at what's coming out of the area, we are looking at some slower drives coming at st. martin but yesterday the crash on monterey road affected traffic flow through the an
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area. this morning it's smooth drive at the . cal build slogan clearing by the time you get to morgan hill. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, certainly a big talker out there. a bill which would precent clear from allowing customers to jump the line during security screenings at california airports is moving forward. >> what? >> it comes after the state senate transportation committee passing that. now customers paid to be prescreened and escorted to the front of the line. southern california states senator newman introduced the bill that goes before the full senate. >> a lot of travelers will not be happy about that. millions of americans walk around breathing unhealthy air. and according to new report out this morning, we will look at the bay area's report card ahead at 6:00, the reason our air quality is in jeopardy of getting worse. and a quick reminder, nbc bay area streams 24-7. you can watch us whenever you want on roku and her streaming roku and her streaming ot on medicare? have diabetes?
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the bay area continues to
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show improvements over the long haul but there are still ongoing challenges. >> monitoring the state. the bay area is making strides but is it enough? we are going to break down the all new report and the threats we face here in california. the battle over emergency abortion access heats up once again. it is front and center in our nation's capital. the impact that could have nationwide. campus tensions in columbia university with new developments overnight after students protesting the war in the middle east. good morning to you on this wednesday. i marked washington. >> i am kris sanchez. i had to pump some gas yesterday and i am looking forward to it. at least i


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